jr • 1HIIKF UE>riOX. i 1‘I üsomi , Noris. I Copp’s Hand-book of Mining Liw F rom E llensburg .—The stormy DEMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. -.in..»I 1 be in the hands of everyone in- Jas. Drum has luiurned from a trip •lays the first week in March will ever A Democratic Convention for s Jackson Anck Saturday, March 30, 1878, • ek Duncan, plying between San Fran­ Tin* last iasu<> of Hie T imes , a» also (trass growing finely. C ounty C ourt .—The April term of I Point yesterday. at 10 o'clock a . m ., for the purpose of elect­ cisco and Ellensburg, having on boird I this one, contain more local news than School election Monday. the Protrate and County Commission­ i ing eight delegates to attend the State Con­ Oscar Kilbourn, U. S. Gauger, went several citizens of the burg and a full vention, to l>e field at Portland on April 10, ever before presented in a uewspapvr i er»’ Courts will be held next week. Monday is All Fool’s Day. to Phcvnix Tuesday on business with cargo of supplies, was overdue 39 Is?*, for the nomination of a Congressman, published in Jackson county. state and District oilicers; and for the fur­ the distillery there. A G ood S howing .—There are few, i County scrip taken at par. ther purpose of nominating one state Seuis- hours, and serious fears began tube en ­ W. G. Kenney started to Roseburg two Representatives, together with a if any, counties in the State which ap fI County Convention to-morrow. Win. L. Neil was over from 1’igle tertained for her safety. For two days tci. county ticket, and for the trail action of all (hi* week with Cardwell’s four-horse portiou as much school money, per Thunder aud lightning ou Sunday. , team, taking a load of drummers. Point Tuesd iy and reports Hie streams j the eyes of Hie people had beeu turned oil» 'buvinos that may properly come be­ fore ii. I capita, as does Jackson county. This in that section as being very high. toward the “raging sea,” expecting The sei eral precincts will he entitled to District school recommeuced Mon­ They went rat Josephine county. : at least «.(ic 0<- ,‘irate. andigal son to the Hendricks am! those who favor the jierpet- S unday S chool . M eeting . — A a first-class threshing-machine for sale. Walter, in charge of Billy Thompson, house of his father tau-es much wa I- uation of Democratic principles and rebuk­ ing the Presidential steal, are cordially in­ Tlie greenback movement at Eagle meeting will be held at the M. E. ing ;>n I g:ia-..i ig of teeth in the ranks vited to participate in the precinct meeting». A general re-opening of schools oc- Point is managed by II. T. Severance, aeeomjianied him. By order ot the Democratic Cot'iity Com­ Church on next Mojiday evening, at 7 c urs throughout the country Monday. a Republican. The proselytes are few F. IIEBER, Clii.irman. O n the R ampage . — Greenback ol the Ph li i es They-ee th-* flesh- mittee. o’clock, for the purpose of re-erg miz- C has . N ickell , Secretary. pots, for which they were.so eigerly Rev. M. A. Williams will preach at ami fur between, and even these seem C<»x, who did yeoman service in tho ilig the Suuvlay School of said church. gra ping, disappearing from their view, I Republican cause two years ago, is out theM. E. Church on Sunday morning prone to return to their first love. Form and Feature, I An election of officers will be held and md the haunts that once knew them Unless associated with good teeth, arc shorn next. again in the same business. He is Considerable ground has been work­ the Treasurer’s report for the last year kn jw them no more, for they rent their of half the attractions they may otherwise S. C. Taylor this week sold a span of ed this season in the Fort Lane di: r - now a rampant Greenbacker ami en­ will be presented. All persona inter­ gar uents an I have gone their several possess. Bearing this fact in mind, use SO- ested in the Sunday School are invited horses to a buyer from California for gings, and the proprietors seem san- deavoring to infect Applegate and vi w lys. Verily, travail lias s< ized them i ZoDGNT, which will prevent your teeth $300. i gtiine of good results. The supply of cinity with his eccentricities. His last from losing theirvhiteness. and will render io attend. effort was on Missouri Flat, where be and they now sit in sackcloth and ash­ th< m «potlcss if sj^cked and discolored. The The place to got your horse and water is still fair and prospects good. F ine N ugget F ound —A nugget is reported as having expressed him­ es. For first chapter of lamtntatiot.s tint and hardness of coral are imparted to jack bills printed is at the T imes The jury was discharged on Friday the gums by this incomparable preservative weighing four and three-quarters it>s. self in favor of calling in all the bonds, on return of the wayward prodigal office. ' last, since when little has been done and lieititifying agent, and the breath is was found in the claim of Helms, Kos­ bank not< s, etc., and dividing them I turn to last S< ntiuel, in which Wt'liam, rendered fragrantas honeysuckle by its use. The delegates from Leland precinct i in the Circuit Court, tho equity cases ter A Co., on Foot’screi k,l:i-t Satnr ’ay. equally. Very liberal, forsooth! There toe centurion, unbosoms himself in an It is safe, besides Ireing effective. Sold by now engrossing the attention of Hi* are instructed for Sam. Steckle for As- The piece contains some quartz, but is druggists. are plenty who are w illing to be count­ agonizing manner. Honi r, Judge Prim, and the attorneys. worth several hundred dollars in gold. sessor. ed in on such a ¡imposition, Cox’s of- SOCIETY NOTICES. J. W. Palmer, father of the missing C ompany O rganized .—The Rogue Herman Helms, one of the proprietors, D. J. Ferroonnd lady, of Lakoconnty, forts in beball of his Republican em­ went down yesterday and will bring it celebrated their china wedding the boy, was in town this week. Ho i- plovers are not attended with much River 1 Lydr itilic Gold Mining Com hrksomilk Grange Xo. P. of IL, in search of his son’s where ibout , and p.my was organized at Canyonville on Holds its regular meetings every two week* to town. Another nugget weighing other day. .success, however, as only two 1 >emo- in our advertising columns publishes tho 19th. W. F. Brigg* was elected i at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Jacksonville. ¿42, besides some smaller ones, have Moore’s dancing-school at Ashland crats in the precinct are supposed to C. MINGUS, Master. a card concerning this mysterious mat ­ President; E. A. Chase, Secretary; and been picked up iu the same claim re­ closed with a pleasant soiree on Friday A nnie M iller , Secretary. iiiive contracted the greenback fever, 1. N. Muncv, Superintendent, The t ter. cently. evening last. and they only having it in a mild form. I (Irreoii Chapter Xo. 4, R. A. M., I placer mines of the company are locat- The hydtaulic of Ennis Dimick H eavy R ains .—Rain commenced Holds its regular meetings monthly or» The blockade on tho Union Pacific P omona < : range .— The Jacksonville ed between the mouth of Hog creek Tuesday evenings of or preceding each full ass, falling Sunday evening and continued is over and Eastern mails arrive reg­ on the dry diggings near Grant’s P District Pomona Grange will meet in and Jump-off Joe, and over 160 acres moon, al 7L o’clock. Companions in good ig still running, though we learn the standing are invited. steadily throughout the night and a ularly again. pressure is not sutlicient for ali prae odd Fellows Hull on Thursday, April of ground. From what can be learned J. E. ROSS, High Priest. portion of tho next day. The streams, J. W. Collin*, ot Tablo Rock, hae a 4th, at It) o’clock A. M. In conse­ the mines prospect well, there is plen­ ! M ax M vller , Secretary. tical purposes, the cement being quite already lull, were raised to a great tine horse of tho Suffolk stock that is quence of the severe storms prevailing ty of water and a good dump. hard. Table Rork Encainpinriit Xo. 10, 1.0. 0. F. height in consequence, the smallest much admired. at the February meeting preventing a more Golds regular sessions in its It is a general supposition that not being fordable for sometime. Chris. Hall, Odd Fellows’ Building, in XV’ork on tho Enterprise ledge on rain h is fallen since the first of full attendance, business of importance H ave you seen the llreakfast Table, Jan- f Weiss, the Brewnslxirough mail carrier, Jacksonville, Oregon, on the 2d Alt! ou-e creek, Josephine county, has u try than during the same spice of wa d ferred in ti the April met ting, ' one of Hie brightest ami most sparkling and lih Tuesday evenings of each and every compelled to return Munday, be­ month. All sojourning Patriarchs are cor­ 1 been suspended. lime in the past ten years, The installing the ( iTicers and work in the humorous newspapers in existence? It dially invited to meet with us. ing unable to cross Grillin’s creek at A tine stock of Spring millinery ju-d ground is also soaked to SILAS J. DAY, C. P, greater tifili degree will be attended to at this improves with every number, and Geo. Cooksey’s. Other streams were K aspar K i rli , Scribe. meeting. Members will please be makes friends wherever it goes. The received by tho Misses Cardwell. depth. also higher than they have been this prompt un timi“. lireakfasl Table may be had through r Winter. The wdera have receded Give them a call. Eh. Dimick, of Grant’s Pass, receiv­ J ohn S. H errin , Master. , any newsdealer, or specimen copies can Call at Matt. Dillon’s and “smile.” ! ed $101) for capturing Skelton, who since, however, but ure quite high yet. I ■ tie obtained by addressing E. P. Brown Ho keeps nothing but the best brands murdered Brown at Canyonville. R eal E state T ransactions .— •O ur G old P roduct .—C. C. Beek­ ! & Co., publishers, Cincinnati, Ohio, of liquors and cigars. * Skelton waived his right to a prelim­ The following transactions in real os­ man has handled over ¿16,000,000 in and enclosing postal stamp for return Fred. Grob, who had his leg broken inary examination and now languishes iate have been recorded since our last gold-dust during his twenty-five years’ I postage. in jail. report: residence in this place, and estimates on Alder gulch Tuesday, was brought to town Wednesday. Candidates are becoming as thick Sciioot. M atters in J osephine — Hugh Robinson to James T. Robin­ that as much more passed through the as bl ickberries in Juno, and tho Con ­ Wo learn that Ben Sachs will soon son, 160 acres on Evans creek. Con­ J. M. Smith, School Superintendent ol hands of other buyers, This enormous vention will have any amount of ma ­ Josephine county, writes us that the sideration, sótto. amount of bullion was the product of vi-dt this section in tho capacity of a terial to select from to-morrow. “ The “ blawsted dwuminer. ” J. S. Howard to C. C. Betkman ct apportionment of the county school AMD MARBLE WORKS the mines of Jacksou and Josephine offices are inadequate to the wants ol al., four-fifths interest in the Daven­ fund was made on tho 18th. Number Win. Il ay’s fine Percheron stallion counties, which still luruish a great the people.” port quartz ledge on Jackson creek. of scholars reported, 708. Total fund, Ho! Unto All Who Thirst! stretch of mining ground that has nev­ died the other day. Ho is supposed ■ Thos. Chapman, a son of Win. Chap­ Pro rata, $1.184. There I coin, $838.20. Considerai io u,$5. er been worked and only awaits the to have been poisoned. man, of Kerbyville, killed two bear COME YE UNTO are fifteen school districts in the coun­ introduction of capital to make it yield It is expected that tho Emoline last week with his Henry rille, He A pproaching C ompletion .—J. S. ty, and an increase of 69 scholars is re­ forth it golden treasure. Hydraul Quicksilver Company will declare a THE SODA SPRINGS ! Howard, superintendent of Klippel, ported. found them together, and only one re mining is destined to be one ol dividend next Summer. shot for each was necessary, The lad Hanna A Co.’s digging*, was in town i * AND DRINK WITHOUT the leading industries of Southern Ore- » Q uarteria ’ M eeting .—Tho reg­ Kahler & Bro., of tho City Drug is only 16 years of age. this week. Wo learn that he expects gou, and a Very remunerative une, toe. Store, last Saturday received a full as- Thos. McAndrews informs us that the digging of the ditch to bo complet­ ular quarterly meeting of the M. E. MONEY AND WITHOUT DHICE ! A P rosperous ¡S eason .—The min , sortment of new goods. he has lost very few sheep during the ed aboqt tho loth of April. Messrs. Church will bo held at Phoenix on ing industry ol Jackson county has not The Republicans will hold primary inclement weather. Ho says that Klippel, Hanna and Wilson will stait April 6th and 7th. All are invited to HUIE UNDERSIGNED is now KEEP- 1 ing the Soda springs House and, having W. li uri bit kt , Pastor. beeu so prosperous fur years as ut this meetings tomorrow. The Convention where th • proper attention was given for that destination next week, intend­ attend. repaired and retitn-d ’ lie same, is now pre­ and plenty of hy its timely Use in the in each of the various school districts California Street, Farming in the valley is also taking a throat ami lung disorders throughout t! ecouuty on Monday next illness of M. R. Fletcher, one of the al our hands. Read the advertisement makes it an invaluable remed v of to children, be kept JACKSONVILLE, OREGON new start and promises to become re­ alwatson handinev<.Ty home, No person first residents of Jacksonville, Con- elsewhere. Jas. Mann, who is engiged iu the munerative. ini-«, wild the people can alfoni to ho without it, and those who hat (i mice used it never will, From their FI i A e UNDERSIGNED HAVE NOW ON learning and practicing nabils ol econo­ i’l-h business on Rogue river, will salt sumption, that in idiom enemy of T hat little clique of political under­ knowledge of its composition and effects, 1 hand the most complete and l,e.*t stock my, is a sure indication of the usher­ down a considerable quantity for this mankind, his made such inroads upon l’h.v leians use t he <’m;mtY 1’ ectohai . ex­ takers headed by Turner, Ross A. Co., i his constitution as to make his stay on <>1 millinery goods ever brought to Jackson­ ing in ol an era ol pro-penty fur South­ market. tensively in their pra-lice, and Clergymen ville, consiting ot recommend it. It is absolutely certain in earth short indeed arc frantically endeavoring to infuse a ern Oregon. its remedial effects, and will always cure Superintendent Farlow will hold u I Jesse Applegiteand B. F. Dowell littlo lite into the defunct Republican where cures are possible. For sale by all 11 ATS. I JO N NETS. S till M ining .—A diligent search public examination of applicants for are engaged in a wordy warfare over carcass. They are quite abundant ut dealers. I Flowers, ribbons, laces, neckties, gloves, for the whereabouts of young Palmer, teachers’ certificates iu this place to the May bond affair. Jesse publishes present and a post-mortem report may Theo. Winters of California offerii to run collars and cult's, etc., etc., which we will who suddenly disappeared from W his­ morrow. Mollie McCarthy a two-mile heat race tor sell at low prices. a long letter in last week’s Tiu.- nile heat race lor $5,(MM), ky gulch, Josephine county, is being J. E. Beggs brought a couple of which he denies Dowell’s charges < f against any competitor. Sewing Machines for Sale. instituted. Several vunllicling rumors scrapers from R iseburg last Saturday. fraud, and says he lost his money in a M ired D own .—The stage from the BORN. We have on hand a number of the cele­ as to his whereabouts are in circula­ They are destined for uso on the , mercantile venture. south got stuck iu tho mud in Justus’ brated Howe Sewing Machines, which we tion, but cannot be traced to any au­ county roads. By the telegraphic tariff just adopt­ lane yesterday morning, and the other (STEPHENSON—On Jackass creek, March will sell cheap tor cash, or exchange for 2.>th, to the wife of W. C. Stephenson, a grain. thentic source. John Hicky, of Wil­ son. Jas. Tobin, of Lake county, was in ed a message of ten words will be sent stage arriving on the scene soon after MISSES 1>. A M.CARDWELL. liams creek, who has been detailed to town tho other day and reports the to San Francisco for $1, to Portland shared the same late al-o. They extri­ BILD make a thorough search, was in town Winter in that section as nut having for 75 cents, to Roseburg for 50 cents, cated themselves after considerable de­ LAST CALL! STEPHENSON—Outlie 25th inst., the in­ and to Yreka for 4u cents. This is a Wednesday aud informs us that the I een Were. tani daughter oí H. B. Stephenson. _______ reduction of 50 cents in the first in­ lay. supposition is that the ¿outii has been rUHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY GIVE J. E. Beggs’ teams arrived with stance and 25 cents each in the balauce. L notice to all those indebted to them, IlciiiNO the closing years of his remarka­ foully dealt with. State Treasurer s Eighth Notice. eithe r by note or book aceoimt, to come for­ ble career, the late Emperor Napoleon Ill. good loads from Roseburg on Saturday B. Robb, formerly a resident of Jack­ was a martyr to that dreadful malady, stone Mr. Palmer writes us that his son ward at once and settle their accounts liefore STATE OF OREGON, Ì the la-t. He says the roads are in a bad 15th day of April next, or their accounts in the bladder or gras el, and his days were TREASI RER' s < >1 EICE, sonville and once in charge of the started from home on F« bruary 25th will be placedin the hands of an attorney shortened by thepamtul <>|>eraiioii io which condition as yet. Salme, March 15, 1878. district school, is back from a three tie submitted in order to its removal. Had yoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT for forced collection. We mean business, as last to chop wood for a lady living Superintendent barlow on Saturday years’ sojourn tn California. Mr. Robb he know n of the old, simple and popular JA t hero are funds on hand for the pay- our books MUST lie closed. three miles distant, since when noth­ FISHER A CARO. remedy, Frose’s Hamburg Tea, he might be mem <>t state warrantH ot old issue , viz: 610, ing has I teen heard of him. 1 lie cuuu la-t turned out two new-fledged ped­ says the rain-fall in the Sacramento -iliiii-on the French throne. It is an effec­ 029, • (¡.is», i-.o, (ill. nl 1, (¡37 •>!•», li|s, (¡19, (¡51, (¡.'>.‘>, (¡.>(i, P. S.—I will offer for sale all my house­ (¡t,n. tj 658, (¡(¡(I, try adjacent has been scoured, but no agogues ill the per.-ous of L. G. R »ss valley was 68 inches up to the time he tive agent for the cure of this distressing 957. (>5s. • ¡•>L (>»>.'>, (¡7, •»<>*, bii!1. hold and kitchen furniture and a first-class complaint, it taken m season — beiuic lUe i ’ nieiesl v ill ■«as« ir<>m t his da;e. piano. All those wishing a bargain will do trace of him cau be k*uud. aud Ubas 1 ’ rim. » He is looking at our minus. * tormatioii becomes tuo hard. well to give me a call. A. FJSHER- I left there. A H. BRtN, state Treasurer. I w rii<* Spring-s NEW MILLINERY STORE! I