] FRIDAY, F PIONEER HARDWARE STORE SPEED PROGRAMME K. KUBLI se bis malady correct- I [ No. 3.—To be called the Society’s Handi- ! TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE ly? There is no doubt but that he cap. Running race, mile beats three in five, | NAILS, is afflicted with all the moral ailments free for all horses owned in the district I with the following penalties ami allowances: ! you have detected, but his is a fear­ The winner of any lace the value of $200.00 ' North of San Francisco, consisting of a Fine Stock ot fully complicated case which has been STOVES, ' to carry twenty-one (21 lbs.) pounds extra recently aggravated by the patient be­ A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES I weight. The winner of any race the value I GENTS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS. | of $100.00 to carry fourteen (I t lbs.) pounds ; ing forced to swallow a vast amount of ■ extra weight. Tile winner of any race the j his own disgorgements. You have value of $50.00 to carry 7 lbs. extra weight.! Agricultui’al Implements, i>s:x-<-<>< >i>s, doubtless fur some weeks past, Maidens (those horses w hich have never HARDWARE, TINWARE, won a race) allowed 7 lbs. weight, not ae- noticed that the Oreyimian has had cummulative. Weights not accummulative nothing to say in denunciation of ex­ ' means that no one horse will be cmnpelleil PUMPS AND PIPE, Senator Mitchell. Indeed, it has on POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION itoearry more than one of the above extra more than one occasion referred to weights. Seven or more to enter and four TRUNKS, VALISES. Etc , to start. Purse $200.00. Entrance $5. En­ him in the most obsequious manner as tries to close on the 1st day . 8.-- Running race, half mile and repeat, ed in its courso and began to make free for all. I’urse $75. Entrance $5. overtures to the ex-Senator to ward off Rules and Regulations. the anticipated calamity of meeting a Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose, 1st—The above purses to be given with­ rival able to measure financial «words» out discount. 2d—The second horse to save entrance with it. An embiissador, in the p°r- money except in race No. 3. Is wonderful in its conception, un­ »on of a superauuated political hack 3d—Entries to be placed in tho entry precedented for doing a large range of A FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC WILL who has outlived his usefulness in box kept lor that purpose at the pavilion sewing in textile fabrics and leather. Its attend to Job-work with neatness ami prior to 9 o'clock P. M. on day previous to the more honorable pursuits of man- motions are continuous, admitting of an dispatch. the raco, except in race No. 3. hood, was employed to approach extraordinary rate of speed, either by 1 will also keep constantly on hand a 1 have secured tho services of a First-class 4th—Entries must give name, pedigree steam or foot power. Every motion of tho Mitchell with propositions for a com­ and description of tho horse entered as large stock ol treadle makes six stitches, thus produc­ promise. At first, this tool of the mo­ Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair­ tar as know n. ing about ona-third more work in a day Two or more entries make a field except LIQUORS AND TOBACCO. nopoly organ was indignantly repuls­ ing promptly and in superior style. than other Sewing Machines. It has no in race No. 3. ed, and it was not until the editor-in- I 5th—All trotting to be in harness. stop motions, and tightens the stitch with Particular attention paid to Farmers (ith—National Trotting Association rules wants and tho supplying ofextras for Earm tho needlo out of the fabric. It uses the chief went in person and through the govern trotting races. Machinery, ami all information as to such well-known Wilson Compound Feed on both sides of the needle. It intercession of your newly elected TN CONNECTION WTTIT THE ABOVE, to 7th —Pacific Coast rules to govern run­ articles furnished eheerful.y, on application. has two-thircls less parts than any other first-class Sewing Machine. I I am receiving and have constantly on Mayor, a reconciliation whs effected. ning races. No pains will be spared to furnish our Its arm is fully eight and ono-half inches long ar.d Five and one-half hand a lull and first-class stock of 8th — Free for all means just what it says. customers with the best ¡roods in the mar­ It is said that the editor, when per­ inches high, and the whole Machine is very compactly and scien­ 9th—In all the above races entrance ket, in our line, and at lowest prices. mitted to do so, grasped the ex-Senr- tifically constructed in proportions, elegance, design and appear­ Groceries, money added except in race No. 3. Agency ofthe l’ACI r’I( RUBBER l’AINT ance. Its simple, powerful and perfect mechanism places it as far tor’s hand and bluboered right out. It —the best in the wot Id. in advance of all other Sewing Machines as the telephone is superior The following Sweep stake race is pro­ Our motto shall be prompt and fair deal­ was agreed that no new paper should DRY GOODS, Gnm Boots, TOBACCO, to the tin speaking tube. The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT, posed: Colt Race, free for any colts in the ing with all. Call and examine our stock be started with Mr. Mitchell’s consent district that were foaled this Spring, 1879, before going elsewhere. Satisfaction guar­ for repairing all kinds of textile fabrics WITHOUT PATCHING, fur­ Rea< >1 II. A. M ouse , Secretary. doubtless, truo to thei- pledges, while I the Oregonian and its friends, with L. S. 1». MAJtSII, A. F. Ql’IKE.S, J. A. lll’KK, TO THE I their usual duplicity, went back on I i I their promises, at the polls, thus plac­ I YIIEKA, CAT». MECHANICS' ing their candidate for U. S. Senator UNION in the highest official position in the —OF— RE NOW MANUFACTURING EV- gift of the people of Portland, and ervthing in the line of giving the police force to Ilio Detno- Northern California and —A N D— crits. Tills reverses tho old adage, Southern Oregon. CONFECTIONERY ! and as paradoxial as it may seem, NEW ERA HAS DAWNED UPON proves that when rogues cohtprinninc Cor. California and 4th Sts. you. An enterprise has been started —MAKING honest men sometimes get their due. in your .......................................... midst which insures to von full —AND— Oregon St., Jacksonville, The Republicans here deny the facts ) value for your product, You can sell your above stated, but 1 presume that you product at B ouirv I Fresh Candy Every Day HUIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- can find evidence in Portland to prove 1 spectfully inform their friends and the THE WOOL HOUSE PROPRIETOR W. J. PLY’MAI.E, all that I have written, correct. public gem»rally that they have purchased And will keep constantly on hand a full as ­ ASIILANl), OREGON, NEWMAN FISHER ¡D r . S anford ’« L iver I nvigo • is a Standard Family Remedy ft • diseases of the Liver, Stomach » •and Bowels.—It is Purely •Vegetable.— It never J Debilitates—It is « Cathartic and • Tonic. ! try ■ JIT TO THE PUBLIC: H LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE * LADIES’AND GENTS’FURNISHING GOODS, Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes bos been used in my pra stioe * * and by the public, for more than 35 ’ears, ,**’ with unprecedented rt sulta, SEND FOR CIRCUlAR. n lea BBOA >W4T, »WAT. •U’l NKW YOB tCITTj [ .i roc ith kiri'Tjrios. ¡ i k%%«M»«V%%Y****** SEWING MACHINE CANDY FACTORY! WO< »I Address WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO, SCHEID BROS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. JI WOOL GROWERS PLANING MILL A TRUE. ronplc arc g. ttln^ acqualnteA—*ud wteo are not ought to tw—with the wonderful merits w bvr*e, ua. Tn. grub, >ltes sud ml every h life. LIVERY STABLE! LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, es, nicJ» Jun«l«H A S pend Y our M oney at H ome .— It is your home; you cannot improve it much by taking away your money to spend or invest. Spend your money at home, because, when it is necessary for yau to get credit, it is of your own merchants you have to get it, and they must wait for tho money. Therefore, when you have tho money, spend it at homo. Spend your in >ney at Imino, It will make better busine-s for our merchants; they can ami will keep better assort­ ments and sell at lower rates than if the only business they can do is to be charged on the books, while the money goes to other places. And, not least, tako your home pa­ per, and pay for it. sortment ol —OF— MARSH & CO., Proprietors. 1 In Red Bluff, Cal., A LL KINDS OF PLANING, MOULD- 71 ing, Turning, Circular and Scroll Saw­ F<>r more than von can realize by shipping ing, to San Francisco. We have bought Three FURNITURE A ORNAMENTAI. CARV­ Hundred Thousand bales thus far this sea ING, El«’., DONE To ORDER. son and want Three Hundred Thousand more if we can get them. Don't failtoseeus Furniture, Sash, Blinds, Doorsand Mould­ before you sell,ami we will either buy your wool or see that you get more for it than ing constantly on hand and made to order. it is worth in San Francisco. 7 if We will contract to design ami erect all kinds of buildings. When desirable to those employing us, we will furnish all the Are turning out 100 com pressed bales daily, material required tor the construction of and it takes wool to keep them going; so anv building reaily for occupancy. bring along your clips and get a good pri«-«1 MARSH A CO. for them, and help yourselves, and by so doing help us to keep the ball rolling and «¡ItAVS SI’KIIK Ml im IVI. presses going. Enterprise should be nur­ tured ami encouraged, especially where it TRADE MARK. benefits the country. Bring <>n your woo], I RADE MVJK. THE GREAT ENG- and get the highest market rates. W IISH REMEDY, an GONE A WELTON. unfailing cure P roverbs C oncerning N oses .— want it all. for spermator­ Red Bluff, May li’.tli, 1879. We have no fewer than fourteen Eng­ rhea, Seminal lish proverbs relating to this ¡«nportant Weakness, I m- feature of tho human face Ji'. iae; potency, and uo: 1. all diseases that Follow your nose. 2 I io cannot see be- Before Takin? follow a- a so- After Taking, l\ (APCINE PoROUSjkl yon«i his nose. 3. An inch is a good <|uenee of Self Abuse; as loss of Memory, I niversal La ssitnde. Pain in the Back,Dim- deal on a man’s nose. -I. He wouM bite ness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and his own n«>se off to spite his face. 5 many other Diseii-cs that lead to Insanity lie has a nos * of noses. 6. As plain as rofitireTy fV /? t, wrrt awarded th* or ('onsumption and a Premature < ¡raxe. A i ihrtf arvI only niven rubhsr jdas'si alt^dh the nose on yoir face, 7. To hold one’s ¿'•i* Full particulars in our pamphlet, the f'cntmnial an I KrnnfUitmt, Widely and which we de-iro to send tree by mail to nose to the grindstone 8. To lead one famiaUy knowi aw vy physicians as a great t?rv- every one. ■’.'t“The Specific Medicine is pr >r' vnthf. ordinary porous plaster, A sk any by tho nos«». 9. To put one’s nose out i hy T' li»'Vf*. It ]g man’s sow. 12 To trust one’s nose in­ No. 1<) Me«4iatii<‘s’ Block, Detroit, Mich. without <1 >’ibt the b»*st ronvuly ever ch*vised for to other peopl ’s business. 13. A no*e I .-imeandWt nk Back, Rheumatism, Spinal and ... Sold in .lacksonx ille by all druggists hi ln« v<’omplainNnrd a’.l local a<-hea antipnii M. and by all w holesale and retail druggists that can smell a rat. 11 Every man’s A*. ■ 4 imlbitions.Sold bv h ’I Driu’^ist^,Price25c. everywhere. S e aburt X J uunson 21 Platt St., N. Y., l’rupra. OUR WOOL PRESSES »PLASTER.'i nose will not make a .- hoeing horn. M istaken K indness to H orses .— JOHN L. CARTER & SON. Many drivers water their horses on the PAINTERS. road as often as opportunity offers. The horse finally- wants no more, hut the driver wishes to make the water ARE FULLY’ PREPARED TO DO useful to the animal, and pours it on WE IT all kind* of Painting, including his legs “in order to cool his feet ” But what Is the result of such sudden HOUSE PAINTING, cooling and wetting? The horse will SIGN PAINTING, be attacked with rheumatic pains ami OR NAM ENT A L PA INTI NG, his thighs will very soon become stiff. In consequence whereof, instead of a WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, refreshment the anim d has received a ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. torture, all done with good intentions. F ortune ’ s F reaks . — .1. Dough­ Orders from the country promptly attend­ ed to. erty,who was h one time ago pardoned out of the penitentiary, 1ms gone to Brooklyn, N. Y.,to look after an estate T valued at $50,0 >o, on which he is sij«| l.VS'nU'CTOJ! LV ,UL'SI( t to have a very considerable claim. Me-wrs. John M. Gearin and Henry Jacksonville. Oregon Gilfry are his attorneys in the ease,and say th it while tho young man may not get any of the inon ?y in question he I COMMENCES HIS FOURTH TERM ON > Monday, May 12th. still has a v.ili I cl vim and is undoubt­ SCALE OF PRICES; edly entitled to a geuerous share.— Single Lessons, each....... ..S 1 50 ¿standard. l’er Term of 21 Lessons.. .. 24 00 PHŒNIX MILLS I I I Plain and Fancy Candies, Nuts, Etc. ^(¿..Southern Oregon dealers in theso ar­ ticles will find it to their advantage to trad«’ witfi us. as they will alwavs be able to ob­ tain their goods FRESH and SALEABLE, and AS (HEAP if not CHEAPER than can he bought anywhere. GIVE US A CALL AND ENCOURAGE H(>M E INDUSTRY. SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S VITAL DR. A. E. .MIN FIE A <’<»., E. T. KUGLER, HUIE RANCH KNOWN AS THE BEN- I nett ranch«», situated on the Illinois River li«»twpen Kerby ville and Waldo, Jose­ phine Co., isoffcre«! tor sale. The ranch com­ prises grain, meadow aixl garden land, all miller good cult ivation. There is a commo­ dious dwelling house and barn thereon, both nearly new. Also a tine fruit orchard growing on the same. The place is well wateredand supplied with 'rrigatingditehes, A'«». Time will be given for part payment if desired. For further particulars apply to 11. K. llANNA, Jacksonville. BREWERY —BY— VEIT SCHUTZ. MR. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY’ TN fornisthe citizens of Jacksonville an surrounding country that he is now manu­ facturing, and < will I lav IUI llltet <(!>' »»Siti. constantly S »IItessiti keep on hand ! the very best of luiger Beer. . Those wishing a cool glass ot beer should give me a call. FARM FOR SALE. rp HE FARM KNOWN AM THE JOHN I L. Murphy’place, lying in the vicinity .• !• ORNAMENTAL IRON FRANCO-A NI ERICAN HOTEL & RESTAURANT —TO GET Opp. Odd Fellows’ Hall, YOUR BLACKSMITHING dom : is THE BEST STYLE \M> AT THE RAILINGS LOWEST J acksonvillc. Oregon JLl/LLVA HOLT, I*> oprietresi,, RATES, IS AT DAV. CRONEMILLER'S. BRICK & LIME for SALE —AND— S. P. HANNA, THE CITY RANCH FOR SALE. YREKA. CAL. FOR CHMETEKIES, BA 1.« ON I ES. EK'. (Graduate University of Pennsylvania, late resident Surgeon Ortho,xrdic Hos­ Stove repairing. Plow Points of al) kinds, pital, Philadelphia.) and Brass Work of every «!«—< ripti«>n made No- 11 Kearury Street, San Francisco. to or«l«»r. Highest cash price pai«l for old iron. Garrett's ami Babbitt's metals always on TO HE HAD OF AI.L DRUGGISTS. hand. LAWToN A SKINNER. HODGE. »AVIS .V CO., ol l'or! lumi. Agents lor Oregon limi Washington Territory. DR. MTNTIE’S large HOSPITAL EX- PEltl EN< 'Eenables him to treat all diseases of a delicate or private nature in the most seientitle manner. Charges reasonable. 60 CENTS PER BUSHEL (Hlice hours—10 to 3 ami 6 to 8 evenings; of wheat, ami farmers can have their choice Sundays 11 to 1 only. of either exchange or sell their wheat at; m irket prices at my mills. I henceforth expect to establish w hich w ill excel the old ones. It shall always be my aim to give the full­ est satisfaction. P. W. OLWELL. Pluvnix, Aug. 9, 1878. Corner of Second and Center Streets, FIUIE UNDERSIGNED ARE N<>\\ P11E- 1 fiarcd to mako al! kinds of < y ERVoUS DEBILITY, PREMATURE ami nianufitelure <»r rcpair all de-criptions Decline, Muscular Weakness, Lost of machinery, upon thè shortest notieo ami thè most reasonable terni*. Conslantly oli Paralysis, Manhoo«!, Defective Memory, .......... ..., _____ .. , Despondency and all conditions produced liand all siz.es of by youthful indiscretions or excesses in Thimble Skeins and Wagon Boxes. mature years. Price, $3 a bottle, or four times the quantitv tor $10. Sent to any ad­ dress by Proprietors, L’ROM PAST EXPERIENCE, I CANNOT offer less than IIRANIVN OF 11.011!, I THE PLACE CURES 1 NEW SISKIYOU IRON WORKS, THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, T»r- H Fancy Crackers cf all Kinds. R estorative tho above establishment, which will be hem-etorth comlm-led under their constant personal supervision, ami they guarantee satisfaet.cn to all who may favor them with aving just received a new their patronage. These stables are centrally located, an«I stock of Harness. Buggies and Car­ within conv<»nient distance of the various riages, I am now prepared to furnish my houses of public entertainment. Horses patrons and the public generally w ith as ami muleswill bo boarded and eared for at moderate charges. They have one ofthe FINE TURNOUTS largest and finest sto< ks tn Oregon, south ol As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle Portland, of horses hired to go to any part of lhe country. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, Animals Bid GUT and SOLD. Horses broke to work single or double. Horses boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon Willi single or double teams, for hire on rea­ sonable terms. Also good Sad«lle Horses them while in my charge. and Mules, which will be hired to go to any rÖ'MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. part ot the country at moderate rates. Animals bought and sold, anti broke to saddle or harness. J. A. CARDWELL. liehest in the ch as WAGO X - AtAKE IL BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE Jacksonville, Oregon, HUIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD TIERE- 1 by inform the public that he lias ONE I Hol SAN I > BUS 11 ELS of superior Jackson IN CRONEMILLER'S BUILDING, T< 1 in receipt of a full assortment of material I ( reck Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish­ I ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the and prepared to do all work in his line on best style and at reasonable rates will do short notice and in a workmanlike manner. welltocall on me. For further information Vehicles of every descript ion ma«le toor. Miny N<> on«, can0 (• ' i *» amount stated above, one «"in .1. Its f; : u I... ■ li -er» • . J) until n