.aatraiit Simts. RHIEF UKATIOS. I MiVlMi xorra, An ohl mare that J. A. Card well brought from BIG BITTE ITEMS. Proceeding*» of the Board Of Trustee» I DR. MINTI£'S NEPHRETICUM. “the States” many years ago died last Wednes­ New moon. I D r . M intif .’ r N ephbkticvm works won* Gin Lin, at his Uniontown diggings, is day. She w as nearly 25 yeara of age at the A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees School progressing finely. I The welcome rain. ........................ JANUARY’ 24, 1879. , d«*rs. In all ca.-es ol Dropsy, Bright's Dis- running one giant and will s«x>n be able to was held on the evening of January 21st, 187’J- time of her death. The dancing mania has ceased. ea-e, Kidnov, Bladder and Urinary Com­ start the other. Wm. Carll is in town. A full board was present, President Linn in the plaints, or Retention of Urine, ar** cured by I W e regret tn learn of the illness of the esti­ Our mail comes tri-week 1 y now. Good. S ocial P arty .—A social j>arty will be hehl the Ne|»hfeli«*uiii. Female Weakness, Grav­ The Roseburg Inemde»t. announces fa­ chair. The public health is good. mable wife of Col. W. S. Stone at San Rafael, el, Diitietes, pain in the back, sitie and Snow a foot deep; stock looking humble. at the rooms of the Jacksonville Social Club The minutes of the last meeting were read i Cal., where she is at present sojourning for the vorable reports from the Tellurium mine Roads are becoming rough. loin are cured when all other niedieim* this evening. A pleasant time is anticipated. near Canyonville. Ten faiiiilies reside at or near the steam mill. have filled. and approved. benefit of her health. Read the new advertisements. >« e what the druggists of Portland and The Sterling Company is still idle, but a The Cemetery Committee reported thatin pur­ Those having hay will not sell any for love S etilement R equested .—We are sending From six to eight feet of snow are reported San Francisco say about l*r. Miutie’x Ne- Lxal correspondence solicited. ¡»lireticum and English Dandelion Pills: on the mountains between Crescent City ami continuance of the present weather will en­ suance of the recommendation and authority or money. out statements of account to all indebted to the able it to start up soon. There is much snow on the Cascade range, of the Board they lia«l contracte«! for the build­ We have -old a large amount of Dr, .Min­ I’ i . mex office and request an immediate response, Waldo, an«l travel over that route is almost Over sixty children are entitled to draw tie's medicines: The English Dandelion ing of a new Cemetery house with John Hock- t he Board of Trustees will meet s*s>n again. The heavy fall of snow in the mountains sus}»ende«l for the present. school money in this district. as we have many bills to settle ourselves. Pills; also the famed Nephieticuui, and in will permit the miners to continue work enjosat a cost of ?185; that the house is finish- Country produce is becoming more plenti­ D. H. Feathers, agent of the well-known C. E. Parker, brother of the Doctor, will all cases highly r«*commen s iy your English Dandelion Pills Another spelling lice will come off at Phoe­ elected th«* follow ing officers: Chas. Hughes, Thos. Mee, of Foot ’ s creek, is at present I lie has !>een looking after Iris stock interests. nix on February 5th. ¡»rincipal when he go».*s to town, but «locsn t e«pial and ev«'ii surpass nil you claim W. M ; Geo. S. Mathewson, S. W.; Henry putting up several hundred feet of six and fund by warrant on said fund. He informs us that the sn«»w is disappearing “Iroin my .... ex . ................. j p<-rien<*<- in their use." Fancy The follow ing bills were presented: K. Ku ­ eight-inch hydraulic pipe. He expects to want to pay conqH>uml interest. Considerable snow has fallen in Iuike county Thornton, J. W.; S. W. Forlsw, Secretary. , they haxe n«j e«jual for Dv»|•opsinand Liver and cattle faring tolerably well. bli, coal oil, etc., $9.25; same, plueing gutters be rea«ly for work in a few weeks. troubles. J. A. Ni itownitii'GE, in the p;ist two weeks. Al. McKenzie, Superintemlent of J. Brandt’s Big Butte, January 20, 1879. First street. Leather Merchant. on Cemetery house,$18. Referred t<> the usual The miners in the northern end of the “E xclusive S ociality .” Our cotemporary There* w ill I«1 services at the Catholic Church mine at Willow Springs, has gone to Salem on Portland, Sept. 17. 1878. committee. has suddenly coneludetl his articles on “Exclu­ next Sunday, as usual. bit. A. E. M intii : A Co.—Gents: I have a visit to his family. He will return as soon county have been furnished a small hea«l of P robate Cm kt . The following proceed It was ordered that a warrant be drawn in water by the prevailing weather and are used your famed English Dandelion Pill« sive Sociality.” He evidently realizes his egre­ itigs have occurr« »l in thisCoiirt lion. Silas J. as there is water enough to commence work. A. Fisher is expect«l in Jacksonville on a tor torpid liver and dyspepsia and can favor of Ad. Helms for one «piarter's salary for able to mine on a contracted scale. gious mistake ami is nettle«l because his offi- Day, Judge, prvsuliiig since our last issue: treelv say, they are the best Pills I ever A full assortment of hardware, tinware, business visit bef«>re long. ciousness should be discouraged by common G. Karewski went over to his diggings lighting street lamps, $12.50. them a« a sure |>re- In tile matter of the estate of R. T. I!a:ni!- had. 1 can .......... stoves, etc., is now being s»»l»l cheap at Bilger's consent. There is considerable snow on the hills in On motion,the Committee on Streets was di t»»u, de» «-ased. I li** inventory ami appraise­ vontiv«* ami positive cure in all eases of near Palmer creek this week. IL* is having hardware store. Those in«lebte«l to’ this es­ the vicinity of Ajqilegate. some tluming constriicte«! and will prospeet rected to examine the sidewalks on Oregon and ment of real ami personal propertv of said es­ lever and ague. Truly yours, A ccident .— Mrs. Wm. Hoffman had her left A mos P autridgk , Contractor. tablishment are request«l to call ami settle. other streets, and report the condition of same tate, showing tin- same t«> be $582, was ap- the ground thoroughly this season. The town election »¡»¡»roaches ami the aver­ Portland, Oct. ft, 1878. arm broken near the wrist last Friday morning proved. Rev. M. A. Williams will li«»lasse«l through town the Silver creek proving a rich camp—one that clerk, has addressed a letter to Neuman Fisher, their rule to put in a full week celebrating the announce that Elder Martin Peterson will forepart of the week, en route from Salem for will afford remunerative mining for sever­ County Treasurer, stating the facts in the case occasion, an»l their exercises are vari«l ami Dry-Goods and Fancy Goods. preach at the Heber Grove School House on teiiq»orary sus^nsion on account of ice. Chas. Ailauis, of Ashland, w ill assist G. W. Lakeview. He lias just been ailmitted to the al years to come. Favorable accounts from and directing him to loan no money amusing. They fast ami feast, glorify their Suqday, February 16th, at 11 o'clock a . m . All transactions must, pagan deity ami gamble, smoke opium, drink until other orders, bar and will ¡»raetiee his profession at the latter ( I there are reported. Holt in the erection of his brick building. Mr. Peterson has chosen the subject of “Infi­ GROCERIES, into with the School “blandee,” burn tire-crackers ami celebrate in therefore, be entered place. delity" as his text ami he will treat upon it E. F. Walker, largely interested in min ­ The protracted meeting progressing at Pine- A very ¡»leasant sociable occurred at the res­ ing operations on Grave creek, left forthat Land Commissioners directly henceforth, un- various “ways that are dark and tricks that fully. All are invite«! to attemi. nix for sometime past has lieen concluded. BOOTS AND SHOES, idence of A. M. Berry on Friday evening last. section on Wednesday last. He will inau­ less they should see tit to appoint a lot al agent are vain.” They observe one good rule, how­ A ¡»arty occurs at the residence of V. S. A variety of amusements was imlulged in and A t the time we neglected to notice the en­ gurate operations on the ditch 4he Grave of the Board. This order will work considera­ ever, worthy of imitation: They square all TOBACCO «t LIQUORS, trance of the D emih rati «' T imes —our most Ralls, near Willow Springs, on the 21st prox. the whole thoroughly enjoye«! by the ¡»artiei- t • 'reek Ditch Company proposes to run from ble hardship ujsm the citizens of this county, their accounts with each other ami with the white heathen among whom they dwelt valued exchange —upon its ninth volume; but Clark creek to some promising ground as it not only causes them inconvenience in the J. E. Beggs, the irrepressible, has haul«! ¡»ants. will take this occasion to say that that paper over 250,000 tbs. of freight duringthe pastyear. ¡»remises but also withdraws some $25.000 from AND ALL KINDS OF The latest n«iws from Simon Car«» is to the three and a half miles distant. J urors . -The following is a list of jurors ranks among the ablest and most earnest Dem­ this section to beloane«! at Salem by the Board effect that lie has been confined to his r«»om Wo understand that McDonough, Kahler E. Jacobs has an excellent stock of general for , several weeks by reason of a spraine«l an­ A Co. intend to resume prospecting for the instead of by theCounty Treasurerat .Jackson­ drawn for the February term of the Circuit ocratic journals of Oregon. As a local paper Court, which commences on the 10th prox.: | it is without exception the best in the State, merchandise, which he is selling off very chea{>. kle. He is expecttsl back in about thre«.* lost Gold Hill ledge soon and propose sink­ ville, as formerly. \\ e cannot se«* how the Daniel Chapman, John Head, Wm. B. Kin­ and well merits the success and prosperity that ing down in a location other than in the new law inures to the benefit of the State, Water was render«! scarce in some wells in months. , caid, W. F. Snnger, E. DePeatt, B. F. Reeser, atteuds it. —[Western Star. —FOR — town by the protracted spell «»f frosty weather. C. C. McClendon, of Sam’s valley, w as re­ one formerly prospected. Their placer dig­ while at the same time it is evi«lent that it is 1 >. F. Parrish, John Ashmead, S. Saltmarsh, I ; injury to the ¡teople of the county where cently quite severely injure«! by his wagon gings have been ¡nit into the l>est shape for an L. A. Rose, R. A. C«M>k, C«iok, J. J. Nichols, Ly- Rev. Father Blanchet returned from a ¡»as- ' I nstallation of O fficers . At a meeting u|»setting. We are pleased to learn that his this season’s run and they are sanguine of the money is realized. man Chap]»!, R. V. Beall, I. W. Berry, Jas. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE toral visit t«» Josephine county on Tuesday 1 of Ashland Ix»lge No. 45, I. O. O. F., hel«l on injuries are not serious and that he w ill soon Is: favorable results, D. Buckley, P. Dunn, John Orth, Thos. Me- the evening of January 18th, John A. Boyer. last. S tage A«'«T i * ent . On Wednesday evening B. Robb was in town the first of the week. able to be about. Andrews, John O Brien, L. J. C. Duncan, Geo. BY GOING TO D. D. G. M., installetl the following officers; Daley «V Co., of the Butte creek mills, have He leports everything ready at the mines last, says the Yreka “Journal” of the22d, Ed. Teaming is finished for this season. W. T. \\ . Isaacs, S. A. Carlton, John G. VanDyke, I. <). Miller, N. G.; R. P. Neil, V. G.; J. W. just completed the slaughtering of over 200 of the Scott Valley stage line, Btojqied hr is interested in and water anxiously Cawley, 1 Amh-rson am! Ben Eaton, about the la«t team­ Riggs. R. S.; J. II. Helman* P. S.; A. D. Hel­ hogs. John E. Harvey, A. S. Jacobs. F. Wirtz. V. S. awaited. Brogan A- Co. are building a res- 1 his team at a small hill al»»ut a mile this side V Ar C^o., Ralls, J. J. Bradley, l'hos. Stimpson, John L. sters on the r«»a«l, returnc«! this week with man, Treas.; \\. Bahlwin, \\ar. \\ . Holt, ailmin- Sqimw Lake diggings the forepart of the buckle«l the apron of the stage, when the team <»f order. It lias always been a favorite resort dee Is have been record«:»! in the County Clerk s the plow. istrator of his estate. Some valuable property week. He informs us that the pipe has been made a start. He caught the lines ami kejit I of teamsters and the traveling jmblic generally, J ACK Sí >N VILLE, OR E< ’.ON, The weather has mislerated perceptibly'ilur- is , ollered for sale. o.fict* since our last report: reset and is rcad.v for water. Little Squaw them in the road until reaching a sharp tur**, who always fiml the table siqqilied with the E. D. Foudray ami wife to Jas. A. W ilson, ing the week and rain in abundance may be The Jacksonville dramatic association will Lake has boon frozen over, but it is quite where the stage slid off the grade, ami all piled choicest of edibles and the stable stockeil with certain ¡»remises in Jacksonville fronting ou. expcctc«!. give a series of eiitertainniciits the last week in likely that the ¡»revailing wcathei will over­ in a heap. Ed. w as severely bruised, but man­ the l»est of hay and grain. Mr. Hendricks will Or* -gon »Ureet. Consi«iv."ation, $190. Our farmers are generally busy, ¡»lowing be­ February. Several first-class playa ami other come this obstacle and also thaw out the age«! to return to Callahan s. 1 he stage was keep up the reputation of the stand ami ex­ H. T. Inlow and wife to John Daley ami A. ing admissible in most localities since the re­ interesting exercis« s are in course of prepara­ ground so as to admit of immediate o¡>era- considerably «lamaged, but the horses escaped pects to have it rctitted by early Spring. Those J. Daley, 36-100 of an acre at Eagle Point. cent thaw. without injury, although they could hardly who chance that way should not fail to give tion. Further particulars will s « m » ii la* given. tions. him a cull. * Several mineral contests are about to he Consideration, $50. Taxes are coming in slowly. Al*out $12,- A. J. Adams, School Suj»erinten«k*nt of Jo­ instituted, we learn. Some miners are con­ keep their feet on the slippery road. Ed.'s Two school l.iml deeds to A. J. Daley have V ick ' s F loral Gt ii » e This work is before 000 has been collected by Sheriff Byl»ec and sephine county, ma»l<* Jacksonville a visit this testing th«* homestea«! entry of Samuel Hall, wife started for Callahan's by the stage of the lieen reeonled. us, and those who semi live cents to J ames his «leputies. week. He rej»orts matters very quiet in that on Jackass creek, claiming it to be more same evening to take care of him until his re­ V ick , Rochester, N. Y., for it will be disap- covery, w Im-h we are ¡»leased to learn w ill not A nother N ecktie P arty .—Jackson Grant, * Peter Britt, the pioneer phot«»grapher, is region, th«: recent c«»l«l weather having prevent- ■valuable for mineral pur,mses than other­ point«»!. Insteail of getting a cheap tiring, as the Indian sent to the Penitentiary from this always prepared to take excellent pictures on e»l both farmer and miner from doing any­ wise. Jas. Herd's cash entry, in the same, be far off. the ¡»rice would seem to indicate, they will re­ county several Years ago for attempting the short notice. vicinity, will also be contested by miners. ' L iberated .-—Daniel Doty, Chas. \\ ilson thing. ceive a very hamlsonie work of 100 ¡»ages, ami Smith A Waisman have commence»l tilling These and other cases will lie tried itefore and F. \V. Knowles, sent to the Penitentiary larceny of thet rotting horse “Brick Pomeroy, Klamath Tril»e of Re«l Men, at Linkville. perhaps ,500 illustrations—not cheap, but ele­ then owned by Col. J. N. T. Miller, has been will send a «lelegation to Yreka on the 12th in ami repairing Fifth ^street, near their ma­ the officers of the lainl «»dice immediately. from this comity for terms varying from three gant illustraiions.on tin- very lx*st oi calendered chine shop. They will continue their under convicted of the murder of Dennis Sfiellin at A Waldo correspondent writes us that to nine years, have recently been released, pap«-r, ami as a s -t-o'l to the wh ile, a i elegant of May next. g’ouml mining «»¡wrations ami also increase Nickelson has his drifting claim on French their sentences having been commuted by his Portland last Summer, ami was sentenced by Saw-mills having been unable to run during be hanged. Grant, since their facilities for working the channel of Rich flat, Josephine county, in operation and is Excellency, Governor Thayer.. The sentences colored plate, that we would judge cost twice Jud Bellinger to the price of the book. the late freeze, lumber has become scarce for T his release from the Penitentiary, has been < !lll<'h. «ioing substantial work. He works the dirt of Geo. Dougherty ami R. E. Herring were re­ J • H. LUSSILI, PHCTHIETOB. the time l»eing. implicated in several different crimes ami is I*AILROAI* Co.MMI'ITEE. ATTENTION. Notice The quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church, with a pudiller, on the principle of an aras- mitted at the same time and they also given Wm. Bybee still offers one of his tine Ken­ h«'bl at Manzanita on Sumlay last, was well tra, and can wash ax much as ten men will their lil>erty. The terms of these men s im­ is hereby given to the ¡»ersons appointe«l in cousiderod a hard case. tucky jacks for sale. He will take hogs or attended. There was quite an attendance take out. Wimer A’ Simmons are putting prisonment would all have expire«l in 1880, different precincts to solicit subscri,»tions for 'PUE UNDERSIGNED, BEING STA- A C uriosity .- Peter Britt of this place is sheep in payment. 1 tinned at Ashland again, hat, turned hie from Jacksonville ami other ¡siints. Rever­ in a tour-foot flume on their hydraulic except Wilson's, whose time would have been the survey of tile Ellensburg and Jacksonville entire attention to the the pottsessor of an orange tree, which, through A Waldo eorresjiondent of the T imes writes ends D. A. Crowell and W. T. < 'hapman oi­ claim, under the supervision of Sam. Bow­ out in 1881. According to the rules of the railroad, that there will be a meeting of the his assiduous attention, has thriven ami now den. They expect to make a profitable run prison,they Were credit«! with the time allow cd committee at th«1 Court House in Jacksunvilk* that matters are quiet there, but prospects for ticiated. MARBLE BUSINESS, bean fruit. Several blossoms bloomed on the this season. on Wedn-sday, Feb. 5th, 1879. A full attend ­ the better are promising. them for goo«l behavior ami the same was de ­ ami is fully prepared to fill all orders In Some of the Indians in this vicinity are tree, but only one orange develop«! itself. Sup rintendont Fitzpatrick, of the Grand duct«! from the term of their respective sen­ ance is desire«!. By order of tiri» line with ru-.Unoss and di»]>uleb and at If you want your job-work «lone in a hurry, making up a purse for the defense of Steve, This is a tine specimen of the fruit, however, E. K. A nderson , Chairman. price» to uit the times. Applegate «litch, was in town last Tuesday. go to the T imes office, where the best styles contineil in the County Jail for alleged eom- tences. and promises to ripen in good sha|*e. It nat­ 11«* reports work progressing on the com­ M < >N V M1 N I'S, TA BEETS, 11E AI-8TON ES plicity in the killing of E. Seabring by Sam. pany’s ditch as rapidly as the w«*ather will urally attracts considerable attention.the prop­ and reasonable ¡»rices ¡»revail. To A dvehtiserx .—’I'lii* T imes has the T he W eather . On last Wednesday the E. B. Caton has recently opened a saloon in Rath. Their solicitude is certainly worthy of permit. The grouiul has been frozen so weather liegan moderating, w ith the u ind blow - larg«*st circulation in laf*k*<»n an 1 Jos«*- Execute«! in anv untie* over attained by any paper, wiirk «*xeeiit«‘d in a sntistactory mannor. The thaw that has taken ¡»lace is «Inly aj»- ging where it has not b«*en protecte«! by the gan raining and by Thursday morning tli«* besides a largo list of subscriber* in other Special a't«‘iiii<>n uix« n to orders fioui any resulting unfavorably in nearly every instance. choice tlrinkables to the public. pail oi Soullu-in <*r«'gi n. A«!diess preciated bv everyone. The farmer can now overhanging boughs of the trees oraceum'i- snow had disappear«-»! from the hills. From portions ot Southern Oreuoti aiul Northern Summons, subjHenas, executions and every J. It. Rl'ssFLL, Ashland, Or. R eturned H ome . A. G. Rockfellow, of d«-xcripti<»n of Justice s blanks for sale at the prosecute his labors ami the miner, while he is lated leaves and fallen timlier. A full f rce <'alifornia. anur rates are ven on Saturday last. He lias lieen absent for sev­ his claim, if will be employe«! as the weather moderates. at least. There is considerable snow in tin- shoul reasonable. Lakeview is almost deserte«! every Sumlay, ' operations, is able to prospect eral months on business connected w ith the in­ Other preparations for mining are almost nothing more. high mountains ami the prospect for a goo«l com ¡ilete. troduction of his ¡»atent gate, ami we are • its inhabitants going out on Goose Like, w hich ls M asonic B uildi . no , MARRIED. county's ear- mining season is more flattering than it lias Tim Conley, one of Josejihim* pleased to learu that he has succeed«-»! well in is frozen over, to in«lulge in skating. (' alenuai :. According to the “ Churchman" been. Should the rains continue ami the min­ ANDERSON LEON ARD At Sucker creek, Chas. Hughes, Esq., the efficient Clerk of liest miners, returned from a visit to San Fran­ the following is the calendar for January bine county, was in town the forejiart of Fatln*r Blau diet, < '!i:ii'l<*s Anderson and Oregon Street, Jacksonville. February: Jan. 19th, secon«l Sumlav after it will enliven times in this portion of the circulation to the effect that Hon. James D. l»een properlv- hung and no idea of the qualities the week and made us a pleasant call. Mrs. Marg«ret Leonard. Fay will remove to Salem for the practice of , Epiphany; 25th, conversion of St. Paul; 26th, country wonderfully. • ■of his invention can be obtain«! from them. CAMPBELL — ROBERTSON—At th«* resi­ Says the Portland “Bee:” “W. M. Turner tliinl Smulay after Epiphany; Feb. 2d, fourth dence <»t the bride's jiaii tits in A-hlatiil, 'HUE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PUR- He will remedy the defects noticeable soon, has ¡«urcbased a half interest in the Jacksonville his profession. A N ice Q uestion . We learn that E. K. Sunday after F.pijihany purification of B. V. Jan. 9th. by ll«*v. A. Brown, J. R. Cauip I clri.-ed Win. ! ULRICH. order «>n Caro for some merchandise. The shod lately, in coHM*«|uence of the slippery Dillon's tine liquors ami cigars, there would l»e fully realized. proved pattern and are valued at eight hundred NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. ----------- » - ...... . bloate«l wtMil-holder Lsight an overe«»at an«l comlition of the roads at many points at that no mistaking their verdict. ’ i H eavy F all of S now .—P. D. Hull came dollars. with the money skipped out. Flein, has not time. EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, Our business men, realizing that the facilities down from Flounce Rock precinct yesterday. T hanks .—-The T imes office is under obliga seen the wool nor the fellow since; and the Some ¡»ersons, rather maliciously inclined, «»f the T imes othee enable us to turn out the He reports a heavy fall of snow in that neigh­ THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. tions to Webb A McDaniel, of the Criterion, C alifornia S trbet , probabilities are that he never will.—[Rose­ have lieen breaking off the picket« of ’S<|irire l»est work at San Francisco rates, are favoring borhood ami st«ick suffering some in conse­ for a couple of bottles of Boca beer, the l»est burg Star. as established an agency in Hoffman's fence—a deprecatory act, to say the us with their orders. U’e invite inspection of quence thereof. malt liquor the market affords. These gentle­ Jacksonville, f»»r t In* sale of their <*«*le- S. P. JONH, Proprietor. our samples of billheads, receipts, envel«q»es, F rom S alem . —K. B. Watson, Esq., re­ least. l»ratene of the neatest and cosiest sal« muih formerly occupied by Dr. Jaidtson, and op­ turned from a professional visit to the Capital The Canyon road case, recently decided by cards, etc., ami guarantee satisfaction. largely interested in mining operations in in Southern Oregon and merit the liberal pa­ posite Will. Jackson’s «lental rooms. Bl’T THE CHOICEST AND BEsT City on Saturday last He says that the cases Jndge Hanna in favor of the Ikmglas County Attention is called to the advertisement of Jackson and Josephine counties, has gone to tronage they enjoy. Srwinu Ma -hinesofall kind*cleaned, VONE .A U ines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cimra i of Jackson county vs. Lake county, on appeal Road Company, will be appealexl to the Su­ Inlow «A Farlow, the ¡»»pillar Ashlaml drug­ repaired and adjusted. kept. ° San Francisco <»n a trip of business. D. IL FEATHERS, Agent. M ill for S ale .—Ed. Hendricks, of Apple­ from this District, in which he was counsel for preme Court. ------------- <------------- DRIN KS, 12’i CENTS. gists. They keep constantly on hand a com­ the plaintiff, have been lai«l over for the pres­ F attening .—Deputy Sheriff Caton reports gate, offers for sale a mill site, together with a I) AI NTs, (patent or other; < »i!-, Varnishes, Cayotes are troublesome in some portions of plete and first-class assortment of drugs, patent NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURK-ft don’t ent, on account of the non-amval of transcripts the valley. Several sheep-raisers re¡»«rt losses medicines, toilet articles, paints and oils, etc., his wards in the c«»unty jail both able to heavy frame building and all the appurtenam-es 1 Shellac, Window Glass, Emory, Borax, pay. Families needihg anything in our line etc., for sale in endless «liiantitics hv from Ukeview. they evidently being lost in and are taking steps towanl ridding the coun­ which they sell at the very lowest rates. make away w ith an astonishing quantity of pertaining to a first-class mill. We call atten­ can always be supplied with the purest and JOHN MILLER. best to t»e found on the Coast. Give nie a transmission through the mails. Others will try of these pests. The protract«! «¡»ell of cnl