The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, April 26, 1878, Image 3

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    Or BcniwrMir
Changeable weather.
APRIL 2«î, 1X78.
Stages arrive on time.
Read the new advertisements.
Quite a number have recently visit­
ed the Sterling company’s diggings,
where operations are progressing fine­
ly. A clean up will not be made for
Parties and balls quite abundant.
The several members of the Démocratie
County Committee are requested to meet at
Morris Mensor left for San Francisco
the ofliee of H. K. Hanna, on the 4th day of
May, at 1 o’clock r. m . A full attendance is Tuesday.
solicited, as there will be businessoi import­
Bear creek is now forded near Mc­
ance to transact.
H. K. HANN A, Chairman.
Kenzie’s milf.
Jacksonville, April 22, is?s.
Tho«. IT. Gilson ha« «old his mining
property to the Sterling Company for
$2,000. He offers his ranch, a very
desirable place, fur sale, Head his ad-
Our merchants are receiving their
N ew G oods .—Retimes Bros, are
Spring and Summer goods.
now opening one of the finest stocks of
J. II. Penn has a Sir Walter colt
Spring and Summer goods ever brought
that attracts much attention.
to this section. Don’t fail to call if
Veit Schutz is renovating his hall
you want anything extra.
ar d placing it in good order.
T he Butte creek sage, lion. James
Rev. W. Hurlburt will preach at
W. Simpson, whose eminent reason­
the M. E. Church next Sunday.
ing on the financial question is at pres­
Marsh A Co.’s saw-mill on Big Butte
ent electrifying Jackson county, is still
progressing iu “the paths that lead to commenced operations this week.
Col. J. N. T. Miller will take a band
glory and to fame.” He left his card
of horses to Chico (Cal.) ere long.
at Phoenix the other night.
A largo number of hides have re­
P remiums R eceived —W. J. Ply-
cently been shipped from this section.
male has received the premiums award­
Several bands of cattle have passed
ed thiasiction at the last Siskiyou Coun­
ty Fair, and the money, amounting to through this section for Lake county.
A May-day party will occur at the
Social Club Room next Wednesday
evening. It will be a fine affair in ev­
ery particular. Mrs. Vining will pro­
vide the supper.
$93, is now reatly at the Express Office.
Thu Fair for 1878 w ill commence ou
October 2d, continuing one week.
P olitics make strange bed-fel­
lows, but such a mess as the Siamese
twins, Brown aud Cox, are endeavor­
ing to mix up it would otherwise be
difficult to imagiue. Il is not likely
that such a conglomeration will set
well on the public stomach and long
bulore June it will become so uuuseal-
iug as to make an indiscriminate spew-
ang-up a great relief.
N. Langell returned from Salem Sun­
day, where he manipulated matters in
the interest of our friend Beekman.
June will prove to Nat. that it was
“love’s labor lost.”
Walter Jackson, well known in this
section, is now traveling for the house
of I’. Wasserman & Co., dealers in ci­
gars and tobaccos, Portland. He was
in town this week.
Dr. W. II. Saylor, of Portland, has
been visiting this county recently, with
The roads are improving fast and the intention of locating. He left for
teaming is now going on extensively. the Willamette this week, but we learn
he will return soon.
Sealed proposals for keeping the
F. Breekenfeld has just received a
county poor are elsewhere advertised
fine assortment of new goods. He is as
ever prepared to give bargains to all
Rev. Father Blanchet will leave on
who call, anti, as his stock is fresh, it
a pastoral visit to Fort Klamath ere
will be well to do so.
Wm. Bybee is engaged in another
Job work of all kinds promptly exe­
mining enterprise on Grave creek,
cuted at the T imes office at the lowest
Charley Howard has just returned
from surveying the ditch, which is
Jas. A. Cardwell has been appoint­ about two miles long.
ed agent for the Wilson sewing ma­
Dave Crosby temporarily engineers
the Josephine county express,Dick Ish
Geo. E. Strong has returned from having taken over Judge Prim and
Lake county. He will rt main with us the attorneys now attending the Cir­
cuit Court at Kerbyville.
Messrs. Waller and Hauser, repro-
We regret to learn of the serious ill­
senting Portland houses, were in town ness of the estimable wife of Sheriff
Manning. Dr. Vrootnan, the attend
I t is well enough for everybody to
understand the animus of the move­
ment by which the Mitchell crowd
propose to hand over Jackson county,
body, breeches and all, to the care of
that illustrious Senator. The so-called
meeting of free-lancers, set for May
4th by Cox and Brown, is nothing but
a desperate move upon the part of Re­
publicans to throw Jackson county for
Mitchell, in which they are seconded
by played-out politicians who have
nothing to lose and everything togain.
This fact being so very transparent we
trust no Democrat will lend himself to
this demoralizing scheme, so thorough­
ly anti-Democratic as it is. It is aimed
to destroy the success of Democracy
every way—county, State and Nation­
al. If we aro inclined to beat our­
selves the time is ripe when the party
should dissolve anil go the way of all
missionless organizations, unhonored
and unsung. But we have too much
confidence in those w ho compose the
Democratic parly. They cling to the
old ship with a tenacity that becomes
the hour. Though a few may now feel
soured through personal dir-appoint­
ment, all is destined to be well in the
end. To support, uphold and work for
the Democratic ticket is the duty of all
true Democrats, and we expect to see
them doing what is right at the proper
time, which is at hand.
A D etestable M ethod .—The op­
ponents of the Democratic party are
bitter in their opposition, and In many
instances resort to methods to effect
its defeat that should be frow’ued
down by all respectable people. Mis­
representation is freely iudulged in
and men’s characters, heretofore un­
sullied, are pictured in colors that
J ackson ville.
would bring shame to the cheek of a
common cutthroat. Nothing could be
more detestable—nothing more unjust. IS IN RECEIPT AND KLEI’S CON-
It is this that makes political cam­ 1 stantly on hand a full and first-dabs as­
sortment of
paigns undesirable.
Men, always
friends, become rank enemies. Organ­
izations with only personalities and
misrepresentation and ribaldry as their
stock in trade should go the way of
all trash. Solid argument alone should
be countenanced, and a party with
principles well defined has enough to
advance without resorting to a mean
mode ol warfare.
B onded .—The Emeliue Quicksilver
Company on Tuesday last accepted the
proposition of the parties from Califor­
nia to bond their mine for $50,000.
Die stipulations are to the effect that
said parties may prospect the deposits
until November l«t next, at which
time, or at any period before, they may
pay over the price named. They are
not to interfere with any work the
company may prosecute and, in the
event of their failure to take the mine,
all the improvements and develop
merits made go lo the original owners.
ing physician, informs us that there is There are 100,000 shares, held by elev­
en different persons. The price is not
little hope of her recovery.
The Republicans failed to find any- large for so valuable a piece of proper­
ty us this evidently is.
bo'ly willing to be sacrificed in a wild-
goose chase after the District offices,
N At seat l NG.—The Sentinel devotes
and therefore did not make such nom­ considerable space in an endeavor to
inations al Salem, (¿tile sensible.
induce Mr. Foudray and his friends to
The advertisement of J U. Fined, abandon the Democratic party by a
the pioneer merchant of Rosebuig, wil -pecies of sycophancy most nauseating.
appear next week. He will announce We have too much faith in the De­
that he has a full assortment of general mocracy of those gentlemen to suppose
merchandise, which is being sold al for a moment that such soft sawdei
will have any effect upon them. The
the lowest rates.
Are the agents representing nurscr animus ol tins cunning scheme is evi­
ies In Ohio, who have been taking or­ dent. It is to create dissensions among
ders for trees, plant«, etc., not the same Demociats that such and other meth
who neatly bilked the people of the u<ls are employed, hoping thereby to
Willamette last Fall? We learn that make a large enough breach to allow
they have done a thriving business in Republicans to crawl in.
A nniversary B all
Tribe No. 1, lmp. O. R. Al., will give
its regular anniversary Oallou the even­
ing of May 13lh. Tickets have been
placed at the low price of $2.50, which
cauuot fail of being popular. The Red
Men have the tiniuble reputation ol
giving the best oi parlies and this one
J. R. Cameron shipped one of his
w ill be no exception. Spectators w ill finu stag hounds to Stockton (Cal.) the
lie excluded, plenty of room being au other day.
reject. For lurliier particulars see ad-
The new saw-mill at Linkville is in
operation and has a capacity of 10,000
R eturned — Judge Tolman, OUi feet a day.
Matt. Dillou will furnish good liquor
new ¡Surveyor General, arrived from
fine cigars during tbu campaign
the uortb this week. He will soon a»-
bume lhe duties ol his office and wih at old rates.
take bis family to Portland with him.
¡Smith A Co.’s tunnel caved in agon
The Judge is one of our l»est andunosi last week, but without causing ally se­
energetic citizens, and, while We re rious injury.
grel to lose him irom our midst, wt
lhe M. E. Sund iy School will have
ft juice in lhe autistacliuu of kuowing
u picnic at By beu’oGiuvu u<. xt Wednes
Ihul he will return in 1881, if uot be- day—May -Hay. He will make a painstaking
W. 11. McDaniel, who has beeu
aud efficient officer.
quite 1H for bomvlimu past, is aide lo
T he P lans L aid . — Die Republican he about ag tiu.
programme is cut and dried and oulj
Pal. Duun is down from Ashland
awaits ratification. The candidate.' anticipating his slice ol thu Kepuuii- this section.
have already beeu decided upuu anu can chicken-pic.
“Prof.” Loraine, the eminent bilk,
the infant will be ushered into exist­
for more congenial climes tin? othei
Copp’s llaud-bouk of Mining Law
ence ou the 4th prux. Aud yet these
—Blaudaid authority—lor sale at the day. When last seen he was wending
same individuals go daily abuut hypo­ T imes office. Price $1.
his way to lhe Golden State with hi'
critically asserting that the Democrat­
blankets on his back, Ilis perform-
\\ in. By bee’s placer claim at Galiev
ic ticket was a job put up by a promi­
ance here on the 18lh was on a pai
creek is pay mg Weil, i'UOO being re-
nent member of the parly, knowing
with himself.
cently ciuaiiud out ui two boxes.
lull well that they cannot substantiate
Veit Schutz’ brewery had a narrow
the shearing of sueep bus com-
the charge, but hoping at the same
escape from fire on Friday last.
time to create enough dissensions to meiiced. A iaige quantity of Wool Flames were seen issuing from the
Will bo shipped Iruui Luis section.
allow them to capture the county uffi
roof, but fortunately they were extin­
The receut trusts haVo injured the guished before any serious damage
ces. There’s the rub.
grape prospects cuii,iderauiy.
I’ne was «lone. The origiu is ascribed to
R eal E state T ransactions .—
ltuit crop promises to be lair, however. burning malt.
The following transactions iu real es­
Messrs. E kelsou uud Likelaud, re­
The action of (ho directors of this
tate have beeu recorded since our last:
school district in levying a rate-bill ol
A. D. Helman to M. J. lleiman, lol
$2.5«) pur «piarter oil each scholar has
in Ashland. Consideration, $80.
Wm. Worluw to Mahlou Purdin, here.
had the effect of decreasing the at­
one-half interest in Woiluw A Rum­
Turner, Bybee & Co. aro quite busy tendance, iu cotHe<piuneu of which
mel’s saw-mill ou Aulelupe. Consid­
getting everything in shape lor the ■Miss Aiice Hanley’s department h
eration, $140.
C. B. Watson to W. T. Watson, cer­ County Couveuliuii next been merged into the o.ivrs.
tain premises iu Ashland, Cunsidera- week.
As Jos. Wetterer was returning
lion, $1,000.
Applegate the other day, his
1 lie Pacific Mutual Life Insurance
W.T. Watson to Lewis S. Zumwalt,
same premises us above, Cunslderu- Company gives notice that Geo. \\ . Ca team became frightened and upset the
lion, $1,040.
rey is no longer connected with that wagon, spilling him and two children
G. 11. Aiken to Jas. < ». Birdsey, lUStlllHlOU.
sitting beside him into the brush,
mining claims aud Hitches on Birdsey
Fortunately no damage was done, al
M. Caton returned to Beaver creek
creek. Consideration, $100.
though it was a narrow escape.
Jas. A. Wiisou to Jas. K. Kelly, ft yesterday, lie informs us that work
Thu suit of thu United Status vs. w.
ul.t one-lourlh of his interest m the w ill be steadily continued ou Hie Em­
¿squaw Lake mining property. Cuu- etine mine.
C. Griswold is calling several of our
siUeraliuu, $400.
citizens to Portland. Gen. Ross, U.
Neuman Fisher has returned from
S. Hayden, J. B. Sifers, Jacob lsh and
I t remains to be seeu whether the isaii Francisco and will soon be iu re­
others left for that place this week, aud
£o-cal led green I Nick movement, limit­ ceipt of a fine Block ol Spi mg aud
iiave been preceded by as many more,
ed as it is, is a bona Ji de coucern, or Summer g >ods.
with a probability of several following.
will be switched off by Cox, Wrisley
Southern Oregon is happy. A can-
The road between Jacksonville aud
A Co. into the support ol thu Republi­ didalc tor Governor, a can iidatu for
can party, which assumes the alias ol Secretary of State, and a Surveyor-gen­ Ellensburg is the subject of a peti­
tion lo our Senators and Representa­
People’s party iu this county, and un­ eral is what’s the mailer.
tive in Congress, urging them to ac­
der this thiu gauze endeavors to cap­
Tim Democratic County Committee
the passage of the bill appro­
ture the county offices, the only prin­ w ill meet al the office of II. K. Han­
ciples this mushroom oiganizaliou pos­ na, E-q., on May 4lh for tiro transac­ priating $5'1,000 therefor. It is a
commendable enterprise and should
sesses. There are some who innocent­ tion of important business.
receive the proqer attention.
ly become Green backers under the de­
Those who have failed lo pay their
Cox’s attempt at forming a green­
lusion of benefiting the country and
taxes will do well to do so immediate­ back club at Sam’s Valley was attend-
themselves. We may be mi-taken; ly, as Sheriff Mautiiug informs us that I ed with any thing but success. Nut a
but if Cox and his colleagues are not mileage w ill be charged after M iy 1st. corporal's guard was iu attendance, anti
eudeavoripg to give the Republicans a
W. A. Owen is down from his ranch how lie succeeded if is easy enough to
bill of sale lor the wholeoutfit we may
imagine. Jackson county takes little
be set down as being poor at guessing. oil Elk creek, where he lias been hi­ stock in such humbugs, especially
bernating for sometime past. The po­
Whether they will be parties to the
when it is known that the objects it
gu couldn't progress with­ has in view are obnoxious to a large
bargain is another thing, which future
a majuiily of the people.
out him.
developments will better elucidate.
T he
us that the Greenbackers propose ig­
noring all other organizations and will
put out a full county ticket. Be that
as it may, it has been the prevailing
opinion that the movement was con­
ceived in the interest of Senator Mitch­
ell aud managed by his immediate
agents. Appearances may bo deceiv-
ing, but until the leaders sliow they
mean what they profess a doubting
public will reserve its decision iu the
S eriously I njured .—Ason ofE.
\V. Gragg, living about three miles
from town, was quite seriously injured
one day last week by a team running
away with him. He was harrowing
with the reins around his body, when
the horses became Lightened and ran,
dragging him for some distance before
they were stopped. He was improv­
ing at last accounts.
I t was not Cox that was frothy, but
Brown. If Brown says he didn’t in­
cubate, that’s all right—we guess he
didn’t. We have learned since that
Cox, instead of Brown, was godfather
to the II ipple bantling. Wemadethe
mistake honestly, and, since it is now
understood that Brown was only “wet-
nurse,” we the mole cheerfully make
the correction.
L 1
Provisions of Every Kind,
Which will be sold at Lowest Rates
7-«'GT VE ME A CALL.-W^,
I ur<> in announcing to the public that ho
has just receiv<*d a complete and first-class
assortment of Gent’s Furnishing Goods,
such as Hats, Shirts, Underwear, etc.; l>est
brands of Vigars and T<*bac<-o; Pipes, No­
tions, Fancy Goods, Glassware, ('rockery.
Musical Instruments, Bird Cages, Station­
ery, Pocket ami Table Cutlery, Albums,
Foil K erbyville . — His Honor, Toys, Camlies, Nuts, etc., which will la* sold
at the cheapest rates. Give me a call and
Judge Prim, accompanied by Messrs. see for yourselves.
Jones, Watson and Hanna, leit Sun-
day last for Kerbyville, where the
April term of the Circuit Court for
Josephine county convened on the
S uspended . — Work on the Middle
creek mines hat ceased for the present
It will be necessary to run the ditch
fifteen miles further, (to Cedar Fla )
where pleuty of water and good dig­
F at u. A ccident .—Alex. Red path, gings will be assured. It is estimat­
a grandson of Uapt. B. B. Griffin, aged ed that $3o,ooo will be required to
about ten years, was seriou-ly injured accomplish this.
on Saturday last, from the effects of
F or L ake C ounty .—Gen. John F.
which he died on the Tuesday follow­ Miller, of ¡Salem, and W. P. Miller, of
ing. He fell through the loll of the Wasco county, were in town this week.
stable in close proximity to the heels ol They are on their way to Lake county
a yearling colt, which kicked him just
to louk after their interests there.
above the temple, fracturing the skull
I visited St. Helena tor change of climate
so that the brain protruded. Dr. Aik­
but tonnil it too hot. Then 1 went to Hay­
en was summoned, but the case was a ward'.*. and it was too dull. At Berkeley
the students annoyed me with their hood-
hopeless one.
himisiu. It was too foggy in San Francisco
commodious barn on the School House
Flat and in the rear of the Court House, we
are now fully prepared to attend to all bus­
iness in our line with promptness and dir­
patch and at the most reasonable rate’*.
The Stable is furnished with the best ani­
mals and most substantial buggies ; also a
first-cl ass hack and saddle-horse.
H orses Itoarded, and the best care be­
stowed on them.
batisfactiou guaranteed in every instance.
< live us a trial and judge for yourselves.
Jacksonville, Feb. I, 1878.
and too bleak at Santa Cruz. Wherever I
went I was nneondbrtable,uneasy and unset­
tled. A friend suggested that this state of
unrest might possibly lie occasioned by bil­
iousness or a disordered stomach, and ad- THE WKL1.-KNOWN DRAFT HORSE,
v ised a trial of Frese’s 11 ainburg Tea, giving
me a package asa present. Since then I use
it occasionally, and was never better in my
hie. I advise all to tr\ it.
ET souville, Rock Point ami Sam’s Val­
ley, eoijimencing April 1st, at the following
HUNTERS' EMPORIUM, rales; tC’i, $10 aud ?1’>.
Turk is’.i years old this Spring. His sire
was Arabian, out of a Ttmoleon mate.
Turk's dam was French. I le is a dark chest­
nut sorrel, with while points, 17 hands high,
and weighs 1,500 pounds in working condi­
ers for sale-keeping.
Competent judges agree that Turk's colts
will compare favorably with any yet pro­
P ioneer H ardware
duced in the Slate, and he is highly recom­
mended by leading stoek-nuser.-* ol Dcuglas
Mrs. Bilger ha-» assumed
county, where he has made several seasons.
ROB1'. WliSl'ROP.
this well known stand and is now re-
The Meadows, March 1, 1x78.
M itchell ’ s banting, so tenderly
nursed by Greenback Cox aud George
Blown, is receiving many , unlooketf-
lor rebuffs. Few, if any, Democrats
are signing this bill of sale by which
old Jackson is lo be transferred into the
bauds of the enemy, ami even Repub
beans do not lake kindly to the idea oi
delivering their principles into tin*
hands of a motley crew ui office-seek-
ceiving a complete and first-class stock
of goods. J. H. Penn, for a long time HARDWARE AND CUTLERY STORE,
connected with the establishment, is
manager,ami, understanding the waula
of tile people, is bound to give satisfac­
tion. Read lhe adveitisemeut and
give him a call.
1».\ 1 N'l’EIJS.
Frey's Boot and Shoe Store,
C alifornia S trebt ,
W e were mislakeu. -Mr. \\ risley
is not a “figure-head”—far from it.
avin «; permanently located
On the coutrary, be is thu wily stool- »» all kinds of Painting, including
in Jacksonville, the undersigned re-
pigeon used by lhe Republicans tu de­
informs the public that lie is
all kinds of work in the boot
coy unwary Demociats into lhe sup­
and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran­
pot t of Mitchell.
The Greenback
gauze he attempts to spread over hi»
philanthropic professions is loo traus- WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTIN«;,
L ost . — L. ¡S. P. Marsh lost his mem
oraudum book between 1’. Simon’s, on
Butte ereek, and Jacksonville yester­
day. The finder will be suitably re­
warded by returning it.
B ro . T urner says he can’t see any
sense or truth in the Democratic plat­
form. It makes all the difference in the
• world through what glasses one looks.
1.N whom it may concern that I,Cyrus H.
Pickens, Sr., have made, constituted and
appointed my son, E. P. Pickens, mv law­
ful agent and attorney, with full power and
authority to manage and transact all mv
business for me, and with full control over
FIRST-CLASS THRESHING. -MA- my properly and credit; and I hereby re­
quest all |>ersons having unsettled accounts
«•hine in good Arder. Inquire at
with me at this date to come forward ami
make settlement of the same with mv said
agent and attorney.
Farms for Sale
Table Rock Farm, Feb. It), 1x78.
Persons desiring to purchase good farms
any size will do well to enquire of
JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon,
Orders from the country promptly attend­
ed to.