The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, January 11, 1878, Image 3

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it Iu ^lcnwtrafit ahíles.
Pleasant weather.
Settle with the printer.
Immigrants are still arriving.
M. F. C hurch .—Religious services every’
Stages arriving earlier again.
Sunday, at the usual hours, by the Rever­
ends A. Hardison, W. Hurlburt and M. A.
Rogue river is raising a little.
Williams, alternately.
Dance at Fisher’s on the 18th.
• athoi . ic C hurch .—Divine Services ev­
ery «Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa­
E. Jacobs is confined with fever.
ther Blanciiett.
M. E. S unday S chhol —Reginar meetings
Benzine flowed like water this week.
every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.
A splendid rain prevailed yester­
C atholic S unday S chool . — Regular
nu etings every Sunday7 afternoon, at two day.
Bob Garrett has returned from San
BoAjtD of T rustees .—The regular Francisco.
quarterly meeting of the Board of
('has. Hughes, Esq., has returned to
Trustees will bo held next Tuesday Kerby ville.
evening, loth inst.
Superintendent Farlow was in town
R eturned H ome . —Hon. C. B. last Saturday.
Bellinger, of Portland, whois interest­
W. H. Shook is now stationed at
ed in the diggings of Klippel, Hanna Sheridan, Cal.
A Co., was in town last week on busi­
Jas. Lawrence was down from Ash­
ness connected therewith. He seems
land last week.
well pleased with the prospects. Mr.
IL M Thatcher returned home Fri
Bellinger’s presence being required at
'loy, ria Y reka.
Salem, he returned on Suuday last.
Little Squaw Lake had four inches
F rom S am ’ s V ai . eey .—John Size­ of ice on it la'st week.
more informs us that Rogue river was
Winter fights opened out in good
lower during the cold spell than at any
style on Monday last.
time during the Summer. He says
For a superior Singer machine call
stock is not doing as well ¡is usual, the
on David Linn , agent.
heavy frosts having nipped the early
Society7 notices 'published in the
grass. Farmers in his section have
imes at ¿5 per annum.
considerable grain in, but have not
Gus Hesse, formerly a resident cf
done m ich lately.
this section, is back again.
P omona G ran <; e .—At a meeting of
A large amount of bacou and lard
Jack-onville District Pomona Grange,
is being put up this season.
held at Odd Fellows’ Hall on the 3d, the
Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe installed
following officers were elected: J. S.
its officers on Tuesday last.
Herrin, W. M.; Tiros. Wright, O.; Mrs.
A. P. Armstrong h is charge of the
J. N. T. Miller, L.; James McDonough,
8; J. W. D »liarhide, A. S. ; E. F. Canyonville Di-trict School.
Walker, C.; J. N. T. Miller, T.; J. Ish,
A. Kreg -1 andhis string band will
Sec.; F. M Ply male, G. K.; Mr-. J. Mc­ he in Jacksonville this month.
Donough, Pomona; Mrs^T. Wright, Ce­
Jacksonville Grange will install its
re-; Miss Mary Herrin, Flora; Mrs. F. newly elected officers to-morrow.
M. Ply inale, L. A. S.
Wm. Kreuzi-r’s German school has
A n E pisode .—A young blood and re-opened ¡liter quite a v.(cation.
Items of a local n.»tore solicited from
every portion of Siutnern Oregon.
bis partner started for the party at
Beall’s |<i-t Friday night, but aad not
proceeded far when the horses became
frightened and ran away. The lad.
finding it impossible to check them,
advised the young lady to jump
ou', which he did, while he continued
on in bis mad career until the i buggy
and horses parted company, The ve-
hide was considerably damaged, but
the couple luckily escaped with a few
\ -ises.
‘•Prof.” Wood, the blind musician,
id now stationed at Red BlutT, Cal.
Ben llayinund and John Ashmead
were up from R »ck Point on Saturday.
We have for sale a qu mtity of blank
ironclad uutes, which are quite popu
Major H. F. Barron, of the Moun­
tain House, was in town this week on
R. S. Dunlap, City Sexton, hL kind­
htisme-s with the Probite Court.
ly fu ni bed us his r< port for 1877,
Mrs. P. I). Par-mis, formerly of this
wl.a-h we publish below. Although
pl tee, is managing an extensive dress­ the number of deaths is eomewhat lar­
making establishment at Albany.
ger, the public health has been, if any­
Capl. Barnes, of Goose Lake, is in thing, better than it was in 1876. It
town. lie reports stock as not doing will he obserWd that several deaths
exceedingly well in Like county.
were the results of casualties and from
The health of Southern Oregon can­ causes other than natural, while a num­
not be excelled, if equaled, anywhere. ber of p< rsons passing through this
i section are also included in the deatli
The death rate is unusually small.
Miss Irene Wri-ley, of Manzanita, roll. Hence it cannot be said (hat
who has been teaching school in Sis­ 1877 was a year of unusual mortality.
January I — David Phipps; aged 61
kiyou county, Cal., is back on a visit.
An interesting communication from years and 8 months. Disease, con-
Williams creek was received loo late sumption, interred in Town ceme-
for this issue, but will appear next tery.
January 8—Win. Boyer; aged 73
years, 9 months and 26 days. Dubin­
The Frenchman who was seriously
in I. O. O. F. cemetery.
injured by a cave last Summer is im- ty-
February 16—Geo. 11. Amy; aged 8
proving uuder the treatment of B.
months and 22 days. Memtiraneous
croup. In Town cemetery7. •
Samuel Colver informs us that a re­
April 3—John Bilger; aged 45 years,
vival is in progress at Pluenix. Rev
8 months and 3 days. Bilious colic.
erends Hurlburt, Mayfield and Martin
In Masonic cemetery.
April 6—-II. W. Moore; shot by
James Birdsey returned from
Sheriffs posse. In Town cemetery.
river this week, and says the
Apiil 13—John S. Burnett; aged 88
cold weather caused general
years, 11 months and 10 days, De-
tion there.
bility. In Masonic cemetery.
The attendance on the District
May 4 — Emma E. Caton; aged 25
School is unusually large and constant years, 2o days. Epiiep-y. In Masonic
ly increasing. The number enrolled cemetery.
May 16 — Lew is Roloson; aged o
this week was 246.
In Town cemetery.
We are pleased to learn that Henry
•J uly 9 — Jami-B D. Hayes;
Blecher has recovered from his recent
misfortune and will probilily7 arrive years. (' meer. In Town c
July 28
: — F. M. Williams;
home in a few’ days.
years. Hereditary syphilis,
A party of young folks fr.un J tek-
sonville will attend spilling school at cemetery.
.July 29 — Peter Ottershach; aged 52
the Willow Springs school house m xi
years Suicide, lu U. O. R. M. ceni
Wednesday evening.
The extremes of the san Francisco
July 29 — Herman Kirmsey; aged 5n
wool market ¡ire IF» 21c., this stupit­
years. Killed in an afTray, In Town
being held firm al prices within ili-
range of these figures.
July 29 — Mrs. J. Ellen I-h; aged 51
Ruth Rebekah Degree L< »dge bai
rear-, 9 months and 17 days. C’<incer.
an interesting meeting M eld 1V e Vf In I. O (). 1-’. cemetery.
ning last.
After the in-lull it i m a
July ¡10 — W. M. Henderson; aged
-pletidid collation was *| ■prend.
- < yeir-an l 5 mouths. Typhoid fe-
John A. Boyer le.ivei ì tor K'Ubyvil.i'
I i 'Town cemetery.
to-day and will in-tall the newly elect
<ugu I 16—James A. Stewart; ag< d
ed otli 'cis of the <M 1 F«dloWs l idge a
years. Consumption. In Town
Hint place to-morrow evening.
A new org iniz »ti in, reveling in the
oi “ The Doughnut-,” is agi
tilting Jacksonville at pre-ent. It 1-
The Pre-byterians of Ashland pro­
purely feminine in con-tiucihin.
pose building a church at an early
The late frosts fr «z • up t'm er«*.
amt ditches, which W» r«»ed much it
The best liqti >rs and finest <-igars al­ convenieiice to the miners, exn iusUn
ways on hand at Dillou’s. Give him a
their already slim water supply.
The la-t enlertainm» lit given by tii
ReV. .1. II. Skidmore preached in
R igiie River lLamath-Troup ■oceuire
the M. E. Church on Sunday evening
at R ick Point, instead of al S i liieitiiu’
school'll iu-e, <m New Year’- eve.
A heavy rain occurred on Wednes­
John CimLorsky iuiorms us that
day night, which was quite welcome
the weather was mild at th«* 1 >.'.i vei
to all.
creek cinnabar mines upto the Iasi
Several new advertisements of im­ of December. He returned \\ i-dne--
portance appear elsewhere.
Read day.
The party at Thus. F. Beall’s was wa ll
Hunting for deer and bear i< a favor­ attended, over 50 tickets being -old
ite pastime with tlie citizens of Big A pleasant time was had, the supper
being one of the features of lhe eVen
Slight showers h ive fallen this week, ing.
which h id the »tfect of thawing out
“I’npp^s I land-book »»f Mining La w -”
lhe ground.
should be in the hands of everybody
F ine M onument .—J. II. Skid­
more, of Ashland, as^i-ted by7 Mr.
Franklin, this week placed into po-i
tion tin- monument erected in memo­
ry of John Bilger. It i- a fine piece ot
work, bet! g tm- ujob I sul»>taniial that
bits as yet l»eeu put up in Southern
Oregon. The shaft is over thirteen feet
high, of Italian maible, and rests on a
ba-e of sandstone. The design is el­
egant, tlie ornamental work beirg
both hand-nine and appropriate. It is
a piece of -kill that n fleets credit on
the mechanic who conceived it—Mr.
Lit. and I tems . — A correspondent
of the 1 IML-, under dale of Jauuaiy
2d, write-:
Little waiter for miners, and every­
thing frozen up.
Al. Slurge- informs us that the pros­
. r look
at Sterling
quite favorable
B r»—On Dccemb'r 29th, to the
it present.
wife of D. G. Brow ning, a .son.
John Woo l, of W
\l Irew Tru-tee has caused quite an
t »wn this week. He
temeiil by finding a good pro-pect
on < '»yote creek, above lhe prim ipai quiet theie.
County Court was
mines. He panned out between three
week. Seveial R »a 1 Supervisors imide
and four dollars in a short time.
E. (•. Browmii g, of Douglas county, their rep »rts.
Chris. Weiss now crosses By bee’s fer­
has -pent a few days among us ex mi-
mu g the gravel beds belonging to the ry with the mail. Capt. Fly still man­
Ri-ttigSlar Mining Company, ot w hich ages t he boat.
Wm. Taylor, of Ashland precinct,
he is a member, mill returned home
down this week on business witfi
well phased with the prospects.
the County Coin t.
A 8 vd C ase .-—Geo. H. Anderson,
Jacob W -g 1er, of Ashland, was in
a young num well known iu this sec-
'ion, was found »lead in his cat»in at town Monday and reports everything
quiet in that pl ire.
Citlouwood, Siskiyou county, (Cal.)
The Western Union Telegraph (’orn­
on New Year’s morning, with a rifle-
ball through his heart. Some are dis­ pany ami (). A C. Stage Company ila ve
posed to believe il a ease of suicide, dissolved relations.
The wife of Pony7 Stephenson died
but others doubt it, as no cau-e can
be assigned for the commission ot the on the night of the 8th. She had been
rasti deed. Anderson hud iH^en | res­ ailing for sometime.
ent at a party just previoJfsly, and
Chas. Schjultz started this week for
seemed to be in a pleasant mood,
Klij'pt l, Hanna A Co.’s diggings to
hud taken bie partner home, anil
oversee a force of Chinamen.
shortly afterwards followed by a friend
Ashland had its first Sunday School
stopping at the same house,
concert on New Year’s eve, which the
found him dead, as ubove stated. The '1 ¡dings pronounces a success.
Good Templars, of which he was one,
Ducks never were more plentiful in
took his body in charge and delivered the valley than at present. There is
it to his brother-in-law, Henry Norton, also a great surplus of uimrods.
of this precinct. The funeral took
Rev. A. Hardison will hold divine
place from that gentleman’s residence
services at the M. E. Church on Sun.
on. Saturday last, proceeding to the
day morning and evening next.
Jacksonville Cemetery, in which tlie
Some sheep are dying in various
remains were interied. Anderson Wits
nl out 25 years of age and bore a good portions of the country, principally
through latkof proper uttentiuu.
26—John II. Dillon; aged 9
d 14 d tvs. Cholera infan-
• ■r, D. D G. M , installed thè
ig olii -ers for t he elisilii g terni :
liller, N. G.; Elicti J. Rutili, V.
ie L. M. Plymale, II. S.; Trance-
rea-.; Fred. L iy, F. S; Rate
ni, R. S. N. G ; Mary D avisoii ,
1. G ; W. .1. Plymale, R. 8. V.
Miller, ('.; K i-p ir Rubli, I. G
Miss Folly Bybee, of E ist Fortl m I,
was awarded the first prize—a lady’-
work-tiox—for the handsomest ces­
luine worn at tite recent ma-querade
N ew i-APiat < ii A nge . — After a proprietor-
in that city, She personale»! a “l’o- -hip of aboiii fourteen years, I’., I ’. Dowell
ha- -old tlie .iai-k-oiiviile .X .-ihm/to Will,
lisli Lady.”
j’.vbee, of .Jackson county. '1 lie paper liere-
Post order No. 73, paragraph 2, dal- ahi-r i to l»e independent in politics.—No-
lim Shift -s/Htf/i.
ed December 13, 1877, Fort Klamath,
l'iii- evidently7 means that Mr. By­
is confirmed, directing St rgeaul Olivei bee expects to be the Republican can­
Sutherland, company B, »-t cavalry., to didate for Sheiifl, and that the Senti­
proceeil to Portland ami report to First nel will e-pecially ad vacate his claims.
Lieuti. John Q. Adams, 1-t cavalry. fi»r
the purp -e of indeiililyii g properly
T he T imes ot Jacksonville, Oregon,
belonging to company B, 1-t cavalry. one of our best northern exchange-,
The Sfar says ('. L. Wolter-,
Wi liter-, well
wel lr s entered upon it s eighth volume,
It is in a pro-perous country, is a wor
known on this Coast as a mining ex­
Ihv piper, and deserves the success it
pert, left Ro-eburg on (lie ist, in emu­ is receiving from I lie people of that sec­
pany with J. N. Baiker, lo make an tion.— Stanislaus d'al ) Aetcs.
inve-^fgation of the Lucky Queen
R eti rned . — W. C. Myer, the en-
mine, in Josephine county, Should
horse-raiser, returned from
his report he favorable the Directors of
the company will secure his services the E;tst on the 2d, biingii g his recent
I iuq oi lations wkh him.
: as cupti intebdent.
N ew 7 F irm .—It gives us pleasure to
announce the consolidation of T. A.
I)»vis A Co. and Hodge, Snell A Co.,
the two leading firms engaged in tho
drug business nt Portland. They
have hitherto enjoyed the reputation
of being prompt and reasonable, and
this consolidation makes the whole­
tai • house of Hodge, Davis A Co, one
of the most substantial on the Coast.
It w ill continue business with a large
-t o k of drugs, paints, oils,etc., at 71
Front street until the completion of
their new stores at 49 and 51 Front
st reet and 9 Oak street. We do not
hesitate in recommending this new
candidate for public patronage to the
merchants of Southern Oregon, as
they will be sure to receive the best
articles on the most reasonable terms
San Francisco dealers can Offer.
B ig B utte I tems .—“Vindex,” un
'1er date of the 3d, writes:
It ¡scold up here, but, thank Provi­
dence, we have plenty of fuel.
1 understand that Mr. I’, anticipates
giving .mother party—perhaps on tho
22 I of February.
1 he Big Butters had two free dances
during the holidays—the first at John
< ibenchain’s on Christmas, and the oth­
er at Martin Perry’s on New Year’s
night. Your correspondent was not a
pirticipant in the former ‘‘shake­
down,” but learns that it was an en­
joyable nfl’iir. At Air. Perry’s both
young and old tipped the light fantas­
tic quite lively. Messrs. Laporte and
Watkins were the violinists, and gave
goo f mu-ie. The supper prepared by
Mrs. Perry was just splendid, such as
would have done credit to any hostess.
I. O. (). F. I nstallation .—At a
-taled meeting of A-hland Lodge No.
15, I. O. O F., held on the evening ot
¡lie 5tn in-t., John A. Boyer, D. D. G.
M , installed the following officers for
the enuiig term: A. D. Ilclman, N.
G.; 1 O. Miller, V. G ; R. P. Neil, R.
.8. ; W. Mitchell, Treas.; O. C. ^»ple-
-¡aie ■, P. S.; E. DePeatt, R. 8. N. G.;
»V . T. Lecke, L. S. N. G. ; J. Conway*
R S. V. G ; L. S. Scott, L. S. \ . G.;
.1. II. Ik Iman, Warden; J. Neil, Coil.
I mport » nt A nnouncement
have ju-l completed arrange-
with < irai g • .Judd Company
\oik, whcrJ' >y we areetmliled t<
It tile 1 IM'/.', Am ri ,oi .Igricie’
and ¡t tir-t-cl is- n.icro-eotie loi
mall -um ot $1 75, to l>e paid it
ce. Tho Agrictdturisf is
ig agriculiutal journal of
i, the pi ice of w hich is
iicro-cope is useful, genuine ami
nl» d, maunlai ltired especiaiiv foi
!»• Judd Company an I is v till' d
»11. It will Ihu- l»v seen licit ex
; agp’i
1 nte-t in d o! isthl li'ill. Io lia i i id ticeoii'ii 1 - .»n- olT r«'d, .uni none
-houl 1 1 til to avail themselves of them.
( ' dll. .lidi »''li: t« r
1 1—M »'bel D.i nean; aged 7 Now is the lime to semi in y lur.-ub
-»•i I l»l ions.
in.nt hs an i 2 days. Teeth i In
W m . B yii i'. *, wui (b.uii’less realize
T.iwn UPlmetery.
•''i it. 16—Jol HI W. R ay; aged 1 that ¡i peía >1nal organ is an expensive
ve ir- , — moni h- and 5 days. Mem- luxury. Be- ide-, ii requires more than
t me ous croup.
lu I. O. O. F'. ce in e- tae fulsome ; irguments of a -ub-idiz“d
organ to <-l»»< t a certain person to an
•s 1 4. 1 6 — W. li Merriman; aged 52 office. It is import ant to lie on th»
year- , <> months and 1 3 d ivs. Con i igtit t icket ¡ it eb'cti'in-time, ;md tlial
own cemetery.
Sept. 21—Annie R. Ivory; aged 2
years. Diphtheria. In Catholic cem-
J osephine (. hia . m . o ». lection .—A
correspondent of the T imes , under
date of Wilderville, January 7lh,
Al the hist regular meeting of Jo-ephiii«'
Grange No. 17".l. 1’. of 11., the ollie' I'■ -elect
were as follows: B. F. Sloan, M.; J. \V»dls,
<».;<«. Kellogg L.; \Vin. I>r«,w n, S.; U. Well-.
A.S.; w. R IV, ('.; I'7. Burn-, T.; S. A. Bor­
ough, Sec.; ,J. Brow ii , G. K.; Mrs. Martha
sloan, < eres; Mr-. Jan«« Well-, I’oniona;
Mi— Annie Bull, Flora: Mi-s Faiinda Bor­
ough, L. A. S. The.-e otlicers were duly in­
stalled at public in-(alla:ion on the 5th
inst. by Worthy Ma-o-r l . !’. Allen: On re­
tiring from the chair Mr. Allen deliven'd a
br.el hut appropriate a«l<lress to the mem-
Iters ot the (¡range. Cuite a larg»' attend­
ance was present and a good time had.
The dinner wa- especially line.
67 ye ar-«.
S q»t 30 — Patrick II Ivory; aged 3
years, lo months and 25 days. Diph­
theria. in Catholic cemetery.
() toller 13—A. 11. C mlan; aged 46
years. Killed in ¡m affray, In Town
interested in mining. Copies can be
Oct. 28—Abigail Huston; aged 88
.-»•cured through the ItMEs ollice al >1 car-, 1 mouth and 7 days, Debility.
A a
Town cemetery.
The proceedings of the l’r»bite and
November 30 — Angela C. Wilkin-
County Commissioners’ 'Jourts ii »1 lie
on, ng d 51 years. Con umptioii. In
mg finished in time for tins i--uc, we t ’at liolic cemetery.
In -lu Img four Chinamen, the tot il
defer their publication until next
in the different cemeteries
'Tuesday was the 8lh of January, is twenty-nine.
made memorable by7 tlie immortal
KAH I nstale \ tion . —At a
Jackson in his battle with the Engli-h
meeting of Ruth Rebckah
before New Oilcans. Long m iy Hull D.
Lodge No. 4, I. (). O. F., belìi
glorious event tie celebrated!
evening of thè 7th inst., John
Cavotes are becoming utiusu illy nu­
merous and troublesome in tlie valley,
having raided on several bandsof sheep.
Due was captured by Cameron A Mc­
Cully’s hounds on S» n I iy last.
T elegraphic R ates .—It is under-
fto- 1 that the Western Union Tele-
gr <ph Company, when the details of
the recent < onsifij la*ion of linos are
i-omplfted, will e-t d»lish a t irifl, which
will »if cl a general arid gra lu d reduc­
tion ol telegrqd ie rates. Il is to t»e
effected by an altolition of the “five-
word” clause in the present tariff, ¡mil
• he substitution of a rate per word for
¡ill words in excess of ten. As it now
is, a message is paid for at a rate or
sum for ten words, and another fixed
rate for each additional five words, or
words in excess of ten, so that eleven
words cost as much for transmission
¡is fifteen. Under the proposed new
schedule the rate w ill be fixed, as now,
for ten words, and for each additional
word a given tariff, graduated accord­
ing to rate value of the lir-t ten words
The Sacramento Record lotion says it
is also understood that a material re­
duction will be made on through rates
to the East; that more night offices
w ill be estahli-hed, and increased ¡mil
economic accommodations be provided
for the public. All w hich, it is be­
lieved, will increase tho business of
the lino, and thus w’arrant the < liange-
proposed. Io this case, it seems con­
solidation tends to a reduct ion of rates.
D ivision R endered .—The follow
ii g procediings have tr.m-pired in tin
Supreme Court, now in ses-ion ¡it Si
Patrick Donegan, appi., v-.
pliv, li'-p. W livie ¡ili app. «I
v| ii it v i- t ikeii to : hi- <'<>iirt .«ml l!
elll being Illi" (ietelKlaill III tlie
tails to appear, -nell tailui'v w ii i
Cl I ¡1- ¡III :|l ■ I ll«l >1» III' lit ot t lie «1«
the appellant, being the pl:i I t I m tin
ease In
court hvlow, nriki's a i>i'nct
will b(> viilil led I» a <le«'i'ce. D«'< e below
revei -cd and decree for plaintiil i ipimoi.
be McArthur, .1.
FROM I owa .—We take the follow-
mg from the Des Moines Leader of the
22 1 nil.:
Mr. Daniel Viescr has just returned from
an «‘.\i<'ii-i\e tour in ttie west. He took in
t ;« and »ircgoiL and was filially ai-
ui'i-i overu iielined with delight of the
Itogilc ili\er Valley in Oregon, lie says
there are no failures in crops there. He
iiroiighl wah Inin oi I lie lruitsof this section,
lig-, «piince-, ahnonds, English walnuts,
grape-, ie biinehes, weig.mig six pounds,
peai-ot which .some weigh one pound and
i a■* oinces, and speeimei - oi rich iniuerals.
Mr. \ ic-er na.mally P els the westward le­
xer, and no wonder w hen one hears his re­
port ol what lie II.I- seen.
W ith the issueot Dec. 21st the Jack­
vide T imes dosed its seventh Vol­
ume. It inters upon its eighth with
, is good pio-pects it not better than at
my previous time in its history. Bro.
Nickell is a felicitous writer, and us a
gatherer of news items has scarce an
• quul in the State.— As/dand Tidings.
To W ho . m I t M ay C o . ncern .—All indebled lo Kahler A Bro. will
do weil to Bettle up tiieir accounts im-
mediately, as credit will he refused
theni after January Ist,, )878, uutil a
Settlement is bad.
Di-tiict school is in full blast."
I dea .—While Donnelly’s yeast
in wa- gixmg samples ol ms
'to I lie ta hi 11 ics ot tins place, a
i'i| hair reliiseil to have any un-
ii<l raise Her a husband, '¡tie
is a very modest man, reflected
"and then whispered hi her ear.”
all lie had.
iiiing but miriu-ic merit can acconti
ir i iioi uiou- -aies of I- re-e’.s Hamburg
lue d< iiiami T»»r w Iludí i- constantly m-
mg. The reason is obvions to all. ft
mely \eget thle preparation, imiti, yet
•u. m il- acumi—carry nig oil ail lin­
io-liom tlie system, ami imparting a
ami V : _'>r, w indi olii V those w ho hato
F or .Jo-Ei’it I n i. ( '» iunty .— Prof. .1.
M. Tieni in, the well known mining
»•Xpert, wa- io tówn last week and bdt
for Josephine county on Monday. He
lias been appointed superintendent of
the Welifoot quartz mine at Brown­
town, on which be will recommence
operat ions.
Noi hixu ■'ii'iKi <>(' miiiii.-i.tkalilü lienelìts
>uli i i < U iipoii leu- ol tJiou^amis ot sutler-
origmate ami iiiamiaiii the repuia-
■ii A\ia:'s .'. iu - ai ’ aüii . ia eujoys.
ti ponili 1 of t iie i ic-i vci'i'iahie alter­
>, Willi ile loiliUi-sof Potas-imn ami
and is he iiio-i < lL-i'iiial ot all reme-
nr ei<>1 aioli-, iiiarcurial, or blooii <iis-
.-. t I nioiii'ly succe—lui ami certain
rt'tui'd lai eii‘-<-is, a proUuces rapai ami
ures ol .'violala, Sores. Boils,
uiples, i aaiptiii'i-, skiii Di-ea-ea
■ l'iei-aii-itig troia iuipuriiy of
By a- m\ igoramig ellects il ai­
es ami of < a- care- Liver Uoin-
aa.e A’< akae— c- ¡ilei Iriegulari-
ipo.ent rel.vaer ot vi.aitly. For
ie oiood i! ha-no ( ipi.ti; li loties
min, i e.-toi'e- ami pt v-ei ves thè
impari-v gorami eiiergy. For
l! ha- i» vi» i li e Xteii-1 ve li-e, a ini
m ino.-i avallatile niedicine lor
g -tek, cv ery w lit re, l'or sale by
Á1 j t iv it i. Z.
W e have for sale one of Beatty’s cel­
ebrated Pianos (or Organs) that will In­
disposed of ¡it a great bargain. l oi
Z j G xv IN
particulars apply at this office.
( ‘»I’RTNEY — tn tins city, lieceinber 31st
to the wife ot W. F. Courtney, a son.
C rowded Our.—We have rec< ived
a communication on Lake county af­
fairs, which will reetjive due ulti utiou l.< • 1 i.N — At ill«' family le-idern'c. near W i!
lev >j ¡mg-, Jauuaiy ôili, < y mina floten
uext week.
í .- -, • ir-, • .mai;h- and •"» days.