¥. W fhwratìr ®ims. 0 □ Published every Friday Morning by CHARLES NICKELL, I c I 'L RAÄ^OJ h K ¡1 À Editor and Proprietor. i 4 4 OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Rates of Kiibscription : $3.00 2.00 . 1.00 One copy, per annum,.. “ six months, ... “ three months, VOL. VIII. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1878 Ladies' and Gentlemen's PROFESSIONAL CARDS. € A. C. JONES, JAS. S. HOWARD, FURNISHING and I FANCY GOODS Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Office in Orth’s building—up-stairs. G. H. AIKEN, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, I I DEALER IN ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, JACKSONVILLE, OGN., LAKE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET. GENERAL MERCHANDISE, BOYS' and GIRLS' CALIFORNIA ST., READY-MADE CLOTHING, J acksonville. Oregon. NO. 21 Adver •$eincnts ’^iemynts T imes a( ^he#)llMtti\g ratujt<^z One squ*r< \ aAjn siib^equent 1.00 Ix*gal »gue. Were he honest in Prompt attention given to all business lelt both could be sent. The candidate his religolus convictions God knows he i in my care. \ LL OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. I \ at the very lowest rates. If you don’t for Representative, Chas. \V. Broback, would find enough labor in his own CANDIES, FIGS. is a well-to-do farmer residing in Goose spin ro without pu-hii g himself iato believe me, call and ascertain prices for NUTS, C. w.. KAHLER. E. B. WATBOS. yourselves. No humbug! Lake valley; is a man oi broad views, j the turbulent arena of politics, We All kinds of produce and hides taken in STATIONERY, KAHLER & WATSON, a good speaker and a Democrat of the object tospiritituid men mixing in tem­ exchange for goods. 42tf. Jacksonian stamp. poral affairs. They are needed for the ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, service for which they have been edu­ The candidates for County Commis ­ Provisions of Every Kind, cated, and leaving it for any other us one term as Senator and has a first-class JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, sioners are Jacob Bides and C. E. Ran- ! dull. Mr. Bales resides at Lost River they should first make open confession conception ot the duties of the office. Mr. ETC’., ETC. Will practice in the Supreme, District and Gap, and Mr. Randall in Chewaucan ' of their Pharisaical character. Teach­ Crain lias the advantage of one session’s ex­ Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., other Courts of this Suite. perience its Representative, while his col­ valley. Both are fanners and stock­ ing, not ruling, is tiie department of league, Mr. Col vie, combines all the at­ Office on Third St., north of Express Office. raisers, and, as they are good financiers , ! clerical men, atid we hope that no tributes that go to make a leading ¡member OREGON. JACKS N VILLE, H. KELLY, and about the largest tax-payers in political convention will take one of of the House. We only ask the people to judge dispassionately in the matter, and we Lake county, we have every reason to them from the service of God and de- know what the result will be. rAr GIVE ME A CALL.-’5\ ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, believe that they will manage the af­ -trov liis usefulness bv trusting him DAVID LINN JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, fairs with rigid economy, which at the into any political office. We warn Rocky Earhart take« a Run. present time is what we most need, . any convention who so does that Its Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment Will practice in all the Courts of the State. During these very lively political of furniture, consisting of The candidate for Sheriff, J. L. I candidate, no matter how good be Prompt attention given to all business en­ times gentlemen are liable to “clop : may be, will experience defeat. Hanks, is a son of old John Hanks, trusted to my care. BEDSTEADS, over ” as the saying goe-, and take a OF— fAT Office opposite Court House. who used to fl it boat with his cousin ' Jottings ironi All house. spin u ith the boys around town fish­ BUREAUS, TABLES. Abraham Lincoln on the Mi.->i>sippi ! JAMES S. HOWARD, ing for votes. We learned of the ex­ river. Mr. Hanks resides near Link- GUILD MOULDINGS, Building matters in this “deestrict” ew ploits of a prominent gentleman on i ville, waseleeted County '1 rettsurer two are looking up (juite bravely; most ev­ U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Thursday morning last, which are too ' years ago and held the office until the ery farmer having extensions, or build­ good to keep and are as follows; He FOR JACKSON, CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. —AT— ; county seat was moved to Lakeview, ing anew, in view, for the coming had been out with the boys until about and then resigned, lie will make a Summer. PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. 3 o ’ clock, and felt a trifle uneasy as to good Sheriff and will be elected. Official surveys made ami patents obtained Beach A Platter, of Althouse, have ETC.. ETC. what his wife would say upon the at reasonable rates. Full copies of Mining The present efficient Clerk, R. B. broken gtound preparatory to erecting I .aws and Decisions at my oilice in Jack­ 1 lalton, w as renominated lor that office. a large ami commodious building, the subject, and determined to adopt a Also Doors, Sash and Blind« always on sonville, Oregon.-* hand and made to order. Planing done on ‘ The fact that, after having held the of­ lower portion of which will he stocked little piece of strategy. lie entered reasonable terms. I mlertaking a spe­ the house cautiously, noiselessly re­ HIKE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS fice for two years, he was re-nominat­ with merchandise, the upper devoted MARTIN VROOMAN, M. D., cialty. moved his boots, and then made his I ure in announcing to the public that he ed by acclamation, speaks more in hi- to a ball-room. has just ree«‘ived a complete and first class P H Y SIGI A N A N D S U R G EON. way to their bedroom, lie was not so Your correspoBdent was shown a assortment of «¡ent's Furnishing «»ends, piai.se than an\ thing that ct n be said. obfuscated hut that he knew it would THIRTEENTH YEAR. The above will also apply to the can­ neatly exevuted plan for a Catholic such as Hats, Shirts, Underwear, «•(<•.; best Jacksonville. Oregon. be dangerous to attempt to get into brands of Cigars and Tobaeeo; Pipes, No­ didate for County Treasurer, A. Mc- Church drawn by A. L. Willey for tions, Fancy (¡nods, Glassware, ('rockery, bed, so after he took up a I>r. Vrooman conies here with the intention ST MARY'S ACADEMY. Musical Instruments, Bird Cages, Station­ Clallan. We expect to ke< p Andy in L. Leonard of “Laurel Knoll.” “It will position by the disrobing side of the baby’s cra­ of permanently locating himself in the ery, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Albums, that office as long as he remains in the be a thing of beauty and a joy,” etc., practice of his profession. Is a gradu­ dle and began ro kiug it like a ’49er. Toys, Candies, Nuts, etc., which will l>esold i county. CONDUCTED BY when completed. ate, and, from twenty-seven years’ experi­ His wife, aroused by the noise, dis­ at the clu-apest rates. Give me a call ami I ence in the diseases incident to this Coast, Andrew J. Foster residec in Sum­ On May 1st, Miss Mary Hansen Find covered him, as it was part of his deep see for yourselves. flatters himself as being able to give gen­ THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. mer Lake Valley; is a farmer and Mr. Chas. Berger, were unite«! in the F. BRECKENFELD. eral satisfaction. stock-raiser, and has every qualifica­ “holy bonds of matrimony,” by Jus­ laid plan she should, and called out, Office at the Franco-American Hotel. “Why, what on earth are you doing LIVERY STABLE, tion necessary to make a good Assessor. tice Wilson Bain, at the residence of there?” “Doing?” he replied, keep­ he scholastic year of this NEW E. (). Steele, the candidate tor School the bride’s mother, Miss Hansen had I school will commence about the end of ing (he kinks out of his tongue by an Superintendent, resides near Lake view, long been reigning belle of this sec­ August, and is divided in four sessions, almost supei human effort, “doing? I’m BACK OF COURT HOUSE, of eleven weeks each. is tt practical teacher, and was for some tion. Mr. Berg«*r, by his uniform trying to get this—baby asleep! She’s 140.00 Board and tuition, per term.............. ASHLAND, OREGON, time a member of the Board of Exam­ honestly and good-nature, has made 4.00 i been crying half an hour, and -you’ve Bed and Bedding................................. Mr. for himself a host of friends, who join . 8.00 MANNING & MONTGOMERY, Props, ination in Modoc county, Cal. Drawing and painting........................ i slept through it all!” llis air of . J. ZIMMERMAN ... - . . e .............. oc X BRECKENFELD’S ! THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, T M H ■ '■ I ■- ■ Illi ■■■■— MILLINERY GOODS!! MRS. BRENTANO! I C T