‘¿¿’ft - ♦ ^25 7 Published every Friday Morning by 5 RATES OF ADVERTISING ! V Editor and Proprietor. Advertisements will be inserted 1 [ T imes at the following rates : OFFICE—On Oregon Stremi ft Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of Subscription : VOL. IX One copy, per annum,..................... “ six months.......................... “ three months..................... PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1879 E. C. BROOKS, GREAT REDUCTIONS HODGE, DAVIS & CO., i “A Tiling of Beauty is a Joy Forever." NO. 33 One square, one Insertion.................... “ each subsequent one........ I^egal advertisements inserted reasoi A lair reduction from the above rates to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quar Job printing neatly and promptly ex ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W akhams always taken at UKXKRAL MOTK8 ANI» NEVIN. A woman down in Louisiana has Now that the smoke of the e> willed Jeff. Davis two plantations and seasion of Congress h.ta cleared aw ATTORNEY” A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, a nice villa. WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELKT, the people can take a clear view of • I JACKSONVILLE, OGN., Frank Martin, of Lafayette, has fight and its object«. W HOLES A LF DRUGGISTS, SPECTACLES, raised some timothy grass 8 feet 3 It appear* plainly that the Den Will practice in all the Courts of the State —AKE THE— DEALER IN inches in height. erats were not fighting to injure t Office on 5th street, opposite Court House. SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY GOODS, 92 & 94 FRONT STREET army, or to introduce any <«revoluth The wild blackberry crop is more G. H. AIKEN. M. D., ary ” principle, or for any uopatrio ENLARGED PICTURES abundant in Southern Oregon than for FIELD GLASSES, motiv< 8. Ail statements of the Repu many years past. PORTLAND, OREGON PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, —OF TH FL— Alvin Brow n,of Cottage Grove neigh- lican | re-s io that effect may be « CALIFORNIA ST., JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. latrhood has a crop of volunteer w heat down aa mere partisan bluster and de tarnation. . • seven feet high. IRE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND UNIVERSAL COPYINS COMPANY Harps and Strings for the Same, Office—On California street, opposite Union J ackson ville. The principle the Democrats cot I t a complete stock of Oregon. Not less than a million and a half Livery Stable. tended for was an essential principle Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Soaps and I dollars will he spent in Portland this * OF SAN FRANCISCO, of free government. They fought tn DRUGS, year for building. DR. L. DANFORTH. Perfumery, preserve the freedom of the ballot-box BEAD HIS CASH PRICES. It is stated that the Comstock house and the purity of the elective franchise PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, NEEDLES AND BEST SPERM OIL FOB PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES Which have taken the Lead tit Albany will Im rebuilt within sixty against innovations that have led to DRESS GOODS. Jacksonville, Oregon. days by the railroad company. Over all Competitors. Tr’sh Poplin, per yard............................... $1.50 threatening federal encroachments on PATENT MEDICINES, SEWING MACHINES. Black Alpaca “ “ ................................... 50c A Yamhill man wauls to het from the people’s constitutional rights. Office on California street, opposite P. J. Melange, per yard.......................................... 25c ¡$500 to $1,000 that a base ball club of The most calm and dispassionate re­ Rvan’s store. Calls promptly attended Double width dress goods, per yard....37’a« GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, PICTURES ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZE that county can beat any other club in view of the Republican position cannot to. day er night. Unbleached Muslin, per yd..... 10c upward e has sold out his stock of 44 1 from photographs or tin-types at prices the State. Bleached Muslin, per yd.............. 10c American Sewing Machines a number! fail to admit that the Republicans • 4 ranging from $12 to $50, opening eves of de­ Eadie ’ s Hose, 8 pair for ............ $1.00 J. W. ROBINSON, M. D., of times, but lias another lot of them on PAINTS. OILS AND 44 were contending for a principle that ceased personsand making all changes de ­ Gen. Lane went to Coos Bay to meet Kid Gloves, per pair..................... 75c band. This is the lightest and most rapid 44 sired in features, st .vies and color of apparel, the Harbor of Refug« engineers and practically overthrew at ooce the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Feit Skirts.................................... $1.00 running, as well as durable, machine then* l’AINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, etc., in a manner unexcelled by any oilier 44 Children’s corset waists............ $1.00 is made, and so simple that little girls five I to advocate Coos Bay as the proper rights of the States and freedom of the 44 establishment in the United States. Embroid. Table Covers.............. $2.50 Jacksonville, Oregon. or six years old make their patch work on il site for building. citizen. | Jas. Griffin, agent of the (Company, will Laces 8c.. Embroideries pr yd,..12^> them. This is the place to buy good watches, ll BLUE VITRIOL, j return to this section in the course of a few To allow the principle that the fed­ At Leghorn more than 1,000 women clocks and jewelry, and he will sell cheap ■ Office in Masonic Rnilding, next door to Sleeve ami Neck Ruching.........25c j weeks and will be prepared to take orders JEWELRY. GOLD goods cheaper than any one. K render’s Bakerv, Oregon street J Resi­ are employed in the manufacture of eral government may exercise the 1 for this work. Watches, clocks, jewelry and sewing LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. Ladies setts from $2.50 up to $25.00, and dence at B. F. Dowell's. '&-//’, which L. S. P. MARSH, A. F. QUIRES, J. A. BURK, Memphis for the aid of yellow fever pervise and control the management 1.00 44 Boys’ Hats....................... .......... 1.00 MILLINERY STORE! kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, sufferers 1,500 tents and twenty days’ of election polls, is to sweep away at Galice Creek. Oregon. 44 and is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and Blanket-lined Duck Coats..... 5.00 once the greatest safeguard of the peo­ rations for 10,000 people. MECHANICS' foot rot. Circular sent on application. Boots and Shoes sold at the lowest prices, I ple against the encroachments of des- Particular attention paid to conveyancing. and everything else in proportion for eash. CA LI FORNI A STREET, The San Francisco Sand Letters (Mttisrn. All business entrusted to me will receive A full assortment of Groceries, Tobacco, THE ASHLAND prompt attention. have called a National political con­ Whether carried Into full effect or Citrars, Pipes, Combs, Purses, Cutlery and vention of their party to meet in not, the principle would tie a fatal one OREGON. JACKSONVILLE. Holiday Presents. AND— E. H. AUTENRIETH. u Chicago on June 3, 1880. to engraft in the statutes of a free gov­ ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, J. N. Crabb arrived at the fair ernment. It would ever eland as a IS MAM FACH KING milE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW ON grounds near Salem on Tuesday with temptation to partisan greed and un- Jacksonville, Oregon, 1 hand the most complete and best stock /©“GIVE ME A CALL.-IV^ several horses w hich will go iuto train­ fairness, and a« a ready weapon to the of millinery goods ever brought to Jackson­ --AND— Will practice in all the Courts of the State. ing for the state fair races. hands of the first despot stroug and ville, consisting of Prompt attention given to all business left FLANNELS, bold enough to use it for the over­ French A' Glenn sold recently 12,000 HATS, BONNETS. in mv care. Al Oliteli 11 Ji" F« <•(<>!•¥ throw of liberty. head of cattle which had been ranging Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. CASSI M ERES, Flowers, ribbons, laces, neckties, gloves, Iu attacking the unconstitutional iu the Stein mountain country. The collarsand cuffs, etc., etc., which will be ASHLAND, OREGON, Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., I H. KELLY, and dangerous “war measures” of the DOESKINS, cattle will be driven to Nevada. sold at the lowest prices. Senator Bayard stated to a repre­ Republican party, and seeking to free ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND HOSIERY MARSH &L CO., Proprietors. Sewing Machines for Sale. OREGON. JACKSONVILLE. sentative of the Netr York World that i the statute books from the disgrace of JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, 1 have also on hand a number ot the cele­ the Democracy woult^be largely gain­ un-American legii-lation, the Demo­ brated New Wilson, White and Howe Sew­ Of the Best Native Wool. ALL KINDS OF PLANING, MOULD- ers as an outcome of the extra session cratic party has done well and de­ Will practice in all the Courts of the State. ing Machines, which 1 will sell cheap for 11 ing, Turning, Circular and Scroll Saw­ of Congress. serves well of a free people. A new — AND DISPOSING OF THEM AT— Prompt attention given to all business en­ DAVID LINN cash, or exchange for train. ing, trusted to mv care. MRS. I. W. BERRY. Gov. St. John, of Kansas, Bays that political era has been inaugurated, in Office opposite Court House. Keep« constantly on hand a full assortment THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. FURNITURE A ORNAMENTAL CARV­ State is uow caring for four or five which the conservative sentiment of of furniture, consisting of ING, Err., DONE To ORDER. thousand negro reTngees, which are the country will he united in the effort JAMES S. HOWARD. to restore the land-marks of constitu­ BEDSTEADS, Furniture,Sash, Blinds, Doorsand Mould­ RDERS FROM A DISTANCE WILL ing constantly on band and made to order. just that many more than can be util- tional liberty, as well as to bring back r. 8. DEPl’TY MINERAL SURVEYOR BUREAUS. TABLES, receive prompt attention. GIVE OUR ized there. CALIFORNIA ST., material prosperity. GOODS A TRIAL. A perennial pea plant with one GUILD MOULDINGS, FOR JACKSON, Speed the day when the blush of ;?r©~We will contract to design and erect all kinds of buildings. When desirable to thousand hunches of flowers, each shame need mantle the face of no true ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. WILLIAM BYBEE, Proprietor STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. those employing us, we will furnish all the bunch consisting of twelve blossoms, friend of free government at the spec­ Offiaial surveys made and patents obtained W. II ATKINSON,Secretary. material required lor the construction ot CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. is growing in the yard ot Mrs. Whit­ tacle of despotic crudities and imper­ at reasonable rat<>s. Full ■•opte< ot Mining :ii»y building ready for occupancy. Laws and Decisions at my office in Jack­ law is home of Lafayette. MARSH A CO. PARLOR A BEDROOM SUIT’S, mills WELL-KNOWN MARKET, OP- NEW LIVERY STABLE, ialistic tendencies in the orgauic law sonville, Oregon. 1 posite Kahler A Bro.’s drug-store, is The little Grand Duke Micluel Alex- of the land. ETC., ETC. better prepared than ever to furnish the MRS P P. PRIM. I MISS ELLA I’RIM. Rmirowitch, youngest child of the t MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D., BACK OF COURT HOUSE, Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on public witli the choicest quality of Uzarovitch, has at four months old an O regon B usiness F ailures .—In hand ami made to order. Planing done on Fre«h Beef, P H Y S I <’ I A N A N D S U R G E O N . allowance ot $16,000 for his table and looking over the “Bu-iness Outlook,” reasonable terms. ^©“Undertaking a spe­ SPRING OPENING Pork, Veal. a household of fifteen persons. published by R. O. Dun i’iK<*’ 24 deg. 30 min. north, and longitude Sítovo, Also, Superior of permanently locating himself in the 124 deg. 30 min. west. It was found­ amounting to $110,267, and for the aving lately fitted up the practice of his profs-«ion. Is a gradu­ commodious barn on the School House Sausage, Lard, Etc. ed in 1851, and is the most westerly, first six months of 1879 there were ate. and. from twenty-seven years’ experi­ Flat and in the rear of the Court House, we ll’E HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW town on the American coast, south of twenty three failures, amounting to CALIFORNIA STREET, ence in the disease* incident to this Coast, The most favorable inducements offered are now fully prepared to attend to all bus­ V» and complete stock of Millinery goods, flatters himself as being able to give gen­ $174,721. Oregon’s showing cutuparea to patrons, and no effort will be spared iness in our line with promptness and dis­ consisting of Alaska. eral satisfaction. toward giving general satisfaction. patch and at the most reasonable rates. Senator Grover and wife were in favorably with Stat'8 of equal propor­ Office at the City Drug Store; residence on Kahler 1 LET ARTICLES, including the best and as wedding cakes, cakes for parties, wine of the stronger as well a* the weaker street. M ax M ui . i . f . ii , Secretary. of the employment of Mongolians »______ __ ______ _ _________ . ___ _ . . .... _ ________________________________ cheapest assortment of <’<>M MON and PER­ ! cakes ; also brown and rye bread, ginger sex of La Grande, in (his State, have ' snaps and crackers. Take orders on ex­ within her jurisdiction. The provis- i FUMED SOAPS in this market. HOLMAN'S LIVER PAD change. Prices reasonable ami satisfaction been taxed to their utmost rapacity ions of the Builingame treaty are tor­ Prescriptions carefully compounded. I EAVES ASHLAND AND LINEVILLE B. ROSTER guaranteed. ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. J J every day in the week, excepting Sun­ for the past ten day®, discussing a niost tured into a warraut for this conclu­ A SUKECUBE FOB It is also our intention to keep a first-class days, and connects with the mail for Lake ­ j delicious scandal. The persons iinpli- sion. lunch-house, at which the best ot everything view. r ROFESSIt )N AL H AIR-C UTTE R, ■ in the line will be served at all hours. Fever and The Mormons, not withstanding their rated are the Rev. II. K. Hines, and a FOURTEENTH YEAR. Fresh bread everv day. Superior Accommodations for Passengers IN ORTH'S BUILDING. growing unpopularity in the United inarri<*d lady who has moved In the GROB* A ULRICH. AND ALL DISORDERS OF Who will be carried to any point on the ¡States, still continue to draw large t»est circles, and who has been a leader ST MARY’S ACADEMY. EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. road at reasonable rates. supplies from Europe No fewet than : in all social amusements for many The Stomach and Liver. ESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES TO six hundred converts to Mormonism year*. The detail*, as they are devel­ CONDUCTED BY the public ot Jacksonville and vicinity A General Express Business that ho was a scholar of Prof. Dr. Mosier, arrived at New York on the 11th ulf. oped, promise to t»e richerand racier C alifornia S treet , Transacted. All orders promptly attended than the Beecher-Tlllun ca^e in its director of the University of Greifswald«, THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. from Liverpool. LIST OF PRICES: to and satisfaction guaranteed. Prussia, and Prof. Dr. Volkmann, ot the palmiest day«, and the correspondrnce N. I’. JOMA, Proprietor. 11. F. PHILLIPS. University of Halle. During the Franco- B. P. Cardwell, internal revenue already captured, makes the Oates Lau­ Ordinary size . $2 00 Ashland, June 1,18711. I’russian war he was special assistant to 00 | collector, has been changed from East- rent letters appear flat and stale.— Special size... .. 3 the Doctor-in-chief Zuelzer and Ludwig ot he scholastic year of this ('hildren size. .. 1 50 1 ern Oregon to the Willamette valley. I Standard. Berlin and Breslau, Germany, Fractures school will commence about the end of VyONE BI T THE CHOICEST AND BEST W. F. OWENS. 8. I’LYMALE. and external diseases, acute or chronic, most August, and is divided in four sessions, 11 Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars L1OR 1 PAMPHLETS, PARTICULARS He takes all of Oregon south of Mult­ carefully treated. ('tipping,L'vcbing, Bleed­ of eleven weeks each. I kept. nomah county, John G. Bmghatn, 1 a and i testimonials send to or call on R eports from nil the grain-growing ing and teeth extracted at all hours. DRINKS, 12S CENTS. and tuition, per term,............ ..$40.00 , deputy collector, will take his place in All kinds of birds stuffed and put up in Board JOHN. E. DAY, Yreka, Cal., Stale.« of this country are to the ef­ ... 4.00 1 Bed and Bedding.................................. Sole Agent tor Siskiyou County. rnmst natural shapes. NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don't Eastern Oregon. Drawing and painting ........................ ... 8.00 1 fect that the wheat crop will be larger Jacksonville, Dec. 11, 1877. Piano,....................................................... ... 15.00 pay. Families needing anything in our line FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENTS than ever before, which Is good newa A confidential friend of Grant ha< * Entrance fee. only once,................... ... 5.00 can always be supplied with the purest and best to be found on the Coast. Give me a I£<-i ’ l>v V î I iE WELL KNOWN MILLS, S1TU- will not permit his name to bo used Junior, “ . 8.00 I ated at Kerbyville, Josephine count}’, for the presidency. It is lielieved he Spain. Thia portends that there will Senior, “ . 10.00 ILL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION are now prepared to do a Pupils are received at any time, and spe­ would accept the English mission, as i»e a large demand for onr «nrploa to forwarding goods consigned to their cial attention is paid to particular studies in in doing so he need not give up cer wheat, Which we can so easily spare. care. Freight money advanced. Commis­ behalf of children who have but limited CALIFORNIA STREET, CALIFORNIA ST., sions reasonable. All business in (his line time. For further particulars apply at the tain plans of his own which he has It is announced that France has begun shall receive our prompt attention. Will give as much flour, shorts and bran, been maturing. Academy. ■ to hoard money with which to move MrDANIEl. A NOI.AKD. I’ltOI'RltTOIt*. ,£■©“ All consignments to our care should for good merchantable wheat as any mill Oregon. Jacksonville, be marked G. B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. in Southern Oregon. Flour sacked I and The monster steamship Arizona, he : the American grain which she will re­ RAILROAD SALOON, branded, customers furnishing sacks, The quire to make for her own deficiency. highest market price paid for good nier- longing to the Williams, Guiou A Liv­ Oregon w ll he called on to contribute mills POPULAR RESORT. UNDER THE ehantable wheat in cash or goods. Sat 1 ÍK- erpool line, is the largest vessel afloat, rnilK UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY PRK- Cor. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville 1 new management, is furnishing the best faction guaranteed in till instances. except the Groat Eastern. Her maid­ her share to the general expectations. I pared to do all work in his line in the brands of liquors, wines ami cigars. The P. B. LEWIS. best manner and at reasonable prices. en trip from Liverpool to N^w York reading table is supplied with Eastern peri­ Kerby ville, July 16th, 1S79. T he E clipse in 1880,—It seems we HENRY PAPE, Engineer. odicals and leading papers of the Coast. r pilESE WELL-KNOWN MILLS,SITU A was made in eight «lays. Her dimen HOT OK 4'01.1» RATHS I ted seven miles northeast of Jackson Give us a call. McDANIELA NOLAND. sions are, length, 149 feet, beam 46 are to have another eclipse In 1880, hs ville, are now prepared to do a Can be had at this place at all hours of the feet, depth 87J feet, and nearly 6,000 the following from the Scientific day GEORGE SCHUMPF. American will show: It Is reported THROUGH TICKETS, 12} C ents . tons burden; indicated horse power Merchant and Exchange Business. that A. F. Foddard, of 8acrainentn, aving taken the agency of 7,<»00. She can accommodate 2,000 Cal., is planning an excursion party Thirtv-six pounds of flour, two pound* WILL. JACKSON. Dentist, R. Brackenridge’s Marble Works ot pa s *ngers. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, of shorts and eight pounds of bran given of fifty or more oheerv* n, to be -ta- Roseburg, well known throughout the OHOR’E WINES. LIQUORS AND CI- per bushel of good wheat. Flour sacked Until Mr. Tilden is put where he State for the superiority of their work, I will tioned along the route of the total gars constantly on hand. The reading and branded, customers furnishing sacks. receive any orders in this line. table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ Satisfaction guaranteed in all instances. should have been from the first, the eclipse of the sun in California, next Jacksonville, Or., calsand leading papers of the Coast. T. T. M< k ENZ1E. opinion of he Sedalia Democrat is that January. The grandest point of view Eureka Mills, Sept. 16, 1878. Monuments a Specialty. the Democratic party will occupy the will lie selected; and it h anticipated 1) EPAIRS WATCHES, CLOCKS AND Those desiring to see designs and ascertain attitude of one who has horno pa­ 11 Jewelry in the very i>est manner. All that much pleasure as well as scientific pricescan do so by calling upon or address­ HIGHEST CASH PRICE ing work promptly done at the lowest rates. tiently the ignominy of a blow; while profit will result from the expedition. me at Ashland. I the nation itself, hurt-more than any ^...Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. PAID FOR California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. 6/7:3’TT/?. IL BLACKSAIITil A. S. J ACOBS. parly can bo because of the fraud