t F Published Every Saturday Morning Bj RATES OF ADVERTISING. CHAS. NICKELL, EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR. Advertisements will be inserted in the T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion..........................$3.00 “ each subsequent one............ 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly an«! promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W ahkants always at taken par. 4 OFFICE—On Oregon Street, in Orth's Brick Building. Katea af NubaeriptIon : tnie copy, [»er annum,..................................|3.00 “ six months,................................... 2.00 “ three months,............................... 1.00 Invariably in Advance. VOL. VII. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1877 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Ladies* and Gentlemen's A. C. JONES, FURNISHING and MENERAI, NOT EM AMI NEWN. THE TKIVMPH OF ART IN ROAD TRAVEL. RAIL­ NO. 21. W ashington , May 4 th.— Copp's Land Owner for May contains the fol­ lowing decision of the Interior Depart­ ment in the case of Bellows et, al, owners of the Champion mine : It is held that the party who entered the land under the homestead laws and re­ ceived a patent therefor acquired no title to the known mines therein. The owners of such mines may make application for a patent the same as though no homestead entry had been allowed covering their claims. All mines located in the Black Hills, Dako­ ta Territory,' should be recorded, to fully insure them in regard to title. Therefore where such locations were made prior to the ratification of the treaty, to-wit: February 28, 1877, in the case of Mull vs. Rolls A Ross, it is held that where the land lias t>een re­ turned as agricultural in character on a township plat, but the township is afterwards withdrawn as mineral land, the burden of proof is shifted upon the agricultural claimant, to show no min­ eral character of the tracts he claims. The donation Act of 1850 expired by limitation December I, 1855, and .set­ tlers under that Act will not be al­ lowed, after the expiration of the Act, to set up a claim to lands falling out­ side of their original notification, and over which they have exercised no le­ gal control. Tho heirs or devisees of a deceased homestead claimant cannot be held responsible for the failure of a public officer to administer upon the estate, ami that statute does not run against the heirs during the time which elapsed after the death of the claimant and the date the administra­ tor takes charge of the estate, provid­ ing the heirs are without notice of their rights, and the estate is admin­ istered upon within seven years. Where the party who has made a tim­ ber culture entry fails to do the break­ ing required by the Act of March 13, 1874, within one year, his entry should l>e canceled upon satisfactory proof of such failure. Homestead claimants can now make their final proof before the Judge, instead of being compelled to travel to the local land offices. The Republican claimants for State offices in South Carolina have succumbed. T he L ength of the W ar . —The latest dispatch ‘from London says: Public opinion has settled to the con­ clusion that the Eastern war will be of long duration aod inevitably involve other nations than the present combat­ ants, for these reasons : First—Russia’s real purpose is to en­ large tier sea coast, a policy which she cannot forego pursuing relentless­ ly, while it is difficult to see how she can permanently hold anything worthy of her struggle without occupying Con­ stantinople and securing command of the straits connecting the Mediter­ ranean with the Black Sea, or landing troops in Egypt. Either of these step- must certainly provoke armed in­ tervention by other powers. Second—Russia’s immense internal resources and her popular enthusiasm in this war insure great tenacity of purpose. Third—The Turks are brave and will fight desperately, realizing that their nationality and religion are at stake. Again—The Russians will find it ex­ ceedingly difficult to exercise effect­ ively her clear belligerent right of blockade without provoking the hos­ tility of commercial nations interested in the Black Sea, Suez canal or the Dardanelles. American bread producers may easily calculate, therefore, on an exten­ sive and dragging war, notwithstand­ ing the crippled finances of both com­ batants. Year by year we note the footsteps S. G. French, of the Cove, Union county, of progress in many directions. In no direction is progress more palpable JACKSONVILLE, OGN., FANCY GOODS, has 20,800 plum and prune trees, all l>earing. thau in the facilities offered the rail­ Four tons of valentines have been re­ Will practice in all the Courts of the State. road traveler of the present day. turned to the Dead letter Offi«« in London. Office in Orth’s building-up-stairs. Looking back but a few years, we can The West Point graduates this year will see the toiling snail-like advance made number seventy-seven, the largest class on James Spence, M. D», day by day by the emigrant’s wagon, READY-MADE CLOTHING, record. as it was slowly but surely drawn to­ Brigham Young has announced to the HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, ward sun-down by the patient ox, or Gentiles that if they want bl«?od they shall the slowly moving farm horse ; then BOOTS and SHOES, have an excess of it. came tho old fashioned stage coach ; Hogue's Ranch, near Kerbyvilla. Hayes has concluded not to organize the | following closely, we had the canal I G ROCERIES, R EDSTEA DS æ CHA 1RS, House. You see tho light spot is on the packet ; then the steamer on the lakes G. H. AIKEN, M. D., other side of the table this time. I and rivers ; then the locomotive en­ I' H Y S I C I A N A N D SU RG EOÿ, Crazy Horse and his band of 1,300 souls gine and the stage-like car. Now ! CLOTHING, surrendered at Camp Robinson on the 6th. the palatial coach, and more than pa­ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Nearly 3,500 ponies were given up. latial drawing r(M?m and sleeping car. A temperance organization has been Yet, not satisfied with these, that LIQOURS, TOBACCO and CIGARS. Office—One door west of tho W. U. Tele­ formed in Washington under tho name of i marvel of mammoth western corpor­ graph oilier. “Mrs. R. B. Hayes’ Temperance Society.” ations, the Chicago & North-Western CROCKERY, ETC., Ohio an«! Illinois legislatures have made Railway, as we stated some weeks ago, H. K. HANNA, silver a legal tender for any amount, for j lias developed hotel cars that will, for ATTORNEY a counselor at law , debts public and private, within those I elegance, usefulness and real comfort, At E. Jacob's New Store, .states. eclipse everything of the kind that has Jacksonville, Oregon, Cuban planters are taking steps to im- been hitherto placed in service on any Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. Will practice in alitila Courts of the State. j»ort Chinamen to labor on their plantations. road. Some of our readers seem to Prompt attention given to all business Lett California will sell them a few thousand have some doubts about the merits of in inj care. Oilice 1U Grill’s Brick Building—upstairs. very cheap. hotel cars, or their superiority over the so-called dining car, that is run for a Six hundred ewes in Cunningham’s band, K. B. WATbON. LL OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD c. w. LiHLKK. few miles one some roads. “I am not at the very lowest rates. If you don't Umatilla county, bore 1,100 lambs this sea­ KAHLER A WATSON. so sure about that,” said one of our son. Such a result tor so few ewes is believe me, call and ascertain prices for friends, as he had finished reading our unexampled. ATTORNEYS a COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, yourselves. No humbug ! All kinds ot produce and hides taken in first article about these hotel coaches It is estimated that Oregon an«! Eastern exchange for goods. 42tf. JACKSONVILLE OREGON, that are to be run on the Omaha and Washington Territory have from five to six million bushels of aurplus wheat to ex­ California line of the Chicago & North- Will practico in the Supreme, District and TWELFTH YEAR. Western Railway; “I am not so sure I port this season. other Courts of this Suue. would care to take my dinner in any O Hice < mi Third street. Billy Bigham was sold at auction to Geo. ST. MARY’S ACADEMY, Coggan for the sum of $190. Billy is a goo«! car, no matter how much like a palace, H. KELLY, horse with fine staying qualities an«! is while it was running at the rate of (’ONDUCTED BY forty miles an hour.” It is a saying, cheap at tho price. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, “ that the faster you run the safer.” The United States army has been reduce«! THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES 2,500 men. All who were enliste«! on ac­ Why, last June it will be remem­ JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, count of the Indian troubles are to be dis­ bered, that this road hauled from Chi­ Will practice in all the Courts of the Slate. cago to Council Bluffs, ¡ h less than ten Prompt attention given to ail businessen­ he scholastic year of this charged before July 1st. trusted to niy care. school will commence about the end of If a man enters 160 a*-res of United States I hours, the now celebrated “Jarrett and Office opposite Court House. August, and is divided in four sessions, land, plants forty in forest trees and culti­ Palmer Train.” On that train was a of ten weeks each. vates them eight years, he secures thereby hotel car, not as large, with less wheels JAMES S. HOWARD, Board an«! tuition, per term,................... $40.00 under it, poorer springs, and in no a title to the whole tract. Bed and Bedding........................................... 4.00 U.S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR Drawing and painting................................. 8.00 Hugh Barr, the Douglas county counter­ way as strong and easy for riding in Plano..................................................................... 15.00 feiter, has been sentenced to two years in as these new cars are to I m *, and yet, FOR JACKSON, Entrance fee. only once............................. 5.00 the Penitentiary. His sister, Mrs. Baker, Mr. Jarrett said “while on the Chicago SELECT DAY SCHOOL. & Norih-Western line, running at an was discharged from custody. Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. Primary, per term, ....................................... $ 6.00 average rate of fifty miles an hour, we Official surveys made and patents obtained The charge of heresy against Rev. John “ ......................................... 8.00 S owing on H orseback .—The at reasonable rates, h ull copies of Mining Junior, “ ......................................... 10.00 Miller has been sustained at Trenton, N.J., took our breakfast as comfortably as laws and De<*isious at my office in Jack­ Senior, Country Gentleman says: Numerous Pupils are received at any time, and spe­ and he has l»een sus[»endet. Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on Prescriptions carefully compounded. R., says that 25,000 people from the East way travel. Land ami made to order. Planing done on 44 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. We learn that this new line of hotel reasonable terms, jAT Undertaking a spe­ will come to Oregon this year. He is giving W hen trade grew slack and notes cialty. personal attention to the matter of directing ears is being pushed to completion as fell due, the merchant’s face grew long fast as the full force of workmen in emigration to this State. the Pullman shops can do it. We and blue; his dreams were troubled TABLE BOCK SALOON, Manchester, May 7th.—A Pera dis[»atch shall be certain to see them in a few through the night, with sheriff’s bail­ ASHLAND, OREGON, says there is a report current of a great iffs all in sight. At last his wife unto OREGON STREET, Russian victory near Kars, 15,000 prisoners weeks. — Cedar ltapids Republican, him said : “Rise up at once—get out being taken. The Se«»ond Russian corps is February, 1877. WIMTJEN A HELMS, Proprietors. of bet! ; and get your pap< r, ink and marching upon Erzeroum. pen, and say these words unto all men: G eorge F rancis T rain has joined, Harvey Jones, living near Roseburg, will no doubt with a view to lead, the cru­ “My goods I .wish to sell you, and to rpHE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- MANUFACTURE AND BUILD ALT. henceforth “live in song and story,” for your wives and daughters, too; my 1 kn««wn and popular res«trt would in- i»| kinds of mill and mining machinery, one of his cows has recently given birth to sade against lawyers. Thus splutters t<>rin their trie nd- and U m ? piitdi«^ generally castings, thimble skeins, and irons, brass a double-headed calf. Tho “freak of na­ his redundant genius: “Life, proper­ prices are so very low, that all will buy liiMt ■* «niinplete and tir>t-«‘la"> st«M-k of th«- castings and Babbitt metal. Bells east. ty, honor. Electoral College, Congress, before they go.’” He did as by his brand» of liqiion*, wine*, « igars, ale and Farming machinery, engines, house fronts, ture” «-ame into this world dead. finance, railways, legislation; every­ wife advised, and in the p»|M-rs adver­ i-«rter, «-I«-., is «sHi-tMiiih kept on hand, stoves, sewing machines, blacksmith-work, The Nan Francisco millionaires are build­ rtir) will I**» pleas»-»! to hate their friends anw well to give ns a «mil !»»•- Hopkin-' will cost $3.oon,0(i0; (‘has. i’r>-k- ml io- u di lui < ABINET. dr« gl.*» 1 ; bi inn wvrr f«»re going elsewhere. All work done w ith er’» $2. Leland Stanford baa ex- grea*M*s ar*? lawyers. The cur*e is uni­ > Hl to tins «!. r h« »W u rii «Ini print>r * neatness sn«l piia, itik rrfMjr. II V t»i G 1 U’ », with M k »1 Mr. T wo » m ! is the onlv [«erson involved ZIMMERMAN A CO. hi- Citi Mivrd l»y luoinuin, t»ia in Congnssa ’ J k » «1, tug Ashland. April X, in the re»■»■nI Matementa ** ho has n<< c »»» im - hyvua, iM4e-«*Mt in all l»'gi-lAti- <•»• * < 1 tl.cir >prm; • x-k an>i w«*r** 'tai»le. ••••s.miiH»- l»n* ‘*111’4*1 All*! <*AII «¿■pre<-iaie a i*>ke 11 \ t I V 4 *4IF i»l»l tra-tef H c I him • IL-a. he If * •r» r«l w X ■w •Ml* IttU 4L •• - a. ail THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, I Ulti» «>ut * itli * given after the first of January, LM76. I will lake all kinds of produce. Other and residence on corner of Califor- k '(• h sir» ..IS. J.i'd' •»" ’i” kept. Wh en it romea to farming on a grand -»»•ah? thi-re is no one wh«» knows h«>w it is 1 bprn »«• 4 Iglvtr . Bay 7|h. pro- trivo A Shark, devil ti-li and Bradley in um pire it« turning Bra»r«l<. And the greatest of all !■» Bradley? 4 W hen swimming a horse, never touch the bridle, as a horse is easily drowned when checked up or other­ wise interfered with almut the bead. I Sit well back aod guide the horse* with the hand, gently slapping him on either side required ; thus a hor.se will swim a mile or more with a full grown man on his back and suffer but little. I w kA C-*AA Iji * i A - - • - di *1^1» Jlgrd ¡1« I •• 'M w, 11 »y extra u nes that ' * •** J Vnfî • uu I He in iim* «»r H- I * »n.i «tntfw ** •»•ii »-trr. W * * f* «• i»> s»s- a« tiitH-h <4 th- t- wn*- * ltd ha»r likr»t.ari't * .«* .»r *«• ^i»u .* bu oui tulk-r a«*<*<*unt ot Jacksonville and its sur- rj^-indings. J • * —--------- - » -------- -- • Î « This has beeu the custom of the coun­ try from time immeinofjai, mid bus proauevd an;i»ng certain Russians a cu­ rious kind of fastidiousness. They strongly dislike using sheets, blankets and towels which are in a certain sense public property, just as we should; strongly object to putting on clothes I S oap - suds may be used with great which have been already worn by advantage for manuring grape vines. other people. i —♦ The effect of soap-suds on plants is re­ markable. A cypress vine that re­ mained stationary for a fortnight who i talwkiit «Akj^kate I tun »«C m iiiirli 4*4 ♦ y iini*»f»fl i 11»-f v •»*•**- — t .* a ♦ W ashington , May 4th.—Tne De­ partment of Justice will suffer much inconvenience by the po-»t|on«*ment of an extra session, as there will be a de­ ficiency of at least a million dollars by the 1st of July to ht? provided for by Congress. There is no money to pay officers of tho navy for the monti * of April, May and June. The an. mut re«;uired is ils nit ¿81I• » { !• « .»••<».-4 * 4% I • • P » 9