¿jgmonnhi Simrs Drummers thick. M. Caton was over from the Erne- line cinnabar mine this week and in­ Judge Folman and his family start­ forms us that retorting will he com­ ed for Portland on Monday last. menced next Montlay. J. H. Russell is in Roseburg on bus­ John Tupper had an elegant foun­ iness connected with his marble-works. tain put into position in his garden E. P. Pickens, of Sam’s valley, is at this week. It draws its source of sup­ present gathering his stock in Siski­ ply from Rogue river. you county, Cal. George Howard and L. L. Savage Lieut. Geo. H. Hoyle, of Fort Klam­ returned from Lake county this week and report Indian matters notaltogeth- ath, passed through town Sunday last, en route for Walla Walla. ei favorable in that Action. Gur friend Walter Sutton has been Hon. Henry Klippel, school clerk, re-elected Clerk of Curry county. He is now collecting rate bills due. The district is considerably in debt and a makes an efficient officer. No general preparations having been Local correspondence solicited. made by our citizens to celebrate the Fourth of July in appropriate manner, . R. REAM EM. ( ircuit Court has adjourned, O rator and R eader .—Prof. J. W. some gentlemen have Interested them ­ l’at. McMahon has removed to town. Meriitt has accepted an invitation to selves enough to attempt the matter deliver the oration at the Fourth nf Elegant glassware at Breckenfield’s. upon their own account. Fred. Luy July celebration in this place. Miss Rev. L. H. Wells went north yester­ and A. Schmidt canvassed the town Annie Bilger will read the Declaration day . this week and secured sufficient funds of Independence. \V hat has become of ye festive base- to render the affair a success. ballers? The procession will be formed at the jar the W ar .—It is rumored that Court House at the usual hour and Fruit cans at Bilger’s and Kubli’s th* troop-* at Fort Klamath have been will proceed to Bybee’s Grove after RE\ 1VKÎ) AGAIN AT THE FOIIMKR ordered to the scene of the Indian war. establishments. marching through the various streets. Work has been resumed on tho Fort "With the large number of redskins on The following programme has been ar­ STORE OF SACHS BROS the reservations, we believe such a Lane quartz ledge. T. G. Reames and Chas. Hughes, prompt response is in order. ranged for the occasion: movement would be extremely inju­ Carter & Son ruade a neat job of Representatives to the Masonic Grand CALIFORNIA STREET, 1. Music by the band; 2. Reading We learn that the defendant in the dicious. Reames Bros.’ sign. Lodgp, returned on Friday last. of Declaration of Independence; 3. case of Frieze vs. Swingle, tried in the Cameron Bros, aro supplying the R e - appointed .—Hon. H. II. Gil- OREGON, Circuit Court last week, will appeal J. Q. Willits has removed to Ash­ Music; 4. Oration; 5. Music; 6. Din- JACKSONVILLE. market with salmon. fry, Grand Master of the I. O. O. F., from the judgment rendered. land, where he will hereafter reside,- ner. BY BECEIVING THE The mining beason ha* come to a has appointed John A. Boyer, of this In the afternoon there will be vari- A large band of cattle passed now being interested in the Academy place, as Deputy for the district com­ close in almost every locality. ous amusements for the children—pole­ through town last week en route for there. Largest and Best Selection prising Jacksonville, Ashland and County scrip taken at par on all ac­ east <>f the mountains. L. Leouard, of D. B. Rea, formerly of this place, walking, sack-jumping, climbing the i Kerbyville lodges. Mr. Boyer has of­ counts with the T imes office. Josephine, was the proprietor. now of Arizona, has gone over to the greased pole, etc., as also archery,by -—OF— ficiated in this capacity for several the ladies, for excellence in which suit ­ W. A. McPherson has returned 8. Booth will take Scamperdown, majority, recently taking unto him­ terms. able premiums will be given. It is from the Willamette Valley. Boston and other fast nags to Fort self a wife. reported that a picked nine from Rose­ R f . ligidus . — Rev. W. Hurlburt, Job printing neatly and promptly Klamath for training for the Yreka Mrs. J. A. Callender, who has been burg will play a nine from this place a Fair. Others will do likewise. who has been with us for two years executed at lhe T imes office. visiting Jacksonville for several FANCY GOODS, match game of base ball, which will past, will depart for other scenes at Prizes were last Friday awarded by months past, has returned to Fort Col­ The new addition to the County prove a prominent feature of the occa­ the close of this Conference year. He Hospital is in course of erection. the various departments of the Dis- . ville, W. T. sion. The celebration will close with LADIES' DRESS GOODS. will deliver his farewell sermon on trict School, which on that dato ad ­ Rev. II. W. Stratton, Presbyterian The County Court will be in session a grand ball in tho evening. Sunday morning next, at eleven minister From Portland, preached at CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, ETC. journed for the Summer vacation. Friday nnd Saturday of next week. A general invitation is extended to o’clock. Wo bespeak him a large at- L. Orme ami Thos. Mee were up the M. E. Church last Sunday even­ ' all. No pains will be spared to make David Cronemiller has a neat new tendance. from Foot’s creek Tuesday and report ing. Ho is on his way to California. the affair eminently worthy of the ?ign, printed by J. L. Carter A Son. IUE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE that that section will outdo itself in Roht. M. Garrett was in town last event in which it is conceived, and ! I ladies to the tact that we have now on E A largo number of pianos and or­ hand the largest and best selected assort­ in gans are being imported into this sec­ the celebration of the Fourth of July, j week making preparations to com­ I everybody is invited to extend a help­ ment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS and 1 AN- (' Y Gt >ODs of every descript ion in >outhei ti Our friend Beekman has taken pas- ! mence his contract of carrying the ing hand. tion. Oregon, aneeialty and Kell them at County Clerk Foudrry has prepared T he S tage R obbery .—Geo. A. i this county welcome him, as it has cent City. Prices to Suit the Times. the cer ifi-ales of election for officers- Steel, Postal Agent, has been in this some experience in the premises itself. A. S. .Jacobs, of Ashland, will assist To the gentlemen we will say, if you ele< t. section investigating tho recent stag»1 ests of the O. C. M. R. Co. Joe Clough, who has been assisting J. II. Skidmore in tho stone-work on robbery on the Siskiyou mountain. In want a No. 1 St IT OF CLOTHES you mu t II. C. Wilkinson, of Big Butte, has goto Reames Bros, to buy it, as we claim to probably not go as far as Stuiu’s Postal Agent Steel in his search for Mirks’ store at Roseburg. Both of company with Deputy Sheriff Hen­ have the best STOCK OF CLOTHING itt removed to Jacinto, Cal., aud rented a tain at present. the stag • robbers, says he believes that those gentlemen left for that destina­ dricks of Yreka aud Deputy Sheriff Jackson county and willalluw no one to un­ dersell us. farm there. lhe men arre-ted at Crescent City are tion this week. These goods were all purchased by a mem­ Seybert he spent some days working ber our firm from FIRST-CLASS HOUS­ The West .''/tore has ag tin made its tho light ones. — The Oar j eirnalistif • friend, T. B. Merry, up Iheaffdr, with indifferent success. ES of in San Francisco and New York, and v.e will be welcome appearance. It is up to its J. lined, Roseburg’s poptil ir mer­ intends starting a new paper at The The robbers were tracked for a dis­ will warrant every article and sell them as cheap for cash as any house in the county. usual standard. Tom excels as a tance into the mountains, but all trace chant, is building an addition to hi* D dies pro long. We also keep on hand a full stock of Chewaukeen bis at lad been heard already mammotn warehouse. By the newspaper man, and is destined to of them was soon lost. It is supposed z GROCERIES. from, to the utter disgust of our Re­ way, he sells general muichan ii>u at mak ; his new ento.rprise A success. that they are making their way publican friends. away-down rates. Major James T. Glenn and J. B coast; and, as they have a considerable 11A R D \V A 11 E, C U T L E R Y, G L ASS W A RE, Several baptisms occurred at the M CROCKERY, M. Baum was severely injured by a \V hite, of Oakland (Cal.), are back on start, it is hardly probable that they E Church Sunday last, Rev. L. 11. runaway at Ashland on Sunday l ist. a visit. City life evidently agrees with will be overhauled. Three men sup­ A FULL LINE OF ASHLAND GOODS, Wells officiating. He was on his way here, accompanied them, us they appear to I»« in a fine posed to be them were halted in Jose­ E‘c. Etc. The Cmyon road case h is been ar­ by Mrs. Baum ami W. J. Zimmerman state of preservation. They will re - phine c< unty one day this week, but gued and Judges Willis and Grzley and famiiv, who luckily escaped. main a few weeks. a thorough examination revealed that have departed hence. they were not the persons wanted. “Curly” Webb has had his billiard R eleased —J>.hn M. and W. R L arge B and of S heep .—J. R. Wells, Fargo A Co. having lost but a W. F. Ci'Urtm-y and B. W’. Griffin, table cut down and modeled alter the Cummings, indicted for an nssaul: Cameron has just returned from the small amount are doing nothing in the with a dangerous w apon, were arrest with their families, started fur East­ latest improved style. Chas. Adam? did the marble-work and J. Lawrence Umpqua valley, where he purchased premises, leaving Mr. Steel to prose­ ed on Butte creek and brought to town ern Oregon this week. 3,000 head of wethers. He has also cute the search single-handed and The family of A . Marks started fur will put on the finishing touches. on Friday last. In the absenco of ma purchased a large number in Jackson alone. Several rumors as to their E R. Roames is the possessor of a torial witnesses, their cases were con­ Stockton (Cd), Wednesday where and Josephine counties, and expects whereabouts are afloat, generallj* vary­ “EXCZLSIOB” promising two year old colt by Scam tinued and they were admitted to bail they will hereafter reside. to stall about 9,000 head east of the ing considerably. The mountainous in the sum of $21)0 each. They gtv< The County Court has purchased a perdown. It is over fifteen hands high, mountains in a few days. There they character of the country makes it al­ LIVERY STABLE the required bonds, with David Crone- dozen cane-bottomed e isy-chairs for fu of g-od form and fine action. We will be divided into two bands, one of most impossible to effect the capture ol learn that it will be placed tn training anyone connected with stage robber­ iniller and G. Knrew-ki as sureties, ture jurymen to recline on. which will be started to the San Fran­ ies in this section. Oregon St., Jacksonville. and were released, to make their ap An immense immigration has been cisco market atxiut the lath of July Chai ley M mdsuhein cut his right in­ jiearancc at the next term of theCir dex finger severely yesterday, nearly flowing into Oregon this Spring. No ami the other in September next. G rand J ury R eport .—The Grand W. J. PLYMALE. PROPRIETOR. cuit Court. le-3 than fitly wagons have passed Such undertakings as this cannot but Jury empaneled for the June term of severing it from lhe baud. W’. ib Patterson, formerly of Big through Lake county eit route for be of great value to this section, as they the Circuit Court made the following O perations S till P rogressing Eastern Oregon and Washington Ter­ relieve the overstocked ranges and report: aving just received a new — Frank Ennis, Superintendent of th« Butte, is furnishing Douglas county stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ ritory. Wo have finished all business that bring quite a sum of money into cir­ Sterling company’s digging-, inform- with a fine article of lumber. riages, 1 am now prepared to furnish my Depositions in the case of the U. S culation here. It is to be hoped that has come before us ami have examined patrons and the public generally with as ns that there is still an abundance of Jas. McDonough lost hi- fine mrre, tho county hospital, jail, officers, etc., FINE TURNOUTS water, which will doubtless continue Kate Morgan, one day last week. She vs. W. C. Griswold, have hern fin­ Mr. Cameron will find this project re­ nnd find them kept and conducted in ished here. Geo. II. Durham, of the munerative, as he merits success. some months, Tho water from Glade fell into a shaft near his place. a business-like manner. A* cr.U bo had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle defendant’s counsel, left for San Fran­ 11. R. B rown , Foreman. horses hired to go to any pari of the country« creek is not required yet, while there We have just received another sup­ ---------4» - . . — Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses cisco yesterday, where lhe ease will b. I ndians in L ake C ounty .—The i' also a surplus in the main ditch. ply of Copp’s Ilandtiook of Mining broke to work single or double. Horses N ew P ost O ffice .—The petition of Indians on the reservation in Lake re opened. boarded, and the Is-st of care bestowed upon There is still some snow on the moun­ Law. Il is standard authority. the citizens of Big Butte for a post of­ them while in my charge. We have received from Sherman, county are quiet as yet, and there is tains, that will probably not remain fice has been heeded and the Postmas­ ptr MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. Matt. Dillon is in receipt nf cham­ Hyde & Co , of San Fmncisco, “The every probability that they will re­ much longer, as the warm weather pagne, English ale and porter of lhe ter-General has ordered the Brownsbor- Fidgety Wife,” a popular song by Von main so. Wo learn that some of the A liberal share of the public patronage rs melts it very fast. A clean-up will best brands. Call and try them. * ough route extended eight miles fur­ solicited. W. J. PLY MA LE. tribes stationed there are intermarried Bochow, a new edition of which has not be ma le for sometime. ther, which will give them a semi ­ Jas. McDonough has traded his farm just been issued. Fifty cents will pro­ with tiie Piutes, but they do not seem I BRICK 6 l LIME for SALE R eal E state T ransactions . — on Louse creek for M. Man?fielJ’b cure a copy. inclined to follow their fortunes, being weekly mail. The contractor, Pat. Mc­ The following transactions have beet) place in W’illow Springs precinct. AND— The Grand Jury of Grant county has possessed of considerable property, Mahon, will receive $300 additional compensation, making his contract recorded since our last: The annual meeting of the Emetine indicted Wm. Wallace, who killed with the fate of the Modocs still fresh $924 a year. John Moreland to Jos. Robinson, BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE -------- ■ ♦--- , , Quicksilver Mining Co. will be held Samuel Dodge of Warner valley sever­ in their minds. The resident agents 139.32 acres on Wagner creek. Con­ A t the S ame P rice . — A supposi­ al months ago, of murder in the first at the Klamath and Yainax agencies, on July 17th. See advertisement. sideration, $600. degree. His trial was progressing at the Reverends Roork, we learn, are tion prevails with many that tive sub- Henry Carter to Henry Kllppel et Willie Fehely has finished the brick last accounts. UNDERSIGNED WOULD HEItE- rendering themselves unpopular with scription price of the T imes will be in­ rpiIE 1 by inform the public that he has ONE al.t certain water privileges at tiquaw for Thatcher A Worden’s new store The Soda Springs, under the man­ the settlers in that section by the creased with enlargement. This is a THOUSAND BUSH ELS of superior Jackson Lake. Consideration, $300. at Linkville and returned to town. (’reek Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish­ agement ot J. II. Russell and lady, are partiality they manifest toward their mistake. While we propose furnish ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the J. N. T. Miller to Clement Sarrail- W. C. Myer’s Shetland mare foaled destined to be the popular resort dur­ wards as against the whites. lett, about six acres in Jacksonville ing an increased ampuntof matter, the l>est style and at reasonable rates will do well to call on me. For further information precinct. Consideration, $186. a colt the other day, the first in Ore- ing the Summer. Substantial im­ terms will tie the same as at present. impure at the Franco-American Hotel. L. Chappel to John Miller, 271.17 gon. It will be exhibited at the State provements have been made aud satis­ E rrata .—In commenting upon Jas. All we ask is that those indebted square G. W. HOLT. Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1875. acres on Applegate river. Considera­ McDonough’s span of trotters last week, up as coou as possible. faction is guaranteed. Fair. tion, $5,20q., will F or L ake C ounty .—H. K. Ilanna, and rye bread, ginger snaps and crackers, Smith A W’aisman have a force of a mark. In another week he will be I I t is reported that Win. Bybee, 'fakes orders on exchange. Prices reasona­ deliver the oration, Miss Elsie Emer­ men engaged in excavating their lot, E-q., left for Lake county Tuesday, to Sheriff-elect, has appointed II. B. Sey- ble and satisfaction guaranteed. himself again, and abl6 to hit a man’s Fresh bread everv day. son reading the Declaration of Inde­ preparatory to mining operations in nose ninety-seven times out of every be tu attendance on the Circuit Court, bert, present Deputy Sheriff, as his W m . KREUZFR. pendence, and the Orme Bros, furnish­ the Winter. which c^veties next Monday. His own successor. hundred. ing the music for the occasion, while PRO BONO PUBLICO. The Star has information that Jas­ Honor, Judgu Prim, also started for Fred. Tice has succeeded J. D. Hanks Jas. G. Birdsey will officiate as Mar­ _______ MARRIED. Lakeview yesterday. The ducket is as driver between Rock Point and per Roberts, youngest brother of Geo. shal of the day. Singing aDd other KAHLER - CARDWELL — In Jackson­ rpiIE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTT- Levens’. Hanks will go to Washing­ Roberts, stage driver, got into an al­ light this term. ville, at the residence of the bride’s pa­ I tied that I have placed njy notes and exercises will intersperse the whole, rents, June 19th, by Rev. L. IL Wells, accounts in the hands of my attorney, H. ton Territory. tercation with a man in Lake county T he present warm weather is quite K. Hanna, with positive instructions to which will be followed by a fantastic Kobt. Kahler and Miss Maria Cardwell. and shot him six times, killing him on favorable for sunsiruke, but it will not make immcdialtiaiid forced collection in ex-« Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kahler, accom ­ [The many friends of the happy couple erv exhibition of the hoodlums. An im­ instance where security is not given. the spot. We are unable to give any Those themsel 1i knowing ing themselves indebted to deter Levinsou A Arrington from fill* offer their congratulations and unite in mense shaded bower, supplied with a panied by several friends, went up to particulars. me will do wel 11 to call o | mii Mr. Hanna, wishing them a long and prosperous voyage ing any number of orders for the cele­ smooth and elastic floor, 36x24 feet, the Soda Springs yesterday. They without delay, as this is mVlast call. My upon the sea of matrimony.] Wm. Wellman, who has been driv­ will return to-day. business must be settled ! brated Taber and Packard organs. * will he erected,making an elegant place BRESSLER—RAIMEY—In Sam's Valley, ing between Rock Point and the T , „ JAMES T. GLENN. June 11th, by Rev. A. D. Morrison, Theo. for the dance in the afternoon and Jacksonx-ille, Sept. 9, 1874. The Indian war is liable to discour­ Mountain House for sometime past, A. Bressler and Miss Melvina Raituey. E nvigoratino aud refreshing is evening. No pains are to be spared age pleasure expeditions to Lake coun­ having secured a mail contract in ________ DIED. ___ Farms for Sale Jesse Moore’s unequaled pony whisky, to make the affair a grand success, ty this Summer, although no danger Eastern Oregon, has gone to assume which it will surely be. An invita­ is to be seriously appreheuded in that it. He Is succeeded by Geo. Chase, an which can be had at the New State SKEETERS—On Rogue river, June 15th, desiring to purchase good farm» youngest daughter of Isaac and (»race of Person« Saloon at popular prices. * any «dze willIdo well to enquire of ’ tion is extended to al|. excellent driver. I section. Skeeters, aged 1 year, 1 month and 17 days, JOHN BOLT, Appiedata, JUNE 21, 187« REAMES BROS. AHEAD AS USUAL!! THE OLD TEMPLE of FASHION FALL 4 WINTER DRY-GOODS, H