FRIDAY, .OCTOBER 26, 1*77. ML.M.KAL AOl'tU» AM» M.WV Extensive quartz developments are report­ ed from Cariboo. lawyers should sleep well. It is imma­ terial on which side they lie. Walter Moss has disposed of his interest; in the Roseburg Inde/iendent to L. 11. Wells. One of the ail vantages ot being a negro is that the color of your nose doesn't give you away. Atlanta, Oct. 11.—The Republican State committee has disbanded. Ot 12 members present 10 voted aye. Attorney General Devens will ask Con- gress to appropriate s255,t»oO to cover the de­ ficiency in his department the fiscal year. In concluding an article <>n the last corn crop, an Alabama editor remarked, “We have on exhibition in our sanctum a mag­ nificent pair of ears.” Women have been known to remove their jewelry under the excitement ot a camp | meeting sermon on charity and humble­ ness, but no one ever saw them throwaway 1 a real hair switch. In making love to a widow the influence ! of moonlight is not so apparent in bringing about the consummation as the statement that vou don't care to put on a clean shirt more than once a week. The hotels in all the counties below are discharging their Chinese cooks and wait­ ers, which is a good move, and shows something more than talk in discouraging Chinese labor. The Russians are contracting with British manufacturers for iron huts tor soldiers' [ Winter quarters. These are to be erected near Bucharest, and aie to be sullicient toi , the use of lV0,u00 soldiers. Numerous anonymous letters have been . dropped on streets ot Astoria warningem- j plovers of Chinese labor to discharge all t hi- ! nese in their employ within ten days. It ; not complied with incendiarism is threat- I ened. Dion Boueicault says that the Shakespeare ; ot these day# is editing a new spaper; and j we learn from the Sunday Democrat that j Bishop Ketleler thought that if the Apos- | tie Paul lived in our times he would run a newspaper. Hercules wrestling with the Nemiean lion, or Ajax defying the lightning, wasn't a circumstance to a country editor about this limy wrestling with the finance ques­ tions which are to agitate the present session ' of Congress. The fastest time ever made by a team was that recently by William 11. Vanderbilt’s at Fleetwood Park—two minutes ami tweii- seconds. Mr. Vanderbilt himself drove, and it is believed that he can even beat this unparalleled record. The Philadelphia Chronicle says: The manufacturers of a burglar-proof sale have engaged Gen. Butler lo travel through Ohio. Whenever be announces his intention ot stopping in any town the owners of silver plate buy one of the sates to lock their val­ uables in. Chicago, Oct. 8.—The military authori­ ties think Miies’ glory dearly bought, though they commend tne troops for brav­ ery. Within one year the Seventh Cavalry has lost eighteen oilicers in action, and the friends of the oilicers in that regiment are petitioning for their transfer. Brigham Young once told Horace Greeley that “the mail wnp could not make his liv­ ing aside from tiie ministry of Christ was unsuited to that oilice.” Brigham was worm $250,000 in 1*59, and died in 1877 worth $3,690,000. He evidently lived up to his doc­ trines and made ins living outside the min­ istry of Christ. The improved Gatling gun must be rath- era formidable weapon to tare and seek tne bubble reputation. It has now reached such a stage of perfection that it can lire 1,000 shuts * minute, luanolliciai trial ♦»<,- 000 rounds were med from a single gun in rapid succession, ami without stopping lo clean the barrels. The cabinet of J. W. Virtue, Esq., at Bak­ er City, say# the De nu/crat., embraces the finest collection ot cnoice minerals to be found any w here on tne continent. 1 he en­ tire collection is worth nearly $¡10,000. Among the specimens are some rare gems of richness from the Virtue mine, which show amazing streaks of gold and tell the story of great wealth of that ledge. The telegraph oilice in this place has been furnished with the new automatic re­ peating machines, w hich require no atten­ tion from the operator further than keeping the machine gauged by the screw usually turned in gauging any, telegraphic instru­ ments. This improvement gives an opera­ tor a chance to do other office business and wait on customers without interruption.— Yreka, J oumal. Thomas Jefferson said: I confess that I am not reconciled to the idea of a chief mag­ istrate parading himself through the several States as an object of public gaze, in quest of and inviting applause, which, lo be valua­ ble, should be purely voluntary. 1 had rather acquire silent good-will by a faithful discharge of my duties, than owe express­ ions of it to my putting myself m the way of receiving them. One More I n fortunate. Almost every day the papers chronicle the I suicide of some poor unfortunate whose mind ha - been enfeebled by dyspepsia, over who-e earthly horizon a heavy gloom has gathered from thet.ntold and nntellable ag­ E. R. REAMES. onies of this cruel complaint. Dyspepsia is T G. REAMES. one of the mosi l depressing diseases aillict- ing humanity. , It is cosmopolitan in its nat ure —no country is exempt from its a isi- talions , no family tree from its attacks. There isa balm Gilead: it comes in the shape of the P eki vian S\ 1:1 c. For years it has been scattering its blessings abroad. 'There is.probably, nodisease which experience has so amply proved to be remediable by the P eih viax sa nre as dyspepsia. The most inveterate forms of this disease have been completely cured by this medicine, as am­ ple testimony ot many ot our first citizens prove. Sold by all druggists. REVIVED AGAIN AT THE FORMER REAMES BROS. \HEAD AS USUAL!! THE OLD TEMPLE of FASHION K. KUBLI, Executrix's Notice. Odd Fellows’ Building, Jacksonville, Oregon, In the matter of the estate of Win. H. Mer- ; riman, deceased. XTOTICEISHEREBYGIVENTHATTHE ■ IN undersigned has been appointed Execu- ' DEALER & WORKER IN trix of the estate of Wm. II. Merriman, de­ ceased. A.11 persons indebted to said estate are re­ TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, etc. quested to settle the same immediately, and those having claims against the estate will present them with the proper vouchers to me at my residence in Manzanita precinct Pumps, within six months from the date hereof. ART EM 1 >IA M EHR IM AN, Executrix of the estate of Wm. II. Merriman. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Sept. 28, 1877. NAILS, STORE OF SACHS BROS. ti<>n Dit.W¡si aii ' s B alsam of W ild C iiek - CALIFORN1A STREET, kv . 'This preparation 1 have used in mv practice tor more than ten years past, and have always found it tobe of more effectu­ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, al service ihau anything within my knowl­ edge. 1 reeomni * ii <1 it with the greatest <-on- RY RECEIVING THE lidenec t<> those subject to coughs and pul­ monary complaints." Sol,} by all druggists. • r The National < ¡old Medal was awarded to Bradley A Rulofson tor the best Photo­ graphs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for the be-t in the world. 429 Mont­ gomery street. San Francisco. Largest and Best Selection ALEUTS for the times . FALL & WINTER DRY-GOODS, ..................... Ashland ................. New York ................. New York ...Josephine County ................ Kerby ville ............... Rock Point .......... San Francisco .......... San Francisco ....................St. Louis ................... Lakeview TV ■arc ••rs.w oar A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES HARDWARE, TINWARE, POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Fuse and Caps, OF— FANCY GOODS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. GLASS CUTLERY, WIRE, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, ETC. 11 ivii — w OFFICIAL DIRECTORY SIATE OF OREGON. •overnor............. .............................. S. F. Chadwick -eerrtary of State S. F. Chadwick >tate 'Treasurer,. ..... \. H. BroAvn ...M . V. Brown state Printer....... Sup'i of Public Instruction...I L. Rowland FIRST Jl’DICIAL DISTRICT. ireuit .Indue..................................... P. P. Prim Di-lrict Attorney........................ II. K. Hanna J.M'KsON COUNTY'. • mnt a - Judge............................... Silas T. Dav ount’v Commissioners...... ' Vr.?''’ ( Abram,Miller, sheriff......................................... J. W. Manning t'lerk............................................ E. D. Fond rav Treasurer,............................................ John Orth \ss,‘ssor,.................................... B. C. Goddard school Superintendent,............. E. J. Farlow surveyor,....................................... I. S. Howard IVE CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE * I ladies to the fact that we have now on hand the largest and best selected assort­ ment of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS and FAN­ CY GOODS of every description in Southern Oregon, ami wo will henceforth make this line of goods our specialty and sell them at Prices to Suit the Times. To the gentlemen we will say, if you want a No. 1 SU IT OF CLOTHES you must goto Reames Bros, to buv it, as weclaim to have the best STOCK OF CLOTHING in Jackson county and willallow noone to un­ dersell us. These goods were all purchased by a mem­ ber of our firm from FIRST-CLASS HOUS­ ES in San Francisco and New York, and we w ill warrant every article and sell them as cheap tor cash as any house in the county. We also keep on hand a full stock of Administrator's Notice. In the matter of the estate of Peter Otters- bach, deceased. V"OTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Jackson county, (Ire- gon, Administrator of the estate of Peter Ottersbach, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are re­ quested to settle the same immediately, and those having claims against the estate will present them with the proper vouchers to me at jny place of business in Jacksonville within six months from the date hereof. HERMAN v. HELMS, Administrator of estate of Peter Ottersbach. Jacksonville, October 10, 1877. Wooden and Willow Ware ROPE, NAILS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. LEG A L AD VERTISEMENTS. Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose, ETC., ETC. I have secured the services of a First-class Administrator's Notice. In the .matter of the estate of Herman Kirni- sey, deceased. VOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of Jackson county, Ore­ gon, Administrator of the estate of Herman Kirmsev, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are re­ quested to settle the same immediately, and those having claims against the estate will present them with the proper vouchers to me at my place of business in Jacksonville within six months from the date thereof. HERMAN v. HELMS, Administrator of the estate of II. Kirmsev. Jacksonville, October 10, 1877. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair­ In the matter of the Estate of Napoleon Bak­ er, deceased. ing promptly and in superior style. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER AND 1 license of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson county, sitting for the transaction of probate business on October 2d. A. I). 1*77, the undersigned, administra­ tor of the estate ot Napoleon Baker, deceased, TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, will sell at public auction, for cash in U. S. 1 I am receiving and have constantly on gold coin, on the said premises, in said coun­ ty, on hand a full and first-class stock of Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, For ail the purposes of a Family Physic, and lor curing Costiveness. Jaundice, Indigestion, Foul Stomach. Breath. Heartache. Erysipelas. Kneumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Bil­ iousness. Dropsy, humors,Worms, Dinner Pill, ae Blood, Are the most ef­ fective and conge­ nial purgative ever discovered. Th« v are mild, but ef­ fectual in their operation, moving the bowels surelv and without pain. Although gentle in their ojx*ration, they are still the most thorough and sear« hing cathar­ tic medicine that can be employed: cleans­ ing the stomach and bowels, ami even the blood. In small doses of one pill a day, they stimulate the digestive organs and promote vigorous health. A yer ' s have been known for more than a <|tiailer of a century, and have obtained a world-wide reputation for their virtues. They correct diseased action in the several assimilative organs of the bodv, and are so composed that obstruc­ tions within their range can rarely with­ stand or evade them. Not only do they cure the everv dav «-omplaints of every- liody, but also formidable and dangerous diseases tliaf h ive l aflled the best of human skill. hilc ihev promice power­ ful eif'Cts, they arc. at the same time, the safest and best physic for children. By their aperient action they gripe much less than tiie common oiirgaiives. and never giv«* pain when the bowels art* not inflamed. Thev reach the vital fountains of the blood, an i strengthen the system by freeing it from the element.- of weaitm ss. Adapted to all ages ami conditions in ail climates, containing neither calomel nor anv deleterious urug. these l*ills may be taken with safety by anyt>ody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh, and »naites them pleasant to take: while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. HRKl’AKEI» BY Dr, J. C. AYER & l CO., Lowell, Mass., Pr'ictical and A n-«l vt i< al Chemists. sold by all druggisis everywhere . CALIFORNIA’S BEST PRODUCTIONS. Saturday, October 27, 1S77, Groceries, Yerba Buena Bitters. at 1 o’clock r. M., the following described JOSEPHINE COUNTY. real property, situated in Jackson county, For Regulating the Liver an«l Purifyingtho DRY GOODS, Gum Boots, TOBACCO, GROCERIES, Blood. ■ 'ounty Judge........................... M. F. Baldwin Oregon: . .. 1 J. E. SeA tertli, 11 AR I AVARE, CUTLERY, G LASSWAR E, Lot No. 3. and the N.L of N. W. % and Ready-Made Clothing, ounty < ommissioners,...... | „ T11(;rnton] the S. W, » , of the N. W. % of section 27, Yerba Buena Bitters, sheriff,........................................... S. Messenger and lots Nos. 1, 2 and 3of section 28, in town ­ GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Etc., Etc. CROCKERY, For Indigestion. i'lerk........................................... Chas. Hughes ship 38. south of range, 3 west, containing Treasurer,..................................................... Win. Naueke 157 acres. Together with all the appur­ Yerba Buena Bitters, \ssessor............................................. I. P. Lewis A FULL LINE OF ASHLAND GOODS, tenances thereunto belonging. School Superintendent,................ T. M. Smith WILLIAM RAY. Everything sold at reasonable rates. For Dyspepsia. E’c. Etc. surveyor.................................... W. N. Sanders Administrator of the estate of Napoleon Give me a call. K. KUBLI. Coroner.............................. Geo. S. Mathewson Baker, deceased. Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1875. Give ns a call and judge for yourselves as Yerba Buena Bitters, October 5th, 1877. LAKE COUNTY. to our capacity ot furnishing goods as above. The Great Spring Medicine. County Judge............................... E. C. Mason “The proof of the pudding is eating it.” T. A. DAVIS. F. K. ARNOLD. Summons. , . . I S, I', M<>