4hr ïDcraotrafit âimrs. • ) FRIDAY, Windy this week. .MARCH 1, 1S78. Bi ing on your job-work. I I Roads improving a little. ¿EMOCRATIC COUNTY CONVENTION. Plenty drummers in town, A Democratic Convention for Jackson county is hereby called, to bo held at tho Court House in Jacksonville on l’hoeuix has a dancing-school. March “comes in like a lion.” Saturday, March 30. 18T8, lit 10 o'clock a . m ., for the purpose of elect­ ing eight delegates to attend the State Con vention, to be held at Portland on April 10, l-7s, for the nomination of a Congressman, Stale and District officers; and for tlie fur­ ther purpose of nominating one State Sena­ tor, two Representatives, together with a county ticket, and for tho trim action of all other business that may properly come be- foro it. 9 . The several precincts will be entitled to at least one delegate, and one delegate addi­ tional for every 25 votes, or fraction thereof (.f ia votes, cast for Hon. L. F. Lane in IS76, to-wit; _ , Votes for Lane. Delegates a .. 95 Ashland . • > «> ... 50 A pplegate 1 .. «5 Big Bulle. s 1 1«’ V inn 4 ’rí‘í‘lc................ .... 12. o Fools Creek....................... 16. 1 Flounce ll'K'k............. .... 6. »> < • rant's Pass...... ........ .... is. 10 J acksonv ilio................ ....2'21». • ) •h> I .... t>7. o Manzanita................... ..... 34. 3 Rock Point.................. ..... 4S. 1 sterling......................... .... 9. . 5 Tafile Rock................ ..... 92. • > i tiiolitOWîi................. . .. 29. •* Willows springs......... .... 44. Spelling-school died»in its infancy. 1 his season has been hard on sheep. I he politician is becoming interested. Mails from the south comiug agaiu. I he butcher-shops are uow furnish­ ing fine beef. F. Breckenticld will enlargo his stock of goods. Total number of delegates....................... 50 l’rimarv meetings in the various precincts for the election ot delegates to the < ouiity Convention will be held at the u-tial places of voting on S aturday , M arch 23, ls7", at one o’clock »*. M. All persons who voted for Tilden and Hendricks and those who favor the perpet­ uation of Democratic principles and rebuk­ ing the Presidential steal, are cordially in­ vited to participate in the precinct meetings. Bv order ot the Democratic County Com­ mittee. F. HEBER, Chairman. C has . N ickell , Secretary. l*IRS(»N VI. NOIES. An alarm of fire was sounded on Sat­ urday last. It proved to be tho chim- 1 Thos. F. Beall starts for Illinois ney of A. Marks’ residence burning next week. out. John Cimborsky returned from Link- The waters of the various streams ville this week. have receded considerably. The min­ I M. Baum ami lady, of Ashland, have ers have an ample supply yet, how­ gone to New York. ever. Mrs. Daniel Cronemillcr has gone on Thero was a ball on Butte creek one a visit to Fort Klamath. evening last week, at which pugilistic The genial Thatcher left for home encounters proved the leading amuse­ Tuesday morning, after a brief sojourn ment. among us. We learn that a law office will be Henry Pape, who has been confined opened at Phoenix by E. LaSalles. Our would-be seat county is certainly with rheumatism for several days past, is out again. progressing. The M. E. Sunday School will soon receive a new library. The wool outlook for the coming Spriug is encouraging. J. II. Penn has gone to San Francis­ A Bashi Bazouk came to grief on Saturday last, Marshal Helms bring­ co to lay in a stock of goo’ds for Bil­ i ing his warlike demonstrations to a ger’s hardware store. J. R. Cameron is expected back from sudden close. Scotland this month. He is bringing More rain fell during the past week. The season has spent its force, how­ some blooded dogs with him. Dr. D. A. Covert will erect an office ever, as the storms are not so heavy aud residence iu Phueuix. I and protracted. The apportionment of school money i We have just received somo new will be made next Monday. ! cuts and are prepared to print burse One dollar will pay for tho^ T imes and jack bills in the best manner and until after the June election. on short notice. Leander Neil atnl Mr. Stubbs wero Ash Wednesday on tho 6th. April down from Ashland Friday. [ 21st is Easter Sunday, which will close Jay Beach has recently completed a the forty days of fasting observed by ueat residence at Fort Klamath. the Catholic Church. G. \\ . llolt has recommenced oper­ I*. W. Oiwell, the new proprietor of ations on his proposed brick hotel. the Phienix mills, is putting up a new Thatcher A Worden will build a uow store al Lankvilie next Summer. j The moderation in tho weather is favorable to those constructing ditches. j Several parties were over from Butte N ot R eady Y et .—The Sterling I creek tn attendance ou the Klock trial. I Company will probably not commence The Bear creek bridge lias been pul operations until the first of next week. ■ in safe condition by Supervisor Beall. Republican primaries on the 30th, A rm D isia »C ated .—A. son of Tho-. with the county uuuwutiou on April Gilson had his'arm dislocated at the elbow joint last Saturday by being 6th. ' Dr. Zephyi ear-rings are both flashy and thrown from a fractious horse. popular. The larger the more etlec- Danforth is in attendance. live. D isciiarged .—Henry Klock, of An­ Wo aro un ler obligations to John telope, was this week arrested on com­ Uimbotoky lor a liuy Klamath Lake plaint of Jos. Hess, charging him with trout. branding cattle not his own. He had Duan Claike, the leeluror, will visit a preliminary examination before Jus­ this eectiuu as soou as the roads im­ tice Kent, who discharged him. prove. fcicuouL C ensus .—lion. Henry Klip­ Fi.-her Caro may be found at N. pel, School Clerk, has just completed Fisher’s store ready to receive what is taking the census of this school district due them. and reports 399 children entitled to Kuapp, Burrell A Co., of Portland, si^il money—a no perceptible iu- elsewhere advertise the'‘best plow tu crease. Of this number 210 are girls the world.” and 189 boys. A beer-keg bursted in tho Railroad G1T.1.RNA 1' >RIA L M ENTION.—Our saloon Tuesday evening. Sponluueous fellow town-man, U.'C. Beekman, is combustion. brought to tho trout a-a R- publican Gin Liu is running his hydraulic candidate for Governor. Beck, would near Uniontown ou appireiitly iirst- lilt the oilice with great dignity; but it cla-s gravel. is doubtful whether he will consent to David Cronvmiller ex' •i utos all work the immolation that awaits him aud in his line in ¡he best manner and at his compatriots. the lowest rates. A F ine A ffair .—A largo turnout graced the ball given by tho Social Club in honor of Washington’s birth­ day. Tho music by Messrs. Brown and Hull was unexceptionable, while Madame Holt excelled herself as the caterer fur tho occasion. The event •was a very pleasant ono throughout, festivities continuing until early morn. A V ai . cable W ork .—Our friend Jay Beach, ot Fort Klamath, sends us a neat pamphlet containing a history of his tine thoroughbred stallion Alta­ mont and his progenitors, as also a val­ uable treatise on breeding the trotting horse. The work is gotten up in good shape and is an interesting production. We shall refer to it more extensively hereafter. C oming .—NV. C. Myer will be in town on the 19th with his Shetland po­ nies and remain a couple of days. These diminutive beauties are four in nuinlitT and weigh from 210 to 400 pounds. Mr. Myer will start for the Willamette the last of the month, tak­ ing White Prince and Pride of Perche with him. Gen. Fleury will be taken below about June 1st. The rumor that White Prince has been sold is erro­ neous. Mr. Mver has never had any iuteutiun of selling him. R eal E state T ransaction .—The following transactions have occurred einco our last week's issue: H. F Barron 1: as sold A. g T Rix-kfvlloU- L' 0 arrrs in A>iii receiving >•»,••( ) therefor, 1 to XX n Joab Rotori on lias transit* region < and C. XX • Da I •r 1 mi acres in 10. Evans’ creek t r in sells certain John H. N Ashland previ J. II. K ed h is conyeye lai! to- mien <■11 \ the Squaw Fike diU'li ano intimi^ to J. Hawthorne, J. K. kelly, C. B. Bei­ linger anil XX’. XX . 1 haver, ot I ortland. Patrick Donegan lias -old to Jae<>)> I 290 acres in Manzanita pr< einet t<»r.>>< Henrv 1 Klippel, H. K. Hanna and Jam«- A. XV »Iso» ii have transferred to J. ( . Haw- B. Bellinger. XV. XV. Thayer and thorne, .1. K. Kell lv seveii-twellths intere.-t in the Squaw I .a tke ditch and mininu claims in om- biderution , of the sum Of $ll.:si.(»5, the amount c> prise. J. E. Beggs hauled a load of hy- ilraulic pipe to Klippel, llaiiua A Co.’s diggings yesterday. We have just printed a large supply of ironclad uotis, which will be dis­ posed of reasonably. The parly at John McKay’s last Fri­ day evening was an enjoyable affair, being largely uttended. F. M. Nickerson is conducting a laige school in |>enmansi)ip and arith­ metic on Butte creek. A meeting of the Republican Coun­ ty Committee has been called by the Chairman, Geo. Brown. The miners on Galice creek are rush­ ing matters aud expect a long aud profitable mining season. A two-w heeled baruacho is tho fa­ vorite vehicle used in skimming over the “sticky” now-a-days. Copp's Hand-book of Mining Law is the standard authority. Send $ 1 to the T imes office and get one. Parties from tho Black Bear mine, Si.-kiyou county, Cal., are in this soc- lion at present buying mules. Dr. Callender and family, formerly of this place, now of Fort Colville, W. T., are expected back on a visit ere long. Jacob Wagner, W. C. Myer and E. K. Anderson wero in town yesterday, giving depositions in tho Anderson creek injunction suit. I ’ I ■ Too M any R oads .—What we now bewail is a lamentable lack of means by which to transport our surplus pro­ duce. Yet, with this evident dearth of egress, no less than half a dozen projects of roads to the Coast ure being agitated by zealous advocates, each claiming superiority for their particu­ lar route. Of course such a diversity of opinion and lack of concert in action is productive of no good and will be fatal to all in the end. Wo must know what wo want. The best and most practicable route should be ascertained and a united effort made to securo its construction. This is the only method of overcoming the disadvantages un­ der which we are laboring, and tho sooner this fact is appreciated the bet­ ter will our mutual interests fare. Sec- tional and individual interest must be laid aside, for the more universal the benefit produced by any one road so much greater is the argument in favor of its adoption. N otice to T ax -P ayers .—The un­ dersigned, Sheriff and Tax Collector of Jackson county, hereby gives notice to tho tax-payers that the time for set- tlcment is ripe, and, unless iminedi- ate payment is made, costs will l»e added. J. W. M anning , Sheriff. D uring the closing years of his remarka- >>lu career, the late Emperor Napoleon HI. was a martyr to that dreadful malady, stone in the bladder or gravel, and his days were shortened by the painful operation to which he submitted in order to its removal. Had he known of the old, simple and popular remedy, Frese’s Hamburg Tea, he might be sitting on the French tJirone. It is an effec­ tive agent for the cure of this distressing complaint, if taken in season—before the formation becomes too hard. V arious causes —advancing years, care, sickness, disappointment and hereditary predisposition—all operate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely. A yer ’ s H air V igor will re­ store faded or gray. light and red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as is desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action, and removes and cures dand­ ruff and humors. By its use falling hair is checked, and a new growth will be produced in all casus where the follicles are not de­ stroyed or glands decayed. Its effects are beautifully shown on brashv, weak, or sick­ ly hair, to which a few applications will pro­ B utte C reek I tems .—A Browns- duce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its operation, it is in­ borotigh correspondent, under dulo of comparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and richness of tono February 22d, writes: it imparts. It contains neither oil no.r dye, A protracted meeting, conducted by and will not soil or color white cambric; yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it fresh Rev. Mayfield, of Ashland, has been and vigorous. For sale by all dealers. L. Orme and Silas Draper called Tuesday. They report water plenti­ carried on here for the past two weeks, Jf-CThe National < iohl Medal was awarded Bradley A Rulofsoii lor the best Photo­ ful in the vicinity of Foot’s creek and closing on last Wednesday night. to graphs in the I'nitvl States, and the Vienna Several conversions have beeu made. Medal for the best in the world. 429 Mont­ the miners as very busy. The rites of baptism and the institu­ gomery street, San Francisco. M. Ohenchain returned from Jose­ tion of a United Brethren Church MARRIED. store-house and getting things in shape phine county this week. Ho reports will be concluded on the 1 Ulh of March. ! plenty of water and a large number of BUN YARD- WORLOXV—On Feb. 17th, by for next season’s run. Elder A. Miller, .Jr., .Jas. II. Bunyard and A large number of sheep have died sheep dying in that section. Dean Bros, and Gus. Hesse havo Miss Rena Worlow. struck rich diggings in the Willow Hon. Henry Klippel and J. S. How- in this vicinity during the late inclem­ B R ESS I. E R—B EI J< N A1 ’—On Feb. 15t h, by Elder A. Miller, Jr., J. H. Bressler and ent weather. J. R. N. Bell and A. C. Springs district. They took out $-100 I ard came in from Squaw Lako this Missi'ora A. Belknap. j week. Everything Is progressing Howlett have lost nearly one-half of on a short run recently. BORN. ________ ’ finely there, though tho inclement their flock of seven hundred. McMa­ Smith, Courtn y & Wtisman arc hon A Ftcko have lost upward of a -At Uniontown, February l!»th, i still operating night and day in their weather has caused some delay. of XX’in. Cameron, a daughter. hundred, and many others have met Butte creek, February 24th, to shaft on Rich Gulch. They seem sat­ I. O. G. T. I nstallation .—At a with similar disaster. N. Ficke, a -«in. isfied with the prospects. regular meeting of Rogue River Lodge T he G reat L ubricator a N eces ­ * DIED. Lakeview aspires to Masonic and No. 275, 1. (). G. T, lieht Saturday, Odd Fellows lodges, dispensations to February 16th, the following officers sity .—While tho theological conflict \VI Ls< »N—At the family resi'lcncu, mi Feb. 2->tli, Rebecca, wile of Jesse Wilson, aged that effect having been prayed for by were installed by Wm. Savage, L. D.: on the existence of an infuruo waxes S2 years, 2 months ami 3 days. warm, we hope that those who are af­ members of those orders. Diomas Haymond, W. C. T.; Miss A laud-slide occurred in the English Charlotte Schi» ffelin, W. V. T ; C. firmatively convinced will not forget Company’s diggings at Galice creek Schieffelin, W. F. S.; Mrs. 1). N. Bird- to step up to the T imes office and set­ FGR MARSHAL. the other day, occasioning considera­ sey, W. T.; Wm. M. Colvig, W. S.; tle. This idea, that is unfortunately The undersigned submits himself as a becoming very widespread in Oregon, ble d image by Ims of sluices, etc. candidate tor re-elect ion to the otlice of Mar­ Mi-s Add io Birdsey, W. A. S.; Miss that it costs nothing to keep a news­ shal, sui»jfs‘t t > the decision of the voters at Owing to the high water in Califor­ Lizzie Schieffelin, W. M.; John Field­ the ensuing town election. ADDISON HELMS. er, W. D. M.; Morris Savage, W. C ; paper, and that publishers furnish the nia and damage to the railroad, mails i news for simple amusement and glory, from tho south have been scarce, . No Alex. Orme, P. W. C. T.; Dick Schief­ FOR STREET COMMISSIONER. must be eradicated. Heli or no hell, felin, W. 1. G.; James liirdsey, W. interruption north now, however. I announce myself as a candidate for tho camels may live without water, chick­ office <>f Street < 'onnnis-ion«i’, subject to the W. A. Childers, of Sam’s Valley, in- (,). G. ens without brains or toads without decision oftlie voters of Jacksonville at tho forms us that there has been a large T he Sentinel feigns surprise at the air, but newspapers cannot be run ensuing town election. W.C. GREENM AN. immigration to that section, nearly all county seat question being agitated ■- — • *----- ♦—— without the great lubricator—coin. FOR STREET COMMISSIONER. the vacant laud having been taken up. just before each recurring election and T ubes B urnt .—The Yreka Journal G eorge H. Yoe ng announces himselfas J. E. Beggs made an attempt last innocently (?) wonders who it is that a candidate tor re-election to the office of says the tule lire at Little Klamath week to cross Applegate with his continually moots it. None are better street Commissioner tor the town of Jack­ sonville, subject to the choice of all those team, but, after nearly swamping him­ qualified to answer that enigma than lake some two weeks ago extended a citizens who feel -ati.-th-d with his efforts in self, po-tponed hia voyage until Mon­ Bro. Turner himself. Well he knows distance of 15 miles up and down the that position during the past year and such lake in the vicinity ot Linkville, and ot her.- as may have no ot her choice or may day. that political bacxs, unable to explain feel indifferent in the matter. originated from burning somo titles at The fashion of bedecking the face their position and suffering from a lack Dorris’ placo in Siskiyou, to clear SOCIETY NOTICES. with black patches, one that obtained of electioneering capital, make this a the land for cattle. The fire burned several hundred years ago in Europe, favorite hug-bear to scare up at the op- Jacksonville Grana1 No. P. of II., about six hours, and had it not been is ab >ut being revived by young ladies portuue occasion. For further particu­ Holds its regular meetings every two weeks lars, see Republican platform of 1876 for a snow storm prevailing at the at Odd Fellows’ Hall, Jacksonville. in Jacksonville. C. MINGUS, Master. time, the fire would havo I een more A nnie M iixek , Secretary. The Esther Mining Company has ' P robate C ourt . — Tho following extensive, as there had been very lit­ let its mine and mill in Josephine business has been transacted in this Oregon Chapter No. I, K. A. M., tle rain in that section to saturate the county to S. NV. Crane and J. Ragsdale Court since our last report: Holds its regular meetings monthly on dry tules. t ues-l.iv evenings of or preceding each full for one year. Mr. Ragsdale is an ex­ In tho matter of the estate of Joseph Cox, moon, at 7L o'clock. Companions in good L iberal . — The Greenback State deceased. M . A. Houston, administrator, perienced minor. standing are invited. tiles his petition to sell real properly belong­ Central Committee is composed of a J. E. ROSS, High Priest. Five Trustees, a Recorder, Marshal, ing to said estate. Ordered that said peti­ M ax M uller , Secretary. tion be heard ou Tuesday, Api il 2d, aud a certainly liberal set of men. They al­ Treasurer and Street Commissioner citation be issued to the helis of the estate. low this county six delegates in their Table Kock Encampment No. HI, I. (I. (I. F. will be elected next Tuesday. The H. F. Barron, guardian ot the minor heirs ot Minus Walker, tiles his inventory of their State Convention—one for each vote Holds regular sessions in its polls open at 10 o’clock A. M. and estate, showing the same to be $6,933.33 in Hall, Oild Fellows’ Building, in real eslate and ÿs,320.61 in personal effect*. cast for Peter Cooper—while Lake and Jacksonville, Oregon,on the 2d close at three I*. M. Josephine, though casting very few, it ami 1th Tuicsday evenings of each ami every II. M. Thatcher says the brilliant P rofessional .—I>r. E. O. Smith, any greenback votes, are allowed one month. All sojourning Patriarchs are cor­ dially invited to meet with us. light seen in the east one evening re­ dentist, of Albany, Oregon, will be in SI LAS J. DAY, C. P. and three delegates respectively. Ev­ K aspar K uhli , Scribe. cently was occasioned by burning tules, Jacksonville on or about the middle of idently “honors are easy” with them. an immense number of which were de­ I March and remain two weeks—that is, C orrect .—The Salem Mercury evi­ stroyed at that time. if he receives engagements enough Tho remains of Mrs. Wilson, who the first few days of lus stay to justify dently knows whereof it speaks when died on the 2oth ult., were buried iu him to remain that length of time. it says “Jackson county was the only —OF— the Jacksonville Cemetery the follow­ Refers to W. C. Myer and Judge J. C. county in the State which gave an in­ creased majority for the Democratic ing day. A concourse of acquaint­ Tolman. > 1CW <-<><>!>? PEEAS- Miller was 7S years ul ago aud his lady 1 ure in announcing to the public t hat lie to organize a dancing-school on Tues­ Read the advertisement. has just received a complete and tirst-elass . —♦------------- —— assortment of Gent’s Furnishing Goods, day evening last; but, as no definite I. O. R. M. N otice .—All members two years older. Town election next Tuesday, Can- preliminaries had been made, no or­ didates are not as abundant as they ganization was effected. Hu will try will tie for Hie county offices. again^ ihecountyse.it question will be a Judicious advertising is not merely major one tn the approaching political one of the results of an improving bus­ campaign in Josephine county. iness, but, as is now almost universal­ leka Lodge of Red Men dedicated ly conceded, is one of the most potent their new hull at Yreka with impress­ of those agencies that promote au im­ ive ceremonies on February 22d. provement in trade. Madame Holl receives the mautfold Rev. W. Hurlburt and others have ble-.-ings ot ye htmgiy printers for a been holding a protracted meeting in bountiful supply of cake aud wine. Heber’s Grove, which is still progress­ 1 hos. Cti tviii r has sold his band of ing. Certain persons have been di-turb- ing the assemblages and the assistance Angoras to partie- ou Applegate, re- 1 of the authorities has been invoked. ceiving $S a head for them, we learn. Hon. W. W. 1-idler, of Josephine Religious services at the M. E. I Church next Sunday morning and county, called ou us Saturday, He evening, Rev. W. Hurlburt officiating. says everything is quWt iu that sec­ tion, though progressing steadily, T he The Presbyterians of Ashland have miners have an abundance of water decided to build a church, operations and tin- farmets, though still weathur- upon which will soon be commenced. ' bound, are uot al all discouraged. LATEST ARRIVALS of Oregouian-Pocahoutas Tribe No. S oli ».— II. P. Deskins has sold a 1, Imp. O. R. M., in good stand­ half interest in the Enterprise mill ou ing, are requested to be present at the Rogue river to parties from Empire tirst regular council in this month, on city. 11. B. Brophy disposed of his -pecial business. ranch on Red Blanket to the new com­ By order of the Tribo. pany. E. B. W atson , C. of R. F ire —The cabin of Rev. S. McCal­ H orses for the W illamette .— lister, of Butte creek, was destroyed by Jes»y B. Thomas and Joel Dixon, of fire one day last week, lie was ab­ the Meadowe>, will start in a few days sent at the time, and it is supposed for the Willamette, taking with them some campers accidentally set it afire. a band of fine horses for that market. M ining C i . aim S uit ».—b. C. Carter A F irst -C lass P aper .—We now has purchased 1 Ims. Keaton’s interest welcome to our table ttie San Francis­ in certain mining claims on Jackass co Chronicle, tho most enterprising as and Poormau’s creek, paying $600 well as one of the best papers on the therefor. Coast. Lung may it prosper. B ro . T urner and Ruth Rebecca C oin tv Cot kt .—The March term has e taken our t use in hand. \\ e of the Probate ami County Commis­ hope they will oville it oatiolactoiily to sioners’ Courts will be held next week. ttieiusvl Wo. such as Hats, Shirts. Un-lei wear, etc.; liest brands of Cigars and Tobacco; Pipes, No­ tions, l-'aney Goods. Glassware, Cns-kerv, Musical Instruments, Bird Cages, Station­ ery, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Albums, Toys, Candies, Nuts, etc., w hich will lx? sold at the cheapest rates. Give me a (•all and see for yourselves. GOOD WORK AND LOW PRICES! —AT— Frey’s Boot and Shoe Store, < ' a li f < > rn i a S i re et , Jacksonville, Oregon. aving permanently located in Jacksonville, the undersigned re­ spectfully informs the public that he is prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot and shoo making line. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. GFORGE XV. FREY. H JX l'.RX description of Ciitlerv for sale JOHN MILLER. 1 J cheap by LL kinds of ammunition for sale bv JOHN MILIJ'R. \