¿Dmonntir Simrs. AS EX<'EI.I.KST TICKET. PIONEER HARDWARE STORE. NEW THIS WEEK. * I QREAT CLEARANCE SALE The Democracy of our sister county, T<> ADVERTISERS. Siskiyou, last Friday nominated the! Paper for Jackson, Josephine 1 Lake. following ticket: For Superior Judge, The TIMES hits the laryeMt circulation ever attained in Southern Oregon by any E. Shearer; Sheriff', D. N. Lash; Clerk, newspaper and therefore olFen» superior Y MRS. J. BILGER, Jos. Rice; Assessor, E. Dewitt; Treas­ inducements to advertisers. Onr list i» principally routined to Jackson. Jose­ Gov. C urtin hit the nail on the urer, Chas. Peters; District Attorney, phine and I.ake counties. Business men .vhen he said that Tilden, Thur- II. B. Gillis; School Superintendent, should take note of till«. (AT THE OLD STAND OF J. BILGER) Bayard or some other good Dem­ II. A. Morse; Coroner, Wm. Cooley; I AT T1 IE STORE OE BRICK FOR SALB Surveyor, L. II. Varuuai. The party! will be elected in 1880. aving just completed a kiln could have gouo further and done a California St., Jacksonville, ericas successes in England of 50,000 brick at his place three miles great deal wor-e. Every candidate is a east of Jacksonville, the undersigned would iue. The victories of Parole and worthy gentleman an 1 well qualified inform the public that he is now prepared to furnish a superior article in quantities to on are followed by those of our DEALER IN for the position he aspires to. As such suit and at most reasonable rates. Give shots. Wunder how the Grant him a call. JAS. I’RI DI)Y. they go to form one of the strongest i would fare the;©? tickets ever presented to the voters of DISSOLUTION notice TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE I iston ’ s assessor ominously reports that county and, of course, will be 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Democrat» ol Siskiyou Vo,l;'t'J: ls ,,IKR!'',’^OJV|,?N >™' ' ivy gain of polls in Democratic elected. Tho ! lx the firm ot Wisdom A Fields, doing g » IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK I WILL Is. And Ben. Butler winks his are of tiie right stripe, voting the saw-mill business on Sterling creek, has 1 sell for the next SIXTY DAYS my entire line of been dissolved by mutual consent, K. STOVES, iiquent optic vigorously and seems straight ticket from principle and nev Fields retiring and W. A. Snider having er allowing petty jealousies and selfish purchased his interest. The now firm of ike new courage bociuse of it. Wisdom A Snider will tie responsible for all motives to swerve them from their cho­ liabilities against the old firm ot Wisdom A Agricultural Implements. r may bean item of political chro- Fields, to whom also all accounts due said sen line of duty. It is at the primaries former firm must be paid. >gy to note that ex Senator Mitchell I that their tight Is made within party J. G. WISDOM, i s been accorded tho high and hon- K. FIELDS. I lines, and when the convention has PUMPS AND PIPE, Sterling, August 2,1879. I ihVe distinction of an Oregonian decided who tho standard-bearers shall y i j trade. “IIoW have the mighty be then differences aro laid aside and ~t T I? k J k i lallen!” all join in a common cause tooffor bat­ TAROM WHICH THE BITTERS ARE I O f course the Republicans desire tle to the foe, to its utter discomfiture. l made, is a Mexican Herb, and is indig­ CLOTHING, Etc., Etc., enous only to a small section of Lower the renmnioation of Tilden. That is This is why we find them united, ag­ (Baja) California. ! It has been used by the inhabitants of Low­ why they are so persistent in his gressive and successful. Let the Jack- HOPE, TWINE, LYt Prices tlifit will l>eiy CJompiii*ij*on. er California for the last thirty years as a abuse and like sleuth-hounds keep on sou county Democracy profit by the general I his track. The old man doesn’t trouble salutary lesson set them by their breth­ INVIGORATOR OF THE SYSTEM. I EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS WILL BE OFFERED TO CASH PURCIIAS- them! Oh! no! THE BEST WOSTENHOLM CUTLERY Ix ers during this great sale at A l.rcat -Keme'ly tor ren across the lino. So long as the N. FISHER. Jacksonville, August 8, 1879. Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder! T he Yreka Journal, one of the spoils of office are considered para­ liestof interior newspapers, has entered mount to the dictates of parly princi­ Positive Cure for Dyspepsia. POWDER AND FUSE, its twenty sixth volume. It has been ple, for that period can there be but I FLECKENSTEIN & MAYER, Sole Agents, Portland, Oregon. continuously under the control of Bio. one continual scramble for gain, disor­ ganization will seize upon the ranks Nixon for eighteen years, whose enter­ County Treasurer's Second A General Assortment of SIIELF HARDWARE prise and energy has made his paper and wo must by force of circumstances Notice. what it i.s—a loading California jour­ fall prey to the machinations of political I adversaries. It is indeed a sad com­ nal. Long may it prosper. Or FIFE OE ('OUNTT TllEASUKF.Il, ) ETC., ETC. J acksonville , Ogn., August 6, 1879. j mentary upon our fidelity to the ten­ T he capital furnished by the extra ets of the grand old party that lias yoril’E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I x\ there are funds in the County Treasury session of Congress doos not prove weathered the adversities of eighty for the redemption of the following warrants FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC WILL congenial to a It‘publican campaign, years when we see a stronghold like on the same: attend to Job-work with neatness and No. Amount. dispatch. nnd the managers are already shifting Jackson county, which ought to be I will also keep constantly on hand a 60 791 the scenes for something more effect­ good for 300 Democratic majority at 486 large stock of o 00 ...................................... ive. The conduct of the “Confederate anytime, electing men to office who 614..................................... ........................... 34 so GIÎEA.T CRASH IN PRICES! Q 50 LIQUORS ANO TOBACCO. 891..................................... n 60 Brigadiers” finds too much favor in have never voted witli lhe Democracy UHI...................................... Particular attention paid to Farmers’ K 00 760 .. the public mind to be sneezud at. in their lives. But such must neces­ 742 4G 40 wants and the supplying of extras for Farm ItoiKl .^1. 31 Current üfite» 36 40 ; Machinery, and all intorniation as to such I mp t'DENCE on a' monument—the sarily be the case as long as those pro- 613 631..................................... ............................ 31 SO articles furnished cheerfully, on application. No pains will bo spared to furnish our Roseburg huh pendent, a journal pos­ fessing to be exemplary Democrats Interest will cease on the above date. ■ customers with the best goods in the mar­ lose sight of all party principle in NEWMAN FISHER, GROCBRIBS. TOBACCO. Ac sessing ntiihor reputation nor re- ket, in our line, and at lowest prices. Treasurer of Jackson Co.,Oregon their greed for the emoluments of Agency of the l ’ A< I /IC RUBBER l ’ AINT epon.sibility, aspiring .to creato a new San Francisco refined sugar, 7 tbs for................................................. office. It is not our purpose to In­ I —tht* best in the wm Id. parly movement that will revolution- • dulge in invidious insinuations. A Our motto shall be prompt and fair deal­ Extra Costa Rica cotlee, by quantity, 22cts. per tt> and 4 tbs for.. ing with all. Call and examine onr stock Rope ot all sizes per pound for ize the politics of Southern Oregon. general diffusion of magnanimity ». before going elsewhere. Satisfaction guar- Liverpool salt per tt> for...... . Extra choice tea per tt> for... —OF— i anteed. MRS. J. BILGER. Tho creature would bo worthy of its would bo wholesome and certainly a Tobacco per It» for.................. njt amiss. creator—too contemptible to even Candles per box..................... merit public scorn. M lint (ongress Accomplished. REAMES BROS., FOR SIXTY DAYS ! Important Reduction in Prices H E. R. REAME», T. G. REAMES. CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE. OREGON, A HEW AS USUAL!! BY ADOPTING A NEWMAN FISHER. . THE GREATEST REDUCTION rjro rjrii:E ruiiLMD IN I’HICES Ever Known in a Regular Business, —AND THE— SUMMER DRY-GOODS, LARGESI SI0CK! DRESS GOODS, DAMIAN A! Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes —OF— EANCY GOODS, LADIES KID GLOVES, HATS GENERAL MERCHANDISE!! —THE— GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FROM IN Any One Store in Southern Oregon or Northern California. PRO BONO PUBLICO ! ALL FOR CASH!! OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF THE NEW YORK STORE AHEAD ! ! I Spring and Summer Dry-Goods. A FANCY GOODS I LADIES’ GRAND COXCERT! VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL T he Yrekn Journal professes to find considerable fault with the Democratic county ticket of Siskiyou because a majority of the nominees reside in Yreka. Perhaps Bio. Nixon uouldvx- plain why so many of the Republican candidates hail from the Salmon river country. Our R 'publican friends of Yreka are wonderful y considerate whenever anyone is to be sacrificed. T he newly-found 1’ou Liwton de­ velops into a first ci 133 fraud. Being arrested for another crime, ho sought to escapo the i tn pen ling ponatty and receive free transportation to Califor­ nia by sotting up pre tensions to be the missing Tullis murderer. Unfortu- nalely for him his plans went amts- nnd he will serve tho people of Wash- ington Territory awhile iu the—chain g:n»g. D r . G lenn , IXnuoeratic candidate for Governor of California, owns 50,000 acres of land in Colu-a county, 40,000 of which is in wheat, and a correspond­ ent of the Chronicle says lie will have 600,000bushels fur tho market. On the whole of that vast f irm not a China­ man is employe l,and he pays his white laborers lhe very best of wages. He ought to be elected, and as two parties are supporting him he doubtless will be. CELEBRATION The special of Congress did < MUSIC —OF THE— not close without tiie accomplishment of much g iod, after all that the llatli- cals »ay of it in derision and ridicule —AT THE— of tho Democratic maj >rity. They j brought Hayes at last to relinquish Club Room, Jacksonville, —OF— —BY— his abuse of employing troops at the! polls, and they aboliffied the jurors’ Jacksonville Lodge No. 10. •TO I LTV test oath law by which whito citizens THE CELEBRATED CALIFORNIA were excluded from serving on grand O. F I. o. or petit juries. No more will the army be used to intimidate and dis- ( i franchise voters. No longer can cor­ e will be assisted by his rupt Federal Judges and M irshals wife, an accomplished Pianist and Or­ ganist. The selections are Humorous, Sen­ ----- pack juries in the South to give ver­ timental and Classical. dicts dictated by themselves sons to Admission, 50c.; Children, 25c. Boys un­ I J ACKSONVILLE LODGE WILL CEI.E- accompanied by parents, and children in »1 brute its coming anniversary on the rob or imprison white citizens. And, arms, not admitted. Doors open at 7; to above date by a Procession, Exercises at the besides, tho ropeal of these two odious commence at s. Court House Square, Ball, etc. Members of tt>e Order will meet in Odd laws, the infamous Supervisor of Elec­ Fellows Hall at 1:30 p. M. and forming in tion and Deputy Marshal law is ren LEGA L A I) VERTLSEM ENTS, procession will leave the hall at 2 o’clock p. dered comparatively harmless. A M. After marching through the principal streets the procession will move tothe Court pretty good showing this, for the Executrix's Notice. House Square, where lhe following exercis­ special session, on the Democratic side. es will take place: Saturday Evening, August 9,1879. NINETEENTH ANNIVERSARY Prints, 1" yds for.................................................................... Muslin per yd............................................... ......................... Men's hats, each...................................................... ............ Men's boots per pair............................................................. Shoes “ “ ........................................................... Slippers “ “ ............................................................ Cotten flannel shirts and <1 rawer«, each......................... Men’s cloth suits worth §15.00 for.................................... Men’s cloth pants worth Jii.oo for.................................... And various ot her articles too numerous to in« ntioti ing to satisfy yourself. TO THE FRONT AGAIN! U’K CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE ' i ladies to the fact that we have now on hand the largest and best selected assort­ ment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS and FAN­ CY Got >DS of every description in Southern Oregon, and we will henceforth make thia line of goods our specialty and sell them at Cheaper than the Cheapest. To the gentlemen we will say, it von want a No. 1 Sl’ITOF CLOTHES you must goto Reames Bros, to Imy it, as we claim to ............................ §1.00 have the best STOCK OF CLOTHING in ..................................... 9 and up Jackson "ounty and will allow noone Co un­ ............................ 1.00 it dersell UM. ............................. 3.50 These goods were all purchased by a mem­ ................................... 75 41 ber of our firm from FIRST CLASS HOUS­ ................................... 63 i Í ES in San Fianeiseo and New York, ami we .................................... 63 it will warrant every article and sell them .................................. 9.(MI cheaper tor cash than an v house in county. ............................ 3.50 W e also keep on hand a full stock ot Call and examine as it co»ts notli- MORRIS M ENSOR. GROCERIES, GREAT SLAUGHTER of PRICES 11ARDWA RE, CUTLERY, G LASSWARE, —AT— a full line of A shland goods , CROCKERY. —WITH A— On Monday, August 18th, 1879. NEW STOCK ? GOODS Tn the matter of the estate of Jos. Wetterer, deceased. VTOTICF. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Xi the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Jackson county, Ore­ gon, sitting in probate, Executrix under the will of Jcs. Wetterer, deceased. All persons indebted to said estato are re­ quested to settle the same immediately, and those having claims against the estate will present them with the proper vouchors to rne at my residence in Jacksonville, Jack- son county, Oregon, within six months af­ ter the first publication of this notice. F R E DERICK A W EI f E R E R, Executrix of said estato. Dated J illy IS, 1879. LADIES’ CALIFORNIA-MADE CLOAKS DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, etc. Pioneer Vocalist and Violinist. H DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES AND DIAGONALS, SILKS AND SATINS, BOOTS !c SHOES, CLOTHING, ETC., From San Francisco. I Farm and Freight Wagons. E. JACOBS’ STORE Plows, Gang Plows & Sulky Plows. In fact everything from the finest needle to a threshing-machine. Give us a call and judge for yourselves as to our capacity of furnishing goods as above. egs leave to call the atten - WHERE A COMPLETE AND MAGNIF- The wa v to make money is to save it. To tion of the public to the tact that he has iV ¡cent assortment of new goods has save it biiy cheap. To buy cheap pay CASH just returned from San Francisco with a lull for vour goods and buy of just been received, consisting in part of stock of REAMER BROS. Oregon St.. Jacksonville GEO. W. ELLIOTT B All Kinds of Groceries. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, LATEST ARRIVALS by the 1. Music ..................... ....... Band. ' CARPETS, 2 Opening ode. CONSISTING IN TART OF 3. Prayer by tho Chaplain. CLOTHING, The match for positions in the Pa­ 4. Voeal music. I OF— LADIES' FANCY GOODS DRY-GOODS, 5. Reading of Dispensation. cific Coast team, to compete at Creed­ I 6. Music by the Band. OF EVERY VARIETY, moor for tlio honors liable to accrue to FANCY GOODS, 7. Oration by ex-Governor S. F. Cbad- wick. the best rifle shots in the U. S. Army, BOOTS A SHOES, 8. M usic. 9. Closing ode. was concluded at the Presidio range SCHOOL BOOKS, 10. Prayer. near San Francisco on the 2d. The —AT— OF THE LATEST STYLES, In the evening a ball will be given at Veit HATS AND CAI’S, Schutz ’ Hall, to which a cordial invitation is successful contestants were Sergeant extended. Music by the Jacksonville Brass Groceries, Tobaccos, tec., &c. TOBACCOS & CIGARS, Woodall, 216 points; Sergeant Welh, and String Band. Tickets for Ball, includ­ ing supper, §3.<*0. HARDWARE & TINWARE, 213; Lieut. Landis, 240; Lieut. Bou- WHICH HE IS SELLING Committee of Arrangements—Fred. Luy, tvlle, 239; Lieut. Gor Ion, 238; Sergeant K. Kubli, H. v. Helms, Frank Krause, Thos. B. Kent. T he Salem J/ercnry’a vile abuse of Hickey,222; Captain Miller,229; Lieut. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- Reception Committee—Jesse Houck,Wm. 1 ure in announcing to the public that he M. Turner, John Bolt. Anderson, 228; Lieut. Bloom, 227; ♦1 »vornor Thayer must have become PAINTS & has just ri'ceived a complete and first-class Floor Managers—II. v. Helms, J. P. Mc­ MENS’ AND BOYS’ SHIRTS, distasteful long ago. And it mistakes Corporal Hom in, 226; Corporal Wilson, assortment ot <¡ent's Furnishing Goods, Daniel, T. T. McKenzie. Children's Carriages, Velocipedes and such as Hats, Shirts. Underwear, etc.; beat I the Marshal, H. v. Helms; Assistants, A. ' from the finest to full assortment A the temper of the people if it supposes 225; Priva.e Jackson, 225. It will be i brands of Cigars and Tobacco; Pipes, No­ Bfah and J. H. II vzer. most common. Wagons, H A V E R E( ’ EIV EI > A NOT HERL A R G E tions, Fancy Goods, Glassware, Croekerv, >;f;..No pains will be spared to make the that they for pno single moment coun­ seen that several of tho fortunato ones SPECTACLES AND JEWELRY, Musical Instruments, Bird <’ages. Station­ consignment of the celebrated Singer i celebration and ball a success in every par­ tenance such shameful proceedings. had from the Department of the Co­ Sew ing Machines, which are for sale on the [ ticular and an invitation to participate ¡»ex­ The finest lot of Sr pectacles and Eye-glass­ FRENCH CANDIES, Etc. ery, Pocket and Table Cntlerv. Albums, es ever brought to t he market and Watches Toys, ('audios, Nuts, etc., which will ksold to all. The Mercury may Meek to revenge a lumbia, notably Sergeant Weils aud usual liberal terms and at the regular prices tended * and Jewelry of every description. In fact everything to be found in a first- at the cheapest rates. Give me a call and established by the company. Therefore I ______________________ __ Lieut. BoutiHo. class stock ofGener.il Merchandise, which see for yourselves. grievance, hut it must not assume to i'll Call and be Convinced. Vi waste no lime, money and patience on in­ will be sold at prices S. P. HANNA, GEO. W. ELLIOTT. ferior machines when you can purchase a F. BRECKENFELD. Importuni to Settlers. clothe itself in the habiliments of Do genuine Singer at the same figures. In iiKM'recy when it does so. It must That Defy Competition. R. B. Kinne, special »gent of the In- buying a Singer you get a machine of ac­ consider it purely a personal matter, lerbr Department at Washington,says knowledged merit and established reputa- i The highest price allowed for country pro­ tion. and are certain of having value receiv­ and such alone. duce. the It »seburg liaindcaler of Joly 26th, ed for your u oney, as every machine is war­ \-4i.Give inea call at my establishment in ranted by the company. BIG BUTTE, OREGON, Jacksonville, Oregon, BLACKSMITH, in Masonic Building and be convinced that T he time has arrived when the dull is now staying in this city on business The Singer < ’oinpany now sell three-quar­ there is no humbug about this. ters of all tho machines sold in the world, Republican prest of the interior re­ connected with donation land cliirns. the E. JACOBS. capacity of their works at Elizabeth, I IN CRONEMILLER’S BUILDING, IS J. P. PARKER, Proprietor FOURTH STREET, JACKSONVILLE. ceives its regular installments of patent Ilo will remain here until that class of New Jersey, enabling them to turn out over ; 1 in receipt ot a full assortment of material a thousand machines a day, and they’ have | and prepared to do all work in his line on editorials from machine headquarters tiiles are put in a fair way of settle­ t,5i)o offices for lhe sale ot these justiy cele short notice and in a workmanlike manner. NEW STATE HOTEL, aving lately provided these aving taken charge of the and the weary quill-driver finds relief ment. All parties whose title to these brated sew ing machines, which have taken ; Vehicles of every description made to order. CALIFORNIA STREET, mills with improved machinery, I am tho Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaran­ »hop formerly occupied bv Dan,Crone­ from the oppressive Summer’s Inal in class <>f claims are known to bo defec­ , now fully prepared to till all orders tor rus­ teed . miller, situated north of Card Weil's Livery tic, mouldings, matching, turning, groov- C. W. SAVAGE. Proprietor, , Stable, I am now prepared to do K-iF' Repairing a specialtv. FIRST PRIZE the heavy articles so gratuitously show­ tive should cmne forward and perfect S. P. IIANNA. ' ing, etc., on short notice and at very reason­ able terms. A full assortment constantly ered upon him. The average read­ them within the next thirty days to Over all competitors more than two hun­ GEA'ERAI. BLACKMIlTHlie kept on hand. Iain also ready to furnish dred times. E. c. L ord , A. P. IIOTAI.ING, HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- er wonders at lhe improvement per­ insure a title. Mr. K. has been con­ seasoned lumber, sugar pine, yellow pine After the (’hicago fire the Relief Commit­ ■*25 Front St., 429 Jackson St., ure in announcing that he has fitted up in the best manner and on short notice and fir, first, second and third grades, tee undertook to furnish sewing tn iehines Portland. San Francisco, ceptible, and bis nostrils glow with po­ nected with the Land Department for My terms are reasonable. Satisfaction guar­ and thoroughly renovated the New State planed or unplaned, of a superior quality i to the needy women of that cit v, and appli­ building tor hotel purposes ami that the anteed. Give nte a trial. litical fire, for 1 tile does he dream of many years, and is therefore specially cants wore permitted to choose from mix dif­ and in any amount. County orders taken A. P. HOTALING& CO., at par. Give me atrial and 1 will convince house is now open for tile reception of i JAT Horse-shoeing a specialty. the strategy the wily politician behind qualified to straighten these donation ferent kinds >f machines. 2.914 applicants r i v MATT- SHANNON. vott that I am able to perform what 1 guests. Importers of were furnished with niaehines, ot whicn Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1878. the throne is practicing upon him. THE TABLE 4 cases that have been lying suspended number 2,127 chose Singer machines and igrettt®- P- I’ARKER. Will be constantly supplied with the best FINE WINES ANI» EIQI4»KS. in the lojal offices. 517 distributed their choice among the five the market affords. Meals can be obtained ! I t was not a .Southern Senator, but other kinds of machines. They were to Sole Agents for the at all hours. FARM FOR SALE earn their living on these machines, and ><•» Paper. the loyal and stalwart Mr. Anthony, The beds are new and kept clean and no took the Singer, becauso J. II. CUTTER pains will be spared to give the utmost sat­ rpiIE FARM KNOWN AS THE JOHN who recently made this declaration: We are in receipt of the Benton in every particular. I ORW ARDING A, COMMISSION AGENT 1 L. Murphy place, lying in the vicinity isfaction IT IS THE BEST. “Rhode Islaud is u State in the Union, Bounty Blade, another candidate for Charges reasonable. » of Bear creek,eightmiles from Jacksonville C. W.SAVAGE. The peopl e bought Singer niaehines as fol- and adjoining MajorGlenn’s land, is offered indi'pend' nt in till things except those public favor just ushered into exist­ And W. J. Ixjmp’s St. Louis Beer. for sale cheap. It contains l<>0 acres of the Roseburg, Oregon. lows: which she has ddegited to ttie Federal ence att’orvillis by Chas. L. best bottom land and is well supplied County Treasurer's First Mosher j. Gen. Asenls for State Investment Insnranre (o with living water. For further particulars Government. She claims the right to & Co. It is a neat and racy sheet, IS70............ ............... 1'27,833 Singer Ma eliines. 4 i A JERCHANTS OF JACKSONVILLE N otice. 1871............ ................ISL'260 enquire al this office. 4 4 ¡ AL and vicinity shioping goods via Rose- make her own fundamental laws, t«> being well filled with interesting mat- 1872............ ............... 21!», 758 “ 4 4 O ffice of C ounty T reasurer , ) btttg will find it to their advantage to ship enact her own legislation, always in ter, anil ought to l»e successful In a 1873............ ............... 23'2,414 “ 4 4 J acksonville , Or., July 16, 1879. j through this house. Ample warehouse SETTLE UP ............... 241.679 “ 1874............ 4 4 obedience to lhe Constitution of the country that has long felt the nece.ssi- 1875............ ............... 249,852 “ VTOTK'E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT room, safe and ear< tul storage, and business CANDIES AND NUTS, 4 4 ll persons knowing them - XT there are funds in the < ‘ounty Treas­ promptly attended to. United Sttne.s and lhe laws enacted in ty of a live paper free from cranky 1876............ ............... 262,316 “ 4 4 References: S. Marks A Co., J. C. Floed, selves indebted to the undersigned, ury for the redemption ot county warrant»« “ 1877............ .............. 282,812 4 4 Crockery, Glassware, Etc. either by note or book account,are request protested ­ from October 11th, 1*75, to Decem­ <». Haynes, Roseburg. pursuance thereof. She makes no in­ notions and unhealthy hobbies. Char­ 1878............ ............... 356,432 ” ed to call immediately and make a settle­ ber 11th, 1»75. Interest on the same will Charges on Freight...................... $1.09 per ton trusive and impertinent interference ley Mosher is announced as the editor D. 11. FEATHERN. cease from this date. , “ “ Salt per car load.......... 80 “ “ I HAVE A VERY GOOD ASSORTMENT ment. A word tothe wise is sufficient. In the affair* of other States, and abe of the Blade, which has our best wishes JOS. SOLOMON. NEWMAN FISHER. Mark your goods: Caro of H. L. M. Agent for Jackson and .Josephine Counties. I L of the above goods, which I will sell Woodville, June 14, 1879. fur Its uubounded success. Treasurer of Jackson Co., Oregon. Roseburg toleraus none in her own.” cheap. Please call. JAS. DRUM. i Headquarters, Jacksonville, Or. The Creedmoor Team. 2VEW WOODS!! GENTS’ ani BOYS’ HATS and CLOTHING I BRECKENFELD ’ S ! At Prices that Defy Competition. Beautiful Ladies’ Hats & Flowers, IMPORTANT INFORMATION for the PEOPLE. GLASS. I AV AGON - Al AKER, PARKER'S STEAM SAW MILL, MATT. SHANNON, H H T H. L. MURTON, OLD BOURBON WHISKY FAMILY GROCERIES, A