“Pa,” asked an up-town boy, “what is ' T he L ocal E ihr ¿D mo raí ir Siinrs.’ meant by Paradise?” “Paradise, my son,” , of local editor of a ditor .—The position newspaper is one K 1 replied the father, gloomily, “Paradise is ! that, as a general thing, is not under- -■ - - v; the latter part of next Summer, when your S ood by the people. They expect him > \ l’U RDAY,.................. ........ JULY 14, 1877. i - 1 mother goes on a visit to your grandfather.” . to know everything that is going on, New York, July 2d. — A Washington I as well as that that is not. They ex­ it ea ring of the blue . special states that Mr. Hayessays his South­ pect him to see everything. They ex­ BY W. F. T. ern policy is no longer an issue; that he pect him to give their stores, hotels did what he thought was right, and talking and other places of business, long and Air—“Wearing of tho Green.” won’t change that which has been accom­ good putfs in the local columns free of Pad.ly dear, and did you hear plished. charge, but the store-keeper never The new* that's going 'round : Dull tithes have driven many of our mer­ thinks to give him a new suit of The troops ot Uncle Sam must be \\ iihdrawn from Southern ground. chants to the cash system, ami they now clothes, a hat or pair of boots, oh, no; Ould Chamberlain and Packard, ornament their stores with mottoes like ; they cost money; and the hotel keep­ With their carpet-bagger crew, these: “Pay to-day, trust to-morrow.” er never gives him a weeks’ board! oh, No more will be supported By liie wearers of the Blue. “It I trust, I bust.” “In God we trust—all no! their grub costs money! but they others cash.” seem to think his time is worth noth­ I met with Corporal Casey My experience in planting corn has been ing and that paper and ink is worth And took him by the hand, And asked how are the Southern States that more can be raised per acre where there nothing, and that it costs nothing to And how do they stand ? is but one stalk in the hill than where there have printers set up the type, and that Oh ! it’s as joyful a country were six ; better two than five; three than the room in the paper that is occupied As ever y et 1 knew. Since fraud and thieves no more will be four; that is, three stalks per hill give the by their local is worth nothing, but Upheld by Boys in Blue. best yield.— Prairie Farmer. still they want the local notice, for it Now, since the color that we wear Our dispatches inform us of another terri­ is a great benefit to their business. No more is at tin* call bly destructive storm which visited In­ Persons getting up balls, parties and Of carpet-bag Governors diana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, i entertainments, where they expect to To hold their Stales in thrall. on the night of the 30th of June and the make money, want him to give them They’ll be forced to pack their carpet-bags And vacate Southern soil, first of July. Much damage was done to long and spicy local notices before the For truth and right will rise again, property ami many persons were killed and affair comes off, and then they want Though under tout it's trod. wounded. him to give them a rousing notice When the law that governs Southern men The most original spelling we have ever after the affair comes off, so as to help By themselves shall lie enforced, seen is the following, which is taken from them in their next effort in the same And when by greedy plunderers an old book ; it beats modern phonetics : No mor«* they are oppressed, line; but they never offer to give him “SO oh ! pea—atop. Be SO bat. See SO—cat. And “pee lers’ ” duty in the South I a free ticket, so that he can go and see No more 1'11 have to do, Pea SO—pat. Are SO—rat. See oh ! double ■ what is done—they expect him to pay ’Tis then, plaze God, it's proud I’ll be you—cow. See you be—cub. See a *bee— Of wearing of the Blue I his own way, and then to give them a cab. Be you double tea—butt. See a local notice worth to them as much or So now at last the bayonets double ell—call. Are withdrawn from Southern soil, more than the price of a dozen tickets If you desire to see thy child virtuous, Her sons with hope ami confidence would amount to. If you want the let him not see his father’s vices ; thou Can enter on the toil local editor to notice what you have of forming a new government canst not rebuke that in children that they Where all shall have fa*r play, behold practiced in thee ; till reason is ripe, to sell, or what you are going to do, And while and black stand equal examples direct more than precepts ; such pay for the notices, or at least keep in the light of freedom's day. as thy behavior is before thy children’s him free from expense while he is do- So good-bye to carpet-baggers, faces, such commonly is theirs behind their i ing what he can to help you along in Driven by the people’s hand ; your undertakings. The laborer is pa re i its ’ backs.— Quad es. Go seek tor help ami plunder certainly worthy of his hire. in a more congenial land, A use has been discovered for the hitherto ...-------------- While Uncle Sam's brave soldier boys purely ornamental polecat. A Nebraska Will march to quarters new, H ints for P oor S leepers .—Poor For the South, lhaiiK God, has no more nee«i farmer recently noticed ore of the tribe sleepers, says the Herald of Health, Of wearersol the Blue. busily eating from the ground in a field— will find it advantageous often to raise S terling , July 4, 1877. and an examination discreetly made after the head of the bed a foot higher than the animal had retired showed that it had A WEEK'S ll'JR the foot, and then to sleep on a tolera- I stripped the ground over which it hail I bly thick hair pillow, so as to bring passed of grasshopper eggs, which were On Monday morn the news arrived, the head a little higher than the shoul­ There hail been bloody work, about ready to hatch. But no one knew which lied the most, ders. The object of this is to make Harrisburg I\itriot: Thousands of Re­ The Christian or the Turk. the work of the heart in throwing blood publicans in Pennsylvania express their re­ to the brain harder, so it will not On Tuesday morning Russia claimed gret that they did not vote for Tilden last A victory tor her side. year, ai d thousands more promise that they throw so much. A level bed, with the On Wednesday, from a Turkish source, The victory was denied. will vote for him if they ever get an oppor­ 1 head almost as low’ as the feet, causes tunity. They would like to purge them­ an easy flow of blood to the brain, and Oil Thursday each swore he had selves in this way of the great fraud upon sometimes wakefulness, when the ves­ The other put to rout, Ami Friday's news the tight confirmed, the country in which they were implicated sels cannot contract on it and keep the Without the slightest doubt. brain empty. by the party leaders. Then the bed itself should be good. The Ari/onai*/ pertinaciously obtrudes On Saturday 'twas whispered 'round I A very hard or very soft bed is not The w hole affair w as small, these disagreeable questions: Will some­ Ami Sunday’s cable news declared body be kind enough to explain where we the thing. Hair mattresses are often There'd been no fight at all. are drifting to, and where we are likely to best, but these might be improved. bring up ? Where is this thing going to Then the bedding should be porous, so GENEKAI. AUl'EM AND NEWS. end ? We can't all live by swindling each as to allow free interchange of air. Grasshoppers are played out in Nebraska. other ; we cannot all steal ourselves rich ! ' Airtight beds are bad. So, too, the Who are going to be poor ? Who are going 1 mom should be large and airy, and th“ Work on the Yaquina Railroad is pro­ to keep the prisons when we all get into feet kept warm, and persons with a gressing. them ? i sensitive skin should have as light The ill health of the Pope is aggravated ' clothing as possible. Heavy clothing New York, July 2d. — The Tribune's Wash ­ by dropsy. ington special says : Robeson, ex-Secretary ! sometimes keeps the sensory nerves Over four million sewing machines have of the Navy, is, according to Washington i of the skin so active that they send to been sold since they were first introduced gossip, one of the bitterest of the opponents i the brain sensory currents that .keel» in 1<>3. ot the present Administration. He is said j this organ active. Farmers never wait idly for something to to be outspoken in his denunciation of Mr. Whether sleeping with the head to turn up. They just take a plow* and foree Hayes, declaring that had he known what the north makes auy difference we do business. kind of Secretary wouhl succeed him,Hayes not know. It seems to in some cases, A recruiting office for cavalry has been never would have been President. and in others not. It may be well to opened at Astoria. It is difficult to get hor­ Col. Hardee, of Florida, a few years since try it. Generally sensitive folks sleep des for practice. advanced the theory that concussion, i. e., better to have a bed to themselves. Flour thrown on burning oil will quench the flames instanter. Remember this when your lamp explodes. Major Reno, for attempting to kiss a brother officer’s wife at Fort Abercombie, gets suspension tor two years. Every day the wires bear news of some new revelation ot the rottenness that con­ sumed Grant's administration. Lulu trotted against time on the 5th, at Boston—trying to beat 2:14. She made three heats in 2:18%, 2:16% and 2:19%. The Grant county Times gives an account of new gold mines having been discovered south of Canyon City that are very rich. Because a man who attends a flock of sheep is a shepherd, makes it no reason that a man who keeps cows should be a coward. Field Marshal von Moltke says that un­ less diplomacy intervenes the war in Eu­ rope may last two years as well as three or six months. Are blacksmiths who make a living by forging, or carpenters who do a little coun­ ter-fitting, any worse than men who sell iron ami steel for a living? At a late meeting of the Regents of the State University the time for the begiuning of the next school year was fixed for the third Monday in September. It Oxford would confer upon Grant some degree which would make him understand the Constitution and laws of the United States, it would be a great thing for him. Pinchback says the Chinese damsels in San Francisco are much fairer than the col­ ored ladies down South. This is a bad con­ fession for a respectable colored Senator (?) to make. Twenty girls living in Utica have been ar­ rested for blowing horns before the door of a newly married couple. The J udge spoke of it as “the shockmgest kind of depraved de­ pravity.” There have been, up to the present time, 3,500 cases less salmon shipped from As­ toria than there were the corresponding period of 1876, and the Asturian the docks are kept clean. The Mercury says: Dr. McCauley, the physician who attended upon Alice Town­ send and administered her the dose of med­ icine a short time previous to her death, has been arrested and lodged in jail. Whittier thinks $50 a year is enough for a woman to spend on dress. And when a married man reads this statement, he goes home and tells his wife that Whittier is the greatest poet who has lived since Homer. An indelible ink in use for canceling post­ age stamps would save the Government $2,- ooo , oimi „ .Now' if it were possible to get some of the material with which fraud is stamped on the work of Joe Bradley’s Commission! jarring fruit trees or firing a gun a few times among the branches, would drive away in­ sects. This theory has rapidly spread, and has been adopted by many who have prac­ ticed it ; and it is now said that blowing up the soil among grapevines, with dynamite or other explosive material, will destroy the grape-louse. A man by the name of Cook, who was dis­ charged from the Penitentiary, on the 30th ult., after serving two years tor a robbery committed in Yamhill county, came to Salem and, obtaining a revolver, returned the same night with the avowed determination of effecting a general escape of the prisoners. He was discovered by the guard and after notice fired at, the shot tak­ ing effect in the tieshy part of the right arm. Cook discharged his revolver twice without effect and then took leg bail, being arrested afterward. The State Dental Association has been in session at Salem last week. Dr. L. S. Skiff was elected President; G. W. Gray, of Al­ bany, Vice President; S. J. Barber, Port­ land, Corresponding Secretary; E.().Smith, of Albany, Treasurer. After an animated discussion it was resolved that, “owing to the risk attending the use of all amesthetics in surgical operations, and the very great danger in the administration of chloroform in such eases, that the Association disap­ prove of the use of chloroform as an an- »»sthetic in dental operations, therefore do recommend and respectfully request all per­ sons engaged in practice of dentistry in tho state of Oregon to discontinue its use as an anaesthetic, believing that by adopting such a course we shall do honor to our profession as well as justice to our patients.” Farmers, Mechanics, and all people who appreciate the value of keeping a memorandum of business trans­ actions, daily events, and items of interest or importance, for future reference, should call on their druggists and get Dr. Pieree’s Memorandum Book free. The Doctor’s Grand Invalids’ Hotel at Buffalo, which costs, when finished, two hundred thousand dollars, will be opened early in June next, for the reception of patients afflicted with chronic diseases and deformities. It will afford the most perfect facilities for the cure of such affections, and its Faculty of physi­ cians and surgeons will embrace graduates from both American and European Medical Schools who have become distinguished for their skill. The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, by Dr. II. V. Pierce, a work of over nine hundred large pages, ¡1- I lustrated by two hundred and eighty-two I engravings, and elegantly bound in cloth and gilt, is sent to any address by the Author on receipt of one dollar and fifty cents. Al­ most one hundred thousand copies have al­ ready been sold. S. A. C haio , Esq., druggist, of West Alex­ ander, Pa., says : “I sell more of Dr. Pierce’s preparations than all others com- j bined. They give satisfaction in every ease j and 1 can cheerfully recommend them to ■ the public.” I A L egend A bout C offee .—There is a legend about coffee—a legend in ' which a pious Mussulman is the hero The Mussulman u*ed to get sleepy during his devotions, and so he prayed to Mohammed, who came to his aid-. Mohammed sent him for advice to a goat-herd, who took a hint from his goats. He observed that when these ani­ mals ate the berries of a particular tree they got frisky and excited—bounded about all night, in fact. The Mussul­ man took the hint, ate the coffee-ber­ ries, slept less and no doubt prayed better. That was the legend. That coffee, however, was sold in the streets of Cairo toward the end of the sixteenth century is not a matter of legend, but history. In fact, it was not only sold, hut forbidden to be sold. An Arabian historian recounts that in the year 1538 a cafe was attacked by the author­ ities, and the customers who were found on the spit hurried off to prison, from which they were not liberated till they had received seventeen strokes with a stick, for the encouragement of others. And, in fact, this raid served the purpose so excellently that five and twenty years afterward the town of Cairo could boast of more than 2.000 shops where coffee might be bought. • * — N ew handkerchiefs have mono­ grams or initial letters worked in three or four different colors. Those having cambric centers and silk borders are selling at remarkably low prices. T he best way to discourage a boil is to seek a right slippery place on the wet pavement, and then, when the boil aiu’t looking, come down on it flop. NEW BAKERY, I n M asonic B uilding , O regon S t ., 1,000,000 » BOTTLES K. KUBLI, NEW STORE! OF THE Odd Fellows’ Building, Jacksonville, Oregon, NEW GOODS ! NEW PRICES I I DEALER & WORKER IN have been sold the last year, and not on O' TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, etc. complaint has r<*achee had of any Druggist. This is on«* of many testimonial : “C ornwall , L ebanon Co., P a ., ) March 17, 1874. J “Dear Sir,— T have used your C astoria in mv practice for some time. 1 take great pleasure in recommending it to the profession, as a sate, reliable and agreeable medicine. It is particularly adapted to children where the repugnant taste of Castor Gil renders it so difficult to administer. E. A. ENDERS, M. D.” Mothers who try Castoria will find that they can sleep nights and that their babies- will be healthy. J.* B. R ose A Co., New York. UNION JACKSONVILLE, OGN. T Centaur Liniments P P N PRO BONO PUBLICO. milE PUBLIC ARE HEREBY NOTI- I tied that I have placed my notes and accounts in the hands of m.v attorney, H. K. Hanna, with positive instrnctions to make imrnediateand forced collection in ev­ ery instance where security’ is not given. Those knowing themselves indebted to me will do well to call upon Mr. Hanna, i without delay, as this is my last call. My i business must be settled ! JAMES T. GLENN. j Jacksonville, Sept. 9, 1874. VERY . E <>*scr!j>ti<‘n of Cutlerv for sale -.nj ] ek .