The Emperor of Brazil visited the Salpe- triere Hospital in Paris, the other day, to “Hayescd” is a new word in Kentucky. I witness experiments of Dr. Burg’s sytftem | of restoring sensibility to paralyzed limbs Official Paper for Jackson, Josephine Mjikr. It means cheated. The Danube is Mill impassable. It will 1 by the application of metals. For nearly SATURDAY...................... ..JUNE 9, 1877. scarcely be jsjssible to cross for tour weeks. two hours he watched with attention in the .* ..... They have a telephone at work in Albany, hospital wards the Professor running bod- TliK MEXKA.W TKOIH1.K'». Oregon. It’s a little one, only 200 feet long. i kins through the flesh of arms and legs in i which there was no feeling, and saw, a few For a number of weeks the news 'l'he annual furore about Mount Hood’s ■ minutes after the application of copper or reports have contained accounts of ffi- volcanic freaks is again disturbing the Port­ ■ gold, according to the idiosyncrasy of the libustering schemes and other antici­ land people. ! patient, the slightest prick draw blood and It is th*» intention to shortly ereet works produce screams. lie was particularly pated troubles between our people and for the reduction of the ores from the Tel­ struck by the case of a girl, certified to have the Mexicans, all growing out of the lurium mines near Canyonville, Douglas had her arm useless some days previous, raids of Mexican banditti upon the county. who was now able to lift heavy weights. Texan border. These depredations The Manhattan Club, ot New \ork, will Says the Salem Statesman A l’ercheron have been carried to such extent as give ex-Governor Hendricks a dinner on horse colt, raised by Pat. Dunn, of Jackson to require the attention of the authori­ the 12th instant, prior to his departure tor county, was sold last week to a gentleman Eur >pe. in Lane county for $1,000, gold coin. Who ties nt Washington, and instructions The men who attempted to rob Lincoln’s says tine stock does not pay ? have been issued by the Secretary of grave have liven try ng to get free on worth­ Disease has already begun its ravages War to General Ord, commanding the less bail, and their accomplices have been among the soldiers outlie Lower Danube. It is hoped that a peace may be effected Jlio Grande Department, to put a stop arrested. with advantage to Russia before the time It will require at least thirtv-two 1,000-ton to these raids, even if it should be nec­ ocean ships to carry away the wheat and for crossing arrives. essary to follow the thieves into Mexi­ flour that will pass down the Columbia riv­ The base ball fever has broken out in Or­ can territory and there punish them. er this Fall. egon again and has extended its ravages al­ Ordinarily this would be rim belli, A man named John Burton was so ex­ ready from the Columbia to the Klamath, but at present is not at all likely to he hausted from starvation that when he at­ and from the Ocean to the summit of the productive of such result. The pres tempted to mow some grass at Oakland, on Blue mountains. the 24th, he fell dead. Mrs. W. 8. Ogden, who was appointed to ent unsettled state of political affairs Preparations are being made by the Ord­ the Treasury Department through the in­ in Mexico renders the quasi govern­ nance Bureau ot the War Department to strumentality of Mrs. George 11. Williams, ment now running that country utter­ close tho national armories and workshops is a sister of T. J. Dryer, the founder of the Oregonian. ly powerless to suppress these raids, after the first of July. Judge O. C. Piatt, of California, was mar­ and the efforts of our military can only ■ The Spanish Envoy in China quarreled and fought with tho Secretary of Legation ried in New York to Miss Lizzie R. Jones, be construed as an additional police about a weman. Seven shots were ex­ ; Juno 2d. The bunko sharps can’t corral force lent to that government, by ours j changed, and no one was hurt. him with another queen tor awhile. for the apprehension and punishment A tornado struck Mount Carmel, Ills., on London, Ont., Juno 5th.—Trains on the of a common enemy. However, these different railroads were much delayed this the 4th, destroying a large amount of prop­ instructions have had the effect of re­ morning by caterpillars on the track, which erty and killing about twenty people. We don’t have those things in Oregon. was covered with millions of them. viving the rumors of trouble with our There was a fire in Astoria, Oregon, a tew Cattle are being driven in large numbers sister republic. We do not suppose from Eastern Oregon to California and Ne­ days ago which burnt up $23,000 worth of that any sueh conclusion can be drawn vada, and some will be sent to slaughter at property and camo mar destroying the whole town. from the facts, or that there is any pur­ Omaha, Neb. for shipment to England. A ten stamp mill, in nine days, recently pose of the kind entertained at Wash­ Ottawa. June 5th.—From recent advices cleared up 350 ounces of gold, in the Black received by the llepartmcnt of the Interior, ington. Adventurous and irresponsi­ it is probable that Sitting Bull is now at Hills, from 137 tons of ore. ble persons may entertain schemes of Wood mountain, in Canadian territory. An Iowa man pr.t $16,000 in a rag bag for successful fillibusterings based upon a safe keeping—and the wife sold the rag-, Cettinje, June 5th.—There was a battle to­ bag and all. possible rupture, but that, we opine, is day near Maljat, lasting several hours. The Several Nez Perce Indians are holding all they can do. Certain it is, howev­ Turks were defeated, and lost 500 men. er, that if the Mexican authorities are The Montenegrin losses are not ascertained. divine services in the Presbyterian Church The Albany Democrat has seen Judge in Portland. too feeble or negligent to control their Kerr from Contra Costa, Cal., who is dis­ Last month 2,628 immigrants landed at robber element it must be done for gusted with that State and is in Oregon Astoria. The thermometer reached 93° in York on them; and as we are the sufferers by ‘•spying out the land.” His sheep, 6,(MX) ( the 2d. head, are on the way to Oregon. their depredations it is necessary that Captain Burton reports the discovery of our government must assume that re­ The Pole» ami the Ciar. seven ancient cities on the Red Sea which sponsibility, even though that necessi­ were ‘‘built on the sites of the gold mines The Constantinople Central Co:n- tates the crossing of the frontier. As once worked by the Copts, the Persians and mittee of Polish emigrants has issued to the alleged popularity of a war with the Romans.” Captain Burton intends to the following appeal: Mexico in the South, we are doubtful. begin the work of mining at these places in ■ To our brothers dispersed in banish­ November. The Southern masses have had enough ment ocer the whole world : They have a curious way of deciding law­ of war to satisfy them for the next suits in Siam. Both parties are put under The foo of our laud for centuries, generation; at least they are not desir­ cold water, and the one staying the longest who has dismembered it and wasted ous of a war for conquest. No doubt wius tho suit. In this country both parties it with fire and sword, who deprived there are some restless persons who are are got into hot water and then kept there i us of our property, nationality, free­ as long as ]>ossible. The result in tho end dom, religion, and even our mother eager and always willing to embark in is the same. ’ y I tongue, presumes, under the hypueril- gmcrratii Siw. tiE.VKAL NOIKS A.VII XK NEW STORE! WIDE AWAKE! , Come and See and be Convinced NEW GOODS I NEW PRICES I THAT THE STORE OF • NEWMAN FISHER (Formerly known as Glenn’s Store, on C alifornia S t .,) ! CONTAINS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF New York Store DRY-GOODS, j JUST OPENED BOOTS & SHOES. HATS. GROCERIES. CLOTHING, LADIES’ FANCY GOODS, a On the corner of Oregon and Jacksaa Stu., opiMjsite Odd Fellow's Hall, 4 ND A GENERAL VARIETY OF ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, Jacksonville, Y which he offers to the public at the - - Oregon, LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. WITH AN ENTIRE SPECIALTY : i LADIES’ MISSES’ & CHILDREN'S HATS trimmed by Mrs. Brentano. NEW STOCK OF GOODS. fc..' The HIGHEST PRICES ¡mid fur WOOL, HIDES mid PRODUCE. I SELLING OUT! —CONSISTING OF— THE EXTENSIVE STOCK OF DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, HARDWARE, TINWARE, ETC., CLOTHING BELONGING TO THE BILGER ESTATE, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, WILL BE SOLD AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION, GROCERIES, PRIDE OF PERCHE, FOR CASH ONLY. WHERE IS ON HAND A VERY LARGE 1 assortment of NAILS, ILORSE-SHOEs, IRON AND STEEL, FARM IMPLEMENTS, As also everything usually kept in the store. w ILL MAKE THE ENSUING SEASON Hardware, Cutlery and Crockery, at mv stables near Ashland. TERMS— $25 the season; or $30 the sea­ son, with the privilege of returning the mare next year to one ot my imported horses if she does not prove with foal this sea­ ETC., ETC. son—payable in U. S. gold coin or grain at I market price. Good pasturage for mares at 62'a cents per week. No liability for accidents or escapes. In a short time I will issue a circular with Which will l»e sold CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST iu the State. engravings of several of my horses, mares and view of my stables, with a history of the l’ercheron Horse, and why they are pre­ ferable to other large horses; hints on breeding, demand and prices for horses in Europe and America. I have lull blood Jersey (’attic of the best quality for sale. Every family that keeps a c >w should have a Jersey. The above circular will be sent on appli­ cation. W.C. MYER. Ashland, Ogn., March 24, 1877. IFfC Tho agency of the Rubber Paint still any adventure for the sake of the ex­ A Kanaka at Tacoma, Puget Sound, shot ' ical mask of a champion of the Chris- continues. citement, but these are in nowise rep­ a negro named Bob, who was asleep in his : tians, to unfold his war standard, and Manufacturing done as heretofore. U. W. KAHLER, Administrator. resentative. Moreover, our country bed in a shanty. The murderer ascertained to send his savage hordes against Tur­ has no need of Mexico, and even if it the positicn of the man’s head and tired key, our ally in the time of our inde- ' NEW BAKERY, with a Henry ritle through an inch board pendence, and our magnanimous pro­ could be badd without war it would be ■ that formed the side of the shanty, killing tector in the lime of our exile—against I n M asonic B uilding , O regon S t ., worthless with its present ¡x>pulation. his victim instantly. Turkey, who alone of all the powers I JACKSONVILLE, OGN. Nothing more embarrassing can be im­ During the celebration of tho Pope’s ju­ has refused to tho present day to re- • NOTICE, STOCKMEN! agined than having to govern a coun­ bilee, a newspaper will be published in cognize the partition of Poland. ¡Shall try inhabited by so intractable and Rome to give information about and to the we remain uncoucerned spectators in rpiIE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DE- this struggle between despotism and sires to announce to the public that he semi-barbarous a mixture ot races, and pilgrims. It will be named Verc.grinwt constitutional institutions, the very is L now prepared to till all orders for cakes Catholicus, and will appear in seven lan- no material resources, real or imagin­ guages—Italian, French, German, English, despotism which destroyed our consti­ of every description, such as wedding cakes, cakes for parties, wine cakes; also brown ary, would begin to compensate us for Spanish, Portuguese and Polish. tution of the 3d of May, which would and rye bread, ginger snaps and crackers. THE WELL-KNOWN DRAFT HORSE, have reinvigorated Poland ? No, our Takes orders on exchange. Prices reasona­ the trouble and cost. If Mexico was TURK, The truest definition of evil is that which ble and satisfaction guaranteed. conquered and annexed, and no Euro­ represents it as something contrary to na­ place is on the side of Turkey, and all j ^8“ Fresh bread everv dav. ILL M AKE THE SEASON AT JACK- —AT— W m .* KREUZER. pean complications supervened, that ture ; evil is evil because it is unnatural ; a friends of freedom and intelligence' sonville, Rock Point ami Sam's Val- will be with us. To arms ! then, to ley, commencing April 1st, at the following country would require, for an indefi-, ! vine which should bear olive lierries, an arms! which his Majesty the Sultan New Boot and Shoe Store, rates ; $5, $10 and $15. ! eye to which blue seems yellow, would be Turk is 8 years old this Spring. His sire nite time, a standing army of at least ' diseased ; an unnatural mother, an unnat­ has so magnanimously placed at our was Arabian, out of a Timoleon mare. J. S. HOWARD'S STORE. C alifornia S treet , a hundred thousand men to hold it ; ural son, an unnatural act, are the strongest disposal. All Europe looks on at this 1 Turk’s dam was French. He is a dark chest­ struggle—that same Europe which Jacksonville, besides it would be continually endan­ terms of condemnation. ... Oregon. nut sorrel, with white points, 17 hands high, and weighs l,50fi pounds in working gering our peaceful relations with oth­ Sir Rose L. Price, of the British Royal has allowed itself to be entrapped condition. i through deceitful promisesand the in­ Competent judges agree thrtt Turk’s colts er governments. In short, view it as j Marines asserts that owing to the heavy im­ trigues of Muscovite policy. Let us aving permanently locatedi will compare favorably with anv yet pro­ port placed upon all silver leaving Mexico, in Jacksonville, the undersigned re- > duced in the State, and he is highly recom­ you may, the prize is not worth the the people having dollars or bars which ' show it that we are still alive ; let us specttully informs the public that he mended is by leading stock-raisers of*Douglas taking at this time. tliey wish shipped smuggle them on board show that we are able to do something. prepared to do all kinds of work in the boot county, where he has made several seasons. ROBT. WEST RO P. tfie British men of war, “which seem to ; The thunder of cannon a ready reach- and shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran­ Oregon's Population. teed. M. CATON. The Meadows, Feb. 1, 1877. i es our ears. Let us not lose a minute. cruise in Mexican waters for no other pur­ ! Let us rerid the chains which fetter | It is thought by the Salem Record pose than that of aiding the subjects ami LAND FOR SALE. LIME FOR SALE, that the government census of 1880 residents of the country to break her laws.” our White Eagle. The wild hordes of j Czardom will not stand before our rpiIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR An attempt is being made by the British will show a population in Oregon of l united force, and we shall erect our L sale 240 acres of choice agricultural land, —AND— Lighthouse Board to train carrier pigeons two hundred thousand. We are of the 175 acres under fence, situated in Josephine colors at the mouths of the Vistula so as to adapt them to the service of pilot Oregon. For information, enquire opinion it will lie larger, says the Ore­ boats. The training is being done in a and the Memel, the mouths of the county, of John Bolt, Applegate, or at the residence BRICK-LAYING & PLASTERING DONE gonian. Last November the vote of number of tho prominent lighthouses, Dnieper and the Dniester. Europe of LA FAYETTE ALLEN. will recover its equilibrium lost a hun­ JOHN L. CARTER A SON, whence the birds will be distributed among the State was 30,000, which at the the pilots, who, in case of an emergency, dred years ago, and will owe it to us. j ROOMS TO LET. usual ratio would indicate a population PAINTERS. j can send details to the light keeper of a dis­ To arms ! then, brothers, and again to j mHE UNDERSIGNED WOULD HERE- of 150,000 at that time. It is certain aster, the kind and amount of relief want­ arms I ooms to let on reasonable I by inform the public that he has ONE terms. Either furnished or unfur­ TIKH 'S AND BUSH ELS of su|>erior Jackson that arrivals in the State were never ed, etc. nished —to suit the applicant.^ Apply to Creek Linn* for sale cheap. Persons wish­ E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO Must be Neutral. before so numerous as now. This year Mrs. Griggsby, residence on Oregon street, ing Brick-laving or Plastering done in the all kinds of Painting, including Enoch Baker and Wm. Hicks, the coun­ just north of Fisher A Caro ’ s store. best style and at reasonable rates will do General Sherman writes to a former we have a right to expect fully 25,000, terfeiters from this county, confined in jail well to call on me. For further information HOUSE PAINTING. at Portland, tried to escape therefrom a few ­ inquire at the Franco-American Hotel. and the number may reach 40,000. officer, who had asked for a letter to $500 REWARD! SIGN PAINTING, days ago by sawing off the hinges of their G. W. HOLT. All advices from California indicate cell door. They were detected and ex­ Aristarchi Bay to set him in appoint- Jacksonville, Feb, 11, 1875. ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, that there will soon be a very large amined, when a saw was found which had ment under the Sultan : «It will not T HEREBY OFFER A REWARD OF 1 five hundred dollars, payablo in IT. S. movement from that State to Oregon ; been made of the steel shank of a boot, and i do for any person in the service of the gold coin, tor the arrest and conviction of U. S. PIANO COMPANY, WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. ALL STYLU OF MAININI 0001. much larger than at present. People which had been made and put in Baker’s ■ United States to advise anybody to en- the person or persons who murdered my brother, Gee (’how, on Jackass creek on the 810 BROADWAY, boot when he first purchased the pair. are making preparations and will come They will not get another chance soon. ) ter the service of a nation at War. night of March 24, 1877. OH CHOW. Orders from the country promptly attend­ ed to. 21. as soon and as rapidly as they can. We must be neutral.” There is a man in Stonington, Conn., be­ NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. SPECIAL NOTICE. J A FINE STOCK & LOW PRICES H R Attention, Kadicals! It may be worth while recalling that the Judge Chisholm, says the Eugene Guards whose life was taken by a mob in the recent savage melee in Missis­ sippi, was one of Gov. Ames* sheriffs and is described in the Congressional lieport of 1876 as a mere ruffian, a bad, desperate fellow, who admitted to Senate Investigating Committee that in 1874 he had shot a brother Radical from Alabama, named Dillard. dot Enough of IU Some of the California papers are calling for a law to prevent stock­ gambling, and particularly to prohibit the purchase of stock on margins. tween fifty and sixty years of age, who has steadily worked for his father until the present day, never had a dollar in his pock­ et, never went to a church, wedding, or funeral, never was on a car, never to a party, never spoke to a girl, never had a holiday, and yet had his poll tax abated this year on account of poverty, while his fath­ er’s estate is estimated at from $30,000 to >50,000. Louisville, Mav 29th.—The largest crowd ever assembled on the Louisville course witnessed Ten Broeck’s effort to beat the best two mile time on record. His compan­ ion for the first mile was St. Louis, and for the second mile Nell Hall. He was ridden by Walker, his jockey, and made the dis­ tance in 3:28X< five seconds better than True : Blue’s, and three seconds quicker than Me- i Whirter’s yesterday. There was an extra- I ordinary scene of enthusiasm and delight I at the close of this event. W GREAT SACRIFICE! Couldn't Tell. One of the questions asked at a re­ cent meeting of Crown Point stock­ holders was, by what right Senator Jones carried 400 men on the pay roll at $4 a day just before the state elec­ tion ? Nobody could tell, but the Sen­ ator is a Radical. A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions ot youth, nervous weak­ ness, early decay, loss of manhood, etc., 1 will send a recipe that will cure yon, FREE OF CHARGE. 'Phis great remedy was dis­ covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the Rev Joseph T. Inman, Station D, Jitble House, New Ywk.___ _ F you want a No. 1 home-made Rille or first-class Shotgun, go to Through With Couservatives. ___________ JOHN MILLER. According to a telegram to the Bal­ AILS, Ropes, Carpenters’ and Wagon Maker’s Tools for sale by timore Sun the President told Repre­ JOHN MILI j ER. sentative Gibson, of Louisiana, the O you want protection ? Buv a Pistol or other day, that he had got through Knife, or both, of JOHN MILLER. with the conservatives and would have to consider the claims of members of his own party in the distribution of offices. I N D Tape and Chalk Lines sale at JOHN MILLER’S. O IL, for Whetstones, assortment of Pocket and Ta­ Cutlery for sale by J. MILLER. A N ble elogant Make One Style and Have But One Price. —IN— BLACKSMITHING! $290.00 ! SENT OX TRIAL. No Agents. No Discounts. No Commissions. MERCHANTS ARESF.LL- out at cost and freight, we are ready A S to ing ALLOUR do blacksmithing at eost and freight, but must have the cash when the work is com­ pleted. Shop on the corner of California i and Main streets. | SHANNON A BIRDSEY. AINTS (patents cr other,) Oils, Var­ nishes, Shelac, Window Glass, Emery, P Borax, etc., for sale in endless quantities by JOHN MILLER. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR MAILED FREE. XES, Hatchets, Drawing Knives, Broad­ axes, Mattocks, Picks, all sizes of Ham­ mers, etc., for sale by JOHN MILLER. A