* The reports of various Road Supervisors were * HOOVE RIVER VALLEY AND CO ABT I MININO SOTES. i F irf . D epartment .—A paper was this week DR. MINTIES NEPHRETICUM ! NARROW UAVOE R. R. this week considered by the County Commis- circulate»! in town for members of a fire depart­ ’ Beekman, Turner & Co. w ill soon test the ment and received several signatures. An or­ D h . M intie ' k N j : piiheticum works won­ ' sinners’ Court. All did not rejiort. Business quiet. The recently-awakened interest in the quality of their mining ground on Rogue river ganization will soon be attempted. It is the ders. In all cases of Dropsy, Bright’s Dis- FRIDAY, JAXVARY 10, 1879. Deeds, notes. Justice’s and all other blanks Little sickness prevailing at present. eas©, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Com­ project for a narrow gauge railroad from Rogue by sinking shafts. i intention to rig up the hook and ladder truck, plaints. or lieteiiiimi of Urine, sre cured by ' on hand or promptly printed to order at the (Ktr job-work gives general satisfaction. River Valley to tide water at or near Ellens­ tiie Nepbreticuin. Female Weakness, Gmv- F arm S old .—Henry’ Noland, of Butte creek, j The Blue Gravel Company of Galice creek now on hand, at first ami add to the appara­ el, T imes office at very reasonable rates. Dialictes, pa;n in the back, side and burg, Curry county, Oregon, drew to Jackson ­ The time for general settlement is here. has sold his farm of 160 acres to J. W. Simp­ H. M. Thatcher and Miss Katie Pearson re­ ville, on Saturday, Jan. 4th, a large number of has levied an assessment of six cents per share, tus as circumstances will permit. The fire loin are cured when all other medicine« son for $800. i The narrow-gauge enterprise is under way. fund, held in trust by the Board of Trustees, have failed. turned to Linkville on Sunday last, after a prominent and influential projierty-holders to payable at Portland en the first of February. See^ what the druggists of Portland «nd A case of scan. mag. is reported from Butte brief but pleasant visit in our midst. Frank Ennis returned from Galice creek amounts to nearly $900—almost enough to pur­ San Francisco -ay about Dr. Mintie’« Ns- confer as to the feasibility of the scheme and F rom S aef . m .—Robt. A. Miller returned chase a second-class hand engine. The prob­ piiretictini and English Itamlelion Pill«; Creek. The New Year's ball given for the benefit of the liest methods for its accomplishment. this week. He reports everything frozen hard "Wednesday from a protracted visit to the Wil­ i W« have sold a large amount of Dr. Min- lem of procuring a supply of water is unfortu­ I A social party occurred at \\ alilo on the Applegate school district was much of a Many of our most substantial merchants and in that region and mining operations as sus­ lamette valley. tie's medicines: The English Dandeli'u nately one not very easily solved. There is no Weilnesday night. Pills; also the famed Nepbiejcuni, and iu farmers, representing nearly every precinct, pended. success. Nearly ?200 were realized. doubt but what a well regulaU 1 fire depart all case« highly recommended: P omona D inner .—The members of Jack­ The Silver creek mines are still an attraction Jacksonville is promised plenty of annue- Comparatively a small area of grain has l>een were present, and all of them had something to John A. Childs, Druggist, Second street, ment will be of incalculable service in time of sonville Grange No. 8-8, P. of H., partook of a ments this Winter. in Josephine county. N. Delamater started a Portland. put in to this date and the farmer is as yet say in futherance of the enterprise. conflagration, ami the move made to organize sumptuous dinner at the residence of Col. J. (’. IL Woodward A Co., Druggists, corner pack-train loaded w ith goods for that section At 2 o ’ clock P. m . the meeting organized by I The thermometer has been down to still unable to proceed with his work. one should be encouraged. Fiist and Abler si reel«. Portland. N. T. Miller, I». I). G. M., on Saturday last. zero in I^ike county. the election of E. K. Anderson, Chairman, and the forepart of this week. Messrs. Abrams A Carroll, wholesale A petition for a post office at Gearheart’s, Geo. E. Strong, Secretary. E. Druggists, Nos. 3and 5 Front street, 8. F. K. Anderson, ow ner of the ’ 49 diggings i R eal E state T ransachons . — The follow C ai . l and S ee U s .—This l>eing the first of Two inches of snow fell on Big Butte the lat- Sprague river valley, has been sent on to We regard the Ni’phreiicum as the beat E. D. Foudray having been called upon, ex ­ near agner creek, is ready to commence ing deeds have been recorded in the Clerk s the year, we are sending out statements of ac­ ter part of last week. . Washington. It ought to be successful. Kidney and Bladder remedy before th« plained the purpose of the call. He gave an work as soon as there is a thaw-out in the office since our last report: public. Al! di Uirglsta keep them. count. Having a large number of bills to set­ Wm. Patterson, formerly of Big Butte and interesting suniinary of his observations on the mountai is to furnish a supply of water. Several communications are laid over this i Govan High and wife to J. N. Casebeer, 60 For all derangements of the Liver, tle ourselves, we hope that those indebted will week, for lack of space. more recently engaged in the lumber business construction and operation of the Dayton and Use Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Pilis. ! respond promptly. The weather has been colder in the northern acres in Eden precinct. Consideration, $389. For Biliousness ami Dyspepsia, near Roseburg, has removed to Ashland. Robt. Allen, the clairvoyant and pedestrian, Sheridan narrow gauge road in YanihiH county, John R. Helman and wife to McCall A Use Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Pills. portion of the county than here, in conse»juence Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1. Imp. 0. acquired by jiersonal inspection and interviews For Fever ami .\gue. Baum, parcel of laud in Ashland. Considera­ R unaway .—R. C. Tavlor’s team started on w’as in town this week. Use Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Pii ’s. R. M., will give a grand ball on Washington s w ith Jos. Gaston, the first energetic worker in I of which the miners have been unable to do tion, $56 4L Some of the societies in town have l>een re­ a lively run up Oregon street on Wednesday anything, although favored with considerable Every family should not fail to keep ths birthday. Further particulars hereafter. that enterprise, and its present President. Mr. John R. Helman and wife to M. Baum, par­ English Dandelion Pills on hand. last,hut, the tugs being unfastened, the wagon ceiving several accessions. I water at the beginning of the season. Foudray gave details as to the cost of building Dr. Mintie’s Remedies will not J‘Cttre all cel of land in Ashland. Consideration, $125. and horses soon parted company. The latter John Bolt, the genial Applegate merchant, I Geo. F. Merriman has recently put up a new’ 1 Never in the history of scientific mining have Complaints,’’ but will give immediate relief the I). & S. N. G It. It., besides a inass of blacksmith shop at Central Point and is turn ­ C. Chandler and wife to J. B. R. Hutchins, and perfect a cure in all eases, if taken ac- Were shortly afterward captured, But little was in tow n on Wednesday. other interesting and valuable statistics bear­ the mines of Southern Oregon been in better 40 acres in Ashland precinct. Consideration, cotdliig to directions, which they are reconi- ing out a large amount of excellent work. damage was done. A spelling-bee is held at the Willow Springs j shape for ojierations. Every miner is now mended for. The Criterion, under the management of ing on the construction and workings of narrow I I ready ami his claim is rigged up with a view of $300. school house every ’ Friday night. D r . A. E. M intie A Co.—Gents: I vol­ C ounty C ourt P roceedings . But little U. S. patents to E. Emery and A. Vollmer unteer to sav your English Dandelion Pills \\ ebb A McDaniel, is proving a popular re­ gauge roads and their relative merits as com­ doing the most work in the least time. The G imm ! Templars lodge on Butte creek is pared with the broad gauge system, all of ■was transacted at the January term of the have been recorded. sort. The best brands are obtained here. equal ami even surpass all you claim Johnson & Allison are putting their diggings I which w ill be shortly presented to the com­ County Court except hearing the report« of rejM.rted in a flourishing condition. “trom my extierieni’e in their use.” Fancy The New State Saloon has been embellished S. F. W ool M arket .—The following are they hu ve no equal for Dyspepsia and Liver ltoad Supervisors and apjMxnting their success­ munities interested in cheap and speedy com­ ! on Kanaka Flat into good shape. They are Ruth Rebekah Degree Lxlge will install its with two elegant chromos from L. H. Nichols’ J. A. S trowbiudge , j now engaged in building areservoir, which will the latest wool quotations: Eastern Oregon, troubles. ors. A full report of the proceedings will officers on Monday evening next. munication with San Francisco. First Street Leather Merchant. assortment on exhibition at Geo. W. Elliott’s. appear next week. Brief addresses were made by Messrs. John enable them to run sometime longer than usu­ 14(818c.; Valley, 20(« 22c. Portland, Sept. 17, 1878. Taxes are coming in slowly. About $6,500 John Miller keeps the best stock of tirearms, E. Ross, Kahler, Beekman, Hopwood, .McCall al. A six-inch hydraulic pipe will be used. D r . A. E. M intii : A C o .—Gents: I liav« \\ hat is more to be desired by a young lady used your famed English Dandelion Pill« N aughty .—Our Portland cotemporary, the have lteen collected to this date. ammunition, etc., in Southern Oregon. Give anil Kent, after which Col. Ross moved the Anderson A McCall, proprietors of the I>av- than a beautiful, clear complexion? She may tor torpid liver ami epsia and can “Standard," appropriates our review of the Miss Dora Reames. of Eden, is at present him a call, if you desire anything in his line. adoption of the following resolution: ! enport mine near Ashland, are having several have wealth, education and all the accomplish­ freely say, they are the liest Pills I ever mines of Southern Oregon without giving the visiting her friends in this place. which will tit her to bean ornament to had. I can recommend thorn an a sure pre­ We are under obligations to Jacksonville Resolved—That a committee of five be ap­ hundred feet of pipe ami a little giant put in to ments society ’; if she have a sallow countenance and ventive ami |M>siiive cure in ail case« of T imes credit. The “Standard’’ is not in The various schools re-opened on Monday Grange No. 88, P. of H., fora bountiful sup­ pointed to prepare a subscription paper to tie position. They will be prepared to operate on her face be covered with pimples, it will avail fever and ague. Truly’ yours, the habit of doing such things, and Xve are last with a full attendance present. plv of excellent cake and a bottle of choice presented to the citizens of Jackson county for an extensive scale as soon as there is sufficient but little. I.et her remove the cause of all A mos P autkhkje , Contractor. therefore inclined to excuse it this time. Portland, (let. ft. 1878. : this disfigurement by the use of I'r. se’s Hani contributions towards defraying the expense of water. Several ounces of cold-dust were shipped from wine. D r . M ixite A Co. treat all Chronic and I burg Tea, and our word for it she will soon A glove was picked up near David Crone- a preliminary survey of the proposed road. special Diseases w it h success. N<>. L’>5 Sec­ The change in the weather is well received find her beauty fully restored. A N eat S um .—The festival given on Waldo to San Francisco this week. ond Street, corner Morrison, Portland. Debate followed thereupon. J. S. Howard, by the miners, who were beginning to feel a Christmas by the Presbyterian ladies of Ash­ Isaac Cox is announced to exhibit himself at miller's blacksmith-shop last Monday, which I civil engineer, estimated the probable cost of MARRIED. the owner can recover by calling at the T imes little discouraged over the prosjiects of an un­ land in the church at that place, was a finan­ Yreka this and to-morrow evenings. such survey at about $3,000. office. favorable mining season. Should the storms WILSON — RUMMELL —On Antelope, cial success as well as a very pleasant .affair so­ “EXCELSIOR” Jas. Drnwi yesterday received a fresh sup­ ('. C. Beekman suggested that the subscrip­ continue aifoseil to contribute, be taken, whereupon the be taken out of the mines. general church fund. “Western Star.” The new firm has our best LACEY —VANHORN— On Jenny creek, ahead citizens, was in town Sat unlay. following subscriptions were announced within December 25’h, by Rev. G. W. Hoxie, wishes. John Egan recently discovered a quartz lode Robinson Wright, formerly of this place, is live minutes: John IL Lacey and Miss Emma J. Van­ D issolved .—As will be seen by notice else­ in the Willow Springs mining district, ore from Some desirable realty is offered for sale by horn. engageil in blacksmithing at Linkville. where, the firm of Manning A Montgomery, ... £100 which has a favorable ajipearance. H. K. C C Beekman........... M. A. Houston, administrator of the estate of PHILLIPS —IRWIN—In Jacksonville, a' .... 50 John E Ross............. J. W. Manning is furnishing this market in the livery business in this place, has l»een Oregon St,, Jacksonville, « Hanna, E. H. Autenrieth, Geo. W. Elliott and the Franco-American h«>tel, January 7th, Jos. Cox, deceased. Read the advertisement .... 50 John Orth ................ dissolved by mutual consent. J. W. Man­ with a fine quality of hay from his ranch. bv Hon. S. J. Day, County Judge, 8. .... 50 Robt. Small are also interested in the ledge. Tlios. Hopwood....... elsew here. Phillips and Miss Sarah Irwin. ning, an ex|>erienceeo. E. Strong......... .... 10 miner, and, after practical tests, and believes VITAL patrons ami the public generally with as that neighborhood. Grand Master, installed the following officers: at present than it has had for sometime past. Jos Iiapp.................. .... 10 he can work the ore in the mine with profit. .... 10 C. C. Beekman, W. M.; E. B. Watson, S. W.; FINE TURNOUTS The German Social Club, after paying all E H Autenrieth....... The precinct jury not being legally drawn. J. W. Hay, of Rock Point, recently sold half Jesse Wilson, Sr ...... .... 10 J. N T Miller, J. W.;John Miller, Treasurer; Justice Huffcr will draw another in a few days. expenses, which were heavy, cleared nearly W B Kincaid........... .... 10 of his placer mines, situated some distance east As can be bad on the Pacific Coast. Saddle Max Muller. Secretary; David Linn, S. I).; T1IE horses hired to go to any part of the country. .... 5 of Gold Hill, to Magruder Bros. It is the inten­ W. H. Simpson is encaged in erecting a $50 from its New Year’s ball. It was a suc­ J T Iioloson............. A. M. Berry, J. D.; W. Jackson and M. Caton, dwelling-house in the eastern portion of town. cessful affair in every way. Animals BOUGHT ami SOLI). Horse« T It Kent.................. .... 5 broke to work single or double. Horses Silas Hawk.............. .... 5 tion of this company to run a ditch alsiut four GHEAT ENGLISH P.EMEDT, Stewards; IL S. Thinlap, Tyler. The weather is quite likely to break up soon, J. W. Hamrick.... boarded, and the best of care bestowed upon Rev. D. A. Crowell will preach at the M. .... 2J miles in length from Sam's creek to its diggings them while in my charge. hut Matt. Dillon is equal to any emergency E. ( huri'li next Sunday morning and evening. when the weather will permit, and then tit CURES N wig vrn»N I mpossible . -Engineer Exsturck Total cash subset iption, - - . $562A, them up with a view of doing some substantial and will continue to furnish the public with ' ^TMY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. is said to be of the opinion that Rogue river The Phivnix telegraph office is nearly ready the best brands of liquors. IL Hvzer, ... 5 days labor mining. There is plenty of dump into Rogue VERVOUS DEBILITY, PREMATURE J. * lx Decline, Muscular Weakness, Lost cannot >>e rendered navigable by the expendi­ or bu-iness. Miss Sergeant will manage it. - - - 5 “ “ D. W. Crosby, A liberal share of the public patronage ta river and no lack of ground. This claim has Manhood, Defective Memory, Paralysis, solicited. Many citizens from various portions of the ture of any sum o^noney Congress may see tit W. J. ri.YMALE. The Secretary prepared the following resolu ­ Despondency and all conditions produced L. B. Applegate, of Like county, passed county have been in town »hiring the past week t<> appropriate for the purpose. His 11 recent ex- tions, oi. the reading of which Col. Ross w ith­ heretofore been worked in places ana»l meeting as also the ses­ lie rich. It is proposed to work it with a small mature years. Price, $•’> a bottle, or four lierience in the premise: .s «cents to be ei ldence drew bis motion: hydraulic this season and a larger one will be times the quantity tor $10. Sent to any ad­ sions of different societies. Geo. A. Stoel, Postal Agent, passoji through enough of this, and he will rejairt accordingly, a Resolved That a Conimittee.to be composed dress by Proprietors, The amateur minstrels serenade»! several of one from each precinct in this county, lie ap­ addvil apd brought into service when the This fact is to be deplored, as it cuts off one town on Sunday last, en route for the south I»R. A. E. 31 IM TIE A < <»., ditch is completed. ho|>e Southern Ore <>n may have ent' rtained N. Cook and family have removed to Willow voting Lillies on Tuesday night, but in some in­ pointed by the chair to canvass the county, stances pater fami'.ias did the receiving and each in his respective precinct, with power to (Graduate University of Pennsylvania, late for an outlet to tl.e sea. Spring«, w here they will permanently locate. C ommittee on R ailroad .—The following resident Surgeon Orthopiedic Hos­ more forcibly than elegantly, too. appoint a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, named gentlemen have been appointed by E. pital, Philadelphia.) Stockmen fear, if the winter continues light, G erm in R ed M en . J.icksonville Stamm w ho shall enter into correspondence with citi­ K. Anderson, Chairman of the railroad meet­ Joel Dixon, of Table Rock, returned last week R. M., elected the following that grass will be exceedingly short next Sum ­ o. 118, U. O No- 11 Kearney Street, San Francisco. from a visit to Colusa county. Cal. He informs zens of Douglas, .Josephine, Like, Siskiyou and ing held here Saturday, to solicit subscriptions officers on the evening of January 2d: N. mer. to be had of all DRUGGISTS. ns that little rain has thus far fallen there Curry counties; that when this meeting ad­ ill their respective precincts for the purpose of Fisher, O. I'll.; Louis l’etzold, U. Uh.; S. Colin, Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, Imp. O. journ, to meet at the call of the chairman of making a preliminary survey of the proposed Honor, ntvis A «’<».. of Porllnnd, B. Ch.; Max Muller, R. S Herman v. Helms, R M., installed its officers on Tuesday evening and fanners are fearful of another drouth. Afrutii for Oregon mui X» osliiu^tou such committee, at w hich future meeting re- narrow gauge railroad from this place to the Territory. The ball given at the Rock Point sehool T F. S.; Veit Schutz, Treas.; Jos. Wetterer, last. U . H. KÜ2SELL, PBOPBIETOH, house on New Year's was a very pleasant af­ |>orts from the various precincts shall be re- coast: Trustee. Next Thursday evening the installa­ A pleasant sociable took place at the resi­ fair. Thirty-seven tickets were sold. The cei ved. ................ Ashland DR. MTNTIE’S large HOSPITAL EX- John M. McCall........ tion will take place, Herman v. Helms, Dep­ Resolved That saiil Committee lie instruct­ ('. S. Sergeant........... PER1 EN(’Eenable« him to t rent ill I diseases ................. Phivnix dence of C. \V. Savage last Wednesday eve ­ supper was one of the features of the occasion. uty Gros Chief, officiating. After the cere­ HE UNDERSIGNED. BEING STA- .......... Little Butte of a delicate or private nature i.i the most ed to make inquiries and gather information James J. Fryer......... ti<>nef the projected narrow gauge railroad from (’. (’. McClendon,.... MARBLE BUSINESS, .......... Rock Point Jackson county to the sea coast at or near El­ Benj. Haymond,....... service for the transput tion of third class there. ceremony that occurred soon afterward. No ......... Foot's Creek Silas Draper, ............. and is fully prepared to fill all orders In lensburg. matter <>n the Roseburg .d Reading route is Central Point has improved considerably cards. ......... Grant’s Pass i i this line with neatness and dispatch and at E. Dimick.................. Resolved That said Committee be requested I n<>w L-ing performed. An extra stage runs within the past year and is becoming quite a i prices to iuit the limes. .................. Iceland Hon. Henry Klippel. superintendent of the to take immediate steps looking to mass meet­ Lew is Ash,................ ...............Applegate John Bolt .................... from Roseburg to Canyonville three times a village. MONUM EN IS, TABLET'S, HEADSTONES Squaw Lake Ditch Co.’s diggings, has returned ings in the different precincts of the various T. Cameron.............. DEALER IN ............ Uniontown week. From the latter place to Yreka the reg­ F. Breckenfeld has a large and choice assort­ to th»- scene of operations. The pip«; w ill soon counties named, in order that the people there­ George Yaudes,......... ; Executed in any description of niarbln. ......... Sterlingville ular stages afford ample accommodations for ment of Winter goods, which he is selling be in position again and work prosecuted in Every variety ol cemetery and other stone­ ............. Manzanita C. Magruder, ............. in may be fully advised of the feasibility of the Chas. Williams,....... the carrying of all kinds of mail matter, anil very cheap. .... Pleasant ('reek BOOTS AND SHOES. work executed in a satisfactory manner. earnest. Special attention given to orders from any proposed road and its importance to every in ­ Jacksonville ........... E. D. Foudray......... . from Yreka to Resiling the extra stage is again part of Southern Oregon. Address Forty lieautiful visiting cards, with name J. H. -Hoffman is now managing the me­ terest of Southern Oregon and Northern Cali­ Thomas Wright,....... .. . Willow Springs brought into use. This plan is said to work J. H. RUssELL, Ashland, Or. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, . . . .Chimney Rock Abraham Miller, Jr. . . neatly printed on them, for 50 centra at the chanical department of Bilger's hardware fornia. successfully. store. We learn that J. IL Penn, who pre­ The resolutions were unanimously adopted, i T imes office. I nstallation of O fficers .—John A. Boyer eeps only the re < t quality The amateur dramatic association will prob­ ceded him, will assume charge of his ranch on and the ('liairman announced that at an early T he W evhier . After a prolonged spell of D. D. G. M., on Saturday evening lxst install ­ of Boots and Shoes, and offers them t<»r Dry creek before long. day during the coming week he would make cold and frosty weather, a change occurred on ably give an entertainment the forepart of sale as cheap as the very cheapest. No ed the following officers of Jacksonville Lxlge In adilition to granting an injunction. Judge public the names of the members of the com­ house in town can undersell me. I will al­ Wednesday last, which is to be hoped will be next month. I n M asonic B uilding , No. 10, I. O. 0. F.: S. J. Day, N. G.; W. J. so warrant my goods against lips, and will Hanna also rendered a verdict for $7. S ervice I x < reasei ». tecs satisfaction. ing list were detained by the usual press of cakes; also brown ami rye bread, ginger A. Fisher A Co., next door to the Post lent collation was partaken of. _ A telegram from Senator Mitchell announces snaps and crackers. Take orders on ex­ Mrs. Bailey, of Eden precinct, was thrown Saturday's business. It is projierto say that that he has secured tri-weekly service on the from a carriage one day last week and quite Office, offer a first-class stock of general mer­ change. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. chandise for sale at low rate«. The highest the committee has assurance of the earnest and * R oad S itervisors .—The following persons mail route from Jacksonville to Brownslair- severely injured. substantial supjiort of all such. It is also onr in'entinn to keep a first ola«« were api>ointed Road Supervisors for the en­ 1 market price is given for country produce of all C A LI FO RNIA STR EET, ough. This route was extended to Big Butte lunch-house, at w liicli the best of everything •John A. Boyer, D. I>. G. M., left for Kcrby- suing year: in the 1 ne will l>e served hi all hours. " sometime since and Pat. McMahon, the con­ ville yesterday to install the officers of the Odd kinds. Call ami see them. ORINO»? NOTES. I ^■WFresh bread every *d«v. District No. 1, C. F. Blake; No. 2. H. F. tractor, is now making semi-weekly trips to S. W. Rice, formerly of this county, but Oregon J ackson ville, Fellows lodge there. GROB- A ULRICH. that place. The change to a tri-weekly ser­ At the regular meeting of Jacksonville Phillips; No. 3, S. B. F.dsall; No. 6, T. T. i present Judge of Multnomah county, was wed­ 6th, the In the County Court, on January vice will take effect la-fore long, upon which ded to Miss Emma Thayer, daughter of the Grange No. 88, P. of H., held at the residence McKenzie; No. 7, J. M. Childers; No. 11, R- LIVE AND LET LIVE!” the people of that sci tion are to l»e congratulat- suit of F. Slierr vs. V. Schutz was continued late Judge A. J. Thayer, at Corvallis on Christ­ of J. N. T. Miller, D. D. G. M„ last Satur­ A. Cook; No. 12, Benjamin Mench; No. 13. rniIE UNDERSIGNI D IS J UT.LY PRE , until the next term. inas. We wish them joy. »ed. They will then l>e favored with ample day, the following resolutions were uuanimous- .James Loomis; No. 15, John G. Norton; No. 1 pareil toiln all work in his line in the Wm. M. Colvig, of Rock Point, will start 16, Peter Simon; No. 20, John Cantrell; No. best manner and at reasonable prices. mail facilities for sometime to come. Business men should not forget that blank ly adopted: for Curry county before long, intending to be notes, bill heads, statements, letter-head s, ami 21, C. D. Reed; No. 23, Joseph B. Salt­ Resolved, That a committee, of three be ap- HOT OK COED BATHN P robate C ourt .—The following business gone several months. marsh; No. 26, T. J. Raimey; No. 36, H. P. every description of commercial printing are l>ointed to solicit subscriptions from the’frater- Can l»e had at this place at all hour« of the Q1TVATED ril-TKKX MILES KOI TH has been tran«acte»l in this Court Hon. Silas G. W. Isaacs, of Butte creek, was in town neatly ami promptly executed at the I iMEs nity to aid the preliminary survey for a narrow ; Deskins. » ot Ja.’ksonville, Hixi 1 ’3 miles nunh of day. GEORGE SCHU.MPF. J. Day, Judge—since our last rej»ort: Ashland, are prepured to do this week purchasing calves an*rwprleit*. committee of the neat, complete ind correct traces. He must lie at least 27 years of age. for two years, at $30 a month. price fixed at 50 eent« per annum. Of course no A suit for forcible entry and detainer, in manner tn which Miss Annie Miller had dis­ pajier of its size could be publish«»! for such a The recent cold weather has extended over which J. B. Thomas is plaintiff ami R. S. charged the duties of secretary for the past T hanks .—Jos. Rapp has again made the ATONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND HEST l*ggarly price, but several of onr »»ver-zealous tie entire coat. Skating has been a favorite Armstrong and A. J. Walls are defendants, three years and at the same time hail assisted hearts of the lank and hungry' printers glad. ke it " ?ra,ul,eH’ " hiskies and Cigar« greenback friends .didn't think of that; «<> they pastime in the Willamette valley. will be tried before Justice Childers of Table . in the treasurer’s office. This time he has presented us with a liberal Rock to-day. T. B. Kent ami J. R. Neil rep ­ sul»sciibe<*<>upie«i by Dr. Ja- k^on. and op­ best to be found on the Coa«t Give C rowded O ut .—A communication from * were sent out with the prospectus to dupe the f Jaek-o iville was crowded last Sat inlay wi’h night. The attendance was very fair throiigh- »•all, and you will lie well MULtied. n ** * posite Will. Jackson's dental room«. cinct, recently lost a meerschaum pipe, for the >4vpcates of “fiat money," an»l it succeeded, Citizens from various ¡tortious of the county, ou* and some accessions were made. Tim boys s ' the » younger brother of the festive “John ./.er Sewing Machines of all kinds cleaned, return of which to the owner or the T imes of* uch v»ihe chagrin of many worthy disciples who came to attend the railroad meeting. Wf were complimented uix»n the r good liehavior ■ Henry-’ is crowded out of this issue. It will repaired a id adiu«ted. I ' Apyea. ui our uuxt. tkv a suitable reward La nil vied. • A.e pleased to »«e the interest thus mauKwted. uurme the meeting, which was just. D. H. FEATHERS, Agent. j Beu. batier aud Uliv’*» i’vmeroy. BUIE»' MK.NTIUN. LIVERY STABLE! H R estorative « ietor. Op­ ri», in i the •al«. lered •reel : e . E ! ON. on lock «oii- ASHLAND MARBLE WORKS. T NAT. LANGELL, CITY BAKERY AND SALOON, K t>e el«- >w— for BARBER SHGP & BATH ROOMS e». \' on. ET» re­ in s»t u— EAGLE MILLS, G. F. MERRIMAN, III- b» >»▼ di l>V lì. n- r» o- F z it i» H \ ‘ \V I