The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 25, 1878, Image 3

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•V í!
No connection south as yet.
JANUARY 25?1'7v
Il tads are liecoming very bad.
('<•1. Reed ha< g »ne to Althouse.
To B usiness M en . —We are pre­
pared to furnish the celebrated iron­
clad note in any quantity at San Fran­
cisco rates. They are the best in use,
being rapidly adopted everywhere.
Plenty of snow on the mountains.
M ineral P atents .—The following 1
Judge Prim, now attending the Su­
preme Court at Salem, was indisposed is a list of the patents issued for min­
lust week, but has again resumed his ing claims in J ickson and Josephin (•
scat on the Bench.
eon nt ies from July 26, 18G6, to Au-
Jacksonville Stamm No. 143, U. O. gust I, 1877, whi h we take from
R M , has installed Ils ollleers, they “Cupp’s Hand-book of Mining Law*:”
being substantially the same as during
The revival at Phoenix has closed.
the previous term.
St. Valentine’s Day next on the list.
Judge Silers, of Kerbyville, is over
Paymaster expected at Ft. Klamath.
on a brief visit. He has closed his
R eal E state T ransactions .—B.
The Board of Trustees meet this mill for the present, the wheat supply
Ellinore has sold his farm in Manzanita evening.
being about exhausted.
precinct to J. II. Mayfield for $2,000.
There are five feet of snow on the
No one interested in mining should
Haskel Amy has sold to Silas J. Day Siskiyous.
be without “Copp’s Hand book of Min­
a parcel of land in Manzanita precinct
Chewaucan has a school running; also ing Laws.” Send $L to the T imes
for $235.
a blacksmith shop.
otlice and get it at once.
C i F anged H ands .—Judge Day has
The late wind storm blew over some
Pugilistic exhibitions are dear amuse­
purchased the parsonage of the M. E. houses in Ashland.
ments in Jacksonville. It cost one
Church South, at Ashland. The Church
about $22 to pay his respects to
Frank Abell has leased a photo graph
has bought a place at Phoenix, where gallery in Portland.
another one day last week.
the resident minister, Mr. Hardison,
Hon. W. W. Fidler, of Josephine
A-hland has decided not to build a
will hereafter reside.
county, called on us Monday, He re
school-house at present.
ports the miners at work and every-
A notiier W ater S lit O pened .
A fine stock of diaries for 1878 just
thing progressing steadily.
— Voluminous depositions have this received by Kahler «£■ Bro.
week been taken by Clerk Foudray in
Geo. E. Strong and Arthur Langell
Tolmau’s diggiugs on Middle creek
the case of E. K. Anderson rs. Jeptha
left for Portland on Monday last.
are said to prospect finely.
Davisou A Co., a suit to enjoin the lat­
They go on land business, and may ex­
ter from using the waters of Anderson
tend their trip to San Francisco.
this week, attending to business.
creek for milling purposes.
A handsome tombstone has lately
Dr. Aiken informs us that Capt. Mc­ been erected in memory of the late
W. C. M yer ’ s I mported S tock .
Call, of Ashland, is convalescent.
David Phipps. It was contracted for
—W. C Myer, of Ashland, called on
the deceased before his death.
us last Saturday. He says he will
bring down his recent importations for visit to relations at San Rafael, Cal.
Work on the Grave creek mining
the inspection of the public. Mr. My­
ditch is progressing. One mile has
er is sail-tied that he has imported has been suspended for the present.
been (lug, and the company expects to
something that will prove satisfactory.
\Vtn. Bybee has returned from strike paying diggings ere long.
Portland, aud is now at Galice creek.
There has been a washout between
H igh W ater .—R. L. Ish did not
Prof. J. M. Tiernan camo up from Allen’s and Pit river, on the stage road
arrive fiom Josephine until yesterday
Doon, being altout sixteen hours behind Josephine yesterday aud is in tuwu. to Reading, and the rivers are also
time. Heavy raius have fallen, which I
Everybody is invited to seed items very high, though subsiding now.
raised all the streams to a great bight of local importance to the T imes of­
and made them almost impassable, fice.
Hence bis delay. The weather has
Summer Like has two schools in
full bla-t, taught by Messrs. Gray and
S keleton F ound .—While setting
The late storms have furnished the
out trees on bis ranch, three miles
above Bybee’s ferry, Thus. Curry lhe miners considerable water aud set them
other day unearthed the skeleton of t* to work.
Three converts to the Baptist Church
burit d a tew iuches below the
Nothing could bo lound by were baptized in Bear creek on Sun­
which to identify him. Ho had evi­ day last.
dently lain there for sometime, as
St«‘ps are in progress for the organi­
his b* n s" were considerably decayed. zation of a spelling-school iuitown. A
good idea.
ilo^LLUMlN.M.—Jacksonville seems
Charley Howard has gone on a road
to have an uuusual crop of hoodlums at
expedition to Butte aud Ev-
j resent, who should be summarily
cheeked in their wild career. Every ; ans creeks.
now aud then we bear of some ol their
^..isdeeds, winch are not at all calcu­
lated to add anything to their reputa­
tion. Uuless parents lake enough in­
terest in these wayward youths to cor­
rect them ere it is loo late, it is only
to be presumed that the otlicvrs of the
law will lake the mailer tu band,
This is mi utf or that should be attend-
ed to at once.
— - ' ■ —
B ogus N ugget .—Last Saturday a
stranger called at Bilger’s haidware
store aud exhibited what was supposed
to be a nugget of gold, which he de­
sired to sell. The clerk, J. II. Penn,
weighed it and gave him $18 therefor,
without first examining it. Shortly
after the “miner” had departed Mr.
Penn tested the metal, und found
it to be nothing but a piece of molten
candle-stick. Search was immediate­
ly instituted and the miscreaut fortu-,
Lately found, who disgorged the mon­
ey. “We can’t sometimes always
tell” what won’t be done now-a-days.
R unaway . —As Hon. W. W. Fidler
was coming dowu the Crescent City
bill, south of town, ou Sunday last,
the tougueof his buggy dropped down
and caused the vehicle to ruu upon the
horses, frighlenii g them so that they
suddenly jumped forward and threw
Mr. Fidler and all off the grade. For­
tunately, the lugs, with the exception
of one, became unfastened, and the
horses had uo trouble in getting louse
and coming to town. Mr. Fidler es­
caped with slight injuries. One whif­
fle-tree was broken and the harness
damaged somewhat, further than w hich
nothing was injured.
L edge F ound A gain .—While the
Webfuot ltnigu at Biowutuwn, Jose-
pbine county, was being worked by
one J. G. Kelley sometime ago, the
vein was suddenly lost. Dick lsh now
informs us that Prof. J. M. Tiernan,
the new euperintendeu^, again found
the ledge, which is about three feet iu
width and supposed to contain good
r.A'k. Unfortunately, there is liable to
be some delay in operations, as Major
Hampton, oue of lhe leading men con­
nected with the enterprise, died at
Portland recently, which may necessi­
tate new arrangements. Mr. Tiernan
»ays Kelley understood little of lhe
work he undertook, having none of
the apparatus necessary for working
the ore. He believes the ledge will
pay under proper management, which
we hope may be the case.
Burglars are migrating this way
from the Willamette. Get your shut-
guns ready.
Chas. Baird informs us that the
miners on Jackass have plenty of water
and are busy.
Johu Green left for Arizona lhe oth­
er day, where, we learn, he will set up
as a merchant.
E. J. Farlow has formed a partner­
ship with Dr. Inlow in the drug busi-
uess at Asbiand.
Mr. llall, formerly a resilient of
Willow Springs, has returned after
many years’ absence.
Johu Carter and wife came down
from Ashland this week and will re­
main with us awhile.
Galice Creek District— J. II. Reed,
et al., placer; W. H. Ellinger, et al.,
hydraulic claim; N. Thoss, et al, hy­
draulic claim; Jas. Steel, of of., pla« er.
Sailor Diggings District— Hyacinth
Carron, et al, placer.
The Singer is kept constantly on
C. L. Wolters’ appointment as su­
hand by David Linn, agent. It is not perintendent of the Lucky Queen mine
to be beat in any particular.
was not confirmed through some mis­
A. B. McIlwain, formerly of Waldo, understanding. The company holds
Josephine county, has gone into the its annual meeting at Riseburg to-
baidware business at Albany.
Col. J. II. Reed and J. S. Howard
Those indebted to the T imes office
came over from Klippel, Hanna & Co.’s
are requested to respond immediately,
diggings Wednesday, They report
as we must pay our own bills.
matters progressing finely, The late
State Treasurer Brown elsewhere storms have delayed operations some­
advertises that there is mouey on what.
baud to redeem certain warrants.
The Sterling company, through its
Frank Eunis, lias giv­
Capt. Jackson and Lieut. Moore have
been appointed to act as inspectors on en notice to Thos. Gilson and others
not to dump tailings on its ground.
property at Fort Klamath, Oregon.
The latter sjem inclined to test the
Attention is called to the new adver­ lagality of such an order.
tisement ui James Vick, whose seeds,
J. Walz has handed us a copy of the
plants, etc , are universally renowned.
Weston (Mo.) Commercial, contain­
The Stage Company has put on a ing the marriage notice of John B.#
swing team between Yreka and An­ Mundy, inanager of a clotbfcig house
derson’s ferry, with Geo. Chase as dri­ of that place, and Miss Amelia Over-
heck, formerly of Jacksonville, Tb ey
A pleasant party occurred at Dan were married ou the 11th ult.
It is when a dry goods clerk of
Fisher’s on Friday evening last, which
was well attended. Tbo supper was ninety-seven pounds weight attempts
to help from a farmer’s wagon a far­
pounds weight, that
No mails from the south and tele­ mer’s wife of 203
the reporter seats himself contentedly
graphic coiifiuuniiniion with Portlaud
on tho curbstone and waits for the ca-
being interrupted has caused a dearth of lastrophe. And we sometimes wait
, telegraphic news.
i not iu vain.
The International Klfle Match.
Few, if any afnong the many thousand
who witnessed the brilliant shooting of the
California team, during the recent contest at
Creedmoor, knew to what they were large­
ly indebted tor their coolness and steadiness
of nerve. Old Californians, who are fanriU
iar with its sedative properties, will not lie
surprised to learn it was owing to the judi­
cious use of Frese’s Hamburg Tea.
iiCTlie National Gold Medal was awarded
to Bradley A Rulofson tor the best Photo­
graphs in the United states, and the Vienna
Medal for tlie best in the world. 429 Mont­
gomery street. San Francisco.
Jacksonville Grange No. 88, P. of IL.
Holds its regular meetings every two weeks
at O<ld Fellows’ Hall. Jacksonville.
('. MINGUS, Master.
A nnie M iller , Secretary.
Oregon Chapter No. 4, R. A. M.,
Holds its regular meetings monthly on
Tuesday evenings of or preceding each full
moon, at 7L o'clock. Companions in good
standing are invited.
J. E. ROSS, High Priest.
M ax M uller , Secretary.
F rom G ai . ice C reek .—A
spondent of the Mercury, under date
of the 11 th, writes:
'i'lio bachelors of this place had a grand
dinner on Christmas at Sanders'Hall. Ev­
erything passed off pleasantly, and they en­
joyed themselves as only a crowd of jolly
bachelors can.
The gravel mines suspended operations
during the holidays, on account of tiie scar­
city of water.
; We have been informed from a reliable
| source that Isaac (ox. of this place, and
formerly a member of the Legislature from
Josephine county, is writing a new book
entitled •*('athohci.Mii in America,” in which
he intends to make an attack on Hon. L.
F. Laue and the Catholic Church in general.
There eame very near being a tire at By­
bee A Co.’s arastra the other night. Two
men who worked on the night shift took a
half gallon jug ot whisky into the mill, and
by m.dnight were beastly drunk. While
they weic in that condition the smoke-stack
caught lire and was with ditliculty extin­
The Galice ('reek Total Abstinence Socie­
ty was organized January 1st, with lour
T he S torms .—The past week or
two has been the occasion of heavy
wind, rain ami snow storms, especial-
ly in Northern California. In this sec­
tion considerable rain has fallen, while
snow fell to quite a depth on the high
mountains. The heavy rains have
raised the rivers and washed away
railroad bridges between Reading and
Tehama and also cut up the road be
tween the former place and Yreka.
As a consequence, but two mails in over
a week have been received from
the south, although the northern mail J
There seems to he a determination arrives regularly. The snow is ah«> |
upon the part of all saloon keepers to very deep between Butteville and
keep minors out of their places of bus Strawberry valley, which will throw
iness. We are pleased to note thia the stages away behind when the
heavy mails do come, It may be sev-
John Callaghan, who has a band of eral days before connection will be un­
sheep on the hills northeast of Plan- interrupted again.
nix, says the present Winter is thus
M en say they cannot afford hook-
far favorable for stock, He has not fed and sometimes do not even pay for
any as yet.
their newspaper. In that case it does
We have received the Amer ican them little good, they feel so mean
Agriculturist micros« ope from Orange while reading them. But men can af­
Judd Company, New York, and find il ford wh it they really choose. If all
all that it is represented to be. It is a the money spent in self-indulgence, in
handy affair.
hurtful indulgence, was spent in books
and papers for sell-iiuprovetiihnt, we
quartz mine, located in Josephine should see a decided change. Men
county, will hohl a meeting for the would grow handsome and women too.
election of directors at Roseburg on The soul would shine out through the
February ’ 23d.
eyes. We are not meant to be mere an­
We have just received a fine assort­ imals. Let us have books and papers
ment of new job type and printers’ and read them, and sermons and heed
stationery Mud are better prepared them.
than ever to furnish first-class job
I. o. O. F.I nstallation .—John A
work at low rates.
D. D. G. M., ou Saturday even
John and Newt. Shook have re­
turned to Like county, taking with ing last installed the iollowing officers
them the fine Lexington stallion “Nat,” of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10, I. O. O
whom they purchased of James A. F., to-wii: Daniel Cronenyiler, N. G.;
J. II. Penn, V. G.; 8. J. Day, R. S.;
Caldwell, of this place.
Rev. Either Blanchet will receive F. Luy, Treas ; John Miller, P. S.; W.
sealed proposals until the first of March J. l'lymale, Warden; T. B. Kent, Con.;
next for the muilding of the Catholic K. Kubli, I. G.; John Hockenjos, R.
Church at Eagle Point. See his ad­ S. N. G ; Chris. Ulrich, L. S. N. G.; P.
Boschey, R. 8. V. G.; J. H. Hyzer, L.
vertisement elsewhere.
V. G.; E. Band, R. 8. 8.; Jos. Wei­
F. M. Nickerson will shortly organ­
ize classes of penmanship and laconic terer, L. 8. 8.
J. D. Fountain, of Ashland, is now arithmetic throughout the county.
i in business on his own account, having He is an adept in the business and
guarantees .satisfaction.
(»ought out A. D. Helman.
McDonough, Kahler it Co. are neg»-
The best brands of wines, liquors
and cigirs may be found at Malt. Dil- Bating for the bringing in of a water sup
ply to the Fort Lane diggings, If suc-
lou’s. Call aud try them.
cessful, a very rich piece of ground
Rev. M. A. Williams will hold re­
will be worked for a time.
ligious services at lhe M. E. Church
Jos. Saltmarsh last Saturday i n fi ir in­
on Sunday morning next.
ed us that there is considerable enow
The rough weather has kept the tel- in the neighborhood of Sterling, but
! egraph attaches busy for several days little water as jet. There is probably
past iu keeping the lines up.
a change in affairs by this time.
O regon E nterprise .—It is gratifying to
be able to announce that true merit is al­
ways appreciated by our Western people.
T he W est S hore started as an illustrated
p qx>" liearlj- three years ago, mid now
lhe largest circulation of any paper in the
Pacific Northwest. Ils engravings are ar-
tistically executed, and the article ■. are well
and carefully written. It is one of that
class of papers w hich etn sa* ly be admitt­
ed into the family circle, lhe publisher be­
Coyote Creek District— O. Jacobs, ing especially careful not to admit any arti­
cle or advertisement which would be likely
et al., placer.
to offend the most fastidious. For 1878 T he
Jackass Creek District— Win. Hoff­ W est S hore has been greatly improved
and adorned with a magnificent new head­
man, et al., placer; J. A. Wilson, et al., ing! Every issue consists of 16 large size
pages, tilled with the very choicest reading.
It is a publication that every resident of the
Jackson Creek District— John Orth, Pacific Northwest can feel proud of. As
the subscription price is but $1.50 per year,
every family should subscribe for it," and
Sterling Creek District— Goo. Yau- those having friends in the Eastern States
should send them a copy for a .year. Any
des, et al., placer; Thêodoric Cam- one sending $2 will receive the paper for
and will also be furnished with six
eron, et al., placer; Theodoric Cam- 1878,
months’ back numbers, includingth<> mam­
moth edition in July last. Specimen copy,
eron, placer.
twenty cents, which may afterwards be de­
Uniontown District— Jas. Cameron, ducted when subscribing tor the entire
year. Address L. Samuel, Publisher The
[ lacer; Robt. J. Cameron, placer.
West Shore, Portland, Oregon.
Tdbk Rock Eiicanipinrnt No. 10,1. 0. 0. P
Hohls regular sessions it its
Hail, Od<l Fellows’ Building, in
Jacksonville, Oregon, on t te 2d
and 4th Tuesday evenjngs of each and « very
month. All sojourning Patriarchs are jr-
dially invited to meet with us.
K aspar I xuiili . Scribe.
In the matter oi the estate of James Deeds.
i th«* undersigned has b<*eu appointed by
the County Court of Josephin«* «*ountv, Ore­
gon, sitting in probate at its January term,
Administrator of the estate of James Deeds,
All persmis indebted to said estate are re-
que ted to sell)«* the same immediately, ami
those having claims against the «.stat«* will
present them with 'he proper vouchers to
mt* at my residency in Leland precinct with­
T he Republicans of Jackson county, in
six months from the date hereof.
.¡(led by Mitchell and reinforced by a
Administrator ot the estate oi James Deeds.
few renegade Democrats, are planning
January is, 1878.
To A dvertisers —The T imes hav­
ing a [urge circulation in Jackson, Jose­
phine aud Lake counties, makes it a
first-class advertising medium. Ad­
vertisements inserted at the lowest
desperate efforts to defeat a complete
Notice of Final Settlement.
Democratic triumph in June. They
have been industriously engaged for In the County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County ot Jackson, sitting iu pro­
ever so long, but are destined to have
bate at its January term.
their trouble for their pains. Their as­ In the matter ul the estate of Dennis Wood,
surance is perfectly refreshing, howev­
er, and is only equaled by their des
. of said estate, having tiled in said
Court his filial account lor settlement, and
C hange in L aw .—Deputy mineral
surveyors will hereafter be required to
enter into bonds, with two or more
sureties, it) the sum of $10,000, for the
faithful performance of their duties in
the survey of mining claims under the
mining statutes. J. S. Howard, ot
this place, a first-class surveyor, h »Ids
such an appointment, and will forth­
with enter into the required bonds.
T he S terling D itch —Frank En
ni*, superintendent of the Sterling
mines, says considerable trouble is ex­
perienced in bringing Glade creek in.
He expects that it will take ten (lavs
longer to complete the Burning of that
stream. Everything will then proba­
bly be in readiness for active opera­
F rom G ai . ice C reek —James Bird-
sey came up from Galice yesterday
and informs us that the boat “Hood­
lum” made a successful trip from the
mouth of Evans creek to Bybee's ledge,
taking down the battery for the mill,
lie says the miners have plenty of wa­
llELL has got iulo most of the news­ ler now.
papers. Beecher and Cunon Farrar
C orrect .—Our Ashland cotempo­
say there is no such place, lor it would rary says Dr. Busby, the “phrenolo­
be iuhuman tu believe the conlraiy. gist,” has entered the service of lhe
With due deference to these gentle­ Lord, having formerly been a D. D.
men, we disagree with them. Hell is The Tidings is correct. Busby evi­
favorably known as the favorite abode dently was a d. d.; but that doesn’t
of delinquent newspaper subscribers staud lor “ductor of divinity” in bis
when they leave this mundane sp.ieie. case.
Nothing but a paid-up receipt from
I n the F ield .—We hear the name
this otlice can save them from the in­
of our old triend, W. F. Cornell, men­
tioned in connection with the otlice of
C apt . W allace B ound O ver .— Stale l*iinter. Wilbur is a first-class
The examination ot Capt. W. Wallace, mechanic, and none could till the posi­
fur Lire killing of Samuel Dodge m tion more acceptably than he.
Warner valley, was concluded al Can­
S ettle U p . — E. Jacobs desire.-
yon City on Hie 12lh. The deleudaiil
those indebted to call immediately and
was held lor manslaughter, aud ins
settle either by note or cash and save
bonds fixed al $1,000 lor appearance al
Hie June term ul Circuit Court, Wai-
G reat E xcitement in S an F rancisco .—
lace gave bail aud started home.
B ad B ereavement .—The second
daughter ot Bro. Nixon, oi Hie Yreka
Journal, died of rheumatic lever on
the 12th, after a siluri illness. Mary
was a bright child aud a universal la­
We sympathize with the
grief-stricken pareuts iu their incon­
solable loss.
-------- e---------
F ike .—A huuse used as a wagon­
shop, situated on the Josephine county
road and owned by a Mr. Harriott, was
burned down on ¡Saturday last, lhe
fire is supposed to have originated frotu
lhe carelessuess of the workmen, who
were drying lumber iu it.
Administrator s Notice.
The whole city in commotion, the car-driv­
ers leaving their cars, the merchants their
stores, the workmen their shops— hi tact,
everyone on the move, running with till
speed in the direction of California street.
“A run on a bank!” shouted one individual.
It proved to be a run on one ot the princi­
pal grocers lor Donnelly's yeast powders.
B y universal accord, A yer ' s C athartic
P ills are the best of all purgatives lor fam­
ily use. They are the product of long, labo­
rious, and success!ul chemical in vestigation,
and their extensive Use, by Physicians in
their practice, and by all civilized nations,
proves them the best and must effectual pur­
gative Pill that medical science can devise.
Being purely vegetable no harm can arise
from their use. In intrinsic value and cur­
ative powers no other Pillscan be compared
with them, and every jterson, ki.owing
their virtues, will employ them, when
needed. They keep the system in ¡»erfect
order, and maintain in healthy action the
whole machinery <>1'life. Mild, searching
and etfectual, I iiey are specially adapted to
the needs of the digestive apparatus, de­
rangements oi which they prevent and
cure, if timely taljen. They are the best
and safest physic to employ tor children
and weakened constitutions, where a mild,
but effectual, cathartic is required. For
sale by all Dealers.
O vol want protection? Buy a Pistol or
D knife, or bulb, of
also praying tor an order for setting the
time for healing the same, therefore notice
is hereby given that said tinal account will
be heard and determined in said Court on
Tuesday, March 5, 1878, at which time all
persons having objections to said final ac­
count and settlement must then and there
make t he same.
Published by order of Hon. Silas. J. Day,
County Judge.
E. D. FOUDRAY, Clerk.
Jacksonville, Oregon,
1 in leeeipt ot a f ull assortment of material
ami prepared to do alt work in his line on
short notice ami in a wot kmatilike manner.
\ chicles of every description made to order.
Terms reasonable ami satisfaction guaran­
Repairing a specialty.
Jacksonville, November 5, 1877.
T reasurer ' s O ffice ,
Salem, Jan. 9, 1878. J
there «ire funds in lhe Treasury tor the
payment ot State Warrants classed and
number«*«! as follows;
Warrants of old issue, payable from fund
derived from special tax, indorsed prior to
Sept. 11, 1874, viz: Nos. 42.1, 424, 425,
426, 427, 42S, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435,
436, 437 and 438.
Warrant payable from general fund, in­
dorsed since sept. 14, 1876. viz: No. 1109.
Interest on the above Warrants will cease
from this «late.
A. 11. BROWN. State Treasurer.
or. California and Oregon Sts., Jacksonville
HENRY PAPE, Engineer.
xJ gars «•onstantly on hand. The reading
tab)«* is also supplied with Eastern periodi­
cals and leading papers ot the Coast.
All Hinds cf Job Printing
The Times Office
whereas my wile, Ellen, lias left my
bed and board without just causeur provo-
cation, I will not lx* responsible for any
debts she-max- contract.
J ohn
l .
Uniontown, Jan. 12, 1878.
M orrison .
L ot lirst-c.'ass lumber of every description
at the mill ot Davis <fc Torey on Wagner
( reek, which I will dispose of for money,
horses or grain. Any bill sawed to order on
short notice.
j. 1 h H.
?VERY description of Cutlery for sale
1 J cheap by
LL kinds of ammunition for sale bv