The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, August 17, 1877, Image 3

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FRIDAY............................ AUGUST 17. 1S77.
A piece of doggerel, not at all in­
tended for these columns, crept unno­
ticed into the last week’s issue of the
liMEs, a circumstance we sincerely
regret. The editor asks the indul­
gence of his readers, here taking occa­
sion to assure them that he will strict­
ly guard against any repetition of this
I nvitation E xtended — Mrs. W.
J. l*iymale, of this place, has received
an invitation from the President of
the Siskiyou Agricultural Society to
deliver the address at their annual fair
at Yreka next October. We learn that
she will accept.
—--------- ———
------------------ -- -
S hould he D estroyed .—There is
a law again-t allowing the growth of
«lagger-c< ckle-burr, and yet it existt in
several road districts in this county.
Street Commissioner Young is de­
stroying the noxious weed wherever
it is found, an example the various
Road Supervisors should follow.
S uccessful M eeting .—The camp­
meeting concluded on Williams’ creek,
below Williamsburg, last .Sunday was
a successful affair in every particular.
A good attendance was ¡»resent and
twelve accessions made to the Church.
Rev. Mr. Bell, who officiated, says the
best of order prevailed and everything
passed off finely.
------- --------- —— •----------------------------
B ase B all .—The Ashland Club,
refusing to accept the challenges of the
Jacksonville boys, issued one of their
own, which the latter divided to ac­
cept at a meeting on Friday last rather
than have no game. The Secretary
was instructed to inform the A-hland
Club of the fact, but nothing has since
been heard from them.
R etort I n .—John >. Miller arrived
from the Beaver creek cinnabar mines
this week and rep »rts that the Erne,
line Company’s retort and appurte­
nances havearrived at their destination
in good condition, a few unimportant
pieces being all that were damaged.
<». W. Holt starts next week to erect
the furnace, when the redublion of the
ore will be commenced.
------- ♦
T he Ent it D ryf . r .—No proposals
have us yet been received by the di­
rectors of the Alden Fruit Drying
Company to rent their appir: tu •, and,
as they have n » fun is on hand with
which to start it this season, there is a
¡•ossibility of it remaining idle at pres­
ent. An excellent opportunity’ is now
afforded Miinebod.y to take hold of this
enterprise and conduct it this season.
The Company will accept any reason­
able proposal.
- .
T he S teeling D itch .—lion. D. I’.
Thompson and Frank Ennis camo over
this week from the Sterling ditch, the
construction of which they are manag­
ing. Mr. Ennis informs us the work
is progressing satisfactorily, and that
the ditch will be completed in time
for the Fall rains, which will be about
the middle of October next. Over
three hundred hands are engaged on
this enterprise, one-third of whom are
white men.
————— — •
- —
F ine Q uartz —Parties lately from
Galice creek say that Bvbee & Co.’s
quartz ledge is very rich and liable to
.prove one of the finest and most ex­
tensive gobi bearing veins ever dis­
covered. One gentleman informs us
•that of such richness is some of the
rock already taken out that a person
could ¡»ack off a hundred dollars’ worth
in his pockets, which some are doing
without permission. Au arastra will
shortly be erected to work the ore.
—------------------------ ---------------------------------
C ounty C ommissioners ’ C ourt .—
"The following business was transacted
at the August term of this Court:
Officers present—Hon. S. J. Day,
Judge; Samuel Furry and A. Miller,
Jr., Commissioners; K. D. Fuudray,
The Assessor was granted until the
25th of September next in which Io
complete the assessment of the county,
and ordered to give notice in the D em ­
ocratic T imes that the County Board
of Equalization would meet on that
The petition for a county road lead­
ing from the Bybee Ferry and Fort
Klamath road, at or near Trail creek,
thence northerly to the Douglas coun.
ty line, was withdrawn.
The Clerk was ordered to notify the
Supervisor of Road District No. 10 to
procure lumber and put new flooring
<»n the bridge across Gall’s creek, where
the stage crosses the same.
T he E den of O regon .—Under
Ed. Smith returned Wednesday
C uriosities .—The Yreka Journal
from Galice creek, where he has been says Pat. McManus, who returned last this caption, L. Samuel, publisher of
Venison plenty.
putting up an arastra for the Green week from an extended trip to the the IIM Shore, dilates upon our val­
Odd Fellows’ Buildinf, Jacksonville, Oregon,
Smoky and sultry.
lake country in Southern Oregon, ley as follows:
During a visit to Southern Oregon,
S. Caro starts for Portland to-day.
The lumber has been ordered for a brought back several curiosities, among
on the 15th of July we observed in
Tom Kinney is at tin» Soda Springs. new bridge across Bear creek, near the number some petrified bones, lie the gardens of O. Coolidge, al Ashland,
W. A. McPherson, of Ashland, is in McKenzie’s mill, the old one being says he found a place several miles in and 1 eler Britt, at Jacksonville, some
extent between Linkville and Silver magnificent fig-trees. They were in TIN, SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD, etc.
worn out.
full bearing, and the fruit was just
C. W. Savage and family this week Lake containing these petrified bones. turning ripe, whilst the second crop
Geo. E. Strong has returned to Lake
returned from th« Willamette, with He also I rough t here a sample of the was commencing to form. A very ex­
silver mud, taken from the mud | cellent article of grapes also grows in
Geo. Schumpf’s residence is about
springs in Eastern Oregon, which this county, and nt Mr. Britt’s place
among us again.
looks like soft soap, and is said toy ¡(»Id we lasted a one-year old claret of his
Put. Smith and family are down
an average of $14 in silver to the ton. own growth and manufacture; and we
very much doubt it it can l»e surpassed
from Ashland.
This mud boils up from springs, re­
in the much boasted-of California vine­
1 Clear Lake, have taken a contract on
For a good glass of cool lager call at
sembling soft soap boiling over a fire, yards. Gold is found in Jackson coun­
the Sterling ditch.
Joe Wettcrer’s.
and supplies an immense amount of ty, and hundreds of thousands of dol A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF STOVES
Emerson, the lad who accidentally sediment like the sample shown us. lars have been taken out,as is proven by
A now photograph gallery has been
shot himself at Foot’s Creek recently, A company of colored men have staked the washed-out hill-sides as seen from
started in town.
is doing finely. His physicians ex­ off a number of claims, and are getting the road leading from Roseburg to
The Board of Equalization will meet pect to save his arm.
Jacksonville, whilst millions still lie
machinery from the Willamette Iron buried awaiting the advent of capital.
on September 24 th.
A party, consisting of S. Booth, F. Works, of Portland, to work this sil­ All the grain and lruits known to the POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION
C. B. Watson has gone to Lake
M. Nickerson, A. Bowman, Wm. Feh- ver mud, which they say can be tropics grow here to perfection. Ex­
county on business.
ely and Robt. A. Miller, started for the worked at an expense of about $4.50 tend the Oregon & California railroad
Fuse and Caps.
to Jackson county, and she is capable
The stock-books of the Emetine mountains yesterday.
a ton, when the machinery is in oper­
ot supporting the entire present popu­
Com ¡»any have arrived.
Moonlight serenades are dearer, in ation. A company of white men are lation of Oregon.
Wooden and 'Willow 5Vare
A party of young folks left yester­ the Black Hills than in Jacksonville. also making preparations to work
day for the mountains.
F rom L akeview .—A correspond­
Cats are worth $10 apiece there. Boot­ claims two miles and a half distant
from this colored company, but will ent of the Yreka Journal furnishes
Water for mining purposes has jacks are not quoted.
given out everywhere.
Parties from the East have pur­ wait until they see what success the tlm follow ing items :
Lakeview is still growing, more PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS
Thermometers now’ sing “Ninety chased the Garrison ranch across Bear colored men meet with.
i creek, paying $2,000 in currency there­ others, including Mac himself, have business houses and dwellings being
and Nine” in the shade. •
also staked out claims in the vicinity, erected every week. The county jail
Drew’s Valley (Lake county) post for. Cheap ¡»lace that.
is about completed, and the boys are
and, if prospects turn out good, It will
P. Fehely has returned from Jose­
beginning to look out how they cut
office has been discontinued.
no doubt ¡»rove a prosperous silver | and slash around, fur fear of becoming
Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose,
Hon. Henry Klippol is looking after phine county, where he is engaged in
mining district. Mac also brought county boarders.
his placer mines on Applegate.
some rock from Linkville, sent by Mr.
The citizens of Lakeview have or- ■
felon on his right hand.
F. Breckenfeld loft Tuesday morn­
a jockey club, with Thus. N.
Worden, of the firm of Worden A
A man and wife living near Apple­
ing on a business trip to Portland.
Thatcher, to he assayed by Dr. Hearn Loughtou as President.
date have separated “because,” as she
The Land Office at Linkville will be
I have secured the services of a First-class
Neat job printing executed at rea­
of Yreka. There is a whole moun­
! says, “the flour gave out, and she
dosed Aug. 23d, and open at Lake­
sonable rates at the T imes office.
Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair­
tain of it near Linkville, and resem- i
view Sept. 1st, 1877, per orders from
couldn’t stand it on ’taters.”
bles silver-bearing rock.
ing promptly and in superior style.
John Wintjon hnsre=urne<l his trav­
We have received a steel engraving
els, leaving this ¡»lace Wednesday.
Lakeview is a way-up ¡»lace. Every­
of Rev. I). R. McNally, I). I)., editor-
N ewspaper G uerrillas . — We
thing here is cash or as near as it can
Chris. Wei-s has returned from Yreka in-chief of the St. Louis Christ ¡an Ad. like to see a man refuse to take his lo­
be. Grasshoppers have been quite |
with a load of beer for Henry Pape.
vacate, a leading religious light.
cal paper and all the time sponge off plenty all summer, doing considerable
I I am receiving and have constantly on
John Miller and others have gone to
We damage in this section.
A watering-trough has been placed his neighbor the reading of it.
a full and first-class stock of
There are quite a number of Indians ;
Buck Lake to hunt the festive deer.
near the < ’lerk’s offi *e by order of Judge like to bear a man complain when we
about this section, and they are in­
Crops on Applegate are good, and Day, which will be found very conve­ ask him to subscribe for his home pa­
clined to be quarrelsome occasionally.
th»» farmers are busy threshing them.
nient for those desiring to water their per, that he takes more papers than he It would suit our citizens if the agent
reads now, and then go around and bor- I at YainaX would call his tillicunuf to l DRY GOODS. Gum Boots. TOBACCO,
Col. Reed and John Cimborsky have stock.
Ready-Made Clothing,
The religious discussion between row his neighbor’s, or loaf about him the ruuch or reservation provided for ;
gone to the Beaver creek cinnabar
Messrs. Miller and Peterson is not pro­ until he gathers the news from it.
We like to see a man run down his
John Blair has been appointed Post­
F ire .—The residence of R. B. Ban­
home paper as not worth taking, and
master of Chewaucan post office, Lake
nister, on Applegate, was totally de- j
I&r’ Everything sold at reasonable rates.
10th next.
stroyed by fire Saturday last, a few Give me a call.
a favor in the editorial line. We like
Jacksonville, Feb. IS, 1875.
B. F. Dowel! is suffering from a par­
to see a mechanic or merchant refuse from a bed-tick, with which the children ;
alytic stroke. He is in Portland at county to Deer creek has been sur.
to advertise in his home paper, and were ¡»laving, catching afire Irom the lire- .
veyed, which shortens the distance to
try to get a share of the trade a news- place. They sought to drag the tick out of j
Senator Mitchell lost $160 in gold Kerbyville about ten miles. It is p »per brings to town. Aboveall things, doors, causing the lire to communicate to1
the building, which was soon in llames.
notes somewhere between Ashland and found to be practicable.
we like to see one of our rich miserly A Mr. Ragdelin, who became overheated
Rock Point.
men, who cannot ¡»ay for his local pa­ in attempting to save the property, QITUATED FIFTEEN MILES SOUTH
kJ ot Jacksonville, and half a mile north
N. Langell left yesterday for Lan- matter suggests that if your girl lives per, always manage to be around in drank a large quantity ol cold water, and it of
Ashland, Is ¡»repared to do general Cus­
gell’s vallev, where his father is ly in#/ in the country you want to get ac- time to read the paper, and at the ex­ was only by the energetic endeavors of the tom and Exchange Business.
Flour and Feed at the
|u <i»ued with her father’s dog about pense of a friend not, worth the tenth Neighbors that lie survived. .Mr. Bannis­
seri >usly ill.
ters loss is about $.’»00.
part of what he himself is. It looks so
The Bra-s Band practices almost the first thing you do.
ompleted .—Ed. Smith,
Thirty-six pounds of flour, two pounds
Jos. Howard and Miss Eva Hubb ird, economical, thrifty and progressive.
every evening. Also on Sundays. It
shorts and eight pound« of bran given per
of this place, has lately completed an
formerly of this place, were married at
bushel of good wheat. Will sack and brand
is improving.
F rom G alice C reek .—A friend arastra tor the Green brothers, wlmown the sacks—customers furnishing the sacks.
Lakeview on the 2d. This being the
Miss Sarah E. Jones, sister of the
My brother, (». F. Billings, will have
just Irom Galice creek furnishes us the a line quartz ledge on Galice creek.
«•barge of the business, being assisted by
late Mrs. Ish, arrived from Virginia
following items:
It is said to work splendidly, and the com potent millers.
time characterized the event.
Everything as represented or no sale.
on Tuesday hot.
Green brothers’ arastra is now run­ crushing of the ruck has already been
Gen. Mart. V. Brown, in last week’s
.1. W. Merritt and lady have arrived
ning night and day crushing quartz commenced. The proprietors tire most
Albany Democrat, gives an interesting
at Brewerton, New York, the Profess­
from the lode known as the Sugar sanguine, expecting to realize at least
account of his trip to this section, to
or’s former home.
Hue. They have at least 501) tons of $40 a ton, which is thought to be a
which he applies the suggestive title
rock in sight that is prospected. small estimate of the richness of the
Rain is needed to improve the roads,
of the “Switzerland of America.”
What they are grinding now is paying ore.
which are very dusty and make trav­
--------- <..--------
Peter Britt has returned from a trip (judging from the quicksilver used in
eling disagreeable.
P lan of A ppointments .—The fol­
through Southeastern Oregon and the pulp) at least $40 ¡»er ton.
Another lot of immigrants have
Northern California. He took photo­ None will pay less than $18 or $20. The lowing ate my appointments lor the
been streaming into this section dur­
'plIE i ni > khsu ; xei > WOI I.n HERE-
graphic views of much of the promi­ arastra crushes one ton in thirty hours, ensuing two months :
I bv inform the public that h«» has ONE
ing the past few’ days.
August ll»th, or 3d Sunday, eampmeeting THOUS AN D BUS 11 ELSofsuperior Jackson
nent scenery his journey afforded, in­ and the gold amalgamates readily and
We have received a copy of the able including Mount Shasta.
at Butte creek, one mile below Eagle Point. Creek Lime for sale «‘heap. Persons wish­
will all be saved. The arastra is pro­
August 2»ith, or’ 4th Sunday, at Jackson­ ing Brick-laving or Plastering «lone in th«
oration delivered by Judge Deady at
best style and at reasonable rates will do
Jesse D. Carr writes: “I am getting pelled hv a twenty-foot wheel known ville, morning and evening.
well to call on me. For further information
Roseburg on July’ 4th.
September 2d, or 1st Sunday, at Foot’s inquire at the Franco-American Hotel.
along well with my fencing on both as the “Ilurcly Gurdy.” It runs one
G. M’. HOLT.
A new and first-class sewing machine Clear and Tule Lakes. I shall put up
creek, preaching at 11 o'clock a . m . Lecture
arastra easily with fifty-five inches of
Jacksonville, Feb. 11, 1875.
al 3 o'clock r. m . Basket Meeting.
for sale at half-price at the T imes of- from 12 to 15 miles of post and plank
water, with a pressure ot twenty-eight «
J. R. N. B ell , Pastor.
flee. Call immediately.
fence at Tule L ike this season, and feet head........The Bybee ledge still
Froiu a Physician.
A “tempest in a teapot” is charac­ about 30 miles of stone and wire fence continues as good as usual........The i
terizing the removal of the Linkville at Clear Lake. I hope to complete it ditch being constructed by Ankeny A
Hyde Park, Vt., Feb. 7, 1876.
finest Panorama Lanterns on this Coast.
Messrs. Seth W. Fowlc A Soils, Boston:
For Stereopticon and Dissolving Views it is
Land Office to Lakeview.
this Fall.”
Co. is nearly half completed.
(tents—You may perhaps remember that unexeelhsl. The slide glasses are ot the fin­
--------- «---------
1 wrote you several weeks ago in regard to est assortment, embracing foreign and
Miss Annie McNamar, of Philadel­
A man cannot walk down street now
A ccident on A pplegate .—The the use" of tiie P eruvian syrup lor my American scenes, comic and grave. Will bo
phia, cousin of Mrs. Geo. Schumpf, of with his collar hanging limp and starch­
wife, wh<» was suffering from general debil­
at less than cost. Everything is en­
horses attached to Wm. Bisey’s ity, the se<|uence <»f Typhoiti Dysentery. 1 s«»l«l
tirely new and in good working order.
this place, arrived this week.
less about his neck, his forehead bead­
had tried the most noted physicians in this I Apply to
thresher ran away last week, seriously State,
and also in Canada, without relief. At
Rev. W. Hurlburt will hold divine
Kerbvvilh*. Oregon.
injuring two men named Akers and Jones, your recommendation she commenced the
services at the M. E. Church next smacking as if he had been wading in who were riding on it. The tongue of the use of the Syrup. The tirsl lour bottles made
water, without some chap asking him thresher broke while going down hill, fright- j but little impression, but while taking the I
Sunday morning and evening.
•«•nd for our New
fifth she began to improve rapidly, ami .
Catalogue. It con­
ening the animals, who ran several miles now, after using six oi the dollar bottles, ;
tains valuable infor­
Lieut. J. Q. Adams, 1st Cavalry, is if it’s warm enough for him to-day.
before they stopped and demoralized things she has regained her strength, and is able
mation for every
person contem­
detailed as provost marshal of expedi­
generally. Akers was violently thrown to do most of the work about the house; and ;
plating the pur­
are too inquisitive for comfort.
chase of any article
upon his head, while Jones fell before the ; 1 feel that I cannot speak too highly in J
tion against uon-treaty Indians.
— -"
------------- ♦------------------------------
Those who luxuriate in the giddy
Judge Day and family started for 1
Walla Walla, W. T., Tuesday morning. mazes of the festive dance, may sud­
denly halt when they learn that Bis­
They will be gone several weeks.
hop O’Connell, of Marysville, Cal., has
Ed. F. Lewis and party, who have
announced to the congregation of his
been looking after their mining claims
bishoprie in Virginia City that in­
on Applegate, returned this week.
structions have been received from
Water-melon parties are popular. i Rome in relation to “round dances,”
One raid is about all an extensive mel­
and that no Roman Catholic can
on patch seems capable of standing.
' ticipate in such dances under penalty
Geo. Conn, Receiver of the Lake of mortal sin.
county laud office, passed through
One of the Lewis Brothers, the mes­
town Wednesday on his way north.
merists, whom our readers will recol­
J. R. Cameron and Misses Ida Mar­ lect traveled through our State a year
tin, Aba. Ross and Kate Pearson left or two ago, was killed at Galien, Mich-
Sunday for Merganser, Lake county. I igan, on the 4th of July last. It seems
1 he building of the new telegraph 1 that they were traveling through that
line is somewhat retarded by moun­ State, showing in a large tent, and on
tain flres in the region of Grave creek. the 4th, a sudden storm coming up, the
A young lady in this vicinity de­ tent was blown down, the center pole
moralized her teeth the other day by j striking A. N. Lewis on the head, from
coming in sudden contact with the the effects of which he died next rnorn-
i ground.
I >ng-
praise of the P eruvian S yrup . I have
thresher, which passed over his body, in­ prescribe«! it to several of my patients, and
flicting severe injuries. Both were insensi- j procured the sale of several dozen ot it here.
l»le for a time and supposed to be fatally in­ You can make any use of this letter you
jured,but,getting along very well at present. see tit. Yours very truly, H. D. B elden ,
M. I).
P rorate C ourt .—In this C’ouit,
on the 9th inst., the final account of
II. K. Hanna, administrator of the es­
tate of Baldwin Sills, Sr., was heard
and accepted and administrator dis­
The petition of Herman v. Helms,
' administrator of the estate of Lavinia
Stow, deceased, to pay all bills against
the same, allowed by him, was granted.
for jxTsonal, family
or agricultural use. Free to any Address.
Original Grange Supply House,
. ZT, A 2^ Wabath Ave. CHICAGO I1L
- _
••It’s <»nly n <'«»nxh”
Geo. P. Rowell Jt Co........................... Yew York.
has brought many to untimely graves. 1 S. .M. Pettingill A Co.........................Vew York.
What is a cough ? The lungs or bronchial Dan. L. Green..................... Josephine County.
tubes have been attacked by a cold ; nature Chas. Hughes.................................... Kerbyviffe
sounds an alarm-bell, telling where the dis­ Ben Haymond................................... Rock Point
ease lies. Wisdom suggests “try W xstar ’ s L. P. Fisher................................... San Francisco,
B alsam of W ild Ct« erby
it’has cured,
Th«»s. Bov«1«»................................... San Francisco
«luring the last half of a century, thousands Rowell A Chesinan.............................. St. Louis
upon thousands of persons. As long as you Gus. A. M’iiwkler........................................ Yreka
cough, there is danger, for the cough is a R. B. Hatton........................................ ..Lakeview
Safety Valve. Use “W istaks ” and I mj
cure«!. Sold by all druggists.
\\ ILS(>N
HAMLIN—At the resilience of
the officiating minister, August 12, by
Y oung S coundrel . — Sheriff
Rev. M. A. \\ illiains, Jesse W. Wilson
Manning last week received a dispatch
an«l Mjss Ipisgiina Hamlin—all of this
from the Sheriff of Douglas county in­
Sam’s Valiev,
structing him to arrest one Vance VINCENT-MYER-In
June 24, by C.
Gall, J. p„ Washing­
ton Vincent and Miss Mary Myer.
Buffington, charged with the crime of
Ft »RD — MEEKS — On Applegate,
rape upon a young lady at Canyonville.
JulyJ7ti', by Elder A. M’oolridge, J o I mi
Buffington is about sixteen years of
A. thawford ami .Miss Sarah Ann .Meeks.
age. He has not been heard of in this
N elegant assortment of P«»cket and Ta­
j section as yet.
bic tulle»} for sale by J. .MILLER.'
I sale «>n«‘ hundred and forty h«»a«l ot
line Angora goats in first-cla«s «'onditi«>n.
Apply to
Chavner’s Ranch, Jaukson County.
DVWDEK-Giant. Blastingorgun powd« r
1 all kinds, ami <*aps and fus«1. lot sale in
«piantities to suit, by
■KTEW Guns made loonier an«! rei>airii g
_1.\ properly done by JOHN MILLER.
O von want pr«>to< ’’n>n * Buv a Plst«.| « r
Knile, or b«»tli, ol