PERDIMI, NOTEN. Worlow’s saw-mill on Antelope creek has ’IlMMí WIN. N ew P resbyterian C hurch .—The plans ♦ suspended for the present, owing to the scarci­ for a church building the members of the Pres­ Harvest is in full blast. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Aiken are expected home ty of water. It furnished a fine article of 1 he warm weather causes a dearth of mining byterian Church of this place intend construct­ this week. Hot and still aheating. FRIDAY, news. AUGUST 1, 1879 lumber while running. ing are expected soon and the preliminaries Col. 5V. S. Stone and lady were iu town ASHLAND COLLEGE Cnxpiet parties are the latest. A clean-up is still progressing at the Hamil­ inay yet be arranged before the season closes. The Jacksonville Brass Band is considering; yesterday. C ompliments R f .< eivf . d .— We are in receipt ton A Chappel diggings, with fair results. I the proposition of procuring a band wagón, Local correspondence solicited. A lot for this purpose, situated opposite St. — and — of the compliments of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Aiken, i rigged out in tine style, for its exclusive use on Prof. L. L. Rogers of Ashland College paid The Brown brothers, on Althouse, made a Mary's Academy, was purchased several The Summer hegira has set in. w ho left San Francisco for Jacksonville on the our town a visit this week. appropriate occasions. clean-up the ether «lay that proved very satis­ mouths since, so that it is a settled fact that Angling is a popular amusement. 26th ult., via Portland. The happy couple is Sunday was the warmest day experienced Jacksonville will become possesse«! of another M. Baum, of the well-known Ashland firm of factory. \ onus is at the zenith of her brilliancy. expected to arrive at home in a few days and — LOCAI EP AT— this season, the thermometer rising to 100’ on McCall A Co., and wife were in town Wednes­ A full supply of mining blanks and Copp's church and one that will do her credit. Nearly For business cards go to the T imes office. the handsome residence formerly occupied by that occasion. The heat has since moderated day. Haml-book of Mining Law can always lie ob- $2,(XK) have been subscribed, which, together ASHLAND OREOOS Alex. Martin is being elegantly fitted up for County Court will be in session next week. ; in a perceptible degree. with $500 that will be donated by the Boar«l Miss Annie Little, who has been paying taine.l at the T imes office. their reception. Welcome! of Home Missions, will ensure an amount of Linkville has improved considerably of late. A curiosity was discovered in front of J. S. Roseburg an extemied visit, returned home 1 lie < ayote creek mines were not worked to money sufficient for the construction of a First Session will Coiiiinrucf Sept, lith, 1579* Alex. Martin is expected here sometime next Howanl’s store this week that created a furore. Fri«l ay. g«xxl advantage last season and «lid not pay as building of ample dimensions. (’. C. Beek­ U niversity S tudents .—This county is en. man heads the subscription list with the round For further particulars call on Howard. He titled to four students in the State University month. Mr. Sager, father of Mrs. Wetterer. has been well as they might have paid. BOARD OF I BIATKKKt sum of $1,000. J. I. Knight of M ilderville announces a ball charges no admittance fee. at Eugene City and yet only two were in at­ «■ailed to Albanj by the illness of members of A full attcmlance of the stockholders of the R ev . L. L. R ogers , President. for the 29th. tendance during the last scholastic year. The The warm weather has caused the appear­ ! his family. W. H. A tkinson » F.meline Quicksilver Co. is refjuested at the F ine P icture *.—Those elegant pictures A. G. R ockfei . iaiw , Mrs. Jesse Houck of Ashland paid our town J acob W agneb , Vacancies should be fille«l immediately, a? ance of considerable sickness, but fortunately that have been on exhibition at Geo. W. El­ R ev . J. S. M c C ain , W e regret to hear of the serious illness of annual meeting called for the 16th. J ohn W alker , R ev . W. T. C hapman , little fatality has ensued. Fever seems to be A. Noltner, Esq., editor of the Portland studies will be resumed at that institution in a visit yesterday. Green Bros., of the Sugar Pine ledgeon Galice liott’s place of business for sometime past C lark T aylor , G. F. B illings . Moonlight rambles are in order ami ye festive «about a month. Application must be made to the disease most prevalent. 1 “Standard.” I creek, are still grinding a fair «juality of rock, are now up at rattle, which is announced to take place at Henry I’ape’s saloon to­ the county authorities and the qualifications of loviers are jubilant. Extensive preparations for the Odd Fellows’ ¡ Daniel Gaby, formerly of Ashland, but more which promises to improve as they progress. morrow evening. This collection is without pORTHE PURPOSE OF FOUNDING THE Beautiful visiting cards printed at the T imes celebration on the ISth are nnder way. The the applicant ascertained before a scholarship The miners of Josephine county have gener ­ Ashland College and Normal School, the recently a resident of Lakeview, has remove«! doubt the finest ever brought to Jackson­ I will be awarded. «»flice at Eastern rates. exercises will be interesting and a fine time is to Prineville, M asco county. ally finished this season s work and many, of ville, being elegantly framed and put in at property known as the Ashland Academy baa been placed, free from debt, under the control The Jenny creek saw-mill will be sold at in store for those who attend. C lose of T erm .—E. T. Kugler, instructor of Chas. Nunan, nephew of Jerrv Nunan of ' them did quite well. Prospecting will be next San Francisco prices. Many different op­ of a Board of Trustees, w ho have inaugurate*! music, will close his present term on the 4th Sheriff's sale to-morrow. The ice-cream festival under the auspices of this place, arrive«! from Portland last Saturday in order. portunities are afforded for winning one or the enterprise by tilling the following position« tnst, intending to resume instructions on Sep- Plums, apricots and apples are making their the ladies of the Presbyterian Church w as pro­ and will probably loeat«- in this section. Gin Lin is prospecting the red hills on more of them, the lowest as well as the high­ in the ’temlier 1st. He will also soon open a conser­ appearance in this market. gressing as we went to press and promised to ( est standing equal chances of securing the FACULTY ! The estimable wife of RufusCole, the host of Palmer creek, probably intending to become choicest. This is the grandest rattle planned vatory of music in this place, which is some­ Roads are very «lusty am! traveling is cor- be a pleasant and successful affair. interested in the enterprise inaugurated by REV. LOWELLL. ROGERS, A. M.,President; the Siskiyou House, is recovering from her se­ in this section for sometime and it will be thing new for Southern Oregon, and it will no respon lingly disagreeable. Professor of Mental and Moral Sciences. the Palmer ('reek Mining Co. Sheriff Bybee’s deputies were rather unsuc- I vere spell of sickness, we are pleased to learn. well to consult the <1»Igers in circulation doubt prove as popular as it is novel. Mr. W. I. NICHOLS, A. M., Vice President; and examine the pictures at Elliott ’ s in time. 'I he stage stock will be removed to the new cessful in the collection of delinquent taxes. Gin Lin makes weekly clean-ups, fearing Superintendent Fitzpatrick was down from Kugler has jiermanently locate«! among us and Professor of Mathematics. Grave creek station to-day. Money seems scarcer than ever before and it is A ppointed A gent .—A. S. Jacobs, of Ash­ the Applegate Gravel Mining ('«».'s diggings the depredations of flume robbers. Water is MRS. A. A. ROGERS, Preceptress; will spare no pains to give general satisfaction likely that a forced sale of property will ensue. The warm weather d«>es not prevent the Teacher of English Grammar. in whatever he may attempt. this week ami reports everythin'» movin'» failing ami only one pipe is operated, ami he land, bus received the agency of Brackenridge’s intemls building a reservoir soon. Hardly a Sunday passes but that a large along smoothly there. rush to Mensor s for bargains. Roseburg Marble Works ami will take any or­ MRS. JENNIE BALDWIN NICHOLS, H orse PfR« HASEK.—The sale of the fine Teacher of Music and French. Compton ami Strother of Ros«d»urg struck ders for work in this line. They have gaineil An able discourse upon “Nature's Laws" number of visitors from this place may be \\ . C. Hale has _ «ne to Portlaml to purchase trotting horse “Ophir," reported last week, has will be found on our last page. Other competent instructors will be secured found at the Soda Springs, on the Linkville very goo'l dig ;iirjs near Grave creek, which an enviable reputation in the designing and I road, which are proving a popular place of re­ machinery for the furniture establishment of they located, ami are still prospecting, They manufacture of elegant monuments, tomb­ as fast as the needs of the Institution require, l>een confirmed. Our fellow towusinan J. W. 1 Chapman A Hale at Linkville, which is btiild- so that pupils may be provide«! with the best Geo. W. Holt is making preparations to1 Manning is the fortunate individual who has report ntteh f. 40I i in the vicinity but a scarcity stone?, etc., their work comparing favorably’ facilities for commencing ami completing ths sort. iug up an extensive business. burn another large kiln of brick. come in possession of him. “Ophir” is one of with the best e ♦ outed in the State. Mr. Ja follow ing of w ater. P. G. Strickland has been succeeded as pres­ : P. Britt left for the Lake country, via Lake Chris. Ulrich and family returned from a cobs will furnish «iesigns ami prices upon ap- the handsomest and best bred stallions ever COURSES OF STUDY: ident of the Siskiyou County Agricultural So­ Frank Ennis, superintendent of the Sterling of the Woods, this week, lie will take pho­ plication. See adverti ement elsewhere D'l 1. C lassical , requiring six years, including brought to the northwest coast, combining trip to the Siskiyous this week. ciety by Jesse Davis of Little Shasta. “Pate" nunc, was in tow n Tuesday, from whom we further particulars. preparatory studies. Graduates receive the speed with many other excellent qualities, .and James Hamlin is furnishing the market with has made an excellent officer and he will be tographic views of the scenery as he proceeds learn that the clean-up now progressing there Decrees of A. B. and A. M. ami will be absent for several weeks. our stock-raisers are to l»e congratulate«! upon a large amount of excellent hay. I n V acation .—In the Circuit i’ourt 2. Si 11 Mine, requirjng four years. Degree will be complete«! in about two weeks. The missed. the fact that lie will remain in this section indefi­ L. F. \\ illits of Ashland is officiating as prospects are flattering. conferred, B. S. Saturday, the report of Garrett Croc The number of tons of hay produced this sea ­ nitely. The following are the new officers of Lake- chief of the City Drug Store during th<> ab­ 3 N ormal , C ommercial , and M usical , oc - the receiver heretofore Hpp«»tnte«l inthe son is greater than ever before. The hydraulic mines, with perhaps the ex­ view Lodge No. 63, I. O. 0. F.: A. F. Snell- sence of Robt. Kahler. Levi is an ol«l hand at cupyimg three years each. Diplomas given cer’ C utting A ffray .—Geo. Satterfield and Al- of the Cavote Creek Mining Company Several different farms are offered for sale ing, N. G.; T. \V. Colvin, V. G.; S. ( 'amp- tifving to attainments of graduates. ception of the Squaw Lake Company’s, will the business and a popular one, t«x>. Win. ami Walter Ruble, was hear I an ert Merritt, residents of Jackass creek, be­ EX PENSES. through the columns of the T imes . close «low n beforejyi iny w eeks, the prevailing Stan- bell, R. S. ; J. H. Clayton, P. S.;0. L. Ame engaged in an altercation one day last Tuition in four Collegiate Branches, $6 a Garrett Crwkett of Josephine county, until warm w’eather causing a perceptible diminu­ proved. Upon mot ion <>f coirmel for p We have just turned out some receipt and ley, Trtos. «mmth. Music, $5 a month (use of instrument tiff, an order was made l»y Hi- !l< week, which resulted in the latter cutting the lately receiver of the C’ayote ere k mines, now tion in the supply of water. note books, which are neat ami cheap. *1 ¡ublitional). Vocal music in class, $3 a The Jacksonville and Ashland base-ballers Judge If mna. disc i irmng ^« 1 ««• •••ivci I former in the thigh with a knife, inflict­ in litigation, was in town Satnnlay. We ac­ piartcr. B««.ird in Boarding Hall or in Private requiring him to p >y «»ver all hi m « That wide-awake Barnes has a fine assortment of wall pockets, will play a friendly game on the grounds of the enterprising Portlander, ing an ugly but not dangerous wound. Dr. knowledge the receipt of a call from him. Families, $3.50 to $4.50 a week. Rooms or hand to lhe < '¡erk ot the <>urt. former club on the 18th inst., the date of the (‘apt. A. P. Ankeny, was in this section again < ’«»ttrig.-s for self-boarding, S‘2 to $5 jn*r mouth. Danforth was called and repaired the damages brackets, etc., for sale cheap at Elliott’s. R. II. Brown, one of Eagle Point’s promi- 1AR U AL LIST OF 1 EXT BOOKS. (•HAND (’LEAHAN. E SAKE.- Til Or lor to and the wounded man will soon be able to be Reames Bros., Grob A Ulrich, G. W. Elliott Odd Fellows’ celebration. A lively contest is nent citizens, was in town this week. From last week ami spent several «lays looking after Robinson's Mathematics, Steeles Series in his extensive mining interests. He seemed make room lbrlii* Fall an i 'Vinter assort­ anticipated. alx»ut again. A warrant for Merritt's arrest ami others received new go«xls this week. Natural Sciences, Harkness' Latin, Fas>|ueH'* him we learn that crops will be up to the well pleased with the prospects. ment of goods. Newm in Fisher has com­ French, Reeil'x Series in English CuiupositioDi Jacobs, Fox & Guerin are progressing finely has been issued, but up to the time of going to J. H. Hyzer has taken charge of the Apple­ average, though rust has «lone some damage. press he was still at large. with their work oil the new Masonic building The Applegate Gravel Mining Company, menced a grand clearance sale and for the |{ichars. Curry ami Win at Ashland and expect to complete the founda­ better known as the Grand Applegate, has next sixty days will offer unparalleled in­ , PROMINENT FEATURES AND ITEMS OF R eligious I tems .—Rev. M. A. Williams 1/ IN I F.REST. Johnny Orth is renovating his butcher-shop, Brodbeck arrived in Jacksonville the forepart tion this week. They set tire to their brick increased its force ami will push operations ducements to the public. Cash customers, 1. The College will be chartered; an«l the will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. Church which will greatly improve its appearance. especially, will tin I it to their advantage to of the week. They are all the way from Mis­ kiln Saturday. rapidly forward, Superin tendent Fitzpatrick call soon. His slock must be disposed of Normal or Training School f««r Teachers w ill be next Sunday morning at the usual hour ... souri and will permanently locate among 11s. The warin weather brought on a Hale-storm tna«le, it is hope«! by special enactment, an ad­ seems to be well satisfied with the prospects. in that time. The services of the Jacksonville Brass Band i Rev. Father Blanchet will hold sen ices at St. Momlay, which first got its start in Linkville. junct of the Public .School system, and Diplo­ Hon. A. C. Jones left for Roseburg Satur ­ have been secured for next Thursday, at which John Rast of Roseburg, at the direction of Francis’ Church, Eagle Point, on Sunday next. R eal E state T ransactions .- The follow- mas made opiivalent to first-grade certificates. B. Rostel has receive«1 an assortment of deli­ time the corner-stone of the new Masonic day. He lias been retaine«! in several cases the stockholilers. w ill do some work on the 2. Ashland lias no salo«ms. The sale of in- ....Rev. J. R. N. Bell, Presiding Elder of ing deeds have been recorded in the County cate perfumeries, which he is selling at cost. building at Ashland will lie laid. Gook after the Steam Beer placer Wett erer’s brewery will be continued under is therefore assured. these appointments: Second Sunday in Au­ D. A. Levens »4 al. to Applegate Gravel . sentiment. there. diggings, also tuated in that section and in Mining Co., mining ground, water rights, etc., The Great Council of Improved Order of gust, at Williams creek, Josephine county, the management of the executrix of his estate. 3. Tln^Sciiool will be under the supervision Levi Lelaml, well known in Oregon as “the; w hieli he is inter cd. in Jackson county. Consideration, $500,000. <>f an Evangelical Christian Church. The Bi- camp meeting; third Sunday at Bybee's Ferry, Red Men of California the other day adopted a The adjourned term of the Circuit Court for John to Geo. H. Young, right to Hermit," gave us a call Friilay. He is graml Jackson county, district conference. The stockholilers <>f the Applegate Gravel certain springs in the vicinity of Rich Guleh. j Ide will be reverently read and studied; the this county w ill commence on Momlay, August plan by which, hereafter, deceased members’ worship of ti«.«l encouraged; but the Institu- lecturer of the Temperance order of California heirs shall receive Sl.OJi), the assessment to be M ining ('oi inpany w ill pay the mine a visit be- Consideration, $1. A ccident . — Last Saturday, as Mrs. Thos. 10th. i tion will be sectarian in no objectionable sense. ami is on his way to Modoc county from Del G. Karewski received a number of Fish Bros.’ 75 cents for each death. fore long, They intend to place them in the 4. Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, Eng­ F. Beall was on her way to town, accompanied Norte. T uf . Crescent City “Record” says: “The lish Composition and other branches xjiecially celebrateil wagons direct from the factory this ble condition for next season ’ s work, best po; Mr. and Mrs. Bates, (the latter Miss Annie by two children, the horse she was driving Win. Carll, the genial division agent of the when operations w ill be carried on more exten­ long looked for “Constantine” arrived at this preparatory for Business Life, w ill receive un* Swan) who a few years ago traveled through became frightened by a runaway pack-horse Week. place Sunday morning with the Engineers on 1 usual attention. The <’al«lwell Suda Springs were sold .at Oregon as the Kentucky ,’iants, have recently O. A C. Stage Co., k as in town this week on sively than ever before. and dashed off at breakneck speed, throw ing 5. The Preceptress will give her chief atten- board, for the purpose of examining this port, his way north. He will take charge of the. the occupants out of the vehicle and severely Sheriff’s sale last Saturday and bid in by K. become the parents of a male child weighing II. S. Brown, of San Framisco, who is in- relative to the establishment of the Harbor of , tion to the care ami oversight of the young la- new stage station at Grave creek, whither be bruising them. Fortunately they received no Kubli. 24 lbs. That Bates onything ! tercste«! in placer diggings at Althouse, left Refuge. They are busily engaged in the 1 «lies. ' 6. An Endowment of ^26,090 will be, there wi 1 remove his family soon. Rugue river, furnished this J. Hanna, of serious injuries, though it was a narrow «scape. for California Tuesday, aecompaiiie«l by two of duties entrusteil to them. Yesterday they were is reason to hope, pr«»mptly subscribe«!, ena­ Jacksonville has improved to a great extent John Kellv. the inimitable violinist, well Assistance was at hand, and the suf­ market with a large assortment of his pottery since the beginning of the year and the good known to our early resi«lents, will give an his sons. He is well pleased w ith the prps- out examining the different stone quarries bling the Trustees to reduce the present rate« last w ’ eek. i of tuition, specially to Teachers, after the pres­ jiects ami entertains high h >p?s for Josephine near this place." ferers were soon provide«! for. The animal was ent year. Address communications to Thatcher A Worden's new brick building at work still goes on. A large number of build­ entertainment at \ rcka to-morrow «■veiling, county as a mining section. capture«! awhile afterward, but not b< ■ re he had somewhat demoralized the buggy and har­ Linkville will be ready for occupancy in about ings are in course of construction and many ami will be assisted by his wife. He w;ill G rain C ontract L et .—Wm. Carll, di­ Ashland College and Normal School, Excellent pro-q> >cts have been found on Sil­ vision agent, this week let the contract l«ir more are contemplated this season. ness. probably also pay us a visit. six weeks. ASHLAND. OREGON. I ver creek, a short «listance below the falls, bv Rust seems to have affected the grain-fndds The San Francisco wool market is dull. East­ R eturned .— W. ('. Myer, the well-known C. W. Savage ami Jiihii Cimborsky, repre­ A. J. HemliTson ami F. \V. Sawyer. There furnishing tiie O. A C. Stage Company's "horseman, returned from the ill.nmette valley ern Oregon being quoted at 18(u20Jc. ami val­ of Table Rock and Butte creek more than any­ sentatives to the Great Council of Improve«! is no doubt but that a considerable portion of stations with grain to Jacob Ish. Eight thousand bushels of barley will be required I where else. Lat«» sown grain on low lands has Oriler of Re«l Men, leav«> for Portland to-day last week, where he has »ent the past few ley at 235' Stic. that region will pay well, though it may take and the price agreed upon is said to be a received the most injury ami short crops will little less than a cent a pound. to atteml the annual session of that Ixxly, time to develop some of the diggings. months. Ho informs in that ho will probably The cases of diphtheria reported last week not his stock at the State Fair this have disappeared. Due caution will neverthe­ be a consequence in such instances. which commences next Momlay. Chas. Schultz ami Rob R«»V, who have been P robate Cot rt .—The following business J. B. Thomas has received all the fixtures Fall, not being assure I that justice will be done less be in order. W. C. Myer, on his return home, walked the prospecting the Centennial ledge at Galice has been transacted in this Court since our him or that fair play will be manifested in the Chief Justice Huffer's Court has l>een crowd­ for his new saw-mill on Evans’ creek, which lie Percheron horse “Gen. Fleury” from Rock creek, retnrne.l to this place Tues.lay, having last issue: awarding of premiums, the jmlges hav ing hitli. ed with business—mostly civil suits-for the expects will be running on full time by the Point to his farm near Asldaml, a distance of suspended operations for the present, They In the matter of the estate of Jos. Wetterer, end of the week. He proposes furnishing the It) miles, in a single «lay, ami a very warm one erto shown a ileci«ie«l preference to be influ­ past week or two. report the mining interests of that section in deceased. Inventory and appraisement, show­ market with excellent lumber soon. enced by local prejudice ami averse to render­ it was, too. L’ast walking, that. statu quo just now, but likely to be resuseita- ing property’ to the amount of $9.292.77, filed. Jas. Drum has a first-class assortment of Order made authorizing executrix to sell per­ ing an impartial decision. Mr. Myers display sun- Excessively hot weather is favorable to A party, consisting of J. A. (’ardweH's fami­ te«l in a short time. sonal property. of stock has always been a prominent feature crockery and glassware that he is selling off stroke, which might be a serious fact to con- ly, Rol»t. Kahler ami family, Mrs. Kenney, at each succeeding fair ami it will be conspicu­ at the lowest prices. The miners of F II «t. tend w ith, were it not that an unfailing pre- Miss Rhoda Kenney. I.. L. Savag«1 and W. G. ous by its absence next time. ishing up the p.ast season's work ami will soon A Roseburg foot-racer,by the name of Cozad, By trilling with biliousness diseise is ventive is found in Matt. Dillon s unexcelled Kenney, started for Buck Lake Tues«lay, in- eominenc«: preparing for next Winter's cam­ brought oil, ami death may ensue. A dis- O n H is T ravels .—The “Pilgrim Printer’ challenges Henry Mensor, our local champion, liquors. anl, bv J. II. Hutter, J. I’., Every variety ot cemetery and other stone* , after Haslett -for such is his technical cognomen— grange, Georgia, on the 25th ult. John W. Birkdell and Miss Caroline Fer­ work executed in a satisfactory manner, ■ dow will be constructed for the display of engage«! in business at Forth ami prospering returned from Lake county Thursday Specin) attention given to orders from any finds considerable encouragement in his mis­ an absence of several months, He is the guson. Judge Dunean’s orchard, one of the finest in goods, of which Mr. Feathers will keep a tine finely, w’hich his friemls will he please«l to part ot Southern Oregon. Address sionless journey, and it is quite likely that he possessor of a band of 200 line horses rang- J. II. RUSSELL, Ashland, Or. Southern Oregon, is furnishing the public with assortment. hear. w ill wearily on until death shall overtake BORN ing near Linkville, wliich he has been look­ him an«l find for him that haven of rest an excellent quality of early fruit. Dr. Wilder of San Francisco last week per­ Superintendent Klipp. l of the Sipia-a I.ak“ ing after, t »wards getting some of them which seems to be denied him now. Manning «V Webb have purchased the Link­ formed an operation upon Wm. M. Turner, Company's diggings came to town Wednesday ready for in irlcet. The Colonel reports the Rl’ST. - This grain affection seems to lie ville livery stable, now managed by Wm. D. whose eyesight has been seriously impaired by . in response to a message informin » him of the sale of a number of largo bands of cattle I* the place to go for anything in the I cataract, with favorable results. Strong hopes , illness of his eldest son. Lannes, who is now (notably one by the Applegate Bros, con­ L. S. P. MARSH, A. F. QUIRES, J. A. BL'RK, damaging cr«»[»s in ditlerent locmlities and w ill Corpe, ami will take possession soon. hardware line, lle-hna a large and Ellis Beggs, who has been driving for the N. are entertained that permanent relief will be much improved. He r«-ports everything pro- taining Sot) tine beeves) to parties from Cal- probably diminish the yield, though not mate­ superior slock of Rifle««, Shot Guns and ' gressing finely at the mine. itornia at fair prices. He says that cold MECHANICS rially. The Unqxpia and M illamette valleys W. Stage <’o. over the Blue Mountains of afforded him. Sporting Material, and in fact every* I Lieutenant Boutelle is appointe«! captain of weather has discouraged farming this sea­ The weather during the past week has been are more seriously affeeteil ami a shorter crop Eastern Oregon, returned home this week. thing from an Anvil to a the department team of eight, selected by oom­ son, late frosts having killed much of the slight than was at first anticipated will probably be the w armest of the season, though a Deeds, mortgages, ironclad notes, receipts, grain and garden stuff. The country is fill­ the result. The Roseburg “Independent re­ Justice's blanks, attorney's summonses, etc., moderation is perceptible at this time. The petition to compete for the division prize in —AND— rille shooting. He will at once take charge ot ing tip rapidly, but he believes that stock- ports an exjx'riment with rusted grain last sea­ can always be obtained at the T imes office. ‘ nights have generally been cool and pleasant, the team an 1 proceed to the headquarters of raising only will prove successful in many KeV- it«* sells at LESS than Bedrock son by L. K. Hedgpath, who, instea«lof doing The voters of Ashland school district on Sat­ however, something that goes so far towanl the military division at San Francisco. portions of L ike for years to come. The prices FOR CASH, and at! those pur­ as many would have «lone, cut the grain just urday voteil a ten-mill tax for the purpose of ' making the climate of Rogue river valley in­ Rev. D. A. Crowell will leave for the Wil­ Colonel will return at the close of harvest, chasing Building Hardware, Tools ot l»ufore the stalks had ripened— in fact, were purchasing lots ami building a school house. superable and so delightful. lamette valley soon for the purpose of attend­ intending to remain there during the Fall —AND— «■very kind, Paints, Glass, Cordage, yet green, ami l«x».sely pile«l it up. The w heat season. An Applegate correspondent writes: David ing the M. E. Conference, which convenes Jackson Grant, the Indian sentence«! to the Biushes, &c., have thus ruste«l ami cut ripeneil in the pile, ami Linsey, Jr., was arrested a few days ago for sometime this mouth. Mr. Crowell lias gained V erdict for P lain i ii f .—The case ot the .^1 oiilclin*** IHsiplH who Wednesday, where he delivered the horses and on so many different occasions, was Fall .... Lafayette Allen, Esq., has gone to MARSH e to many farmers of large . Eact people from every place or trötn He is able to walk about with the assistance of premiums to be awarded at the next annual John Miller returned from San Francisco on out several hours am] seem«*d to find it diffi­ FURNITURE A ORNAMENTAL CARV­ experiment is worthy of a trial ami may prove fair are more liberal than ever. Competition a cane. ING, E tc ., DONE To ORDER. valuable in the future. from Jackson county will he spirited. Copies Monday last He laid in a tirst-ela-s assort - cult to agre«i fora time. The prosecution is Johnny Cowan, one of the hest gr«»oms on of the list can be obtained of E. H. Autenrieth, ment of new gOfxls while sojourning at the Bai to be commended f«»r its persistence, for l-’iivnituro.Sash, Blirnlx, Doorsand M«»Hid­ F atal A ccident .—From M. C. Hale ot the Coast, w ill retain charge of “Ophir” ami Esq. City, which will arrive soon. Mr. Miller keep- thrice has it been called upon to prove its ing constantly on hand and made to order. Will find that he mean* huainesa, and Linkville, we learn that a San Francisco place him in training for the fair races at A numlier of the children of the forest went the best ami fullest stock of articles in his line charges and twice have its efforts been will get bargains by calling on him be* merchant. Win. Savage by name, met Yrck a. here this week on a trading exjiedition. The in Southern Oregon and sells at prices to suit crow nec 1 oint his business. MARSH «t C<>. L ayinoi of (’e assisted by the following members of ury for tho redemption of county warrants steam «aw mill on Big Butte creek. Floor­ «battered to fragments, one of the wheels hav lowest rates. day ami upward, w hich is a slight increase Warren ami Ashland lodges; C. C. Beek- protested from October 11th, 1875, to De« rm- ing, Rustic, Ceiling ami Moulding«can I»« ing disappeared altogether. Under the seat man, A. D. G. M.; W II. Atkinson, G. S. ber 1 Ith, 1*75. Interest on the same will had in any quantity. We «-an plane lum­ Mr. Clemmons, of Roseburg, who has been on those paid last year. ber 24 irnffie* wide—in fact all kinds of lum- W.; II. ('. Hill. G. . I. W.; Jacob Wagtier, cease ironi thia date. were foun.l several hundred dollars in money. sojourning at Ashland for his health, died on We doubt if there is a county in the State, l»er nei-essarv to build house«—all of which NEWMAN FISHER. G.T.JJ. S. Eubanks, G S.; J. M. McCall, We learn that Savage was on his way to I ort the 25th of cancer ir. the stomach. He was 56 1 in proportion to its population, that has an Treasurer of Jackson Co., < >i«’g,,D. chd l»e got ready for u«e at the mill. Par­ ties who intend building can save hauling Klamath for the purpose of buying out Jay Grand Marshal. Prof, L. L. Rogers will de- equal amount of farming machinery to Jackson. more lumber than they need. Bill«, plan« Beach, who is desirous of retiring from busi­ years of age. liver the oration. A grand ball will tike Farms for Sale. and estimates can be ba«l either at the mill Hereafter, when there is any postage due i There is no end to the headers, reaiiers ami ness, at the time of the catastrophe which result­ place at Houck’s hall in the evening and threshing machines, almost every farmer being on Big Butte or at their shop in Jackson­ ed in his death. His son was summone-l by tel­ ami unpaid on a letter, each postmaster will l>e Persons desiring to purchase good farm« ville. Oregon . well supplied. But we doubt whether this oiher interesting exercises are announced. egraphic dispatch ami has gone to Ferree s t«» required to affix a special stamp of the value The affair will no doubt be an impressive of anv size will do well to enquire of state of affairs is liest. A superabundance of . ^*“A11 orders Will receive prompt at ten« l«x,k after the effects. Savage was alxnft bo JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. one and everybody’ is invited to be present. anything is objectionable in alm 8. exery vase. tion. SMITH < WAISMAN. of the amount due. years of age and quite well-to-do. fl BRIEF REFERENCE. ' To the People of Northern California and Southern Oregon ! NORMAL SCHOOL. ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS. JOHN MILLER’S PLANING MILL SKELETON Furniture, Sash, B'iaJs, Doors FOUND IN ASHLAND WM1 SICK! N