BRIEF REFERENCE. The corn doctor and the galvanic battery I PERSONAE NOTES. MININO NEWS. IN MEMORY OF JOHN li. NEH manipulator are the latest tranqis that have Business quiet. infested this section, Their victims did not1 Dr. Callender has returned to Roseburg. The subject of this sketch was born in Thornton, Kincaid A Co. are doing well on Buchanan county, Mo., Oct. 20, 1842. I- In I Fickle weather. prove numerous. John Bolt, Applegate's Nasby, was in town Silver creek. They have picked up nuggets 1858 the family- crossed the plains and set­ JULY 11, 1879. “Roses bloom and then they wither,” but this week. Fine oranges at Howard’s. | weighing $89 and 847, besides several smaller tled near Brownsville, Linn Co., Oregon, and in the fall of 1854 removed to Jackson everlasting are those imparted by the unex- . pieces. Ice is cheaper than formerly. J. R. Neil, Esq., has returned from Lake the 28th of June, between Black - —AND— county and located at tlie same place the colled leverages of Matt. Dillon, His liquors county in a fine state of preservation. (Point, a heavy silver watch, four- i Overland travel is increasing. The Enielinc Cinnabar Company holds its an- family now reside, a few miles soh U i of Ash­ never fail to please. I with chain. The finder will be lib- <«en. J. G. Wall of Crescent City is regis­ * nual meeting at the Court House in this place land. During the mining excitement of Jacobs has piles of new goods. 1862, John went north and remained about The mail for Wright s, on Big Applegate, tered at the Clarendon Hotel, Portland. on Thursday next, at which time officers w ill a year in the Salmon river country. In 1X63 rally rt warded by returning it to I. M. I ar- Read the new advertisements. leaves here Thursday morning« until the 1st of1 — LiM'ATEI* AT— ho returned and resided in our valley, gen­ er, or leaving it at the T imes office. lion. Henry Klippel arrived from Squaw lie elected. Indians plentiful ami peaceable. Octolier, when the time of its departure will erally engaged in agricultural operations, The Sterling Company will probably com­ Lake Wednesday aud will return to-day. until the beginning of the Modoc war, whon ASHLAND OREGON. lie changed to Tuesday. R ain -' all ._ Rev. M. A. illiatns has kind- Iz»cal correspondence is solicited. mence a final clean-up the latter part of this he enlisted and went to the front as one of Division Agent Carll passed through town ! y furnished us tho following report of the Wedding invitations and cards aud every The fruit crop will be quite large. month and shut down for the season w hen it is the first of the Rogue River volunteers. Be­ the forepart of the week, on his way south. Ain-fall for the past six months, as denoted by ing closely associated with him during the Eint Smion will Commrnee Srpt. lath. 1*79. description of fancy printing executed at the completed. New gotxls are still arriving at Kearnes’. stormy early days of the war. which cul­ Miss Donna Sisley, a niece of E. D. Fou- is rain-gauge: January, 1.49 inches; Febru- T imes office in the highest stylo of the art The Squaw Lake and Sterling Companies minated in tho disastrous tight ot Jan. 17, The Odd Fellows’ celebration conies next. dray of this place, arrived from Baker City ry, 1.07; March, 4.49; April, 1.68; May, 3; HOilin OF TRI ATEEii: at San Francisco prices. and Gin Lin are busily piping away with a sup­ 1873, in the Lava Beds, I learned to love the 'Sunday. Hubert's sprinkler proves a luxury nowa­ i man for his candid, generous nature and tor fune, .6?. Total, 12.40 inches. :v. L. L. R ogers , President. The foundation for the proposed Masonic ------------------- --- -------------------- Miss Tillie Miller, who has been paying ply of water that promises to hold out for sev­ the courage which distinguished him as a i kff . i . i . ow , W. H. A tkinson , days. ! building at Ashland was commenced thia week. soldier. When I think of that struggle I eral weeks to come. |r,itNT._ M. A. Houston informs us that I. M c C ain , J acob W agner , The base-ball fever has almost died out in The structure will be hurried toward comple­ Roseburg an extended visit, returned home am reminded of several incidents which dis­ T. C hai - man , J ohn W alker , ,oa'a, a young man residing at the Mead- | yesterday. W. A. Johnson, an experienced miner, is played the nobility of John’s nature; but let ailok , G. F. B illings . Jackson county. tion as rapidly as possible. cad his leg broken at the thigh by his I Senator Ross is afflicted with rheumatism opening a quartz claim in Josephine county one suffice: On the dread 17th, a poor The new stage buildings on Grave creek are Running against a tree with him while The P. O. Department warns tho public . and is quite unwell inconsequence, we aru sor- and expects to commence crushing ore about trooper, deserted by his company, lay among the sharp rocks of the Lava Beds, l/ORTHE PUlil’OSEOF FOUNDING THE nearing completion. ed iu a trialof speed. Although his injur- against certain rascals now prowling in South- ! ry to learn. the 1st of September. mortally wounded. When wo found him I I Ashland C.dltge and Normal Sch.sil, tho his agony was intense, aggravated no doubt Fourth of July dances were as abundant as I ern Oregon and pretending to be agents of i se -ere, the sufferer is rapidly improving. John S. Miller, writing to Capt. B. B. Grif­ by the dread of falling into the handset the i pro|K-rty known as the Ashland Academy has N. Delamater of Browntown, Josephine California fashion journals. flies in Summer time. been placed, free from debt, under the control ool B ooks .—The Pacific Coast series of I j county, spent tho Fourth iu town and has re­ fin, says the miners on Silver creek that Modoc fiends, to be made the subject ot I of a Boar.1 of Trustees, who have inaugurated nameless tortures in his last moments. We Haying is about finished and harvesting will Willie Bilger and Frank Vining have con­ turned home. have their claims ojiened are generally doing 8 bocks, which have been superseded by I were then fighting the savages near the the enterprise by filling the following positions structed an ice-cream saloon on the vacant land commence immediately. stronghold and we could carry neither the ■ in thu ♦«iepmdent series, may be given in ex- Capt. O. C. Applegate and wife returned to well and money is more plentiful than usual. FACULTY : Every prospector should have a supply of dead nor wounded with us. This man must for the new books adopted by the I The Board of Trustees will meet in regular between the stores of Jas. Drum and C. Cole­ i Klamath Agency Wednesday, after a brief but be conve.ved across the lava walls behind man. Give tho Iniys a call. REV. LOWELL L. ROGERS. A. M.,President; notices of location of placer and quartz mines 9, the parties hac’ng the old books paying session on Tuesday next. pleasant sojourn in this county. our position to a place of comparative safe­ Professor of Mental and Moral Sciences. R. J. Cameron informs us that a heavy frost ’ exchange, which is rea- and a copy of Copp's Hand-book of Mining ty on the lake shore, where a surgeon could Blanks of every description can always be ob­ Bob Kahler has recovered from his recent attend him. Sergeant Neil and two other 1. NH'HOLS, A. M., Vice President; w. occurred on Applegate on tho night of the tained at the T imes office. indisjiositioii ami is ready to administer to thu Law-, all of which can be obtained at the T imes men volunteered to undertake this hazard­ Professor of Mathematics. Fourth, which nipped the tender vegetables office. ous act and,crossing the ragged walls under afflicted with his accustomed suavity. Mileage will lie added to delinquent taxes MRS. A. A. ROGERS, Preceptress; T.—The T imes corps and did considerable damage. fireofthe Modoes, conveyed the wounded Recent reports leave the impression that the not paid by next Monday. Teacher of English Grammar. Wu learn that Dr. J. W. Robinson, now at aity to express its ap- man to the lake shore and soon returned, Business men can keep their money at home richness of the Briggs ’ creek mines lias lieen MRS. JENNIE BALDWIN NK’HOLS, Salem, will return to Jacksonville and resume unscathed, to their place in the line of bat­ There is not a single hones in Jackosnville al host of the New State by ordering their bill-heads, letter-heads, notes, the practice of his profession at no'distant date. j exaggerated. The Silver creek country prom­ tle. Teacher of Music and French. cineinbrauce iu the shape to rent for love or money. After tho war was over John returned to receipts, etc., at the T imes office, where the ises better, as several good claims have been Other competent instructors will l»c secured ,d cake, accompanied by a sup- W. H. Shook will soon take his dejiart- *• 5 < —®‘‘«< The frame-work of Blia-nix's new church tlio old homo near Ashland, where he re­ as fast ;is the needs of the Institution require, best printing is done at low rates. mained most of (lie time until his dentil, so that pupils may Ire provided with the best dyof deliei'l is sherry cobbler. May Charley s building has been completed. ! lire for his old home in Lake county, where o]H-ned. which occurred April 7, 1X79. When the facilities for commencing and completing thu Messrs. Eckelson ami Lackland have return ­ G. W. Holt has engaged the services of Mr. •h ulow nev ' grow less. he will spend several months before rcturn- Green apples have made* their appearance news came to us in the Lake country, that Scott of Ashland, au excellentbricklayer, w ho, ing. ed to Palmer creek and resumed the survey of John H. Neil was dead, we could hardly re­ follow ing UOLTRSES OF STUDY: N ew M> EV O rder O ffices .—Linkville and doctors are apprehensive. in conjunction with himself, will hurry the | I Messrs. Bonham and Waldo of Salem have I a ditch the Palmer Creek Mining Company s'ize that such could be true; that one whose 1. C lassi , ai ., requiring six years, including Fruit cans can be obtained in countless new U. S. Hotel toward completion. nd Lakevie r have become full-fledged post nature was all brightness and hilarity could returned from their visit to Southern Oregon. | have projected and which they may complete so soon have faded and passed away from 1 preparatory studies. Graduates receive tho ‘fficea, the privilege of issuing money orders numbers at Bilger's hardware store. Several thunder showers occurred in this They report having enjoyed a very pleasant this year. earth forever. But “there is no appeal from | Degrees of A. B. and A. M. aving been extended to them recently. This Rev. Herman Krebs, of Marysville, preached section during the past week, cooling the at­ trip. 2. S cientific , requiring four years. Degree Howard, Pape & Co., who own a largo tract tlio law which dooms us to the dust’’and we ctioa on the part of the Post Office Depart­ at the Court House on Sunday last. must all soon enter the shadows w hich fall ' conferred. B. S. mosphere and laying the dust. No particular 1). M. MeMenamy has returned from East- of mineral land at the mouth of Beaver creek, about the tomb. “We do not want to enter 3. N ormal , C ommercial , and M usical , oc- ment will be well received by the people of Unsurpassed are the bargains offered by Men- ■ damage to crops has resulted from them. I ern Oregon, and says, as there is no place like have 1 Minded it to Messrs. Chadwick & Mc- the dark valley, though its passage lead to 1 eiipying three years each. Diplomas given cer- -ake county, as the change will prove of ser, for proof of which give him a call. Nevin, who will commence prospecting be­ Paradise;’’ but,when we little expect, we are , tifying to attainments of graduates. T. T. McKenzie has just received several Jackson county, he is content to remain awhile rest convenience to them. as the sheaves of the harvest. A EXPENSES. i garnered fore long. Barker s Big Butte mills are running on full new fixtures for the Eureka flouring mill, and longer. generous friend and genial companion, an Tuition in four Collegiate Branches, ?6 a We were this week favored with calls from ' Beck Bros., on Big Ajiplegate, recently com­ honest man and good citizen, has gone from month. Music, $5 a month (use of instrument IP A IRS in P rogress .—The M. E. Church time aud give employment to fifteen men. I is now engaged iu placing that institution in . Ben Haymond and 'Squire J. W. Hays of Rock 1 pleted a ditch over two miles in length and among us and alasting shadow has fallen 81 additional). V oca I music in class, 83 a w being thoroughly renovated and, among Jesse D. Carr has been buying beef cattle in first-class condition for the busy season. across the threshold of the old home; but I quarter. Board in Boarding Bailor in Private Point, who report matters in statu quo since are engaged in ground sluicing. They expect John has only preceded us a little time things, will be furnished with a new roof I.ake county for the San Francisco market. Hardly a day passes but what a peripatetic tho Fourth. H/ t<> employ more scientific methods as they open To that mysterious realm where each shall Families, 83.50 to 81.50 a week. Ib>oms or oor. The seats will also lie remmleled The well-known horse “Turk” can hereafter fraud levies tribute upon this section for an ex- i Cottages for sclf-lH>arding, 82 to $5 per month. take irious improvements made, which will their claim. N, Wright was down from Big Applegate PARTIAL LIST OF TEXT Bl »OKS. His chamber in tho silent halls of death. lie found at Westrop’s farm at the Meadows. istence and not unfrequently victimizes a con­ i the building quite a neat apyiearance. Robinson's Mathematics. Steele's Series in June 39, 1R79. O. C. A. Wednesday, and re|H>rts mining operations Johnson A Allison are still engaged in clean­ D. S. Cook, an excellent blacksmith, has es­ siderable numlier of the unsophisticated. Natural Sciences, Harkness’ Latin, Fasquell s s new departure from the existing state of as still being continued by the large companies ing up, but will be unable to complete this tablished himself iu business at Graut's Bass. | French, Reed's Series in English Composition, The celebration at Jerome Prairie under the MARRIED in will hardly be amiss. of that neighborhood. i | Riehanlson's Piano Instruction. work lietore water fails entirely. They are Fourth of July lias come and gone and all auspices of Josephine Grange was a successful PROMINENT FEATURES AND ITEMS OF HOUSTON — RODGERS — Di Sam ’ s Valley, J. D. Fountain, H. S. Emery and A. D. doing well, however, having taken out several allenge A ccepted .—There is a prob- are content to resume their wonted quiescence. affair and attracted a large crowd. The pro­ July 6th, by W. A. Childers, J. P„ Jas. INTEREST. Helman of Ashland were in town Tues«lay, at­ hundred dollars up to this time. ty of an interesting foot-race coming P. Houston and Miss Minnie B. Rodgers. 1. The College will lie chartered; and the Trout are being eaught in great numbers in ceedings were varied and quite interesting. tending the installation of the officers of thu •eforo long, as Geo. Lewis of Jose- McDonough, Kahler A Co. will resume ojwr- POWELL—EARL—In Jacksonville, July Normal or Training School for Teachers will be the Applegates. They are also of a fine quality. Nothing further of importance has developed e county has signified his intention of I. 0. O. F. Encampment. Till, by Rev. I). A. Crowell, Michael Pow­ I made, it is h.qs*d by special enactment, an ad- ations on the well-known Fort I^ne quartz ell and Mrs. Louisa D. Earl. itself in the harlior question. Cape Foul ­ i junct of the Public Scnool system, and Diplo­ Attention is called to the card of J. H. Hy- »ting the challenge issued by Henry Mrs. Duniway held forth at the M. E. ledge forthwith and will go down al unit twen­ mas made equivalent to first-grade certificates. LATHROP — GARRISON — Tn Salem, Julv Zer elsewhere, in which he sets himself right. weather, Crescent City, Port Orford ami Cape «or of this place. Preliminaries for Church on Sunday last, delivering au interest­ ty feet further this season, The pros|H‘ct.s for 2. Ashland has no saloons. The sale of in­ 6, 1X79, by Rev. I’. S. Knight, Isaac \V. I Arago are all favorably mentioned in thia see, which will be one for S1*K) a side, I.athr<>p, ot Jackson county, and Miss toxicating liquors is prohibited by the City au­ John Chandler, of the Clayton creek shingle ing lecture upon a theological subject. A fair a well-defined ledge of unparalleled richness noe 100 yards, aro now being arranged. factory, will establish an agency in this place. ^connection. Maggie Garrison, of Marion. thorities, who are sustained by a strong public attendance was noticeable. are favorable. sentiment. The weather for 1879 has thus far lieen a There is some talk of organizing a base ball L ady P reacher .—Miss Jennie Rush, Curly Webb returned from Roseburg Fri­ H. P. McNevin, 3. The Sch.xd will l>e under the supervisi.m DIED. phenomenal perplexity. Not only have we of an Evangelical Christian Church. The Bi­ hter of Samuel Rush of Grant's Pass, a club at Roseburg to visit Jackson county in the day, but without Capt. Riley and Lieut. Nhel- expected to arrive had little if any Summer weather, but frosts —On Bear creek, July 9th, of[ ble will be reverently read and studied; the ton, those gentlemen being recalled to \ an- j from San Francisco in a few days. He will MATHES g lady qfabout nineteen, is said to have en- Fall. typhoid fever, Bertha, daughter of Mr. I worship of God encouraged; but thu Institu­ are of almost as frequent occurrence as if it I • couver on military business. (the field as an expounder of thu Gospel, and Mrs. W. M. Mathes; aged about 14 ’ tion w ill lx* sectarian in no objectionable sense. , then resume the prosecution of mining enter­ Heavy showers of rain, which seemed to were early Spring. years. livered her first sermon at that place on fall in certain localities only, are reported this 4. Book-keeping, Business Arithmetic, Eng­ Hon. P. P. Prim, Justice of the Supreme I prises inaugurated by ex-Governor Chadwick The fixtures for J. B. Thomas' new saw-mill WETTERER—In Jacksonville, July 9th,of lish Coiii|M>siti<>n and other branches specially last and is announced to preach at week. Court, left for Salem Tuesday to attend the and himself in the interest of California capi­ dropsy of the heart, Jos. Wetterer; aged | preparatory for Business Life, w ill receive un­ at the Meadows have arrived and will imme­ dville on the 20th, after which she will 50 years, 3 months and 2! days. Beautiful visiting cards of every style and diately be put into position, enabling Jesse to July term of that body. His Honor expects to talists. usual attention. a tour of Jackson and Josephine counties, bu absent for several weeks. 5. The Preceptress will give her chief atten­ I A partial clean-up was made tho other day shade printed at the T imes office at Eastern furnish the market with an excellent quality I ’ thia place on her return home. tion to the care and oversight of the young la­ ! at thediggingsof Kubli A Bolt, on Farris' gulch, Geo. W. Stephenson has taken up a resi ­ rates. of lumber before long. dies. dence on the farm he recently purchased of , which proved quite satisfactory. Several nug­ LATIOM.—The following officers of 6. An Endow ment of 820,(MM» will he, there A. W. Sturges this weok lost one of his fine The oration for the Fourth of July celebra­ — WITH A — is reason to hope, promptly subeerilxKl, ena­ >ck Encampment No. 10, I. O. 0. F., horses through a disease kindred to tho equine tion at Lakeview was delivered by Geo. E. John Orth and will hereafter devote himself gets of quartz containing a large proportion bling the Trustees to reduce the present rates to farming as well as stock-raising. of gold were picked up. Operations have I .lied on Tuesday evening last by Si. family. Strong and is said to have lieen one far alsive of tuition, siiecially to Teachers, after the pres­ S. B. Kent, formerly of California, is paying lieen resumed and will bo continued for sev- •, D. D. G. P.: K. Kubli, C. P. ; ent year. Address communications to The List number of the “West Shore” was a the average. J. H. Evans officiated as chief his brother T. B. Kent, of this place, a visit. 1 eral weeks yet. y, H. P : T1 H. Kent, 8. W Her- model one and reflect« much credit upon its marshal for the occasion. Ashland College and Normal School, From San Francisco Alex. Orme returned from Josephine county He will leave for Washington Territory ohn Miller, Treas.; F. publisher. ASHLAND, OREGON. Smith A Waisman this week commenced the Tuesday, from whom we learn that the large ; intending to permanently locate there. Boyer, G.; E. Band, construction of an office for Dr. Aiken on the The Wilton Troupe is again performing in . D. . m, 2d W.; A. D. Hel- Jas. Wheeler of Y’reka, also well known ; placer mines are still being operated with a Lake county and will return to Yreka during lot almost opposite Cardwell's livery stable and W. ; H. S. Emery, 4th W. ; N. Fisher, here, was in town this week. We are pleased large supply of water and that no clean-up will which he recently became possessed of. It 1 Fair time. T.; F. Otten, I. 8. to learn that he has almost recovered his sight, lie made before the close of the season. Con- egs leave to call the atten - ' J. Elliott of Eden precinct brought a load of will be quite a substantial structure. si durable prospecting is now going on and some tiori of the public to the tact that lie has which at one time threatened to fail him. iments R eceive ». —We are in receipt fine honey to town Tuesday, which found a The following officers of Jacksonville Lixlge just returned troni San Francisco with a full valuable diggings will lie ojiened next Winter. Miss Alvina Hess will pay Crescent City a stock of tnpliinents of our esteemed Risuburg ready sale. j No. 10, I. 0. O. F., were installed on Saturday J. T. I.ayt«in, mining on Farris'Gulch, made visit soon, starting for that place in a few days- hos. R. Sheridan and his newly wed- Sheriff Bybee projx>scs lowering the flag pole evening by John A. Boyer, 1». D. G. M.: W. l another clean-up a few days since, after a , nee Miss Florence Flanagan. We in the Court House yard and supplying it with J. Plymale, N. G.; Fred. Luy, V. G.; Frank Miss Dora Godfrey, who intends visiting friends at Eureka, Cal., will accompany her. ■ three-weeks’ run, which yielded 1»nita. church next Sunday at eleven A. m ., Fact people from every place or from There is no perceptible change in the' neatest and most substantial to lie found in the months and hojies for his recovery were section and well nigh exhausted tho supply 1 “The Centenuial Year." She is at Over all Competitors. of desirable animals that could l»e obtained present engaged in lecturing in rivenix, and I San Francisco wool market, with prices rang-. interior, reflecting much credit upon those in- long ago banished. Mr. Wetterer was one of the earliest and most enterprising citizens • here at justifiable prices. Horsemen should no will return to Jacksonville to-day. Next I ing as high as 27 cents for the best quality. ■ struniental in its erection. ■ longer neglect to turn their attention to rais- A correspondent writes: Mrs. Susan R. of Jackson county, and during his residence ! ing more horses of this kind, as a demand sim- ghe goes to Ashland aud wdl begin a By the death of a brother iu Missouri, John ICTURES ENLA R< J ED TO LI FE SIZE Will find that be mean« business, and among us had gained a host ot friends, who ' I ilar to the present one is liable to arise at any from photographs or tin-lypes at prices will get bargains by calling on him be* •course ot lectures in that place on Tuesday, Fraley, engaged in the tailoring business at Wallace, a lady of fifty-three years, walked will receivo the news of his death with sor- time, and tliey should be prepared to supply t. ranging from flu to |5O. o;>eiiing eyes of de fore ­ the 15th inst. On her return to this city she Ashland, has fallen heir to considerable prop­ from the head of Grave creek over a rough and going elsewhere. ceased persons and making all changes de­ , row. He leaves a wife and a large family mountainous trail to the residence of S. J. ‘ will giv» two additional lecteres before return­ erty. J uvenile C lassics .—Beautiful large type, sired in features, styles and color of apparel, of small children to deplore his loss, i Steckel, 17 miles distant, in six hours on the ■ in a manner unexcelled by any other ing homeward. The last addrese will l>e given elegantly Iwund editions of “Arabian Nights” etc., Two hundred and forty couples participated who have the sincere sympathy of all in establishment in the United Slates. 1st inst.. intending to celebrate the Fourth for ; aa a benefit for the M. E. Church. The times their affliction. A member of Jacksonville and “Robinson Crusoe,” for 55 cents each, and Jas. Grittin, agent of the Company, will for and eubjects of these lectures wdl be an­ in the ball at Roseburg on the Fourth. The i the first time in her life, which she did at Wil- , return to this section in the course of a few of “ Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress" and “ Travels I Lodge ot Odd Fellows and the German Or ­ celebration is said to have been a magnificent nounced hereafter. i low Springs. and will be prepared to take orders der of Red Men, he will be interred to-day, of Baron Munchausen,” for 50 cents each, have weeks success. for this work. just been published by the American Book Ex ­ The Foot’s Creek Minstrels performed at at three o’clock P» M., under their anspicos. -t^Satisfhetion guaranteed in all rases. Rx ^ ioiocs I tems .—Rev. A. Hardison will change, 55 Beekman street, New York, * Dr. Jackson, has added to his interesting col­ Veit’s Hall on Saturday evening last; but, We' shall miss his pleasant face and years Headquarters «-t 1436 and 148 m Market ------------------ -♦ . ■— hold. services at the M. — E. ------ Church in this place —------- lection jrvuu of natural curiosities and rarities a probably owing to the fact that the Fourth of Street, San Francisco, Cai. will como and go before those u ho knew C ounty C ourt .—The County Commis­ next 'Sunday morning and evening.... Rev. 1>. large _ i a-rolite recently found upon the banks July had lieen quite generally oliserved the him best will forget “ poor Joe Wetterer. ” sioners transacted considerable important LANED LUMBER OF ALL KINDS A. Cl owell will preach at Sam's valley on Sun- ■ of Rogue river. ........ —> " ■■ ■ ■ can l*e had in quantities to suit by writ­ day previous, their audience was not a large I business at their session this week. We R eal E state T ransactions .—The follow­ ing to the undersigne«L at J. P. Parker’« 4ay next at the usual hour... .There will A man who in Ijike vvuiuy, county, ', ,,ne The .... went ........ to ... Plevna, . i jie Iwiys ix»ys only require practice vo to ma make were unal.lo to obtain the proceedings in steam saw mill on Big Butte creek. Floor- re) mlar services at the Catholic Church next to whip W. . H. Rolierts, who runs the ferry them adepts in their liurnt-cork. pretensions. ing transactions in real estate have lieen record- I time for this issue. ! ing, Rustic, Ceiling and Mouldingscan be I - - - - - - - ■ ^y, Rev. Father Blanchet officiating.... Sun Ji i ed since the last issue of the T imes : across Klamath river, got a bullet in each leg ( had in any quantity. We can plane lum- The gay and festive sola-fount R«v. J. R. N. Bell, Presiding Elder of this for his trouble. A. F. Randle and wife to Samuel Furry, 160 ls*r 24 inches wide— in fact all kinds of tum- SETTLE UP. Jacksonville. Oregon. Now sizzles in the land, , l»er necessary to build houses—all of which acres in E