\ / thtt DVL ” i n-nsTfi ehr gmcrraiií iïimrs Published every Friday Morning by RATES OF ADVERTISING. CHARLES NICKELL I Editor and Proprietor. t n Advertisements will l»e inserted in th« T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion......................... $3.00 “ each subsequent one............ 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A lair reduction from the above rates mad« to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always taken at par. i OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rate« of Subscription : One copy, per annum......................... “ six months............................ “ three month«....................... ju.no JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1879 2.00 1.00 Ladies' and Gentlemen's PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A / ü COI KI DECISION. FASHION, SIILE AND GOSSIP. tiii : co.M.m rri:ir.s iti i’om . THE IKON-HEARTED EOVEK. Ml'llLHE coi ar UOSSIP. Jesse Dodge, appellant, vs David Guipure lace is coming into fashion A. C. JONES. Following is the summary of the When Judges Boise, Prim and Ke|. Among the crowd of travelers Marden and B. A. Knott, defendants, again. FURNISHING and report of the investigating committee: ly, the three appointed to the Supreme around the depot, the other day, was a ATTORNEY’ Æ COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, respondents; appeal from Jack-on A new figure looks like velvet leop­ And the Committee find, after a young ma.l of excellent lengtl/of legs, Bench met, and the selection of the county. ard skin. careful and thorough ex amination of and a girl with sixteen auburn curls one to be Chief Justice was in order, JACKSONVILLE, OGN., The object of this suit is to enjoin Waterproof cloaks are fashionable in the books and records on file in the of­ hanging down around her head. They respective ages were demanded, aud goods the defendants from using a certain Paris. ^VIH practice tn all the Court« of the State. fices of the different departments, and Office on 5th street, opposite Court House. had scar* ely settled themselves and Kelly was found to be three score years water ditch, anout December, 1876, Jacksonville, Oregon. Silver and gold are combined in Capitol building fund............ vice in a very wholesome manner. He Agricultural College fund... 2.916 44 I s’pose they have peanuts iu this defendants wrongfully entered upon small articles of fancy jewelry. showed what intemperince and gam ­ town.” ■Office on California street, opposite P. J. plaintiff’s said land, and dug a ditch A war club and a bow and arrow Swamp land fund................... . 27,875 09 bling did for lawyers; how they may “Wall, yes; but your mother caution­ Ryan's store. Calls promptly attended CLOTIHXG, J. N. Barker, overpaid as through the same from Kane’s creek, are the new designs of lace pins. to. day er night. ed me the last thing not to buy any not expect clients and be betted with Agent of the Board...... 295 15 tapping defendant’s ditch, and carried Looped satin bows artistically plaited peanuts for you. The shucks are apt contiden e and trust if (hey indulge in Illegal fees for conveying away the water flow’ing therein, Ac. and looped, are worn at the throat. J. W. ROBINSON. M.D., to get into your windpipe. The Queen either vice. Judge Kelly’s admoni­ convicts to the peniten- That defendants have also begun to LIQUOF.S, TOBACCO and CIGAES. Fur trimmed dresses have a deep of Holland was choked to death in tion had such profound effect that sev­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, tiary..... 14,933 90 dig and wash away the soil of China bonier on the underskirt instead of a eral of the young men begin practic­ that way.” Illegal fees for conveying gulch, and to run the same down upon flounce. Jacksonville, Oregon. CROCKERY, ETC., Pretty soon a boy came along with ing at the bar the sime evening ami in-ane to the Asylum... 19,176 19 plaintiff’s land, and claim the right so» Bridal wrappers are of brocade com­ some fiuit, and the young woman lilt went home tight—the more the pity. to do, to plaintiff’s damage,