rwwwwwwrrrrwrwwwii Shr grmocrntir uimw.' m A l'OKI AI. u 1 n" w.ff w m 'v i 1 MF.KEX APE. wn ii'—-riM '■ ■»'« 'n h i t » ■■ ."' ■r»» ii n I.IJ I »' Air. lt WIDE AWAKE! NEW, THIS WEEK. THE nlOTN IN THE EAST. The strike of railroad employes on BUCKS FOR SalLE. i A number of prominent citizen.’, ir­ several of the lines in the East has respective <>f party, accompanied by a Offiritil Pap:*r for Jackson, Josephine & Lake. I band of music, serenaded Senators augmented to such an extent as to be­ rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR 1 sale some tine Leicester bucks of vari­ Iliots ous grades, from the thoroughbred down. SATURDAY,............................... JULY 28, 1877. Saulsbury, Grover, Morton and McMil­ come a very serious matter. For further particulars apply to lan at Portland on the evening of the have ensued as aeonsequence, and the CAMERON A MrCULLY, .% »ii.ixa: iuxamu . ii . At Jacksonville or Fort Klamath. scenes that have been enacted within _ i 19th. Senator Morton, being Indis­ THAT TIIE STORE OF General Howard may be a success posed, sent his regrets. Senators Sauls­ the past few days outstrip anything of FOR SALE. thekind that has occurred in the Unit­ rs a “Christian” soldier; but he has bury and McMillan addressed the proven hiiiwlf a monstrous failure as deputation briefly and eloquently. ed States, rivaling even the internal T OFFER FOR SALE ONE OF THE disturbances for which Europe is noted. L finest Panorama Lanterns on this Coast. an Indian tighter of the stripe now in The former gentleman was proud to For Stereopticon and Dissolving Views it is (Formerly known as Glenn’s Store, on C alifornia S t .,) great demand in the Idaho war. Jo. say that during the investigation there The militia has been called out in sev­ unexcelled. The slide glasses are ot the fin­ est assortment, embracing foreign and eral Instances, and in Pittsburg, on was not a particle of evidence elicited oeph and his compatriots have gen­ American scenes, comic and grave. Will be the 22d, a collision occurred with the sold at less than cost. Everything is en­ CONTAINS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF erally been successful in ttie encounters that would throw a shadow of suspic­ tirely new and in good working order, strikers, resulting in the death of over Apply to GEO. GROTZ, that have taken place, and are no near- ion upon Gov. Grover, and that he had Kerbyville, Oregon. 3(H) participants. The infuriated I « r capture at present than they ever gained his seat in the Senate as fairly masses have destroyed an immense 1 were. We doubt very much if, upon an|l honestly as any member of that Notice of Final Settlement. amount of property belonging princi­ honorable hotly, lie was fully exon ­ examination, the victories General In the County Court of the State of Oregon, Howard heralds with such a flourish erated from the charges preferred, and pally to the railroads. And the end for Josephine county, sitting in probate. is not yet. • came out of the ordeal without the Tn the matter of the Estate of John Payne, of trumpets are as brilliant as he would CEOTI UNO, deceased. The cause of these troubles origi­ have us believe they were. They oc­ least stain upon his reputation. The1 TJLIZABETH PAYNE, ADMINISTRA- curred too opportunely to he altogeth­ speaker’s remarks were received with nated with the various railroad j IJ trix of said estate, having filed in said Court her final account for settlement, and er above the suspicion that they were tumultuous applause, says the Stand- lines reducing the wages of their em­ also praying for an order for setting the originated with the intention of keep­ a rd,v\t'nr\y manifesting the interest our ployes. They first became serious on time tor hearing the same; therefore notice 4 ND A GENERAT, VARIETY OF ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, is hereby given that said final account will ■— ing the General in his position when I citizens took in the proceedings of the the railways operating in West Vir­ be heard and determined in said Court at A which he oilers to the public at the commission. \\ e are pleased to hear ginia and extended rapidly wherever the September term, 1877, at which time all the authorities were .seriously consid­ persons having any objections to said final LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. ering superseding him‘with General Mr. Saulsbury thus express himself, these lines ran, the infection spreading account and settlement must then and there the same. Crook fur his glaring inefficiency. ; as it is the most convincing evidence to almost every section where reduc­ make Published in the D emocratic T imes by Prompt and deci-iveaction could have that the verdict of the Senators will tions were proposed, until the most for­ order of Hon. M. F. Baldwin, County SPECIJVKTY : Judge. CHAS. HUGHES, Clerk. fully acquit Senator Grover of all the midable uprisingof the laboring masses almost quelled the insurrection by this time and perhaps saved some precious foul charges preferred against him by known in our history was inaugurated. Administrator’s Sale of Real Estate. Whether the strikers will be success ­ the slimy, corrupt crew who took every lives sacrificed, and we hold that Gen­ In the matter of the estate of E. R. Scott, eral Howard is more or less accounta­ I dishonorable and reprehensible means ful in their object remains to be seen. deceased. ßrär The HIGHEST PRICES paid for WOOL, HIDES and PRODUCE: It is extremely doubtful, if we take for ­ to blacken his reputation and eject him TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER AND ble therefor. 1 license of the County Court of the State To read the dispatches from camp from the high position he had acquired mer affairs of the kind as a criterion. ot Oregon, for Josephine county, fitting tor. MINING NOTICE. the transaction of probate business at the ' for the past few days an unsophisticat­ by his superior ability and stainless However, some lines contemplating Ju, ’«y term thereof, the undersigned, Ad- j U. S. LAND OFFICE, )• ed outsider would suppose that the character. It is not customary with reductions have foregone their inten­ ministrator of the estate of E. R. Scott, de­ R osibi kg , < iuegox , June21. 1877. > ceased, will sell at public auction, tor cash ' XTOTieEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT.P. Indians were about being surrounded Senators to express themselves in ad­ tions for the present. in U. S. gold coin, at the Court House door B. Desselles and James Connell, whose These disturbances are but emana in Kerbyville, in said county, on and placed in position to be mowed vance upon so important a matter Postotlice address is Kerbyville, Oregon, Saturday, A gust 25. 1877. have made application for patent for gold down by the Galling guns. But, from unless they are well convinced of the tions from the troubled problem of la­ placer mining claims, being joined on the at 1 o ’ clock p. M.,the following described innocence of the party on trial. From j bor ccrsz/.s capital. The cupidity of the following brought by a volunteer North, East, South and West by unsur­ real property, situated in Josephine county, this fact alone it is apparent that their veyed lands, situated in Waldo Mining Dis­ the railroad magnates was perhaps the Oregon, belonging to the estate ot said de- j to Lewiston on the 15rh, it will be trict, Josephine county, Oregon, and desig­ ceased, to-wit: nated as lots Nos. 38 and 39, and the same seeu that Joseph hasagainhoodwinked minds are made up and are fully satis­ only reason for this wholesale reduc­ 'fhe one-sixih interest of said deceased in i are respectively bounded and described as fied that no corrupt means were used, tion of wages; but we believe the suf­ the quartz lode known as the Peacock Cop- I the venerable General aud made follows : pertail Ledge, situated about one ¡uni one and are therefore justified in express­ ferers adopted an unwise course in Beginning at a post set South 17.00 chains tracks for a new country : half miles below the Yank ledge on Rogue and West 17.G5 chains from % section conf­ ing themselves accordingly. Senator river, Josephine county, Oregon. doing as they did. That there should (’apt. McConville with his volunteers, and er post on South line of Section 34, in town­ ISAAC COX, Capt. Jackson with his cavalry, were order­ Grover thanked those present for this ship 4(i S., range 8 West ; thence South 7.00 be a halt in the encroachments of cap ­ Administrator of the estate of E. R. Scott, ed io proceed down llie Clearwaler to Dun- chains to post No. 2; thence West 20.(Ml deceased. : mark of confidence in him. He con ­ well’s ferry and cross and tne up behind ital up'in labor no one will deny. But chains to post No. 3; thence North 7.U0 Dated this 28th day of July, 1877. Joseph. They had proceeded five miles this gratulated the people of Oregon on the chains to post No. 4: thence East 20.00 other and less forcible methods must side of Kainia, when a messenger overtook I chains to the place of beginning—Contain­ Citation to Heirs. of the investigation. be adopted to satisfactorily bring about them from Gen. Howard, with a dispatch, final result ing 14 acres. saying that Joseph had sent word lo Gen. Start ing again from a post set at the edge Charges of a serious character had been this result. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, —AT— Howard that he wanted to surrender him­ I of the wa:er of Illinois river, below Scotch for the County of Josephine, sitting in self and go on the reservation. Upon the preferred against him and his State. I Gulch ; thence North 66° 30' W. 3.00 chains probate. receipt of this dispatch a halt was ordered ; LATEST SEWS. to corner No. 2: thence South 23° 30' W. at 6 p. M. word had come that wlnle Joseph He refused to rest under those charges In the m itter of the estate of Evan Taylor, i 15.70 chains to North line of claim No. 38',- J. S. HOWARDS STORE. thenee East 1.4s chains to N. E. corner of and Gen. Howard wete parleying, Joseph's and demanded an investigation. The deceased. The tlax machinery to be set up at Alba­ force made their escape and Joseph himself To the heirs of said deceased and all others claim No. 3s ; thence South 66° 30' E. 1.52 followed them. It was thought by some result was apparent, and not a blemish ny is expected to arrive about the 25th inst. interested therein: chains to post No. 4 ; thence N«rth 23° 30' that they took the Lolo trail, and by others or stain was left upon the integrity Il will begin on twine and afterward no E. 2..50 chains to starting point, contain­ Uor ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TIT AT that they crossed Weiser camp groundsand ing 5.00 acres. Aggregate acres 19, in said doubt make bagging. I James Neely, administrator of said es­ He dem 'tid­ went towards the forks ot the Clearwater, and honor of her people. lots. Prospects for a railroad from Coos Bay to tate, has filed his petition praying for an and that General Howard had now become ed the investigation not so much in The location of said claims is of record. order of said Court to sell the following de­ convinced that Joseph's proposition to sur­ Roseburg are brightei ing. Last week the scribed real property belonging to said es­ The said claims were acquired by said ap­ render was only a ruse to gam lime for his his own behalf, while he held his own incorporation authorized the employment tate, to-wit: plicants by location and purchase and the force to get away. , same are now known as the Scotch Gulch Lot No. 5, in section 35. south of range, : honor above his life, but he cherished ot surveyors to lay out the road. Placer Mme. How long such warfare will be con­ 7 west, and two mining ditches in eonnee- i the honor of Oregon atxive all, and All adverse claims must be filed in the U.. There were 193 witnes es subpoenaed by iton therewith. tinued it is difficult to imagine. We S. Land < itlice at Roseburg, Oregon, before Therefore notice is hereby given to the i the Senatorial Committee during the investi ­ was willing at any time to lay down I the expiration of the sixty days of the pnb- heirs at law of said estate that the prayer I have little confidence in General How­ I licati* n of this notice, to have standing in his life in behalf of his Stale. The in­ gation. Of this number 175 appeared aud ot said petitioner will be heard and deter- ( were examined, at an average cost ot §15 mined at the September term of said County I ard aa an Indian fighter, and the soon­ j tins office ami at the General Land Otfice.. vestigation had resulted in proving each, a total of §2,625. It is hereby ordered that the above notice Court, at which time the said heirs and all I er Crook is sent to take his place so j be published for sixty days in the D emo - that the people had done no wrong; i That was a shrewd old Radical politician others interested, are hereby notified to ap- ! much sooner will the disturbance be IcitATic T imes , a weekly newspaper, pub­ pearand show cause why an order of sale I that they had not tarnished their good who gave his advice to the editor of his should not be made as in said petition lished in Jacksonville, Oregon. quelled and human life otue more be Given under my hand this, 20th «lay of name, and that he would work night and home organ: “When the Democrats holler prayed for. June, 1877. safe in that section. By order of lion. M. F. Baldwin, County tor reform, abuse Jeff. Davis. It they are F. K. ARNOLD. WM. R. WILLIS. Register. day in the honorable body to which he still too much for you, pitch into the Catho­ Judge. CH AS. HUGHES, Clerk. i T. A. DAVIS. had been fairly elected for the interests lics." Mrxiro. Sheriff 8 Sale. of his State. He regarded the position The San Francisco Mail, of the 12th, says: The Mexicans are getting trouble­ lo which he had been chosen as one of “If that Oregon-1 n vestigating-Moxa-Morion y virtue of an execution du - • __ ly issued out of the Circuit Court of the some on the California tiorder, and the most exalted in the gift of man Committee doesn't quit pretty soon, it will State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, • W HOL E S A L E DRUGGIST S, THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF have captured seventeen citizens down when gained by honorable means, and prove that Governor Grover is the best man on the 30th day of June, 1877, and to me ! that ever existed since Moses broke all the directed and delivered, in favor of Andrew j 71 FRONT STREET there, including a sheriff who went to one of equal infamy if gained by fraud commandments at once.” Henry and against Alfred Rumiyel, for the ! and corruption. At the close of his re ­ recovery ot the sum ot one hundred and rescue some wounded boys. It is not A lot of genuine potato bugs of the “Colo­ ten dollars and eighty-six cents,(§1 lo.sfi) now marks he was heartily cheered by the at all unlikely that a war will occur be­ crowd of citizens present. Many rado” stripe has been shown at the Mercury due, with interest at the rate of ten percent, i PORTLAND, OREGON. per annum from the 20th day of June, 1877, ’ BELONGING TO tween that country and this ere long, , prominent ci tiz."ns, irrespective of party, otlice, Salem. A. Keyser took them from his and the turther sum of forty-eight dollars vines. Close watch ought to be kept by all and thirty-eight and three-fourth cents and then some more Mexican terfitory called on Senator Groverand congrat­ farmers, and every bug exterminated. Oth­ (§48.38%) costs, and the accruing costs, I 1ITE KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE 13 IL GER ESTATE, IV a complete stock of will be annexed. The Boston Journal, ulated him on his thorough and com- j erwise, next year they may be a pest. have levied upon and will oiler for sale for plete vindication from the charges eash at public auction to t he highest bidder, Hayes’organ, seems to favor annexa­ On the 23d a destructive tire occurred in at the Court House door in Jacksonville, in which had been made against him.' WILL BE SOLD AT DRUGS. tion, aud ridicules Blaine’s objections the Lick House, San Francisco. It was said county, on as stated in his Woodstock speech. It SPECIAL SESSION OF HIE LEUIS- caused by a defective kitchen flue. The fire Tuesday, August 28, 1877, PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, LAI'l KE. was confined to the garrets, which, together at 1 o ’ clock I*, m . of said day, the tollowing says there is less danger of Mexico with the dining room,sustained the greatest described real property, to-wit : being Democratic than Canada East, The undivided one-half interest in the Petitions are being circulated in va- : damage. The loss is supposed to be fully PATENT MEDICINES, FOR CASH ONLY. saw mill owned by Jacob Whorlow and where the papers are now and have riousp^rts of the State requesting Gov. covered by insurance. Alfred Rummel, and all appurtenances always been Demociatic sympathizers. Chadwick to call a special session of Albany Democrat: A Portland Chinaman thereunto belonging, situated on Antelope GLASSW'ARE, WJA'DOW' GLASS, Jackson county, Oregon. It says the people over there would be the Legislature during the coming became the father of an American-born son, creek, Levied upon as the real property of the rplIERE IS ON HAND A VERYiaT7ARGE PAINTS. OILS AND Democratic just as the most northern fall or early winter. The petition and, as he danced around, swinging his pig­ said Alfred Rummel to satisfy the demands 1 assortment of tail and kicking over the opium jars, he ex­ ot the above named execution. county in Maine is solidly so now, and, represents that there is great need of claimed : “Me Mqlican man, all samee. J. W. MANNING, PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, NAILS, Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. if Blaine is afraid of increasing Demo­ immediate legislation on the follow­ Me heap Washington. Me sewin g machine HORSE-SHOES, Jacksonville, July 2»i, 1877. cratic strength, he had belter oppose ing subjects, and that it would be det­ agent. Go way! Whoopee!” BLUE VITRIOL, IRON AND STEEL, Canadian rather than Mexican an­ rimental to the interests of the State to The mob spirit ruling in the Atlantic SPECIAL NOTICE. FARM IMPLEMENTS, LUBRICATING OILS, ETC. ETC. nexation. defer such legislation until the regu­ States has broken out in San Francisco. Ou Come and See and be Convinced NEWMAN FISHER DRY-GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, LADIES’ FANCY GOODS, LADIES’ MISSES’ & CHILDREN’S HATS trimmed by Mrs. Brentsno. A FINE STOCK & LOW PRICES T. A. DAVIS & CO., SELLING OUT! B HARDWARE, TINWARE, ETC., GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! the night of the 23d a meeting of working­ lar session of 1878: men was held ostensibly to express sympa­ ___ 1. Proper legislative provision for thy with their brethren in the East. Upon The New York Sun prints the state­ promoting the railroad interests of this its close a mob gathered and commenced ment that Mr. Tilden is not a candi­ Slate, and especially such provision as raiding upon the China houses. Several date for the office of United States Sena­ will secure an early connection of this were destroyed, and the police with dilli- ¡Stale with the railroad system of the culty restrained the mob from further vio­ tor in the place now occupied by Ros- ; United Slates. lence. coe Conkling. The reason that Mr. 2. Our Constitution needs tn be Tilden cannot be a candidate “is that he amended in many particulars, to keep A CARD. pace with our growing agricultural, has been elected by the people to be The following reply to an editorial in the President of the United Slates. Out of railroad, mining, fishing and commer­ Sentinel ot the 18th was tendered the editor cial interests, and experience has that election he has been defrauded by shown that the best and most exoedi- ot that paper, but he refused it space in his columns. a crime not yet punished or atoned for. tious way to effect the desired object is Editor Sentinel: In your article of the 18th If he were lo seek or accept any by a constitutional convention. Pro- : inst., about the Dowell, May, ctal. affair, as before the Senatorial Commission, where other office during the term for which per legislative provision in reference to M. Caton and myself testified,contradicting be was thus elected the act would this subject should be made at an early i each other, I would say that is a matter of day, so that the question of calling a veracity between him and I. We were both amount to a condonemeut of the crime, under the solemn and binding obligations constitutional convention, as weU as of an oath. Let this community be the and to a submission toward those by the election of delegates thereto (if a judge ot who has stated the trutti without whom it was perpetrated.” majority of the people favor such a< the innuendoes in youreditorial, where you that individual spite or revenge was the I convention) could be voted on at the say thing to be acomplislied under the guise of The ImeMligation «.'lowed. j next general election. a political campaign. For one, I never had 3. Proper legislative provision for a desire to injure Mr. Dowell nor any other * The farce is ended and the Senatori­ fostering, protecting and promoting person. When the proposition was made lo me, I thought it was made to buy me out al Commission has disbanded. The the fishing interests of this State. politically, and fully believed that (.¡had wick, Grover and Dowell were in the conspiracy; 4. Proper provision for funding the deep laid plot of Mitchipple and his but since hearing the evidence of Gov. State debt at lower rates of ¡merest. Federal flunkies has ignominiously failed, Chadwick and Dowell, I am satisfied that 5. An adequate appropriation for I others were I he instigators of the plot. It is and they are revealed in all their hideous­ ness and disgrace. Senator Grover’s elec­ protecting the Capitol building from | a well known fact in this community that I was not the first person to make known the tion has been proven a model ot fairness and the rains and frosts of winter, so that proposition above referred to. J. B. Wrisley honesty. He walks forth from this ruthless the large amount of money already ex- I had spoken to many about a similar propo­ investigation vindicated as tew have been pended in its construction may not be ■ sition being made to him before 1 ever made it known to any one. 1 here again before bun. All houor to this pure and able lost to the State. aver that every word sworn to by me before i 6. Various other measures of gen- ' auueuuan, and woe be unto his cowardly the Congressional Committee is true. j eral and local inq>oriance aud necessity« i L. DANFORTH. and disgraced traducers. Nut a « aiitlidale. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OFUHARGE. This great remedy was dis­ covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev Joseph T. Inman, *%ahon 1), Bible House, New York. LIVE AND LET LIVE ! As also everything usually kept in the store. ' Sole Agents tor Oreiron for the cele­ brated CARBOLIC SHEEP PIP, which The agency of the Rubber Paint still kills Ticks, Lice and all parasites on sheep, continues. and is a sure cure for screw-worm, seaband Manufacturing done as heretofore. foot rot. Circular sent on application. C. \\ . KAHLER, Administrator. NEW TAILOR SHOP! JOHN L. CARTER <3c SON, A . MARKS, PAINTERS. R ecently of san francisco . has opened a Tailor Shop in Masonic Build­ W E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO IX) ing, (opposite the Postoffice), where he is fl all kinds of Painting, including prepared to execute all work in his line in MILL. a workmanlike manner, from the cleaning HOUSE PAINTING. SITUATED FIFTEEN MILES SOUTH ' and repairing of clothes to the kJ ot Jacksonville, and half a mile north SIGN PAINTING, ot Ashland, Is prepared to do general Cus­ Manufacture of Complete New Suits! tom and Exchange Business. O R NA M ENT A L PA INTING, A good stock of all kinds of Gents’ Trim­ « Flour and Feed at the mings will be kept on hand. Persons de­ WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. siring to make up their own goods can have LOWEST CASH PRICES. the same cut to order. Samples of goods ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. Thirty-six pounds of flour, two pounds ' kept from which suits can be ordered and ot shorts and eight pounds of bran given per i Orders from the country promptly attend­ up. bushel ot good wheat. Will sack and brand ' made ed to. O1 Jacksonville, June 23, 1877. the sacks—customers furnishing the sacks. My brother, G. F. Billings, will have charge of the business, being assisted by Boot and competent millers. C alifornia S treet , Everything as represented er no sale. you ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT _________________ MRS, s. E. FARNHAM. 1 all persons traveling and crossing the Jacksonville, ... Oregon. bridge on Rogue river, at Rock Point, that Jackson county is in no wise responsible for . WM, M. STEWART. p. VANCLIKF. any accident or loss that may be sustained WM. F. IIERRIN. while crossing said bridge, as the same is aving permanently located not standing upon any public highway. in Jacksonville, the undersigned re­ Published by order of the County Court STEWART, VANCLIEF & HERRIN, spectfully informs the public that he this is 9th day of April. 1877. prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot Attest : E. D. FOUDRAY, Clerk. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran­ teed. M.CATON. ■pAINTS (patents cr other.) Oils, Var- Rooms 1Î, 24,26 i 28 McCreery’s New Building, 1 nishes, Shelac, Window Glass, Emerv ORSE, Paint, Sash, Scrubbing and Black­ Borax, etc., for sale in endless quantities No. 310 Pine St., San Francisco. ening Brushes at JOHN MILLER’S. JOHN MILLER. THE EAGLE New H H Shoe Store, TO THE PUBLIC. ’