▼* U ll I A Winn ~1 * • DEA 1TB OF NENA I OH MORION. < y v I ■I' f i I V—»■«■■ — «I I »* HW INGEKM»EL, PAINE AND NE K VE 11.” THE »‘DU­ Gt'SEKAL ÄOTK» AX1> M3VS. BACK A’l’ rrTIl<: OI.I) STAND! They have a stock board at Salem. Oliver P. Morton, Senator from The New York Observer having of­ Heavy rains are prevailing throughout Indiana, passed from the scenes in fered to prove that Paine and Voltaire the State. r:i|>i r for JackMin. Joséphine «\ Lnkn IhHc which he has figured so conspicuously recanted their infidel views upon their Edwin Adams, the actor, died at Philadel­ .... NOVEMBER 9, 1877. AY,... phia last week. on the afternoon of the 1st inst. For death-beds, Colonel Ingersoll under­ 1’RII Fare is only 85 in the cabin between San years he has been the victim of an in­ took to pay the Observer one thousand IMi »*!<«»» I.A »IA HON. I il Francisco and Portland. curable disease, which was aggravated dollars in gold if it substantiated its as­ AT TIIE STORE OF There were 600 dogs on exhibition at the ■ !' . < >,■,; —Ju by his recent trip to Oregon, and after sertions to the satisfaction of a Com­ San Francisco bench show. iiu'c w .i h an hoi wired custom, and in ' several weeks of the most intense suf­ mittee of Arbitration, to be selected up­ « The off year in Ohio sent the Hayes par­ dance with tiie Proclamation ot' the fering he succumbed to the powers on perfectly equitable conditions. Up­ ty so far off that they never expect to get b ut of th«' Inited state«, I, N. F. Pi that he. Great respect has been done on this pointed and specific offer the back again. k. Go\ernor ot Oregon, do hereby I ( h:’.«I w irk The Hartford Times thinks the result in appoint Thursday, the 29th «lav of Novem- him, Ixith State and N itional. His re­ Observer begun to equivocate and to Ohio shows what honest men think of the ber. A. D. 1*77, to be olna'rved by th«* peo- mains were buried al Indianapolis with eat its own Words. It now declares stolen Presidency. pie ot tb<* Coninmmvealth as a day of great display on the 6th. that it never said that Paine and Vol ­ Tho resumption decided upon by the peo­ Thank «giving and Praise t«» Almighty Mr. Morton was by no means a great taire recanted, but that it was proposed ple of Ohio was a resumption of Democratic aving determined to maintain the position heretofore occu­ . .he manifold blessings which He rity am! health the Republican party have won for be outdone, Colonel Ingersoll replied to of the cause he desires to succeed. that we enjoy, and lor • he beneficent Provi- Oakey Hall has returned from Europe. North of San Francisco, consisting of a Fine Stock of denc«' that ha- preserved our borders from him a name that will long linger in the last shift of the shifty Observer, He protests his innocence of all charges the tlirt atvned dvsolati«>n of a savage war. the political history of modern Ameri­ and has established pretty solidly the against him in connection with the Tweed GENTS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, Ami 1 do earnestly r«»commend that the ca, and especially when tho Presiden­ ring. reverse of what that not very scrupu ­ j»eople ot the state on that «lay lay aside tial struggle of 1876 is considered. It lous or veracious religious paper had Portland, November 2d.—The executive DltY-tiOODN, their usual employments and assemble offices at Salem were closed this morning on is not our desire to disparage the dead; themselves tog« tie r in their aeeustom«*«! advanced. Lately the Observer and its places of public wor-hip, to give fitting tes­ and to review the career of Mr. Mor­ backershave fallen back upon the prop­ receipt of the news of Senator Morton’s death. timony of th ir gratituile to the Father of ton, thorough politician as he was, osition that it is of no consequence The bill repealing the law authorizing re­ all for the tender mercy with which He has TRUNKS, VALISES, Etc., might at this time bring into unenvia­ how Paine and Voltaire died, anyhow. sumption ot specie payments in 1879 will overshadow«*«! us. I » In witness whereof I have hereunto set ble prominence some mi-doings he, Io this, however, the answer is inevit­ perhaps pass Congress, but Hayes threatens Which is surpassed by none in the county and will be sold at prices to SUIT THE TIMES. It shall continue to be my aim to give my hand and « au-eI the -e.tl of the Stat«« of in his partisan zeal, was guilty of, not able that if it is of no consequence the to veto it. The clerk of the Board of School Land «»regon to be atlixetl .it the Executive Oiliee, I excepting bis la-t official acts in the I religious publications have strangely The Most Goods for the Least Money, Commissioners is now sending off many in the City of Salem, this first day of No- Grover investigation. waste d lime and labor in m iking it ap ­ deeds of land purchased in different parts and to place before my patrons a variety of articles not to be found in any other house. vember, A. D. 1877. In his death the Republican party It is not my intention to mislead the public by advertising goods I cannot produce upon pear that Paine and Voltaire recante 1, of the State. N. F. C hadwick . ♦ ) inquiry, but to give value received in every instance. A call from every purchaser at < sr ai . Atu loses its principal and most active and or died in torment, or that other like London, Oct. 28th.—Complete access has my old stand is solicit«*«!. N. FISHER. (---- ) S. F. C hadwick , zealous leader. Without Morton it been obtained to both pits of the High Blan- Secretary of State. fabulous and fanciful calumnies oc- would have been as a ship at sea with­ curred. The truth appears to be that tyre colliery, and it is ascertained that 250 Mnt«'-’l liking. out a rudder in the last Presidential the pious forgers and falsifiers would persons perished. Virginia Republicans complain that dur­ The Republican press is already bus­ election. He was its motive power, cheerfully make religious capital out I ing his visit the President was entertained ily engaged in making up the Demo­ and to him especially is the country THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF of the slanders they have so shame­ exclusively by Democrats, and no Republi­ cratic slate for next June. The Rose­ indebted for tho present Executive, lessly disseminated regarding their cans were invited to the entertainments. burg Independent is the first in the Mr. Hayes. A Turkish force numbering 3,000 or 4,0(H) dead opponents, says the Sacramen­ men from the south of the Balkans attacked field and presents the following ticket* Below we give a short biographical to Record- Enion, but when their own the Russian force at Mahimar, south of Ele­ For Governor, Joseph b. Smith, of sketch of Mr. Morton: BELONGING TO share in the dirty work is exposed then na. After four hours’ lighting the Turks re­ Multnomah; Secretary of Stale, Sila- Oliver Perry Morton was born near tin y suddene November, and if tho amendments jhis absence, and, notwithstanding his henceforth conducted under their constant 4 LWAYSON HAND THE BEST STOCK dell, of North Carolina. should be adopted, the Slates general­ ' great physical suffering, resumed the parties prosecuted. personal supervision, and they guarantee A <>•' Patent and Honie-mad«* Rifle and District of Columbia— Williams, of ly would change their statutes so as to ' discharge of his executive duties. In The case of Wells, Anderson, Cassanave, satisfact < n to all who may favor them with Shot Guns, simile and double Revolvers of M ichigan their patronage. the latest patents; Prls- The Hon. Jere. Black will assist tho State, largest and finest stocks in Oregon, south ot man’s line. very weak and injudicious nomina­ l a leader of his party, and the exponent Private Land Claims— Gunter, of and Shellabarger, of Ohio, and Wilson, of Portland, of He will also keep a full fine of SHELF tions, but he excelled himself when he of its views and policy. In 1872 he W isconsin. Iowa, will defend the Returning Board. If BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, HARDWARE, Natl-and Rope of till kinds Manufactures— Wright, of Pennsyl­ the charge is proved, the members of the With single or double teams, for hire on rea­ and sizes, Carpenter’s and Wagon-Makers’ nominated John Welch, of Pennsyl­ was re-elected to the Senate for the vania. board can be sent to the Penitentiary under sonable terms. Also good Saddle Horses Tools, a complete assortment of Table and vania, as Minister to England. Welch term which expires March 3, 1879. and Mules, which will l»e hired to go to any Pocket Cutlery, together with a full supply Agriculture— Cutler of New Jersey. the laws of Louisiana for fourteen years. of Paints. Oils, Varnish«-«, Glass, etc. part of the country at moderate rates. is unknown to the public at large, but From the dale of the vfUietion which Indian Affairs— Scales, of Nqrth Car­ The above goods are all of the best quality, Animals bought and sold, and broke to A correspondent of the Chicago Tones re ­ perhaps his services as one of the man- physically di-ablvd him to his death olina. and will be sold ports that alter the surrender of Joseph’s saddle or harness. J. A. CARDWETJ.. CHEAPER THAN TIIE CHEAPEST. agersof the Centennial Exhibition were he was an intense sufferer, but his band, and just as Miles was about to leave Nt ili They Come. New guns made to order, and repairing mental energies triumphed over his the field, some of the soldiers discovered a sufficient recommouduliou to Mr. promptly done and in good style. All or­ A. MARKS, The bill introduced by Senator Wal­ the war chief White Bird buried in one of Hayes in nominating him. It excites infirmities aud enabled him to main­ ders tilled with dispatch. tain a prominent position. JOHN MILLER, lace to authorize a long bond for in­ the rifle pits, covered with buffalo robesand MERCHANT TAILOR! the ridicule of the masses and the an­ California St., Jacksonville, Ogn. a light layer of earth. When he was 9 vestment of savings, directs the Secre­ dragged from his hiding-place he presented athemas of the Pennsylvania ring poli­ Remonetization of Silver. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, (Civil Code ot California.) tary of the Treasury to issue in lieu of a most woe-begone spectacle. He begged ticians, who hoped fur old Simon Cam The remonetization of silver, for an equal amount of 4 per ceut. bonds hard to get away. His anxiety on this point ecently of san franctsco , has Notice of Assessment. eron. As for u«, we prefer Welch, which bills have been introduced in opened a Tailor Shop in Masonic Build ­ may be explained by the fact that he was authorized by the act of July 14, 1870, whoever he may be, a hundred limes ing, (opposite the Postoflice), where he is Cougress, if accomplished, will beyond the leader in the Camas prairie murders. to Simon or any of his ilk. a sum not exceeding $100,000,000 of prepared to execute all work in his line in California and Oregon I ¿and Company. Lo­ question have a decided effect in pro­ The little people now in Portland as Dea- a workmanlike manner, from tho cleaning cation of principal place of buxines«, San U. 8. coupon bonds, in denominations A Notable lear. Francisco. California. Ijocation of works, kin’s Lilliputian Troupe bring the scales and repairing of clothes to the moting the interest of trade and com­ Jackson county, Oregon. of $25, $50 and $100, in equal sums of down at the following weights: Commodore The year A. D. 1877 will undoubt­ merce. The people of the United Manufacture of Complete New Suits! VTOTICELS HEREBY Gl VEN, TH AT AT each denomination, redeemable in coin Nutt—weight 35 pounds, size 30 inches, age 1\ a meeting of the Board of Directors, held edly become rioted iu the history of States have suffered severely in all good stock of all kinds of Gents’ Trim­ on the seventeenth day of Octoiler, 1877, an of present standard value after 60 32 years; Col. Goshen—7 feet, 4 inches high, A the country. It was in that year, the business relations from the existence weight 600 pounds, age 50 years; Miss Ella mings will be kept on hand. Persons de­ assessment, No. one, of Thirty-five cents |s*r siring to make up their own goods can have years from date, their issue bearing Kirtland—38 inches high, 42 pounds weight, the sam(f ent to order. Samples of goods share was levied upon the capital st«»ck of first time in the history of the Repub­ of the three separate standards of val­ interest payable semi*anuually in such age 22 years; Major Nutt—36 inches high, kept from which suits can be ordered and the Corporation, payable immediately in lic, that a man elected to the office of ue that have fur several years formed United States gold ooin, to the Secretary, coin at the rate of 3.65 per ceut. per weight 51 pounds, age 40 years; Miss Jennie made up. at the ofiice of the Company, 418 California Jacksonville, June 23, 1877. President was prohibited from taking the circulating medium of the country street, San Francisco, California. annum. These bonds are to be ex­ Quigley—‘28 inches high, 32 pounds weight, Any stock upon which this assessment his seat. It was also tho first time in —the legal tender or “greenback” dol­ age 24 years; Miss Sarah Belton—31 inehes empt from all taxation. The remain­ shall remain unpaid on the twenty-eighth JOHN L. CARTER & SON, high, 34 pounds weight, age .33 years; Major our free and prosperous country that lar, the demonetized silver dollar, and day of November, 1877, will l>e delinquent, der of the bill is as follows: The Sec­ Houghton—31 inches high, weight 33 pounds, and advertised for sale at public auction; extensive labor and bread riots, involv­ the gold dollar, all stamped by the gov­ PAINTERS. retary of the Treasury shall keep said age 25 years. and unless payment is made liefore will be ing the loss of millions of dollars’ worth ernment as being of the same denomi­ sold on Monday, the twenty-fourth day of Tiie 4'anens Knie. bonds for sale at the different Sub­ December, 1877, to pay the delinquent as­ of property and thousands of lives nation on their face, yet each having a IV K ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO sessment, together with costs of advertising" Treasuries, and shall dispose of them Reports are current that a caucus of it all kinds of Painting, including have occurred. Yet our bogus Presi­ different value in all commercial trans­ and expenses of sale. al par and accrued interest for coin, or Republican Senators has decided that By order ol the Board of Directors. dent formulates a congratulatory proc­ actions. With tho Santa Rosa Demo­ ‘ HOUSE PAINTING, J. W. CLARK, Secretary. U. 8. legal lender notes at the rates at lamation of thanksgiving. they will not confirm the nomination Office, 418 California street, Nan Fram isco. crut, «^Equality before the law lì «ay SIGN PAINTING, which they may then stand in the of any appointment made by the Pres­ We. New spa porla I. O RN AM ENT A L PA INTING, market; but their proceeds and coin ident, unless it be indorsed by a Re­ GREAT SACRIFICE! I.lttle Consolation. received for such bonds shall be ap­ publican Senator, representing the WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING, The Sonoma Democrat, one of our Our Republican cotemporaries can­ plied to the redemption of outstanding Stale from whence the appointee hails. best exchanges, has completed its ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. —IN — not get over the recent Democratic vic ­ 5-20 bonds of the United States. We give the rumor for what it is worth, twentieth volume. It is an ably edit­ Orders from the country promptly attend- 21 says the Modesto News, and assume ' ed to. ed and well conducted journal, and we I tory in Ohio, and ingeniously endeav­ B L ACKS M IT 11 IN G ! <«eu. Forrest Dead. or to explain away their defeat, re­ that if the report be correct, then in­ wish it continued success. General N. B. Forrest, tho celebrated deed Cameron and Conkling will be We are in receipt of the Resources marking it “wasn’t much of a shower of California, a mammoth sheet pub­ after alb” The Democratic gain on Confederate cavalry officer, died at enabled to dragoon Mr. Hayes. If S ALLOUR MERCHANTS ARESELL- ing out at cost and freight, I am ready T HAVE ON HANI) A LARGE SUPPLY the State ticket is near 30,000, while Memphis last week. He was a brave Radical Senators have gone as far as is lished at San Francisco by J. P. II. to do blacksmithing at cost anti freight, but 1 of first-class lumber of every description Wentworth. It is replete with infor­ we have forty-four majority in the soldier and an honest and high-mind­ reported, then they have traveled as at the mill of Davis Torey on Wagner must have the cash when the work is com­ i Creek, which I will dispose of for money, plete«!. Shop on the corner of California, mation concerning the Pacific Coast, Legislature, a gain of sixly-six. There ed citizen, in whose death the country much too far in one direction as Mr. ! horses or grain. Any bill sawed to order on and Main streets. Hayes has in another. aud is withal an important publication. I is small comfort in such consolation, sustains a great loss. DAVID CRONEMILLER. I short notice. J. 1811. Immense Reduction in Prices ! NEWMAN FISHER TO THE PUBLIC: H LARGEST AND BEST STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE LADIES’ AND GENTS’FURNISHING GOODS, SELLING OUT! HARDWARE, TINWARE, ETC. A FINE STOCK & LOW PRICES GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, T R FOR SALE OR TRADE ! A