Or ikniomifir ®imrs Published Every Saturday Morning By RATES OF ADVERTISING. CHAS. NICKEL! ■O Advertisements will be inserted ia the T ime .-* al the following rates : One square, one insertion........................ $.3.00 “ each subsequent one........... 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A lair reduction from the above rales made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants arwayn taken at par. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth’s Brick Building. llates of Nubseriptioa: one copy, per annum,..................... “ six months,....................... “ three months,................... $3.00 2.00 1.00 VOL. VII JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1877 Int'itriahli/ in Ailronce. PROFESS ION AL C A R DS. Ladies' and Gentlemen's DAVID GUAY'S ESTATE. Away from you I a tn as melancholy as a sick rat. Sometimes I can hear the June bug of despondency buzzing in my ears, and feel the cold lizards of despair crawling down my back. Un­ couth fears like a thousand minnies nibble at my spirits, and my soul is pierced through with doubts as an old cheese is bored by skippers. My love is stronger for you than the smell of old butter, sweitzer kase, or the kick of a mule. It is purer than the breath of a young crow, and more unselfish than a kitten’s first catterwaul. As the song-bird hungers for the light of day, the cautious mouse for tho fresh bation in the tray, as a lean pup hungers after new milk, so I long for thee. You are fairer than a speckled pullet, sweeter than a Yankee dough­ nut fixed in sorghum molasses ; brighter than the top-not plumage on the head of a Muscovy duck. You are candy-kisses, raisins, pound cake and sweetened toddy, all together. If these few remarks will enable you to see the inside of my soul, and me to win your affections, I shall be as hap­ py as a woodpecker in a cherry tree, or a stage horse in a green pasture. I If you cannot reciprocate my thrilling passion I will fpel bail and pine away like a poisoned bed-bug and fall away from the flourishing vine of life an un­ timely branch. Ami in coming years, when the shadows grow long from the hills and the philosophic frog sings his evening hymn, you, happy in another’s love, can come and drop a tear and loss a clod upon the last resting-place of E liza . HE.VEltlL NOTEN ANI» NEWS. <>iAr by rn>: wat . “I would rather,” says Plutarch, “that men should say there never was i such a person us Plutarch than way ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, that Plutarch is unfaithful.” But he Hammer and anvil for me” he said, JACKSONVILLE, OCN., F A. 1ST C Y goods “ “And was a Imai lien, »»nd never enjoyed the weary toil for the children’s bread ; luxury of a government contract. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. “For him, soft carpets and pictured walls, (.»Ilin» in Orth's building—up-stairs. BOYS’ and GIRLS' Latimer once said that if he had an A life ot ease in his spacious halls.” enemy to whom it was l.iwlul to wish The clang of bells on his, dreaming broke ; James Spence. M. D., evil he would wish him “great »tore READY-MADE CLOTHING, A flicker of flame, a whirl of smoke. of riches, for then he would never en­ Ox in travis, forge grown wliito hot, joy quiet.” Would that some ances­ Coat and hat were alike forgot. tor of ours had lieen that enemy, and BOOTS ani SHOES, As up the highway tho blacksmith ran, that the wish had liven gratified. In face and mein like a crazy man. Hogne'a Ranch, near Kerbyvllle. It was a monk, and, more than that, GROCER IES, B F.DSTEA DS <£- Oil A 1RS, “School house afire !” Men’s hearts stood it was a monk in a fable, who had his still, G. H. AIKEN, M. D., fishing net » hi Hie table every day And women prayed as women will. 1’ H Y S I C I A N A N D Sl llG E O N , that he might be reminded of his CLOTHING, While ’bove the tumult the wailing cry humble origin. As civilization ad­ Of frightened children lose shrill and higl i. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. vances w.) like to l<»-e the remem­ Night in its shadow hid sun and earth ; brance of these little facts. LiaOURS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, The rich man sat by his costly hearth. Office—One door west of the W. U. Tele­ The world is so cqriously made that graph office. Lord of wide acres and untold gold, when a rich man indulges in a pecca­ CROCKERY, ETC., But wifeless, childless, forlorn and old. dillo people look ov.r it ; but when a H. K. HANNA, lie thorght of the family ’cross the way ; poor man does the same tiling they ATTORNEY a COUNSELOR AT LAW, look Imo it. In one case it i.s an ec­ At E. Jacob's New Store, “1 would,” he sighed, “I were David Gray. centricity, you know, and in the other The blacksmith knelt at his children’s bed Jacksonville, Oregon, To look once more at each smiling head. a shameful thing, you know. Money, Orth's Brick Building, Jacksonville. Will practice in all the Courts of the Suite. like charily, covers a multitude of “My darlings all safe ! Oh, God !” he cried, Prompt attention given to all business lell “My sin iu Thy boundless mercy hide ! sins. in my care. (.»ilice in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. Cato’s daughter refused to marry a “Only to-day have I learned how great Hath been Thy bounty and my estate. ” second time because her father was 4 LL OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD G. W. MAULER. K. B. WATSON. at the very lowest rates. If you don't rich, and she was afraid that her suit­ KAHLER A WATSON, believe me, call and ascertain prices for A MODEL I.OVE LETTER. ors were looking at the old gentleman’s yourselves. No humbug ! . government coupons rather than at ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, All kinds ot produce and hides taken in As there are many young men in her pretty face. Human nature has exchange for goods. 42tf. JACKSONVILLE OREGON, not improved much since then, but this vicinity upon whose lips is sprout­ feminine timidity has matcHally de- TWELFTH YEAR. Will practice in the Supreme, District and ing the ‘ doubtful down” (can’t tell creased. other t ’ourts ol this Stale. whether it will be hair or feathers, Oflice on Third street. After looking over some of the re- ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. yet), and who seem to experience ports of certain educational institu­ H. KELLY, much difficulty in expressing their un­ tions we have come to the conclusion CONDUCTED BY ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, developed sentiments to their fair in­ that the rudiments of teaching con­ sists of a small child and n willowy amoratas, wo have concluded to fur ­ SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES THE JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, rattan. A large amount of knowl­ nish them the following model from Will practice m all the Courts of the State. edge i» introduced through the palm Prompt attention given to all business en­ iie SCHOLASTIC year of this our scrap-album. We only offer it as of tin* hand, ami yet the child is un­ trusted to my care. school will commence about the end of a foundation for those who gush badly, grateful and the parents complain. utiice opposite Court House. August, and is divided in four sessions, and the style and names can readily It’s a strange woiId. of ten weeks each. $m.oo be changed to suit the sentiment and JAMES S. HOWARD, Board and tuition, per term........... A man’s rvligioii consists of his abil­ •l.oo Bed ami Bedding................................ mass. A murmur ran through the ity to conjugate the verb “To love.” U. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR Drawing and painting....................... 8.00 sex of the person employing it: THE EUROPEAN GOBBLE. crowd; there was a dead silence for an When lie i«*gms with the first person . 15.00 Piano...................................................... Says George to Alexander, D yers bug , Aug . 5, 1858. instant; then a clear, strong voice broke 5.00 Entrance fee, only once................... FOR JACKSON, Let’s end this starving peace ; singular, ‘»I’love,” lie generally refers M y O wn D ear J oe :— Every time the stillness; the Bishop was reading If you will cook the Turkey, SELECT DAY SCHOOL to iiiiiiM If as the olj»»cl of his Hflec­ Why 1'11 supply the Greece. Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon, Primary, per term,................................... $ 6.00 I think of you my heart flops up and the imperial manifesto; war with the tion. But after a while he hears the omrial .surveys made and patents obtained Junior, “....................... 8.00 down like a churn dasher. Sensations Turk was being declared. Nearly all the Willamette Valley towns voice of the imperative* mo al, “Love Before the at reasonable rales. b till copies ot Mining Senior, “ .................................... 10.00 of unutterable joy caper over it like Ltws and Decisions al my oilice in Jack­ Bishop had finished reading the mani­ are preparing to celebrate the 4th in grand thou,” and then tie understand« the Pupils are received at any time, and spe­ young goats over a stable roof, and sonville, < »regon. festo, sobs were heard, and people who style. Judge Deady, ex-Senator Nesmith, pleasure. the luxuiyof giving mid for- cial attention is paid to particular studies in thrill through it like Spanish needles behalf of children who have but limited were looking about saw that the Czir H. W. Scott, and various other promimei.t giving, of bearing ami fwvr that has Louis, were noticed a few days ago in this up my ears to catch the silver accents their throats. STATIONERY, CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. When silence was res­ column. The father was very proud ami bio-somvd ami lay it al the feet of the of your voice. My tongue refused to l»ut two years alter if the PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, And a groat variety of PERFUMES and wag, and in silent admiration I drank tored the Bishop addressed the army; drunk when he was met by a newsptqier goddess the order of the Grund Duke Nicholas reporter, and said : “I’m drunk (hie), ami, same godde-s wants a Í1 >wvr»beis the TOILET ARTICLES”, including the best and ETC., ETC. cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER­ in the sweet infection of love, as a was read to every battalion, squadron FUMED SOARS in this market. thirsty man swalloweth a tumbler of aud battery, and without a moment’s begorah, you can print that, too, for a man mo-1 unrea-onal>!ti creature in the Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on who wouldn’t celebrate four babies at once woil I, mi'l if she insists on having it Prescriptions carefully compounded. hot whisky pun?h. Since the light of hand and niaile to order. Planing done on pause a portion of the army set out for is a baste and an inlidel.” 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. she may get it the best way she can. reasonable terms. ^£T Undertaking a spe­ your face fell upon my life, I some­ the frontier, while the rest made rapid The ages of some of the leading men in Such is lite. cialty. times feel as if I could lift myself by preparations lor the march. This was Cases are very nr.noli altered by cir­ my shoe-straps to the top of a church ttie opening scene of the war, as des­ Europe are as follows : Prince Gortchakoff, 79; Lord Beaconsfield, 72; Mr. Gladstone, cumstances. ,If you a-k the blooming 9 steeple. Day and night you are in my cribed by a correspondent of the Lou­ TABLE ROCK SALOON, 68; Prince Bismarck, 63; laird Granville, young lady to take a | h » uii rter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. and all work wherein iron, steel or brass is wheels his droning flight at sulky his head or in his hand. Sometimes had spent everything he could get hold of she declares that she is fresh as a lark They will lie pleased to have their friends used, repaired. Parties desiring anything noontide, and when the lowing cows he sits on clouds with his foot placed lor years in prospecting, a short time since “call and smile.” in our line will do well to give us a call be­ come home at milking time, I think upon the globe, and in this seems but struck a quartz ledge of decomposed rock, and that the gymnastics of the dance CABIN CT. are just wliat she needs. Old Mrs. fore going elsewhere. All work done with of thee. And li«e a piece of gum a copy of Jupiter or Thor. The halos from which he took about $35,000 in three Brown almost always lias a wearing A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found neatness and dispatch at reasonable rates. elastic, my heart seems to stretch clear upon the brows of file saints are usu­ days. In some instances he got as high as Bring on your old cast iron. Siere. We would i>e pleased to have persons across my bosom. Your hair is like ally of silver gilt, but often of purest $5,000 to a single pan. lie is still gouging effect on a young girl, hut the anticipa­ ZIMMERMAN A CO. ]>ossessing curiosities ami specimens bring Ashland, April 8, 187«. them in, and we will placethem in the Cab­ the mane of a sorrel horse painted gold, set with precious stones, pearls, away, with an oiler of $20,000 for what’s tion of a dance, with bouillon to keep inet for inspection. the strength up, icecream to cool off with gold, and the brass slides to your etc. The dresses are of gold er silver left. WINTJEN A HELMS. and Adolphus to protect her from EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. immaculate necktie Alls me with un­ gilt, also studded with jewels. They After a somewhat general description of with Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. highway robliery on the way home bounded awe. Your forehead is are brilliantly lighted by numerous lit­ the various mining enterprises of this part C alifornia S treet , smoother than an old coat and whiter tle lamps suspended before them, and of the State, the Salem Statesman concludes enables her to endure the pmgs of liv­ F. RITSCHARD, Proprietor. than seventeen hundred linen. Your by the enormous candles, in silver as follows : “The future of Southern Ore­ ing with becoming und complete res­ S. P. JONES, eyes are glorious to behold. In their sconces, near the shrines and altars. gon, weighed in the scale of reasonable al­ ignation. ’’.WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Cornell University occupies a very liquid depths I see legions of little The robes of the priests are also splen­ lowance as to time, presents in the outline, novel and preposterous position. It ATONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST Cupids battling and fighting like skip­ did, and the general magnificence a picture not founded in fancy or fiction, IN Wines, Brandie», Whiskies and Cigars pers in an old army cracker. When serves a good purpose in attracting the but based on actual facts stated, which leave was started us a neutral instituti>»n, kept. HE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEAS- no room for conjecture. The wealth of the where, in the words of the founder, their fire hit me full in the womanly masses to a frequent attendance. DRINKS, 12} CENTS. ure in informing the public that he ha» “Indies” is at our very door, and already “a man can learn anything.” It breast, it perforated my entire anat­ just opened out in Sebum pi's building, ou NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t omy like a load of bird-shot would go T he editor of a country paper one keen, far-seeing business men are quietly, turned out toja* mi institution where «California street, where he is prepared to pay. Families needing anything in our line but securely fastening the title deeds to un­ a man could learn anything except the «execute all work in his line in the best man can always lie supplied with the purest and through a rotten apple. Your nose is evening wrote: “To-day is the anni­ per and at reasonable rates. told millions. The day is at hand.” facts of Chri-limity. IL>w to get a Cleaning and repairing watches and best to be found on the Coast. Give me a like a chunk of Parian marble, and versary of the death of Louis Phil- call, and you will be well satisfied. The otlieers of the present Russian army neuter gender for tlie chair of Hebrew your mouth puckers with sweetness. lippt.” When the printer’s proof was jewelry a specialty. Give me a call. F. RITSCHARD. Nectar lingers on your lips like honey received the name read Sam Phillips. who passed through Roumania during the was a problem. Professor Adler was LOYAL W. CARTER, on a bear’s paw, and myraids of un­ This was so manifestly an error of neg­ Crimean war, twenty-three years ago, ex­ at last chosen, as a man who came LAGER ! LAGER !! fledged kisses are there ready to fly ligence that the editor thought it only press themselves astonished at the improve­ nearer to having no opinion on any re­ PAINTER, out of their parent nest and light necessary to call attention to it to have ments which have taken place there, They ligious subject than any other. Now railroads, telegraphs, ------------- „ . , an effective ----------- - it is iliscovered that he has been de­ Oregon. somewhere like bluebirds out of their it corrected, so he wrote on the margin find Jacksonville, : : police, a good army, publie schools, a much livering lectures on Nothing irianism THE EAGLE BREWERY. parental home. Your laugh rings on of the proof sheet: “ Who in h—1 is my ears like the wind harp’s strain, Sam Phillips ? ” Imagine the editor’s improved general intelligence, and many , in New Y<»rk, and that the Nothing­ T TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF or the bleat of a stray lamb on the disgust next morning when the article other features of modern civilization in • arians are just as much a sect as the place of the semi-barbarism of the former ! Episcopalians or Metholist». S<> Pro­ he proprietor , jos . wetterer , A informing the public that I am now read: “To-day is the anniversary of h»s how on hand and is constantly man­ prepared to do all kind» of House, Wagon, bleak hillside. The dimples in your period. The Roumanians, on the other fessor Adler gets a leave of atisence. ufacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern Carriage, Sign and Ornamental Painting, cheeks are like bowers in beds ot roses, the death of Sain Phillips. Who in hand, are surprised at the superior discip­ Tlie Lord was right when He made Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to Cnlcimining, etc. All work executed with or like billows in cakes of home made h—I is Sam Phillips?” And imme­ line, intelligence, and material of the Rus ­ only two genders, the masculine and neatness a;>d dispatch at reasonable rates. suit purchasers. Call and test the article. diately there was another lonely tramp sian troops as compared with those of past Order» from the country promptly attended sugar. I am dying to fly to your pres­ feminine, and this is not the first time ence, and pour out the burning elo- loose upon the highway. to. . TOY Al. W. CIRTFR days. The latter are required to preserve, we have been taught that the neuter XES, Hatchets, Drawing Knives, Broad­ thrifty perfect order and to pay scrupulously for all I i gender is simply a monstrosity. axes, Mattocks, Picks, all sizes of Ham­ \ FULL line of shelf and heavy hardware quence of my love as the Tramp! tramp! tramps are coming. articles procured, house-wife pours out hot coffee. mers, etc., for sale by JOHN MILLER. ¿1 for sale by JOHN MILLER. a . C. JONES. Over his forge bent David Gray, And thought of the rich man across the way. FURNISHING and , T Entries for »Lock at the next State Fair are now in order and many are being made. Fourteen Poles, who had deserted from the Russian army, have been captured and summarily shot at Jassy. Extensive.and needful repairs are being made on the road between here and Rose- burg, principally on Roberts’ Hill. John Savage, near Salem, has a 2-vear old Percheron colt which weighs 1300 pounds, Can any of our grangers beat that? “Well, boys, here’s for perdition !” said Alonzo Le'ster ; ami he coolly laid down on ) a barroom floor in Yolo, Nevada, and shot himself through the head. The man who can’t sneeze without wak­ ing up the baby, says an exchange, should be made to hold in though it blew his head off. Wliii <-h, the sneeze or the baby ? “What is a bat ?” asks a cotemporary, As far as our education extends, a bat is a i a cat to get off a back thing to encourage fence, an id is composed of a fraction of a brick. Sweeny, , the brains of the Tweed ring, has been sued I and has compromised. He has paid $150, |,000 down and will pay $250,000 more in a few days and will then be re- leased. According to a well-known physician, “it is dangerous to go into the water after a hearty meal.” And it would be a very fishy one a man would get if he did go in after one. What is a young man to think when he meets a young lady shading her eyes from the sun with a piece of music, the title of which—“Kiss Me Good Night,”—is turned in full view ? OPENING SCESE OF TUE YVAK. Zach Chandler has closed his house in Washington for the first time in fifteen The review of the Russian troops at Kischeniff, on April 24th, lasted nearly years. This looks like an elimination of a very unpleasant and injurious element from an hour and was over at half-past II. our national politics. Wh ?n the music ceased the soldiers I’rof. Antrim let his horses run away touk. off their caps and the great crowd of spectators on ttie hillside stood with with him near Roseburg the other day. heads uncovered while the Bishop of They smashed up the buggy, tipped the Professor out and left him lying in the road Kischeuiff recited a grand military witli three broken ribs. FURNITURE WARE-ROOM T THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, _ , . - , ■< < - •———“ I T M T T A 4 i/