The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, November 30, 1877, Image 3

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    »rwfU V
fallt Himes.
NOVEMBER 30, 1877.
E. I. Farlow.......................................... Ashland
Geo. 1». Rowell A' Co........................... New York
s. M. 1‘ettingill A Co........................ New York
Dan. L. Green..................... .Josephine County
’ has. Hughes.................................... Kerbyville
Ben Haymond....................................Boek Point
L- P. Fisher,...................................San Francisco
I hos. Boyce................................... San Francisco
Rowell A Chesnian............................... St. Louis
R. B. Hatton...........................
Brìi Kiou* * Directory•
arriving earlier.
Buy a Singer machine.
Frost last Tuesday night.
For job work of every description go
C ourt .—The December to the T imes office.
term of the Probate and County Com-
“The Dance of Death” has made its
tuissioners’ Courts will be held next
appearance in town.
Deputy Sheriff Seybert has returned
F or S cotland .—James R. Camer- from List Portland.
on, for several years past a prominent
Order a Singer for your wife, wife’s
stock-raiser of this section, on Sunday
sister, or mother-in-law.
last left for his old home in Scotland,
Hon. I). P. Thompson returned
to be gone a few mouths. J>mi voy­
from Portland this week.
Mertehns, who had his leg amputat­
I nsane —A Celestial was brought
ed last week, is doing well.
over from Applegate on Saturday last
The Sterling ditch is completed and
and examined before the County Judge
the following day on a charge of insani­ almost ready for operations.
The new telegraph line is now fin­
ty. Dr. Jackson pronounced him in­
sane and be will be taken below this ished and in working order.
E. F. Lewis atid J. II. Hoffman have
I nsurance .—G. W. Carey, agent of returned from Sterling creek.
the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Com­
Au extra brand of fine cigars just re­
pany, will doubtless succeed in estab­ ceived by Atkinson A Caton.
lishing a branch of that corporation in
Several parties were up from Foot’s
this county, and an organization is ex­ creek yesterday on land business.
pected to be effected in the uext tew
John Miller aud Dr. J. S. Jackson
started on a deer hunt this week.
F rom S teamboat .—James Herd
A brother of Henry Blecher is driv­
and a Mr. Cook are prospecting for the
ing his band of sheep to California.
Fowler ledge on Steamboat, one of
Wm. Bybee this week started a
great richness, but which was lost some
years ago. They have sunk a shaft drove of 156 hogs to Scott Bar, Cal.
Huffman A Lewis have completed
over thirty feet in depth, and are con­
fident that they will eventually be suc­ their hydraulic contracts on Sterling.
cessful in their search.
John Orth the other day killed a
steer that weighed 900 pounds dressed.
P ersonal .—George E. Strong re­
Miss Alice Hanley has resumed her
turned fiom S.m Francisco last week,
lie will establish an office of the Cali­ place as teacher in the District School.
The bridge near the residence of T.
fornia and Oregon Land Company in
Jacksonville. Thia corporation has B. Kent has been replaced by a new
some valuable lands in South-eastern one.
Oregon f«»r salt“, application for the '
Leicester White and II. II. Magru­
purchase of which can be made to Mr. der were up from Rock Point \\ ednes-
Wm. Patterson, now running a saw
M odern G ui llotining .—Sprague,
of McKenzie’s mill, the other day made mill in Douglas county, is back on a
an attempt to behead himself, and came visit.
near succeeding. He swung a sharp
The Singer Company employs 4,000
ax over his shoulder and went out to men in their factory al Elizabethport,
cut down a tree. In taking off the N. J.
implement he cut a severe gash in his
W. Prefontaine will put up a hy-
neck. Fortunately he did not cut deep draulic on his diggiugs on Jackson
enough, aud therefore survives the creek.
While cutting wood, ’Squire Schief-
F atal A ccident .—-A Slate creek felin injured his foot severely one day
correspondent writes—us that John No­ this week.
hen, working at the Reed claim on Ga­
Daniel Cronemiller haf> ceased black­
liee creek, was killed one day last
smithing and will mine on Grave creek
week. The tunnel or shaft had filled
this Winter.
up with tailing-, aud, while attempt­
Rev. A. Hardison will preach at the
ing to loose them the w hole gave away
M. E. Church uext Sunday morning
aud swept him some 300 feet through
and evening.
the tunnel and 70 feet down the dump.
Ed. B. Caton has purchased a hall
The water carried him 200 feet down
the gulch, tore his clothes and Ixjots off interest in the New Slate saloon of T.
him and mangled him in a horrible B. Atkinson.
The Oregon Central Military road is
tuunuer. When fouud he was still
covered with suow, which has stopped
breathing, but expired soon after.
travel over it.
T li a N ksg I v 1 ng D a Y.—Y este rd ay
'Adam Schmidt is manufacturing
was the time appointed by the Presi­
first-class barrels, tubs and other useful
dent aud Governor for thanksgiving,
wooden vessels.
and the eveul was duly observed in
Miss Minnie McAllister, aged about
Jacksonville. The schools were dis­
missed (or the day. Services were 15 years, died at Rock Poiut on
held at the M. E. Church by Rev. M. Wednesday last.
W. A. McPherson has been appoint­
A. Williams. In the evening the M.
E. Sunday School, assisted by volun­ ed an agent of the Pacific Mutual In­
teers, gave an eulertainment at the surance Company.
Social Club room, which comprised an
Geo. A. King was down from Big
original thanksgiving play, written by Butte Tuesday. He reports the roads
Mrs. F. Shipley, songs, recitations, etc. as being quite sticky.
The T imes went to press too early to along Jackson creek
give a report of the affair in this issue. are repairing the breakwater, in antici­
........................ —
they may be surmounted,
Matrimonial market dull.
Ground coveted with snow.
Sheriff Brattain is collecting taxes.
Commissioners’ Court convenes on
the first Monday in December.
Geo. Patterson has withdrawn from
An unusual amount of sickness pre­
Tax-collecting has commenced.
the Ashland Iron Works, leaving W.
vails throughout Goose Lake valley.
Bogus 21 pieces are in circulation. J. Zimmerman the sole proprietor.
Two Christmas trees are sprouting
Spelling schools are raging in the
Sheriff Manning has returned from
country. The spellers of the Willow in Lakeview—one in commemoration
Choice holiday goods at Brecken- Springs district are to have a match. of an eventful occasion, the other for
A laud slide occurred on the new pure “cussedness.”
C ounty
A pplegate D iggings .—A gang of
Chinamen to-day commences a con­
tract on the ditch which will carry the
waters of Squaw Lake to the diggings
of Klippei, Hanna A Co., on Big Ap­
plegate. A large force is now al work
on it, but it will not he completed as
early as expected. The hydraulic is
now on the way from Roseburg and
will be put up immediately. A wag­
on road, which will lead to their camp
and also make freighting to Elliott
creek practicable, is now in course of
construction. The country in which
these diggings are situated is rough,
but the obstacles are not such but that
The new grade around Hayes’ bill,
Josephine county, is imp ts-ahl«», and
Dick 1 sb now travels the old road.
The weather has cleared up.
Now is the time to settle your print­
M. E. Cm: lien.—Religious services every
Sunday, at the usual hours, bv the Rever­ er’s bill.
ends A. Hardison, W. Hurlburt ami M. A.
Williams, alternately.
Wm. Bybee will bacon 200 hogs
C atholic C h em u.—Divine Services ev­
this season.
ery Sunday, at the usual hour, l>v Rev. Fa­
ther Blanchett.
Capt. Ferree, of Lake county, was
M. E. S vn hay S chool .—Regmar meetings
in town this week.
every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
C atholic S cxpay S chool .— Regular
A pleasant party occurred at Ashland
meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two
yesterday evening.
The road between the farms of
M. Hanley and Gen. J. E. Ross has
been placed in splendid condition.
pation of high watet.
A large number of beef cattle have
grade over Roberts’ hill, which has
forced teamsters back on the old road. been sold and driven from Goose Lake
James Birdsey went up Rogue riv­ and adjacent valleys recently, making
er on a t ix-colleeling expedition, be­ money rather more plentiful than
ing commissioned by Sheriff Manning. usual.
The building of the Lakeview school
The holidays are near at hand and
the judicious dealer announces through house is rapidly progressing,and, when
the local newspaper he has to finished, will add much to the appear­
ance of our town, besides being just
what is greatly needed.
L. Horne and family, formerly of
The Receiver of the Lakeview Land
this place, have removed to Sin Jose,
Cal. He left Eureka on account of bad Oilice can truthfully exclaim: “1 am
monarch of all 1 survey,” as he tempo­
rarily occupies both tho positions of
An alarm of fire was sounded on
Register and Receiver.
Saturday morning, but it proved to be
There is more talk of removing the
only F. Breckenfield’s chimney burn­
Camp Bidwell Herald press to Lake­
ing out.
view. It can now be bought at a very
John Miller keeps constantly on
reasonable figure. Lake county, per­
hand a full ami first-class supply of arti­
haps, offers a good opening for such an
cles in his line. Give him a call and
enterprise; but, before investing,a thor­
see for yourself.
ough canvass should be made,as it takes
Miners on Foot’s creek and other
a combination of all—brains, practical
sections are doing some mining al­
ability, money, subscribers (who pay)
ready. Another good rain will be
and devils (have ’em) to insure success
very acceptable.
in that line of business.
School taxes are due and should be
Lakeview, Nov. 22, 1877.
paid immediately to T. B. Kent, Dep­
S ensible R emarks .—At a recent
uty School Clerk. Costs will be added
meeting of the stove manufacturer
of I
in a short time.
the country, the President of the con­
Granville Naylor will put up a saw
vention gave the members the follow­
mill near the diggiugs of Klippei, Ilanna
A Co. Considerable lumber will be used ing good advice: “If we would make
the best possible use of our money, we
in fluming, etc.
should patronize ably-conducted and
John Orth will cure a large amount
responsible newspapers. The newspa­
of bacon this season. He will put up
per is immeasurably the best medium
over 200 hogs, and commenced slaugh­
open to our trade; the most liberal aud
tering yesterday.
expert advertisers testify to its value,
John Green, formerly connected and in the employment of its columns
with the Oregon and California Stage we would find a means of escape from
Company as driver, is hick from Ari­ watchful, undignified and ineffectual
zona. He will return.
methods to which so many resort in
The stages travel the valley road their eagerness to secure attention and
now, thus avoiding the Herrin lane patronage.” These woids do not ap­
and the rough roads between this place ply to the stove dealers alone, but to
and Willow Springs.
all classes of persons, at all times, ev­
‘•Sinbad, the Sailor,” is navigating erywhere, who are transacting legiti­
this way. lie is not the shell-backed mate business.
individual we read of in romance, but
L ucky Q ueen 31 inf
A short
Capt. Mounts, the lecturer.
time ago the Directors of tho Lucky
Tin? stage coming this wav upset in Queen mine employed Prof. James M.
the Canyon last Fri lay night. Al­ Tiernan, mining engineer and metal­
though some pa-sengers were aboard lurgist, as an expert to examine their
nothing serious happened.
mine and report upon the same. His
Wm. Bybee has gone to Galiee creek. report, which Is quite lengthy, is pub­
He will start for Portland shortly, to lished in full in the Portland papers.
supervise the working of 2,400 pounds The assays made range from a few dol­
lars to nearly two hundred to the ton
of ore from his quartz ledge.
There w is a large attendance at the of rock. The Professor states that the
M. E. Church Sunday last. Rever­ ores in the mine are very refractory
ends M. A. Williams and J. B. Don­ and require to be thoroughly desul­
phurized and oxydized before the prec­
aldson, of Ashland, officiated.
Peter Britt was appointed adminis­ ious metals can be amalgamated. With
trator of the estate of Henry Blecher; a proper process he thinks the mine
but, upon asking to be excused on ac­ will pay well for the working and will
aid in developing the best
count of ill-health, be was dismissed. greatly
mineral resources of Southern Oregon.
Newspaper advertising is a perma­
I. O. O. F. E lection . The U. S.
nent addition to the reputation of the
goods advertised because it is a perma­ Gratid Lodge of the I. O. O. F. having
nent influence always at work in their provided that the officers shall be giv­
en one month in which to learn the
Doer are coming down from the charges, instead of one week, the elec­
tion of officers will therefore take place
mountains on account of the snow,
and are abundant. Two boys living that much earlier than heretofore. In
on Applegate killed twelve one day consequence
Lodge No. 10 held its election on Sat­
last week.
urday evening last, at which the fol­
Among the students of the Willam­
lowing officers were elected for the en­
ette University, Salem, announced
suing term: Daniel Cronemiller, N.
to graduate in the scientific course
G.; J. II. Penn, V. G ; Silas J. Day,
next year, we notice the name of R. A.
Secretary; John Miller, P. S.; F. Luy,
Miller, of this place.
Treasurer; K. Kubli, T. B. Kent and
Geo. Stephenson has purchased the John Hockenjos, Trustees.
Jacobs property in the lower end of
town, paying $550 therefor.
F rom the O ld C ountry . There
has improved it considerably since arrived in town this week George,
making the purchase.
Robert, Henry and Edward Noble,
Samuel Watt, formerly engaged in four brothers, just from Collon, Louth
the saddlery business in Jacksonville, county, Ireland. It is the intention of
died at the residence of Judge Tolman these gentlemen to buy land and per­
on Saturday last. He had been ailing manently lócate among us. They
come from the same place our fellow
with consumption for some lime.
townsman, P. Donegan, hails from.
The directors of the Lucky Queen
The citizens of Ashland meet to-mor­
row to consider the matter of building mine met at Portland on the 21st and
appointed Prof. Tiernan superintend­
a new school bouse.
ent, with instructions to put up a re­
The person who borrowed Sheriff
verberatory furnace as soon as possible.
Manning’s soap kettle is requested to
James P. McDaniel arrived from
return it immediately.
Klippei, Hanna A Co.’s diggings the
Judge Watson, Gen. J. E. Ross and
other day, having just packed 10,000
Isaac Constant have gone to Flounce
pounds of freight to their camp. He
Rock on a hunting expedition.
has suspended packing for the Winter.
Brick for the new reverberatory fur­
Lorraine Bros., who have good dig­
nace for the Lucky Queen mine ba
gings on Rich gulch, will carry on
been ordered from this place.
mining operations more extensively
D. N. Crocker, a former resident of than heretofore. They propose in­
this place, who has been in California creasing their hydraulic power, having
i ordered more pipe.
Uor Home lime past, is back again.
■ i m ,
How they D ance in O regon —A
similarity exists between tho Oregon
and Nevada styles of dancing; but
ih'To is something so fascinating as
the Wehfout gill whirls through the
“Tralaloo” and the “floppy Hotten­
tots” that impres-es u* with the fact
that “She is as Pretty as a Picture.”
If she is from Long Tom she throws
her hair back, jumps up and cracks her
heels together, carries oil' her aston­
ished partner as if a Soap creek zephyr
struck him and knocks over all obsta­
cles in her mad career. An Albany
girl crooks her body in the middle like
a door-hinge, rakes her partner by 111
shoulders and makes him miserable i
trying to hop around her without tread­
ing on her No. 9 shoes. An Ashlatfd
girl creeps closely and timidly up to
her partner, as if she would like to get
into bis vest pock«“*, and melts away
in ecstasy as tho strains of “The Blue
Danube” sweep through the hall. A
Portland girl will now and then work
in a touch of double shuffle or a bit of
pigeon wing. A Salem girl throw
both her arms around his neck, rolls
up her eyes, and, as she floats away,
she is heard to murmur, “Oh, come
nearer to mt
Gawge!” A Jackson­
ville girl is a natural and faultess waltz-
er, and does it with an exquisiteness
that is perfectly charming.
S aw M ill at L inkville . W. S,
Moore A Co. will ere long pul up a
saw mill at Linkville, the machinery
for which is now on the way from Rose­
burg. A splendid water power is fur­
nished by Link river and the dense
forests bordering on Kkunath Lake af­
ford tin inexhaustible supply of materi­
al. It is also proposed to connect a
grist mill therewith in the course of
time. It is confidently believed that
grain can be raised in the country sur­
rounding Linkville, as some very large
crops have been the result of experi­
ments made by various persons. If
tliis is established as a certainty, a new
impetus will be given to the prosperi­
ty of Lake county.
M ines P urchased . — A. Sterritt
has purchased the mines belonging to
the Oregon Quartz Mill and Mining
company, located in Josephine county,
and has employed Prof. J. M. Tiernan
to make a scientific examination of
The Ztee says the professor
started last Monday for the locality of
the mines, and if, upon his return, his
report is favorable, Mr. Sterritt will
have the mines opened.
A bill has been introduced in Con­
gress providing that any grower of ap­
ples, peaches or any other fruit may
manufacture it into brandy for his own
domestic use, or sale, exempt from all
taxation, on condition that it be sold
only at the place ot manufacture, and
that stills, etc., be registered in the of­
fice of the Collector of Internal Reve­
C. W. Kellogg, of Son Francisco, wbd
in his palmy days, invested largely in
trotting horses from this section, has
been adjudged a bankrupt. Stock
speculation is the prime cause of his
misfortu ne.
MJning operations are expected to
be commenced on Judge Tolman’s dig­
about January 1st, The pipe is
l^oti feet long and will have a press-
e of about 2<»0 feet.
How sad to see one gifted with youth and
•canty, a pleasant home, surrounded by
oving iriends, and everything that makes
life desirable anti enjoyable, fading away
day l»y day, with no hope of release save in
death. It was only a slight cold at finst. A
single dose of Frese's 1 Limburg Tea would
have removed the obstruction, restored the
circulation, and given back to society one of
its brightest ornaments.
N othino shout of unmistakable benefits
cor fern
upon tens ot thousands of suffer^
< rs could originate and maintain the reputa-
tion which A yer ’ s S arsaparilla enjoys.
It is a compound of the best vegetable altera­
tives, with the Iodides of Potassium and
Iron, and is tin
* most eilectual of all reme­
dies for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood dis­
orders. Uniformly successful and certain
in its remedial effects, it produces and com­
pletes cures (ifScrofula, Sores, Boils, Hu­
mors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin Diseases
and all disorders arising from impurity of
the blood. Bv its invigorating effects it
always relieves and often cures Liver Com­
plaints, l'eiuale Weaknesses and Irregu­
larities, and is a potent renewerof vitality/
1-or puritying the blood it has no equal; it
tones up the sV'.teui, restor«“s and preserves
the health, and imparts vigor and energy,
for iorly years it has been in extensive use,
and is to-day the most availabe medicine
lor the suffering sick, everywhere.
sale by all dealers.
I ure in announcing to the public that he
has just received a‘complete and first-class
assortment of (rent’s Furnishing Goods,
such as Hais, Shirts, Underwear, etc.; best
brands of Cigars and Tobacco; Pipes, No­
tions, Fancy Goods, Glassware, Crockery,
Musical Instruments, Bird Cages, Station­
ery, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Albums,
Toys, Candies, Nuts, etc., which will be sold
at the cheapest rates. Give mo a call and
see for yourselves.
i ute in informing the ladies of Jackson­
ville and vicinity that she has just received
a complete and elegant stock of NEW MIL-
LINERY GOODS, direct from San Francis­
co, consisting of New Shapes in Untrimmed
Bonnets and Hats, Trimming Silks, Feath­
ers, Flowers, Ribbons, Velvets, etc., and is
now fully prepared to attend to all orders
with neatness anti dispatch. Prices reason­
able ami satisfaction guaranteed. Residence
at the old Overbeck Hospital. Give me a
R osebcro , Oregon, Nov. 13, 1877.)
For the next thirty days I will sell Men's V ed at this Oilice by Jacob W. Miller
and Boys’ Hats, Shirts, Underwear, and against Ira S. Briggs, for abandoning his
Neckties, Toys, Fancy Goods, Holiday Homestead Entry, No. 2,.372, dated Septem­
ber 2<>th, lx71. upon the S. W.
of s. E. Q,
Goods, Frames, Musical Instruments, Look­
S. I, Of S. W. 1., Sec. 10, N. E. L of N. W.
ing Glasses, .Jewelry, Glassware and Crock­
and N. W. '•< ol N. E. *
4, Section 15, Town­
ery al greatly reduced prices. Talk is talk, ship 35 South, Range 6 West, in Josephine
County, Oregon,' with a view to the cancel­
but figures will tell.
lation of said entry: the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at this Ollice
City Cigar Store. on the 2
day of December, 1877, at one
o'clock P. M., to respond and furnish testi­
M ilitary N otes . Assistant Sur- mony concerning said alleged abandon­
W. R. WILLIS, Register.
geon John M. Dickson is assigned to
J. U. F ullerton , Receiver.
duty as post surgeon at Fort Klamath,
Oregon, to which post he will repair
and report to the commanding officer.
The services oi Acting Assistant Sur­
geon ¡Stacy 1J emeu way, on being re­
lieved as post surgeon at Fort Klam­
ath, Oregon, will terminate.
A L arge F amily .—The family oí
J. M. Cook, of Ruck Point, numbers
sixty-five anil comprises children,
grand-children and great-grand-chil­
dren. Of these, with the exception ol
two or three, all are now residing in
Jackson county. We doubt if there is
a similar instance existing in the
Frey’s Boot and Shoe Store,
C alifornia S treet ,
H aving
permanently located
Jacksonville, the undersigned re-
spectiully informs the public that he is
prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot
and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran­
1 sale his ranch and mining property, sit­
uated on Sterling creek, .-ontaining 1(H
The Oregon and California Stage Co. acres, all under fence. Forty acres are un­
has issued a new schedule, giving the der cultivation, with plenty of vegetable
land; a good orchard, living water on var­
days and times of the departures from ious parts, plenty ot timber and tine stock
Cash market at the door for every­
and arrivals at Portland and San Fran­ range.
thing raised. Health of locality unsur­
cisco and at the most prominent places passed. There are 541-j acres and a half of
mining ground, which are guareuteed to
Etiquette now says that it is no long­
between those points.
pay $5 a day per hand.
er fashionable for young men to call on
T itle —U. s. title to the whole.
Inspection invited and everything guar­
^-CTThe National Gold Medal was awarded
their girls on Saturday evening. This
to Bradley A Rulotson tor the best Photo­ anteed as represented. For further particu­
will give the girls a chance to eat on­ graphs in the United States, and the Vienna lars enquire of
ions for supper and put their silken
gomery street, Sail Francisco.
tresses up in little wads of paper for
I their Sunday conquests.
Henry Klippei and Col. Reed were
over from their diggings this week and
report matters progressing steadily.
Adulterated least Powders
Are now being extensively forced upon
tho market. Avoid them and use the old
reliable Donnelly’s yeast powileis. Don’t
let your grocer palm oil on you any other.
It has been used over twenty years.
rpiIE UNDERSIGNED, in order to
GOODIN—EVANS—At Ashland, November 1 close partnership, offer for sale a farm
21st, by Rev. J. B. Dcnaldson, John B. of 320 acres, pleasantly situated on Rogue
Goodin, of Douglas county, and Mrs. river, on th«- direct road to Fort Klamath, 34
miles from Jacksonville. The place is most­
Bella Evans, ot Jackson county.
ly rich bottom land, well watered, with an
BAKER—COAKLEY—In Willow Springs extensive outside range lor horses, cattie or
precinct, November 22d, by T. B. Kent, sheep. Will be sold on easy terms: Ono-
J. P., John W. Baker and Mrs. Sarah fourth down,’ the balance on lilieral credit.
The Stock, consisting of horses, cattle, sheep
CARTER-HELMAN-At Ashland, Nov. and hogs, along with the tarm implements,
27th, by Rev. .1. B. Donaldson, John A. hay, grain, etc., can be bought cheap, giving
Carter and Miss M. J. Helman; all ul purchaser of the place preference if desired.
Jackson county.