<•- • Í Ç W A 1IORRIREE AFFAIR. The festive sewing machine agent has reappeared. A WELL-KNOWN CITIZEN KILLS HIS Peaches coming into market. PARTNER AND THEN COMMITS SCI F. M. Williams died at the County CIDE. Weather moderating somewhat. Hospital the other day. He was 23 Matt. Dillon is back from Portland. years of age and a native of Watson­ Quite a furore was raised’ Sunday ville, Santa Cruz county, Cal. Col. J. II. Reed returned from Jose­ evening last upon the reeeipt of the phine Sunday. Rev. J. R. N. Bell’s appointment at news that Peter Ottersbach and Her­ momifie aimes. i L iberal I nducements .—We have this section and known as a man of eccentric temper, lie was about 50 due-hills on the U. S. Piano Compa­ years of age and also a native of Sax­ ny and also the Shoninger Organ Com­ FRIDAY AUG (’NT 3, 1S77. pany, which will be received at par ony. Thus occurred a most horrible affair, in payment for instruments of their D istillery at .M urphy .—Jacob which stands unequaled in this sec­ celebrated manufacture, at factory Wimei .nd family, who have been ab­ tion in its blood-curdling details. The prices. These due-bills will be sold at sent in Yamhill county for several bodies were taken in charge by friends a discount, and those desiring either a months past, returned last week. We Geo. Deal, of Henley, Cal., was in Taylor’s ferry, on the 19th, will he man Kirmsp, of Gall’s creek, a mining and buried in the Jacksonville ceme­ fist-class piano or organ of established learn that Mr. Wimer intends putting town yesterday. filled at the farm of James W. Collins, camp situated fourteen miies north of tery the Tuesday following. reputation should call at the T imes up a distillery on Nlurphy creek, Jose­ this place, had been found dead. Up ­ one mile south of Bybee ’ s ferry. Several of our Ashland friends were oilice at once. phine county. S entenced .—William Hicks and down this week. We have received the first number on further inquiry it was ascertained Ottersbach had evidently killed the Enoch Baker, arrested in this county P lan of A ppointment ».—The fol­ Henry Pape this week received a of the Footlights neat and sprightly A gricultural M achinery .—The daily just started at Sin Francisco. other and then committed sui- and indicted for uttering and manufac­ lowing are my appointments for the failure of the crop» in Southern Cali­ load of Yreka beer. ’cide, which belief was verified by the turing counterfeit coin, pleaded guilty ensuing tw’o months : fornia has caused a great surplus of ag­ Croquet is less fashionable than it It is devoted to drama, music and fine August 19th, or 3d Sunday, campmeeting verdict of the coroner’s jury empan­ to the charge on the 25th ult. in the arts. ricultural machinery, and low prices was a year or so ago. eled the next day. From what we (J. 8. Court, at Portland, and were sen­ al Butte creek, one mile below Eagle Point. We learn that L. Hurling and fami ­ rule as a consequence. Articles in August 26th, or 4th Sunday,at Jackson­ Wool still commands 25 cents a can learn, the two, who are partners in tenced each to seven yeats in the pen­ ville, morning and evening. this line are selling away below the pound in this market. ly will shortly return from San Fran­ a mining claim, had frequently quar­ itentiary. They were terribly disgust­ September 2d, or 1st Sunday, at Foot’s rates they were offered at hist year, cisco. The extreme dullness of the A son of J. S. Eubanks, of Ashland, I reled, and were very bitter against ed when Judge Dendy pronounced the creek, preaching at 11 o’clock a . m . Lecture" and several of our farmers are availing times is causing several others to return broke his arm this week. each other at the time of the trage- sentence, as they were firmly convin *e‘ first shot proceeded from the coming larger and more substantial. should only pay atiial he of ¿12 in ANGORAS FOR SALE. from San Francisco yesterday. They last of September with a band of Per- former, the ball entering the right Nearly all the va -ant land in our cor­ each ca»e, and Judge Day was of lhe cheron thoroughbreds and some tine side a little below the arm pit, passing porate limits is occupied and new* build­ came via 1’urtiand. opinion that she should settle the en­ UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR specimens of their produce. horizontally through the body and ings are constantly in course of erection. rPHE A party, composed of James A. Card- 1 sale one hundred and forty head ot tire cost of empaneling lhe juries, Quicksilver sells at 43 cents a pound lodging in the left bide, bruising his Unlike other towns that have relied line Angora goals in tirst-class condition. (amounting to over ¿700) it was agreed well’» family and others, left for Cra­ I THUS. CHAVNER, in Sin Francisco, at which price the , arm considerably. The shot-gun barrel on the mines for sustenance, Jackson­ Apply lo Chavner’s Ranch, Jackson County. to submit lhe matter tu Judge l’rim ter Lake this week. Emelin? company can make a good : must have gone offal most siinultaneous- ville is to-day on a sounder basis than Rev. W. Hurlburt will hold divine for a ruling thereon. thing. The furnace will be in opera­ i ly, (as only one loud report was heard) it eyer was, although money is not as services at the M. E. Church Sunday A rrested and F ined .—A crowd tion before long, and the owners are | the load of which struck the deceased plentiful asofyore. Not many years will All Kinds of Job Printing morning mid ev< ning. of boys between the ages oi twelve very sanguine over the result. about the shoulder-blade, ranging up- ; elapse ere we will have one of lhe pret­ 'l he August term of the Probate and nnd sixteen, uhile returning from An instrument, evidently a cross be­ ward and lodging in his neck and I tiest towns on the Coast. Times can County Commissioners ’ Courts com ­ swimming last Sunday, bud some tween a devil’s fiddle and a Jew’s-harp, breast and grazing the left shoulder. I hardly become worse than they now mences next Tuesday. trouble with the residents of China­ and engineered by a festive tramp, The shock very likely caused him to are, and there is much room for im­ Dr. Jones, formerly of Lake county, town, and during lhe incite one of them this week amused the average hood­ spring forward and fall outside the provement. We cannot but take a threw a rock which struck a was recently married to Miss Carrie lum with what once were “Shoo tiy,” gate where he was found. Having , favorable view of the prospects of our CHEAPLY EXECUTED AT Chinawoman, cutting a severe gash in Anderson, of Portland. thus made sure work of his partner,Ot- j town, and circumstances seem to bear NEATLY the Doxology, “Capt. Jinks,” etc. u» out in this assertion. Jos. Swingle arrived from Langell’s her face. Marshal Helms arrested sev. We publish birth, marriage and tershach then deliberately determined erul of the paiticipants on the Tuesday valley Hie other day. lie reports hay death notices free of charge, provided on killing himself. He reloaded the C heaper F reights .—Opposition following and brought them before scarce there this season. gun and, cutting a hole in his shirts, so steamers have been placed on the they are furnished us for publication. Work has been suspended on Lin’s It seems enough for us to give the as to prevent any impediment and route between Sun Francisco and Port­ Recorder Hayden lor trial. It was impossible to find out who threw the hydraulic near (Jnioulowu, tho wuler space in our columns without being make death certain, he seated himself land, which ought to and doubtless iiii.»»ile, and Hi» Honor thereupon fined supply being insufficient. compelled to wear out boot leather in on a bench against tho bed, pieced the will ensure lower freights for this sec­ three of those who seemed most prom­ A bran new Wilcox A Gibbs sewing search of the items. weapon upon his abdomen and touched tion. The Pacific Steamship Company The Times Office inent ill lhe affair—one of them ¿1(1, machine can be bought cheap by in­ A. F. Johnson, Superintendent of it off with a pine stick about a foot in is the name of the organization inaug­ ulid the other.» ¿6 each. quiring at this office immediately. the Esther mine, writes that he has all length. The ball must have struck urating this opposition, and has already WM. M. STEWART. P. VANCLIEF. the point of tho heart, coming out dispatched the Orizaba fur Portland. Gen. Mart. Brown and lady came WM. F. HERIUN’. repairs fully made and 100 tons of B ase B all challenge .—The I near the shoulder-blade and passing It is the intention of the Company down from lhe Suda Springs Munday good quartz on the dump and expects Jacksonville Base Bull Club met at the STEWART, VANCLIEF & HERRIN, Court House on Saturday last and, and lull the same day lur Albany. to have 200 tons more by the middle through the boards of the cabin. I* to place two boat» on the route imme­ was a half-ounce ball and cut a terrible diately. Tbi-x* will be soon followed ATTORNEYS- AT-LAXV, after transacting other business, issued I D. J. Ferree has resigned as U. S. of August. He still expresses him­ Co. have hole. When found the shot-gun bar. by others. J. McCracken & the following challenge: Commissioner for Lake county, and L. self as being thoroughly satisfied of its been appointed their agents in Port Rooms 2J, 21,26 & 28 McCrrery’s New Building rel was still cocked. We, the lir»t nine oi Jacksonville, chal­ S. Dyar was appointed in his place. paying quality7. The verdict of the Coroner’s jury, land, and the ste.im»hip will land, dis­ lenge any nine of Ashland loa match game No. 310 Pino St., San Francisco. The bilk who attempted to impose J. II. Fisk, of Portland, has recently of base ball, ior a purse oiTiiiy or one hun­ which we present below, substanti charge and take freight at their wharf. dred »lul.ars—lo be played al any time or reduct'd one ton of Lucky Queen ore upon our citizens by telling a pitiable ates the alxive account. Further than The Farmers’ wharf at Astoria has been FOR SALE. place which may be agreed upon, The by a new process, obtaining therefrom story and endeavoring to find homes leased for the same purposes. this the tragedy will ever remain a umpire Lo be chosen outside ot Ashland or I OFFER FOR SALE ONE OF THE for his children, never failing to beg ¿50. mystery: Jacksonville, his services anti expenses to T he L ost C alin .—The Standard I finest Panorama Lanterns on tins ('oast. Wilbur Cornell is reported as pros­ something, i» playing the same dodge We, the undersigned jurors, summoned -ays M<-s-rs. T. F Campbell and Mr. For Stereo pticon and Dissolving Views it is be paid by the winning club. By order of unexcelled. The slide glasses are ot lhe tm- enquire into the cause or causes of the the club. pecting in the vicinity of Jefferson, in the \V illarnelte. He was arrested to deaths of Herman Kimise and Peter Ot­ Slump, of Folk county, have started est assortment, embracing foreign and American scenes, comic and grave. Will oe The Ashland club has refused to ac­ Marion couuty, and not for cinnabar I here by Marshal Helms, and left in a tersbach, do find the following laris, viz: for Southern Oregon with the avowed sold at less than cost. Everything is en­ That Herman Kirmse was shot and killed hurry upon being liberated. cept the above, and the Jacksonville either. on the afternoon ofSundav, July 29lh, 1S77. intention of finding “ The Lo»t Cabin,” tirely new and in good working order. Apply to GEO. GKoTZ, club, anxious to test tho mettle of the It is reported that the order for the \Vt> believe that Peter ottersbach did tlie We change our publication day Kerby ville, On gon. shooting. We also find that after and on made famous by Sam. L. Simpson’s respective organizations, has sent an- removal of the Linkville Land Office the Sunday Ottersbach killed Kirmse that back to Friday for the accommodation prose tale of that title. Mr. Stump other challenge, suggesting that the two to Lakeview has been suspended until he took his own life by shooting himself BUCKS FOR SALE of our Sain ’ s valley and Butte creek through the body with a rifle ball. I thinks he basin his ft possession certain clubs each put up a bat and contest ior them, such time as the land cases now pend- W. M. C olvio , lo play lor lhe xaitu- o| cue, lo Lear lhe subscribers. intelligence which will lead to the dis­ FI1HE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR J ohn M iller , ! ing in that office can l>e adjusted. We L sale some tine Leicester buck» of vari­ inscription of the “Champion Bat of South­ M ax M uller , covery of this famou» shanty with the ous grades, from tlie thoroughbred down. A. Scott, who has been canvass- S. T. L. B eck , ; hear that the Senatorial party lately ern Oregon.” Should the Ashland Club untold wealth buried beneath its rude Lor lurther particulars apply to E. J acobs , then decline playmg, it is naturally the ing this section for the pbotocrume | in this State was instrumental in hav­ CAMERON A McCULLY, S. C ohn . puncheon floors. supposition that they are either atraid to with considerable success, has returned At Jacksonville or Fort Klamath. I ing the removal from Linkville thus Ottersbach was. long and favorably meet the Jacksonville.» or never had any W hile everybody about here is talking to Siskwyou. ■ postponed. known in this section as a genial, whole- about how cheap they can sell their goods intention ot playing, only evincing a de­ Farms for Sale. We learn that Abell A Welsh con- sire to coni]>ete for the Roseburg bat, as a There seems to be a craving forhu- souled individual, but inclined to be John Miller wishes to say that he is pre­ means of .shielding their cowardice, as they template returning to this place ere Persons desiring to purchase good farms man blood prevailing rather exten- impetuous. He was doubtless highly pared to and will sell everything in his line of anv size will do well to enquire ot knew, or should have known, that that bat long, with the intention of ; remaining ! sively in this section of late. Last incensed at his partner, and in a fit as cheap, if not cheaper, than any one else * JOHN BO1.T, Apph gale, Oregon. was not in the Held for reasons heretofore in Southern Oregon—and he is not “selling a short time. | Tuesday night a certain person, armed ■ of desperation killed him, atoning for out to close business” either. He has a given and which would bo sati factory to XES, Hatchets, Drawing Knives, Broad­ uny club not inclined to quibble and mean­ Willits, of axes, Mattocks, Picks, all sizes ol liaui- N. II. Clayton and Levi with a shot-gun, lay in wait several his sin with his own blood. Ills age large stock on the way and receiving, pur­ IIi. I », et<-., t< >r sale I > V JOHN M 1 1.1.,.K. ing business. On behalf ot the Jackson­ Ashland, who have been teaching ! hours for another, who fortunately i was about 54 years, and he was a na- chased by him personally, while on his late ville club, 1 suggest that you either “put visit below, and he in ends to stay right F you want a No. I home-made Rifle ov school in Douglas county, are back on • did not appear, and we lost au item i tive of Saxony. np or shut up.” • tirsi-class shotgun, go to here and sell them and then buy moro. a short vucation. laud Sexton Dunlap a job. JOHN MILLER. i Kirmse was also an old resident of • Just call on him and see. F. M. N ickerson , Secretary. i i I I w t » I % I I I A I I 4 i * t I I