c ¿nnrs imcrmhi aimrí ■ y Friday Morning by RATES OF ADVERTISING. vL.ES NICKELL. Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rat«»« of Snbacription : One copy, per annum.................................. fS.flfl six months..................................... 2.0° three month*................................ 1.66 VOL IX JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1879 » NO. 3 Advertisements will be inserted in th* T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion.......................... “ each subsequent one............. J»w Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above rates mad* to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rales. C ounty W arrants always taaen at par. goin’ on at the same time. He lit in­ THE COST OF A MIXE PATEMI' A BLOODLESS ATI KAY to (hem keys like a thousand of brick; I Tim fashionable bridesmaid’s toilet JVI» BROWIN’S DESCRIPTION THEREOF. lie giv ’em no rest day nor night; he Front tho Statesman of tho 24 Hie ro«»nw of th«» Inve«tigat- JACKSONVILLE, OGIt., *tein play when you were in New hollered, «Go it, my Rube !’ Velvets of every description are ex- New York Mining Record, who Is ' ing Committee, at th«» State H »use, York. Well, fell us about it.” Will practice in all the Courts of the State. F A.2< C Y tviisively used for trimmings. “ Every blamed man, woman and p obably all correct. tho principals 1» ing Willhi'n H- Wat- “What, me? I might’s well tell Office on 5th street, opposite Court House. irhildin the house stared at ine, Evening shoes and house slippers and 1. The miner must first find a vein kins, formerly Superintendent of the you about tho creation of the world.” have peaked, turned-up toes. or lode of gold-bearing ore, or other Peuitetiliary, ami H>n John .'L G. H. AIKEN. M. D., “C’ome, now; no mock modesty. shouted,‘Put him out! put him out.” BOYS' and GIRLS' Metal buttons for trimming waist­ metals or minerals, survey and mark rhomp-mn,Speaker of ttie IIou«e in the ‘ Put your great-grandmother ’ sgrizz'y, Go ahead.” PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, «•Well, sir, ho had tho blamedest, gray, greenish eat into the middle of coats of all kinds are very fashionable. bls boundaries, and file a copy of his list Legislature. The Hffair caused Crinoline of very small proportions notice for record in the mining district con«lderal»le excitement as it became next month!’ I stys, ‘Tetch me if you JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. READY-MADE CLOTHING, bigg« st, cattycorneredest planner you dare! I paid my money, and you just is beginuing lo make its appearance. in which his claim is situated. known. It Appear , lr »m ail that we overlaid eye* on. Somethin’ like a Bl it k sacques for the house are come a-nigh» me. ’ 2. He must perform $400 worth of [can learn, that Wdlkinds i»a«l been Dfflce—On California street, opposite Union distracted billiard table on three logs. made of very line black camel’s hail work and iin; rovements annually un­ ; summoned before tho committee to Livery Stable. “ Willi that some several p ’ licemen The lid was h’isted, and mighty well clo'h trimmed with satin. til a patent ¡.* issued therefor, and be­ [ tell what he knew about th«» manage­ SHOES, BOOTS AND it wa*. If it hadn’t been, he’d a-torn .run up, and I had to bimmer down. DR. L. DANFORTH, Embroidery is lavished on all dress­ fore this is done be must have per­ ment of the penitentiary, ami while But I would a fit any fool that laid the intire in«ides clean out, and scat­ I es, ami not only ou dresses but on the formed $500 worth of work and im­ he was in the y failin ’ into Ruben was hoginnin’ to JAMES S. HOWARD. didn ’ t look as if he had. he pinched her eais and he scratched Cost of finding vein.muk- 14. lake the envelope, but held hi« hands take some interest in hi* business, atei U.S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR the favorite her cheeks tiil she fairlz yelled. He 300 00 S'arlet bonvardia is ing boundaries, etc .......... from him open, ami implored the pro­ DAVID LINN I set down again. It W «* the peep o’ I dower for ornamenting 1 knocked lu-r down atid lie stamped on the hair and tection «>f the committee, saj ing that FOR JACKSON, Keeps constanti v on hand a lull assortment «lay. The light come faint from the , with brun, her shameful. She bellowed like a for the cor-age Itouijuet, ” 43 00 Total ..................................... $1 lie was unarmed. The imim-diato of furniture, consisting of east, The breeze blowed gentie ami elt«-s, who al th The foregoing exhibit may be con ­ bull, «11-* blea ’ ed like a calf, she howl ­ o samo time wear cur < ause of the cireum«tance wa«, that Josephine and Curry counties. Oregon. fresh; *ome more birds waked up in Official surveys made and patents ohtained BEDSTEADS, ed like a hound, she s pi ailed like a al ornaments. sistently termed the minmuiu expense Wa kinds had written a letter to the the orchard, then «orne more in the at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining Cornucopias on elaborately wov« n by which a patent or absolute title can pig, «he shriek«»«! like a rat — and then committee, till« d w ilh insultii g per­ BUREAUS. TABT.ES. begot tr ■«>« near ttie hou*e, and all hegue Laws and Decisions at my office in Jack- striw tripods are the newe-t il aver lie wouldn ’ t let her up. 11»* run a be acquired to a mining claim, while sonal allu-ions to Mr. Thompson. son ville, Oregon. hegu u (<» 'login' tog« tlier. P‘ «»id«» begun GUILD MOULDINGS, the maximum expense incurred by quarter st retch down the low ground« h 1 lets lor dinner eenter pieces- They *tir, and Hie gil op<-n«»d the shult« r* F eeding and F attening A ni ­ STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D.. Jii't then the fli«t I pun of Hie sun b-|| ot the has«, till he got clean into the give the bouquet contained a most the farmer in obtaining a homestead mals .— rimer fix s thirtei n po .nds i-owels <»f the earth, and yon heard graceful p«»ise. title t<> 160 acres of agricultural lind CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. i iip<»n tiie blo**om*, a lii tie more and it All «-utls on sl?«»vi s are flat, and the need not exceed one hundred dollais. the quantity of Imv per day wh’ch limn erga 1 -pin’ after thunder through PARLOR A P.EDROOM SUITS, (edit H ip ro-«»* on Hi»» l-u-lu s, and Hu- Hie holloas and eaves of perdition; and .«h >wy « i!'<-ct desiied is pioduced by cow requires tor Iler niaiuteli nice «Jncl» soit vi Oro£on. next tiring it U"!* lirool «lav; tho s io T he F air S ex — We talk of pretty perfect condition, and, it in miik, ETC., ETC. fairly lilaz(‘ pound-, meat cattle gun to thicken up, and a kind of gra\ nnd forth, up and down, perpetual mo­ affair. been acquainted with those enjoying requite for plain keeping thr» e-f< urths Miss Lavinia God«lt 11, the VVi.scon- KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND •rrist com«» over tiring*. I got l«»w-*pir- tion double and twisted and tied down, a wide reputation for preitine«« who j of a pound of me olow Imv; wl eu la- »' ttie largest and most complete assort­ , ited d’lectlv. Then a silver rain be- and turned and tai ked an 1 tangled in­ sin lawyer, is mentioned as a sletider had any other than physical charms? ttoriog, two pound-; Winn in milk but not won».in Whose hair is gray, to forty- ’ leven thousand mixlery OBSTETRIC PRACTICE. ment of ! g»«n to fall. I could so«» th»» drop* Sue who has a distinctly graceful man three; growing rapidly, three nd one is with- with year«, and whose toilet And then lie wouldn ’ t 1 -t th-* old I tonel» tlm ground; »o ne fl i«he I up lik«» ner, or an elegant air, or a fine tact, or half, which ought to be given wi:h DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICAL* Office and residence at Judge Duncan’s, I long pearl ear ring* and th«» rest r died planner go! He feteht up his right out eccentricity, as heriuauner is with a talent for conversation, or quick great regulirity and about linec Him 8 Jacksonville, Oregon. away like round rubies It wa* pret i w ing; lie fet .-ht up his h it w ing; lie ; out boldness. sympathies, or cordial ways, or th«» a day, (onstilutiiig so met y m< 11«, to be found in Southern Oregon. “ The Htlldujah Lasses, ” or the 'tv. I lit melancholy. Then the pearl* fetch! up his centre; he fetchl up hi- Also the latest and finest styles of art of listening w»II, albeit plain in which, however, are w- 11 divid« <1, the “ Salvation Army, ” a body of lady SOCIETY N< >TI(’ES. i gathered themselves into long strand* reserves. II»» tired by tics, by platoon«, the face and of ordinary figure, is fre ­ i whole quantity for each ineal i «-t be­ i nn«l ru'cklae«»*, and then they melted by company, by regiments and by preachers under the command of a quently styled pretty, and the adjec­ ing placed before the animal at O'-< e. STATIONERY, Jnrkxon\ill? Grans'* No. I’, of IL. ! into thin silver streams running lie j brigades, lie opened his cannon — well known clergyman, tiie Rev. W tive i* repeated until it is fastened up­ This precaution^« partit ulaily m-«-i s- -it go guns down tliar, Napoleons here, Booth, have been creating some ex- Hold« its regular meetingseverv two weeks And a great variety of PERI I MES and I tw« on golden gravel*, and tlu-n the on, and is constantly associated with, 3try when tiie allowan e cm 6 3 8 of i cilement in Hie noitii of England. at ttie residence of J . N. T. Miller. TOI LET ARTICLES, including the best and ! stream* j«»ine«l each other at the bot- twelve-pound* rs yonder, big guns, <’. MINGUS, Master. Myrtle is extensively used for trail­ her. Merely pretty women do not green fodder. In fattening cutth* it i«, <-li ea net assort ment of COMMON and PE R- I torn, and made a brook that fl »wo«! si- little guns, niidiilo-size guns, round A mmik M ii .I. kr , Secretary. I'TMED SOAPS in this market. «hot, shells, giapin-l-1, grape, canister, ing m outside window boxes, and is rule society—never did and never will. perhaps, of more importance limn In When beauty is allied to pleasant man­ general feeding that the provender 'clo«-k. < Companions ’ valuable tor their complexion. light danced, the walls shuk, the floor I the sun didn’t shine, nor the bird­ standing are invited. has conspicuous graces of nnnd and fattening. — Lice Stack Journal. ------------ ------------------- I J. E. ROSS, High Driest. sing; it was a foggy <1 iv, but not cold. come up, the ceilit:’ come down, ttie Sciii’RZ on T imber L ands .—Sec-1 manner will prove more than a match M ax M vi . i . kii , Secretary. ST MARY'S ACADEMY, ’ The most curious tiling was ttie little ~kv split, the ground rockt—heaven« retary T. II. C ann pui»lish« s th»- to lowing »Schurz is ol the opinion that the for her beautiful, insipid sisters. and earth, creation, sweet potatoes, white angel boy, I ike you see in pic ­ CONDUCTED BY I' tter in ttie Salem acts passed at Hie list session of Con-| Table Rork Enrantpur nt \o. 10, I. 0. 0. F. tures, that ran ahead of the music M< so«, ninopences, glory, teiipenny gie.«s, with left-H 11' 0 to timber lands T he M odocs —The Shasta Courier As a matter of justice to myself, I x Holds regular session« in its SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES , brook, and 1 «I it on, away nut of the nail«, my M iry Ann, hallelujah, Sam- inColorai o,Nevada ami the l’eiritmie«, scalps these Indians in Hie following desire to state that on the Sth dle-o<»d le—ood le-ood le-oodle-rodd le East, of the ‘Rockies’ have died,” charge of by H>0 legislative invest i- dially invited to meet with us. school will commence about the end of light came, without any sunset, and uddle-ud die -mi die- raddle—addle-add le- ington Territory, are calculated to has­ says an exchange, That is what they giting committee, and on that «lav I • J. A. BOYER, C. P. August, and is divided in four sessions, , addle-addle-riddle-iddle-iddle-reet le- ten tiie destruction of forests in the were sent East for, and we are sorry T. B. K ext , Scribe. shone on the graveyards w here some of eleven weeks each. depositetl with Mr. E Hiis«h, State named Stales and in the Territories, Jte.on few ghosts lifted their iiand* and went eetie-eelle-eetle eetle—eetle—p-r r r-r- rather than to support them, as the to hear that even one of them lives— Treasurer, all the immey on hand Board and tuition, per term,............. 4.00 over the wall, «inri between the black lang’ p-r-r-r r-lang! per lang! per Be«l and Bed«iin . 5.00 rose op, with fine ladies in the lit-up Entrance fee. only once,.................... < ommiltee bLo'fld be maile. Th« of their passage. With regard to ttie PROFESSA )N A L HAI R-CUTTER, windows, and men that loved ’em, hut bodily into the air, and he chip «town act relating to the Pacific Slat« s ami law, hut thirsting for the blood of the money h alili in hi« Safe, und, is SELECT DAY SCHOOL. his knees, his ten finger«, ? 6.00 could never get a-nigh ’em, an«l playe I with white people always, extermination of soon as the board o! land comiiiission- Primary, per term,................................ IN ORTH S BUILDING. 8.00 on guitars under the trees, and ma«le his ten toes, his elbows and Washington Territory, he agrees with the tribe became necessary. Show us Junior, “ ................................ er« can examine ttie r« p r*, tie n on- the Commissioner of the General Laud 10.00 Senior, “ ................................ me that miserable I could a-cried, be­ his nose, striking every single, solita­ Office that the 1 uids ought n >t to be one in whose veins flows Modoc blood, ey will be Hp|li»-d Where it beloi g-r Pupils are received at anytime, and spe­ ry peg on that pianner at the same even though (Dawn iro n a “far dis­ ami an honorable Hettlement will be espectfully a n n o u n c es TO cial attention is paid to particular studio* in cause I wanted to love somebody—I time. The thing busted and went off «old, but only tho timber upon them, tant spring,” and we will show you the public ot Jacksonville and vicinity behalf of children who have but limited don’t Know who—b«»tter than tho men made so far as I am «onceined. That he was a scholar of l’r«-f. Dr. Mosier, time. For further particulars apply at the with the guitars did. Then the sun in'o seventeen hundred and fiftyseven, and that the price is altogether too the latent treachery, in the gleam I have to say tha’ ea< h Legislature low, as some «>f the lauds are worth director of the University of Greifswahie, Academy. went (lown. It got dark. The wind live hundred and forty-twohemi-deini- fiom five to fifty dollars an acre. The of the Modoc eve—the tieaifiery that since 18"(J tin« t ..«»milled my a-vounts ' Prussia, and Prof. Dr. Volkmann, ot th«- «emi quavers, and I know’d no mo’! Universitv ot Halit*. During ttie Franco- STATE SALOON. moaned and wept like a lost child for When I come too ] were under ground penally of $2 50 per acre for trespa-s- culminated at the Lava Reds, when and made appropriations for my p«\, ' i Prussian war he was «|x-cial assistant to NEW its dead mother, nn«i I eoul«! a-got up t-rs is inad« qante, and invilts more Canby and Thomas, brave soldiers of ami I line Worked for all the State th«» Dnetor in-chief Zuelzer and Ludwig ot about twenty foot, in a place they call then and there and preached a better Berlin and Breslau. Germany. Fractures C A LI FORNIA STREET, than restrains parlies from trespassing. Flag and Crus*, loyal to country ami Ims paid me, ami have earned every and external di-eas«-«, acute or chronic. n»o«t I «ermo.a than any I ever listened to Oyster B >y, treating a Yankee He t 1 The Secretary thinks the two ads God, were slain to appease the love of «foliar ofit, and neiiLet State «•r |>it. carefully treated. «'upping. la-echiiig. Bleed­ never laid < yes on before, and never murder and illustrate anew the treach­ vatu citizen lias lost a cent by me, Proprietor. There wasn’t a thing in the world left C. W. SAVAGE, ing and feet 1» extracted at all hours. expect to agin. l)iy was a-breakin’ ougtit to be repealed or very materially ery that lurks in the Modoc breast. yet l to live for, not a blame tiring, ami Yours, etc., T. il. C ann . ' Alt kinds of birds stuffed ami put up in amended, as they are in the ¡merest of I didn’t want tho music to stop on«' bit by the time I got to the St. Nieh'l»« the speculitor«, and not of settlers ill Ami as long as a h ’art, in which there niost natural shapes. Jacksonville, Dee. 11. 1877. aving ag \ tn taken possession It was happier to be miserable than to Hotel, and I pL-dge you my word I is one drop of Modoc blood continues T ue people of Co s Bay w ish to send of this saloon, the undt-rsimied will b«> didn’t know mj’ name. The man good failii, a« they ought to be. t>e happy without being miserable. I to throb, there will lurk in correspond ­ ' Gen. Joe Lane to Wasliinglo- t«» u.ge pleased to meet In« Irirnds and the pul»li<- WILL. JACKSON, Dentist ueiierally at this old and popular resort. cou'dii’t understand it. I hung my asked me the nunber of tov room. I • Coi gre«s to make hii appropi ialior» to P ostal C ards .—l’tie tiist Postal ing degtee—treachery.” The tin«»«! li<|U'»rs ami cigars cat» always be hea«1 and pulled out my handkerchief told him: 'Hot music on the half-shell improve the entrance to the hay. In cards were issued by the Post Office had at this place, and the tattles art- sup­ for two!' I pointedly did. T he P p . o pos e d N e w D ollars .— a letter speaking of the matter G> n. Department in May, 1873, the system plied with all the leading newspapers and nnd t-1 owed my no*e load to keep from ciyin’. My eye* is weak, anyway. I Tiie n< w goloid d'»’l»r, whi h con- Lane say-: “I would r ot le willing iq periodicals of the day. APs, the Indian murderer, on being having been in successful use in Eii- A tir«t-<-la.*s lulliard table is also kept at didn’t want anybody to be a gazin’ at tains half the quantity of gold in the take or spend one cent of fti«> people’« asked by Judge McArthur, b-fory sen­ r ipe several years previous. Th-- this l»ou«e. C. W. SAVAGE. me a-snivlin’, and it’* nobody’s busi­ cards immediately became popular, gold dollar and half the quantity of rm»n« y w itliout I c«.ul«i b<- of service to' ness what I do with my no«e. Il’« tence of dent h was pronounced, if he and 30,094.000 were ili«; o-ed of in the silver in the silver dollar, and is atiout them. It is now too late in this Ci n- had anything to say, replied: “You mine. But some several glared al first two months. I if 1875 ih-i design the size of a half dollar, is advocated gross.” California Street, Jacksonville. Oregon. m»», mad as Tucker Then, all of a Ink to me only a* dirt; my body is as of the car t was changed to the one as an Ingenious compromise between i sudden, ol«l Ruhen changer! hi« tun»». dirt now to you; but you should talk now it. use—avast im; r oenent, ar­ gold and silver, and its introdu lion in Since the Hnnounveiuein of the pur. CALIFORNIA ST., LAGER!' LAGER!! He ripped and lie rar’d, he tipped and with the spirit that goes from my body. tistically, though there is still room calculated to assist in preserving the chase of iron for Hie extension of the 1'hat’s all.” ta’rd, he pranced an I be charged like f ,r a tietier design—and since then the equilibrium of value between the two West side road to Ccvilli«, real ea. WEBB A McDANIEI.. PROPRIETOR*». the grand entry at a circus, Peered tato transact ioti» are becoming more A pple C ustard P ie —Grate sweet demand tor postal cards has steadily metals. THE EAGLE BREWER Y to me that all the gas in (he house apple*, or a mixture of sweet and sour increased. In 1874 there wire 91,- frequent and prices firmer. Good P rofessor E dison is inventing a otueu. rpTTIS POPUL AR RESORT, UNDER TIIE wa* turned on at «»nee, tiring* got go if preferred, an l mix one spoonful of 079.000 issued; in 1876, 150,815,000, HE PROPRIETOR. JOS. AVETTERER, L new management. i> furnishing the best bright, and I hilt lip my head, ready dry flour for each pie; cover a deep pie in 1878 300,630,000. The total num­ machine to turn over the festive «lap- : jack while the hired girl sits in the, has now on hand and is constantly man­ brands of liquors, wines and cigars. The to look any man in the face, an l not pl tie with crust and add the apple«; D r C arver , the celebrrted ber ¡«sued aggregate 751,249.500. ufacturing the best Lauer Beer in Southern reading table is supplied with Eastern peri­ afeare-i of nothin’. It was a circu« cover the top with chopped raisins, comer and reads the latest n »vel. I man, deserve b a front seat in the l\m. Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to odicals ami leading papers of the Coast Sl ’ &sCi.lBE ier the TIMES. Move on, great army ol progrès«! aud a brass baud, and a big ball dales, or tigs. pl« of Ait». Give me a call. »nil purchasers. Call and test the article. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Ladies' and Gentlemen's RUBENSTEIN'S PIANO PLAYING. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS. T • V K H THE CRITERION, ♦ J;