BPT LIfcFJ B LlL '' Oe goMWrtit uimm. T he scarcity of Diamonds, Gold ami Silver, and the difticulties met with in securing them, is a sure indication of their value. Thus it is with a valuable medicine: Dr. Aug. MAY 2. 1X79. Kaiser’s celebrateti German Pulmonic Elixir, i FRIDA Y.„ through the jealousy of rivals has met with the ■ most bitter op|H»sitioii, and apparently almost THE GIRL WITH -1 CALICO DRESS. insurmountable obstacles have been thrown in its m av, l»ut its eppommts might as well try to change the course»f the Sun, sweep back the : -A fig for vnnr upper-ten tpri». Ocean with a broom or put out a prairie tire I With their velvets and satins and laces, with a tear. "Their diamonds and rubies an«l pearls, l-'or the cure of Throat ami Lung diseases, An«l their milliner figures an«l faces. stub as Coughs, (’obis. Consumption and Bron­ chial Affections, it is unequaled. Its cures are They may shine at a party or ball. truly magical. Ask your Druggists for it. Emblazoned with half they possess, flic genuine bears the Prussian < oat of Arms, But give me, in place of them all, the fae-similesignature of Dr. Aug. Kaiser, ami My girl with the calico dress. his name blown on every i<5 cent bottle, lrial bottle, 25 cents. She is plump as a partridge, as fair As a rose in its earliest bloom; it’TThe National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley A Rnlotson tor the best Photo­ Her teeth will with ivory compare, graphs in the United States, and the \ ienn- And her breath with the clover perfume; Medal for the best in the world. 429 Mont­ Her step is as free a ml as light gomery street. San Francisco. As the faw ns whom the hunters hard press, And her eye is as soft and as bright — Th© Fast Trotting Stallion My girl with the calico «Iress. IIMM J M T LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. BACK Ak/r sub 4*' ons * Immense Reduction in Prices I DR. PIERCES’ STANDARD REMEDIES In the Circuit of the State of Oregon fur "'the County of Jackson. Susan E. Helman, Plaintiff, vs. Micha?l 1*. Are not advertised as ‘‘'cure-alls,” but are Helman, Defendant; suit in equity for a di­ specifics in the diseases for which they are reoommended. vorce. NAH RAL I To Micha l G. Helman, ihe oilxn'e named De- Investigators -of natural science have de­ ten&mt'. AT THE STORE OF i TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE-! monstrated beyond controversy, that i T gon: Y’ou are hereby required to apjiear ' throughout the animal kingdom the “sur­ and answer the complaint tiled against you in vival ot the fittest” is the only law that vouchsafes thrift and perpetuity.. Does not the above entitled suit in which Susan E. Hel­ the same principle govern the commercial man is plaintiff and Michael G. Helman is de- prosperity of man? An inferior cannot su­ ’. fendant, on the first «lay of the next term of persede a unjierior article. By reason of ! said Circuit Court, which shall commence six superior merit, Dr. Pierce’s Standard Modi weeks or mere after the date of the first pub- cines have outrivaled all others. Theirsalo i lication of this summons, which said, next term in the United States alone exceeds one mill­ I of said court will commence on the second ion dollars per annum, while the amount j Monday, the 9th day of June, 1879; and you exported foots up to several hundred thou­ aving deter mined to maintain the position heretofore - oocu - : are notified that if you fail so to answer, for I sands more. No business could grow te such 'pied bv me ns the largest RETAIL DEALER hi Southern Oregon, I take this means want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the gigantic proportions and rest upon any oth­ I of announcing that 1 am mrw displaying tire Court for tlie relief demanded in the-complaint, er basis than that of merit. ! which is for a decree of the Court against you Er Sage’s Catarrh Remedy! that the marriage contract existing between ’ ; the plaintiff ami defendant be dissolved; ami Is Pleasant to Use. that the plaintiff have the care and custody ot North of San Francisco, consisting l the week at Manning's stable, in ! Cures “Cold in the Head,” and Catarrh and Jacksonville. ' Al.I. Moll IM. Ozoetia. In the Circuit < k»i»rt of the State of Oregon., Wliidi is surpassed by none in the county and will be sold at prices to SUJTTIJE TIM ES. DESCR1P I1ON—(»phir is a beantifnl dark fur the County of Jackson. It shall continue to be my aim to give chestnut, without mark or spot, 15 hands OPEN LETTER Roxannn Farris and T. J. Farris, Plaintiffs, vs. AN Very weak lime water will kill worms in ;t'4 inclies Jiigh. hik I weighs 1,200 pounds, ot J. W. Hay, Samuel Smith, Wm. H. l ’ eebb-s, I a splendid mild disposition, and will be 11» I The Most Goods for the Least Money, IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. flower pots. J. T. Jones and Harriet Jones, Defendants;' vearsohi on tlie 15th day of July. suit in equity. to place before my patrons a variety of articles-nett to be found in any other ‘house. R ockport , Mass., April 2, 1877. The most useful pedestrian is said to l«e the He has a Record of 2:35. and It is not my intention to mislead the public b-v advertising goods I cannot produce upon Totian-uel Smith. H'm. TJ. Feeble#, J. T. Jtmex, M it. E ditor :—Having rend in your paper man who walks tlie floor ni. ltts with the baby. PCI'IGRI-.E—Ophir wa'sired by the <•<•!- inquiry, but to give value received hi every instance. A call from every purchaser at and Harriet June#, tiftn-resident» of the State 1 reports of the remarkabe cures for catarrh, I of Orei/oitr. N. FISHER. am induced to tell “what I know about ca­ The ( hie lgo “Inter-Ocean” lias set its miml ebiahsl trotting stallion, Kentucky Hunter, my old stand is solicited. he bv Broken Leg Hunter, of New Y’ork; I N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF ORE tarrh,” and 1 fancy the “snuff” ami “inhal­ on a match between Susan B. Anthony and man-l-.il«-. Sorrel Hunter; great grami>ire, * gon: You are required to apjs-ar in said ing tube” makers (mere dollar grabbers) Old Kentn -ky lluuter,’ great-great grand ­ Carl Schurz. Court ami answer the complaint -of said plain­ vvouLl be glad if they could emblazon a sim­ sire, Highlander. tiffs, tiled against you and the above named de­ ilar cure in the papers. For 2X IS k :«>Kig ro und. ter; great grandsire, Ohl Kentucky Hunter; PePullOPOll '?S(S NOTICE. HORSEMEN! entirely cured, and have remained so for ■ over sixteen months. While using the Ca­ ture, ami thus invent more charming and artis­ was imported from England and used by General DeLaneev ns a charger on Long tarrh Bemeily, I used Dr. Pierce’s Golden tic costumes. Gland in 1777. David Hill's dam was got Medical Discovery to purify mv blood ;u,d bv HarnblrtonhiH; he by Abdallah; be by 1UILL MAKE THE SEASON BEGINNING APRTL TIRST AND CONTINUE TILL THE OLD FAVORITE STALLI01T, j strengthen my stomach. I also kepi «wiy liv- Tlie following message was W4 intercepted l>y It July 1st; Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the livery stahle R. B. Hayes: senger. The dam of Hamblet«onan was Jackson ville^ and Monday a . m „ Th-ursday and Saturday of each week at my stables his Pleasant Purgative Pellets. ].f my ex­ near Ashland. You «limn gooN and sbow«ed the great TERNH—Single service $20. payable in ad have answered its purpose. i’ll«- Southern Pacific Railroad is now cone vance. For the season, $->0, payable at the value of this stock. ITp to 1SU9 there were sixty-two more imported into the United States, Yours truly, S. D. REMTCK. and in the last ten years there have'-been live hundred ami sixty-six imported. Some A Cl.Ol 1» OF V i I NI SSEN. j>lete«l for distance of 875 miles from San eml thereof. Instirance $•*•. paj’ahle when counties iti Ohio and Illinois give bushfess to from twelve to fifteen imported stallions, it is a-cei tained timt the mare is in foal. as well as a number of graded. The following named parties are among r»re tiliK nripiaintml— and wh« Francisco, a « listatile equal to that from San All ]M.ssil>le care will la- taken by an vxperi- the thousands w ho have been cared af ca­ The grades ot ihis stock art* now gomg into the Chicago and New York markets and nut to !♦**—vrith tlic wcmtterful merit«« Francisco to (>gd u. And the work still goes enced hand, who thoroughly understands the readily bring from fitly to seventy-five jier <«ent. moi><> Tii:rn Che common stock of work tarrh by use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedv: &tn( great American RviHwIy, the treatment of mares and I kws -. f , to avoid acci­ horses. ’1 Ire above shows the reputation this stock has where they have had over a quar­ A. F. (Downs, New Geneva, l’a.; D. J. dents; but will m’t be responsible slioiihl any ter of a century’s experieoee with them. Brown, St. Joseph, Rut­ ” ’X I’1«» Mo.; E. A., C. s . Ix«wis, IHll- N r artist,noweve skillful, has ever yet been occur. Pasturage furnish--1 at r-asoiiable rates. land, Vt.; Levi Springer. Nettie Lake, Ohio.; Seethe money brought into this county by the sale of W H ITE PRI? CE colts and fil­ S. L. DANIELS, Proprietor. abb- to catch the exprt sion of a mother's face : Fhas. Norcrop, North Chesterfield, Me.; lies. Therehave been torty-flvi« head sol'd and taken out of this county which brought . Milton Jones, Scril.a, N. Y..; J E. Miller, J ohn C owan , Groom. 817.,.'117, an average price of near 8296 each. They were irmstlv sold " lieii trmler twoyears from a baby- wlule carrying her infant home Bridger Station. Wyo.; J. C. Merriman, old—many of them at weaning time. They were taken to California, Ea-torn Oregon. show at which the little darling failed to get STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) s_. Logansport, Ind.; M. M. Post, Lagnsport, Washington and Idaho Territories. Favorable reports Imw come from all, and in sev­ Coi'NTY of B ette , j Ind.; J. W. Bailey, Tremont, l’a.; IL It. eral instances the purchasers have trrdered or Tame arid bought more. I’. HENDRICKS, OF THE TOWN Ayres, La Porte, Ind.; Jesse M. Sears, Ft. WHITE PRINCE has not made a season here since 1X73. Why not raise black walnut trees in this . . of Chico, County Butte, and Slate of , Branch, Ind.; I.. Williams, Canton, Mo.; Every business man knows that large, well-formed horses have al ways ’been in demand FUR MAN AND BEAST. • oi-.ntry, f«»r the sake of the timber? A man in California, being first duly sworn , deposes at good prices. There has I »eon a good deal said that the l’erdieron stock that I have in­ ! W. A. 'J'hay.e.r., (»mtrga, 111..; S. B. Nichols, and savs that he is well acquainted with the Jr., Galveston, Texas; Jonas F. Reinert, troduced ott this coast at great cost was a failure, a humbug, and did not suit the wants .Michigan recently sold seven of these trees, M ilio. Stonesville, Pa.; S. W. Lusk, McFarland, stallion, Ophir, and that said horse to de­ of farmers ami teamster, Ac. These parties that give currency and credit to the above., TUI« 1 bi Intent vciwiuitnrfilly«originated In AtneiV standing, f >r 8l,<»00, the purchaser cutting and ponent’s knowledge is a sure «letter of colts, are, no doubt, interested in some other stock and never ov imd or gave the Pert-bet <»ns a Wis.; Johnson Williams, Helmick, Ohio; ra, where Mature j » f < o i4ir*i in her lat»oratorjr mrii U'-ILL STAND THE ENSUING SEASON Mrs. M. A. Curry,Trenton,Ten.; .1. G. Jos­ xcniciviii** them. • and that all his colts are turning out nicely, trial. Mirprising antidotes for theenaladie* of her chit- 11 of IM7!», commencing April 1st ami end­ lin, Keene, N. IL; A. T. Casper, Table ltock, and that said deponent is now the owner of :ic,<'tc.,«etc. Jas. ■Savage, I’. Dunn, W. F. Songer, den, Ala.; Chas. F. Kaw, Fredricktown, A. Martin, cash or grain at harvest. X be ►urf-tn-at« n rock,that line* the shore • J ( liieo, (’«»inity <>! Butte, and Slate of Wm. Rav, Tlie'Icx'can Mustang J.'.:ilinent I* tlie qulckr.t G. W. Fordyce, F_ Heber, < k F. Blake« Ohio; Mrs. Lucy Hunter, Farmington, III.; S. Grubb, J.. A. CARDWELL. cure hi tho world for nccidi-nts cxcurring in th* John Murphy, I». Chapman, ('apt. E. J. Spaulding, Camp Stambaugh, A. F. Randall, W. G. Bishop. ocean, that stands halt s«> firmly tvs the (’alitorniii, b»-ing tic-t duly sworn, deposes S. C. Taylor, family, in the absence cf a physician, aucli m and says that he was the owner ot the stal­ Wyo.; I. W.'¡'racy, Steamboat Rock, Iowa; E E. Gore, I). Peninger., L. Broadsword, J. B. Bunyard. tr.ith. It will live ami flourish, ami still be lion, < q«hir, that he and Geo. <’. Perkins, of Wm. Justice, turns scalds, sprain s cuts, etc., and for rheuma­ Mrs. Lydia Waite, Shushan, N. Y.;.l. M. tism, and st¡.Tuess engendered by exposure. Faa- I could w ith the above get like endorsements from part i» s that have * bred or owned truth,when all its oppoaers have perished, ami < iroville, purchased said horse, Ophir, from J’erk, Junction City, Mont.; Henry Ebe, ticularly valuable to Miners. ’ __ __ ____ Judge J. E. W. lx«wis, of Oroville, at the young stock from my horses in •('Hl-rt'ornia, Umpqua and Willamette valleys, EasUun Bantas, Cal.; L. P. < ’ll minings, Rantoul, 111.; every rock relied froiu its bed. It Is the cheapest remedy 1u the world, for M age ot one year; that the said Kinney Per­ Oregon, Washington, Idaho «nd Montana Teri itories and British Columbia. S. E. Jones, Charleston Four Corners, N. Y.; penetrate«themuade to-the l»otie, and a .Ingle Some scientific man has figured it out that kins have been the owners of said horse for f’RJDiE OF PEJ!('(I E was selected in France by tho same party that brought out old THE WELL-KNOWN DRAFT HORSE, Geo. F. Hall, Pueblo, Cal.; Wm.E. Bartri-, application Is generally Kiitncicnt tocur*. Sterling, Pa.; H. II. Ebon, 948 Penn Street, for every pouml of honey made by a hive of eight years, and during the whole time he Louis Napoleon, (he then had 23 years experience with this stock) and was pun based Mexican Mustang I.lntmcnt 1« put tip tn three has never tailed to get foal; in fact he is one from one of the best breeders in France. His prodnee in this State shew him to be a No. Pittsburg Pa.; .1. R. Jackmau, Samuel's 1>ces 2,5lMi,(W»0 flowers are drawn upon, A of the surest getters of colts in t his section of 1 stock horse. sizes of lmttles, tlie larger one, te-lng projairUan- Depot, Ky.; Henry Zobrist. Geneva, N. Y.; Ately luueli the s h':apest. 6oId of life. That which goes in­ J. L. KINNEY. Enoch l»uer. Pawnee Citv, Neb.; Joseph escapes. W. C, MYER. will beat said places every ninth «lav. to the web will come out with the web, ami Subscribed ami sworn to before me this T. Miller, Xenia, Ohio; S. B. Nichols, Gal­ DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. veston. Tex.; 11. L. Uird, Upper Alton, III; nothing will come out w hich you do not pntin. 11th dav of April, 187!». G eo . J. BoritXE, John Davis, Prescott, Ariz.; Mrs. Naix’y Tnt k is 9 years old this Spring. His sire (.RAY’S S1»K< Il IF MEDICINE. "EXCELSI02” Notarv Public, Butte (’o., (’al. I was Arabian, out of a Timoleon mare. Graham, Forest Grove, Ore. Scene in a court-room: “Prisoner, how many 1 «ADE MARK. IRADE M’.RK. JKE GRfAT Turk’s dam was French, lie is a dark FRANCO-AM ERICAN ■barrels of iiotatoes dill you say you stole? chestnut sorrel, with white points, 17 hands Golden M» dical Discovery 1ISH REMEDY, an Is Alterative or Blood-cleansing. ‘‘Seven, your honor; three yesterday and two high, and weighs L,5U0 pounds in working unfailing cure condition. to-day." “Well, hut that’s only five.” “Oh! for Spermator­ Golden Medical Discovery Competent judges agree that Turk’s colts rhea, Seminal Is Pectoral. ___ sure. Fin going for the others when I get out of will compare favorably with any vet pro ­ ■Weakness, Im- this!” duced in the State, ami he is highly recom­ Golden Medical Discovery ^^TEE & RESTA.XJRA.NT ¡peleney, and mended by leading stock-raisers of Doug­ Is a (’holagogue, or Liver Stim-ahurt. all diseases that Oregon St., Jacksonville, “Second class in grammar, stand tip," said i las county., where he has made several sea­ Before T.i’:in< follow as a se- After Taking. Golden Medical Discovery the schiHilmaster. “John is w ho mls with my sister ' I ■Pi»ninger's ranch, containing plenty of good B.v reason of its Alterative properties, cures in Jackson county at my stable in or Consumption and a Premature Grave. feed and running water, and will be prepar­ Diseases of the Blood-and Skin, as .Scrofula, Jacksonville, near the Court House, where ¿Susan. jJSiTFull particulars in our pamphlet, or King’s Evil ; Tinnors; Ulcers, or Old ed to furnish pasturage at $1.50 jier month. Sores; he will be every day in the week excepting which we desire to send free by mail to Blotches; Pimples; and Eruptions. J acksc n ville, Diamond a year, discovers teen and one-quarter hands high, weighs scrofulous swellings itn«l affections, a few the patronage which has hitherto been ex- broke to work single or double. Horses that a base ball pitcher hauls in Sl.OOi) for the 1,250 |K»unds, is a coal black and is a very bottles of Golden Medical Discovery will ef­ ten.led to her, and would resiiecttully »ollie- boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon Oregon. fect Jacksonville, an entire cure. If you feel dull, drow­ its continuance. ¿season, it makes him sit down on a roller box fast trotter. them while in my charge. J I TO GET— sy, debilitated, liave sallow color or skin, «Mid think. Her tables are always under her immedi­ He Has a Record of 2:33! or yellowish-brown spots on faeeor laxly, ate control ; and by her long exiierience ia fTMY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. When a Ilartford woman patt d her frituid's and has performed other feats of equal frequent headache or dizziness, bad taste in rnilE UNDERSIGNED IS FT LEY PRE- mouth, internal heat or chiH« alternated the business slu- ieels (snifident thet she will A liberal share of the public patronage is _ «even year old youngster on the head ami sai«l: note since his arrival in this section. SIR J pared to de all work in his line in the with hot flushes, low- spirits and gloomy give entire satisfm-tion to all. Her bods an« WALTER was sired by Marion, he by solicited. W. J. PLYMALE. rooms are fitted up in the most eoinfortal le "“I should like t«> have such a little 1 m > v as Memhrino I'hiet, In* by Memlirino.Paymas­ best manner and at reasonable prices. — done rx— forebodings, irregular appetite, and tongue style, suited io the accommodation -of single *you are, ” he l««oke«l up into her face ami re­ ter, he by Membriuo/he by Imported Mes­ coated, you are suffering from Torpid Liver, HOT OK COED BATUM or frani lie». Her lied» are alway» or “Biliousness.” Sn«many cases of "Liver occupants kept clean. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. * allied: ‘‘Well, I guess you can., I don't be- senger. His dam was a Long Island Black­ hawk mare. She was sired bv the noted Can be had at this place at all hours of the Complaint,” only part of these symptoms .lieve Cod's lost the pattern of me.” trotter Andrew Jackson, sire of Henry Clay. ’ are experienced. Asa remedy forall such —BY— GEORGE SCH UAl PF. dav cases, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Diseov- A Minus mmist«r, while marrying a couple tne progenitor of the < 'lav family of t rotters; i —ASO AT— his first dam, Sally Miller by Memlirino, i erv has no equal, as it effects perfect cures, BRICK & LIME for SALE VEIT SCHUTZ. »recently, is reported to have been rather dis- son of Imported Messenger: Andrew Jack-, S. P. HANNA, leaving the liver strengthened and healthy. •concerted on ashing the bridegroom if he was son by Young Bashaw, ami heby Imported THE —AND— LOWEST RATES, The People's Medical Servant. willing to take the young lady for his wedded Grand Bashaw, . For further particulars Dr. R. V. Pierce is the sole proprietor and inquire ot G. W. STEVENSON. R. SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY T> i» manufacturer of the foregoing remedies, all wife, by sera c i ng his ) e -1 ami saying: ‘ ’Yes, — IS at — forms the citizens of Jacksonville an of which are sold by druggists, lie is also BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE I'm willing; hut i d a much sight rather have surrounding country that he is now .manu­ tiie Author of the People’s -Common Sense facturing, and will constantly keep on hand FOR SALE OR TRADE. Jacksonville, Oregon, DAV. CRONEMILLER’S, tlie very best of Unger Beer. Those wishing Mier sister.’ Medical Adviser, a work of nearly one thou­ sand pages, with two hundred and eighty- The late dull times liave driven many men a cool glass of l>eer should give nie a call. J At KSt )N VI LEE, OREGI IN. TN CRONEM1 Ll.ER’S BUILDING, TS two wood-engravings and colored plates. nHTE UNDERSIGNED would HF.RE> From Die-rcantile pursuits ami the learned pro- mil El NDERS1GNED HAS ANEXCEL- TIKH'’<,VNDH!’^livli‘li‘‘ }llHt he haH 0X15 1 lent threshing ma -hine, in good order, I ¡n receipt ol a full assortment of material He has already sold of the popular Work IMPORTANT NOTICE. and fieasiuns into farming, The majority seek the which he will sell or trade np/'<»fsuneriorJackson prepared to do all work in bis line on . • w,e <‘heaP- Persona wi»h- OVER 100.000 COPIES !! waat, bnt the oast is als< > feeling the good ef- terms, l-’or further particulars inquire of short notice and in a workmanlike manner. aving placed my accounts jn BALED HAY ’{"VVa ’ *^’1** <>r i>lash‘ring done in the THos. ( HAVNEIl, the handsofC. W. Kahler for collection, Vehicles of every descript inn made to order. Feet* of this movement in the re1" PKHCIIb TRUE MEXICAN Mustang Liniment, T. NOTICE, STOCKMEN ! The Thoroughbred Trotting Stallion LIVERY STABLE! SIR WALTER! H BARBER SHOP & BÄTH ROOMS THE PLACE THE BEST STYLE M H AVAGON - MAKER