BRIEF REFERENCE. G. karewski will soon receive a fine lot of MININU NEW». PERSONAE NOTES. SIMMER BOAHIII RS. Fish Bros.’ wagons and buggies direct from the I Preparations for next season’s work will soon Harvest is in full blast. A family of four persons, two of them ¡ Michigan factory. They are of the latest and Jos. Solomon is up from Woodville. children — a bov aged seven, and a girl of JULY 25, 1879. ¡ A cirCus is said to be on its way hither. most improved patterns and second to none. ' be commenced by different persons. ten years, were spending the Summer in kY, J. H. Hoffman has returned from Lake C®. the country, quite a long distance from Parties are engaged running tunnels into The County Jail mourns for an occupant. We have just received a supply of elegant T- any town The little boy, the pride of his Judge 0. Jacobs has been elected Mayor of I gilt-edged and chromo cards from New York : Hogan hill, two miles east of Waldo. parents, was taken suddenly and alarming­ .'AL.—H. M. Barnes of Yreka, ac-' For business cards go to the T imes office. Seattle. — and — ly ill. The mother was nearly frantic with and are now prepared to print visiting cards d by his newly-wedded wife, is ( I i Warren Lodge meets Wednesday evening. A full supply of mining5>lanks and Copp’s Carlos Merritt of the Ashland “Tidings” made grief, as all the simple remedies at hand i the honey-moon in this place. We I in the most approved styles and at Eastern ! Hand book of Mining Law can always be oh- seemed to have no effect. A neighbor, who New goods just received at Breckenfeld’s. us a call Saturday last. rates. had been sent for in great haste, took with ■em a hearty welcome and bespeak a j tained at the T imes office. Novelties of every description at Mensor’s. liera package of Frose's Hamburg Tea. Mrs. Chambers of this place has returned Hon. D. L. Green of Galice creek had the —LOCATED AT— _ Jas. Lawrence has gone to the placer mine* As soon as it could be prepared a potion The Sisters returned from Portland yesterday. from a visit to Big Butte. misfortune to lose his youngest daughter by ty ­ was administered, and soon a change was ruit . — The first peaches of the sea­ on Applegate he is interested in and will spend ASIIL/YND OREGON’. Paymaster Kiefer paid off the garrison at apparent for the better. In a few hours be Ashland will soon enjoy the luxury of a brass phoid fever on the 11th. Considerable sick­ i several weeks in prospecting. their appearance this week and were was entirely restored. ness is said to prevail in that neighborhood at of in a hurry at six cents j>er pound, band. I Desselles A Co.’s Scott’s gulch claim and the Fort Klamath the other day. present. First Session will Coinmrnee Sept. Uth, 1579. io from the orchard of R. Brown on . Tis now th® busy farmer improves each N. Delamater of Josephine county is in MARRIED hydraulic mine of Wimer A Co., near Waldo, Salmon are abundant in Bear creek, a con­ e, and though small in size were of shining hour. town ane and ready for J. B. Wrisley, W. J. Stanley and others, ease, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Com­ 3. N ormal , C ommercial , and M usical , oc­ inery case. will give the supper for the Odd Fellows’ ball water when it conies. have gone to the head of Evans’ creek on a plaints, or Retention ot Urine, are cured by cupying three years each. Diplomas given cer­ M iss Millie Vining gave her friends a party , the Neplireticuin. Female Weakness, Grav­ tifying to attainments of graduates. hventton C alled . — The Temperance Tuesday evening that proved a very pleasant on the 18th prox., which is a guarantee of its M r. Nicholson, of French Flat, Josephine deer hunt. el, Diabetes, pain in tile EXPENSES. excellence. The best of music has also been county, is now engaged in sinking another Oal Committee haa called a comity con- affair. Tuition in four Collegiate Branches, £6 a H. L. Webb and John Cimborsky returned loin are cured when all failed. month. Music, 85 a mouth (use of instrument engaged for the occasion. on, which will be held at Colve r’s hall shaft, to better prospect his diggings. His from Lake county this week. They report have A watch tinker is the last of the peripatetic See what tin* druggists of Portland and $1 additional). 'Vocal music in class, $3 a cenix on the 27th of September. J. W. In a juvenile encounter last Tuesday, Sam mine would pay more if he were able to push that country growing rapidly and in a flourish­ Suu Francisco say about Dr. .Minile''. Ne- quarter. Boardin Boarding Bailor in Private nuisances that have favored this section with f thia place and other speakers have pbreticuui and English Dandelion Pill-: DeReboam, one of the pugilists, shied a brick his drifting and hoisting with greater speed. ing condition. Families, S3 50 to ¿4.50 a week. Rooms or their presence. We have sold a large amount of Dr. Min­ Cottages for self-boardinc, $2 to $5 per month. their intention of being present and that took effect on the upper lip of his adver­ Attention is called to the advertisement of Mrs. Chrisman of Lafayette and Mrs. G. tie’s medicines; The English Dandelion David Cronemiller is constructing another PARTIAL LIST OF TEXT BOOKS. er addresses. An interesting session sary. Frank Cimborsky, and broke off four of E. G. Denniston, of San Francisco, who is H. Stewart of Vancouver, who have been pay­ Pills; also the famed Neplireticuin, and in building on his premises, which will be used Robinson's Mathematics, Steele’s Series in >ated. all eases highly recommended: the front teeth close to the gum. furnishing the silver-plated amalgamating ing this place a brief visit, returned to their as a paint-shop. John A. Chibls, Druggist, Second street, Natural Sciences, Harkness' Latin, Fasquell's j.—Frank Cluggage, brother of the French, Reed’s Series in English Competition, plates which are proving so popular among homes last week. Miss Mary Chrisman will Portland. Geo. Sylvester is selling a compound that Cattle are accumulating in Josephine county, Richardson’s Piano Instruction. r proprietor of the town-site of Jackson- c. IL Woodward A Co.. Druggists, corner has a wonderful effect upon coal oil, rendering miners. They are worthy a trial, at least. remain awhile longer. PROMINENT FEATURES AND ITEMS OF First and Alder streets, Portland. ia expected here before long. We learn comparatively few having been driven out in it non-explosive and purifying it, as it were. The miners of Gall’s creek have all finished C. B. Watson of Lakeview passed through INTEREST. Messrs. Abrams ,V Carroll, wholesale i« will have a resurvey made, toward de­ the past two years. From the “Sentinel” we learn that Sylvester is for the season, with the exception of 1’feil town Sunday. He has just completed a sur­ Druggists, Nos. 3 and 5 Front street, S. F. 1. The College will be chartered; and the ling the possessions of Jas. Cluggage, I Beek. is to be congratulated upon his new quite as remarkable as his powder. i Bros., who will not complete their clean-up We regard the Neplireticuin as I he best Normal or Training School for Teachers w ill be veying contract in the Stein mountain country Kidney ami Bladder remedy before the made, it is hoped by special enactment, an ad­ he will then offer for sale. It is to be sidewalk. It is a substantial as well as a II j Two peddlers of pinchbeck jewelry passed until several weeks later. The Spring run has and is en route for Portland to confer with public. All druggists keep them. junct of the Public School system, and Diplo­ that auch will l»e the case, for a large timely improvement. For all derangements of the Liver, through town this week. As Marshal Helms proved a fair one, in a financial point of view. Surveyor-General Tolman. mas made equivalent to first-grade certificates. area of land in this vicinity has laid idle and is The Roseburg Foundry, owned by Zimmer­ received inquiries as to their whereabouts Use Dr. Mintie ’ s English Dandelion 2. Ashland has no saloons. The sale of in­ Preparations for next season’s work will soon F. W. Ewing, formerly of Ashland, has been For Biliousness ami Dyspepsia, in an unimproved state because no title could man A Frazer, formerly of Ashland, is now toxicating liquor^ is prohibited by the City au­ from below, they are probably wanted there. be commenced at the Hamilton A Chappel renominated by the Democracy of Modoc coun­ Use Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Pills. thorities, who are sustained by a strong public be obtained to it. rnnning on full time. ------- ♦---------------------- Bilks are certainly on the increase. diggings near Uniontown. A half in ile of ty, Cal., for District Attorney. He will prob­ Fever and Ague, sentiment. • S tats S chool F unds .—The State Board of Rev. Father Blanchet will hold services at UsMtr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Pills. 3. The School will be under the supervision coin- ditch more is necessary and this will be The Improved Order of Red Men propose ably have no opposition, having given general Every family should not fail to keep the of an Evangelical Christian Church. The Bi­ School Land Commissioners has made its an­ St. Francis’ Church, Eagle Point, on the I pleted ami everything put in readiness by the beautifying their cemetery in various wavsand satisfaction, and aspirants to the office being English Dandelion Pills on hand. ble will be reverently read and studied; the nual apportionment; but, as many of the local first Sunday in August. Dr. Mintie’s Remedies will riot “Cure all worship of God encouraged; but the Institu­ few. have asked permission of the Board of Trus­ time wet weather sets in. agenta have failed to report, the amount ap­ 0. Weaver was fined $5 by Justice Buffer Complaints,” but will give immediate relief tees to construct a gateway that will enable Professor Edison proposes to furnish any one Harry Wright returned this week from a ami perfect a cure in all cases, if taken ac­ tion will be sectarian in no objectionable sense. portioned ia not as large by several thousand last Saturday for an alleged assault upon P. them to reach the grounds with little trouble. with capital to work mines of platinum who . visit to his old home in Santa Rosa, < al. He cording to directions, which they are recom­ 4. Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, Eng­ dollars as the previous one. Jackson county’s J. Ryan, which he paid. lish Composition and other branches specially The Brass Band tendered H. M. Barnes and have not means of their own to work them. I was accompanied by a brother, W. A. Wright, mended for. preparatory for Business Life, will receive un­ nliare itself falls short nearly $800, l>eing D r . A. E. M intie A Co. — Gents; I vol ­ Gooeher A Cunningham, of the Williams wife of Yreka a serenade on Wednesday night. This metal resembles the black sand used in well known in ej^icational circles of that sec­ unteer to sav vour English Dandelion Pills usual attention. $1,915.56 for 2,993 scholars. Joiephine county creek saw mills, have established a depot for Several of our citizens were likewise compli­ iron molding, and is more valuable than gobi. tion, who entertains intentions of permanently equal and even surpass all you claim 5. The Preceptress will give her chief atten­ has 745 scholars and receives $176 80, and tion to tho care and oversight of the young la­ “ from my experience in their use." Fancy their lumber in this place. mented. The Band is becoming quite pro­ There is no doubt that deposits are to be locating among us. Lake oounty gets $384.64 for 601 scholars. dies. they have no equal f r Dyspepsia and Liver ! E. D. Foudrav left for Josephine county found in the mountain ranges of this State. The large band of cattle driven from tho ficient and furnishes excellent music. 6. An Endowment of §20,000 will be, there J. A. S trowiiridge , F or Y reka . —Billy Thompson left for Butte creek country last May is ranging near Grain of all kinds is ripening fast and the Gin Liu has furnished each of his men with yesterday to look after the Taylor mine on troubles. First Street. Leather -Merchant. is reason to hope, promptly subscribed, ena­ .ka this week, having ;n charge George Camp Harney, Grant county. Portland, Sept. 17, 1878. bling the Trustees to reduce the present rate» farmer has in some instances commenced cut­ I a Smith A Wesson pistol as a precautionary Rogue river, of which he is receiver. He will D r . A. E. M intie A Co.—Gents; I have of tuition, specially to Teachers, after the pres­ •venson’s fine trotting horse “Sir Walter,’ I B. Guilbert of Yreka brought another load j ting. The prevailing weather is of great ben­ measure against flume-robbers, who threaten combine business with pleasure, being accom­ used your famed English Dandelion Pills ent year. Address communications to J o will be placed training for the annual efit, especially to wheat, which is filling out to become both numerous and troublesome. He panied by his family and Miss Maggie Don­ lor torpid liver and dyspepsia and can ty fair. W e expect toseo “Wal- of his sove learn. I MISS ELLA PRIM. John B. Farley, one of our leadingeducators, | The entertainment given by the Foot’s Creek the mine. There is still an abundant supply snowballs from huge banks of snow that still gave two of its performances at the Club of water and piping has been resumed and linger high up in that region. Room last week, which were well attended and has been engaged to teach a six-months’ school Minstrels in aid of the district school-house at Wm. M. Turner, editor of the “Sentinel,” duly appreciated. The familiar faces of Harry by the directors of Uniontown district. that point last Friday evening was well attend­ will probably continue for several weeks SPRING OPENING longer. has gone to Sati Francisco in the hopes of re­ Lorraine, Billy Donnelly and Charley Morrell, In addition to the premiums to be awarded ed. The troupe has been strengthened by the —AT— A clean-up was commenced at the Sterling covering his failing eye-sight. He has been Jr., were missed, but in their places were at the next Siskiyou county fair there will be addition (>f several performers and the affair proved quite a success. mine last week, which will conclude this sea­ suffering from cataract for several years, found Walter Parks and Charley Kohler, both prizes for the best penmanship by children. J. H. BUSSELL, PBOPBIETOB. ery elever performers. As a jig and clog A Murphy crock (Josephine county) corre­ son’s operations. Some excellent ground has which has totally destroyed the sight of one Chris. Ulrich and family have gone to the lancer Parks is hard to beat, being one of the Siskiyou mountains for a few days. They spondent writes: Crops never looked better on been washed off and a large amount of gold- eye and threatens that of the other. We VITE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW ▼ery best that travels. The troupe will tarry were accompanied by parties from Sterling. Applegate than this year. Health is good. dust will no doubt lie realized; but how much trust that he may find the relief he seeks. IT and .'onipletu stock of Millinery goods, rp II E UNDF.RSKiNED, BEING STA- with us again upon its return from a tour consisting of Tho mines have aliout closed down for the we will probably not bo able to learn, as the 1 tinned at Ashland agaiu, has turned hi» P robate C ourt .—The following busiucss J. A. Panky informs us that rust has made entire attention to the through Oregon and the Territories next Fall, Summer. Wimer’s mill is in full blast and superintendent and proprietors are very ret­ its appearance in the grain-fields of Sam's turning out superior flour and lumber. was transacted before Judge Day since our last HATS OF ALL STYLES, when something new may tie expected. icent upon this subject. MARBLE BUSINESS, valley, but threatens no serious consequences. I report: RIBBONS, An attempt to enter Wimer's store at Waldo Alex. Watts of Williams creek was in town A G obbler that W ouldn ' t re a G obbler . In t he matter of the estate of H. Colver, de ­ and is fully prepared to fill all orders In The Sexton's house in the City Cemetery was made Friday night and came near being yesterday, from whom we learn that water is FEATHERS, ceased. Maria Colver, guardian of the minor this line with neatness and dispatch and at —W. B. Kincaid, residing on Rogue river, is has | received some finishing touches at the successful. The burglars had succeeded in ef-; failing fast and that J. T. Layton has hardly a heirs of said deceased, and her bondsmen were prices to -uit the times. FLOWERS, possessed of a turkey gobbler that shows a hands ] of R. S. Dunlap and presents a neat ap­ fecting an entrance through the front door, but full head for the one “giant” he has in opera­ discharged from further liability. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, IIEALSTONES disposition to usurp the rights and privileges pearance. , COLLARS the matter of the estate of Jas. A. Stew- were probably frightened away before being tion. Mr. Watts has just finished the survey art, In deceased. in any description of marble. accorded to the female bird and has taken up­ <>f Eliza- Semi-annual exhibit AND CUFFS, Executed able to follow up their advantage. The M. E. Church has been thoroughly ren ­ of the Steamboat Company's quartz claim, Every variety ot cemetery and other stone­ estate, ex beth Stewart, administratrix of said on himself the duty to hatch a nest of eggs. work executed in a satistnetory manner. ovated an*eupied by Dr. Robinson on California 1» the place to go for anything in the case. These gentlemen are evidently bent on ascer­ 'due to the recent agitation of the woman suf. specified time. Lake county will soon make provision to pay taining if quartz exists in paying quantities in one of the appraisers accepted and E. D. Fou­ si reel. hardware line, lie has a large and drav appointed in his stead. frags question, but it is none the leas remark a- ' Chinamen are becoming numerous in Jose- off her indebtedness with this county ami it is «uperiol stock of Rifles. Shot (Juns and ■bls. ' pliine county again. We had hoped that expected that Josephine county will follow suit. Southern Oregon, ami they should receive all M arried .—Dr. G. H. Aiken and Miss Sport ing M ueriaI, ami in fact every­ A ccident . —L. B. Tucker of Ashland was these pests were gradually departing hence, When these sums are disbursed our debt will possible encouragement in their efforts to de­ Ida Martin, well and favorably known in thing from an Anvil to a velop our mining resources. unfortunate enough to meet with a serious ac­ never to return. Jacksonville, wore united in matrimony at rUHESE WELL KNOWN MILLS, SITU- be materially decreased, and we may be able to cident the other day. Ho was driving an emp­ E. Jacobs is in recent receipt of several ele­ “resume specie payments” in the course of a N ew B uilding for A shland . -Ashland Oakland (Cal.) on the 23d. The happy 1 ated at Kerhvville, Josephine county, ty hay wagon through a gate near his barn, gant children’s carriages, velocipedes and wag­ very few years. Lodge No. 45, I. O. 0. F., has decided to couple will take up a permanent residence are now prepared to do a Key. lie sells nt LESS than Bedrock any» the “Tidings,” when the wagon struck the ons; also a fine assortment of French candies. I Holman’s liver pad, which has been proved build a brick building in conjunction with among us, starting tor home to-morrow prices FOR CASH, and all those pur» gate and threw him out upon the tongue. The Call and see them. a sure cure for fever and ague ami disor­ Messrs. Fountain e her gain in the cud. Tax W ool P roduct . —It is estimated by has been necessary for sometime. I R eal E state T ransactions .—The follow­ Frey’s Boot and Shoe Stoi’e. Fact people from every place or from led and well improved. Time certainly works' » W ith U s O ncf . M ore . — H. M. Barnes, who those well informed in the matter that over about one year ago canvassed this section for ing transactions in real estate have been re­ C alifornia S treet The demand for Matt. Dillon’s fine whiskies ; wondrous changes. 300,000 pounds of wool will be shipped from enlarged pictures, is again in town and has on corded since the last issue of the T imes : I has forced him to draw on old Kentucky for From a private letter from Dr. J. W. Robin­ Ty.kann onnnty alone during the year. This, Oregon. Jacksonville, J. R. Neil to M innie A. Neil, premises in exhibition at G. W. Elliott ’ s store some very Will fimi (hat lie means business, and at the average price paid, will net sheep- another supply. Matt, knows how to please, son we learn that he started for San Francisco i Jacksonville. Consideration, $250. fine samples of large photographs finished in and that is why he succeeds so well. j on the 2'2<1, where he will remain for a month will got bargains by calling on him be* in tho neighborhood of $50,000, which U. S. patents to .John Tupper and wife, J. India ink in a style unsurpassed, for which he ! or more attending lectures, visiting hospitals, \ esterdav was the warmest day experienced f<>re going elsewhere. . r , io quits a neat sum to be distributed for a B. Thomas, D. H. Sexton and Stephen D. Tay­ single item. The grade of sheep has been this season, the thermometer denoting 95 de­ ! etc. He will return to this place early in the is taking orders. Those large and elegant lor have been recorded. greatly improved in the past few years by the grees in the shade. It is quite likely that old Fall and permanently locate for the practice of chromos at the Mine place he will sell at East­ R ace P roposed .—We learn that there is his profession. His many friends wish him a ern rates and the finest of chromos can now be LUMBER! introduction of the Leicester« and Merinos— Sol proposes making up for lost time. j pleasant trip and safe return. some probability of the well-known trotting ha’» a cent lower than the best Humboldt article in Springs are also receiving many visitors. happen in these classic shades. Medal for the best in the world. 429 Mont­ saw mill on Big Butte creek» Floor* protected from October 11th, 1875,to Decem­ steam goa Francisco market Wool being a sal­ gomery street. San Francisco. ing. Rustic, Ceiling and Mouldingscan be None of those who went from Fort Klamath tbo latest music. Our latest fashion notes report a tendency ber 11th, 1875. Interest on the same wili had in any quantity. We can plane lum- able article at a remunerative cash price, far- to straw material for young ladies’ Summer were successful in the rifle practice at Van­ T he S pirit of I mprovement .—Jackson­ cease from this dale. >»<>r 24 inches wide—in fact all kindaVif lum­ ajors themselves are paying more or less at ten- hats and plenty of it—the more the better. couver. The eight that will go to San Fran- ville is improving rapidly. Besides the SETTLE UP. NEWMAN FISHER. ber iieoessarv lo build houses—all of which Treasurer of Jackson < 'o.. < b "gu Big Butte or ut their shop in Jacksou- Persons desiring to purchase good farms j ville. Oregon. increase in the production of( dangerously ill, we are pleased to say. A few j shooting W3s done by Sergeant Wells, who same neighborhood this Summer, to say ment. A word to the wise is sufficient. of any size will do well to enquire of JOS. SOLOMON. other cases are reported in this vicinity. made 112 points out of a possible 150. •ZairA 11 orders will receivo prompt atten­ notbing of those proposed elaewbere. Woodville, June 14, 1879. JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. tion. SMITH A WAISMAN. 7777........ NORMAL SCHOOL. I ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS. THE NEW MILLINERY STORE. ------- ......----- 4»---------—--------- -- Gsiitlemens’ and Lalies' Mcrcliiefs. JOHN MILLER’S I SKELETON Merchant and Exchange Business. FOUND IN ASHLAND I ‘■■J -