W.Hmonaiir îimw. BRIEF REFERENCE. MIMING NEWS. Geo. A. Jackson of Sain's valley was in town P rogramme P erfected .—Arrangements are this week. He has been quite ill for sotne- now being perfected for the celebration of the I^t us celebrate. Gold is coming in at a lively rate. I time past, but is now convalescent, we are coming Fourth of July at McKay's grove, near Haying is progressing. pleased to learn. FRIDAY, Miners are going into .Summer quarters. JUNE 20, 1879, Willow Springs, in excellent style, the pro­ Pleasant weather continues. ASHLAND COLLEGE W. H. Holmes, Esq., a prominent lawyer of Considerable prospecting is now in progress. gramme for which was perfected on Sunday R ain - fall .—Through the courtesy of P. Salem, is in town. He is an attorney in the Circuit Court has adjourned. A final elean-up is now progressing at the hist. N. Langell of this place has lieen select­ —AND— Britt we are enabled to state that the rain-fall Cayote creek mining suit, recently on trial in Hamilton diggings, which promises excellent ed as Orator of the Day, Frank Sifers. as Bountiful crops are assured. MRS. J. BILGER, the Circuit Court. from October last to the 14th of the present Reader, Elder Martin Peterson as Chaplain, returns. See the new Singers at Feathers’. month was 22 \ inches, but little less than Simon Caro left for Roseburg yesterday, The Sterling Company and Gin Lin are pip­ and Jas. G. Birdsey as Chief Marshal. County officers are preparing their annual re­ where he is interested in the extensive for the same time of the year previous. mer- ing with two “giants” and a full supply of wa­ In addition to the usual exercises there will be (AT THE OLD STAND OF J. BILGER) ports. presented such specialties as an equestrian cautile establishment of Caro Bros. He will ter. Heavy clean-ups are anticipated. I T hanks .—Our politest bow to Misses Mag­ ASHLAND, OREGON. E. Jacobs is expecting his fine stock of new return in a few days. qua Irille by sixteen ladies ami gentlemen and gie Linn and Rhoda Kenney for an abundance goods every day. The annual meeting of the Galice Creek R. D. Hume’s cannery at Ellensburg is run- Mining Co. will l>e held at the office of C. W. under the direction of Prof. Scott, lancers’ of delicious cherries, accompanied by two bou­ California St., Jacksonville, tournament, military parade and a base-ball First Session will Commence Sept, lath, 1*79. The net receipts of the recent strawberry ning on full time. 1 hey are catching plenty of Kahler, in this place, on the 1st of July. quets of beautiful flowers. We can assure the contest for a cash prize of $20. A dancing ­ fish, and white men have taken the place of ce­ Wm. Healey informs us that the Grand Ap­ fair donors that these acceptable presents were festival were $127. floor, 24x50 feet in size and covered with can­ The family of Hon. Henry Klippel is pay­ lestials of a year ago. duly appreciated. plegate Company is engaged in ground-sluic­ vas, now in course of construction, will afford President. DEALER IN ing Eagle Point a visit. Geo. E. Strong, agent of the California and ing and making preparations to commence ample accommodations for those desiring “to W. H. A tkinson , S chool M eeting .—The directors of Jack- Table Rock Encampment, I. 0. 0. F., elects Oregon Land Company, made this place a trip the light fantastic toe.” Nothing will lie J acob W agner , piping soon, perhaps as early as next week. left undone for the entire success of the celebra­ Bonville district have called a meeting of the officers Tuesday ev.aing. J ohn W alker , brief visit during the week, returning to his Judge Hanna has appointed E. D. Foudray tion, which promises to be a first-class affair. G. F. B illings . patron» ©ur public school for the purpose of M. Ryder will give a grand ball at Kerby- post of duty yesterday. TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE as receiver in the ease of Wm. Bybee vs. A. W. ascertaining their wishes in regard to the em­ ville on the Fourth of July. A n I mportant M ining C ase . — The Cayote I). C. Courtney has sent a quantity of Hawkett, Jesse Robinson and E. C. Robinson, POR THE PURPOSE OF FOUNDING THE ployment of teachers and their salaries, which Kahler & Bro., M. Mensor and John Miller water from his well-known soda spring to Port involving the Taylor mining claim on Rogue creek mining suit, which has lieen on trial in 1 Ashland College and Normal School, the will be held at the school-house to-morrow received new goods yesterday. the Circuit Court for some months past, was property known as the Ashland Academy has land for a chemical analysis, the result of which STOVES, river. afternoon at two o’clock. A full attendance argued on Tuesday last and submitted to been placed, free from debt, under the control will soon lie made public. 0. Harbaugh is transporting a large quanti ­ is anticipated. Every prosjiector should have a supply of Judge Hanna for his decision. The testimony of a Board of Trustees, who have inaugurated — ------------- ty of flour to Josephine county. T. T. McKenzie and A. 0. Eckelson started notices of location of placer and quartz mines was voluminous, the reading of which occu­ the enterprise by filling the following positious A djournei >.—Although several cases re Sheriff Bybee will take beef cattle and hogs for Roseburg Sunday with the intention of and a copy of Copp’s Hand-book of Mining pied several (lays. The case is one of the iu the Agricultural Implements. main untried, Judge Hanna found it necessarv in payment of delinquent taxes. FACULTY : completing arrangements for a surveying con­ Law, all of which can be obtained at the T imes most important that has appeared on docket to adjourn Court in order to enable him to LOWELL L. ROGERS, A. M..President; Pat. McMahon brought some fine Butte tract they are interested ill. j office. for years, involving as it does the title to REV. reach Lakeview in time to hold the June term creek salmon to town this week. Professor of Mental and Moral Sciences. Recent wind-storms have twisted some of PUMPS AND PIPE, The Squaw Lake Ditch Company is steadily some valuable mining projterty on Cayote w. 1. NICHOLS, A. M., Vice President; of the Circuit Court for Like county, which Dr. J. A. Callender of Roseburg has gone to the grain badly. Crops have grown so rank creek, in the northern end of the county. Die j piping away and moves a considerable amount Professor of Mathematics. commences on Monday next. However, His that unless warm weather prevails steadily con­ I of gravel daily. Operations will be continued plaintiff, theCayote Creek Mining Company, is MRS. A. A. ROGERS, Preceptress; Honor has called a special term for the second San Francisco on a business visit. Teacher of English Grammar. for sometime before a clean-up is made. The represented by Messrs. Jones, Holmes, Kahler The weather waxes warm, but the rush to siderable damage may ensue. Monday in August, at which time the cases and Kelly, while Messrs. Gazley and Kelsay ap- MRS. JENNIE BALDWIN NICHOLS, l prospects are favorable. Mensor’s for bargains still continues. unheard will come up for trial. The disagreement between I.ake county jiear for Win. and Walter Ruble. It is prob­ Teacher of Music and French. -------------------- The large amount of gravel dumped into Big able that the suit will lie carried to the Su­ The roads are lined with prairie schooners and the California and Oregon Land Company, Other competent instructors will be secured ' C orrection .—In reporting the Circuit and a large amount of freight is arriving daily. on account of the assessment of that corpora­ Applegate by the Squaw Lake Ditch Company preme Court iu any event, and a final decision as fast as the needs of the Institution require, j Court proceedings last week an error oc­ ROPE. TWINE, ! causes the water to back up into the Grand may not lie had for sometime, as either side so that pupils may be provided with the best i The trail between Applegate and Galice creek tion's land, has been settled. curred, which we hasten to correct. The will strenuously contest it to the end. facilities for commencing and completing the I Applegate Company ’ s ditch and may cause the Au excellent supply of hay-rakes and item stating that the indictment against is being improved and placed in first-class con­ following G rand .J ury R eport .—The following re­ other agricultural implements has just been re­ latter some inconvenience. Frank Elliott was dismissed for want of dition. COURSES OF STUDY: ceived at Bilger's hardware store, to which evidence should have read “the indictment Work has been suspended on the Fisher port was submitted by the late Grand Jury 1. C lassical , requiring six years, including THE BEST W0STENH0LM CUTLERY E. Mensor, recently from New York, has the attention of our fanners is directed. preparatory studies. Graduates receive the •gainst Andrew Elliott, etc.” Of course taken a position in the store of C. Coleman, his quartz ledge until the return of H. P. Mae- prior to its discharge by the Court: ('apt. 0. C. Applegate and lady of Lake nevin from San Francisco, a few weeks hence. this mistake was unintentional and we uncle. “That we have been in session four days Degrees of A. B. and A. M. 2. S cientific , requiring four years. Degree and have returned two indictments; that a county are paying Ashland a visit. We are cheerfully make tho correction. Fourth of July printing of every description pleased to note that Mrs. Applegate has almost One of the veins was lost in crosscutting, but number of alleged crimes have l>e©n investi­ conferred, B. S. l’OWDEIl AND FUSE, otherwise the prospects for plenty of good ore 3. N ormal , C ommercial , and M usical , oc ­ the T imes office at the lowest executed at gated by us ami ignored; that we have exam ­ entirely recovered from her recent illness. L ake C ounty C ircuit C ourt .—Judge Hanna are fair. ined the hospital and public buildings ami the cupying three years each. Diplomas given cer­ •nd Hon. A. C. Jones left for Lake view yes­ rates. Jos. Solomon has something of importance to records of our county as thoroughly as our tifying to attainments of graduates. A. II. M;vgly has returned from the Grave limited time terday, their presence being necessary there The cool weather that has prevailed for say to those indebted to his mercantile estab­ EXPENSES. would jiermit; that the hospital A General Assort men! of SHELF H Alili?» ALI Tuition in four Collegiate Branches, $t’> a Monday, when Circuit Court convenes. More months past will delay the harvest several lishment at Woodville. Attention is called creek mines and will turn his attention to is in good order, the Jail, Clerk’s ami Sheriff's to his card among the new advertisements. ! prospecting diggings in the vicinity of Elliott offices are neat ami clean, ami the public rec­ month. Music, $5 a month (use of instrument business appears on the docket this term than weeks. $1 additional). Vocal music in class, $3 a Joe Clough was in town this week purchas­ 1 creek, lie reports water failing rapidly in ords well kept. We find the Court House old quarter. Boardin Boarding Hall or in Private usual,one of the principal cases being that of the Some real estate on Miner street, Irelonging and dilapidated and would recommend that it ETC., ETC. State v«. Wm. Wallace, charged with murder, to M. Colwell, will be sold under execution on ing horses for the Coos Bay mail line, in whieh the northern |*r>rtion of the county, which is be replaced with a new one as soon as con- Families, $3.50 to $4.50 a week. Rooms or generally the case everywhere. Cottages for self-boardin>_ ’ , $2 to $5 j»er month. he is interested with Wm. Carll. He secured which has been transferred from Grant county, July 12th. M. B ellinger , Foreman, venieut. PARTIAL LIST OF TEXT BOOKS. the number he desired with little difficulty. J. A. P anky , where it was once tried, the jury failing to i I. N. Muncy of Canyonville, an interested Wild strawberries are unusually abundant Robinson's Mathematics, Steele's Scries in A FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC Mill J ohn M iller , J. B. Thomas has the frame of his new saw­ 1 party in the Cayote creek mining suit, is in agree. Natural Sciences, Harkness’ Latin, Fas(|ueH's 2Y attend to Job-work with neatness and in Flounce Rock precinct and said to be of a A. S. M oon , mill in the Meadows completed and is awaiting town. He informs us that some excellent as­ French, Reed's Series in English Conqsisition, dispatch. R. B. P erry , fine quality. A R esponse .—Booth A Clough have not the machinery, which is expected soon. He says of ore from the Tellurium mine have just Richardson’s Piano Instruction. L. B roahsworii , I will also keep constantly on hand a permitted the challenge of Joe Taylor to go Obenehain Bros, drove in seventeen head of will be ready to receive orders in a few weeks. PROMINENT FEATURES AND ITEMS OF large slock of H iram F arlow .” lieen made and that the prospects are favora ­ by unnoticed, but elsewhere announce that ■fine beef cattle for John Orth from Big Butte INTEREST. G. W. Holt will make provision for a corn" ble. The mill will s ( hhi be completed and 1. The College will lie chartered: and the they are prepared to accommodate him Wednesday. A n E xcellent P erformance P romised . — LIQUORS AND TOBACCO, modious hall in the second story of his brick ready for (qierations. Normal or Training for Teachers will tie whenever it is convenient for him to show Our citizens w ill next Monday and Tuesday made, it is hoped by School Oregonian-Pocahontas TrilieNo. 1,Improved building. His enterprise is to be compliment­ siiecial enactment, an ad ­ his hand. “Scamperdown” is one of the ed, as this would supply a want long felt here. II. 8. Brown and W. L. French, of San evening« have an opportunity to witness the junct of the Public School system, and Diplo­ Particular attention paid to Farmei-' order of Red Men, will elect officers next Tues­ wants and the supplying of extras foi Farm best thoroughbreds on the Coast, has “the Dr. Will. J ackson, our dentist, has gone to Francisco, passed through town this week en wonderful feats of Prof. A. E. Rice, the mind­ mas made equivalent to first-grade certificates. Machinery, and all information as to sueii day evening. heels,” and if Mr. Taylor can produce the 2. Ashland has no saloons. The sale of in­ articles furnished cheerfully, on application. Kerbyville on a professional vis it anil will be route for Althouse, in Josephine county. These reader, which have attained a wide-spread rep­ Walter Ruble, a graduate of Monmouth toxicating liquors is prohibited by the City au­ No pains will lie spared to furnish our horse to beat him he will make a very profit­ gentlemen w ill visit the diggings now being absent for a few weeks. The people of Jose­ utation. This gentleman is accompanied by thorities, who are sustained by a strong public customers with the best goods in the mar­ College, is conducting au iuterestiug school at phine county will find him a first-class artisan. o[HTated at that ¡mint with success by the able clean-up. some first-class artists and tho entertainments sentiment. ket, in our line, and at lowest prices. Jump-off-Joe. Agency of the PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT ’ Brown Bros., as also other points of interest in 3. The Schisil will Is* under the supervision An Indian who was working in the saw-mill will include exhibitions of jugglery, ventrilo ­ D istrict F air R aces .—We call attention Ed. Smith returned from Big Butte this —the best in the world. of an Evangelical Christian Church. The Bi-j Southern Oregon Iwfore returning. at Klamath Agency fell across the revolving quism, etc., as well as mind-reading, to say to the speed programme issued by the Siski­ week, where he has been operating the planer Our motto shall lie prompt and fair deal­ will be reverently read and studied; the saw one day last week and received fatal in­ John Cimlwirsky and W. A. Cannon, an ex- nothing of the Marionettes, which are also Ide ing with all. Cal) and examine our stock you County Agricultural Society and which in Parker's mill. worship of God encouraged; hut the Institu ­ juries, living only a few hours after the acci­ l>ert from Portland, paid the Emetine cin­ a prominent feature. Prof. Rice is well re­ tion will be sectarian in no objectionable sense. before going elsewhere. Satisfaction guar­ appears in our advertising columns. Liberal ceived by the press everywhere, which com­ MRS. J. BILGER. Rev. Father Blanchet will hold services at dent. 4. Book-keeping. Business Arithmetic, Eng­ anteed. nabar claim on Beaver ereek a visit recently. mends his |H‘rformanees in eulogistic terms. purses are offered and interesting contests of St. Francis’ Church, Eagle Point, on the first One of the l>ents of the new Rock Point The latter is favorably impressed with that His appearance should be greeted by large lish Uomposition and other branches specially ‘ •speed consequently anticipated, in which the SISKIYOU preparatory for Business Life, will receive un- . Sunday in July. bridge has lieen put into position and the struc­ section, which he lielieves to lie very rich in audieuces. flyers of Jackson county will no doubt compete. usual attention. It is quite probable that the Pioneer Store at ture is fast assuming proportions. Life tolls cinnabar and equal to some regions in Cali- 5. The Pn'Ceptress will give her chief atten­ The directors of the Society assure us that the can be obtained at reasonable rates, we are in­ Ashland will be replaced by a brick building tion to the care and oversight of the young la­ j fornianow being worked with profit. next annual fair will eclipse all preceding ones formed. dies. at no distant date. ■and they will spare no efforts in that direction. Saltmarsh Bros., on Sterling creek, are mak­ (». An Endowment of $20,900 will l»e, there J. \\ . Manning and Tims. F. Beall returned District Attorney Neil, accompanied by his from Fort Klamath Wednesday, where they ing a very good elean-up. They have taken is reason to ho|ie, promptly subecrilied, ena- . P ioneer R eunion .—Tho Pioneer Society father, started for Lake county Tuesday, tore- bling the Trustees to reduce the present rates have l»een making arrangements for the ful­ out about $2,799, which sum they expect to in­ ■of Southern Oregon at its recent meeting re­ of tuition, specially to Teachers, after the pres­ main several weeks. fillment of government contracts they have crease to over $3,999. When we consider that solved to hold the annual reunion at Ash­ ent year. Address communications to secured. Marsh ft Co. of Ashland have commenced the mining season was brief and the ground land on the 11th of next September ami ap­ Ashland College and Normal School, YREKA. CAL. E. F. Rockfellow, of Ashland, returned from tho wood-work of Thatcher & Worden's new 1 hard, it w ill readily be seen that these gentle­ pointed a committee composed of J. Houck, ASHLAND, OREGON. San Francisco last week. While at the Bay building at Liukville. men have diggings of uncommon richness. . M. McCall and E. K. Anderson to make 4 RE NOW MANUFACTURING ET- is necessary arrangements. The reunions Grob P. “Scamperdown” against any Oregon horse, I passed through the valley the forepart of the sary of the declaration of our independence of Applegate and Poorman’s creek. I week, en route for Lake county, where they single dash of four miles. In order to givoj will be celebrated in a in inner worthy of the The expenses of the recent term of the Cir- ‘ will spend a few weeks in recreation. They Mr. Taylor latitude we will modify that pro-1 •occasion. cuit were comparatively small, a fact the tax­ passed us heedlessly by. posal. We will run Scamperdown against j THE V acation .—St. Mary’s Academy will to-day payers are to be congratulated upon. any named Oregon horse Joo Taylor has W. II. Atkinson established an agency of suspend studies for the Summer vacation. The BORN. GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, J. A. Cardwell contemplates the erection of the Ashland Woolen M ills at Portland during control of at any time in October, 1879, in Jackson county, Oregon, for $1,(MM) or $2.000., ■examinations which have been progressing for a neat frame building between Ryan’s estab­ his recent sojourn in that city. 1 he goods manu­ Five hundred dollars is t >he placed with ANDERSON In Table Rock precinct, •several days past have proved highly satisfac- CURES 15th, to the wife of Q. N. Anderson, factured by this establishment are gaining a lishment and the Union Livery Stable. Wells, Fargo A Co. as a forfeit August 1st, j a son. itory to the teachers and creditable to the pu­ wide-spread reputation. ERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMA TU 1:1 I pil«. During the fourteen years that the Acad­ An excellent minstrel troupe has been or­ 1879, the race to be either mile heats three > Decline, Muscular Weakness, Lot The “Western Star" appears in an enlarge! ganized at Foot ’ s creek, which promises a series in five, two mile heats two in three, oral Manhood, Defective Memory, I’aralv.-G, emy has been established it has gained an en­ form and is considerably improved otherwise. single dash of four miles. Now,Mr. Taylor, j 1776 I»espondvney and all conditions produced viable reputation, both at home aiul abroad, and i of first-class performances before long. The “Star” is one of our most welcome ex­ by youthful indiscretions or excesses in we cannot therefore be surprised at the in­ ' M. F. Waller, the genial traveling agent for changes and we are pleased to note these evi­ if you wish to run let us know. In regard mature years. Price, $3 a Little, or font , to coming and going we will say this: crease in students noticeable (luring the schol- Jacobs Bros., Portland, is interviewing liis nu- dences of its prosjierity. RUSSELL, PROPRIETOR. times the quantity tor $10. Sent (o an\ ad dress by Proprietors, —OF THE— ¡•stic year about closing. The Sisters will take ! merous customers in this vicinity at present. The pressure upon our advertising columnsis When we take“Scamper(lown”from Jackson county we propose to pay our own expenses, »•brief respite from their labors, leaving tor The body of the Mongolian drowned in 1>R. A. K. MIN TIE A Co.. Portland in a few (lavs, to return iu the latter Big Applegate sometime since was recovered unexampled in the history of Southern Oregon and if any one comes here to run against us ; rpiIE UNDERSIGNED, BEING STA-1 journalism and causes the absence of the usual they must exj>ect to do tho same. part of August. I tioned at Ashland again, has turned his (Graduate University of Pennsylvania, Monday and brought to town for interment. amount of reading matter. This will be resident Surgeon Orthopuslie llo-- entire attention to the S tephen B ooth , AT— pital, Philadelphia.) J. R. Cameron has purchased alsiut 50,000 remedied soon, however. R eligious I tems .—Rev. M. C. .Miller of Jos. L. C lough . I MARBLE BUSINESS, One of the neatest residences erected recent­ Circuit will hold a basket meeting | pounds of wool this season and other buyers No« 11 Kearney Street, San Francisco. P roceedings of the B oard of T rus ­ JAC KSONVIL LE. and is fully prepared to fill all orders In , *e*r the mouth of Foot s creek, commencing ou have also bought large quantities for shipment. ly is that of E. Jacobs in the northern portion TO BE HAD OF ALL PRUUGISTS. I of town. The grounds are beautiful and a teer .—A s|»ecial meeting of the Board of this line with neatness and dispatch ami at the 29th and continuing the following day.... G. S. Butler, one of Ashland’s prominent credit to Mrs. Jacobs, who has taken much i Trustees was held on Monday evening prices to >uit the times. HOnllF. BAVIN * <0.4 er PertlnnU £lder M. Peterson will officiate at the basket merchants, gave us a call. He reports that pains in improving them. Aicent* for Oregon and WnaliliiKloo last. Present—President Langoil, Coun­ PROGRAMME: MON UM ENTS, TA Bi. ETS, HEADSTONES Territory. waeeting at Eagle Point next Sunday and also place as steadily improving and business reviv­ cilmen Kearnes, Nickell, Orth and Kenney. The numberless saw-mills in the county are Executed tn any description of marble. 1 Citizens ar.d all who wish to participate w ill •t another to be held at the Morgan grove in I The following bills were favorably re­ meet Every variety of cemetery and other stone-1 Dll. MINTIE'S large HOSPITAL UN ing. all busily engaged and a vast amount of lumber at the Court House at *.H o'clock a . m . «am’« Valley on the 29th.... Rev. M. A. Will­ ported upon bv tho Finance Committee work in a satisfactory mannen PEltlENCEenables him totreat nil ill < a A full assortment of agricultural implements is now lieing hauled for building purposes. and ordered paid: Reamos Bros., sundries, The procession w ill form ami march through Special executed attention given to orders from any of a delicate or private nature i.i the m .« iam« will preach at the M. E. Church in this scientific manner. Charges rcanunalde. has been received this week by K. Kubli- From this we would judge that considerable $9.50; R. S. Dunlap, services, $2; E. D. Fou- the principal streets to Bybee's Grove, starting part of Southern Oregon. Address j>lace next Sunday morning. Rev. 1). A. improvement is taking place everywhere. at 10 o'clock, ami headed by the Jacksonville drav, Recorder's fees, $21.75, .1. 11. Rl’ssELL, Ashland, Or. I office hours— Into 3 and 9 to 8 evetiin.a Give him a call, if you wish anything in this Sundays 11 to 1 only. Crowell occupies the pulpit in the evening.... The report of J. 8. Howard on the sur­ Brass Band. Arrived at the grove, the follow­ G. W. Holt is putting in the joists of the vey establishing tue west boundaries of ing exercises will be had: R«v. lather Blanchet lias gone to Josephine liue. THE FINE PERCHERON STALLION, i. Music by the Band. Rewards of merit, certificates of excellence, inew Franco-American Hotel and will immedi­ Oregon street was received and ordered «©onntyou a pastoral visit, intending tobeabsent 2 Prayer by Rev. M. A. Williams. ately commence the construction of the second tiled. .•bout two weeks, lhere will be no services and every description of school teacher's blanks The Committoe on Streets was ordered to story of that building. It will be a handsome 3. Music by the Band. CnrryliiK IT* N« Mall. •t the Catholic Church during that time. neatly printed at the T imes office. Prices and substantial structure when completed. have the sidewalks on the west side of 4. Reading of Declaration of Independence by i Oregon s'reel, from its intersection with Miss Emily Brown. i There will lie a drilling exercise at the Mc­ Miner street to the north line of (J. H. A n A cceptable P resent .—The Jackson- • reasonable. 5. Music by the Band. wille Brass Band was last week made the re­ • Louis Hubert will l»e out with his sprinkler Kay Grove on Sunday next under the direc­ Young’s lot, constructed to conform with «. Oration by Robt. A. Miller. Monday next, when we may expect to be tion of Prof. Scott, when the “lancer's quad­ t he grade established by the survey made cipient of an elegant cake by Miss Kate Hoff- i • Music by the Band. I EAVES ASHLAND AND LINKVILLEj J. S. Howard. relieved of the dust that is becoming almost rille” l»v ladies and gentlemen on horseback, in by The Basket dinner. 8. •m*n,on behalf of the ladies of the Presbyterian I j every day in the week, excepting Sun­ following bills were referred to the AFTERNOON. preparation for the Fourth of July, will be per­ Finance Committee: J. S. Howard, survey­ I days, anil connects with the mail tor Lake­ WILL MAKE THE ENSUING SEASON Church, who in this iu ma , t expressed their intolerable. The Band w ill call the people together at 1 P. view, H at my farm four miles east of Ashland. ing, $7.50; T imes office, printing, $5. appreciation of its a lmirable efforts at the re- ■ The mail for Wright's leaves this place on formed. M. and the following exercises will conclude the PEDIGREE. The consideration of the ordinance pro ­ A fishing-party, composed of Judge Prim, E. hibiting the construction of wooden build­ dav's festivities: White Prince, Jr., was sired by W. c. ©ent «trawberry festival. The Band felt duly Friday, which enables the subscriber« to the Superior Accommodations for Passengers Mver’« White Prince; dam, a half-blood 1. Old Jimmy's Duck Play. grateful for the honor shown and reciprocated T imes to receive this journal on the day of its H. Autenrieth, Henry Rape ami Chas. Prim, ings on blocks seven ande'glit was deferred Who will be carried to any point on the Sampson mare, from whom lie derives a 2. Jar spearing. I until the next regular meeting. made a raid on the tinny inhabitants of Rogue in a neat card of thanks,signed by all the mem- publication. line form and good action; grand dain Flor*, road at reasonable rates. 3. Foot Racing for young and old. * river yesterday. Their booty consisted of a ben, which we append. -We, the members a thoroughbred mire imported from Iowa 4. Amusements for the ladies. Messrs. Gazley and Kelsay, attorneys in the W ool Q uotations .-—Nothing new is re­ I i minnows, three trout and a couple of sorry- A General Express Business by Giles Wells—her dam imported from ball During the day then- will be a ba«e «f the Jacksonville Bra« Bind, desire to re­ Cayote creek mining suit, returned home few ported in the Sail Francisco wool market, which looking crawfish. game between the .Jacksonville first nine and Transacted. All orders promptly attended England to Kentucky. White Prine«, Jr. turn thanks to Miss Kate H »ffman for the very Wednesday, after a brief but pleasant sojourn is a beauiiful dnpp'o gray, six vean- old shows a very slight decline in prices. Choice Fort Klamath first nine for a liberal prize. The strawlierry shortcake festivals held by to and satisfaction guaranteed. thw Spring, 17 bands high and weighs from utiful evko presented tens ;u an acknuwl- in our midst. lots of Humboldt and Mendocino are quoted at OFFICERS (IF THE DAY: IL F. PHILLIPS. our church societies might Is? rendered more at­ 1 ..UM» to 1,5 imi pound«. His colta prove him gmeut of our slight s rric s. We fully ap- Chief Marshal, E. D. Foudray; Assistant Ashland, June 1, 1879. 27 '■(<> 28Jc.; other grades of good to extra choice Wells, Fargo ft Co. have made another re ­ to l»o, witlmul exception, one of the ¡zest tractive by announcing that the young man _ iate the delicate compluu -nt p i d ih as­ T, T. McKenzie. Wm. Byliee. colt getter* >n N oii 'I m in Oregon. free northern, 22(a27c.; slightly burry and Marshals. daction of aliout 20 per cent, on all packages suring the ladies of Jacksonville that our ser ­ who finds the strawberry in his piece of the Grand Ball at Veit ’ s Hall in the evening. t V<>B MINING BLANKS GO THE TIM ES T kkmh —$10and $15. Pas uragefurnb hed vices cau always be commanded iu Izehalf of sent through their offi.es iu Oregon aud to the cake will lie entitled to a kiss from the pret­ burry, 18fiz 22c. Buck s wool of all grades, Music by Jacksonville Brass ami String Bands I O ffice . Copp’« Hand-book of Mining mares trorn a distance al reasonable rates I religion and education.” tiest girl in the room. half rates. Hl Tickets, w ithout supper, $1.00. Law always kept on baud. Price $1 a copy, i Eastern States. JOHN MURPHY. ‘ To the People of Northern California and PIONEER HARDWARE STORE. Southern Oregon ! NORMAL SCHOOL J —■ ■ ----------------------- Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes —- I » — I. CANDY FACTORY! SCHEID BROS I NOTICE, STOCKMEN ! Plain and Fancy Candies, Nuts, Etc. ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS. R estorative I GRAND CELEBRATION FOURTH OF JULY I Î8S, ■--------------------- -♦------- — Running Between Ashland and Linkrille. I 3 WHITE PRINCE, JR.,