BRIEF REFERENCE. The day we celebrate. .JULY 4, 1879. FRIDAY,. C ounty C ourt .—The regular July term of the Probate and County Commissioners’ Courts will l»e held next week, at which time the an­ nual reports of the county officers will be ex­ amined by the latter. Delightful Summer weather. Ashland is “Phcenixing” rapidly. Ice is more plentiful than sunshine. Raspberries have made their appearance. The “Pilgrim Printer” is heated this way. Large quantities of now goods are arriving. County scrip taken at par at the T imes of­ T hanks .—We are under obligations to A. fice. J. Daley, proprietor of the Butte Creek M m. Acock of Rock Point gave us a call yes­ I !Mills, fcr a sack of his unexcelled flour, it terday. is unnecessary for us to say anything in The festive American eagle is in his glory I favor of the article he manufactures, as its to-day. i excellence is undisputed. A large amount of hay is now being hauled “D avid and A nna M atson .”—This is the to town. title of an excellent little work by Mrs. Duni- The Ashland “Tidings" has adopted the pat­ way, with a copy of which we have been favor- ent outside system. el. It has been the recipient of many enco­ Considerable sickness is prevailing on Wag­ miums, and, as it lias passed through twoeditions, is evidently popular. We will attempt ner creek at present. ■ — its review at some future time. M. H. Drake has disposed of his cattle and ranch in Warner valley. T ime C hanged .—The Stage Company com­ Operations on the Masonic building at Ash­ menced running its stages on Summer time land are being commenced. Sunday, which are making the distance be­ T. J. Kenney is offering a fine lot of fresh tween Roseburg ami Reading in fifty-two oranges and lemons for sale. hours. The stage from the south now arrives The “ager” causes considerable commotion iu in Jacksonville at alxiut 10 o’clock a . m . and some portions of the county. the one from the north at half-past two p. m . Jos. Wetterer is able to be about, though his Act ident .—A son of Jas. Miller of Browns- condition is still precarious. bor ugh met with a serious accident last Fri­ Judge Duncan killed a fine deer a short dis­ day while sliding off a load of hay, in the tance south of town last week. sharp point of one of the stakes on the rack penetrating his right jaw, so that it touched ' No applicants for teachers’ certificates made the other,causing a painful, though fortunately their ap|*earance on Saturday last. not a dangerous wound. The lad is recovering 1 K. Kubii has a large quantity of Devendorf’s celebrated Smith river cheese for sale. under proper medical care. Cool weather has retarded the grape crop, B uying H ouses .—J. W. Manning is now which will be unusually large, however. engaged in purchasing several head of horses The Sheriff announces that delinquent tax­ for government service, some of which he has payers will be called to account after to-day. > not yet secured. He has probably exported Beautiful visiting cards of every description more horsesand mules from this county in the printed at the T imes office at Eastern rates. past year than any person engaged in the busi­ ness, increasing our circulating medium several More new goods have just been received at thousand dollars by his enterprise. E. Jacobs’. Don’t fail to call and see them. If you want printing of any imaginable de­ scription, plain or fancy, call at the T imes of­ The Grand Applegate Company is now en- fice, where the best work is executed at the ' gaged in piping. lowest rates. The Squaw Lake Company is still piping The Grant circus is expected to arrive from away with good effect. China during July, and correspondence has Hein Deneff, mining on Farmer's Flat, last been opened with Matt. Dillon for some of his week picked up two pieces of gold weighing choice beverages. nine ounces. The Ashland Woolen Mills have seventeen male and female employes on the pay-roll and are manufacturing large quantities of the best woolen fabrics of every description. Joe Taylor has failed to respond to the chal­ lenge issued by Booth & Clough, which leaves the inference that he does not desire “to put up" and consequently has “shut up.” 1‘ERNOMAL NOTES. 8. Likeland, of the Balmer creek mines, is s[»ending a few days iu town. Miss Dora Reames, of Eden precinct, i- ---- is pay- ’ ing Jacksonville a visit at present. | F. M. Nickerson has returned to Waldo and may again be found at Wimer's store. NV. IL Leeds, editor of the Ashland “Tid­ The miners of Josephine county still have ings,” made us a friendly call on Saturday last. a fair supply of water, but some of them will Judge Mason of Lake county passed through I , commence cleaning up soon. town Tuesday,en route for the Willamette val- Jacob Klippel, Thos. Keaton and Henry i !ey- Weber are now engaged in ground-sluicing on M . L. French of San Francisco, who lias been Elliott creek, with fair prosjiects. paying Josephine county a visit, returned home Adam Assell has sold his one-third interest this week. in the mines at tho mouth of Hole-in-the- Dr. ( overt and wife of Plnenix, accompanied Ground, on Wolf creek, to J. B. Gross. by Miss Ottie Dunn, spent a few days at Yre­ H. M. Barnes of Yreka has embarked in the furniture business with Geo. S. Jackson. The mining season has come to a close in He has the best wishes of his many friends here for the fullest measure of success. the Willow Springs district—the last miner, T. L. Beck, having suspended operations this J. S. Howard lias just received a large sup­ week. ply of some of the best oranges ever brought to The survey of the ditch A. O. Eckelson in­ this market. They are somewhat smaller than tended making for Kalder, Likeland & Co., at a Hubbard squash, and of a delicious flavor. their Palmer creek diggings, has been -post­ Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway will deliver a poned for the present. lecture at the Willow Springs parade ground The news from Silver creek is favorable, to-day, at four o'clock r. M., choosing as many of the miners there making good wages. her subject “The Declarationoi Independence. ” Water is said to l»o failing at Briggs’ creek The fertility of our soil is amply illustrated since warm weather set in. by some rye cultivated by John Weiss of this Several of the miners on Sterling creek have place, samples of which, measuring eight feet just completed ground-sluicing and are clean­ in height, have been sent to the T imes office. ing up, Kleinhanuner Co. among the num­ ka last week. Rol»t. A. Miller returned from Lake county Friday. He will deliver the oration at this place to-day. IL M. I hatcher, Link ville's genial merchant, has returned from San Francisco, where lie laid in a line stock of goods. I n T own . — Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway, editress of the “New Northwest” of Portland, and a lady well known throughout the State, arrived iu Jacksonville on Friday last. She will remain iu this section for several weeks, delivering lectures and looking after the in­ terests of her paper, as also a poetical work written by herself. Mrs. Duniway stands at the head of the Woman Suffrage I’arty of Oregon, and her lectures in this place during the past week were in a great measure devoted to the inculcation of ideas in consonance with its objects. Much at fault as her views upon the enfranchisement of woman are, and in opposition to those of a majority of her auditors as they must be, her excellent com­ mand of language, tempered with a degree of wit ami sarcasm, gain for her the attention and respect not always accorded public speakers espousing unpopular causes. Unsupported by cogent arguments, Mrs. Duniway, by ludicrous comparisons ami a deft manipulation of extra­ ordinary cases, very likely frames an excuse for the woman suffrage movement in the minds of some. While we cannot endorse the objects of her mission, her ability and perseverance in so hopeless a cause must be complimented. Mrs. Duniway will visit different points in Jackson county before returning to Portland, and may take occasion to deliver further lec­ tures in Jacksonville. — AND — NORMAL SCHOOL. —LO» ATEO AT— ASHLAND OREGON. First Smion Mill funi mence Sept. 15ih. b/9 ItO e secured M. E. Church in this place last Sunday morn­ Every prospector should have a supply of mer at the Klamath Agency and assumed his ax fast as the need« of the Institution require, MARRIES. ing. His sermon was an admirable effort and notices of location of placer and quartz mines duties I uesday. He will no teubt fill the po­ so that pupils may I m - provided with tlio liest attentively listened to by a large number of and a copy of Copp’s Hand-book of Mining HANNAH—STANLEY In Table Rock pre­ facilities for commencing ami completing the sition acceptably. hearers. Law, all of which can be obtained at the cinct, June 29th, by Elder M. Peterson, J. following Dr. Aiken, the well-known physician, leaves C. Hanna an»! Miss Sedoatha L. Stanley. COURSES OF STUDY: T imes office. A {ictitiou is beiug circulate»! in Douglas 1. Ct. xssicAi., re.juiring six years, including for California to-morrow, intending to be gone ALFORD—ETHERTON On June 26th. by county, praying tho county court to appropri­ Uncle Billy Burke came up from Foot’s creek J. W. Hays, J. 1*., Jones returned from l^ikc county Monday, discourage the : ash to Mensor’s for bargains. Birdsey A Straub are making'preparations to so of Lake county. The Captain is enjoying ' Cottages for self-lx>arf the staunchest of tho kind doing busi- county , Citizens and all who wish to participate will thorities. who are sustained by a strong public and will commence the survey of a line > gaged to teach the district school at Linkville, meet at the Court House at 91 o’clock a . M. sentiment. Northwest.” Mr. Conklin is esjiecially desir­ Siskiyou county and said to be doing a good ness anywhere. » of ditch running from Bolen creek to some 1 3. The School will lx- under the supervision for which place he started Wednesday. An- The procession will form ami march through ous of securing information concerning the business. on Althouse he is interested in with Now that the miner has cleaneil up ami the diggings 1 the principal streets to Bybee's Grove, starting of an Evangelical Christian Church. The Bi­ derville is a Jackson county boy ami we aro mini lg interests of Southern Oregon. He will i Jacksonville Lodge ble will l»e reverently rea»l and studied; the No. 10, I. 0. 0. F., will sheep-raiser has sobl his wool, the printer, the 1 Geo. IL Briggs and others. The length of the i o pleased to note the progress he is making in at 10 o'clock, ami headed by the Jacksonville worship of (>o»l encouraged; but the Institu­ pass the Summer at Portland, at which place install its newly elected officers to-morrow most patient of human beings, should not be ditch Brass Band. Arrived at the grove, the follow ­ will be about eight miles. 1 tion will be sectarian in no objectionable sense. his chosen profession. ing exercises will be hail: all communications will reach him. i evening. forgotten, as it takes money to keep his estab­ 4. B»x»k-kecping. Business Arithmetic, Eng­ E. O. Brown of San Francisco lias purchased 1. Music by the Band. lish ('oiiqxisit ion and other branches sjxicially E ducational L ecture . An intelligent and From the Corvallis “ Gazette ” we learn that lishment moving. ' i the Hansen diggings, adjoining those of the 2. Prayer by Rev. M. A. \\ illiams. E legant P i ti res .—We were last week preparatory for Business Life, will receive un­ fair-sized audience assembled at the M. ■ 3. Music by the Band. J. H. Penn has started a tin and hardware store Brown Bros, on Althouse, and will run a tun ­ A. Davison’s teams started for Lake county shown some samples of first-class work in the 4. Reading of 1 teclaration of Independence by usual attention. line of enlarged pictures executed by the Uni­ ■ at that placo. last week with a large amount of flour from i nel about 890 feet in length to tap them. The E. Church on Saturday evening to listen to M iss Emily Brown. 5. The Preceptress will give her chief atten­ tion t<> the care ami oversight of the young la­ One Satterfield, residing on Forest creek, the Plnenix Mills There seems to have been price paid was $2.500, which is very reasona­ the lecture of I’rof. L. L. Rogers, President of versal Copying Company of San Francisco, 5. Music by the Band. Ashland College. The remarks of the speaker dies 6. Oration by Robt. A. Miller. They were, if anything, improvements on the was quite severely injured by falling from a a general scarcity of the article in that section ble, as the ground is known to be rich. 6. An Endowment of $20,(KM) will lie, there were duly appreciated, and, although not en ­ 7. Music by the Band. for s»nnetime past. original ph» »tograplis and finished in elegant ; wagon last week. At a meeting of the Galice Creek Mining is reason to hope, promptly subs»-rilx-»l, ena- 8. Basket dinner. tirely in consonance with the ideas of all of his bling the Trustees to reiluee the present rates style, The agent, Jas. Griffin, took several Jas. Drum has just received an excellent as­ We learn that there is a movement on foot Company, held in this place on the 1st, E. C. AFTERNOON. hearers, were accepted as accurate in the main. orders while in Jacksonville, and, as he will sortment of new goods, including some tine ci­ to organize a lodge of the Ancient Order of Brooks. E. B. Watson, «Jos. Wetterer, J. W. The Band will call the people together at 1 P. of tuition, sixicially to Teaeio-rs, alter the pres­ He outlined the course he would pursue and M. ami th»1 following exercises w ill conclude the ent year. A»ldress communications to return in a few w ks, t! his public can have an- gars and candies. United Workingmen in this place. This order Merritt and Chas. Sanders were elected direc­ day ’s festivities: the system that would obtain in the institution Ashland College and Normal School, other opp »rtunity of jit 1 ’ing for itself. | J. Houck has about finished his mammoth is popular in California ami is also getting »juite tors for the ensuing year. E. C. Brooks and 1. Old Jimmy's Duck Play. of learning lie was about to assume control of. ASHLAND, OREGON. .1. W. Merritt v ere re-eleeteil President and a foothold iii Oregon. 2. Jar spearing. R iliui m i Ii'KMS.— R v. Father Blanchet hall and will inaugurate its completion with a While 1»< licving in correct moral training,which 3. Foot Racing for young ami obi. The “Coos Bay News” says that Lillie. Jones, Secretary, res]actively. This company, which he would uphold, the speaker said he did not will hold servicci at St. Francis’Church, Eagle i grand ball to-night. 1 4. Amusements for the ladies. formerly a resilient of this county, attempted is the owner of the Yaitk ledge, is quite hope­ at the same time propose the inculcation of The new homestead law, During the »lay there will be a base ball Point, » n Sunday next.... Ebler M. Peterson to commit suicide at Portland recently by ful of the future of their enterprise, esjiecially sectarianism in any form or shape. He pre­ game between the Jacksonville first nine "pnachcs at the Mound district school house will appear in next week’s shooting herself. She did not make a suv'ess since it lias been bonded to California capital­ sented the cause of ducat ion in a pleasant and Fort Klamath first nine for a liberal prize. Sunday at the usual morning hour.... Rev. M. . effect ou Tuesday last. OFFICERS OF THE DAY: ists. A. Williams will preach at Plnenix Sunday at , The thoroughbred horse “Scatnperdown” will of it, however, ami will recover. ! forcible manner, and we have no doubt but Chief Marshal, E. D. Foudray: Assistant O. H. Price, of East Portland, called on the , that Ashland College under the management Marshals, T. T. McKenzie, \\ in. Bybee. Among the best colts exhibite»! in town 11 o'clock a . M....l»ev. Herman Krebs, a Lu­ hereafter be at the stables of S. Booth, near Roseburg “Star” on his return from Jackson he has foreshadowed will prove a benefit Grand Ball at Veit's Hall in the evening. for a long time is one belonging to J. W. theran minister from Mirysville, Cal., will Fort I.ane, exclusively. Music by Jacksonville Brass ami String Bands. county. Mr. Price has been prospecting for preach iu tiie lljrinm language at the M. E. | to the whole country and should be encouraged. Nine Warm Springs Indians came in from Baker, of Willow Springs. It is by “Seam- iiT Tickets, without «upper, $1.00. Church in this place next Sunday morning east of the mountains this week and are now perilown,” and for symmetrical form ami some time past for a quartz ledge that was sup- , posed to exist in the mountains on Louse C hops .—The farmer is busily engaged graceful motion is not t»> be excelled. and evening. Everybody is invited. camping on Kanaka Flat. creek, east of the stage road. He lias been, so with his bay crop just now and next week TO THE FRONT AGAIN! N. J. Levinson, an agent of the “Oregonian,” The “Journal" learus that “Johnny Smoker'’ A rrested .—ClementSarraillet, who owns a HUSSELL, EHCPRIETOH. —WITH A— has been canvassing this section for subscrib­ far, successful in his mission, having discover­ harvesting will begin in some localities. vineyard near the northern portion of town, and other horses from this section will run in ers to that journal. He numbers seven in tho ed a well-defined ledge of gold-bearing quartz. The continued cool weather noticeable dur­ was arrested last Saturday evening on a charge the races at Yreka to-day. i list of newspaper canvassers that have visited He exhibited some of the rock, the assays of ing the Spring of the year proved injurious of insanity and lodged in the County Jail. On rpiIE UNDERSIGNED, BEING STA- Joe Meyer, a well-known commercial trav­ which arc very satisfactory, and 1m says that to the grain crops, inasmuch as the heads Southern Oregon in the past few months. 1 tinned at Ashland again, lias turned his the Monday following lie was removed to the eler, has entered iuto business at Virginia did not generally fill out as well as they he will return to the mine next Fall and put a From San Francisco. entire attention to the ('aril & Clough started the stages over the mill upon the ledge. would have dotio in the event of more Hospital, where he is recovering under the City, (Nev.) with a brother. Coos Bay mail route for the first time Monday. pleasant weather. This will induce many treatment afforded. Sarraillet lias been acting MARBLE BUSINESS, The fly season is once more near at hand, Thos. Edison, the inventor, has written a farmers to cut considerable growing grain strangely of late, evincing a fondness for dirt, and liald-headed tnen are beginning to regret The trip from Roseburg to the Bay will be and is fully prepared to fill all orders in letter to G. . Kimba’l of Roseburg, concern­ for hay and will therefore make that arti­ made in twenty-four hours, which is quite ail which he devoured with great gusto, and at the that they did not die young. this line with neatness ami dispatch and at ing platinum. As this metal has been found cle unusually abundant. Smut is more improvement on affairs as they existdl formerly. prices to suit the times. time of his detention near Jacob Isli’s place egs leave to call the attf . n - in limited quantities in this section, we repro­ perceptible than for many years past, which J. A. Cardwell and Dr. Aiken have com­ tion of the public to the fact that he ha« MONUMENTS, TABLETS, HEADSTONES was fleeing from an imagined fiend who threat­ Big this day in be- duce the epistle below, believing that it may will also reduce the yield somewhat. There o Butte will celebrate menced the construction of neat frame buildings i just returned from San Francisco with a full ened him bodily harm. Executed in any description of marble. 1 coming stylo. C. A. Cary will officiate as read­ • prove of importance : “Would you be so kind will nevertheless bo a greater surplus than stock of fronting on California street. Every variety of cemetery and other stone­ er, W. H. Parker as orator and John Watkins as to inform me if the metal platinum occurs in over before, for the acreage is more ex­ work executed in a satisfactory manner. A large amount of timber for the new Rock P assed T hrough .—las. N. Tyner, I- irat as marshal. Besides the regular exercises, a your neighborhood ? This metal, as a rule, is tensive and the crops better in some in­ Special attention given to orders from any Assistant Postmaster-General, avant-courier of Point bridge is now being hauled from Wis- part of Southern Oregon. Address barbecue, ball game, foot-races and a dance found in scales associated with free gold, gen­ stances. the great Grant hippo»lrome, announced to ar­ I dom's mill on Sterling creek. J. H. RUSSELL, Ashland, Or. CONSISTING IN PART OF are announced to take place. erally in placers. If there is anv in your vi­ P robate C ourt . — The following business rive at Sau Francisco sometime this month, unexcelled The Inqierishable mixed paints, There will be a great crowd in attend­ cinity, or if you can gain information from ex­ has been transacted in this Court—Judge Day LADIES' FANCY GOODS passed through Jacksonville on Sumlay last, in their many first-class qualities, may be ance on the celebration at McCoy's grove near perienced miners as to localities where it can presiding —since our last report: en route from Portland. The Oregon ague has found at Bilger’s hardware store. OF EYERY VARIETY, be found and will forward such information to In the matter of the estate of U. S. Hayden, claimed Mr. Tyner as a victim, from which he | A full assortment of deeds, mortgages, iron­ Willow Springs to-day. The arrangements are ami quite extensive and the exercises my address I will consider it a special favor, deceased. Petition of executors for sale of per­ was suffering at the time; but he ha»l not a mo­ clad notes, receipts, justice's blanks, etc., can complete ' will no doubt be appreciated, while there 18 no as I shall require large quantities in my new sonal property granted. ment to spare in recuperation. Arrangements always be found at the T imes office. In the matter of the guardianship of P. W. system of electric lighting.’’ I end to the amusements proposed. for the reception of the irrepressible “third- | OF THE LATEST STYLES, Stow, an insane jierson. Thos. McAndrew was Carlos Goddard will soon commence the appointed guardian of said Stow, and A. M. termer” upon his return from a trip around the The average editor now resurrects his regu- P assed A way .—The news of the decease Berry, Win. Byliee and N. Eicke appraisers. , completion of a neat residence for C. Min- Groceries, Tobaccos, &c., build bouses—s|| of which ' choicest beverages. Jim is bound to please g»»t ready for use at the mill. Par­ esting, it is proposed to commence the exer­ Commissioners having refused to furnish the Brave; L. Hubert, Second Brave; A. Schmidt, O fficers E lected .—The Eintracht, com­ With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ «•an i everybody. ties who inti-nd building can save hauling cises as early as half-past nine o ’ clock a . m . flag-pole in the Court House yard with hal ­ Guard of the Forest; F. Lorraine, Guard of the posed of German citizens, elected the fol­ sonable terms. Also good Saddle H ocm ' s more lumber Ilian they need. Bills, plans No pains will be spared to make the ball at The ladies are requested to bring floral decora­ yards, the public-spirited citizens of Jackson­ lowing officers last Wednesday evening: an»l Mules, which w ill be hired to go to any and cstinm’ex can lx- had cither at the mill Wigwam. At the conclusion of the ceremony on Big Butte or at their shop iu Jack m- the members of the Tribe sat down to a splen­ Veit’s Hall this evening a grand success in ev­ tions for the pavilion. Everybody is invited ville should attend to this matter at once, so Geo. II. Young, President; Fred. Grob, part of the country at moderate rates. Animals bought and sold, and broke to ville. (Iregon. did collation at the New State Hotel and i ery particular. The best of music will be in to join the lanet-rs and a purse w ill be awarded that the American flag can float proudly iu Vice President; JohnUitnborskv,Secretary; saddle or harness. All orders will receive prompt aticn- Veit Schutz, Treasurer; U. Kubii, Warden. attendance. to the person performing the most creditably. the breeze on our national holiday. J. A. CARDWELL. spent the time very pleasantly. tiou. SMITH