Image provided by: Jacksonville Boosters Foundation; Jacksonville, OR
About The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1877)
r ■“'p' chv Ä1 rmociatic eimvs. FKlbA ¥,.. AUGUST ¡51. 1«77 AGENTS Furt THE TnViES. Geo. 1*. Rowell A ('<»........................... Yew York. S>. M. f’vt. ina» 11 A • ".........................'” u Y«>rk. Dan. 1.. Green..................... Jo-.« ¡»tune County. < 'has. Hmjlms.................................... Kerbyx ille Ben Haymond................................... Rock Point L. 1*. Fisher,................................ ^an Francisco. ’I’htis. Rove*.................................,.s»an Francisco Rowell A ‘'hesinan............................... St. Louis tin«. A. Winckler........................................ Yreka R. R. Hatton.......................................... Lakeview L si’.— A small, round gold locket, containing one photograph. The finder will tn* suitably rewarded by leaving the same at this < Hire. C amp M feti ng .- -T he camp meet- j|:g oil Butte Creek Was Very sUCCl'sS- full, the atleiidatice being large, ami g >od order prevailing. 'There were h me uuvussioiis to the Church. Jo rii ine C ounty .—The Septem- er term ol Circuit Court for Josephine minty, lion. P. P. Prim, Judge, con- The usual num* X’ enc« next Mond ay. er of attorneys irom this place will be in attendance. I G rain Cox i t: wr.—J. I-h has the n'.ract lor supplying barley to the <). '. S; ige U ». a! A nmerm ill’s station, t! e Mountain House and this place, We a i id is now dt livering Hie grain. » irn th: it till * price pai l i« forty cents a »u»hul and upwar>l. < 1 1 ♦ I" ti w it I DlTt »i; G one .— Cha«. Niukuîl, itor amd proptiet or of liiis pa I We dnesduy on ti recreating .■.ike «L-ounty, t»» b e gone a few md n ur reiiiers can attribute to I 1 with ed b (1 1 to an- .* that the 1 )i»tri«t i September 17th, is pr invipal, as«i»t- orpsof teachers. a » 'A t.H igr it ion Was arri ved ani however, no >i Kt nade I'» the G overnor .— A number of our citizen», acvoinpan- 1'1 l»y the Jacksonville Brass Band, vi-ited the residence of C. C. Beek in m last Friday night and serenaded G »v. Chadwkk. tin Excellency re sponded in ¡i neat speech. Those pres ent were then invited in and inlro- tluued to tiie Governor. ■w r- - n »mew !< 1 .i . i r j Pi ou ver Celebration T he M ammoth C ave .—We learn for taking photographs. Our citizens i The Committee haviugcharge of the that the immense underground recess 1 iie Pioneers celebrate at Ashland will do well to look not only fur this, but arrangements and programme for the recently discovered in Josephine coun all other traveling frauds. this year. Odd Fellows’ Building, Jacksontillc, (In gon, first annual re-union and picnic of the ty’ lias been more thoroughly’ explored. Ij ike county, called Henry Conn, of JSimmi Caro retured Sunday from a has been found to be over five miles on us this week, 1 le informs us that “Pioneer Society of Southron Oregon” It visit lu Purtlaud. DEALER & WORKER IN in extent, and the exploration is not they commenced moving tiie U. S. met on Saturday last, and decided to 1 lie fall term of St. Mary’s Academy Land Oliiue from Link ville to La Ke hold the velebiation at Ashland, as the yet completed. The stalactite forma began Monday last. view on Monday, lt will be opened most eligible place, ail things consid i tion overhead i-i said to be unique, TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, eta being similar to that in other caves of There is a letter in the Jacksonville ered Thursday, September 13tli at the latter place on September 1st. which moréis known. A party will postuiiiue for Mrs. 31. E. Tune. A procession will be formed in Ash shortly make a thorough investigation Pumps, Messrs. W. T. Bodley, E- D. Brown J. W. Wimer, of Murphy, Jose i land, at half past 10 o’clock a . m .,under of this mammoth cavern. and J. II. lleed, have liled articles with ¡>hiue uouuty, was in town last week. I the direction of the marshal of the day the clerk ot 3Iultonom th county incor I E thnology —They were at a din A G R IC U LTU R AL IMPLEMENTS and proceed lo the ground selected for Wit alter Jacksoil and family returned porating the Beaver Quicksilver 3Iin- I ner party, and ho remarked that he from Salem to this place last Mouday. ing Company, located in the counties of the public exercises of theMecasion. supposed she was fond of ethnology*. The ordqr of the exercises will be as NAILS, She said she w as not very well, and the tieW post oliiuu called Ida, has Siskiyou, California, and Jackson, Ore follow«: doctor had told her not to eat anything established lu Like county, Urc- gon. Portland is designated as the Music by the band. fur dessert except oranges. A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES gon. principal pl ice of business. Capital Prayer by the Ch tplain. Judge Watson returned last week stock $200,000, in »h ires of $1 tach. £ irTlie National Gold Medal was aw arded Mu«ic by tiie Cbmr. from a trip tu ine Beaver creek cinua- to Bradley de itulofson tor the best Photo HARDWARE, TINWARE, I J us e 1* HIN E C o U N T Y.—W e learn < »ration. graphs in the United States, and the Vienna bar mines. I that Wilderville is steadily improving. Mu-dc by the choir. Medal for the bast in the world. 429 Mont POWDER OF EVERY DESCRI¡T1ON The carpenters have finished woik Nickel Co., of Crescent City, have gomery street, San Francisco. Dm tier, Toasts, ¿tc. on iSchumpf’s new residence, on Ore- erected a building, and will shortly ^Members of the Society will be furn gon struct. Fase and Caps, liave a store in operation there. Kel ished with badges oil application lo 1>I LL< >N—In lies c-ity, A tigust 25, 1877, John Dr. Aiken has recently had a ve ry logg,of Willow Spring«, is ¡il«o putting the Secretary. I 11.lean youngest .«<»n ol Matt. W. amt I Emma Dillon, aged nine months and two nice buggy brought up from the up a new likuksmiih shop. This, with A general invitation is extended to Wooden and Willow Ware weeks. Willamette. Wilder’s new dwelling house, it is the public to participate in the festi Levi Willits is the druggist in the said, gives the | luce ijuiiu a lively ap val. HOPE, NAILS, Families, whether members or not, City Drug ¡Store during the abseuce of pearance at this lime. A paity writes us that the citizens are requested lo come with a bomiti- ugo ix.uHcr. I PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS Prof. J. W. Merrit and wife are ex of that viciniiy are engaged in a very ful supply of provisions for the table AU persons w ho arrived in Oregon peeled lu return Lum their trip Lu New lamliible enterpii-e— i«, thechang CUTLERY, WIRE, X ’ n<>- ing of tin* grade of the .«omcwiiat prior to tiie end of the year 1855, may rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HAS JUST I oik shortly. A ceived a supply of the lamous torious Hay’s bill. Wilder and Ben become members of the Society, ami Tiie building formerly’ occupied by ST. LOUIS BELR, i Bull have been surveying it, ami find l>y applying or sending lo the Secreta now all the rage everywhere, which he will Shot, Drushcs, Chains and Uose, Dill, on is being lilted up fur C. W. S.iv- that a new road can be made aroii nd ry, tiie date and phu-e of birth, from sell hi lo suit. <>i\e him u call age’ new saloon. beverage. the hill without malt i i.dly lengi hening whence they emigrated and the lime ami lest this celebrated ETC., ETC, M VI f. W. DILLON. C lias. Nickell, Bob Kahler uud Tom the road, on an almo»l trilling grade— I of arrival in Oregon, together with one Jacksonville, August 31, IS77. Kali ilerst u ted on a liiji lo Crater Lake not to exceed fourteen inches to the dollar, tiie ioiliatiuii ice, will be en I have secured the services of a First-class ia»t Wednesday. rod. Jttck-on county teamsters will rolled as members. Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair G ov. Chadwick, C. C. Beekman and very readily appreui ite the diirerence, W. m . H offman , Secretary. ing promptly and in superior style. Col. J. N. Miller lull ¡Saturday on a when they remember that much of the HAYE ON HAND A LARGESUPPLY I M urder AND L ynching .—On All- ti ip to Lake county. ot lii sl-e ass lumber ol every de«erij>tion old road has a grade of b ur ami half gust 20iii a mail named Led eck was at my mill on \\ uglier I,reek, whicli lex ill Several of the parties who have or live feet to the rod. Thu mud dispose of for money, horses or gram. Any in a stole at Adin, Modoc county, bill sawed to order on short notice. subscript ion, Will be done by private been out rusticating in the mountains J. ISJL looking at some pipes when a gambler TN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, under the supervision of J. Knight, returned home this week. i I am receiving and have constantly on named MtCoyie, came in and picking hand a lull and first-class stock of fact in-ures that it wiil be well which Marshal liions knabbed a violator upa pipe, threw it on the Hour. Lee •j pa-lied to final coniple- of the tiiy ordinance Tuesday, The done. If it i beck picked up the pipe, and placed it Groce rie». lion, it mu-t obviate tiie necessity llvcoider interviewed him. PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE on the counter, when McUoyle plunged of tiie contemplated road over the iur Manufac'uriiig Co. will call on DRY GOODS, Gum Boot», TOBACCO, J. W. Maiming and Mrs. W. J. a long kuiii* into the side of Leebeck, lamia and settle during the next Mooney mountain mid will be another ays. M. W. PAtUsONS, Ready-Made Clothing, Ply male stal led fur Roseburg Wednes just below the ribs, causing nis death crumb towaids building the much •n’t Traveling Agent Ogn. and W.T. • day, •y, tu to be l»e gelie gcllt* a few ‘ ’ days. about 1 o’clock on Tuesday, 'Tiie cili- GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Etc., Etc. needed road to the coast. zens were terribly ’ excited over this J. S. Howard , was in town during White, the ageut of Hume, tin* 7 7 is not easily earned in these times, tlic pa-t w’cvk. He reports work pro- ow ner of the .-aw mills al the inolili) told blooded murder, committed for lio i I I hut it can lie maue in three mouths Everything sold at reasonable rates. cau.«e whatever, as the two men had by any one of eidmi- sex, in any part of the Give me pressing iiiiclv mi thè .Slertiu g ditch. a calf. K. KURI.Î. of Rogue liver, is here p.eparing to country wtio )« willing lo worn steaddy a: Jacksonville, Fel». 18, 1S75. no acquaintance, and probably never tlie cm¡»htymem that wu furnish. J» i ¡»er Il ;i yuung lady is sensible she will 11 »at I he saw logs down R »gue river week m your own town. You need not be she’ll go about look- that me la ing got out f>r that pur- „aw tach other belMre. On Tuesday a.vay limn home o\er night. You can give uevt-r ¡ace whole time to llm work, or only your graceiul as a tub ui pose. It is his intention to 11 »at about night the ShurilT witli an v?c n t, »tat t your mg as spare moments. We have agents v. Im are ed <»tr qui’dly about 10 o’clock, to take ma king ove 5-0 per day. All wlm enzage M >.*p. on».* million feet of sugar pine and one I the murderer to Alturas, the county at on: e can make money last. Al the pres THE EAGLE MILL. I-'. Kitschard, the jeweler, has re- hundred thousand feet of yellow pine ent time money cannot lie made so easily «eat, and when about six miles above ami rapidly ai any other business. It costs moved to the buildin; ' formerly used the coming season. The effort to float OTTUATED FIFTEEN MILES SOUTH Adin, m Reuiitl Valley, was surpii-ed nothing to try the bu»i«ess. Terms ami $5 U* ol Jacksonville, and half a mile north outlii ireo. Ailrtrcss at om e 11. 11ALL.ET At a» MU.uiliuc by \\ . L’. Telegraph Com- logs down Rogue river has proved a of Ashland, Is prepared to do geueial Cus by a large party of masked ti.i'ii, who < i>., Port land, Maine. failure hertofore, but it is hoped that pauy. tom and Exchange Business. tied the Sheriff lo a tree, put a rope dour and Feed at tiie I I \V. G. Kenney and Wm. Mensor with pa.-t experience they’ wiii be more A BARGAIN FOR SOMEBODY. around 3ict'o\ lu’s neck, and drove the LOWEST CASH PRICES. have the thinks of the employes in successful this time. wagon from under him, leaving his Thirty-six pounds of dour. two pounds tills otii.e lor some nice walermelu ns. of shorts and eight pound« of bran gix cn per body >u«pendeii from a large pine tree rniiE u: NDER s IGNEI) OFFERS FOR L ake C ounty I tems .—A corres Cali again. 1 sale (n is ranch ami mining property, sit- bushel of good wheat. Will sack and biand pondent tit Alkali Lik»*, writing under until the next day. MuCoyk* has been uated on Slerliiig creek, containing 104 the sack«—customers furnishing the Micks. With our new material we are bet My brother, G. F. Riflings, will have leuce. Forty acres are un- acres, all under i date of August 26th, furnishes us with in the vicinity but a short time, and tier uuliivation, villi pleniy <»i vegetable charge of the business, being assisted by’ ter than ever prepared to do good job confessed having killed a man in the land; a good orchard, living water on var- competent millers. lie following items : printing. Our prices are low to suit Everything as represented rr no sale, lower part of the St ile. Let-beck was i<>u> pans, plcniv ot limber and tine stock » MRS. s. E. FARNHAM. Haying is over. range, i'asn market ai the door lor every - the times. but litlie known also,and probably a new thing i raised. Health ol' locality un»ur- Weather cool, w ith frosty nights. | »assed. 'J’hi're are 54'j'acres and a liitlf of R. A. Miiler left on the stage Wed LIME FOR SALE, coiner, though apparently a peaceable mining g round, which aro guareuteed lo Deer and game of all kind plenty. nesday fur ¡¿alum, where iie will at manand good citizen, intending no in pay £.» a < lay ) er Lamk '¡'¡TEE— U. N. title to the whole. — AND tend the Willamette University ter Lie Everybody is busy gathering up I sult or provocation whatever when he 1 nspecti on invited and ev< rvthing gnar- lifted the pipe from the tloor. anteed as represented. For further ¡»artieu- en-umg year. their cattle and horses. lutili JIE.MIOX. K. KUBLI, I 1 UVE LET LIVE ! B eaver (’ reek C innabar M ines . —Adam Klippel returned from a trip to tlii'se mines last Sund.iy. He in- forms us that the masonry work on the retort of the ivmelitie company is a! “lit completed and that they will lais (M1:|U iro of T. H. GILSON. I BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE The bth and 9th of September will In anoth- The Bonanza sawmill is ruining N EW A I » V ERTIS E M E.N TS. have the retort ready to commence operations in about three weeks. He be llosh lldshunah, Jewish New Year, and is now turning out some lino lum er column T. IL Gilson announces his GOOD WORK AND LOW PRICES I i and on those days the store of E Ja- ber. farm and mining ground on Sterling i-> favor.d»! ly impressed with the mines WHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD 1IERE- — AT 1 by inform the public that he has ONE coos wiil be closed. and thinks they have bright pro-peds Several persons from this vicinity* creek for sale at a bargain. Parties THOUSAND BUSH ELS of superior Jackson for success in the near iuturd. J. E. Courtenay, of London, Presi- joined the party from Ashland at Link- wishing properly of this kind should Frey'j Boot and Slice Stere, Creek Lime for sale cheap. Persons wish ing Brick-laying or Plastering done in the C alifukma S treet , dent of the Engiish .Mining Company, viile and accompanied them oil their call on him. best style and at reasonable rates will do KICKEI) by a H orse .—Alex. Orme at G ilice Ci eck , arrived in town lliis trip to Crater Lake. 31 tit. Dillon has ju«t received some well to call on me. For f url her information Jacksonville, inquire at the Franco-Aineri<*an Hotel. c- Rock Point was driving a team near A Mr. Free, of California, ht^s re of the celebrated St. Louis beer, which weck on a visit to the mines. G. W. HOLT. Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1875. Thursday of las t week, when one of is all the rage below». Call and try it. I Mrs. L A. Helms, of Albany, is in cently purchased some six hundred the horses cotumencetl kicking. Mr. Read the notice of Jacob Ish, else aving permanently located town, and is slopping at the residence head of beef cattle in this valley, and in Jacksonville, the uo ler-igued re- FOR SALE < >rtnp rai«c •d up to his feet, when he six-ctiully informs the public that he is will start with them in a few days for where, who will furnish parties wish of her brother, James 11. Neil, She was jerked from the wagon under th»* ing lumber, with the same for money, prepared to do all kinds of work m the boot T OFFER FOR SALE ONE the San Francisco maikets. OF THE will remain here several weeks. and .shoe making line. Sa: isiaction guaran 1 finest i’anoram i Lanterns on tills ( '<>;ist. feet of the lior-t* and wa* pretty badly grain or horses. teed. GEORGE \V. FKEY. For Sterenpticon and Dissolving Views it is The street lamps liave arrived and kicked. At fir-t it was thought he Hallett & Co., of Portland, Maine, M feting of S tockholders .—The unexcelled. The slide glasses are ot the fin I 1 ( \ I Great chance to make money. est assortment, embracing ioreign and was Icully hurt, but when Dr. Aiken will »hoitly be put up. The “tired” Directors of the Ablcii Fruit Preserv advertise profitable employment for If you cant get gold vol» can American sevnes. con lie and grave. Will l»e I arrived there it wa« fi»iin<l that be had men, roiling Lome m the morning, ing Company have is-ued a Call for a parlies who are willing to engage in get greenbacks. Wo need a person m every sold at less than cost. Everything is fit- town to take subscriptions for the largest lir»:!v new and in good working <»rdcr. no bones broken, but was bruised from w ill Iben have places to stop and rest. meeting of the »tockholder.«, to lie held the same. cheapest and best illustrat'd family paper Apply to GEu. GRo'iZ, Jas. A. Cirtlwell has a iki'j new in the S >ui tl Club R tom, ¡it this place, Geo. W. Frey’s advertisement also in the wtiild. Anyone can Leeonie a suc- head to fool. Kprbvville, (Ircgon. agent, 'i'lie most elegant works <>f bugg5' on ¡he way. With one of his on next Tuesd iv, Sept. 4th, ¡it 3 appears in this issue. Mr. Frey i« cvssfiil ar. given 1 !»» siii»scrd»ers. The price is R obbed .—L>i-t Sit unlay night a span King teams and this new buggy KOT rAII. to well known here, and he Ims a reputa mi low* that alm»»»! cvei i li.xly sii I »-ci i I »<‘s o ’ clock r. M. All art* n q , io-t» d to l»e »end for our New i One ngcnl 1» | < its n :ik 'a. <»' er 3 . 0 in a Catalogue. It con man named Frank Blown, working at he will be able to furnish a “nobby” tain« valuable infor importance is to tion as a boot-maker that we«k. A liiy age i i I o s tak 11.4 over 40a I present as bu»im*.«.» of I mation fur every I subscril ei s in u n (la;, s All v ho ta g iee Wm. Justus’, simii* six miles from turnout. comment at our hands. perwon contem be transacted. make ei inev Hsi. Y«.u can dei ote all \ » ur i plating the pur this place, carried a d<*«k lielonging to chase of any articla Frank Ennh, late superintendent of tin* lius'iies-, Iai»;iics-, »» only your spare The People's Journal, of Portland, time to the M ax M uller , Sec’y. for |M*n»onid, family time. You nee neel I no: no he away L-<un Imme Mr. Justus out of the house, and, the English Mining Company at Ga- or agricultural use. Free to any Address. Maine, wants good agents in every over night. You \ oil < can a d<» l :is w el I a» o: in t s. MOr.TGOJIERY WARD A CO., breaking it open, seen re» I as a booty lice Creek, bas received a like ap- ars, diri Full particulars, direeli.i'is and t wins tree. '’C Original Grange Supply House, M illinery . — Elsewhere in this town. Head their advertisement. x -Z.'? <t 229 lfa&aa.'i Zic. CHICAGO Ul. Elegant and expensive »»¡mil lice. If you then He $225 in coin and a watch. pointaient from the Sterling Mining ¡s^ue iqqiears the advertisement of the H orse S tealing in L ake C oun want profitable work send ns your address ■ saddle of Mr. Justu«, stole a horst* and Company. Misses Cardwell, who are offering ty .—On the night of the 20th ¡list, at once. It co«;« tiiChi’ri to try the business. LAND FOR SALE I No one who engages fail to make great, pav. X j inviile, and nml also a porse of a Mr. their stock of millinery gao ls for sale I Address, “ The People ’ » Journal, ” Portland, I two horses and saddles were stolen The Portland Tele(jram, in dose rib “struck out.” He was arrested in Maine. I at low prices. They have the agency from the stable, of John Gliem, at Ing the qualities of the girls in the rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR Ashland next day on a charge of steal, L sale2IU acres ot choue agricultural lami» I of the Howe sewing machines and Merganser, Lake county. One of different towns of the State, says the 175 acres under fence, situated m Jusvplniy*- •ing a horse from Jeff Bell sometime “Jacksonville girls uro the worst on have several on hand w hich th ey are i these horses belonged to Mr. Gliem county, Oregon. For information, enquir** before, and upon being searched of John Bolt, Applegate, or at the residence California Str est, desirous of either selling low fur cash, and the other was the property of LA FA Y Eri'E ALL EN. Mr. Justus’ watch and about sixty the marry.” I of or in exchange for grain. Wm. Forsyth, of Phcunix, who was JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. A ‘Jolly” tramp was “egged” by a dollars in coin was found on his person. staying at Mr. Glieni ’ s. The robbers Linville’s horse with Justus’ ¡saddle crowd of boys last Saturday night. U nder the Masonic hall, on Cali- escaped into California and have not rilHE UNDERSIGNED HAVE NOWON .on, was found lied in the brush some« This was doubtless fun for the boys fornia street, E. C. Brooks is selling 1 hand the most coinpleio and best stock rpiDi undersigned offers for as yet been captured. where this side of Ashland, Brown but was rough on the tramp, who kit at his watch, clock, jewelery and dm <r i of millinery goods ever brougnt lu Jacksuil- : 1 sale one hundred and forty liv-ad of having walked into that place, Brown for more congenial climes. tine Angola goals m first-cJa-s condii ion. M r . M. \V. P arsons , general trav ville, consitmg ol store, first-class, (louble-tlirrad, lock- I Apply lo TH<»>. ( HAVNEK. was brought to this place, and had an Chaviier’s Ranch, Jackson. Vounty. MATS, BONNETS M. Caton has sold out his business slick, straight-needle sewing machines eling agent for the Singer Manufactur examination before Recorder Hayden, in this place to George W. Frey, and at bed-rock prices—from $20 to $50 ing Co., has arrived in this city and Flowers, ribbon«, lace«, neckties, glove«, POWDER— Gian’, Blast ing or gun powder on the charge of robbing Justus, at d proposes locating a permanent agency coliars and cuti’«, etc., etc., which wu will 1 all kinds, and caps and 1ii»c. for »iilo in left town Wednesday for the Beaver each. Also needles and oil. Jolt N M1LLLR. I quantities ?<> suit, by was bound over in the sum of $1,000 for their celebrated sewing machines. sell ai low prices. creek cinnabar mines, to accept the F or tiie C onference .—The Revs. An invoice of machines are now on 'der and rupairirig to await the action of the next Grand \T EVY Gun« mad« to ur»icr Sewing Machines for Sale. superintendency of’the E incline mine. JOHN MILLER. Xi ¡»roperiy done by .1 ------- — —........... J. R. N. Bell and II. G. Berger will the way and as soon as they arrive Jury, and, in default of the required We have on hand a numlwr of the cele O you want protectitm ? Buv a l*i»t«»j i r The Oregonian advertises a traveling leave Ashland to-morrow to attend due notice will bo given where lhey ball, was committed to jail, We un- brateli l lowe Sewing Machines, n high we Knife, or t’otli, of JOHN AtiLLl’R. derstand the horse belonging IO J us- fraud, who intends coming this way. the meeting of the Columbia Annual can be found, bo that, parties want will sefl eheap lor cash, or Exchange tor grain. / \ I L, Whetstone«. ìure u”d thulk I .nie». He pretends to have a patent process Conference at Walla Walla. ing a Si ’ igi r can soon be supplird. lus has since returned home. » * *or •>aiw ui JOHN *»i¿Eoktt'.s. I MISSE* I). A M.CAKDWELL. I H ( HEW IBILLlSEilY STORE! Ü