w Retake of Precedine er Let us celebrate. FRIDAY J VX E 2ß, 1870. Haying is progressing. Geo. A. Jackson of Sam's valley w as in town this week. He has been quite ill for some- time past, but is now convalescent, we are I pleased to learn. Gold is coming in at a lively rate. Miners are going into Summer quarters. Considerable prospecting is now in progress. rame P rogramme P erfected .—Arrangements are now being perfected for the celebration of the coming Fourth of July at McKay's grove, near \\ illow Springs, in excellent style, the pro­ gramme for which was perfected on Sunday last. N. Langell of this place has lieen select­ ed as Orator of the Day, Frank Sifers. as I Reader, Elder Martin Peterson as Chaplain, and Jas. G. Birdsey as Chief Marshal. In addition to the usual exercises there will be presented such specialties as an equestrian qua lrille by sixteen ladies ami gentlemen ami under the direction of Prof. Scott, lancers’ tournament, military parade ami a base-ball contest for a cash prize of $20. A dancing­ floor, 24x50 feet in size and covered with can­ vas, now in course of construction, will afford ample accommodations for those desiring “to trip the light fantastic too.” Nothing w ill be left undone for the entire success of the celebra­ tion, which promises to bo a first-class affair. » To the People of Northern California and PIONEER HARDWARE STORE. Sonthern Oregon ! ASHLAND COLLEGE W. H. Holmes, Esq., a prominent lawyer of Salem, is in town. He is an attorney in the Circuit Court has adjourned. A final clean-up is now progressing at the — and — ( 'ayote creek mining suit, recently on trial in . Hamilton diggings, which promises excellent Bountiful crops are assured. the Circuit Court. returns. See the new Singers at Feathers'. I Simon Caro left for Roseburg yesterday, The Sterling Company ami Gin Lin are pip­ County officers are preparing their annual re­ —LOCATED AT— where he is interente«! in the extensive mer- ing with two “giants” and a full supply of wa­ (AT THE OLD STAND OF J. BILGER) ports. cautile establishment of Caro Bros. He will ter. Heavy clean-ups are anticipated. T hanks .—Our politest bow to Misses Mag-1 ASHLAND, OREGON E. Jacobs is expecting his fine stock of new return in a few days. gie Linn ami Rhoda Kenney for an abundance 1 goods every day. The anuual meeting of the Galice Creek of delicious cherries, accompanied by two bou- ’ R. D. Hume’s cannery at Ellensburg is run- Mining Co. will lie held at the office of C. W. California St., Jacksonville, First Session will Commence Sept, loth, 1*79. The net receipts of the recent strawberry ning on full time. They are catching plenty of quets of beautiful flowers. We can assure the ; Kahler, in this place, on the 1st of July. festival were $127. fair donors that these acceptable presents were I fish, ami white men have taken the place of ce­ Win. Healey informs us that the Graml Ap^ ROAR» OF TRTNTEKS: The family of Hon. Henry* Klippel is pay­ lestials of a year ago. duly appreciated. piegate Company is engaged in ground-sluic ­ ' R ev . L. L. R ogers , President. DEALER IN ing Eagle Point a visit. A. G. R ock fellow , Geo. E. Strong, agent of the California and ing and making preparations to commence W. H. A tkinson , S chool M eeting .—The directors of Jack­ Table Rock Encampment, I. 0. O. F., elects Oregon Land Company, made this place a R ev . J. S. M c C ain , J acob W agner , piping soon, perhaps as early as next week. R ev . W. T. C hapman , sonville district have called a meeting of the officers Tuesday evening. J ohn W alker , brief visit during the week, returning to his C lark T aylor , Jmlge Hanna has appoiute«! E. I). Foudray G. F. B illings . patrons of our public school for the purpose of M. Ryder will give a grand ball at Kerby­ post of duty yesterday. TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE as receiver in the case of Win. Bybee vs. A. W. ascertaining their wishes in regaril to the em­ ville on the Fourth of July. A n I mportant M ining C ase . — The Cayote D. C. Courtney has sent a quantity of Hawkett, Jesse Robinson and E. C. Robinson, pOR THE PURPOSE OF FOUNDING THE ployment of teachers and their salaries, which Kahler & Bro., M. Mensor au«l John Miller water from his well-known soda spring to Port involving the Taylor mining claim on Rogue creek mining suit, which has been on trial in 1 Ashland College and Normal School, the will be held at the school-house to-morrow received new goods yester«lay. the Circuit Court for some months past, was property known as the Ashland Academy has land for a chemical analysis, the result of which river. STOVES, afternoon at two o’clock. A full attendance argued on Tuesday last and submitted to lieen place«!, free from debt, under the control will soon lie made public. 0. Harbaugh is transporting a large quanti­ is anticipated. Every prosjiector should have a supply of Judge Hanna for his decision. The testimony of a Board of Trustees, who have inaugurated ty of flour to Josephine county. T. T. McKenzie an,I A. 0. Eckelson started notices of location of placer and quartz mines was voluminous, the reading ot which occu­ the enterprise by tilling the follow ing positions A djourned . —Although several cases re- Sheriff Bybee w ill take beef cattle anti hogs for Roseburg Sunday with the intention of ami a copy of Copp's Haml-book of Mining pied several days. The ease is one of the in the Agricultural Implements. main untrieecting will lie which the present barn is located A new —MAKING— where he has been attending the Masonic continue«! and work resumed in earnest when house for the accommodation of the public is A nother C lash .— In addition to the ment, which was not amiss. also being put up, ami will lie kept iiy Wni. wet weather sets in. The main ditch will also large number of pupils he is favored with J. T. Raimey of Sam’s valley brought a load Grand Lodge. Carll, the obliging division agent. Mr. Carll will I KILL MAKE THE SEASON, COM- in Jacksonville and vicinity, E. T. Kugler of fine bacon to town Wednesday, which is of­ mencing at Jacksonville, where he Gen. T. G. I’eames, W. H. Atkinson, Chas lie coinpleteil for a considerable distance this ! take his family to Grave creek «luring the Slim­ Fresh Candy Every Day. will lie on April 1st; at the Peninger place has also undertaken the instruction of a fered for sale at K. Kubli's. F'all, preparatory to more extensive ojierations. Hughes, M. Baum, H. Thornton, H. C. Hill mer months. He will keep a tirst-class h«itel, on the 2d; at West Top’s farm, Sam’s Yalley, .large class at Ashland, which place he will Parties from Silver ami Briggs' creeks re- i where the traveling public can always find the on the 3a of our independence of Applegate and Poorman’s creek. No. 10 will be belli on the evening of the 24th single dash of four miles. In order to give week, en route for Lake county, where they will be celebrated id a in inner worthy of the (St. John's Day) for work in the third degree. The expenses of the recent term of the Cir- M r. Taylor latitude we will modify that pro-1 A full attendance is requested. will spend a few weeks in recreation. They -occasion. ■' ---—----- 1 cuit were comparatively small, a fact the tax­ passed us heedlessly by. posal. We will run Scamperdown against M ax M uli . er , Secretary. THE V acation .—St. Mary's Academy will to-day payers are to be congratulated up«in. any named Oregon horse Joo Taylor has' W. H. Atkinson established an agency of control of at any time in October, 1879, in I suspend studies for the Summer vacation. The BORN. J. A. Cardwell contemplates the erection of the Ashland Woolen Mills at Portland during GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, Jackson countv, Oregon, for $1 ,ooi)or $2.<100.' •examinations which have been progressing for a neat frame building between Ryan s estab­ e I ANDERSON In Table Rock precinct, his recent sojourn in that city. The goods manu­ ■several days past have proved highly satisfac- CURES factured by this establishment are gaining a Five humlred dollars is to tie placed with; 15th, to the wife of Q. N. Anderson, lishment and the Union Livery Stable. \ itory to the teachers and creditable to the pu- Wells, Fargo A Co. asa forfeit August 1st, a son. wide-spread reputation. y ERYOUS DEBILITY, PREMATURI An excellent minstrel troupe has been or- 1879, the race to be cither mile heats three I pila. During the fourteen years that the Acad- Deelin«*, Muscular Weakness, J^ist The “ Western Star" appears in au enlarged Manhood, Defective Infective Memory, Paralv.-i-. «my has be«1!! established it has gained an en­ ganize'l at Foot’s creek, which promises a series I form and is considerably itnprove«l otherwise. in five, two mile heats t'vo in tiiree, ora 1776 1879 of tirst-class performances before long. Ilespoiidt'iiey and all conditions pr«>«ln« • I single dash of four miles. Now,Mr. Taylor, i viable reputation, Imth at home ami abroad, ami The “Star” is one of our most welcome ex­ liy youthful indiacretiona or exeesaos in we cannot therefore be surprised at the in- I M. F. Waller, the genial traveling agent for changes an«i we are pleased to note these evi- if you wish to run let us know. In regard j mature years. Price, $3 a isittle, or tom • j to coming and going we will say this: BUSSELL, EBOrSIETOIt. tiinos the quantity for $10. Sent to any ad «crease in students noticeable «luring the schol- I Jacobs Bros., Portland, is interviewing his nu­ deuces of its prosperity. When w o take‘*Scamj»ordown''from Jackson «liess by Proprietor»», —OF THE— ¡astic year about closing. The Sisters will take merous customers in this vicinity at present. The pressure upon our advertising columns is 1 county we propose to pay our own expenses, A brief respite from their labors, leaving for The body of the Mongolian drowned in unexampled in the history of Southern Oregon 1»R. A. K. MINrlF. A t’O.. Fortlaml in a few days, to return iu the latter and if any one conies here to run against us ! rnilE UNDERSIGNED, BEING STA- Big Applegate sometime since was recovered journalism and causes the absence of the usual jxrt of August. I tioneil at Ashland again, has turned his (Graduate Univrrsity of Pennsyhiim i, I:«1, Monday and brought to tiwn for interment. amount of reading matter. This w ill be , they must expect to do tho same. resident Surgeon Orthopaedic Hos­ entire attention to tho S tephen B ooth , I —AT— remedied soon, however. pital, Philadelphia.) J. R. Cameron b as purchase« 1 al suit 50,000 R bugious I tems . - Rev. M. C. Miller of Jos. L. ClXIUOH. I MARBLE BUSINESS, One of the neatest residences erected recent- ' Applega(° Circuit will hol«l a basket meeting; pounds of wool this season an«l other buyers No> 11 Kearney Street, San Francisco. P roceedings of the B oard of T rus ­ ’ KSON V I L LE. and is fully prepareil to fill all orders in •ear the mouth of Foot s creek, commencing on have also bought large quantities for shipment. ly is that of E. Jacolis in the northern portion TO BE HAD or ALL DHUUOIKTS. i this line with neatness and di.sputuh and at of town. The grounds are beautiful ami a tee ».—A special meeting of tho Board of 4ke 2$th and continuing the following day .... G. S. Butler, one of Ashland’s prominent credit to Mrs. Jacobs, who has taken much Trustees was held on Monday evening prices to -mt the times. HOnC>r. Ar < <»o ttf PortlniKl. Elder M. Peterson will officiate at the basket merehauts, gave us a call. He reports that pains in improving them. Agent« twr Oregon au«l Wnahiiiaioo last. Present—President Langoil, Coun- PROGRAMME: MONUMENTS,TABLETS, HEAI-STONES Territory. nneeting at Eagle Point next Sunday and als-> ] place as steadily improving and business reviv­ The numberless saw-mills in the county are eilinen Reaines, Nickell, Ortli and Kenney. Citizens ar.d all who wish to participate w ill Executed in any description of marble. at another to be held at the Morgan grove in DR. M1NTTES large HOSPITAL EX The following bills were favorably re­ Every variety ot cemetery and «itliPt stone­ all busily engage«! and a vast amount of lumlier meet at the Court House at 91 o'chiek A. M. fom’i Valley on the 29th.... Rev. M. A. Will- ' ing. PF.HI ENCEenables him to treat all di « a • ported upon by the Finance Committee work executed in a satisfactory manner. The procession w ill form and march through Special attention given to orders from any of a delicate or private nature i.i the i i •• lama will preach at the M. E. Church in this' A full assortment of agricultural implements is now lieing hauled for building purposes. ami ordered paid: Reamos Bros., sundries, scientific manner. Chargee rrA«tinalil< . has been receive«l this week by K. Kubli- From this we wouhl jmlge that considerable $'.».50; R. S. Dunlap, services, $2; E. D. Fou- the principal streets to Bybee's Grove, starting part ot Southern Oregon. Address ^place next Sunday morning. Rev. D. A. improvement is taking place everywhere. at 10 o'clock, an«l hea«led by the Jacksonville (itlh e hours— It) to .3 and C> tu M eveiiiiui drav, Recorder ’ s fees, $21.75. J. H. Rt'SSELL, Ashland, Or. Give him a call, if yoa wish anything in this Sumlays 11 to 1 only. Crowell occupies the pulpit in the evening. • •• Brass Band. Arrived at the grove, the follow­ The report ot'J. S. Howard on tho sur ­ (». W. Holt is putting in the joists of the I vey establishing the west boundaries of ing exercises will be had: R«V. Father blanchet lias gone to Josephine liue. : new Franco-American Hotel and will immedi­ Oregon street was received ami ordered THE FINE PERCHERON STALLION, 1. Music by the Ban«!. ■county on a pastoral visit, intemliug to be absent' Rewards of merit, certificates of excellence, 2. Prayer by Rev. M. A. Williams. ately commence the construction of the second tiled. ^bout two weeks. There will lie no services' and every description of school teacher’s blanks The Committee on Streets was ordered to 3. Music by the Band. story of that building. It will be a hamlsome < nrryliiK the IL N. Piali« .at the Catholic Church during that time. neatly printed at the T imes office. Prices ami substantial structure w hen completed. havo the sidewalks on the west side ot 4. Reading of I leclaration of Independence by Oregon s'reet, from Its intersection with Miss Emily Brown. •'--------- There will lie a drilling exercise at the Mc­ Miner str«*et to the north line of G. H. A n Art Err.ARLF. P resent .—The Jackson-1 1 reasonable. 5. Music by the Bau<1. j Liuis Hubert will lie out with his sprinkler i ««ille Brass Band was last week nude the re I Kay Grove on Sunday next umler the direc­ Young's lot, eonstrui’ted to conform with 6. Oration by Robt. A. Miller. t lie grade established by the survey made on Monday next, when we may expect to lie 7. Music by the Ban«l. «ipient of an elegant cake by Miss Kate Hoff tion of Prof. Scott, when the “lancer's qna«l- I FAYES ASHLAND AND I.INKYILLE by J. S. Howard. •I 8. Basket dinner. •man,on behalf of the ladies «if the Presbyterian relieved of the dust that is becoming almost rille" by la«lies ami gentlemen on horseback, in I j every day in the week, excepting Sun­ 'I’he following bills were referre«! to the AFrERNOON. preparation for the Fourth of July, will be tier- Finance Committee: J. S. Howard, survey­ days, ami connect» with the mail tor Lake­ HULL MAKE THE ENSUING SEASON Church, who in this m intier expressed their intolerable. I’he Band w ill call the people together at I r. view. H at my farm four miles east of Ashland formed. ing. $7.50; T imes office, printing, $5. The mail for Wright's leaves this place on appreciati.nl of its admirable efforts at the re­ M. and the follow ing exercises w ill conclude the PEDIGREE. The consideration of the ordinance pro ­ A fishing-party, compose«! of Jmlge Prim, E. White Prince, Jr., was sired bv W. C. cent atrawberry festival. The Biml felt duly Friilay, w hich enables the subscribers to the Superior Accommodations for Passengers hibiting the construction of wooden build­ «lav's festivities: Mver's White Prince; dain, a half-blood 1. Ol«l Jimmy's Duck l’iay. grateful for the h«»nor shown ami reciprocated T imes to receive this journal on the day of its H. Autenrieth, Henry Pape ami Chas. Pniii, ings on blocks seven ami eight was deferred Who will t>e carrieil to any point on the Sampson mare, from whom he deiives a 2. Jar sjtearing. until the next regular meeting. made a raid on the finny inhabitants of Rogue in a neat card of thanks,signe l by all the mem­ publication. road at reasonable ra es. line form ami good action; grand «lain Flora, 3. Foot Racing f««r young and old. « river yesterday. Their booty consisted of a ban, which we appemi: -We, the members a thoroughbred mare imported from Iowa 4. Amusements for the ladies. Messrs. Gazley and Kelsay, attorneys in the few minnows, three trout and a couple of sorry* W ool Q uotations .—Nothing new is re­ A General Express Business by Giles Well«—her dain imported from ball During the day then« will lie a base the Jacksonville Brass Bind, desire to re­ Civote creek mining suit, returned home looking crawfish. ported in the Sau Francisco wool market, which England to Kentucky. White Prim«, Jr. game between the Jacksonville first nine an 2S1,c.; other gr.vlesof g««»