as to secure his re-election to the Senate. Ke stopped one day at Roseburg.but knowing how thoroughly Democratic Jackson county is, he did i-Qt wa»te-^iy time here. — ------ •- ---- — F ell from a H orse —A little daughter of Dr. Danforth was riding a horse Saturday evening when the ani­ mal started to run and she fell from his back. Fortunately she suffered no injuries, other than a few bruises. Horseback riding is becoming fashion­ able among the girls here, and al­ though it is a very healthful exercize, it is often fraught with danger. Par­ ents should be careful about the kind of horses they allow their children to ride. W. C. M yer ’ s P remiums . —W. C. JACKMIX COUNTY II OHM EM. The idea of teaching every girl to POSITIVE thump a piano and every boy to be a The following horses are now In News scarce this week. book keeper, will make potatoes worth Odd Fcllowx’ Btfildinf) Jatkiffrrfilcj 0rr|»tr training, on John Watson’s track,some Watermelons and colic plentiful. $4 per bushel in twenty years. six miles from this place, and will i Rush Hashanah, the Jewish Year. Chas. Kohn, agent of Schultz A j compete for the premiums offered by DEALER & tlï Von Bargen, of San Francisco, arrived Read notice of sheriff’s sale, else­ the Agricultural Society of Siskiyou j in town on the stage with Senator where. county, California, at their Fair next TIN, SHEET IRON, COFPfctt, LEAD, ete. ‘ Mitchell Wednesday. He is as jovial Try a glass of St. Louis beer at Matt. month: as ever. —AT— Dillons. running horses . Pumps, Rafael Moratt took nino hundred “Scamperdown,” is a bay stallion j A lone prisoner is now’ confined in pounds of grapes, from the vineyard five years old; sired by “Norfolk,” I the County Jail. of the Frenchman just north of town, dam “Nettie W;” S. Booth owner and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Epizootic has again made its appear­ to Roseburg this week, where ho will trainer. “Scamperdown” won the ance in this county. dispose of the1 same. two-mile race at Yreka in 1875, dis­ NAILS, Wes Manning and wifo have re­ In the case of B. F. Dowell vs. W. tancing all his competitors, and at the turned from Roseburg. (’. Griswold, in U. S. District Court at Oregon State Fair last year displayed A FIIfeT-ULASK STOCK OF STOVES John Miller returned this week from Portland, the motion of defendant for fine speed, and, had he been in good a trip to the mountains. | a new trial was denied, and judge­ condition would have made it “lively” Now is the time to preserve brandy ment on verdict. for “Tom Merry” and “Ryestraw.” HARDWARE, TINWARE, by putting peaches into it. Governor Chadwick, C» C. Beekman If we are not mistaken he will carry J Rev. J. R. N. Bell has gone to the anil N. Langell returned from Lake off the ribbon very easily. POWDER OF È,VERY DESCRIPTION county last Monday. On Tuesday’s j “Boston,” owned by J. C. Tolman, j conference at Walla Walla. C. W. Savage expects to open his ! stage the Governor and lady took is a sorrel stallion, 3 years old; sired i Fuse and Capii I their departure for Salem. by “Norfolk” dim “Minnie Riflli”; 1 new saloon in about a week. The Alden Fruit Preserving Com­ Geo. Stephenson, trainer, lie is about Ôur Stock Must be Sold ! The new telegraph line is complet­ Wooden and Willow Ware pany have sold their dried fruit they IGA hands high and is of fine form ed as far as Willow Springs. and action. Last year he was taken j The term of the Sister»’ School will I still had on hand fiom last season’s run ROPE, NAILS, —aliout fifteen hundred pounds—to G. to the State Fair, but was not allowed j be eleven weeks in duration. to be entered in the 2-year old race, Karewski, for 9 cents a pound. The postoflice at Goose Lake, Lake PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. GLASS When anyone sends to a newspaper on the pretext that he was not an Ore­ county, has been discontinued. rniTE UNbKRStGNRB, having con - gon colt, (having been bred in Califor ­ an anonymous communication intend- , 1 eluded to sell their entire st00 at Ashland, promises to be well attend­ 1 cattle, why a number <>f cats are not stallion, 7 years old; “Ilambetolian” i White Rock anil Lownsdale Muslins................................. I2?^c. per yard called cowtie, is a thing that he cannot ed. stock. He is a powerful and fine look­ Dress Linen............................. 33J^c. TN CONNECTION WtTIT THE ARGVE, “ 1 I am receivirtg afid have constantly uh Grass Cloths ........................... I2Sc. “ The “San Francisco Minstrels” are I I understand. ing horse, 1G hands high; was recent- 1 hand a full and first-class stiM'k of Bed Ticking............................ 1661.30 “ The funeral of the late Mrs. Marga­ ly imported from Kentucky, and has a Best Brands of Teas............... 50e. per pound billed for this place next Tuesday eve­ “ ret Dillon took place Wednesday. record of 2:35. “Sir Walter” is lame Costa Rica Cotlee................... 25c. ning. Greoerie«i And all other articles at corresponding High Mass was solemnized at the at present, having received injuries low rates. There is one end of a hornet that The public is invited t"> call and avail DRY GOODS, Gum Boot«, TOBACCO, Catholic Church, anti her remains • luring the season, and unless he fully you can’t compromise with; remem­ themselves of this opportunity of securing Ready-Made Clothing, i were followed to their last resting place recovers will, of course, take no part bargains before it is too late. ber that. FISHER A CARO. by many sorrowing friends. in the trials of speed. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Etc, Ete. A wedding, will occur in this cit\ “ Little Jennie, ” owned and trained It is estimated that there are two POST SCRIPT. about the first of next month, so rum- by George Stephenson, is a bay mare, thousand four hundred disorders to or has it. All )>ersons knowing themselves indebted •p®“ Everything sold at reasonable rates. 8 years old. She is a spirited little by either note or book account are hereby Give which the human frame is liable. , me a call. K. KUBLI. Mrs. \V. J. Ply male returned on notified to settle by Septeml>er 1st next, or Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1875. thing and a lively stepper, and, al­ their When a man is | ml up with the rheu- accounts will lie ¡»laced in the hands the stage Wednesday from her trip to I mutism, he is apt to think that the en- though she has no record, promises to of our attorney (or forced collection. Roseburg. Those interested will please take notice. I tire number has struck him in concert. make good time. Jacksonville, July 14, 1877. F. C. Prof Merritt and lady returned Sun­ “ Montreal, ” owned by John Wat ­ J. II. Thomas, of Sams Valley, will Sheriff's Sale. day from a wedding tour to the East­ ' son, is a brown gelding, “Lionheart” start Sept. 10th for the Willamette he eagle mux ern States. stock; N. Berry, trainer. He is a ■ Valley. He goes to visit his old home , ITUATED FIFTEEN MILES SOUTH Gen. Schumpf is moving into his Y VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND j of Jacksonville, and half a mile north in Linn county, where he settled in lai go horse and has already given the order of sale duly issued out of the new house recently completed on Ore­ of Ashland, Is prepared to do general Cus­ Circuit Court of the fState of Oregon, for the ' and 1815, with his father’s family. Jesse is ' people of Yreka a display of his speed, tom Exchange Business. county of Jackson, on the 28th day of Au­ gon street. in, 1875, trotting mile-heats, three in Flour and Feed at Hie ■ is a genial person and we trust he may i gust A. I)., 1877, and to me directed and de­ Willie Little was thrown from an livered, in favor of the Board of Commis­ LOWEST CASH PRICES. ( have a pleasant visit and a safe return. five, in 2:54. sioners for the sale of School Land and the ______ •______ unruly horse on Tuesday last, but es­ Thirty-six pounds of rtottr, tu-o pound« Read the sales of sewing machines . S till A nother P arty .—Last i management of the Common School Fund, and against H. A.Grigsby and A. M. Grigs­ of shorts and eight pounds of bnm given per caped injury. in the United States, published else- ( Tuesday another party left for Crater by for the recovery of the sum of three hun- I bushel of good Wheat. Will sack and brand The lady who lost a pair of drab kid and fifty-four ami 70-110 (|H54.7O) dol-' the sacks—customers furnishing the sacks. where, and you will find that in 187G Like. It was composed of Adam dred lars, gold coin, and interest at ten per cent. My brother, G. F. Billings, will have gloves can have the same by calling ( the Singer Manufacturing Co. sold Klippell and A. Maegly, of Missouri, per annum, and the further sum of $29.75 i charge of the business, being assisted by cos’s and disbursements and also the accru­ competent millers. at this office. over 150,(1(10 more machines than ai y Richard Klippell, Wm. Peniger, Lan­ ing costs, 1 have levied upon and will offer Everything as represented er no sale. Next to a fire, a dog fight will at­ other Company. A machine that is dis Klippell, and Wes. Ingrahm. for sale for cash, in U . S. gold coin, at pub­ MRS.& E. FARNHAM. lic auction to the highest bidder, at the tract more sidewalk spectators than so universally popular must indeed They will lie absent about two weeks. Court House door, in Jacksonville, Jackson LIME FOR SAXE. anything else. County, Oregon, on ♦ --------- • .f have great met it. A man cannot be a Christian unless Satnrd.Ry, the 6th day of October, 1877, Newman Fisher left Tuesday for Tim stockholders of the Alden Fruit “ANtr»- at two o’clock 1». M. of said day, the follow­ Lake county, to look after business Preserving Company did not re-pond he pay» his subscription. ing described real property to-wit: 7’he south-east quarter of section twenty-five (25) interests there. ££PTlie National Gold Medal was awarded to a call for a meeting this week. It in township 36 south, range No. 2 west, sit­ BRICK-LAYING tt PLASTERING DONE On last Sunday “one more unfortu­ seems as if they had given up hopes of to Bradley A Rulofson lor the best Photo­ uated in Jackson County, Oregon, and lev­ graphs in the United States, and the Vienna upon as the real property of the above nate”, on a big “tare” was arrested by doing anything with their dryer this Medal tor the best in the world. 429 Mont- ■ ied named defendants, H. A. Grigsby and A. M. Grigsby, to satisfy the above named ex­ he undersigned would here - Marshal Helms. season. It is too bad that It should re­ gomery street. San Francisco. ecution and order of sale. by inform the public that he has ONE Martin Angel, well-known here, is main idle, while so much fruit is go­ J. W. M ANNING, THOUSAND BUSH ELS of superior Jackson BORN. Sheriff of Jackson County, Oregon. I Creek Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish- now running a sack factory at Albany ing to waste in this valley. Jack onville, September 3d, 1877. ! ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the BROWN—In ibis city, August 22d, to the I la*st style and at reasonable rates will do and employs six operatives. wife of George Brown a daughter. Pioneer < elebration. SIXTY DAYS’ SALE! AGENTS FOR THE TIMES. 1 1 ■ ■1 K. RUBLI, BKIEF mention . , : j j LIVE AND LET LIVE! T completed last week, and the first tire built in it on Monday. The work of retorting the ore has been already com­ menced, and, after the building over the retort is completed, at which hands are now at work, this company expect to turn out 400 [»ounds of quicksilver a day. A large quanity of ore is now laying on the dump, and they will be­ gin soon in taking out more. We learn that they expect to make about 10,000 pounds of quicksilver tiefore they are compelled to shut down next winter. T The M. E. Conference at Seattle has stationed the Rev. W. Hurlburt at, Jacksonville for the coming year. There seems to be no prospect of the base-ball clubs of this place and Ashland coming together this season. Alex. Martin and family returned this week from a trip to Klamath. They report having had a good time. j i , ■ Henry Klippell, Dave Cronemiller, T. B. Kent and James McDaniel re­ turned from Cinnabar mines this week. The Heif Shore for August contains B ig C hief .—Winnemucca, chief a cut of the Rogue River Falls which, of the Piutes, and a number of his however, is not very artistically exe­ braves were in town Wednesday for cuted. the purpose of meeting Commissioner Mr. Tweed, of Phoenix, presented Turner, who they expected would be us with a basket of nice peaches, for here from Jacksonville, Oregon. The which he will accept our acknowledge­ old chief had a talk with the Governor ments. and expressed a desire to go on a res­ The residence of Mr. Williams, on ervation. lie exhibited in this office Foot’s creek, together with its con. a photograph of Governor Brayman, tents was entirely consumed by fire which he seemed to prize very high­ recently. ly, and, pointing to the governor’s Anyone wishing to purchase sheep, hair, remarked: “Heep old chief; hair very while; Winneinncca one will do well to read the advertisinent hundred and five years old; governor of J. 8. Herrin, which appears in this beep big chief.” The party remained week’s issue. We were misinformed last week as in this vicinity till Friday night wait­ ing for the commissioner, who failed to to the time of holding Circuit Court in put in an appearance.— Idaho Aral- Josephine county. It will not convene until October. an he. ------------------- --------------------------- S B Myer, of this county, off jrs a special premium of $2')0 at the State Fair for the best family of draft horses, “to be one stallion,one or more mares and colls <>r fillies,full blood.” Also for Percheron stock, sired by “Waite Prince” and “Pride of Perche,” foaled this year, he offers a premium of $20 for lie»t ■colt; second-best, $10. Fillies—best, $15; second-best, $8 Mr. Myer has always displayed much enterprise in Mrs Effie Howard, nee Hubbard, of importing blooded-stock, and this ac­ Lakeview, was in town this week, tion of his in encouraging their intro­ visiting relatives and friends. duction is commendable. Chas. Howard left town yesterday T he E m eline M ine .—The retort of to finish surveying the mining ditch the Emeline Co. on Beaver creek was of J. C. Tolman, on Cow Creek. . ' j ' , ! I The Committee havingcharge of the arrangements and programme for the first annual re-union and picnic of the “Pioneer Society of Southren Oregon” met on Saturday last, and decided to hold the celebration at Ashland, as the most eligible place, all things consid­ ered Thursday, September 13th A procession will lie formed in Ash- land,at half past 10 o’clock a . m .,under the direction of the marshal of the day and proceed to the ground selected for the public exercises of the occasion. The order of the exercises will be as , follows; Music by the band. Prayer by the Chaplain. Music by the Choir. Oration. Music by the choir. Dinner, Toasts, Ac. Members of the Society will be furn- ished with badges on application to the Secretary. A general invitation is extended to the public to participate in the festi­ val. Families, whether members or not, are requested to come with a bounti­ ful supply of provisions for the table. All persons who arrived in Oregon prior to the end of the year 1855, may become members of the Society, and i by applying or sending to the Secreta- ' ry, the date and place of birth, from , whence they emigrated and the time of arrival in Oregon, together with one dollar, the initiation fee, will be en­ rolled as members. W m . H offman , Secretary. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. DIED. DILLON—In this city, Sept. 4, 1877, Mrs. Margaret billon; aged 67 years. NEW, THIS WEEK. SEWING MACHINE SALES FOR 1876. HUIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR 1 sale his ranch and mining property, sit­ uated on Sterling creek, containing 164 acres, all tinder fence. Forty acres are un­ der cultivation, with plenty of vegetable land; a good orchard, living water on var­ ious parts, plenty of timber and fine slock range. Cash market al the door for every­ thing raised. Health of locality unsur­ passed. There are 54'7 acres and a half of mining ground, which are guaranteed to pay $5 a day per hand. 'I’ itee —I . S. title to the whole. Ins|»ection invited and everything guar­ anteed as represented. For further particu­ lars enquire of T. H. GILSON. MACHINES 1 Ths Singer Ml’g Co. sold 262,316 Howe Machine Co., “ Wheeler A Wilson MfgCo. “ Domestic S. M. Co., “ American B. II. AS. M. Co. “ Weed Sewing Machine Co., “ Wilcox A Gibbs S, M. Co., “ Remington S. M. Co., “ Gold Medal S. M. Co., “ Victor “ “ “ Florence “ “ “ Braunsdorf A Co., (.Etna) “ McKay S. M. Association. “ 109,291 108,997 23,587 17,937 14,425 12,7.58 12,716 7,185 5,750 2,789 707 102 ST. LOUIS BEER, now all the rage everywhere, which he will sell in quantities to suit. Give him a call and test this celebrated lstverage. M XT1\ W. DILLON. Jacksonville, August 31, 1877» FOR SALE OR TRADE ! Cor. First and Yamhill Sts., FOR SALE. T OFFER FOR SALE ONE OF TUB 1 finest Panorama lanterns on this UoAMt. For Stereo pt icon and Dissolving Views it 1« unexcelhsl. The slide glasses are of the fin­ est assortment, embracing foreign and I American scenes, comic and grave. Will lie sold at less than cost. Everything is en- j tirelv new and in good working order. Apply to GM). GRn for rvrry >»rr»OM oaut«tn- plating th« DUC chime of «ter article fbr personal, «atoUy LOUIS BEER! rpItE CNDEKSKiNKn HAS Jl'KT RE- 1 eeived a supply of the famous PORTLAND OFFICE) well to call on me. For further information Inquire at the Franco-American Hotel. «. W. 11OLT. Jacks »nville, Feb. 11, 1875. or agricultural use. Free to any Addrwa. XOXTUOMERY WARD A Original Grange Supply llotne. ' , . 2Z7 4 2» Wabash ara CHICAUU 111, LAND FOR SALE. he U ndersigned offers for 24(l acres of choice agricultural land, T 175 sale acres under fence, situated in Joseph mu county, Oregon. For information, enquire of John Bolt, Applegate, *»r at the resideucu of LA FAYKTTK ALLEN. T HAVE ON HAND A LARGESUPPLY L ot first-c'ass lumber of every description at the mill of Davis “A Ture.y «>h Wagner Creek, which I will dispose* of for nmnev, horses or grain. Any bill sawed to order on FOR SALE. short notice. J. 1st!. rpHE undersigned offers for 1 sale one hundred and forty head ot fine Angora goats in first-class conditiun. SPECIAL NOTICE« 4 SMALL FLOCK OF SHEEP. MY j Apply tn THOH; CHAVNEK, A sheep will clip an average of seven I Chitvfier’s Ranch» JackMUi C«mnty. pounds to the year’s growth. Apply at once to JOHN S. HERRIN, OWDER—Giant, blast ing or gun powder 4 LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE 11 Singer Manufacturing Co. will call mi all kinds, aild caps dbd fuse, for sale in quantities to suit, by JOHN MILLER. II. K. Hanna and settle during the next Farms for Sale. thirty days. M. VV. PARSONS, EW Hubs made to order and rvjtoiring Gen’l Traveling Agent Ogn. and W.T. properly dohe by JOHN MILLER. September 1, 1877. Persons desiring to purchase good farms of any size will do well to enquire of LL kinds at ammunition for sale by O you want proteutlwM ? Boy a Ifistol <»r JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. ____ ____ JOHN MILLER. Knife, or both, of JOHN MILLER. ORSE, Paint,Sash,Scriibbingand Bla< k- 4 N elegant assortment of Poeketand Ta^ IL, Whetstones, Tape «nd Chalk Line« ening Brushes al JOHN MILLER’S. 21 blu Cutlery for sale by J. MILLER. for sale at JOHN MLLLEK'b. IX) U TL A ND, on EGON, ANGORAS FOR SAXE. V H P N D O