I 1 TH Shr gmunatii uiniw. MIMXti ÌEWS The Mann and pleasant weather prevailing at present is received with favor by the farm­ ers and stock-raisers. The miners would pre- J fer more rain, however. ce Vj » ar ri A n E xcellent I dea .—The question of se­ SIR ASTLEY COOPER’S DR. MINTIE S_NE?HRETICUM. curing a public park for Jacksonville is at- New moon. Water is becoming scarce. D r . M i . ntie ' s N epkketicum work» wou« . traeting much attention and has been canvassed VITAL dors. I11 all ease* of Dropsy, Bright'* Iii»- FRIDAY New goods at Howard’s. The mining season is approaching a close. APRII. 25, 1879 • by our citizens during the past week. Iu 6a.se, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Com« plaint*, or Retention of Urine, are cored by Read the new’ advertisements. | C. C. Kuney, representing Knapp, Burrell I Gin Lin’s last run of three weeks paid him fact, some action in the matter is already the Neplireticum. Female Weakne*.*, Giav- TO aoveriinerm . A Co., of Portland, is iu this section at present nearly $3,(MX) gross. being taken. Bybee’s Grove has long ago Ixical correspondence solicited. el. Diabetes, pain in the back, ride ai d THE looking after the interests of that firm. He loin are curod when all other medicines been found to be unsuited to public occasions Notices of location ami other mining blanks Dr. Belt has returned from Wilderville. The TIMES has the largest eircnlation have failed. Mill remain several weeks. for evident reasons, and some of our enterpris­ for sale at the T imes office. • ver attniueil in Southern Oregon by any See what the druggists of Port la ml and Miss Belle Drake of Ashland is in town. GHEAT ENGLISH REMEDY, ing citizens propose furnishing a place of public 1 i Mrs. I. AV. Berry's Spring millinery goods Nan Francisco say about Dr. Mintfe's No- newspaper and therefore offers snperior It is said that a company has refused $3,000 Salmon trout are running up Rogue river. phreticum and English Dandelion Pllb; resort that will answer all purposes. C. C. Inducements to advertisers. Our list Is have caused quite a furore among the Ladies. for three claims on Briggs' creek. CURES We have sold a large amount of Dr. Min« principally con tini-<1 to Jackson. Jose­ A May-Day party will be held at the Pen- Being of the latest and most elegant styles, I Beekman and D. Linn own a parcel of Linda phine anil latke counties. Iliislncss men inger place. The Grand Applegate Company expects to short distance west of Uol. J. N. T. Miller’s VTERVOUS vr ERvous DEBILITY, PREMATURE tie's medicines; The English Dandelion they are decidedly popular. IN should take note of this. 11 Decline, Muscular Weakness, Lost Pills; also the famed Neplireticum, and iu commence piping in about six weeks. farm, which is found to possess the necessary Manhood, Defective Memory, Paralysis, all cases highly recommended: There has been considerable mortality among A Kerbyville correspondent writes 11s that John A. Childs, Druggist, Second street, The Palmer creek company will clean up requirements, and they have very generous- j Despondency and all conditions produced N ew G oods .—Beggs’ teams returned from early lambs. there is a perfect dearth of news iu Josephine Portland. by youthful indiscretions or excesses in this week and suspend operations for the pres­ ly offered to allow tho public its perpet-: ('. H. AVoodward it Co., Druggists, corner Roseburg yesterday loaded with goods for I>. AV. ( rosby is assistant engineer at the county. The «Silver creek mines even fail to mature years. Price, $3 a bottle, or four ent. nal use free of any charge. It is situated, times the quantity for $10. Sent to any ad­ First and Alder streets, Portland. Reames Bros., J. S. Howard, C. AV. Savage, Railroad Saloon. , create a ripple of excitement. ! Messrs. Abrams ,t Carroll, wholesale Messrs. Chadwick and McNevin will pros- about a mile from town and is easy of access j dress by Proprietors, Grob & Ulrich and others. Druggists, Nos. 3 and 5 Front street, H. F. Several ladies and gentlemen from Ashland Frank Ball exhibited a fine “Scamperdown 1’’ i ! pect some quartz ledges in Josephine county from various directions. A lieantiful grove of ■ We regard the Neplireticum as the best DR. A. F.. MIN FIE A CO., were in town this week. colt in town last Saturday that is a beauty. I Kidney and Bladder remedy before the F or J osephine C ounty .--Judge Hanna, Dis­ pines flourishes there, supplying ample shade, I ujion their return. (Graduate University of Pennsvlvania, late public. All druggists keep them. E. B. ( aton and J. VV illiams have taken He M ill lie two years old in June. In size and trict Attorney Neil and A. C. Jones,Esq., leave i The County Clerk of Josephine has rece ntly ; while water could be conveniently procured | resident Surgeon Ortlioprraic Hos­ For all derangements of the Liver, charge of the Waldo Hotel. action he is not to be excelled. for Josephine county Sunday to hold the April pital, Philadelphia.) Use Dr. Milltie’s English Dandelion Pills. l recorded ten notices of location on tlie Yank j from Walker’s creek, not far distant. Several | For Biliousness and Dyspepsia, term of the Circuit Court, which commences In Justice Huffer’» Court last Saturday, in : ledge at Galice creek. More building will be done in Jacksonville of our citizens have visited thus location and No- 11 Kearney Street, San Francisco. Use Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Pills. Monday. this year than ever before. the suit of E. Stanclift vs. Nyswanner A Con­ find the project in view quite feasible, it will i For Fever and Ague, Magruder, Constant h. Co. will commence TO RE HAD OF ALL DRUGGISTS. I don, to recover jiossession of a wagon, judg­ ' require the outlay of no large amount of money ! Use Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Pills. I. M. Nickerson is now managing a farm F ire .—The residence of J. W. White, on operations on their Big Applegate enterprise Every family should not fail to keep the ment uas rendered for plaintiff. ; and labor to trim the trees, fit up the'grounds i HOnClE. 1»AVIN A «'<».. of Portland, Agents for Oregon and Waslil iigloii Applegate, was burned to the ground on Sun­ near Wilderville, Josephine county. about the 1st of May. English Dandelion Pills on hand. i and purchase water-pipe; and when this is | Barney Miller, Hemphill A Co., AV. AV. Territory. Dr. Mintie’s Remedies Mill not “Cure all Simon Abraham, of San Francisco, has ac­ day afternoon while the proprietor w*as visiting J. T. Layton, Williams ’ creek enterprising i complete we can boast of public grounds that ' Kentnor and Harris A Neil are erecting build­ Complaints,” but M ill give immediate relief a neighbor. It is supposed to have been the cepted a position iu E. Jacobs' store. miner, has both of his “giants” in operation ' would be a credit to any interior town. We DR. MINTIE’S large HOSPITAL EX- and perfect a cure in all cases, if taken ac­ ings on the Ashland burnt district. Others ■work of an incendiary. cording to directions, which they are recom­ Sheriff Bybee has gone to Josephine county and is making a profitable run. trust that the interest manifested in this mat- PERl EN( 'Eenables him to treat all diseases mended for. contemplate doing likeMase soon. of a delicate or private nature i.i the most | to look after his mining interests there. Dit. A. E. M ixtie : A Co.—Gents; I vol­ O tf . n for B vsinbs .—The New’ State Hotel Owens A Plymale, forwarding and shipping 1 Everyone interested in mining should have ter will not be allowed to subside. scientific manner. Charges reasonable. M. Brentano, formerly of Jacksonville, has Office hours—10 to 3 and 6 to 8 evenings; unteer to say your English Dandelion Pill» is now' open for the reception of guests. The merchants at Roseburg, have a fair share of! a copy of Copp’s Hand-book of Mining Law. equal and even surpass all you claim D efendants Arqr ittei >. —The partie« ar- Sundays 11 to 1 only. proprietor, C. AV. Savage, has fitted out the opened a new saloon at Smith River, Cal. the business for this section. They are quite For sale at the T imes office at $1 a copy. "from mv experience in their use.” Fancy Beautiful visiting cards, of every description, successful m their endeavors to give satisfac­ tlicv have no equal for Dyspepsia and Liver house in first-cla-y recent rains. here. ■were losers by the “Great Republic” disaster. sive character. As our readers will rem -...... cm- — Th.e Thoroughbred Stallion used your famed English Dandelion Pills . s, '., $350; Reames Bros., $150; M. part of \\ ilbee to remove the Kuder school had. I can recommend them as a sure pre­ the vicinity of Willow Springs are doing like­ E. Diinick of Grant's Pass will connect his good crop are excellent. ventive and positive cure in all cases of Shannon, 1,GOO pounds of iron; Geo. Schumpf. house from the place where it stands, which fever and ague. 'Truly yours, residence and store by un acoustic telephone. M rs. P. P. Prim this week received an wise. a force pump. action was opposed by many of the resi- A mos P ahiriikje , Contractor. Water is becoming light at the Hamilton dig­ dents of the immediate vicinity, The defentl- An agent for a Portland house was in town elegant stock of millinery goods. .She has Portland. Oct. 5. 1*7*. T he D iamond F ield .—Those interested in D r . M ixtii : A Co. treat all Clironicanii during the past w eek buying up hides, furs, etc. secured the building on California street for­ gings and the reservoir will soon be brought ants were accorded a jury trial, four of them— base ball are requested to meet at the Court Special Diseas, s w itli sii<-<*ess. No. 11 Kear­ into use. Another clean up is alsiut to lie McDaniel, Jones, Baldwin and Rexford -be­ The T imes furnishes more reading matter merly occupied by Dr. Robinson and M ill be ney St., Nan Fianciseo, ('al. House to-morrow (Saturday) at 1 o’clock I1. M. made. ready for business in a feM’ days. ing tried together first. The jury acquitting rpiIIS THOROUGHBRED STALLION The object of the meeting will be the reorgan­ I than any paper published in Southern Oregon. V. S. Ralls, who has an excellent claim in these, the others were, upon motion of District 1 will make the ensuing season. com­ A. Fisher, until recently a resident of Jack­ There are now six licensed saloons in Jose­ ization of the Jacksonville Base Ball Club for sonville, returned from San Francisco on Mon­ Willow Springs district, cleaned up recently Attorney Neil, also discharged from custody. mencing April 1st and ending July 1st, as follows; phine county. A few years ago there was but the Summer campaign. day last and m ill remain until Fall, lie is of I and realized about $65 per day while thus en­ It is not likely that Wilbee lias gratified the Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays at Is tho place to go for anything in the one. the stable of J. W. Manning in Jacksonville, hardware line. He has a large »nd gaged. tile opinion that there is no place like this, and spleen he nurtures; but it is evident that the P rofessional .—We would call attention to Rnuior says that S. W. Kilgore will soon is inclined to relocate among us. and the remainder of the week at our stable superior stock of Rifles, Shot Guns and county will be called upon to foot the bills in ­ Sam. Bowden and others are now engaged the professional car I of D. Gaby, Esq., wlr.ch near Fort Lane. lead one of Ashland's fairest daughters to the Sporting M iterial, and in fact every­ The condition of Thus. G. Dews, who has in tunneling on Althouse creek in hopes of dis­ curred. appears among the new advertisements else­ DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE. altar. thing frotu an Anvil to a been seriously ill for some time past, was slight­ covering the old channel which proved so rich where. Mr. Gaby has permanently located at M ay D ay U i i . ebii . vi to\. Those having the ’ Si'AMl’ERDowN is a beautiful dark bay, 16 Street Commissioner Young has been clean ­ hands lii-ih, seven years old this Spring, ly improved at last accounts. He is suffering in early days. Lakeview, the county seat of Like, and, being celebration of May Day in hand projiose that it and as to form and appearance is tineqtialed an attorney of experience and much energy, we ing and otherwise improving the streets this from an affection of the brain and his recovery I The Squaw Lake Company is now piping shall excel anything of the kind ever attempt- , in the Slate. He was bred by Theo. Win­ is considered doubtful by the physicians in at­ aw ay in earnest and moving a large amount of take pleasure in recommending him to the pub­ week. ed in this place. An interesting programme ! ters, of 1 'alifornia.and was sired by Norfolk. Key. He sells at LESS than Bedrock J. S. Howard will make a survey of Oregon tendance. lic. gravel. Superintiuident Klippel anticipates an has been arranged for the occasion. The young (See Norfolk's pedi•.•rec.) His first dam is prices FOR CASH, nml all those pur­ “Nettie W.,” by “Belmont;” second dam street for the purjiose of establishing its botin. L. J. Powell, State Superintendent of Pub­ extended and profitable run. “Lady Davis,” by "Red Bill” (See Stud chasing Building Hardware, Tonin of folks M ill assemble at the Court I louse at half- ' T ime C hanged .—The roads having improv­ dariea. lic Instruction, has had printed some beauti­ The pleasant weather of the past few days past nine o'clock a . m ., and.after croMiiing the ! B>ok.) The same authority gives “Lady ••very kind, Paints, (Has-, Cordage, ed considerably within the past few days, the Davis” as the dam of "Dashaway,” "Bean­ ful blank teachers ’ diplomas, to be granted The Jacksonville Dramatic Association will has caused a perceptible diminution in the sup­ May Queen, M ill take up a line of march for regard” ami “Richmond,” ali by "Bel­ Blushes, &e., have stages now run through without laying over at hold a business meeting at Veit’s hall this to p«Tsons qualify ing by specially meritorious ply of water for mining purposes and many Bybee's («rove, preceded by the Jacksonville mont.” Yreka ami Levens’ for the night and arrive in evening. T erms :—For tin* season, $‘55. Grain ami standing at examinations for life or long period miners are now engaged in cleaning up. Brass Band. Here appropriate exercises will Jacksonville in the day-time. The Stage Com­ other marketable produce taken at cash licenses to teach. No frosts of consequence have occurred as That he is detentiined to undersell any Operations have been resumed on the old I>e had. There will also be foot racing, pole- prices, va . P.istura-jo furnished. pany Mill adopt the Summer schedule in about ('. B. Watson A Co., who Mere a year ago BOOTH A CLOUGH. yet, and the fruit crop promises to be unusual­ climbing and various other amusements after one in the market, an i people who Johnson ledge at Blackwell, by parties from a month, or whenever it becomes possible to .warded a contract for surveying Government dinner. ly large. All are invited to attend and enjoy wish Cutlery, (¿‘i.ttiz or Spy Glasses, California. A shaft is being stink and the make fast time. land in the Stria mountain country, M'ill re ­ themselves. or anything made ot iron; Hon. Henry Klippeloffers .sever.il desirable prospectors are sanguine of favorable results. NortiE.—As Dr. J. W. Robinson v ill town lots for sale. Read his advertisement sume operations soon. 'They Mere unable to The proprietors of the Steamboat quartz R em . E state T ransa 'TI ons . The follow­ complete their labors la-t Sumnur on account start for Salem soon, he has placed his elscw here. I ledge have vested B. F. Dowell with the ing transactions in real estate havelieen record­ of Indian troubles. notes on 1 accounts in the lian b of E. H. Au- I A. D. Helman ami other citizens of Ashland powers of trustee and have given him authority ed since the last issue of the T imes : I Fact penpie froto every place or from tenrievh, E;p for collection, notiee of which have the erection of a brick building in coti. Sheriff Hogan of Douglas county turned over to incorporate a company in the interests of Samuel ( silver and wife to Tims. Aspinw all, is given elsewhere. We are pleased to learn templatiou. a delinquent tax list of less than $1,(MX). When that enterprise. lot 5, block No. 1, in I’lncuix. Uonsideration, that the Doctor will return and resume the We consider that the total tax to b 'Collected M as The Jacksonville P«rass Band is in recent re- It is report' ll from the north that ex-Gover- $1. nearly .-'50.00<). it becomes evident that Mr. Will find that he a; cans business, and practice of his profession here, where he has UU ipt of new music and is practicing regularly Jas. A. Cardwell and wife to John Williams, nor Chadw ick lias negotiated for the purchase w ill got bug,Hus by calling ou him be­ Hogan and his deputy, Mr. Cox, are collectors met with much success, as soon as possible. tor coming events. located in premises in Jacksonville. (’onsid iration, of the Bonanza cinnabar mines, fore going els w Beto. of unusual excellence. O. Weare to John M ittis, 124acres in Fool’s Douglas comity, in the interest of ( 'alifornia T he R o . k P oint B ridge .—We learn that The entertainment given by the Ashland The pleasant weather now prevailing has capitalists. The price offered is said to be creek precinct. Consideration, $100. H. BUSSZLL, PaCPBIETOB. w T • the original proposition in. the Rock Point Base Ball Club List Saturday evening gave caused a decided change for the better in the $50,000. rlPlt<‘ IVino bridge matter has been abandoned and another general satisfaction. B links at the "T imes ” O ffice . We have condition of Mrs. Dr. Robins-m and. if these Joe Clough, who returned from Josephine plan adopte I. No a: I w ill be solicited from the The Willow Springs district school re-opened favorable symptoms continue, this lady will be just printed a completo assortment of blank HE UNDERSIGNED, BEING STA- county last week, informs us that snow-storms county, but Hayman I A M.i;rmL r, White recently under the direction of Jas. Pelton, tioned at Ashland again, has turned his road supervisor's receipts, assessnicJit schedules able to undertake a trip to Salem before long are still prevalent in the Silver creek k section Br<«., and othirs will build. 1 substantial struc­ l’iie attendance is fair. entire attention to the for the benefit of her health. for school districts, ironclad notes, deeds, and tha at it is t'M» early for effective mining there ture on their own account. Bids have been Tlio.s. Mc.Andrew, who has one of the best L. Shideler, the energetic Road Supervisor of as yet. Operations have been commenced by mortgages, attorney's summonses, receipts, MARBLE BUSINESS. WILL MAKE THE ENSUING SEASON receive 1 from various parties and the contract and cleanest bands of sheep in the county, is district No. 4, has replaced the Morn-out . ..... I 11 at the following named places; At Justice's blanks, etc., which will be disposed some, but nothing in particular is reported. and is fully prepared to fill all orders in J. Bailey’s,on theeast side<4 Bearcreek two will lie let in a few days. of at reasonable rates. Every description of now engaged in shearing. en culverts on the road tietween Lacy’s and this line with neatness and dispatch and at miles north of I'hmnix, Mondays « nd Tues­ The Ashland pa tv that located claims on blanks kept on hand or printed to order. prices to suit the times. R kligiofs I tems .—Rev. D. A. Crowell will Messrs. H rryfurd of Goose Lake valley Van Dyke’s with neu' ones made of stone. It day* <>f each week 'luring the season; at 1*. Briggs'creek sometime since are now engagedin MoNTM ENT’S, TA BEETS, 11EAI-8TON ES Simon's at Eagle Point, Wednesday* and hold services at Plio-nix next Sunday morning were offered $.”’1,009 for their band of stock re­ Mould not be amiss for supervisors of other I n V acation . Judge Hanna on Monday working them, w itli excellent results. Due of Thursdays; at mv tdaee, on the north tado road districts to follow suit. at the usual hour, and at the M. E. Church iu cently, but refused to sell. last rendered a decision in the Canyon road Executed in any description of marble. of Rogue river, L’lldays and Saturdays. the party passed through Jacksonville this Every variety <4 cemetery and other stone­ Ben. Haymond, of Rock Point, w.as in town Jacksonville in the eveuieg at 7 01 lock .... John S. Drum and Win. Ga«s left Oakland, DESCRIPTION AND PEDIGREE: week on Lis return w ith a load of supnlies, and ease, which has again come up before His work executed in a satisfactory manner. Tuesday. He gives a favorable account of af ­ Elder M. Peterson will pre .uh at Eagle Point Cal., for Alaska on the 19th. They are inter­ Dick Turpin is five years old next June, Special attention given to orders from any he says that the diggings are in some instances Honor in one of its many phases, The excep- and is a beautiful dapple bay with a small fairs in that region and informs us that the I next Sunday morning at 11 o’chick, taking his ested m a copper mine there. part ot Southern Oregon. Address paying as high as $5 and $6 per day to the tiens to the answers of W. R. Willis, Sol. white star in forehead, one white foot, and J. II. RUSNELL, Ashland, Or. miners are .still at work and anticipate a profit­ text from the II. Daniel.... Rev. M. A. Wil­ weighs 1,330 pounds. He w as sited by Ad. Abraham and Hyman Abraham were sustained E. A. Buick, of Myrtle creek, has returned hand. able run, while farming interests were never liams will hold communion services at the I Sizemore’s "Frank,” and he by imported from the Sandwich Islands but little improved in a more flourishing condition. Johnson A Allison, engaged in mining on in part and further time was granted for the Suffolk Punch,or better know n as tlx* Noble Presbyterian Church at Ashland next Sunday in health, we are sorry to learn. the right hand fork of Jackson creek, picked tiling of exceptions and answers. Hunter, of England. Dick Turpin’a I Fox The Circuit Court for .Josephine county eon- 1 morning. dam was sired byS. Hogget's Lninniux.and A communication from Jay Beach, owner of vencs next Monday, the 28th inst. The dock­ tipa nugget valued at $21.50 the other day. 73 620 MORE M ay -D ay B all .—A social ¡»arty will be I he by Owensby’s Liiinmux and out of a Mes­ S ervice I ncreased . —The service on the the thoroughbred horse Altamont, will be et is light and few cases of imjHirtance are like- ■ They are still engaged in piping, but expect to given at Veit Schutz’ Hall next Thursday senger mare bred in Kentucky. Dick’« ! clean up before long, as water is beginning to grand dam, on the horse’s side, was a Jack route between this place and Waldo has been found elsewhere. It speaks for itself. ly to come up for trial this term. The case evening. May 1st. The best of music will be Hawkins mare. fail. They are also inconvenienced by the niin- increased ami the mails will lie carried tri­ Mrs. Wm. Williams left for Alturas, Modoc of the State vs. J. J. Moore will probably go! furnished by the Jacksonville Brass ami String TERM'S—Single'serviee $1- for tho season I ■ ing operations of Spalin A Co., w ho have claims weekly instead of semi-weekly between these county. Cal., Monday, to join her husband, who to Douglas county on a change of venue. $10. Wheat, oats and barley taken at mark­ SOLD IX 1878 Band. Tickets, $1. Everybody is invited to j above them and catch the waters of the creek et price. Twit percent, discount on ca . s I i pay­ points from May 1st. Such is the informa­ is engaged in the saloon business there. We learn that the Presbyterians of this vi- . attend. * ments. I in a reservoir. any Previous Year. Than in tion received here recently. However, we For further information inquire of Sol. Caro, agent for Zacharias & Green, im­ cinity will soon take steps toward building a (’ all and S ee U s .—We have been sending learn that Mr. (Jarrett is averse to performing ( 'hris. eiss returned from Briggs ’ creek JAMES W. COLLINS. church in Jacksonville. The lot opjwisite St. porters of diamonds and jewelry, San Francis­ sold 1’7,Mí Sowing MnthinfR. Sam’s A’alley, April 4th, 1879. this week and w ill make another trip to that out statements of account to those indebted to the ad litional duties imposed upon him, as Mary ’ s Academy has lieen secured and there is co, will be in this place about April 28th. I section soon if lie succeeds in securing a load. the T imes office and would be pleased to receive the slight advance in price would hardly justi­ Rail fences in many parts of the valley are every prospect that a substantial edifice will | He informs us that the country is of a moun- NEW LIVERY STABLE, an early response thereto. County scrip will fy him iu doing so. lie erected on it before the lapse of many years. being si’persedcd by fences made of lumber, / \ U R S A LES 11A V E 1 N( ’ R E AS ED EN OR - Henry Mensor, in a challenge to the foot­ i tainous nature, the road leading over a steep lie taken at par. I V ery S trange .—We are informed that J. which are cheaper and require less space. * ’ mouslv every year through the w hole j ami rugged hill that only footmen and animals BACK OF UOUBT HOUSE, racers of Jackson, Josephine and Lake counties, Spence killed a deer on Brushy creek one day P roperty S old .—Thos. Chavner has sold period ot “hard time*.” B. AV. Dean returned from Roseburg yester­ I lightly loaded can travel. A large number of rCTWe now sell three quarters of all the last week and, in dressing it, found a smooth, day with a load of goods for Geo. V\ . Elliott. announces that he will meet any of them in a I claims have been located on the creek, many the dwelling-house opposite the Catholic Sewing Machines sold in the World. race for $100 between nowand July 5th, the J. W. MANNING. I D. H. FEATHERS, Agent. white fir sprig alxuit a foot in length and two He reports the roads in a fearful condition. ■ of w hich are row being prospected. (¡old has Church to Tims. J. Kenney for $525, distance to be from eighty to one hundred inehesin circumference imbedded in its entrails. AA’in. Came ■ron of Applegate brought a load yards, and a forfeit of $50 to be deposited by j been found in paying quantities, and it is be- V ary the monotony of these dull , times by The stick had passed through the liver and en­ CITY ; lieved that the mines on this creek are liable drinking Matt. Dillon's choice beverages. of tine salmon trout to town yesterday, He June 1st. AVING LATELY FITTED UP THE tered the region of the heart, where, after a experienced no difficulty iu disposing of them. I 1 Many of our citizens are of the opinion that ' to prove rich and better than those 011 Silver They w ill make you feel rich. commodious barn <- ii lieNcliooi House lapse of time, it had grown fast. Its presence I l-’lat and in the rear of the Court House. 1 it would be best to purchase the grounds for a creek. Ab. Giddings, driving between Barron ’ s and was doubtless attributable to an accident, but am now fiillv prepared to attend to nil bus­ T he scarcity of Diamonds, Gold and Silver, The Centennial Company, in the Willow surrendered the ribbons to John public park elsewhere referred to and make tile iness in my line with promptness and dis- that the deer should thus survive such injuries A'reka, has and the difficulties met with in securing them, i Springs district, suspended piping recently, but patch and at the most reasonable ratea. Lathrop and will go to the Silver creek mines. Board of Trustees the custodian. We believe is a sure indication of their value. (’A LI EOKNIA STREET, is quite mysterious. this would be the better plan; but we do not still h;nt St., J. H. Penn offers his residence in this place that a “Little Giant” will be procured next The genuine bears the Prussian (’oat of Arms, tion of the people of Southern Oregon in this I San Francisco, season and operations continued on a more ex ­ Portland. the contract to execute the woisl-work on —desirable property by the way—for sale. I enterprise, providing business is meant. the fac simile signature, of Dr. Aug. Kaiser, and W. F. OWENS. 8. PIA MALE Thatcher A Worden's new building at Link- He will also dispose of several head of horses, tensive scale than ever. his name blown on every 75 cent bottle. I rial A. P. HOTALIWGck CO„ A ccident . — los. Hess, living on Yankee ville. lxittle, 25 cents. including a fine Vermont stallion, and an ex­ C ontract R elet .—M. Colwell, to whom > Importers of crock, in Chimney llx-k precinct, met with (< eo. AV. Holt M ill soon be reinforced by ' cellent assortment of household and kitchen was sublet the contract for carrying the mails | < BORN. a serious mishap wink* out hunting on tile 1. tli another brick-layer, when we may expect to furniture. Those desiring bargains should not FINK UINKJ* ANI» I.IQI <»RN. i iust. It seems that w hile he was in the act of, see his hotel building assume proportions fail to read his advertisement elsewhere and between .Ashland and Lakeview, having failed REAMES In Jacksonville, April ISth, to the Scilo Agent* for tho FORWARDING AND SHIPPING AGENTS to meet the requirements of his self-imposed I wife of T. G. Reames, asmi. mounting his horse the hammer of his rifle rapidly. give him a call. duty, the Post Office Department at Washing- ; J. 11. CUTTER caught in some brush and discharged itself, the The receipts of last Saturday evening's en­ To-morrow will be the sixtieth anniversary ton authorized Postmaster Helman of Ashland | DIED ball striking near the elbow of his left arm, Roseburg, Oregon tertainment amounted to $71; and, but for the of the intrixlnetion of the Independent Order to relet it. Wa learn that the latter official ! passing through it and shattering it badly. l ’ HlPI ’ S — Near Jacksonville, April 23d, Jo ­ inclement weather prevailing, would have been of Odd Fellows into the United States. There has given the contract to H. F. Phillips, of seph. son of I. J. and Catherine Phipps; aged Dr. Aiken was summoned an I,lindingth.it ampu­ much larger. And W. J. Letup’* St. Louis Beer. AVIBL GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION will lx* no public celebration of the event, but the Ashland Livery Stables, who agrees to per­ about 12 years. tation was necessary, took Hess’ atm off at near 1 ! to forwarding goods consigned t<> their Dr. G. 11. Aiken has purchased the T'A’ault appropriate exercises in commemoration there­ form the service for $1,6(H> per month, or $19,- SHOEMAKER -On Gall’s creek. April 17th, rare. Freight money advunecd. Umnmis- the shoulder. The wounded man was brought Emetine,wife of J. Shoemaker,aged 39 years. sions reasonable. AH business in this line I Gen. Irnts for Stair l.iuMinciit limironcr Co lot, fronting mi (’.ilifornia str.-et, paving $400 of will be held in the halls of the different 200 a year. As this sum is hut about $6,000 to town Sunday to receive medical treatment. [Oregon papers please copy.] shall receive our prompt attention. I o on it lodges in accordance with the rules and regula­ , a year in advance of that for which Colwell Although seventy five years of age, lie is im­ tlieretor. He will erect a neat building All consignments to our care should tions of the Order. next Summer. j undertook the job, we fear that Mr. Phil ­ be marked G. B. A., Roseburg, Oregon. proving and will soon be able to be about Business men should not forget that the lips will also find that lie lias a white elephant S. P. HANNA. A son of Thus. J. R iimey of Table Rock pre ­ again. rnilE UNDERSIGNED HAVE A BAND cinct Mas thrown from a horse tile other day T imes office has ample facilities for the execu­ 011 his hands. A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY! A S uccess .—The Jacksonville Dramatic As­ 1 of good, clean and well-graded sheep and severely bruised, but fortunately escaped tion of commercial printing of every descrip­ “S inger ” song of sixpence, a pocket full of! for sale, consisting of about five hundred sociation was greeted by another .arge an li­ any serious injury. tion in the lx’st style and at San Francisco and fifty head, mostly ewes with lainba. rye; four and fifty dollars is all it takes to buy. enee on Saturday evening last, the occasion of I rates. We make a specialty of bill heads, let- LUMBER! LUMBER! These sheep are in good order—in fact there Ryland, the pioneer showman, is making As soon as it was opened the girls began to Jacksonville, Oregon, is not a nicer bunch of sheep in the country its second eutertainment. “Down l>y the Sea tt r-heads, statements, envelopes,blank receipts, money M ith his circus in the land of the Apach­ sing: “ Oh, isn ’ t it a beauty; and such a useful of It« nlze. They will be sold cheap, as w* and “Sarah's Young Man" were presented in a notes, etc. Keep your money at home by pat- have not sufficient range for them. For es, the horned toad and cactus. The Arizo­ , ronizing local enterprise. thing." Papain the parlor, was counting out T HAVE AT LEAST iXMl.bOO FEET OF TN CRONEMir.LEIUS BUILDING, IS very creditable m inner and to the satisfaction particulars inquire of nians appreciate him. the money; while mamma in the kitchen was 1 in receipt oi a full assortment of material 1 good sugar pine, yellow pine and tii BIRDSEYA MATHIS, Interested parties having circulated disparag­ of those who attended. It is hardly necessary There is a movement on foot to lay out a ing statements against the trotting horse feeling awful funny. For now she knew and prepared to do ali work in his line on lumlier,consisting of first, second and third Rock Point. Oregon. to remark that the efforts of the Association grade, on the yard at t he Yellow Jacket Saw ’twould lx- no task to make the children's short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Mill on Big Butte, which I will sell cheap for road to Silver and Briggs ’ creeks m hereby the Vehicles of every description made to order. “Ophir," John Cow an, who has him in charge, have been duly appreciated: the large at­ clothes. Next time I go to Jacksonville I'll buy, Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaran­ cash, beef steers, bacon, grain or Hour. Give long and rugged hill between them and Thorn ­ tendance each evening is sufficient evidence has procured the affidavits of resjmnsible resi­ me a call J. P. PARKER. me one of those. * teed. dents of Butte county. Cal., where the horse is of that. Financially the entertainments were ton’s may be avoided. Repairing a specialtv. rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAS AN EXCEL- If you uant a ueat fitting pair of boots give liest known, which will set at rest any doubts S. P. HANNA. Farms for Sale. S an F rancisco W ool M arket .—Quotations JL lent threshing ma diine, in good order <30 a success, the gross receipts of the two which he will sell or trade upon liberal ling $156. It is probable th it the Associa­ Geo. W. Frey a call. He is a good uorkman, regarding his pedigree and performances. These I ■*! this market are low. ('alifornia choice lots , T’OII MINING BLANKS GO THE TIMES Persons desiring to purchase good farms terms. For further rmriiculara inquire of Spring clip sell at 13^ 15c., and fair 1 O ffice . <'opp’s Hand-book of Mining of any size will do well to enquire of tion will again appear before the public in the uses the best^material and guarantees satisfac­ are pnbl.shed in full elsewhere and we call the TIIOS. CHAVNER, Law always kept on hand. Price $1 a copy. JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. attention of horsemen to them. ' grades are quotable at 12(oou we arc unable to state. tion in every instance. At Chavner’» Ranch. j R estorative i NOTICE TO HOBSEMEN. i ■ > f. , o tin lliuf inner «if t hn >>nri.Ina >«> SCAMPERDOWN JOHN MILLER’S SKELETON FOUND ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS IN T DICK TURPIN ! BUY THE BEST. SINGER MACHINES BAR3ER SHOP & BATH ROOMS II I • ----------------- . ■ — OWENS & PLYftULE, OLD BOURBON WHISKY, I SHEEP FOR SALE, t