Œlit g moiïatit finira. Published every Friday Morning by OF ADVERTIS. CHARLES NICKELL, Editor and Proprietor. JFFICE—On Oregon street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Kates of Anbacriptlon: One copy, per annum,.............................. $3.00 “ ~ six months......................... o.OO i “ three months,............................ 1.00 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. VOL. IX JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1879 GREAT REDUCTIONS E. C. BROOKS, HODGE, C a V!S & CO •i IN PRICES AT DEALER IN Consolidation of HODGE, SNELL ft CO.. and T. A. DAVIS ft CO., DANIEL GABY. NO. 21. Advertisement* will be in#*.. T imes at the following rate*: One square, one insertion ••••eee*4 a#A “ each subsequent one-. I¿egal advertisement* inserted re. A fair reduction from the above r* to yearly and time advertiser*. Yearly advertisement* payable qt Job printing neatly and promptly ed, ana at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken » [From the “Western Star. "] A KEMIN ISCEMCE OF THE INDIAN quarter* with company C, first dra- tense and murder glared from « goons. The accession ot Capt. Smith’s savage visage. The Indian inter; WAR, 1WJ. company and my own, gave Gen. Lane ter told me that the Indiana W During the month of August, 1853, »force sufficient to cope with the enemy threatening to tie us up to tree* • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELBT, j. the different tribes of Indians Inhabit­ then supposed to be about 700 strong. serve us as Owen’* men had eer* ing Rogue river valley, in Southern The encampment of the Indians was Jim Taylor. I saw some IndlansJratb. SPECTACLES, l4*keview. Oregon. Oregon, suddenly assumed a hostile • still on the side ef the mountains of ering up lass-ropes, while otherrdrew DEALER IN attitude. They murdered many set­ which Table Rock forms the summit, the skin covers from tneir gun* and SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, FANCY SOODS, A. C. JONES. 92 ft 94 FRONT STREET tlers artd miners, ar.d burned nearly and at night we could plainly see the wiping sticks from their musaiee. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, all of the buildings for o.’or a hun­ their camp Are, while they could look There appeared a strong probability FIELD GLASSE8, PORTLAND, OREGON. dred miles along the main-traveled directly down upon us. The whole ! of our party being subjected to a and* JACKSONVILLE, OGB., route, extending from Cow Craeli, on commend was anxious and willing to den volley. I explained a# briefly aa CALIFORNIA ST., Will practice in all the Courts of the State. the north, in a southerly direction to •-ght, but General Lane had pledged I could that the interpr«:er had com, A Office on Sth street, opposite Court House. E KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND the Siskiyou mountains. General the Indians that au effort should be 1 iDunieated to me, and in order to k Harps and Strings for the Same, Oregon. a complete stock of Lane, at that time being in Rogue riv-1 made to treat for peace. Superinten­ tour people from huddling toget O. H. AIKEN, M. D.. H thus make a better target i Drugs, Medicines, Toilot Soaps and er valley, at the request of citizens as­ dent Palmer and Agent Culver were ¡and DRUGS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON,. sumed control of a body of militia,sud­ upon the ground. Tbe arm ¡slice had i I tbe savages. I used a few Engli Perfumery, READ HIS CASH PRICES. denly called for the defense of the set­ not yet expired, and the 10th was fixed i . words not likely to te understood * JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. for the time of the council. C PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES On the i ' the Indian interpreter such as «»< tlers. NEEDLES AND BEST SI’ERM OIL FOR DRESS GOODS. morning of that day Gen. Lane sent i perse” and gregale.” In fact Captain Alden of the regular army Office—On California street, opposite Union Ir'sh Poplin, per yard...............................$1.50 foP fYlA RYlfi rlotairxxrf me tnn to t go rvrv with nr f 4 kLv, ' kept so tie DR. L. DANFORTH, GLASSWARE, WIE DOW GLASS, his command. Old Joe, John and encampment to act as interpreter, as I i era! firing must have been nearly as I nbleached Muslin, per yd...... 10c upward e has sold out ms stock OF Sara were the principal leadens of the I was master of the Chinook jargon. I : fatal to the Indians aa to the white*. 44 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Bleached Muslin, per yd.............. 10c American Sewing Machines a number • 4 Indians, aided hy such young and I asked the General upon what term# and While I admit that I thought my Ladie’s Hose, 8 pair for............ $1.00 PAINTS, OILS AND of times, but has another lot of them on <4 Kid Gloves, per pair......................75c vigorous warriors as George and Lim- where we were to meet the Indians. j time had come, and hurriedly thought Jacksonville, Oregon. hand. This is the lightest and most rapid • 4 Felt Skirts.................................... $1.00 He replied that the agreement was i of wife and children, I noticed nothingl running, as well as durable, machine there 44 py- Children’s corset waists............ $1.00 is made, and so simple that little girls five PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, 44 that tLe meeting should take place but coolness among my companions.! Office on California street, opposite P. J. Embroid. Table Covers.............. $2.50 The Indians collected In a large or six years old make their patch work on Ryan’s store. Calls promptly attended Laces 8c., Embroideries pr yd... 12}^ 44 Gen. unnu Lane aai sat up«ju upon a a log with hi# arm’ of iiw the enemy: j i i vjtfu. ------------- ---- the encampment Vi body and retreated northward in the within them. This is the place to liny good watches, 44 to, day or night. BLVD VITRIOL, Sleeve and Neck Rucliing.........25c that he should be accompanied bandaged in a sling, the line# about clocks and jewelry, and he will sell cheap I direction of the Umpqua. Gen. Lane and 11X’ tiln n .. .. f L. r , I.* _______ _ L. I — 1 X— GOLD JEWELRY. goods cheaper than any one. hy ten other aw. men of his ________ own selection, i hi# mouth rigidly compressing his lips, I made a vigorous pursuit, and on the J. W. ROBINSON, M. D., Indies setts from $2.50 up to $25.00, and Watches, clocks, jewelry and sewing LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. unarmed. Against tho#e terms I pro- while his eyes flashed flr®. He ankedl 24th of August overtook and attacked other Jewelry cheap. machines cleaned and repaired at a reduced PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, price. the foe in a rough, mountainous and | tested, and told the General that I brief questions and gave me senten-J MEN’S CLOTHING. NEW DRUG STORE, JACKSONVILLE. had traversed that country five years i sinus answers to what little the Indian* Suits for..... $12.00 upward Sole Agents for Oregon for the cele­ heavily timbered region upon Evan# Jacksonville. Oregon. tw*fore and fought those same Indian#; »aid to us. Capt. A. J. Smith whe Hats, each. 1.00 brated CARHOLW S1IEEP DIP, which' creek. The Indians had fortified their 44 Boys’ Hats............................ 1.00 that they were notoriously treacl-.er- i wa# prematurely gray-haired and was MILLINERY STORE! kills Ticks, Lico and all parasites on sheep,' encampment by fallen timber, and be­ Office in Masonic Buildintr, next door to Blanket-lined Duck Coats 44 5.00 and is a sure cure for serew-worm, scab and , ous, and in early time# had earned , j C.U1IV afilic ed of Kreuzer’# Bskerv, Oregon street. Resi­ Boots and Shoes sold at the lowest prices, ci with *> 111. *. a nervou# mapping .zl ing well supplied with arm# and amu- foot rot. Circular stmt on application. dence at B. F. Dowell’s. the designation of “ R >gues, ” by never ; the eyes, leaned u|>on his cavalry sa« and everything else in proportion for cash. CALIFORNIA STREET, nition, made a vigorous resistance. In permiiting a white man to escape bre and looked anxiously down upon I A full assortment of Groceries, Tobacco, an attempt to charge through the I Cigars, Pipes, Combs, Purses, Cutlery and THE ASHLAND E. H. AUTENRIETH, with his scalp when once within their his well formed line of dragoons In the b-ush, Gen. Lane was shot through ■ Holiday Presents. JACKSONVILLE, power; that I knew them belter than valley below. His eyes snapped more, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, the arm, and Capt. Alden received a he did, and that it wa# criminal folly vigorously than usual and muttered* I wound from which he nevor fully re­ Jacksonville, Oregon, IS MANUFACTURING covered. Several other of the attack­ for eleven unarmed white men to place words escaped from under the old*. he undersigned has now on themselves voluntarily within the Dragoon’s white mustache that did Will practice in all the Courts of the State. ing party were wounded, s »me of ^ft-GIVE ME A CALL.-ftT, hand the most complete and best stock Prompt attention given to all business left of millinery goods ever brought to Jackson­ whom subsequently died of their power of »even hundred well armed ¡not sound like prayers. HI# squadron in my care. hostile Indiana, in their own secure looked beautiful but, ala#! they could ville, consisting of injuries. Capt. Pleasant Armstrong, Office in Orth's Brick Building—upstairs. FLANNELS, encampment. I retniuded him that render us no service. I sat down on ao old and respected citizen of Yam­ HATS, BONNETS, I was a soldier in command of a coin- ; a log clo e to old chief Joe. and having H. KELLY, hill county, was shot through the CASSIMERES, Flowers, ribbons, laces, neckties, gloves, pany of cavalry and was ready to obey ' a sharp hunting knife under my hunt- heart and died instantly. collars and cuffs, etc., etc., which will bo Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., A fTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Ills order to lead my men into action i I ing shirt, kept one hand near Its hand­ DOESKINS, sold at the lowest prices. The Indians and whites were so1 or to discharge any soldierly duty,' le, determined that there would be • JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, AND HOSIERY do#e together that they could easily no part of which was to go into the lone Indian made “good” aTx>ut'tht% Sewing Machines for Sale. I JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. converse. The most of them knew enemy'« camp as an unarmed inter- | ; time the firing commenced. In a few . Will practice in all the Courts of the State I I have also on hand a number of the cele­ Prompt attention given to all business en brated New Wilson, White and Howe Sew­ Of the Best Ilativo Wool, Grii. Lane and when they found that prefer. The General listened to my moments Gen. Lane stood up and com- , trusted to my care. he was in command of the troop#, they protest 3ud replied that he had fixed menced to speak slowly but very dis- ing Machines, which I will sell cheap for gsST Office opposite Court House. —ANI» DISPOSING OF THEM AT — DAVID LINN cash, or exchange for grain. i called out to “Joe Lane” and asked upon the terms of meeting the Indians | tinclly He said: “Owens,who has vlO' MRS. I. w. BERRY. I Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment JAMES S. HOWARD, THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. ! him to come into their camp to arrange and should keep his word, and if' I a ted the armistice and killed Jitn^ of furniture, consisting of some terms for a cessation of ho#' I was afraid to go, I could remain ¡Taylor, ' is a bad man. He Is not on^t ! U. 8. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR tilities. The General, with uiorecour- behind. When he put it upon that !of my soldiers. When I catch him hcq BEDSTEADS, RDERS FROM A DISTANCE WILL age than discretion, in his wounded ground I responded that I thought I j shall be punished. I promised in goodt FOR JACKSON, BUREAUS, TABLES, receive prompt attention. GIVE OUR conditi in ordered a cessation ot hostili-1 was as little acquainted with fear as faith to come into your camp, with ten I n M asonic B uilding , GOODS A TRIAL. ties and fearlessly walked into the he was, and that I would accompany i other unarmed iO'-n to secure peace« GUILD MOULDINGS, Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. Official surveys made and patents obtained hostile camp, where he saw many: him to what I believed would be our Myself and men are placed in your ASHLAND WOOLEN MILLS. STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining I wounded Indians, together with sev- ' slaughter. Oregon Street, Jacksonville. W. H. ATKINSON.SmTetary. power; I do not believe that you are J aws and Decisions at my office in Jack­ CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. • eral who were dead and being burned | sonville, Oregon. Early on tho morning of the 10th of such cowardly dog# as to take advan­ to keep them from falling into tbe hands September, 1853, we mounted our tage of our unarmed condition. I know PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, of the enemy, which clearly demonslra-1 MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D„ mHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR-. horses and rode out in the direction that you have the power to murder u0f ETC., ETC. L chased XVm. Kreuzer’# interest in this ted that the Indian# had gotten the of the Indian encampment. Our par­ and can do so as quickly as you please; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON establishment, desire to announce to the i worst of the fight. After a long con­ Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always en public that they are now prepared to till all | BACK OF COURT HOUSE, ty consisted of the following named hut what g'»od w 11 our blood do you? hand and made to order. Planing done on orders for cakes of every description, such) ference it was finally agreed that there Jacksonville, Oregon, persons: General Joseph Lane, Joel Our murder will exasperate our friends^ reasonable terms, Undertaking a spe­ as wedding cakes, cakes for parties, wine should be a cessation of hostilities and Palmer, Superintendent of Indian A f­ and your tribe will be hunted from cialty. Proprietor. . J. W. MANNINO. cakes; also brown and rye bread, ginger Dr. V rooman comes hero with the hitention that both parties should return to the | fairs; Samuel P. Culver, Indian Agent; the face of the earth. Let im proceed snaps and crackers. Take order# on ex ­ of permanently locating himself in the neighborhood of Table Rock, on thej change. Prices reasonable and satisfaction practice of his profession. Is a gradu­ Capt. A. J. Smith, 1st Dragoons; Capt. with the treaty, and In place of war north side of Rogue river valley, and ate, and, from twenty-seven years’ experi­ City T>i>ng’ Store, guaranteed. L. F. Mosher, Adjutant; Col. John E have a lasting peace.” Much more aving lately fitted up the that an armistice should exist until ' It is also our intention to keep a first-class I ence in the diseases incident to this Coast, commodious barn on the School House Ross; Capt. J. W. Nesmith, Lieut. A was said in this strain hy the General, lunch-house, at which the best ot everything flatters himself as being able to give gen­ Gen. Joel Palmer, then Superinten- ’ Flat and in the rear of the Court House, 1 in the line will be served at all hours. V. Kautz, R. B. M-tea If, J. D. Mason, ill rather defiant, and nothing ot a CALIFORNIA STREET, eral satisfaction. am now fully prepared to attend to all bus­ dent of Indian affair# for Oregon, could J Ì ^TFresh bread every dav. Office at the City Drug Store; residence on Tbe excitement iness in my line with promptness and dis­ be sent for, and that a treaty should be T. T. Tierney. By reference to the tiegging-character. GROB* ft ULRICH. California street. patch and at the most reasonable rates. U. 8. Statutes at L>rge, v. 10, p. 1020, gradually sub#hied, alter Lane prom­ negotiated with the United State# au­ the most of the above names will tie ised to give a fair compensation for TURNOUTS. SOCIETY NOTICES. RE-OPENED ! thorities,in which all grievances should found appended to the treaty that d «y the defunct Jim Taylor in fhirts and The Stable is furnished with the best ani­ be adjusted between tbe parties. Both executed. After riding a couple of blankets. Jackwnville Granjr No. 8S p. of IL. mals and most substantial buggies ; also a whites and Indians marched back lVE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND The treaty of the 10th of Septem­ ’ miles across the level vall6^’ we cam»* first-class hack and saddle-horse. Holdsits regular meetings every two weeks it the largest and most complete assort­ slowly over the eamn trail, encum-! ber, 1853, was completed and signed to the foot of the mountain where it Horses boarded, and the best care be ­ ment of *x the residence of J. N. T. Miller, bered with their wounded, each party stowed on them. C. MINGUS, Master. i was to steep for horses to ascend. We «nd p ace restored for the next two* I Satisfaction guaranteed in every instance. keeping a vigilant watch of the other. dismounted and hitched our horse# years. Our party wended their way A mkib M itxer , Secretary. DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS FIOKEER WAGON-MAKER. Give me a trial and judge for yourselves. General Lane encamped on Rogue riv­ and scrambled up for half a mile ( among the rock# down to where our J. W. MANNING, er while the Indians selected a strong Orrgtm Chapter J*. 4, R. A. M., Jacksonville, Feb. 1, 1878. I over huge rocks and through brush, horses were tied and mounted. Old as resumed business at the and almost inaccessible ¡nisilion, high Holds its regular meeting# monthly on to be found in Southern Oregon. and then found ourselves in the In A. J Smith galloped up to his squad­ Also the latest and finest styles of stand of the late J. L. Badger and is *] iiesday evenings of or preceding each full up and just under the perpendicular ' dians stronghold, just under the p< r ron and gave a brief order. The bu­ prepared to execute all work in his line with moon, at 7)4 o’clock. Companions in good - promptness clifi# of Table Rwk, to await the ar­ and dispatch and at very rea- ■ «landing are invited. , pendicular cliff of Table Rock, and gle mounded a note or two and the STATIONERY, J. E. ROSS, High l’nest. rival of Superintendent Palmer and sonable sol ___________ rates. All ________ Kinds „__ of , „ vehicles ________ ___ con- 1 surrounded by 700 fierce and well -quadron wheeled «nd trotted off to* structed. Repairing a specialty. Good work I 73,620 MORE M ax M ullf . r , Secretary. Agent Culver. armed hostile savage#, in all their Camp. As Gen. Lane and party rode — ——«------------ And a great variety of PERFUMES and and low- prices guaranteed. Give me a i At the commencement of ho#- TOILET A RTTCLES, including the best and call. J. MEYER. 'gorgeous war paint and feathers, back across tne valley we looked up i Table Rock Encampment No. 10, I. 0. 0. F. cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER­ Jacksonville, February 5, 1879. tilities the people of Rogue river val- ! , Capt. Smith bad drawn out bl# com­ and saw the rays of the setting sun* Holds regular sessions in its FUMED SOAPS in this market. ley were sadly deficient in arms and I Hall, Odd Fellow#’ Building, in pany of dragoons and loft them in line i guilding (he summit of “Table Rock.” «■fr Prescriptions carefully compounded. SOLD IN 1878 Jacksonville, Oregon, on the 2d amunition,many of the settlersand mi ­ EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. on the plain below. It was a bright I drew a long bread» and remarked to- •nd 4th Tuesday evenings of each and every ners having traded their arras to the beautiful morning and the R >gue riv (ho old Genrr.il that the next time he Than in any Previous Year. month. All sojourning Patriarchs are cor- C alifornia S treet , Indians, who were much better armed er valleys lay like a panorama at our wanted to go un«rme<| into a hostile d,.lly invded «, '“»« »“¿" ver , c . p. FOURTEENTH YEAR. In 1870 we sold 127*833 Sewing Machines. and equipped for war than their white ^et; the exact line of dragoons !, v sit- < camp, he must hunt up wino one be­ *T. B. K ent , Scribe. Proprietor. S. r. JONES, neighbors. The rifle and revolver bad 8tatute-like upon their horses, side# myself to act a# interpreter, “ 1878 “ “ 3Ì6.432 “ “ displaced the bow and arrow and tlie with •-■ their -• •---- •-»*- *--■• ------ ----- with a benignant smile he responded,. white belts and « * burnished ST MARY’S ACADEMY, war club with which the native wa# B. HOSTEL, • ‘God bless you, luck is better than* scabbard# and carbines,looked like they i UR SALES II AVE INCREASED ENOR- ATONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST CONDUCTED BY armed when the writer of this knew science. ” mously every year through the whole were engraven upon a picture, while11 IN Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars i period ot “ hard limes. ” and fought them in 1848. I never hear the fate of Gen. Canby, PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER, a few pace# in our rear ttie huge per- ; kept. ^ft'We now sell three-quarters of all the THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. DRINKS, 12X CENTS. pendicular wall of Tabb* Rock towered, j st the Modoc camp, referred to, that General Lane and Caph Alden at I Sewing Machines sold in the World. I " do not think of our narrow escape of IN ORTH'S BUILDING. I). H. FEATHERS, Agent. the commencement of the outtireak frowningly, many hundred f< et above NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t similar fate at Table Rock. 4 pay. Families needing anything in our line had sent an express to Governer G<*o. us. The business of the treaty com­ he scholastic year of this can always l»e supplied with the purest and J. W. N esmith . Long speech“# school will commence about the end of L. Curry, then secretary and acting menced at once. T> ESPECTFULl.Y ANNOUNCES TO August, and is divided in four sessions, best to be found on the Coast. Give ine a R kkreal . A pril 20 1879. were made hy General Lane and Su governer. Major Rain#, of the 4lh U. call, and you will be well satisfied. Ik the publicot Jacksonville and vicinity of eleven weeks each. S. infantry, commanding the district, perintendent Paliuer; they had to lie i that he was a scholar of Prof. I»r. Mosier, Board and tuition, per term,.......... $40.00 A n A bduction C ame at P ort * ■director of the University of Greifswalde, hese well - known mills , situ a with headquarter.# at Fort Vancouver, translated twice. When an Indian . 4.00 Prussia, and Prof. Dr. Volkmann, ot the Be i the laws. prises grain, meadow and garden land, all lumber,consisting of first, second and third SIGN PAINTING, and this wa# his fiist campaign. afternoon a young Indian came running grade, on the yard at the Yellow Jacket Saw 1 Point --------------- • — THROUGH TICKETS, 12| C ents . under good cultivation. There is a commo­ ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, dious dwelling house and barn thereon, Mill on Big Butte, which I will sell cheap for He subsequently achieved the rank of into camp stark n iked with th# per-1 CoMPRKH#ISG B ram —W.‘ recently both nearly new. Also a fine fruit orchard cash, beef steers, bacon, grain or flour. (Jive Major-General and rendered g‘>od ser- #piration streaming from every pore | • referred to # •(»»•• ->«c’OSsfid expert- — WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, J. P. PARKER. * growing on the same. The place is well meactll. vice during the “late unpleasantness” He made a brief harangue and threw I ment# in c •ur W-« now wateredand supplied with ’ >rrigatingditches, HOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND Ci­ Ac. Time will be given for part payment ALL STYLES Of BRAINING DONE. with the South, and Is now colonel of himself upon the ground apparently leaFU that »«tue Mmiller*1 gars constantly on hand. The reading LAGER! LAGER!! For further particulars apply’ to the 8th U. S. infantry. exhausted. Hi# speech had created ;# to get WILL. JACKSON, Dentist, up and down the mountain trails the Indian responded that a eomptny as much weight ■ >, give*» package* PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, madeslippery by recent rains, wearrived of white men down on Applegate creek as th«* #am«* w »1 I fl > ir. G EX ER AL BLACKSMITH WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, HE has i now on hand and is constantly inan- at Oel) Lane’s encampment on Rogue and under the command of Capt. o • u fact tiring tkn the knof best f Lager Beer «•« in Wr»llth/>rr| Southern I ndias < u * m I - odd •»•* kept in * to river near the suosequent site of Fort Owen, had that morning captured an I Oregon, which he will sell in quantities quantities to Jacksonville, Or Jacksonville, Or. I suit purchasers. Call and test the article. Lane, on the 8th day of September. Indian, known as Jim Taylor, and had • ci ool pia«*«*, an I -’iI ope«» io the air On the same day Captain A. J. Smith, ! tied hino iip to a tree and -hot him to ••n>,e in » *’•’ P A. Mfg* strie epairs watches , clocks and u ~?OR MINING BLANKS GO THE TIMES death. The hubhut) and confusion in the since the distinguished General Smith • ' il » I *1 >’■ -w* 1. d.a Jewelry in the very i»est manner. All ii i F O ffice . Copp's Hand-book of Mining------- -------- «»---------- ------------------------- ; > I \ LL KINDS OF PRODUCE TAKEN to a . «Udi. w ork promptly done at the lowest rates. '¡Law always kept on hand, Price $1 a copy, of tbe Union army, arrived at head- among the Indians at coco became tn-i good California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon, 2x lox w ork. Satisfaction guaranteed. i S. HOWARD’S! GENERAL MERCHANDISE Sheet-Music, Violins, Citherns, W “ m amuamfaa am /4 H iiv Which will be sold at Lowest Rates. WOOLEN MAN’FACTURING CO. T BLANKETS, FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, CITY BAKERY AND SALOON, O H JACOB MEYER, H BUY THE BEST SINGER MACHINES O T EUREKA MILLS. THE CRITERION, T C F. RITSCHARD, P. DONEGAN, r R wiuiuih »