,A\‘ n ; ïimw. S%l> IIAGK W. WVT 3 ■p wtsg>. y JJ P JLJBZL'^ ^W IS 4 ItE.tTI’.D _zVrJT T1U2 K. RUBLI, Among t lie tenants of the mouth by allow-! ing impurities to collect upon their surface i or in their inters; i<*es, .*s< >Z* >1 '< »NT removes} I FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 1879. every Vestige ot’tar ar from tin? teeth, and’ renders t heir prem it tire decay- inipo-sjble. i Udii Fellows* Building, Jacksonville, Oregon, It not only imparts to them vvlntene-s and dont stop my P aper ' printer . vigor, Imt communicates hardiie-.-and rosi- ness to the gum-, 'llw* hiea*li acquires a! most acceptatiie fragrance from its use; it 1 Don’t stop my paper, printer; DEALEE & WORKER IN is a purely botanic liquid, and it may I k * I relied on to aee-mplish it- I m - iu Iifying el-' Ikin't strike my name oil yet; feets without injuring ¿he enamel like a, You know the times are stringent gritty tooth paste. And dollars hard to get; — T he scarcity of Diamonds, Gohl and Sil- But tug a little harder, ver, and the difficulties met with in secur­ Is what I mean to do, ing them, is a sure indication of their value. And «crape the dimes together — Thus it is with a valuable medicine: Dr. Pumps, Aug. Kaiser’s celebrated German Pulmon­ Enough forme and you. ic Elixir, through the jealousy of rivals has met w ith tin* most bitter opposition, and ap­ I can’t afford to drop it— parently almost insurmountable obstacles I find it doesn’t pay have been thrown in its way; but its op- I AGRICUI. TU RAL IM P LE M EN TS, To go without a paper. ponents might as well try to change the course of the Nun, sweep ba«*k the Ocean However ethers may. with a brootnor put out a prairie fire with a I hate to ask my neighlmr» tear. To give me their’« on loan — NAILS, For the cure of Throat and Lung diseases, such as Coughs, Colt’s, Consumption and They don't just say, but mean it, Bronchial Affections, it is uneqtialed. Its Why don’t you have your own? cures are truly magical. Ask your Drug­ gists for it. Tiie genuine bears the Prussian A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES You can’t tell how we miss it, ( oat ot Arms, the fac simile signature of Dr. If it by any fate, Aug. Kaiser, and has his name blown on every 75 cent bottle. Trial bottle, 25 cents. Should happen not to reach us, Or come a little late; Then all are in a hubbub, And things go all away; And printer, if you’re married, You know the reason why. I cannot do without it: It is no use to try; for other people take it, Ami, printer, so must 1. I, too, must keep me posted On wlrat is going on, Or feel, ami be accounted, A fogy simpleton. STA5D! STANDARD REMEDIES Immense Reduction in Are not advertised as ‘•cure-alls,” but are specifies in the diseases for w hich they are recommended. A A I I it II. SET.i;« TION. r rCTThe National Gold Medal was award»*»! to Bradley A llulofson lor the best Photo­ graphs in the United ''tales, and the \ ieiin- Mcdal for the be-l in the world. 429 Mont­ gomery street. San Francisco. LARGEST AND BEST STOCK GF GENERAL MERCHANDISE Dr. Safe’s Catarrh Remedy North of San Francisco, »‘»insisting of a Fine Stock of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy ’ GENTS' AND FOYS’ CLOTHING. HATS AND CAPS. Its Cures extend over a Period of 2<> Years. In the County Ct mt oftlie State »>f Oregon, tor the County of Jackson, sitting in pro­ bate on March 13th, 1'79. In the matter of th»* estate of Isaac Tripp, d»*e«‘ast-d. KANAII WHITNEY. A DM I NIS'TR A ■ or of said estate, having tiled in said Court his final account for settlement, and I also praying for an order for setting tin* time for healing the same, therefore notice is hereby given that said final account will be heard and determined in said Court on Tuesday, April 8, 1'79, at 10 o'clock ,v. M., at w hich time all persons having any objections to said lilial account and st settle­ ment must then and there make the saint*. Published in th«* D emoi it v I I c 'T imes for four consecutive weeks by order ot Hon. S. J. Dav, Countv Jmlgc. E. B. WATSON, Clerk. 80, printer, don't you stop it. Unless you want my frown; For here’s the y oar’s subscription, And mark it right down; And send the paficr promptly And regularly on, And let it bring us weekly It’s wel come benison. The Thoroughbred Trotting Stallion ALL MOHIN, r A neat business—The cattle trade. b Ennui is the ghost of murdered time. » PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. GLASS CUTLERY. WIRE, - - --- -- ----------- -------------- i The Most Goods for the Least Money, At a cockney theatre in London: “Me 1ml! the Duke of Buckingham as harrived!” “As ’e? Be ’evings! then orf with "is ’ead!” The sharpest satire on our present civiliza­ tion is the fact that the performance of duty causes general surprise as well as admiration. The Atlanta “Constitution" thinks that the defeat of the British by the Zulus could not have been.more crushing if Genera!«). O. How­ ard ha«l l»een in command. The “.Scientific American" pays a tribute to women in saying that a larger pnqtortion of in­ ventions ¡tatented by the gentler sex prove useful and profitable than tliuse of men. The family physician in China is paid a regular salary until a member of the family is taken sick, and if said menilter dies the physi­ cian »lies also. They manage these things finely in China. American girls chewed up seventy tons of gum last year. One-half of it can l>e foutxl to-day sticking under in mte!-sh :lves. The other half was canried away by the young men who go courting. Since the law to rew ard individuals for hero­ ic conduct in saving life at sea was passed in 1874, the Government has awarded twentv- five medals—ten of them to ¡lersoiis livin*'<>n the shores of the great lakes. A young man w ho was kicked off the front dooratep while endeavoring to serenade his girl, by the enraged ¡>ap.i, w as too cautious to call him an old pirate, but he didn't hesitate to designate bun a free-l A i I Ah Al, ing promptly ami in superior style. r i» The “Inlan I E npire” puts it rightly when it gives this advice: But to the army of boMoiaers that are grow ing up in our an* I earring the liar 1 times we say that the day l’;U 2 ”'lJ by •” '■'**'’ PA - ”p s'-’9 nu"-ets on the bedniek. Hard work is all that will bring bread, meat ami shelter, now-a-days, and it is time they found it o*rt. % ------- areu to one class < BUST GF of IS PURELY VEGETABLE x ./ Itt action nn disc»1«’ is entirely different frotn fl •nv inr-licine e ever mv medicine vcr intrixiuced. introduced- Three — doses will . . *1 relieve any ordinary case, but the medicine bijotild be continued until it effects a complete • cure. It tones at.d invigorates the digestive or­ gans and stimulates the liver to healthy action, thus preventing or entirely curing diseases an*- •ing from indigestion, or weak and impure blood. ‘ HS>*-**i PJiIC£ 7S CENTS, «few» ‘ 'i CHAINING WHITE, P ropbietor ^ IJVGGIES AND CARRIAGES, With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses and Mules, which will be hired to go to any part ot the country at moderate rates. Animals bought and sold, and broke to -adille or harness. J. A. CARDWELL. ■ff.’V.TOLEDO« O. Copyright secured I en , J FIRST-CLASS ifíFEtVFD HCHIHEF.Y, flflD THE VERY BEST GF SELECTED TIMBER, r* e machines. Its capacity is unlimited. There are more WILSON MACHEfJES sold in the United States than the combined sales of all the others. ’The WILSON MENDING ATTACHMENT fordoingall kinds of repairing! WITHOUT PATCHINC, given FREE with each machine. WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO. •SSI £27 & 829 Broadway, New York; New Orleans, La.; Cor. State & Madison Sts., Chicago, Ills.; and San Francisco, Cal» PAINTERS. • RADE M • RK li/ E ARE FELT.Y PREPARED TO >V all kinds of Painting, including HOUSE PAINTING, AND People aro putt in;.? aeqiin inled — mid vh<»w vho aie noi oil ht t‘» hv--wit h tin» v. oudoriut mei il* tliatgì’eat American lteniedy, the A. F. D ow ns, ?a < »hlo; • II. • base. El k ha it, Ind. : Mrs. Ihnrv Ha ght, san Francisco, Cal.; a Mrs. E. M. Gallii'lia. 1 .awreiicev ille, N. Y.; W. .1. . Miller, Ft. Way in*. Lnd.; Mr-. Minnie Ar tai-e. 29o Delaney Street, New V< rk; H. W. Hall, Hastings, Mich.; Win. F . Marston, Lowell, Mass.; I. W. Roberts, Maricopa, Ariz.; ('lias. S. Delaney, Ilarri-bur; r. Pa ; M. U. < 'ole, Lowell, Mass.; Mr-. <’. J. Spurtin,« am- deti, Ala.; t’lias. F. Kaw , Fredriektovv n, Ohio; Mrs. Lucy limiter, Farmington, III.; • 'apt. E. J. Spaulding. Camp Stambaugh, Wyo. 1. W . Tracy, Steamboat Rock, Iowa; M i s. Lydia Waite, Shushan, N. Y.; J. M. Pe •k. Junction City, Mont.; Henry Ebe. it as, Cal.; I.. P. < 'u minings, Rantoul, 111.; s. E. .tom* <’harleston Foui • '< iners, X. V.; • lt*o, F. Hall. Pueblo. Cal.; Win. E. Rai tri-, sterlim. r. P.i.: 11. 11. Ebon, 91' Penn Street, Pittsburg rg Pa.; J. J R. Jackman, Samuel's Depot, Ivy. Ky.: : Henry Z.obrist, Z.obrist Geneva. N. Y.; :e Parrott. Ohio; I.. Mis- Hattie Parrott, Montgomery, Monte Lcdbrook, • hathani, 11!.; S. 1». McCoy, Nashport, Ohio; W. W. Warner, North •lack'on, Mich.; Miss Mary A. Wiune. Dar­ ien, Wis.; John Ziegler, Carlisle Springs, Pa.: James Tompkins, St. Cloud. Minn.; Enoch liner, Pawnee City, Neb.; Joseph T. Miller, Xenia. Ohio; S. B. Nichols, Gal­ veston. Tex.: H. L. Laird. Fpper Alton, III; John Davis, Prescott, Ariz..; Mrs. Nancy Graham, Forest Grove, ore. Golds n dica.1 Discovery MEXICAN rr AY. íustang Liniment, FOR MAN AND BEAST. ♦ rpi Tl rem I rv naturally originated In Aniert- 1 • - i.i In r ! jH.ratory surk laladicsot »archil- ailing f.T ¿5 year» a»ile Rto**- II llcut liorse. »•», '< I*, f tiollow horn, prilli, t, I.' uldcr r< i , i.iange, the bites and »us r< if i' s::n I nis.-ets, and every I . i v. (Huir timi busti lite. in..I trouble <-f ltoriieN. Fu»'h bwinuy, Fpraiiu. fottur rh<*uma- .1 sti!?-i< << •I ri h i- n al by < x¡H»surc. Far o to Mln« rs. rst remedy in the world, Uscio to the I »no, unl its Alterative Di-t a-»*.' r King's Evil; Tumors; Fleets, or < »Id stiirk of Harness, Biiogies and Car­ Son*'; l»lof<-lies; Pimples; and F.iuprions. nages, 1 am now prepared Io furnish my Rv V i 11 lie of its Peetoial properties, ileine- ¡■alrolls and t he public generally vv ith as Bronchial, Thr< at, and 1.11 ng A beet ion-; I n- eipieiit < 'oiisumption: Ling»*iii:g «'oughs; and • lil'ollie I.ai v iigitis. Ils ('holagogue FIXE TURNOUTS propel t ie< tender it ail umqiialcd remedy lor Biliousness; Topid Liver or “Liver Coir plaint;” and it- Tonic properties make il eqiiallv ellicaeioiis in curing I ndiges;ion. SALE 1.0— of A I'pel it <’ and I »yspep-ia. \\ hei e t lie si. i n is shallow and e< ivered with blotches and pin pies, or where there an* — AND— J serotul«»us swellings and affections, a tew And W. J. Lemp’s St. Louis Beer. fl-MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. bottles of Golder. Medical 1 >1-10 v cry vv ill ef­ fect an entire euro. If yon feel dull, drow­ BRICK-LAYING &> PLASTERING DONE, A liberal share of the imblic patronage is sy, debilitated, have sallow color or skin, Gm. krnts for State liivslment Insurants Co. <>r yellow ish-brown spots on face or body, solicited. \V. J. PLYMAI.F. fieqiieiit headache or dizziness. ba»l taste in I mouth, internal heat or chills alternated UNDERSIGNED WOULD III'RE- with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomv HUNTERS' EMPORIUM, rpiIE I bv inform the public that ho has ONE forebodings, irregular appetite, and tongue ’lllol 'AND lU s 111 •: | ,s of su perior .lacks, m coated, vou are suffering from Torpid Liver, ASHLAND, OREGON, «’reck Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish­ or ••Biliousness." In many cases of •• Liver ing P.rick-laying or Plastering done in the <'omplaint," only part of these symptoms best style and at r«asonaJ>le rates will do an*« x | erienced. Asa lcmcdv for all such Proprietor cases. Dr. Pierce's «loldcli Medical Discov- well to call on me. For further information W. J. ZIMMERMAN, inquire at the l'raneo-Ameriean Hotel. erv has no <*quaL as it »‘fleets p»*rf'*ct cures, leaving th«* liver strengthened and healthy. G. W. HOLT. Jacksonville, Feb. 1], IS75. I ANI’FAi TI RE AND BUILD ALL The People's Medical Servant. 1 kinds of mill and mining machinery, Dr. R. V. Fierce is th»*sole propii«*t<»r and ■ a-tings, thimble skeins, and irons, brass castings and Babbitt metal. Bells east. manufacturer of th»* foregoing reme»lics, al] A CHANCE FOR EVERYBODY! Farming machinery, engim s. house fronts, of vv hieli al «• .'"id I > v d rilgg is; -. 11 e i - a I s< > stoves, sewing mai-hines, blacksmith-work, the Author of the People's Common Sens»* and all work wherein iron, steel or brass is Medical Adv ¡ser.a w ork of nearly one thou­ HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE used, repaired. Parties desiring anything sand pages, with two humlied and-engravings and colored plates. JACKSONVILLE, OR EG ON. fore going elsewhere. All work don»* with He has already sold <>f ilu* popular Work PROPRIETOR JOHN MILLER. HAVE AT LEAST 21’9.099 FEET OF neatness and dispatch at r»*as«»nal*I»> rates. OVER 1OO.GCO COPIES ! ! Bring <>n your old east iron. good sugar pine, yellow pine and fir ZIMMERMAN «fe CO. lumber,consisting <>t tirsi, second ami lidi 1 ?VERY description of (,’utlerv for sale Ashland. April 8, 1'7<>. grade, on the vani at the Yellow Jacket Saw U cheap by JOHN MILLER. Mill on Big Butte, which 1 will sell ch<* ip for N ES, Hatches. Draw ing Knives, Broad- Address ea'h. 1 >ccfsteers, bacon, grnin or flour. Give ax* s. M i'' i!»d->. Picks.all »¡/es of llam- nieaetdL J. P. PA RKF.ll. c., for 1'" 1 v JOHN M I LEER. H THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, V I A I ] WO RKM TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE. I lam receiving and have constantly on hand a full anti first-class stock of Groceries, as ------ —SOVK STOMACH SICK HEADACHE, B1UOCTWM® lULAilTBL’llK. ETC./ V I ---------- -< ) ’’ 1 / 1 1 I TP Ì ■J( I 11 ( AXD SPRING WAGOX s OLD BOURBON WHISKY SITUATED THREE MILES FROM THE ► mom li of Ex ans creek. There is a never fa ling water-power, with a substantial dam and race, conn» ,-tcd w ith the mill. The mill i'2fxl'tvet in size, capable of cutting 129 feet an hour. Everything is in good run­ ning order and conveniently rigged. ’Ii.it'is—( heap for <'ash. For further par- Thu Colorado potato lieetk* 1 i ; m arrived in tieidars enquire of the undersigned at the mill or at his residence. the dominions of the Czar, (hi information of its apiiearanee near Olezk<>, the potato tops were btirne S. P. HANNA, I n¡versaI Lassitude. Pain inf ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. ness of Vision, Premature < WAGON - MA 1Œ1Î, Orders from the country promptly attend­ many other Disea-es that lea or Consumption and a Piemat ed to. /'VFutl particulars in 01 which we desire to send fro Oregon, E. C. L ord , A. 1’. H otat . tnu , »•very 'one. . The Sp(s*iii» 25 From St., 429 Jackson SL, sold by all druggists al <1 ] < 1 San Francisco, Portland. six packages h>i or w ill b< N CRONEMILLER’S BUILDING, IS mail on ro eipt ot ilie money I in receipt ot a full assortment <>f material A. P. HOTALING & CO.. and pr ¡>ared to do all work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. Iin porters of Vehicles of every description made to order. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaran­ EINE tee» I. Sole Agents for the •T" Repairing a specia'tv. s. P. HANNA. BRICK & LIME for Jacksonville, Noveml er 5, 1'77. J. II. CUTTER THE EVANS CREEK SAW MILL, CUBES F.TKKT FORM OF ’ ’ LIVER COMPILAI ST, KIDNEY COHPUJST /uy**.. d : ssaskb of ti : b -"K MTOKACH ASD BOWEIA’ MP ANY, WHITE l’RIXCE, I Catarrh Remedy < ’lires bv its Mild, Soothing Effects. ■p- and to place before rny patrons a variety of articles not to be found in any other house . R ockihhit , Mass., April 2, 1^77. It is not my intention to mislead the public by advertising goods I cannot produce upon M it. E dito I:;—llav ing read in your paper inquiry, but to give value received in every instance. A call from everv purchaser at reports of the remai kabe cures tor catarrh, 1 my old stand is solicited. N. FISHER. am induced to tell “what I know about ca­ tarrh,” and 1 fancy the “snulT” and “inhal­ ing tube” makers (mere dollar grabbers) would be glad if they could emblazon a sim- ilar cure in tin* papers. For 26 years I siif- lered with catarrh, . The nasal passages be- came completely closed. “Nnutl’,” “dust,” “allies.” ••inhaling lubes,” and “sticks.” wouldn’t work, though at intervals I would suiti up the so-called catarrh snuff, until I bccamca valuabletester lorstich medicines. n • w worse, mid no one can I gradually g grew IS MANE EA(’TURE1> BY know how miii'h I .'iitlen d or vvliat a iniser- :. My h< ■ad achei! over my <* \ es so th■at 1 was coutil ■ed lo my bed ior CG T? T fe C T T many siieicessivi* »lays, sull» ring thè must X À AL JLt- in'.eii'e pain, which at one time lasted eon- linuoiisly lor lb' hours. A11 scuse <>f -m»*ìl RACINE, »y X»3. ami tasti* t•on«*, sight and hearing impaired, body shr unken and vv i aliened, m.rvous EM ILL MAKE THE ENSI’ING SEASON at Ph.enix and at my farm four miles soul lieast of Ashland, com ineneing at Ph< e- nix on Monday, April 7th, and remaining I here three days ineln-ive. The balance of the time he w ill be at my place. PEDIGREE. White Prince, Jr., was sired by W. (’. I Myer's White Prince; dam, a bali- blood Sampson mare, from whom he derives a tine form ami good action raii'l dalli Flora, a thoroughbred mare imported lrom I >wa by Giles Wells—her «lain imported troni England to Kentucky . White l’rince, Jr., years old is a beautiful dapp'e grav, gray, six ........ this Spring, 17 hands high and weighs from 1,399 to 1,*’»99 po’inds. His colts prove him to I m *, w ithout exception, one of the best i colt-getters in Southern Oregon. T erms —Sloand $15. Pa-turage furnished mares from a distance at reasonable rates. JOHN MURPHY. r IT SPEAKS KOR PISELE. ¿«VERY AND SALE STABLE, w Er. Cures “Cold in the Head,” and Catarrh and < »Ztl'llll. A little impatience subverts great undertak­ uriLL MAKE THE ENSUING SEASON ings. !> in Jackson county al inv stable in bv a Ì 1!< K«>1 < Jacksonville, near the Court iloii-e, where DRY GOODS. Gnm Boots. TOBACCO Adam was the only man ever married on his he will be every day in the week excepting wedding Eve. Thursdays, on which «la vs he will Lie at b » Ready-Made Clothing, THE TEST WACCN ON WHEELS." To remove paint from the wall—back up Phillips' stable in Ashland. T.' K. ms —?«25 for th»* s<*a-on. 'ingle service I against it before it gets dry. si',, pax’ able at the end thereof in gold coin GLASSWARE. CROCKERY Etc. Etc Don’t get in debt to a shoemaker if you or bv lióte with approved security. Good pa 'tin f* furnished mares from a would call your “sole your own.” distance at 82 per month. The best of care Don’t l>e impatient young man; there will be en-un* I'fl'lo’d 1 .—SIR WAL- TER is nine year old this ' ■tpring, is six- The modern golden rule is: “Let your due teen and one-quartei hands n'gh, weigh unto others be as much as others, due unto 1.259 pounds, is a coal black ¡ md S » very UNION you.” fast trotter. Ì I The hogs in this country are double the val­ He Has r Record of 2:35! ue of the sheep, and half the faille of the and has performed other feats ot equal Knowing v. e c:in suit y»ni. w.- s»di it cattle. note since his arrival in this section. Ni K state«*. S' mi itti: I’ i : i < i - vxn T i . i : vi , WALTER was sired by Marion, he by The mining sharp of the Walla Walla Membrino Chief, he by Menibrino Paymas­ PAPER to Cor. California and lib Sts. “Statesman" calls Beecher “an 18-carat hypo. ter, he by Memhrino, he by Imported Mes­ E'irsli F >?•<>.*>: < '<> Wis senger. His dam was a Long Island Black­ crite!” hawk mare. She was sired by the note*! Correct principles, honesty in office, and trotter Andrew Jit'-kson, sire of I leiirv Clay, capability, are cardinal virtues in a public tne progenitor of the < 'lay family of t rotters; rpHE UNDERSTG.NED WOULD RE- his first dam, Sally Miller by Membrillo, I speetfully inform their friends and the servant. son of Imported Messenger; Andrew Jack- public generally that they have purchased A hint to young ladies who wear oatside son bv Young Bashaw, and he by Imported the abov«* establishment, which will be Grand Bashaw. For further particulars henceforth conducted under thpir constant pockets: Have your purses made to look like inquire ot THE VJGHLD KENCWKED G. W. STEVENSON. personal supervision, and they guarant»*»* prayer books. •J ¡1 aft «atisfa<*t « n to all who may favor them with WiLSOia SEMS MACULE - The difference between a duck and a girl is THE FINE PERCHERON STALLION. their patronage. 'These stables are centrally located, and that one is killed to dress and the other is witjijn convenient distance of the various in workmanship is equal to a Chronometer Watch, and houses of public ent»*rtainmciit. Horses dressed to kill. and mules will )■<• boarded and cared for at as elegantly finished as a first-class Piano. It received “I called him a liar in a gentlemanly man­ moderate charges. 'They have one of th»* the highest awards at the Vienna and Centennial Expo­ ner,” wrote a member of the Indiana legisla­ largest and finest stocks in Oregon, south ot sitions. JT SEWS ONE-FOURTH FASTER than other Portland, of ture the other day. Grand Duke Nicholas (not St. Nic.Jof Russia lias been banished for puldi.sliing a pamphlet. Beware, ye who rush into print. Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy 1 Catarrh Remedy TRUNKS, VALISES, Etc., I ROPE, NAILS, SIR WALTER! The truth of a reproach is the sting of it. 1VXTS’ I’lJRXlSlilXG GOODS. LADIES’ AND GE? V7ooden and Willow Ware Shot, , Brushes, 7 Is Pleasant to Uso. Its Sale Constantly Increases. Fuse and Caps, Notice of Final Settlement. LI¥iatPANA(®k. Investigators of natural science hax’f* de­ OF monstrated bey oud eontroversv, that throughout tin* animal kingdom the “sur­ vival ot tiic fittest” is the only law that \ ouch sales th riit and p< 1 pet nit v. Do<*s not the same principb* govern the commercial prosperity ot man? An inferior cannot su­ persede a superior article. I»v reason of superior merit, Dr. Pierce's Standard Midi ciiics have out rivaled a!) others, 'i heir.sale in the ( idled Stales alone exceeds one mill­ r js U»‘. ion dollars per annum, while the amount exported tools up to several hundred thou­ lAA'ING DETERMINED TO MAINTAIN THE POSITION II ERETO!'ORE OCC’U- sands more. No busm< 'S could grow to such I pied by me a»' tin* largest RETAIL DEALER m Southern Oregon, I take this means gigantic proport ions ami rest upon any oth­ er basis than that ot merit. of announcing that I am now displaying the HARDWARE, TINWARE, F or S ale . Sheriff Bybee offers one of his fine thoroughbred Kentucky jacks for sale, or he will trade for either cattle, hogs or sheep. i POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Here is an opportunity for some one desiring a bargain. Then take it kindly, printer, If pay l»e somewhat slow; For cash is not so plenty, And wants not few. you know; But I must have my paper, Cost what it may to me, I'd rather dock my sugar, And do without my tea. Business on hand—The fortune teller’s. '■sn r^ amw. * w ^ j » Un« -■535 ( \ C. it acht env: Zie, Cicgcn .1/. 1I • A M]■ ]’(>!. 7, A (■¡•riflrt *4 HHIE M ADAME TAKES THIS MITTHOD 1 Of tendering her thanks to the public for the patronage which has hitherto been ex­ tended to h»-r, and would respectfully sollie- its continuance. Her labli are always under hcr imimili- ate control ind by her long experience _ in the Jni'iness she feels <*<>nfident tl'iet she will give entire satisfaction to all. Her Iwds and rooms are fitted up in the most comfortal l«i style, suited to flu* accommodation of single occupants or families. H»*r ls*ds are alwav s kept clean. MEALS AT ALL HOURS * —BY— V HIT S C 11 u T z SCHUTZ RESPECTFULLY I> M R. forms th»* citiz.i ns <»t Jacksonville an surrounding country that Im is now inanu- laeturmg and u ill constatith keep on hand th«* very best of Lager Peer. Th«»M* wishing a <•«•»>1 glass <>t beer should give m»> a cai II. f UL, Whetstones, Tape and Chalk Lines V7 dorsale»» JOHN MILLER. <»!!SE. Paint. Sash, s.-rubbii.g and |jjH( j. J«»'>, Ml I.l.Eli. U •-■ning Driislies at i