/ 1 n California street, opposite Union Livery Stallie. A 1.1. NORTH. A tax on profane language would raise inure • t venue than the Moltet drink regis­ ter, and the iiioreaman is taxed the more he would swear. BOOTS and SHOES, GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS d CHAIRS, Three enterprising Assumption, Louisi­ ana. men have killed 9,ooo alligators during the past year, and sold their hides for sev­ enty-five cents apiece. Jacksonville, Oregon. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, Jacksonville, Oregon, Will practice in all tho Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business left in my care. Office in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. C. W. KAHLER. E. B. WATSON. KAHLER A WATSON, attorneys a counselors - at - law , CROCKERY, ETC., “\\ hat is the difference between a potato and a lemon?" When the questioned par­ ty says he don't know, the other says: “'t hen I don’t want you to buy any lemons * T.T. OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD tor me;” and then comes the “ha! ha! ha!” /A at the very lowest rates. If you don’t The difference Is-tween Blaine and Conk­ believe me, call and ascertain prices for I ling is explained by the Philadelphia Tunes: yourselves. No humbug ! Al! kinds ot produce and hides taken in The latter is always ¡»reparing a s|»eeeli which he never delivers, and the former is exchange for gooiis. 42tf. al ways delivering a sjx-ech which he never prepares. FURNITURE WARE ROOMS, Will praecially to keep the Austrian guest company. C< H’NXELOR-AT-LAW, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, DAVID LINN Will practice in all the Courts of the State Prompt attention given to all business en trusted to my care. tunee opposite Court House. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of furniture, consist ing of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, TABT.FX. JAMES S. HOWARD, U.S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR FOR JACKSON, Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. < >11 i« ial surveys made and patents obtained at reasonable rates. I-dll copies ot Mining Giws and Decisions at my office in Jack­ sonville, < irugoii. MARTIN VROOMAN. M. D., GUILD MOULDINGS, The following story in the Nineteenth t’en- turi) will send a shudder through temper­ CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. ance folks: A lady in the south of England had a raw and free-spoken waitress who, al' PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS ter l»eing in the house a fortnight, omitted ETC., ETC. to put any water bottles on the table. When informed of the omission, she replied, “For Also D«»orH, Sash and Blimls always on hand and made to order. Planing done on tourteen days I've put'<*m on the table and reasonable terms, f.-ir Undertaking a sj>e- none ot you’s drunk any. I don’t mean to cialty. pul 'em on any mon-.” STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, 1* H Y S I C I A N A N D S U R G E O N Dr. Vrooman comes here with the intention of permanently locating himself in the practice “of his profession. Is a gradu­ ate, and, from twenty-seven years’ experi­ ence m the diseases incident to this Coast, flatters himself as being able to give gen­ eral satisfaction. Office at the Franco-American Hotel. A farmer in northern Iowa owned what lie regarded as a tim-place fora summer resort. There was a rugged mountain, green valley, a placid lake, and only a mineral spring was lacking. Heendeavorcd to supply the want by introducing various ingredients, through a hidden pipe, into a clear spring. Then he built a hotel, and advertised. The first boarder was a prying fellow, w ho straight­ way discovered the fraud and broke up the enterprise. THIRTEENTH YEAR. Jacksonville, Oregon. ST MARY'S ACADEMY, CONDUCTED BY THE SISTERS of the HOLT NAMES. he scttolasttc year of this school will commence alxnit tho end of THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, T August, ami is divided in four sessions, Four S tabi . es .—Wo went into a of eleven weeks each. stable recently where the air was sti­ ASHLAND, OREGON, Board and tuition, per term........... ..... $-10.00 fling hot and reeking with odors fto n Bed and Bedding................................. . ..... 4.00 Drawing amt painting....................... ...... g.oo tho manure beneath tho horses’ feet. W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO., Prop'ra. Piano,....................................................... ...... 15.00 The poor brutes were per-piring freely Entrance fee. only once................... ...... 5.00 while swarms of flies tormented the SELECT DAY SCIIOOI This was dur­ anufacture and build all Primary, j»er term....................................... ? fi.OO very life out of them. ing the hour of noon, when the horses kinds ot mill and mining machinery, Junior, “ ....................................... s.oo eastings, thimble skeins, and irons, brass Senior, “ ....................................... lO.iM) were being fed and recruited for a easting* and Babbitt metal. Bells cast. Pupils are received at anytime, and spe- heavy afternoon’s work in the mowing Farming machinery, engines, hou*- fronts, Wo feel that we pre per­ stoves, sewing machines, blacksmith-work, cial attention is paid to particular studies in machine. and all work wherein iron, steel or brass is behalf of eliildren who have but limited fectly safe in saying that an hour’s MK;>d, repaired. Parties desiring anything time. For further particulars apply at the imprisonment in th 1’11 < »• îf January, 1S76. 1 will take all kinds of produce. And a great variety ot PERFUMES and office and residence on corner of Califor­ TOII.ET ARTICLES, including the best and nia and Fifth streets. Jacksonville. cheapest assortment of < '< >M M< »N and PER­ FUMED SOAI*S in this market. Prescriptions carefully compounded. RAILROAD SALOON, 1 ROBT. KAHLER. Druggist. »Cor. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville HENRY PAPE, Engineer. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, THROUGH TICKETS, 12j C ents . WINTJEN /CHOICE wines , liquors and ci - * > gars constantly on hand. The reading table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ cals and leading ¡tapers of the Coast. LAGER! LAGER!! THE EAGLE BREWERY & HELMS, Proprietors. rpiIE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WEf.L- 1 known and popular re-sort would in­ form their friends and the ¡»ublie generally that a complete and first-class stock ot the ls-st brands of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. They will be please»! to have their friends "call and smile.” CABINET. A < 'abinet of < 'uriosities may also lie found here. We would lx- pleased to havej»ersons nilE 1’ROI’RIETOR, JOS. WEITERER, possessing curiosities and sjM »-imens bring 1 lias now on ham! and is con.stantlv man­ them in, and we will place them in the Cab­ ufacturing the liest 14» ger Beer in Southern inet for insjiection. *>i-egon. which he will sellili quantities to WINTJEN A HELMS. -,uxt put c a T s , U-dl and IC-st the ailU-lc« Jack&onvil!?. Aug. 5, 1874, J2ti. A PARI I II. A nother W onderful (T uck .— ¡’he latest arrival is known as the 1 routman dock, and the maker per­ sonally superintends its exhibition. 1 Ie is a native of Donaldson, Schuylkill county, showing that that benighted region can turn out something more than coal and Mollie Maguires. Mr. Frontman is a German, but speaks English tolerably well. He says lie cul down a tree ami sawed it into boards to procure lumber for the dock, which he made with a penknife in sev­ en years. The clock reaches from floor to ceiling, ami at its widest is neatly five feet. Around ami below the main dial are groups of automaton figures that move with wonderful accu­ racy. At the top is a representation of Napoleon and his horse that ate ap­ ple dumplings. A figure seated ¡seat­ ing dumplings, ami at intervels the horse indulges as naturally as a wood­ en horse can be expected to do. Be­ low this is a figure of Captain Jack,the Modoc chief, who strikes the hours upon a gong that brings forth a pro­ cession of his warriors. Below the main dial is a representation of Jonah being swallowed by the whale. Jonah at regular intervals is thrown over- Ixiard, the whale ascends and opens its ponderous jaws, ami Jonah is swallow­ ed. At the base of the dock is a large scene representing Christ walking on the water. A large ship appears with a deck-load of apostles. The scriptur­ al account of the event is narrated by Mr. Troutman, and the picture, is represented automatically to the mi­ nutest detail. There are a number ol other scenes that may be worked sep irately or together. Noah’s ark is rep­ resented with the dove ami olive branch, and there is a “good fairy ami the poor women.” These automaton figures work smoothly and posent in foresting pictures. A music box ou the inside of the clock plays a variety of tunes.— Heading (Pa.) Times. A little incident occurred in a west­ A recent lumber man's circular estimates tlie numl.erot railroad ties in present use in ern court recently which caused not a tlie I nited States at 150,000,000. little merriment among those present. Over giO.otiO Americans are now distribu­ A case of assault and battery had been ted over Great Britain and In-land. They tried ami decided in direct opposition are considered excellent in every respect. to the evidence, causing great dissat­ It may not be quite fashionable to believe isfaction. After several moments of in common lionesty, but it is a good piece unbroken silence the counsel fur the of furniture, alter all, ami will last a man defendant said: bis lifetime. “See here, judge” (turning to the CLOTH INK, Office on California street, opposite P. J. Ryan's store. Residence on Third street, opposite and east of the M. E. Church and adjoining the Court Hous« block ou the north. Advertisements will l>e inserted in ths following rales : One square, one insertion........................... $3.(X) each subsequent one.1.0U Legal advertisements inserted reasonably; A tair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly; Job printing neatly ami promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. t’orso W akhants always taken at par. T imes ai the Editor and Proprietor. I matter of ventilation, in tho construc- lion of stables. This was low, with narrow stalls, a long feed trough run­ ning the whole length, and a feed rack above it There was no chance for in­ troducing a current of air, which would be appreciated fully as much by a horse ashy his owner. Stables should l»e kept scrupulously clean, mid even disinfected during the close, sultry weather of '«lid-summer. We know of one farmer who makes it a business to wash out his stalls with cohl water before putting in hishorses at noon,and it is a practice to he commended where water is convenient. But at least give the tired horses clean, wholesome stalls and plenty of air.— Practical. presiding officer), “if you will allow me to tell a little story ¿’11 agree to pay the cost myself.” The judge g »od humoredly consent­ ed to this proposition. “Ami may 1 tell it and not be inter­ rupted ?” “Yes, yes; go on.” Well, continued the lawyer, one time a raven ami a nightingale had a dispute as to which had the most mu­ sical voice. The raven said he pos­ sessed the finest voice, the nightingale thought she had. As neither could decide the dispute they decided to leave it to a judge. The raven then suggested the jackass as a judge, and the nightingale consented. At once both visited the jackass. First, the raven displayed his vocal power, He croaked, ami sefeamed , ami cawed for some^ time; then, satisfied with his trial, he ceased, and the nightingale trilled out his uielodious notes. Alter she had warbled for some time, she too ceased, ami both appealed to the judge for a decision. The jackass thought for some time; and then tie went hack in the forest to try his own voice. Finding it in many points like the raven’s he immediate­ ly decided in favor of (lie raven For some time after Ibis the nightingale moped about with drooping wings, seeing which, the raven, to torment her, asked if «lie was not satisfied with the judge’s deci-ion. it is not that, which causes me so much regret; it is to think lliat we had a jackass for a Jud’ the way, wouldn’t Congress help matters to treat the subject in the same way M ind Y our P’ h .—Persons who pat­ and fit out a exploration party? We ronize papers should pay promptly, for like to ask questions occasionally, you the pecuniary prospects of the press know. have a peculiar power in pushing for­ To K ill B edbugs .—Ono recipe is; ward public prosperity. If the printer Take five cents’ worth of quicksilver, is paid promptly, ami his pocket-book kept plethoric by prompt paying pa- and the white of one egg. Beat the trout, he puts his pen to Hie paper in egg to a froth and add the quicksilver. peace, his paragraphs are more pointed, Brush upon the places where the in­ he paints his pictures of passing events sects frequent. Make the amount of in more pleasant colors, and the peru­ the ingredients according to the sur­ sal of his paper is of more pleasure to face to be brushed over. Another: his people. Baste this piece of prover­ Saturate the premises, furniture and bial philosophy in some place where clothing with a mixture of two parts turpentine and three parts kerosene all persons can perceive it. oil. Then apply a match to the arti­ cles thus treated, and the result will r-iCThe^oitional Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley ,V Rulofson lor the best J’hoto- lie to ciuse the liedbugs to disappear. graphs in the United States, and the Vienna Insurance companies di; not wholly in­ Medal for the best in the world. 429 Mont­ dorse this latter plan however; but ev­ ery plan has Its disadvantages. gomery street, bau l raiicisvo. « T reatment of A lkali L and .— Several months ago the Westminster Grange forwarded to Prof, llilgard, of t lie State University, a sample of strong alkali ground. He analyzed it and wrote that tiy using from GOO to 1,000 pounds of gypsum (land plaster) pci acre, "the alkali could be overcome. File sample sent for analysis was from ¡and that would not produce anything, md W. G. McPherson, who furnished the sample, concluded to experiment oil the same land lie took the sample from. He sowed plaster on a piece al the rate ot 1,000 pounds per acre, and secured a very fine stand of corn from the piece plastered, while all around it on the very same kind of laud, planted and cultivated in the very same way, save only the gypsum, he lias nothing —not even a weed. And yet we are tol«l “plaster won’t help it.” The grange appointed a committee to ex amine and secure samples from the r< - port© I deposits of gypsum in this sec­ tion. They found some in the Santia­ go C'linon, which has been sent to Prof, llilgard for analysis. Should it prove the real article we shall be able to get all we want for use on our lands at a merely nominal rate.— Anaheim (iazi tie. ORIGIN or rill' hlin.KIM HHEEON. It is an Interesting study to con- sider the various breeds of fowls and note their origin. Tireir names arise from some other peculiarity in their form or appendage. For instance the Dorkings are named after Dorking in England; the Black Spanish, or as they are otherwise known, everlasting lay­ ers,after Spain; the Polands came from Poland; the lloudans, (pronounced Iloudor), from Houdan, France; thd Shanghais are named after Shanghai in China; the Buff and Partridge Coch­ in Cliinasalso take their name from Cochin China; the Siberia or Russian fowls, from Russia; the Waylays, Ja­ va, Columbian?, Barbarvs, Dutch fowls, all from their respective countries. Phere are also the Guilders from Guil­ derland, Holland; the Bolton grays and bays from Bolton, England, and the Shakebag, named from the fact that they were carried to cockpits iii bags which the owner shook as a chal- 1 nge for some other bird. There are many others, such as tho Creve Coe- urs from France, silky fowls from Chi­ na and Japan, Hamburgs, Leghorns, Brahma Pootras, all of which indicate whence they are named. Then there are creepers, a small variety of the Bantams, with short legs; the jump­ ers mentioned by Buffon, another of diminutive races, are so short-legged that they are compelled to advance by jumping instead of stepping. Rump­ kins, or tailless fowls, came from the wild breed of Ceylon.— American Stock Journal. “P oor and P roud .”—Young tneu out of business are frequently ham­ pered by pride. Many young met» who go West take more pride than money, and bring back all the pride, and no money at all. A young man who “works for his board,” no matter what honest work he does, has no rea­ son for shame. A young man who* 1 * cuts the bread of idleness, no matter how much money he has, is disgraced,- Young men starting in life ought to tim first of all to find a place where they can earn their bread and butter, with hoe, ax, spade, wheelbarrow, cur­ rycomb, blacking brush, no matter how. Independence first. The bread and- '•ut'er question settled, let the young man do his duty so faithfully as to at­ tract attention, and let him constantly’ keep^his eyes open for a chance to do better. Halt the poor proud young men, and two-lbirds the poor discour­ aged young men, are always out of work. The young man who pockets his uride, and carries an upper lip ns stiff as a east-iton door step scraper, need not starve, ami stands a good chance- to become rich. — Ilunw Sentinel. P runing F ruit T rees .—Much* butchery is committed by unskillful hands under the delusive idea that they are judiciously pruning. A young orchardist told us a few years ago tb it “in the thorough pruning ho gave his apple trees tile previous spring he had cut off more than he left on.” Is it ¡my wonder that the orchard re­ fused to bear any considerable quantity of fruit for several years? A skillful prutier, by taking a glance at a young tree, can easily see what buds should be removed and what should be left, and can prune it with liis thumb-nail so that the tree will require little more care for the season. Trees managed thi-? way will have few large limbs re­ quiring to be cut away. Sometimes a> limb is cut oil’ leaving a stump two or three inches long on the tree. Aside from the unsightly appearance, such a wound can never heal over. If it is necessary to remove a limb, it should be sawn off as closely as possible to tho stem and then smoothly trimmed off with a sharp knife or chisel. B rine to P reserve B utter a Y ear .—Among the many devices for teeping butter in a manner that will preserve the fresh rosy flavor of the new, with all its sweetm-ss, is the fol lowing, from the Duchess farmer, which is said to be entirely successful: To three gallons of brine, strong enough to hear an egg, add a quarter of a pound of nice w hite sugar and one I tablespoonful of saltpeter. Boil the brine anti when it is cold strain care­ fully. Make your butter into rolls, ami wrap each separately in a clean, white cloth, tying it up with a string. Pack a large jar full, weigh the butter down, ami pour over it the brine until all is G et a scrap book; and when you find submerged. This will keep really an article in any of your papers which good butter perfectly fresh ami sweet you deem valuable, a recipe for some­ for a whole year. Be careful mil to thing yon may need, or any other mat­ put upon ice the butter that you wish ter to which you may wish to refer to keep for any length of time. In I hereafter, cut it out, and put in your summer, when the heat will not admit scrap fiuok. Keep it classified as best of small jars, take large ones, and, us­ you can, so as to render it easy of refer- ing the same brine, allow it to cover i enee, keeping all the recipes at one the butter to the depth of at least four place. You cannot conceive, if you inches. This excludes the air, and an­ have not tried, it how valuable and swers as well as the first method sug »practically useful such a book will be- gested. I come in a few years. The book doea not cost much, and thp time taken in T he trade in alcohol and alcoholic i cutting out and pasting in will ¡my spirits is suffering great depression largely. Try it. It is beset by many difficulties, among A C abbage W urm R emedy . — which are: The discovery of petroleum, Make a strong solution of lime-water, the large increase in tho European manufacture of alcohol, the decrease of pour it over the cabbage in tlie even­ the use of that article in American ing; if tlm lime-water is made strong, manufacture, the greatly increased con­ there w ill Is» no live worms left that sumption of lager beer, and the estab­ the water touches. Last fall I had a lishment of that great industry, the nice patch of cabbage infested with growth of American wines ami bran­ the* worms. After trying all other dies. Previous to the discovery of remedies I could think of, I resorted petroleum, a very large portion of the to the lime-water, and, to tell the alcohol made in the United States was truth, expected to find my cabbage turned in’o burning fluid, or used as a cooked next morning; but I was agree­ substitute for the more expensive ani­ ably disappointed next morning t-» mal or flsh oils. In the manufacture find the cabbage green and bright, and of alcohol this country had once almost tho worms lying all over the patch, an exclusive monopoly. 4 dead as a Uuor-uair.