w** .1*0 1111.Il ÎÎ hr cm oc rat it üinics. \UGfST 17. 1*7? tuli M iti % DKI1, GRIEF. THE l\l»IA\ WAH. Ex Rev. W. B. Iligby, the pious fraud who was th«» Republican candi- date for Di-frict Attorney in the Sec­ ond District in June, 1876, ami a lead- ftififi.il Piip;*r for Jirkxon. Josrphinr & l.ak '. FRIDAV. f A 1e«*l ions. NEWMAN FISHER lie is wanted to answer his action in hiring Lake to make at) affidavit that lie saw money being used in Senator Grover’s interest, the basis upon which the Federal ring originated that peti­ tion asking the «Senate to keep that gentleman out of his sent. Iligby js now at Portland in charge of the U. S Marshal. The Empire City AY/rx gives the following racy account of an interview with this worthy : DRY-GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, Last Ssturdav night, about 1 o’clock, wo hoard a ring at our door and when wo arose am! answore«!, who should stand l»eforp us i but the lost Higbv, accompanied by Mr. Bennett, who. it appears, ha 1 him in tow for some hours. The ex-Revorond was slightly inebriated and in a fine talkingcon- dition, and the temptation for an interview was too great to overcome. “Well, Mr. Higbv. where in the world are you from, am! where bound “Well. I am from the reservation ; came down tlu» coast, and am «going to San Fran­ cisco tn meet Senator Mitchell. T am in­ formed von are about to send a dispatch to th«» Standard about mv being here, and that is what I cam«» to see you about. I' doti’t want it t«» go. I suppose vou have later news than I have from Portlami, anti «‘an guess th«» reason.’’ ‘•Yes ; I understand you are indicted and they have Styles in jail, andare looking after you.” "Bv li----- 1 they «lare not throw off on me and they .are treating Styles shamefully they should hav«» bailed him immediately and let him go; but I have fact—I hav«» a letter fr«»m Morton himself siiwe the exami­ nation, telling me to come t«» Washington and give mv testimony, and I should be paid for it. I had an interview with Mor­ ton, and kept away at his solicitation. Af- terwarils I got «lispateh after dispatch to «•ome l»etbre th«* committee, but n the O. A ('. R. R. have been reduced Gibbin have met, and the following ten per cent. is tlu* telegraphic account thereof: Col. Janies O. Broad head, the renowned D eer L odge , Aug. 11—9 a . m — criminal lawyer and statesman of Missouri, W. II. Edwards has just arrived from is out on this Coast. Big Hol«», bringing accounts of a terri­ Mrs. Luttrell, wife of Congressman Lut­ ble batt!»» between Gibbon’s command THAT TIIE STORE OF and the Nez I’erees on Big Hole Riv­ trell, of California, and her son are visiting er August 9th. Gibbon’s command, friends in Polk county. In the U. S. Court in Indianapolis on the consisting of 1$2 men, 17 officers, 133 3d, Judge Drummond sentenced the strikers regulars and 32 volunteers, crossed over from Hoss Hole to near the Big who were arrested to three months each in (Formerly kuown as Uleuu’s Store, on C alifornia S t .,) ll«»le on Wednesday. ^Starting at 11 the (’ounty Jail. If we had our President we should not be o’clock on the same night they moved down all the troops, with the excep­ distressed by the social turmoil, With fraud CONTAINS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF tion of a few left to guard the trans­ at the top then» is explanation enough for portation a few miles above dose to violence at the bottom. the Indian entup, which was made on Col. Gates, chairman of the Dalles and Big Hole about three miles below Sandy Wagon Road commission, advertises where the Bitter Hoot and Bannack for bids for the sale of $.*>0,000 of State war­ trail crosses. At daylight this morn- rants to complete the road. ing the fight was opened by the voluti­ Reports from Wisconsin state that terrible ('LOTI II XG, teers firing on ami killing an Indian tires have been ratting in that State. Whole horses. The charge was going niter towns and villages have been destroyed, as then made on the camp and hard well as many lives. Cattle are dying by fighting occurred for the next two hundreds. hours, during which time a number of The Roseburg Plaindealer says that Mr. men and Indians were killed. The Hurlbert has been engage«! to make the 4 ND A GENERAL VARIETY OF ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, Il which he offers to the public at the soldiers then charged on the lodges, final survey of the Roseburg and Port Or­ but were repulsed in the attempt. ford railroad. He expects to commence op­ LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH The Indians then attempted to cut erations at an early day. them otf from the high wooded point, Reports come from Vienna of a panic but the soldiers charged them, and through Russia. Religions communities are S PIX ’ i A I ZIA driving the Indian advance from it hastily packing and sending their valuables held it and at once fortified. Fight- to Austria, fearing they will be confiscated ing continued hero all day, ami was in the general war levy for money. progressing fitfully when the courier The number of miles of railroad on which left. At 11 o’clock the fighting was the strike produced an entire stoppage of The HIGHEST PRICES paid for WOOL, HIDES and PRO DECE. desperate on both sides, the full force traffic was 11,242, and the gross receipts lost of the Indians being in the tight. by the railroads during the suspension ot MINING NOTICE. Capt. Logan and Lieut. Bradley were business are estimated at $15,000,000. killed. Gen. Gibbon, Capt. Williams The New York Sun puts in the field for U. S. LAND OFFICE, ) and Lieuts. Coolidge, English and the next Presidential election—Hendricks, Rosim 1:«;.«»KF«,« »N. J unc 21. 1877. | Woodruff were wounded, Gen. Gibbon of Indiana, for President, Eaton, of Connect­ yOTK'ElS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. B. Desselles and James Connell, wh«»«o slightly» Bradley was the first man icut. for Vice President; and it “might go Postolliee ad«lress is Kerbyville, Oregon, killed. The messenger says that alter farther and faro worse,’’ as the old proverb have made application for patent for gobi they failed to capture the lodges the lias it. placer mining claims, being joined on th«» North, East, South and West by unsur­ Indians moved their camp off in the A petition to tlie President, asking for the veyed lands, situate«l in Waldo Mining Dis­ direction of Bannack. All their horses pardon of Hugh Barr, who was sent to the trict, Josephine county, Oregon, and desig­ being captured, the messenger had to Penitentiary sometime since for passing nate«! as lots Nos. 3*5 and 39, and the same ar«- respectively bounded and described as come to French gulch, nearly 6U miles, counterfeit money, was being circulate«! follows; on foot, Another messenger was sent around Roseburg last week and extensively Beginning at a ¡»«»st set South 17.00 chains to Gen. Howard, who should have signed by the citizens. and West 17.05 chains from ’ > section corn­ er post on South lin<* of section 34, in town­ reached there to-day. The howitzer The Rus dans are getting read v tor anoth­ ship 40 S., range s West ; thence South 7.00 had been left six miles behind, and er advance movement at the Balkan moun­ «•bains to ¡»«»st No. 2; thence West 20.00 was ordered up at daylight, 1 luring tains, reinforcements having arrived in chains to post No. 3; thence North 7.00 chains to post No. 4 ; thence East 20.00 the fight they heard it discharged large numbers. The Turks in Armenia have «•bains to the place of beginning—Contain­ twice and then it was silent. A band also assumed the offensive. so that there will ing 14 acres. of Indians soon after appear«»«! with a be some heavy battles soon in both Euro­ Starling again from a post set at the edge — AT — large band of horses, and it is believed pean ami Asiatic Turkey. of the water of Illinois river, below Scotch Gulch; thence North 60° 30' W. 3.00 chains all the horses of the command, the The recent riots at San Francisco has had to corner N m >. 2; therwe South 23° 30' W. gun, their supplies, reserve ammuni­ the effect ot stimulating the Anti-Coolie 15.70 chains to North line of claim No. 38 ; tion, etc., were captured. Gen. Gib­ movement. Chinese in great numbers have J. S. HOWARD'S STORE. thence East 1.4s chains to N. E. corner of claim No. 3s ; (hence thence South S< nth «»t> B6° o 30' 1.5? 3o' E. 1.5: bon thought when the courier left since then been discharged from domestic chains to post No. 4 ; thence N«rth 30 23° 3(i' employment. Several factories have also there he In.d still one hundretl etl’rctive E. 2.5o chains to starting ¡»oint, contain- men, and believed the Indians had caught the contagion and are removing ing 5.00 a »res. Aggrcgate acres 19, in said lots. nearly all withdrawn from the front. Chinamen from their shops. The location of said claims is of record, An exchange says that one of the latest in­ The messenger says he thinks one The said claims were acquired i by said ap- hundred Indians were killed, ami near­ ventions for war purposes is the a»rial tor­ plieants bv location and purchase and the 'arne are now know n as the Scotch « ; uleii ly half of the command, including cit­ pedo, a sort of grenade or explosive missile Placer Minc. fastened to a bag inflated with gas. It has izens, wer«» killed or wound«»«!. Gen. All advers«» claims must be file«! in th«» U. its politi« ” .il counterpart in Hayes ’ Adminis ­ Gibbon has sent for medicines, sur- S. Land < >tfi<*<* at Roseburg, < iregon. before th«» expiration of the sixty «lavs of the pub- geons, supplies, etc. Dr. Mitchell will tration— a balloon, with a torpedo attach­ ment that is in constant danger of explod ­ iicath'n ot this noli«-«», to have standing in leave to-day with an escort. Gen. this office and at th«» G«*n«*ral Land (Hfice. ing. to th«» utter destruction of the balloon. Gibbon particularly asks for ambulance 11 is her< by order«»«l that th<* above noti«»e be jiublished for sixty days in th«* D emo ­ wagons to comt* under escort, and cratic T imes , a w«-ekly newspaper, pub­ every available wagon will go forward lished in Jackson» ille, < irejon. POSITIVE from here and Butte. It wasoneol the Given under my hand this, 20th «lay of June, 1877. hardest Indian tights on record, and T. A. DAVIS. F. K. ARNOLD. WM. R. WILLIS, Register. Gibbon’s command made a most gal­ ,1 lant ami desperate light against over­ whelming numbers. Come and See and be Convinced ing striker for Have« and Wheeler, was arrested at Coos Div just as he was about embarking for other climes. Oa the 6th of the present mouth Alabama and Kentucky, both Demo- cratic States, chose legislatures. On the 5th of September, California and Vermont, nnd on the 10th Maine, hold their elections. These three States have been Republican. The Demo­ crats hope to carry California. All choose memb »rs of the legislature, and Maine and Vermont a State ticket also. On the 2»l of October, Ohio, Iowa and Colorado elect members of the legislature», nnd the two first named Governors also, Ohio is a doubtful State, Iowa is It publican, Colorado probably so. On the 6th of November, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, 'I'ennessee, South Carolina, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Wisconsin, Minne­ sota and Nevada, hold elections, in eight of these thirteen Governors, ami in all members of the legislature are to be chosen. Of the thirteen Massa­ chusetts, Minnesota ami Nevada will go Republican; New Jersey, Wiscon­ sin, and perhaps Pennsylvania, are thought to be doubtful, and the re- mainder are probably Democratic*. WIDE AWAKE! HKXCKAI. XOTKN A \ I» NEWS. LADIES’ FANCY GOODS, LADIES' MISSES' & CHILDREN'S HATS trimmed hy Mrs. Brentano. ! i A FINE STOCK & LOW PRICES I.alesi Sclieme of the k*ropaaa»i