I ft V n AB, X * ‘ y - ' htuJ ’ 7 Y r A y A •fie. Frp ,, ^3 .uwttafir Œmrs. dlir gnunrratic Published every Friday Morning by RATE« OF ADVERTISING. CHARLES NICKELL, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of HnhseriptIon : One copy, per annum,............................... $3.00 , “ six months................................... 2J»0 three months.............................. 1.00 VOL. IX JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1879 NO. 2. , U»™«™■MMIM—KV—WKWM •»iwa«a» WKMBURMeieMMBBHBHHi PROFESSIONAL CARDS. i Advertisements will lie inserted in the I’lMi.- a. the following rates : . One square, one insertion......................... $3.00 “ each subsequent one...... .. 1.00 I/Ogal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair rcluetion from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisement* payable quarterly Jot» printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed. ami at reasonable rates. Uot’NTY W akkaxt * always taken at par. Ladies' and Gentlemen's WAS SHE FALSE? back to his inner sanctum. MHS. GIO 11. WILLIAM». CO»T OF IJ ME A «1» MlltKIAL AX i When little Effie’s malignant tnoth KILLING A < A T. A. C. JONES, She’s as beautiful as llebe! said Mr. was safely drawn, and II irry Middle­ The History of One of tl>e Most Fas- If there is anything in “astrological cinalitiff Women of U asili ««tito««. Mortimer Middleton. FURNISHING and ton had paid his reluctant dollar there­ eriology,” we are approaching one of It n quires b*n w-II directed blow ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Indeed ! said his nephew’s wife, for, he paused a minute on the thresh- tlm most pestilential periods in earth’s with tin ordinary bookj trk to kill the JACKSONVILLE, OGN., rather faintly. j old. [Keokuk Corr, of the St. Louis Republican.] history. Since tlm commencement of avenge cat, ami at th“ distance of one Eyes deep blue like mid-summer Ah! by the way,said he, I ’ m going M my old steamboat men who have the Christian era, the perihelia of the foot tin* chatio! s are ten to one (hat Will practice in all the Court* of the State. GOODS , sky — hair lustrous as flaxen gold — directly past Miss llipkin ’ s house — Office on 5th street, opposite Court House. traded in the upper Mississippi and four great planets of the solar system you nii'S the cat. If you don’t believe teeth like twin rows of ¡«earl, pursued you’re probably aware that she’s to be Missouri rivers will remember the —Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Nep­ it, try it. Secure the cat by a atrintf G. H. AIKEN. M. D.. the middle-aged gentleman. married to my uncle next imnth— name of Capt. Ross B. Hughes, He tune—have not been coincident. But one foot long. a* to give the cat BOYS' and GIRLS' She niu*t be very pretty, said Mrs. and if it would he of any accommoda­ once commanded the steamer Hindoo, this is about to occur, and in the Ian plenty of play, and after a week’s PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Middleton, junior. tion to you, 1 could leave these teeth a boat that plied on the Mississippi guage of Dr. Knapp, who has traced practice you will consider this a «cant JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Pretty ! echoed the old bachelor. for her previous to 1850. Afterward (’apt. the history’ of the greatest epidemic* estimate for the eat. Therefore, at the READY-MADE CLOTH INO, rretiy's no word for it. Much obliged, I’m sure, said the Hughes, in connection with others, that ever afflicted the human race to distance of one foot it will require 1,000 Office—On California street, opposite Union And young ? dentist. If you would take the troub­ built the famous o’.d steamboat Chou­ the perih« lia of tinse pianeti", there boo’j teks. Livery Stable. W« II, not so very, admitted Mr. le—I’ve only one errand bov, and he teau, which he ran for awhile in the will soon he lively times for the doctors. But your chance« of killing tho cat' Middleton. She’s five and thiity, but is so unreliable and forgetful that I Mississippi, and then took her around I’he theory is that when one or more decrease as the square of the distance BOOTS AND SHOES, DR. L. DANFORTH. she ha* the complexion of eighteen. sometimes scarcely know which way Io the Missouri river, ascending as large planets are nearest the sun, the incre «*<**. This is an axiom in nat­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Thai’s easily accounted for, said to turn— much obliged. Here they high as thefeitenow occupied by Omaha. temperature ami condition of our at­ ural philo opliy and a fundamental What with are, sir. GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS A CHAIRS, Harry, Hie nephew. At the time of which we spake the mosphere are so distutlx-d as to cause truth of fclinology- Therefore, at the Jacksonville, Oregon. .('ream of Roses, Baths of Pearls, and So Mr. Harry Middleton strode off, I “gold fever” was raging throughout injurious vicissitudes, terrible rains, dis’ance of ten feet it will r< quire 10,- Balms of Venus, (»eoplecari have w hat ­ chuckling to himself, with Miss Aure- , Office nn California street, opposite P. J. the country. Hughes put his tioat to prolonged droughts, etc., res «Hing in 000 boo’j irks. Ryan’s store. Calls promptly attended fever complexion they pleiso nowa ­ lia Hopkin’s false teeth io his hand. Again, the force of the projectile de- good use at Council Bluffs by eotiver»- the destruction of crop*, and pestilence CLOTHING, to, day or night. days, provided they’ve got the money He glanced at his watch. It was' ing it into a ferry for transferring the among human beings and domestic cn a'f s as tlu* square of the distance to pay for it. just about the hour at which his infat-i “outfits” of the “golden pilgrims” animals. in< reatos. Ten squares equal 1 ttO, J. W. ROBINSON. M.D., l)r. Knapp has collected a ma«« of 10,000x100, 1,000,000, equal the num­ Nonsense! harked out Mr. Middle­ uated elderly relative was accustomed who were then stringing the plains e” PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, LIQUOHS, TOBACCO and CIGABS, ton, sitting up very straight, and look­ to leave bouquets, Looks or bonbons at route West in multitudes, He «‘made statistical data, aligning to show that ber of loo*jack8 on (tiis count. ing around w ith a general air of defl the door of his inamorata. But, then, the darkness of night de- a good thing” out of the business perihelia have alwhys been marked Jacksonville, Oregon. by unur-ual mortality, and that sickness ance. A* if my Aurelia would con If I could only each him! thought crca*es (he chance* of a fair hit ten to At tiiat time, and for many years CROCKERY, ETC., descend to such petty artifices as that! Harty. And, as if sent by some kind­ before, Hughes had his residence in and death have invariab’y correspond one. ID-nce at night it will require Office in Masonic Building, next door to She’s purity, frankness, single-minded ly fate in answer to his inward aspi-! Keokuk. His family consisted of ed with tlm number of planets in per­ 10,000 000 1-O'ilj i!*ks. Kreuzer’s Bakerv, Oregon street. Resi­ dence at Judge Duncan’s. At E. Jacob's New Store artle-snes* itself ! ration, Uncle Mortimer came brisk three bright and beautiful girls and ihelion at the same time. Tlm revolu­ Four lily, the tom cat being black, Oh! said Harry Middleton. Is she? ly trotting around the corner at that one son, who was physically deformed tion of Jupiter around the sun is ac­ decrea-es the chance twenty to one, E. H. AUTENRIETH, Certainly she is, said the senior. Do very second. Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. by curvature of the spine. Years ago, complished in a little less than twelve aecordi ig to the well known rule of He diil not see his nephew. How just what year your correspondent years, of Saturn in a little less than optics. Fourth count, 200 000,000. you think I could love a woman who ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, should he when he had no eyes fori could not ascertain, Mrs Hughes died. thirty, of Uranus in about eighty four was made up like an actress? At thi* stage of our solution we wilt I Jacksonville. Oregon, anything hut the front drawing-room Her place was supplied iu long years, and of Neptune in a boat one leave th<* domain of science and draw People (I«», said Harry, dubiously. But not people of ///// standard, re- < window, at which the fair Aurelia was time by a second wife. Hughes con­ hundre I and sixty-four years. If it tie a couple of I gieal inferences. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. 4 LT. OF TITF ABOVE ARTTCT.FS SOLD Prompt attention given to all business left 71 at the very lowest rates. If you don’t torted his uncle, loftily. smiling a sugar-sweet welcome ? Bui tinued the river for some years, leav­ true, therefore, that the p. ribeba First, after a man ha* hurled 200,- in my care. And Mrs. Harry thought remorse Harry beckoned to a lw»y who was ing his family at the home in Keokuk. of these planets occasion atmospheric 000,000 bo >’j u’k* he will he old, BH U0 believe me. call and ascertain prices for Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. yourselves. No humbug? fully of tlie little china powder pot, flittening his nose in front of a ba- The lady now known as Mrs. Geo. H. conditions unfavorable to life, pestilen­ shall hereafter show, and very feehl»*. All kinds ot produce and hides taken in witli its downy puff, which she used ker’s window, and whispered a me.«- Williams was the eldest of the daugh­ tial periods should occur once in a doz­ We have no means of knowing how H. KELLY, exchange for goods. 42tf. to (iiol dowu her complexion on hot sage in his ear, accompanying it by a ters. Mrs. Krum, wife ot Daniel en years, and aggravated and still more much his projecting force would de­ -ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, flee. days. Crum, formerly of Keokuk, was next wide spread epidemics at intervals crease ¡ r hisaiin fail. But at a very But really, thought p »or little Mrs. Y«zzir! said tho boy, and darted in age, and the youngest was a fair In tracing the history of epidemics for fair allowance the chances from these JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Harry, one don’t want to look as if one acro-s tlm sheet like hii arrow from girl answering to the none of Hettie more than two thousand years, I)r. two cause* would decretse in the ratio ’Will practice in all the Courts of the State. were* varnished all over, or dipped in a a bow. Phese g rls as they grew to woman­ Knapp finds the facts in all cases to of one hundred to one. Count fifth, Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., Prompt attention given to all business en­ jar of boiling oil, like the forty thieves If you please, sir, said Im boldly, hood revealed remarkable personal vindicate tlm theory. Thu*, in the ¿0,000,000,000. trusted to my care. in the Arabian Night*. addressing the astonished old oaclmlor charms. They were handsome in sixth and again in tlm sixteenth cen­ It is true that 20,000,000,000 I oot- Office opposite Court House. ORF.GON JACKSONVILLE. Harry, said she, when Uncle Mor­ just as hi* hail mounted the aecond feature, symmetrical in form; spark­ tury, three of the-e planets were in jacks thrown atound promiscuously timer ha«i taken his leave, do you re- stone step of thefl ght, I’m from Bid- ling Hud vivacious in conversation, perihelion, and were the most pestilen­ might afford the cat almost invincible JAMES S. HOWARD. ; ally thin it’s wrong to use a dab of | combe’s, the dentist, with Mis* Hop­ they did not fail to secure the admira tial times of the Christian era. shelter, Lui to -ave paper we will sup­ U.S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR But soon we are to have, for the pose this to dimitii'li the chance t< n DAVID LINN powtier in hot weather? kin’s teeth. lion of the gallants about KeokuK. I Nonsens’*, said II irry, with an up-' Miss Hopkins’—wli it? demanded l’lieir position in life was not such as first time in two thousand years, all to one. Count sixth and answer, FOR JACKSON, Keep* constantly on hand a full assortment waril elevation of his handsome («re- tlm a-toumled bachelor. to give them all the advantages of in­ four of these planets against us. They 200,000,000,000. of furniture, consisting of Josephine and Cnrrv counties, Oregon. i cian nose. 1 dart* sav that desperate Teeth, sir, bawled tlm boy; anda* tellectual and moral training. Capt. will be at their nearest approach to the It is true that the man might im­ Official surveys made and patents obtained BEDSTEADS, sun in or s »on after 1880, so that for a ¡old maid that Uncle Mort inter i* going the elderly g ntleman yet recoiled prove in aim, but the cat Would im­ I Hughes is represented t > have been a at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining few years, say from 1880 to 1885, the BUREAUS, TABLES. to marry i* painted like a Jebezel. I aw . and Decisions at my oilice in Jack­ from tie* little pasteboard box, !»<• rough man, with little education, no prove equally in doilg tig. sonville, Oregon. vitality of every living thing w ill be Oh, Harry. sprang nimbly up the steps and pulled NOW, SUp|>< Si Adam to have thrown, aspirations for a higher social life, and GUILD MOULDINGS, put to a severe and trying ordeal. mi an average , 500 per day. This is Sim* siys so. And Sims know’s the bell. his moral character was under par. MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D.. STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, her—Mis* Aurelia Hopkins, that’s her Miss Hopkins’s teeth! said ho, And yet adverse as were the circum Some persons think they’ see, in the a very liberal estimate when we make name. Ami sin ’s wagered a diamond thru-ding tlm parcel into tlm hand ol stances surrounding tnem, they suc­ signs of the times, evidences of the no allow nice fur Sundays, “hums,” PHYSICIAN a N I) s u r g e o n . CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. ■ bracelet with one of her friends that a l>1ue-ribboi e I maidservant. ceeded in establishing them-elves if great disasters tn tlm immediate fu­ mi’tiding his torn bree lies, blowing PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS Jacksonville. Oregon. she will I e married to ti e rich old Marv Ann, *aid Mr. Mid ileton, ad­ not in the first rank, at least in rupee­ ture. The excessive heat, the unex­ up Eve, etc. lie would have a job ampled cold, the prevalence ot flood for 1,050,220 years. At present the ETC., ETC. 1 bachelor before Christmas. I wonder dressing tlm maid in accents of solemn table social circles. A»r. Vrooman conics here with the intention of permanently locating himself in the Cipt. Boss B. Hughes died in a and disisters atre», tlm general failure cat would be I-186th dead, Or, sup* Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on wliat sort of a w ife that’ll be for Uncle adjuration, tell me tlm truth. Does ■practice of his profession. Is a gradu­ hand and made to order. Planing done on Morty! your mi*tre-s wear false teeth? humble boarding-house in St. Louis of the potato crop, tlm wide spread pose the weapon* to contain one square ato, and. from twenty seven years’ experi­ reasonable terms. Undertaking a spe­ But, Harry, why don’t you tell him? Lawk, sir! lit tered M iry Ann. many years ago, if we credit the re­ fever among human beings, and the foot of inch pine and *ix 8 penny nails. ence in the diseases incident to this (’oast, cialty. cried the wife. Answer me, Mary ’ Ann. ports we hear, lamented by few. In equal prevalence of the epizo »tic among 'I’he lumber, third clear, would cost flatters himself as being able to give gen- < ral satisfaction. Beeaiist*, my dear, lie’s too far gone But Mary Ann, With a second gii? c »urso of ti ne tho elded of the girls, animal*, a*e mentioned ns among the $26 p< L 1 000 feet, or $5.2(10,0(10,0(10. Office at the City Drug Store; residence on Oily Spiovo f to believe a word of it. gle, endeavored to escape. But Mr. now Mrs. Williams, then r< g r led as premonition* of the rapidly approach­ Ami the nail*, 15 400,0(10,000 pounds, California street. Oh, dear, sighed Mr*. Middleton. Middleton made a grasp at the box surprisingly beautiful, was married to ing of the perihe ion. at three cents !>< r pound, would co9t Well, “ to be for ‘ Warned i* to be fore ­ $46 -’,ooo,0(i0. Andofcour-e he ’ ll withdraw ¿our lit- mis Mary Ann, feal and loyal to her a man by the name of Ivins, an I the; CALIFORNIA STREET, 1Í3S. DB. ELLA FOLD ROBINSON, armed. ” Accident excepted, we The-e figures are startling. If ever 11»* allow ance now. tress’ inteiest, resisted, and the up couple left Keokuk, settling some­ know very well (hat tlm persons of a tom-cat is killed, it is b.v a special (if cour-e, admitted ’ her husband, shot of (lie matter was that the little where in Ohio. The least that can be GIVES SPECI AL ATTENTION TO more vigorous constitutions, and more intervention of Divine l’rovidcuce. Kahler x, cholera, wa* arraigned f r selling liquor with­ DRUGS, MEDICINES AND ( TIEMICA LS Office and residence at Judge Duncan’s, geon in New York. Things always go it wa* time for him to beat a retreat, It is said that this second matrimonial murriin, etc., the intemperate, the out a license. Il WHS cVidi’tit to all in Jacksonville, Oregon. ■«ontrar.v, don’t they, Harry? and h«‘at it accordingly. venture w is not a happy one to the dissipated, and those whose solitary court that she wa* poor. Iler cloth t.g to bo found in Southern Oregon. D «n’l tret, my pet, sai«i H irry Mid Um le Mortimer came to his neph­ wife or the husband. At any rate they conditions were bad, furnish the vic­ wa* of the thinnest ami scantiest n. aii'l she conf<*s»ed to the lived apart for a considerable time, tims.— Science of Health. truth of the charge under the |>lea of hen'l that bent so 1<>W. It ’ ll be all Harry, my’boy, said he, it’s all over (horge went West, fell into a decline, STATIONERY, s”, p. of n.. Jacksonville Gran. right, if Uncle Morty does get mar —my wedding, I mean. It’s up! poverty ali i a d« sire to keep out of the A B ad S eason for K ings . — These and husband and wife were again .olds its regular nu-etings every two weeks poor -hituse by th«» pioflt* upon i lie few ried. 1 II liti'l something to do, if it ’ * Is it? siid sympathetic Harry. brought together. It is said she tend are days of particular peril for the And a groat variety of PERFUMES an«l A Odd Fellows’ Hall. Jacksonville. side* she made. To fine tier was to nothing belter thin »awing wood or Don’t allude to the subject again, ed him in his last illness with singular crowned hea«ls of E nope. No soonei T<»T LET ARTK 'LES. iucbutinir the best su.oo Primary, per term,.............................. lamation that no person should wear governments by assassinating every IN ORTH'S BUILDING. price of a hnr*e, theie were debates Oh, Harry,I daren’t, faltered the lit­ tried very hard to set M niton M able, monarch in Europe. 8.00 Junior, “ .............................. . shoes above six inches square at th»* 10.00 tle woman, whocould not endure to Senior, “ ......................... lasting for day’s ami weeks.— (lath. formerly editor of the Wttrld, up “for toes. XV is this custom one jot or more Pupils are received at any time, ami spe ­ D r . L. C hase , of Portland, a musical see a fly killed, or a mouse drowned. them to lean.against, ” hut Mr. Marble R espectfully announces TO cial attention is paid to pariictilar studies in absurd than the hoops of th- last cen­ genius, claims to have discovered the K, *he public of Jacksonville and vicinity behalf of children who have but limited Then 1 will, said Harry, laughing. decline* in a letter that will ri ig like a I mportant to D ischarged R od . tury, or the crinolines of the present ffathewiis a scholar of Prof. Dr. Mosier, time. For further particulars apply at the reas m why several notes in the lower Hit its—In aii-wer to inquiries, g p. The dentist, a dapper little man, death knell in the ears of fraud forev­ Í century, the enormous bonnets of for ­ lirector of the University of Greifswahle, Academy. scale of h musical instrument’s octaves sm« lling of Wintergreen soap and orris er. Jay’ Gould is not a success In any- 1‘WHia. a»'1 1>rof- I,r‘ V“lkmann. ot the ty years ago, or the, huge ladies’ are of better quality th in the others, er il Garfield has telegraphed the fol­ root tootb-pow ler, was engaged ju*t niversity ot Halle. During the Frauco- low ing regarding homestead liws; and unless ho will head gear of the present day? The STATE SALOON. at tlie moment of their entrance, but thing but and robbery, •russian war he wa« sp-eial assistant to NEW and he has had patented “the specially Persons entering homestecds after radically reform, he had repent wearing of great breeches in the reign responsive sounding-boards or sur­ io Doctor-in-chief Zuelzer ami Ludwig <>t would be at liberty presently. Little t>“tte- stick to th it until his day of limy have ceased to be sol Hers, gi-t a L-rlin and Breslau. Germany. Fractures of Queen Elizabeth was curried to a C A LI FORNI A STREET, faces,” by which all tlm notes in nn patent after one yetr’s residence. Per­ Etliesat down, quaking and trembling doom comes, as surely it will come n«i external diseases, acute or clironi«*. ni<»*t ridiculous exce-s. They used to stuff ■refullv treated. Cupping.Leeching, Bleed- sooner or later; though we hope not in them out with wadding until they re­ instrument may be made perfect. He sons who are actual sold.era al the Proprietor. iti ¡in ea-y chair. C. W. SAVAGE, 7 and’teeth extracted at all hours. also c ai ns that the existence of perfect (), papa, faltered she, I wi-h there the same form as to his lite partner. \ll kinds of birds st titled and put up in sembled wool sacks; and it is said that notes m the piano, organ, violin or da'e of entry, or who hero ue so after- wasn’t any such tiling as teeth! natural shapes. scatfolds were erected in places of pub­ guitar, though accidental, is an in­ wards, if limy have served five years, While Sir. Middleton, taking up a Jacksonville, Dec. 11, lHn. ___ __________ AY I NG AG A INTA K F.N POSSESS ((»N r quite no r< sidence. A farmer receives an equivalent of lic resort on purpose for beaux. Still <>t this saloon, the undersigned will be newspaper, chatic-’d to knock off the fringement on his discovery, and he a larger .salary than ninety-nine out of inor«; ri liculoua worethe bootsofthe proposes to claim a royalty of three pleased io meet his triends and the public TTT- JACKSON. Dentist. generally S enator L amar says mat the y«|. at this old and popular resort. manti I a little ;«a*t»-board box, neatly a hundred of them are willing to ad­ reign of Henry VII and Edward IV , dollars on every instrument of the low fever scourge was, in proportion, The finest liquors and cigars can always be enctured with a ring of India rubber. with long pointed toes tapering for had at this place, and the (aides are sup­ kind in the country, which will bring Halloa! said Mr Middleton—what’s mit. They underestimate their own plied with all the leading newspapers anil thi*? I hope I haven’t done any harm. profits, and overestimate the profits of nearly two feet in a petked toe. Af­ him quite a comfortable surn of money, a far greater c d unify than the war, and a terrible b|»w to the Smith,which periodicals of t he « s,says the will take years to rebuild and get hack to the rescue—-Mi*s Hopkin’s new culture. Still, nothing bettor repays Shasta Courier, a very peculiar s|H*eie«i to tin1 starting place again.” good care and ability. The farmer ’ s T ocr of O bservation ’ . — Lieut. T. W. *et ought to have been sent home ye* of tool which abound in the vicinity •nia Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. profits are concealed in the rise of land Simon, of the U. S. civil e igia ;er corps, paid of Clear Lake, Modo* coim’y. They terday. A n I nstance of R epublican CALIFORNIA ST., — in improvements by ditching, clear a visit to the Lakeview State I.inc “ Herald ” vaguely repeated Harry LAGER! LAGER!! New set? are nearly round and shaped very B ulldozing —At Wentou, N. C., I ing, new building*, more land, more office last week. He is just returning from the much like a terrapin. Toe Chinamen Samuel Jacobs and Elbert Gulling’ Mi'ldlelon. Set of what? WEBB A XfeDANlF.r. PROPRIETOR*. tools, or better stock. Most farmers arduous duties which have employed him in employed on J. I). Carr’s rat.ch gather to be sure — uppers and Of teeth, colored, have lH*en sentenced t> six yAGLE BREWER Y. lowers, said the dentist. Ah, you have no idea how much it costs them making observations along the line of the these toads by the sack I .*1, split them year* in the penitentiary for asaault may look surprised, but I make teeth to live. They forget to figure in the Cascades, from Fort Klamath to the Colum­ open and dry them in (he sun, and and battery with intent to kill M« rcoa rpilis POPULAR RESORT. UNDER TH K for some of our very best society. And pork, poultry, mutton, butter, flour, bia. The lieutenant is on his way to ("amp then send them below for me licinal Williams, colored, for voting for J. K. F PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, I new management, is furnishing the best if you yourself should ever require— vegetables, etc. Bidwell, where he disbands his party, and purposes. brands of liquors, winesand cigars. The Yeates (Detn.) for Cougr«-n* * now on hand anil is constantly man- reading table i* supplied with Eastern peri- will then proceed io Washington to complete Yes, yes, I ’ m coming, sir! uring the best Lager Beer in Southern »? which he will sell“» quantmesto 'odieals and leading papers of the Coast. S ettle your subecriptiou. S ubscribe iur the T imes . And tbe man ot molars hurried hi 3 work. F amiliarity breeds cou letup t. Give nie a call. ¿rchier». lUid u‘sl the "Ucle’ FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, ' S or , H THE CRITERION, * !