Sht gmarratir ¿imw. HEATER'S ISBIA \ TRASKFEK BILL. THE KOCK HOIST BRIDGE. FRANK BROS.’ AGENCY! T. G. REAMES. PIONEER HARDWARE STORE E. R. REAMES. To the E ditor of the T imes : The conspicuous features of the bill Thus. Chavner, over the assumed Rfficiiil Paper for Jarkson, Josrphine 4 Lakr. recently introduced ty Senator S’afer, name of “The Old Mountain Trapper,” providing for the tran-fer of the Indi­ has had i n advertisement in both the CALIFORNIA ST., Sentinel »mi T imes for the past four FRIDAY MAY 2, 1879. ans from tin- Interior to the War De­ weeks in reference to the proposed MRS. J. BILGER. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON, partment, are as follows: Froln and new bridge at R ick Point. So many ---- IMPLEME NTS ---- T he last Issue of the Sentinel teemed after July 1st, 1880, the Secretary of misstatements are made by Mr. Chav­ with personalilips of a gross nature. War shall have the same general pow­ ner that, in justice to the traveling Are offered to the Fanners of Southern Oregon, for the harvest of 18 1 9. A full line of harvesting (AT THE OLD STAND OF J. BILGER machinery, consisting of In justice to the editor thereof, we er and jurisdiction over Indian Affair« public generally, and the people ot would a ate that he was absent from as are now possessed by the Secretary Fool’s creek particularly, I deem it my WALTER A. WOOD’S WELL-KNOWN IRON MOWER, BY ADOPTING A duty to state a few well known facts his post at the time anil that the ad of the Intrri >r; that he shall detail an California St., Jacksonville, regarding the matter. In order to be IRON MOWERS NEW MODEL, CHAIN RAKE REAPERS. SWEEP RAKE REAPERS, interim w»a a person it sometime Army officer of a rank not less than WITH OR WITHOUT MOWING ATTACHMENTS. CASH BASIS!! cr ncise I will notice his inaccuracies in since became necessary for us to warn Colonel to act as Commissioner ot In­ stating the facts as they occur in lii- the public against. He states that his (DEALER IN dian Affairs, and make such details of advertisement. bridge is “ one and a half mih s ” aliove C hicago is now the banner Demo­ officers, not below Fiisl Lieutenants, Ruck Point. The distance is just \yiTH NEW AND VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS FOR 1879, HAS PASSED THE cratic city, having recently elected the either from the active list of the Army, three measured miles, as he very well ’ V stage of experiment .and stands unrivalled to-day as the best Self-Binder in the world. TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE entire ticket placed in the field by the as may be neces-ary, from time to knows. He states that the U. 8. mail It was awarded the first premium and gold medal by the Oregon State Fair for 1878 over all IN PRICES other Binders. Democracy. As goes Chicago so goes time, to administer the affiirs of the and al) other travel crois at his bridge Illinois—at least so remarked the Inter- Indian service. Commanding officer« at “the most reasonable rates.” Let STOVES, us examine that statement. On a Ocean, a leading Republican organ, of military departments are to be e.r- certain occasion (here were religious sometime before. And Republican officio in charge of Indian mutters services held at tho water edge, near —AND TIIE— journals never prevaricate. therein, and the Inspector General of the north end of Mr. Chavner’s bridge, I For 1879, leads all other Separators and Horse Power in improvements of real merit and value; Agricultural Implements, in fact it is the the Army is to be In-pcctor of the In­ at which time several parties were T he Washington Po»l says: “Strip­ BOSS THRESHER OF AMERICA. dian service, an>l make annual reports baptized. A number of wagons and ped of redundant verbiage, and stated carriages from the south side of the BELLE WAGONS AND HACKS, COOPER’S PORTABLE TRACTION FARM EN­ to Congress of the number and condi­ PUMPS AND PIPE, concisely, the plaintive wail of the —OF— river, loaded with ladies and gentle­ GINES, STATIONARY ENGINES, AND SAW MILL MACHINERY, tion of the Indian tribes. The bill re­ TURBINE WATER WHEELS, ETC., AND men, went across to witness the cere­ Republican leaders in Congress amounts quires all contracts for supplies or monies. Mr. Chavner charged full to this: If we had suspected that, in GENERAL MERCHANDISE!! transportation connected with the In­ rates over and back, much t.i the cha­ a restored Union, our party would be dian service to be made in the same grin of the parties who were compelled voted out of office, our motto would —THE— to pay tho bill, knowing as they did A. manner, and, as far as practicable at SLOCUM, Roseburg, Manager for Southern Oregon. R eames B ros ., have been, «L-t the Union slide.’ ” that no charges of that kind were ev­ Ja- k Boti ville, Local Agents. the same time as Army contracts. HOPE, TWINE, er made at the IVi'k Point bridge GREATEST VARIETY T he New York Time» publishes The offices of Special C >mmi-sion< r-, «ÄSEND FOR CIRCULARS AND BRICE LIST, cm He affirms that the r »ad on the south thirty-three columns of extracts from ' Sup« rintendents, Bo iris of Indian side of the river, from Dardanelles to TO SELECT FROM IN Republican papers in every Slate in 1 Commi"l(»ners and Inspectors of In­ Rock Point, is almost impassable onac- THE BEST WOSTENHOLM CUTLERY th© Union, wnich show conclusive!,, dian Affairs are to be abolis'ied from count of its rocky condition. This Any One Store in Southern that Grant is the prominent Ridical and after July 1, 1880; and, among statement is so extravagantly incur Oregon or Northern POWDER AND FUSE, candidate tor the Presidency in 1880. other thing«, it is provided by this r< ct that it scarcely requires refutation. There is not a stage driver on th« line I California. The same paper thinks the Democracy bill that all religious d nominations nor a traveler who ever passed over will be compelled to renominate Til -hall ei j »y a free and equal right to the road who does not know to the den. A Centra! Axsorlnicnt of SHELF HARDWARE erect and maintain church and school contrary. The people of Foot’s creek are un for..................................................................... upward Agency of the PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT ll ’ E CALL TIIE ATTENTION OF THE * » arrived on the G’co JU. ,■ List week one of the thing- you cannot do.” Al Tobacco per tt> for.................................................................................... — the best in the world. IT tallies to tlie (net that we have noyv on » ‘ Obi Trapper ’ « ” gratin- without the Our motto shall lie prompt and fair deal­ and the Portland press appears to be of hiding to Louisiana, he said that he tons advice, They purchase where Candles per box....................................................................................... hand tiie largest and best selected assort­ ment of LA Di US’ DRESS GOODS and FAN­ ing with all. Call and examine onr stork tho opinion that the}- have various thought hell mu-t be letter governed, it suits them best and probably patron- CY GOODS of every description in Southern befoie going elsew here. Satisfaction guar­ MRS. J. BILGER. A iregon, and we will henceforth make this anteed. projects undt r con-idernlion, ¡m inding judging from what lie had heard, than iz»» Jacksonville more than Rock Point. that State bad b>.ea. Befara saying line of goods our «pecialtv and sell them at Si. 00 Mr. Chavner excels himself in Hie Prints, 15 yds for........................................... the connection of the Oregon and (Jili . itami that the “Chinese must go” l.e would sympathy he expresses for the bur- Miislin per yd................................................ SISKIYOU i irnia ends of th»» ov.-rland railroad. Cheaper than the Cheapest «• 1 .00 “ Men's hats, each............................................. -ay to evt-ry law on the statute book dened tax payer, but his sympathetic Men 3 .50 “ ’s bools per ¡»air.................................... To the gentlemen wo will say, it you .75 “ “ “ .................................... T he Democratic m»j»;ity in the which oppressed li e latmiii-.g classes bowels ii“ver yearn for tho e same tax- Shoes want a No. 1 St IT OF < L‘ ITH EN you must “ “ .................................... that it must go; natiouil tianks must payers when they cross his bridge to Slippers go to Kearnes Bros, to buy it, as we claim to S«nite did itself honor in electing .03 “ national la.nd- must go, and the attend church. In conclusion, I will Uotten flannel shirts and drawer.-, each. have the best STOCK OF CLOTHING in 9.00 Men's cloth suits worth 8 ’ 5.00 for ........... Hon. Allen G. Thurman, the Q.«io land iboth polists must go; the moun­ Jackson eounty and willallow noone to un­ Men ’ s cloth pants worth $i!.U0 for ........... 3.50 simply state, for the “Old Trapper’s dersell IIS. statesman, to the position of President tains of idle money in tue treasury benefit, that the people of Rock Point And various other art ides loo numerous to in- inion. Call and examine as it costs not li- These good« were all purchased by a mem­ mg to satisfy yourself. MORRIS M ENSOR. pro tem. She/uld Rtitherfraud B. must go into channels of Lusiuess. ber of our firm from FIRST-CLASS HOUS­ stifli dent enterprise to hudd a ES in San Francisco and New York, and we Congressman Delumalyr of Indiana Bridge themselves an l they will do i’. Hayej amt Win. Aliunde Wheeler will warrant every article and sell them YREKA. CAL. even though it should cati-e him Io du-aper tor cash than any house in county. t ike leave of the positions to which spoke in the same vein. He said: in return to the mountains and engage We also keep on hand a full stock of I “Down with ttie put r-le cry of revo­ th»»y were n?v>-r elected just now, the 4 RE NOW MANUFACTURING EV­ his favorite «avocation of trapping. lution, raised by those who had been Unite I States would have a Demo-rat­ IA. crytiling in the line of GROCERIES. F oot ' s CREEK. io President it might well be proud of cowards on one side and cormorants on Il A RI) W A R E, CUTLER Y, G L ASS W ARE, tin* other.” He had u.o language to nr Circuit < oi:rt. CONFECTIONERY ! T he army appropriation bill was utter his supreme contempt for it. The CROCKERY, Tim following is a synopsis of the pro­ pissed by the Smite on April 25th by country wanted peace, not re opening —MAKING— A FULL LINE OF ASHLAND GOODS, of .sectional st iie. ceedings for tho April term of this a strict party vo*e—IL to 30. The Court: Farm and Freight Wagon«, Senate did not see fit to change it in A CAltS». Fresh Candy Every Day« State vs. J. J. Monro; indictment fi>r any particular and it went to Mr. Ill the T ime * of !a-t week appeared Plows, Gang Plows & Sulky Plows. Hayes as it originally came from the a card from Mr. J.iy Beach ch illenging larceny. Previous indictment dis­ rpHE BEST PROCESS YET DISCOVERED FORSAVING FINE OR FLOAT GOLD. on hand a full as­ missed, whereupon Grand Jury rein­ I Extensively used witli great success in gravel and placer mining in various parts ot In fact everything from the finest needle And will keep constantly H ouse. If Republican assurances go tue t ) match the Colt i of Sir Walter sortment ot the Pacific Coast. Over five hundred orders have been tilled, and the demand is con ­ to a threshing-machine. Give us a call and dicts defendant. Case transferred to stantly increasing. A large number of these Plates were sent to Snake River mines, judge for yourselves as to our capacity ot for anything, the measure will tie ve- with those of Altamont for five hun­ Do'»gl is county for trial. Idaho',last year, and a great many orders are being tilled for them this season. Circulars furnishing goods as above. dred dollar- ’ . Thi« pmposi ion is hard ­ to-d by His Frau lu’ency and the pn s Grand Jury presents a true bill containing full instructions-for working these Plates sent witli each order. Old Mining The way to make money is to save it. To ly fair, as the« of Altamont are all «■nt session of Congress pr.ilorg-d in­ ngajn-t John George f« r attempted Plates bought or taken in exchange for new Silver Plated Plates, and full value allowed. save it buy cheap. To buy cheap pay CASH from fine m ires and those of Si W.dler extracted from old Plates at a moderate cost by a new and economical process. Old for vour goods and buy of definitely in cr n eq ienee thereof. larceny in Wimer’s store, Defendant Gold Plates(which often contain a surplus of gold above the cost of plating) can lie re-plated. REAMES BROS. are fro n <•» 1 l-l»!oo led s*o *k. Tiie time, Fancy Crackers of all Kinds. pl »ad« guilty ami was sentenced to one Willi the most extensive facilities on the Pacific Coast, orders can l»e filled very prompt ­ •»one and two yeirs ftom next fall, ” i* T he people of lh 1 Norte county, Cil- year’s imprisonment in Penitenti try ly* and satisfaction guaranteed. also too far off to -nit tnj. To satisfy #€TMining Meli and the public generally are cautioned against unprincipled and irre­ A; «^Southern Oregon dealers in these ar­ Geo. Simon n-** v?. II. Carton, et al. ifnrnia, are engtged in working up the sponsible parties traveling through the country, endeavoring to secure orders for very in­ Mr. B“ ich and the al of Alla, Settled. ticles will find it to their advantage tn trade ferior qualities of Silver Plated Mining Plates. cl tiius ofCresct n' Cilyas a harbor of re- meat I will make a fairer und more with ns, as they will always lie able to ob­ II. F. Sinr.on vs. I Dietrch; r/ al ; to tain their goods FRESH and SALEABLE, f go with com met liable energy and arc decisive offer, and one that will save —OF— and AS ('HEAP if not CHEAPER than ean SAN FRANCISCO GOLD, SILVER, NICKEL AND COPPER PLATING V/GRKS, recovi r money. Judg nent by default. the trouble of taking Altamont to be bought anywhere. determin id that the proper authorities Bigelow. Set- Akers vs. Farr is Nos. €333 and €333 Mission Street, San Francisco, Cal. Beno this Fall. I will match Sir Wai th ill be made aware of the advantages tied. GIVE US A CALL AND ENCOURAGE EDWARD G. DENNISTCN............................................................. rKOPRIETOR. ter against Altamont on the trotting HOME INDUSTRY. State VS. M. Woody; held in Ju«- that port off. ri for such purposes. The track at Yreka in ().-toner next f* r one tice ’ s Court Dis- to ken ji the peace. sympathies of Southern Oregon and thousand dollar«, five hundred dollirs — AT— missed, PHŒNIX MILLS Fine fStnllion SIR ASTLEY COOPER'S Northern California uro entirely wilt» forfeit, to be placed in the hands of 0. State vs. Geo. Lewis. Sarne a? VITAE IM Norte county; but, un !er a rule C. Beekman in J ic'tsonville hy the alnve first day of June next, tin* race to tie ^ROM PAST EXPERIENCE, I CANNOT that lias generally obtained, it is quite offer less than mile heats, best three in five, ami gov­ Itnunway Irclileni. likely that our hopes will come to erned by the rules of the Nitiofiil 60 CENTS PER BUSHEL While Col. W. S. Stone and wife liriLL MAKE THE ENSUING SEASON THE niug’it. Govern meet favors are un­ fr itting Association. Thi« is certain rpiIE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- wheat, and farmers can have their choice fortunately not always accorded to iy the -quari st manner of deciding the were on their way hither, tin* team >» at the following named places; At 1 tire in announcing to the public that he of J. Bailey’«, on t he east side of Bearcreek two of either exchange or sell their wheat at GHEAT ENGLISH REMEDY, has just received a complete and first-class m irket those ttio-l deserving them. «peed <| i ilitiis and endurance ot th»* became unmanageable near Cotton- miles north of I’htvnix, Mondays ■ nd Tucs- prices at my mills. assortment of Gent's Furnishing Goods, daysofeach week during the season; tit I’. I henceforth expect to establish two horses. Respectfully, wood and ran away, Mrs. Stone was Simon such as Hais, Shirts, Underwear, etc.; best CURES ’s at Eagle Point, Wednesdays and H aving failed in destroying Siinuel G eo W. S t epi i ex son . brands of Cigars and Tobacco; Pipes, No­ IK* BRASDH OF FUIL'B, in the vehicle alone at the lime, but Thursdays; at my place, onthenoith side Y ERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMATURE tions, Fancy Goods, Glassware, Crockery, J. Tilden with calumny and falsehood, Jacksonville, April 3»>, 1879. of Rogue river, Fi ¡days and Saturdays. -ucceeded in jumping out and escaped Decline, Muscular Weakness, Lost Musical Instruments, Bird Cages. Station­ which will excel the old ones. DF.SCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE; the Republican press is now etiragvd It shall always be my aim togive the full­ Manhood, Defective Memory, Paralysis, ery, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Alliums, A Nerkyr* <->«ia*tri»j»hc. any further injuries i than a dislocated P. W.OLWELL. Dick Turpin is live years old next June, Despondency and all conditions produced Toys, Candies. Nuts, etc., which will be sold est satisfaction. in spreading st dements to the off ct Pho-nix, Aug. 9, 1878. and is a beantitul dapple bay with a small i»y youthful indiscretions or excesses in at tlx* cheapest rates. Give me a call and wrist, and some slight bruises. The M ly-D.iy celebration was i the t »at he h»4 been stricken with paraly­ white star in forehead, ono white foot, and mature years. Brice, ?3 a bottle, or four see for yourselves. w< iglis 1,330 pounds. He was siied by Ad. times tlx* quantity tor $10. Sent to any ad­ occasion of a most unfortunate F. BRECKENFELD. acci ­ sis and is filling rapidly, with the evi GOOD WORK AND LOW PRICES ! THE FINE PERCHERON STALLION. Sizemore's “Frank,” and he by imported dress by Proprietors, A team driven by Z»eh. ­ Ztch. Cam < Suffolk Punch,or l»etter known as the Noble d -rit intent of injuring his chances for dent I»R. A. E. MINHE A CO., —AT— Fox Hunter, of England. Dii-k Turpin’s renouination and ro el<*ction. Even eron of Uniontown suddenly became »lain was sired byS. Dogget’s Lummux.and he by < iwensbv's l/ummux and out of a Mes­ (Graduate University of Pennsylvania, late this pl in will not be successful in kill frightened and, before it could be Frey's Boot and Shoo Store, resident Surgeon Orthopaslic Hos­ senger mare bred in Kentucky. Dick's BLACKSMITH, pital, Philadelphia.) ing Mr. Tilden off. Hon. Abram S checked, h k I capsizd the vehicle grand dam, on the horse's side, was a Jack C alifornia S treet I Ila wkins mare. I lewitt, his particular friend, says the containing his nottier, Mrs. (J. C. No- 11 Kearney Street. San Francisco. TERMS—Single service 8l-for the season FOURTH STREET, JACKSONVILLE. Jacksonville, Oregon. story is without f< und »tion and that Biogan and himself, and dragged ?IO. Wheat, oats ami barley taken at mark­ TO HE HAO OF ALL DIU’GGISTS. Mr. Tilden’s health li is never been bet­ them several yards. Dr. Vtoo nan H’H.L M AKE Till: ENSUING SEASON et price. Ten percent, discount on cash pay­ M ill inv farm four mileseast of Asliland. ments. iK»n<;c% n%viN a- <<».. of Portmud, tor In many years. Like Binqn«»’s was immedia'ely summoned, who Agents lor Oregon mill M iislltngtoa aving permanently located For further information inquire of PEDIGREE. aving taken charge of the Territory. gho«t, he will not down at the bidding found that the enti e piriy hi I sus­ in Jacksonville, the undersigned wc JAMES W. COLLINS. shop formerly occupied by Dan. Crone­ I White Prince. Jr., was sired by W. C. spectfully informs the public that he i.* Sam ’ s Valley, April 4th, 1879. of his a Ivors tries. miller, situated north of Cardwell ’ s Livery Myer's White Prince; dam, a half blood prepared to do all kinds of work in the lxx>t tained injuries of a severe nature. Sampson marc, from whom lie derives a DR. M INTIE’S large HOSPITAL EX- stable, 1 am now prepared to do and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran­ PER1ENCEenables him to treat all diseases The condition of Mrs. Cxueioii, who tine form ami goo«l action; grand dam Flora, The Text-bimk <|iit-Nti«ia. teed. GEORGE W. FREY. K 11*«**: i in X ! of a delicate or private nature ia the most GEM.KAL BLACKSMITH I.XJ ¡s an aged lady, is (‘(»n-idered critical, a thorough bred mare imported from Iowa scientific manner. Charges reasonable. A bill in eq’iitc h is been tiled in the though at last »ciounts -he had re by Giles Wells—her dam imported from Otlice hours—10 to 3 and 0 to 8 evenings; in the best manner and on short notice. England to Kentucky. White Prince, Jr., United St ites fire,>it f > irt !>y A L vived s'liHwhat. Mr-. Brogan and is a lieautitnl dapp’c gray, six vears old HUIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE Sundays 11 to 1 only. My terms are reasonable. Satisfaction guar­ anteed. Give me a trial. Spring. 17 hands higliaml weighs from 1 one house and block of ground in Jackson­ Bancroft & Co, of Sm Frail is o, Mr. Ca.-imr >n are also seven Iv injured; this l.tMMi to 1 ..«oo po'inds. His colts prove him ville, known as the Hull place, ten hea«l of /SiT Horse-shoeing a specialty. against the G»v,-. :ior, S (-r • !»'V of but to what extent we have not to l»e, without exception, one of the best brood and work mares, eight head of two year MATT. SHANNON. colt-getter* in Southern Oregon. Jacksonville, Feb. IS, 1878. old and one year old colts, one three year old State and Superintend - it of Public In learned. Carrying Unite! States Hails. T erms —sliiand 8]5. Pasturage furnished flMIE UNDEItSIGNED HAVE A BAND The Ashlati 1-l.nkrileu Konti*. mares from a distance at reasonable rates. stallion, by Petiinger's Mike, dam Heber's I of good, clean and well-graded sheep Mruction, praying an injunction re­ brown mare. Sai'l stallion is lfij hands high, JOHN MURPHY. weighs about 1,250 pounds, color mahogany for sale, consisting of about live hundred straining the defendants from adopt­ The service on this mail route Con- I EAVES JACKSONVILLE MONDAYS Lav. Also one set of double Concord harness. and fifty head, mostly ewes witli lambs. ing a series of text bo >ks in the | lace 'inues spasmodic. Postmaster Hel These sheep are in good order — in fact there Jj and Thursdays b»r Waldo. Ixmvos E. C. L ord , A large lot of lx.usehold and kitchen furniture, 25 Front St., consisting of articles too numerous to mention, is not a nicer bunch of sheep in the country FORWARDING A COMMISSION AGENT Waldo Tuesdays and Fridays. of the “Paeitl ' C >a-’ S Ties” until the man of Ashland has been unable to First-class accommodations for passen- Portland. is also offered for sale. For further particulars of its siz.e. They wifi be sold cheap, as we expiration of the co itr i -t of the pl iiu- find anyone willmg to perform the ser have not sutlicient range for them. For irers. Express business promptly attended enquire at this otlice or of J. IL PENN. particulars inqr.ire of t„by R. Al.GAkRETT. A. P. HOTALING CO., Roseburg, Oregon. tiffs, October 1, 1881. Judge 1) adx vice at the rules prop, serf by the Gov­ i B1KDSEYA MATHIS, Importers of Rock Point, Oregon. granted »temporary injunction, and ernment ami Colwell caiinot fulfill hi- FOR SALE ! ERCHANTS OF JACKSONVILLE contract on account of his creditors FINE WINEM .1X1» I.IQl<»ltN. ordered defend mts to show cause, at and vicinity slii »ping goods via Rose- 4 CHOICE MI LI, SITE, INCLUDING having aeiz**d the s’oek on the line, t NUMBER OF DESIRABLE TOWN LOTS buig will find it to their advantage to ah ip the expiration of ten days from d ite of rims the matter stands. Sole Agents for tho A a heavy frame building 24 f«H aqnare, through this house. Ample warehouse with a set ot Fren-di burr«, mill race hav­ ■* * in Klijjjad's addition to Jacksonville will s rvice, why the injnnc;i n should not room, safe and careful storage, and business ing a capacity of 2,000 inches of water which be sold on reasonable terms. For further par­ J. H. CUTTER l e granted. Service was ;n vie on de promptly attended to. lie had C rooks remarked that ticulars enquire of HENRY KLll’PEL. in available at all times of the year, with 1. HENDRICKS, Applegate, Jackson county, Oregon. something so enticing about it. Gen. kqits for Stale Invextment Insurance Co Prices reasonable. «cheap, l’leasc call. JAS. DRUM. Roseburg ing con ract. REAMES BROS., FARAI MACHINERY AND AGRICULTURAL AHEAD AS USUAL!! WOOD’S SELF-BINDING HARVESTER! THE GREATEST REDUCTION Walter A. Won4:s Header, Victor Self-Dam Hay Rakes, Chicago Pitts Threshers Ever Known in a Regular Business, anfl Horse Power, I LARGEST STOCK! A Full Line of Extras for all Machinery Always Kept on Hand. Paints, Oils, Glass and Varnishes PRO BONO PUBLICO ! ALL FOR CASH THE NEW YORK STORE AHEAD ! ! FALL & WINTER DRY-GOODS. A CANDY FACTORY! SCHEID BROS., SAVE YOUR GOLD! Highly Important to Miners and a Mill Men! Plain and Fancy Candles, Nuts, Etc. LATEST ARRIVALS > i :w < ; o< >i ! ! R estorative BRECKENFELD’S ! I MATT. SHANNON, WI1ITI H H WALDO EXPRESS. H. L. MURTON, LOTS FOR SALE OLD BOURBON WHISKY B FAMILY GROCERIES, M I