BRIEF REFERENCE. MIMMâ SEWN. R. S. Dunlap will add stone steps to the Lucky Queen Items. NEW THIS WEEK. Sexton's house and otherwise improve the Considerable prospecting is now in progress ¡ S. Houser of Oakland, Or., paid us a fly ­ Harvest has commenced. City Cemetery, which promises to be one of ■ and more will be attempted. ing visit. He returned last Tuesday, accom­ WHEAT WANTED. Warm weather here at last. the finest buryiug-grounds on the Coast at DO JULY 18, 1879. panied by his daughter, Miss Élla, who i Mining operations are still in full blast in distant date. T WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE I i Local correspondence solictied. goes to visit friends at that place. i many portions of Josephine county. 1 for wheat to all those that are owing me, Li M ills .—P. B. Lewis, an expe- Clough & Carll are hauling passengers to Rusticating parties are forming. J. C. Trullingerof ^.storia arrived at this or in i exchange ‘ * saddlorv, harness, aud —AND— for Wm. Healey is at present engaged in pros- sr, has taken charge ofSifers’ mills | Breckenfeld is selling goods at panic prices. Coos Bay from Roseburg for $6 each and are place this morning. He came to look after anything in my line. HENRY JUDGE. ........................ | peering a bar in the Big Applegate that he be­ Jacksonville, July 17, 1879. le, which he is placing in the best re­ his mining interests and to prospect, several ; also selling through tickets to San Francisco lieves will pay well. The S. F. wool market remains unchanged. ; localities in the northern portion of Jackson will do a merchant aud exchange as well ■ for $14.50, furnishing a pleasant ride Horse thieves are said to exist in Lake as cheap passage. A full supply of mining blanks and Copp’s and Josephine counties. i County Treasurer's First — LOCATED AT— *1 proposes giving as much flour, ! ■ county. Rodabatigh, Trullinger A Co., have com ­ Hand book of Mining Law can always be ob- Notice. bran for wheat as any mill inSouth- S. D. Brastow, who ran as express messen- j tained at the T imes office. ASHLAND OREGON The Foot’s creek post office has been discon- i menced work oil their now ditch to carry I ■L We call attention to his adver- ger between thia place ami Yreka along- water to their gravel mine known as the O ffice of C ovntt T reasurer . I [ tinued. sewhere. Frank Ennis informs us that water is begin­ 1 hurston claim, situated on Horse creek, a side of C. C. Beekman and A. E. Raynes in J acksonville , Or., July 16, 1879. J J. H. Hoffman has gone east of the moun- the days of gold, passed through town last ning to fail at the Sterling mine and a clean­ tributary of Jnmp-off-Joe. The ditch is to otice is hereby given that First Session will (’ommcncc Sept, lith, 1S79. ORI am .—Jacksonville Lodge No. ■ tains on business. be about two miles long. up will be made in a few days. there are funds in the County Treas­ week. He is now acting as assistant su­ . F., and Jacksonville Stamm No. ury for the redemption ot county warrants One day last week William Poll<»ck BOARD OF TR« NTF.EN: Most of the miners have suspended opera ­ J. S. Howard has just receive«! a large stock perintendent of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s express *. R. M., of which orders the late protested from October 11th, 1875, to Decem- caught a very largo brown boar in his trap, R ev . L. L. R ogers , President. tions for tho season. The large mining com- business. srer was an honored member, I of the best candies. i>er 11th, 1875. Interest on llio same will A. G. RlMKEELLOW, W. H. A tkinson , . and being a tender-hearted follow, thought ■ panics are all busy yet, however. cease from this date. 8d appropriate resolutions in trib- Mensor is still selling at low prices and J acob W agner , R ev . J. S. M c C ain , E. L.t Albert and Effingham SchiefTelin, it would be cruel to take the life of his pris- NEWMAN FISHER, J ohn W alker , The Squaw I-ake Company is now en- tnemory. We were not furnished won’t lie undersold. R ev . W. T. C hapman , ,3,.,wr without giving him a show for his sons of C. SchiefTelin of Rogue river, have Treasurer of Jackson Co., Oregon. I G. F. B illings . C lark T aylor , time tor this issue, hence do not f County scrip is taken at par on all accounts ' struck it rich in the quartz mines of Arizona I gaged in making a clean-up at its diggings, liberty. So he notified all the nimrods in Ilio neighborhoo«! to appear on the battle ­ lem, much as we would have been ami-ire said to be possessed of mining property but will resume piping immediately. due the T imes office. ground at eight o’clock the next morning. Kerlkyville Mill« doso. pOR THE PURPOSE OF FOUNDING THE Mr. Failing, a gentleman interested in the I he appointed time came and all were at that will make them quite wealthy. Beggs brought the irons for the Rock Point i j *■ ..r'lix.ll ’l . X-...VKV W..W. — — 1 Ashland College and . Normal School, the i Applegate gravel mine, arrived from the their posts. After some preliminary ar- J ant I nstrument .—E. T. Kugler, bridge on his last trip. Geo. Brown and John Hockenjos arc now I north Saturday and is now paying those rangernents Captain P. ordered the prison­ rnilESE WELL-KNOWN MILLS, SITU- pro]»crty known as the Ashland Academy has door to be opened wide, when Mr. Bruin 1 ated at Kerbyville, Josephine county, lieeii placed, free from «lebt, under the control of music, last week received a fine Mrs. Duniway lectured at the Manzanita engaged in constructing a neat frame building diggings a visit. of a Board of Trustees, w ho have inaugurated walked to the door and, seeing the hunters are now prepared to do a the use of his pupils. It is an up- i Church on Sunday last. for Mrs. J. M. McCully. It will be occupied and their dogs, came to the conclusion he the enterprise by tilling the following ¡H»sitious ' Heavy shipments of gold-dust are now being i nan instrument, manufactured at would not go. < >ut ho was hustled and away in the R. L. Ish is manager of Manning 4 Webb’s by E. T. Kugler, instructor of music. ' made from Josephine county to San Fran ­ he went, t he dogs close beli ind, soon leaving Saxon factory of Mansfeldt & Notni, FACULTY : John Miller has gone to San Francisco livery stable at present. I cisco, which is ample evidence that the mines Captain 1’. and hiseomniatid far in the rear. vttne«« of tone and elegance of finish Will give as much flour, shorts and bran, and he will lay in a first-class stock of goods of that region are paying well. REV. LOWELL L. ROGERS, A. M.,President; 1 hat eveningt'aptain P. was minus his bear, Sheriff Bybee has two deputies in the field good merchantable wheat as any mill e excelled by any of the best Ameri- Professor of Mental ami Moral Sciences. while Lieut. Tetherow lamented the loss of for for the Hunter’s Emporium, where Fred. Fur- in Southern Oregon. Elour Flour sacked and Egan A Co. are down 38 feet upon their his favorite dog. They concluded to treat s, living one of the finest between collecting delinquent taxes. W. I. NICHOLS, A. M., Vice President; ry may be found during tho interim. branded, customers furnishing sacks. The ledge near Willow Springs and find the the next bear in a less considerate manner. highest market pri«*e paid for good mer­ Professor of Mathematics. nd San Francisco. W. L. Eppinger of Portland is a duly au- j Lucky Queen, July 11 th. A couple of our citizens indulged in a horse- vein four feet in width and still widening. chantable wheat in cash or goods. (Satis­ MRS. A. A. ROGERS, Preceptress; thorize«l agent of the T imes . race Sunday last, which proved quite interest­ The ore is of an excellent quality. !. F. I nstallation .—At a regular faction guaranteed in all instances. Teacher of English Grammar. County Court Proceedings. Schumpf4 Forman will establish a carpenter­ ing. No f:ist time was made, but some elegant P. B. LEWIS. Ashland Lodge No. 45, I. O. 0. F., MRS. JENNIE BALDWIN NICHOLS, John Orth ami Henry l’ape have relocated Kerbyville, July 16th, 1879. JULY TERM. feats in horsemanship were performed. Teacher of Music and French. he evening of the 12th, John A. shop in this place before long. the Orth quartz ledge on Applegate and pro- < Ifficcrs present — 1 Ion. Silas J. Day,Judgo; Frank Ball has sold his Phrenix property i Other coni|H‘tent, instrui’tors will l»e secured rata- M., installed the following of- The M. E. Church is being put in excellent |M>se prospecting it at an early date. The ruck I Executrix's Notice. E. K. Anderson and C. Magruder, Commis ­ as fast as the needs of the Institution require, removed to Sam ’ s valley. and fierre: R- t. Neil, N. G. ; J. K. Helman, V. repair and will receive the finishing touches promises to be uf an excellent quality. so that pupils may be proviiled with the best sioners; E. B. Watson, Clerk; Wm. Bybee, Intho matter of theestate of Jos. Wetterer, G.; E. 1><-batt, R. s. ; Wali'ce Baldwin, P. Lakeview anticipates upon the speedy erec­ this week. Rev. D. A. Crowell and J. T. facilities for commencing and completing the Wm. Nickell, who has returned from , ►Sheriff'. il<‘ceased. 8.; E. J. P flow, Treas ; I. 0. Miller, I. G.; tion of a brewery at that place. Roloson are the supervising architects. Briggs’ creek, does uot give a flattering ac-1 Newman Fisher, County Treasurer, was NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI’ follow ing COURSES OF STUDY: A. D. Helq kn, R. S. N. G.; H. 8. Emery, L. the undersigned has been appointed bv H. L. Webb started for Fort Klamath Tues­ Bro. Cornell of the "Mercury” exhibits afoml- ' count of that section. He says tho diggings authorized to receive and receipt for al) 1. C i . assk ai .. re'piiring six years, including tho County Court of Jackson county, Ore­ 8. N. G.;1 ’r. Beesou, R. S. 8.; J. D. Fountain, day with Lieut. Shelton ami family. ness for our local items and he would also ap- : are deep, hard to work and not particularly | moneys due this county from Lake. preparat«irv studies. Graduates receive the gon, sitting in probate. Executrix underlhe The petition of Jeptha Davison and others o.ii r» a ir L. S. S.; A « J Ball, R. S. V. r» G.; . \yul Taylor, Decrees ot A. B. and A. M. W in. H. Shook left for Lake county Mon­ propriate our editorial squibs without bestow­ rich in gold. fora mad leading up Andtuson creek was will of Jcs. Wetterer, deceased. f L. S. V. G. 2. S ciex i iri<, requiring four years. liegree All persons indebted to said estate are re­ ¡ day, but will return in Sejitember next. i ing a scintilla of credit. Naughty, that! C'apt. A. P. Ankeny of Portland arrived in . dismissed for want of prosecution. I Win. Bybee, Sheriff, files his report ot quested to settle the same immediately, and «•«»nfern’d. B. S. L eiture I.—Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway L. Leonar«l of Althouse, Josephine county, ! town Wednesday am. is looking after his min-| moneys collected and paid over, showing those having claims against the estate w ill For business, calling ami visiting cards,go to 3. N«» i : mal , C ommeri ial . and MrsicAt, oc­ will lecture t the Court House this evening the T imes office. We make a specialty of them. has forwarded agricultural machinery to Lake ing interests in this section, lie is one of the ■ amount still delinquent to be 82,643.82. Re­ present them with the proper vouchers to cupy ing three years each. Diplomas given cer­ port received and said officer given until me at my residence in Jacksonville, Jack- tifying to attaimiHTits of gnuluates. at 8 o’clock . M., choosing as her subject “The H. F. Nitlay has been appointed postmaster county, intending to attempt the cultivation of ! owners of the Sterling mine, which enterprise the first Monday in August in which to col­ son county, Oregon, within six months af­ EXPENSES. itenmal ear.” On Sunday next she will be lie paid a visit. ter the first publication of t his notice. lect same. Tuition in four Collegiate Branches, $6 a of the Lucky Queen P. 0. A good appoint­ a portion of his large ranch in that region. Fit EDER IC K A WErrE RER, Foot's i k. Returning, she will deliver ment. Parties recently from Silver creek report ' The petition of Jas. Elliott and others for month. Music, $5 a month (use of instrument M. A. Brentano and family arrived from Executrix of said estate. a county road leading from Folin Linville's last lec re in this place on the Monday SI aiiditiotial). Vocal music in class, $3 a that there are about 1.” H further appointments are: Rock river valley, to which point he returned this become ¡»ossessed of a bonanza as yet. Pros­ U«»ttag< ‘s for self-l»<»anling, 82 to $5 ¡»er month. EXHIBIT dates. I - In the matter of tho ¡»etition of J. B. 22d; Grant’s Pass, July 23d; pects continue good and money seems to be Thomas PARTIAL LIST OF TEXT BOOKS. week. and others for a road leading from F THE RECEIl’lS AND EXPENDI- The Roseburg Foundry wants 20,000 pounds Robinson's Mathematics, Steele's Series in illy 25th; Canyonville, July 26th R. S. Armstrong’s mill on Evans' creek tures of Jackson county, State of Ore­ Natural Sciences, Harkness' Latin, Fasquell’s The sympathetic citizens of Jacksonville plentiful. of east iron, for which it will pay the highest to the divide between the waters of Trail gon, from July 1, 1878, to July 1, 1879. yrtle Creek, July 28th. M. A. Brentano has relocated a quartz ; were this week favored with an opportunity of French, Reed's Series in English Composition, and Evans'creeks. Report of viewers ac­ price. Ntnte Fund. Richar«isoii's Piano Instruction. bestowing alms u | k » u a one-arined mendicant, ledge in tho vicinity of Shivelly gulch and cepted and said road established as a pub­ SuRvririM.—Messrs. McKenzie, Caton and Amount of State tax and tor the upon which several thousand dollars were' lic highway. The Boani of Trustees met on Tuesday, but i PROMINENT FEATURES AND ITEMS OF :kelson, who have received a contract for adjourned to this evening without transacting 1 who exhibited a decided partiality for the ar- , expended at an early day, but since lying INTEREST. Report ol .1. D. Fountain, School Superin­ redemption ot State warrants $ 10,525.67 dent. per contra . rveying G Iverument laml, started their par- any business. 1. The College will be chartered; and the idlo. He believes that it will prove to be a tendent, showing the amount of school money received ami distributed during fis­ By Co. Treasurer’s receifit from Normal or Training School for Teachers will l»e The boarding-house connected with Ashland ’ for the ?l»plegate couutry Monday, w here cal year to ha\ e been $7,457.25,was approved. Miss Alvina Hesse left for Crescent City on College w ill l»e under the management of 11. C. I valuable mine yet. made, it is li<»|»e. and II. Todd are making $10 a day, I ui»on warrants July 1st, extended visit. ing the amount received during the past Outstanding same institution under 1’rof. Skidmore's re- 2. Ashland has no saloons. The sale of in­ they will next proceed to Evans’ creek ami 1878............................................ $ 4,821 51 and Fehlt A Ficke ar« also doing well Mike fiscal year to have been $7,683.76, with $7,- A thresher with necessary appurtenances, i gime. toxicating liquors is ¡»roliibited by the Cityau- Jurors fees Circuitcourt $1,781 38 there finish up their contract, which is uuder Boer is said to have refused a considerable sum 165.99 as the amount disbursed, was ap­ Witnesses fees Slate 1 thorities, who are sustained by a strong public *11 in complete order, are offered for sale in our proved. the immediate supervision of A. 0. Eckelson, Theo. Cameron returned from Ashland pre­ of money for his claim. Others are working cases............................ 1,726 60 sentiment. The annual report.sof E. B. Watson,Clerk, an excellent civil engineer, ami formerly con­ •dvertising columns. cinct last Tuesday, accompanied by his mother, away with fair results. in Circuit and 3. The School will be under the supervision and Newman Fisher. Treasurer, were ex­ Expenses County Court............ 659 11 of an Evangelical Christian Church. The Bi- Miss Mary Love left for Oakland, Cal., who has nearly reeovere«! from the injuries she nected with the Northern Pacific engineering amined, approved and or over seventy ounces of in D emocratic T imes and "Oregon Sen- Exj»enses in Justices’ I file will lie reverently reaecretary; Jas. R. Little, Treas- ment of its cemetery in view, which it will | ably pay us a visit. recently picked up a nugget of gold valued at | spondence from this place, and which re­ County........................ 7(»0 (»0 dies. r; Frank Hu*fer, Warden. This organiza- enclose m ith a neat, new paling. A very large concourse followed the remains $120, as also other smaller pieces, one <»f which flected in a shameful and unjust manner on State Patients.expenses 925 50 I 6. An Endowment of $20,000 will l»e, there commencea its career with \ ate a mem- is reason to ho|»e, promptly suled, ena­ John Cimborsky, Deputy Great Sachem of of Jos. Wetterer to their last resting-place. | 1 weighed almost an ounce. Water has about at least one ot our citizens. The offense is Feos and salaries of County Officers......... 4.951 92 bling the Trustees to reduce the present rates tip, which (fromiaea to increase considera- the Improved Order of Red Men, has gone to The Odd Fellows and German Red Men turned failed here and preparations for next season's deserving of the severest condemnation, but we doubt very much whethor this was Jailor's ft*es, board and of tuition, sjwcially to Teachers, after the pres­ u time. The boya should receive due latke county on official business. out in full force, the deceased being an old work will soon l»e coiniuenceil. an appropriate way of expressing it. washing tor prisoners 537 53 ent year. Address communications to ■ageme*-* this matter, as it may be Repairsand expenses of Fancy printing of every imaginable descrip­ member of l»oth orders. | Towne 4 Reynolds, in the Sterling district, I P ersonal .— We this week received a pleas­ County buildings..... 892 00 Ashland College and Normal School, active of « i such benefit to them and can tion execute 1 at the T imes office in style un­ J. R. Cameron this week purchased over 14,- have completed ground-sluicing ami are now ' ant call from Lieut. Shelton, who was on his re­ Stationery, lights A fuel 467 92 ASHLAND, OREGON. i inly do noi harm’________ I j 000 pounds of wool of O. Harbaugh of Eden eiigageil in cleaning-up, which will occupy some District Attorney's f«‘es excelled ami at San Francisco rates. turn to Fort Klamath from Vancouver, accom­ paid by Co., and at­ The proposed foot-race between Henry Men­ precinct, paying him 18 cents ¡»er pound. This time. Mr. Reyuolds informs us that the panied by his family. We found the Lieuten­ torney in case of suit N ew I sDKPEN1,,ES’r S chool R eaders .— is one of the heaviest transactions in wool that Spring run proveil an average one, the results ant a very affable gentleman, speaking in the with latke county...... 340 00 F Gunn Jtt8en^ f°r A. S. Barnes A Co., tor of this place and Geo. L’wis of Josephine highest terms of the hospitality for which the Teinpirary aid to indi­ i have ever taken place in the valley. I of wliieh have been quite favorable. liahers of/new 8er*e!* books re- County is said to l»e off for the ¡»resent. [teople of Jacksonville are proverbial. It is to gent ¡»oor.................... 71 P l* ” ° ed by the State, issues the follow- The Morrell Minstrel Troujie, one of the Ex-Governor Chailwiek has l»een recalled to be hoped that be will find occasion to visit us Printing for County...... Capt. .1. M. McCall, the well-known Ash ­ 50 csntly ad Interest paid on re­ School clerks who have been re­ land merchant, was in town Saturday. He most popular companies that travels through the Willamette valley, but will return in a frequently, for he is always welcome. ing notice: deemed warrants....... 801 60—$22,774 86 I : the interior, will perform at the Club Room to- few weeks. This gentleman is doing much to ‘ inform county superintendents as reports that place moving steailily ahead. S chool T each eh W anted .—The direc­ quested to ' night, as also to-morrow evening. We antici­ develop tho mining resources of Southern ’ r of school readers and spellers of Total Indebtedness..., .$27.596 37 An entertainment will take place after har­ tors ot Uniontown school district desire to to the nu pate a crowded house on each occasion. that will be required for supply in Oregon, and it is to be hoped that he will PER CONTRA engage the services of an efficient teacher, vest in the pavilion erected in McCoy's grove each class tive districts are hereby informe«l for the recent Fourth of July celebration. I It is said that the Hamilton & Chap[»el dig- meet with the success belonging to him ami whom they will pay the best ot wages. By cash in hands of their res Application should bo made forthwith. Treasurer as J»er ex­ ing such order through the super- ; gingsnearUniontown have been robbeil upon dif­ his colleagues. I hibit July 1st, 1878....$ 6X3 29 that in Dee Is, mortgages, ironclad notes, receipts, to they are not thereby incurring any ferent occasions recently,and it is believed that Helms, Koster .t Co., are prospecting for delinquent tax for Justice’s blanks, attorney’s summonses, etc., the culprits have been carrying on a regular a quartz ledge in the vicinity <»! their dig-1 Ixwr. On the 28th of June, between Black- By 1877 H. RUSSELL, PROPRIETOR. ..................... ....... 261 17 for themselves. The object of the well and Rock Point, a heavy silver watch, four- Habilit can always be obtained at the T imes office. By amount forold lum ­ gings on Foot’s creek. They believe that a otince case, with chain. The tinder will be lib­ system of robbery for several months past. era in making this request is simply to ber............................... 6 00 i Prof. W. I. Nichols, of the faculty of Ash ­ istiruate of the number of hooks that is The Foot’s Creek Minstrels vill to-night vein of ricli ore exists somewhere in the im­ erally rew arded by returning it to F. M. Par­ By amount Iroin Lake rpilE UNDERSIGNED, BEING STA- ker, or leaving it at the T imes office. land College, was in town this week. He has give an entertainment at home for the benefit mediate neighborhood, a« a quartz nugget j county for freight..... 60 00 to be required. I tinned at Ashland again, lias turned his I By amount received for already located at that ¡»lace with his family. [ of the new school-house. The evening's containing several hundred dollars in gold entire attention to the MARRIED. indigent fund............ 95 50 att T hunder -S torm .—A thunder-storm T. G. Reames ami .1. R. Neil started for the amusement will conclude with a dance, follow- ami other smaller ones have at different By amount from State MARBLE BUSINESS, times been found there. WOODY—MILLS—In Josephine county, common violence occurred in the upper | . » Wagner creek mountains Monday, intending for State Patients....... 1,249 17 e«l by a basket supper. A pleasant time is an­ on July 6th, by II. Brown,.!. P., Marshall By amount from trial and is fully prepared to fill all orders in .on of the valley on Sunday last ami occa- ; t<> ( spend a few days in chasing the festive deer. Drifting is carried on with good success by WooM*s..... 18,101 91—$33,364 13 _____________ Some of the sidewalks need repairs sadly. a contract for the survey of some Government ■••ng. ease, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Com­ «'oniity >iiii«l. I R rlioious I tems .—Rev. 1). A. Crowell will In some instances they are actually dangerous land. fiam. L. Simpson, Oregon's poet laure­ M oxtment <' omih . ei ei ». -I. IL Russell of plaints, or Retention ot t rine, are cured by T<» amount of warrants Key. lie Hulls at LESS than Bedrock preach his last sermon for the present confer­ . X <; « I rav «V V - ­ the Nephreticum. Female Weakness, to the passing pedestrian. This should be ate, accompanied the party. I Ashland, the pioneer marble-worker of South­ el, outstanding J ill v 1st, prices FOIL CASH, and nil those pur­ ence year at the M. E. Church in this place on back, side and Diabetes, pain in lhe remedied at once. 1878................... .*........ $ 4,821 51 W. F. Wilkinson informs us that a hail- ' ern Oregon, has recently completed a beautiful loin are cured when all other medicines chasing Building Hardware, Tools ot 'nday next at 11 o’clock a . M. In the after- To amount of warrants MeKenzie 4 Co., who are nnw engaged in ' storm of uncommon severity occurrein- announces these appointments: Second Sun- Troy, New York. tie's medicines: The English Dandelion Treasurer.!uly 1,1879$ 1,299 97 in August, at Williams creek, .Josephine] Simon Caro will leave for Roseburg in a few stones were the largest that have ever fallen i parison with work of this kind turned ou at Pills; also the famed Nephreticum, and in Warrants retleemcd ! Flint, ho Is detormlned to undersell any I anv •z marble * yard. Mr. • Russell will set in all eases highly recommended: County, camp meeting; third Sunday !■' July 1st. 1879.......... 16,297 31 at Bybee s^ days ami those indebted to the firm of Fisher there. I one in ‘lie tnwrket, and people who John A. Childs, Druggist, Second street, Outstanding warrants Ferry, Jackson county, district conference.... 4 Caro will find it economical to settle before Judge Watson of the Second Judicial Dis­ place in the Rock Point cemetery in a i. irt wish Cutlery, Quartz or Spy Glasses, Portland. July 1st, 1879 ............ 9,194 46 — $26,791 i I "Rev. M. C. Miller of Applegate Circuit, M. E. he takes his departure. * trict recently «lecided that A. A. I ink, James I. time. We are glad to note that Mr. Russell, 11. Woodward A Co., Druggists, corner or anything made of iron; Asset*. who does good work and deserves a liberal pa­ First and Abler streets, Portland. Church, South, writes us that the Williams I am ber 4 Judson’s self-heating sad-iron is ' Gazley and .James F. Gazley, Jr., ¡»ay to Sol. Amount of judgments against Messrs. Abrams A Carroll, wholesale creek eamp-meeting will commence on August one of the most popular household articles now Abraham and W. R. 3^ illis damages to the tronage, is finding his business increasing. Lake county...................... . ........ $2,185 >0 I Druggists, Nos. 3 and 5 Front street, S. F. Amount dee from Josephine Co... 2.068 39 7th and continue until the 13th. No public in use. It combines economy with utility ami amount of $200 for obstructing the Canyon We regard the Nephreticum as the best P rorate . C ourt .—The following business 1,299 .... 97 Fact people from every place or from table will prol»ably be kept, but accommoda­ is une»¡naled in its execution. roa here For Biliousness and Dyspepsia, teuskd* by certify that the above exhibit is a full Will find that he means business, and yey of that place, toward laying it out more Maegly and Henry Kubli left tor the Siskiyou deceased. John Bolt appointed administrator Pills. Use Dr. Mintie ’ s English Dandelion and Wm. Ray, John O'Brien and C. B. Matt- showing ot the financial condition of Jack- will get bargains by calling on him be­ | 1 mountains Monday, intending to speml seveial ney ap,»raisers of said «‘state. For Fever and Ague, T h « F ourth at J erome P rairie . —A fegnlarly, is iu contemplation. county, State of Oregon, as appears fore going elsewhere. Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Pills. son In the matter of the estate of Jos. Cox, de­ Use from the records now in my office. ■correspondent sends as the following ac­ W. I. Friedlander, of the well-known firm, j days in hunting and fishing. They neglected to Everv family should not fail to keep the Witness my hand this loth day of July, count of the celebration at Jerome Prairie, •f S. Marks 4 Co., Roseburg, who has been | undertake any extensive contnicts for furnish- ceasepointe