Or grnmíratic Sirars. WIDE AWAKE! HENERAL NOTEK AND NEWN. MIS UTS* OF TEACHKRM' IMMTITVTK. J acksonville , May 4, 1877. Institute called to order at 1 o’clock p . M. by Supt. E. J. Farlow, and exercises opened with prayer by Rev. J. IL Skidmore. Music—Singing by the Institute. No. teachers enrolled, 19. Critics fertile day, Miss Alice Hanley and B. R. Willits, The following programme was the order of business: Orthography, L. F. Willits; Reading, W. T. Leeke and J. Q. Willits ; Writing, W. T. Leeke. (Recess.) Gram- mar, J. W. Merritt. Adjpurned. E vening S ession —Prayer by Rev. J. R. N. Bell; Address by Rev. J. II. Skidmore. Critic’s report. Adjourned. NEW STORE! John B. Felton, an eminent lawyer of Cal­ ifornia, is dead. OiTicidl Paper for Jarkton, Josephine i Lnkr. S----------- —- ------ SH--------- It is thought In New York that Tweed’s I release will occur in a short time. i SATURDAY,.............................MAY 12, 1877. Mr. Hayes has commissioned O. N. Dea- , I nv. of Portland, Consul to Tientsin, China, ; . to fill a vacancy. ••II. au 111 Wiu.l,’’ Etc. i i The removal ot the troops from Alaska THAT THE STORE OF ; has produced a very depressing effect on War Is s terrible thing, reprobated I business in that region. by the hum initari tn and regretted by i Hayes intends making a southern tour mankind generally. But war has ! for the purpose of becoming personally ac­ quainted with the people. exhte1 e’ine the beginning of tra­ Dotson’s carpet mills, at Schuylkill Falls, ditional history, and will probably con­ (Formerly known as Glenn’s Store, on C alifornia S t .,) i Pennsylvania,—the largest in the United States—have closed, throwing 1.400 men out tinue to the ond of time. Those who SATURDAY, MAY 5 t II. of employment. t CONTAINS A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF f gilt its battles are the real sufferers. M orning S ession —Institute called to or- Odell says in his salutatory in the Salem < hi th » outside there I* chance tor spec­ ! dor by Pres. E. J. Farlow. Prayer by Rev. Statesman; “Having put our hand tn the ulation, thinks the Call. The United ! J. H. Skidmore. Committee, consisting of plow ‘we do not intend to look back.’” , I W. T. Leeke, B. R. Willits and W. J. Sav- We do not blame him when we consider his I Mimes is an •«outsider” in the combat I age, was appointed to draft a programme j record. JUST OPENED l»etween Russia and Turkey. She is I for the next Institute. J. Q. Willits, J. II. Hon. George Abernety, the first Provis­ ional and Territorial Governor of Oregon, nlr<»ady a gainer before tho conflict Skidmore and B. F. Dowell were appointed died suddenly at his residence in Portland mtnmenced, ns note her gains, which i a committee on resolutions. Subjects intro­ on tho 2d, of heart disease. His age was duced were : History, by B. R. Willits and 70 years. are only a drop in the bucket compared B. F. Dowell ; Arithmetic, J. II. Skidmore. On the corner of Oregon and Jackson Sts.r Secretary Thompson, of the Navy, has dis- opposite Odd Fellow’s Hall, with what they will be should the (Recess.) Geography by E. C. Galer. ' covered several frauds in his department; , one especially, whore iron was bought for struggle l»e protracted for any length * (Query Box.) ' Committee on Programme reported that 35 cents a pound when it could have been of time. General Gerloff bought cer­ 1 had for 15 cents. they would draft a programme and have it 4 ND A GENERAT, VARIETY OF ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION, tain machinery in this country which published some weeks before the time oi Tho Herald savs that tho prosecution of I A which he offers to the public at the Jacksonville, - - Oregon, Secretaiy Robeson, for alleged inisappropri- | Ims turned out 3.000,000 rifles. Rus­ ! holding the next Institute. ation ot navy funds, will be the leading fea­ LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. Committee on Resolutions ottered the fol- ture of tho Democratic policy in tho forth­ sia has imported 100,000 Smith A coming session of Congress. Wesson level vers and 20,000,000 cart­ lowing, which was accepted : WITH AN ENTIRE Hesolved, That it is the sense of all teach ­ Hayes is depleting Ohio of Republicans ridges, to say nothing of the 400.000 I ers present that tho teachers of this county by appointing them to Federal offices out­ seriously culpable for neglecting to at­ side of the State. Pendleton is of the opin­ cartridges manufactured daily in Rus- are tend our Institute, and that we regard it as ion that in a short time nothing hut Demo­ ria by American machines. Mean­ highly profitable and almost indispensable crats will be left remaining in Ohio. to good and uniform work, that the teach­ NEW STOCK OF GOODS. while, Turkey has contracted in Rhode ers “Parson” Brownlow died at Knoxville, meet in convention for consultation. i Tenn..on the 30th ult. No public man was llesolved, That the County Superintendent I-I.md for 600,000 Martini-Henry rifles, is hereby requested to carry out the provis­ perhaps so cordial a hater of the principles 8®“ The HIGHEST PRICES paid far WOOL, HIDES and PRODUCE. of which 250,000 have been shipped, ions ma'ie by law, to lower the grade of cer­ and loaders of the Democratic party' as Brownlow, and no man had a better way of and 10<»,000 more are ready f ir ex­ tificates of teachers who absent themselves showing —CONSISTING OF— it. LEGAL ADVERTISEM ENTS. NEW, THIS WEEK. from our Institute. port. So much relate? to arms and Jtesolved, That as teachers we are under The Dalles 7yi7>i hands high, posted an estray horse of the following j Who can estimate the benefit.«, in a land on the first Thursday, Friday and Sat­ sixty Assemblymen. branded on the left shoulder with the letter description, to-wit : A brown horse about j urday of November, 1877. financial point of view, that we shall Hon. L. F. Lane has organized “The Fat Y. The owner is requested to come tor- five years old, no marks or brands. My t Critic»—Miss Nettie Howard and W. T. | Men’s B. B. C.,” at Roseburg. Their ward and prove property, pay damages and residence is on Little Applegate, in Jackson ‘ Leeke—then reported. derive iroin tbi-quarre«? CLOTHING , weight in the aggregate is said to be one take him awav, or he will be sold according county, Oregon. The owner will pleasecall 1 ’ M. COLWELL. and pay charges and get his property. A motion was carried that the Secretary ton. They propose to compete with any j to law. CHAS. L. THURMAN. < ropplug Out. be requested to furnish the several papers other club of equal weight at the^tate Fair, March 31, 1877. and with that view are going into immodi- j Affairs in the Navy Department un­ ot the county with a copy ot the procecd- ate training. 1 mgs of this Institute. Institute adjourned. Estray Notice. der Robesun were grossly misman­ Chicago, May 4th.—The Seventh Cavalry, . VJ-OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT E. J. FARLOW, Co. Supt. with 1,100 men, ha« left Fort Lincoln and IM the stockholders of the Rising Star mAKFN UP BY THE UNDERSIGNED, aged, and the new Secretary, Thoiup- J. Q. W illits , Secretary. I gone in search of Sitting Bull, who is sup Gold and Silver Mining Company will meet L living three miles northeast of Jack- Miss K ate T hornton , A«s’t Sec. son, is uneartiiing some enormous posed to be north or south of the Yellow- , at the otliee of the company, in Jackson­ son vilU, one bay mare, about fifteen hands stone wit 1 some five hundred warriors. ville, on Saturday, June 9, 1877. for the pur­ high, I , aring the same, therefore noti -e lieiebv giv< n i hat said account will l e • Iso praying for an order for setting the bers of lhe ring, and that the latter mill first-class in every way but the amal- largely for ’he past two years as one of the | is wives <>f Brigham Young, 1 as h ul her 1 heard aud d -te’mined in said Court <>:i ime for h arinc the same, therefore notice three protected it at Washington by j gamating machinery. He recommends 'Status defined bv the courts, which infornr Tuesday. Jui • 5. 1N77, at which ti ne all per­ is horc’>v given !ha‘ said final account will her that a concubine does not need a divorce i sons having any objections »o sai 1 final a •- be heird c iil determined .in sa: 1 Court on tiieir influence with Secretary Babe- pans to amalgamate in, in the place of the j ' and as for alimony she was en'itled on v f< count an 1 sc tiement must then and there rue.-dnv,.!une 5. 1877, at TO o'clock a . M., J barrel which has been used in said mill. it wh ehfiino a l persons having any ob- son ; also that the firm through which Mr. Salm >n also pronounces the main ledge I the wage« of a maid servant during her so make the sai io. Published ;n the D emockati ? T ime « for i ie<’ti< i)s to said final ae -ount and settlement journ with Brigham While this d-cisloii its business was transacted was Mon­ i of the company good. He made several may not d > jus'ice ‘oAnn Eliza and tho four ennse« ative weeks by <»rd . t of Hon. I must ‘hen and there make the «ame. Publish al in tho D emocratic T imes for tague, Hanscom and Jordan. Furltier working tests, and says it will come out all thousands of other worn« n who would He Sil.is J. bay. Countv Jud e. E. !•. l'OUDRAY, Clerk. four cons •entive weeks by order of Hon. S. glad to sever their po’vgamoiis <• onne tions, ’ right yet. They are now »inking a shall on J. J>ay, Countv Jiidg«*. developments promise to be rich. it is nevertheless go d common sense. the main ledge. E. i). FOUDRAY, Clerk. Summons. Ford, Hopkins A Buck have commenced Jubiiaut Jerseymeu. >'<■ port at. work on their ledge, which is situated on In the Circuit Court of th ■ S ate of Oregon, Notice of Final Settlement. New Jersey Democrats are jubilant the dividing ridge between Grave creek and for the Conn y <>f ] .ake. W. H. O»le|| >uc< ped« “Pr-raon” over the result of the recent local elec­ Cayote creek. They intend sinking down Waters as editor of the S:dem ¿States­ i James ..filler and lie try Ammerman, ‘ In the County Covrtof the State of Oregon, for tho ' ’•»u:it>. >f Jackson, sitting in pro­ plaintiffs, vs. Caspar .‘chiieider, Ge< rge tions in -that State. All Iho returns on their ledge one or two hundred feet the man. This change is evidently made bate Tuesdrv, April 24, 1877. Nurse, John Green and II. E. Spencer, coming Summer, and intend to put up ma­ defendants ; suit in equity to foreclose In tlie matter of the estate of George H. are iu now aud they show a more de­ chinery as soon as they get their ledge pros­ in the interest of some Senatorial I mortgage. Erb, deceased. cline Democratic victory than had pected. aspirant, and la doubtless a great re- j To 3 tid defendants : ELIZABETH ERB, EXECUTRIX OF —AT— been expected. In Jersey City, Ho ! Thomas Johnson, superintendent of the lief to the sorely afflicted readers of TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR- IJ said estate, having filed in said Court 1 egon: Your are required to appear in her final account for settlement, and also boken, Trenton, New Brunswick and i Esther Mining Company, is running their that sheet who have so patiently borne said Court and answer tho complaint of said praying lor an order for setting the time for mill part of the time, with results satisfac- several less important places the Dem­ i j tory plaintiffs filed against you by the first day hearing the same, therefore notice is hereby J. S. HOWARD’S STORE. to the directors of the company. The the maudlin cccentricitos of Its quon­ of the next regular term of said Court, com­ given that said final account will bo heard ocrats astonish themselves by their Esther company have some good claims on dam chief. and determined in said Court on Tuesday, mencing June 25, 1877. June 5, 1877, at which time all persons hav­ And you am notified that if you fail to an­ success. The most complete victory the Lucky Queen or Corder ledge, but are Geo. J. Buys has disposed of the swer ing any objections to said final account and the coinplaint as above required, the was gained in Jersey City, where the not working them at present. plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the re­ settlement must then and there make the Davis A Nielson are prospecting a ledge Eugene Guard to Frank and William lief demanded therein, to-wit: For a de­ same. Radicals have been in power for sever­ on Cayote creek, which prospects well. Alexander. Sucre«« to you. Published in the D emocratic T imes for cree against said Caspar Schneider for the al years. By the result of tho contest They will soon commence putting up two sum of fifteen hundred ami ninety-six and four consecutive weeks by order of Hon. ninety-three hundredths dollars, with legal Silas J. Day, Countv Judge. TUe European War. the Democrat get control of the Board arastras to run by water. Their ledge is E. D. FOUDRAY, Clerk. interest thereon from the 5th day of May. 1877, and the costs and disbursements ol of Aidermen, Police Commissioner», situated a short distance above where the As yet but little heavy fighting has principal mining is done. «uit. And for the flirt her decree against you Administratrix's Sale of Real Estate. Board of Education, Board of Public There are other ledges on Grave creek been done by Turkey and Russia. for the foreclosure of the mortgage de­ Works aud Board of Freeholders. and vicinity, that look favorable for gold The greater portion of the time ha« scribed in the complaint, and the sale of all In the matter of the estato of John Payne, the interest of said Caspar Schneider in the deceased. The places under lheoe Boards have and silver, that are not being prospected for been spent manoeuvring and getting lands described in said complaint and TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER AND mortgage. 1 license of the County Court of the State been filled by Radicals since 1871 the want oi men with money to do it. into position. The Russian troops are Published in the D emocratic T imes as to of Oregon, for Josephine county, sitting for _____________ M iner . under the Commission system. The slowly but surely advancing. It some­ Caspar Schneider and John Green by an or­ the transaction of probate bus ness on der of Hon. P. P. Prim, Judge of said April 2d, 1877, the undersigned. Administra­ Public Debt Statement. contest ail through was warin on both times seems as if some of the other Court, dated the 10th day of May, 1877. trix the estate of John Payne, deceased, Given under our hands this 11th day oi will of sides. The public debt statement for April European powers would get Into the sell at public auction, for cash in U. JOHN E. CARTER A SON, May, 1877. A. C. JONES and S. gold coin, on the premises, in said coun­ shows a reduction in the dobt for the turmoil, but nothing of this sort is at KAHLER A WATSON, An Kuglisii Opinion. ty, on PAINTERS. Plaintiffs’ Attorneys. current month of about three and a Monday, June 11, 1877, Come and See and be Convinced NEW GOODS I NEW PRICES ! NEWMAN FISHER DRY-GOODS, New York Store BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, LADIES’ FANCY GOODS, SPECI ALT Y: LADIES’ MISSES’ & CHILDREN’S HATS trimmed by Mrs. Brentano. DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. W D A FINE STOCK & LOW PRICES present seriously apprehended. Mr. Tilden has the melancholy con­ solation of being tho first man in American history who, having at his back a clear alisolute majority of the popular vote, has not won the Presi­ dency, remarks the London, England, Telegraph. Nay, more, the electors chosen to nominate him secured suc­ cess at the polls, yet were ignored by State officials resolved that a Demo crat should not win. We have long heard from American statesmen that the supremacy of the majority was the guiding principle of their institutions; but in this case it has been deliberately set aside. The people, rather than risk civil strife or prolonged uncer­ tainty, have decided just row to sub­ mit: but the precedent is perilous and this “one more victory” of the Repub­ licans Will probably tie their last. Mia« <1»angea. O. N. Denny ha^ been appointed to a Consulate in China, and will probably be succeeded as Collector of Internal Revenue by John C. Cartwright, of eiecioral fame. “A distinction without ; a difference.” half millions, and an aggregate reduc­ tion since July 1st of about twenty­ eight millions. The receipts from in­ ternal revenue for the month will reach nine and one half millions, and from customs about eleven millions. The coin balance will be nearly ninety- five millions, including coin certifi­ cates, which amount to forty-six or forty-eight millions. This increase in the coin balance io due to the fact that about one million in gold has been re­ ceived this month from sales of bonds in excess of amounts disbursed to re­ deem the called 5-20«. The Depart­ ment, being unable to obtain called bonds to that amount for redemption, the coin received from the sale ol bonds will be set apart for the re­ demption of called bonds. This one million, and a like amount held for re­ demption of coin certificates, must be deducted from the aggregate balance reported in older to ascertain the amount of coin owned by the Govern­ ment. Deducting these two items will leave the Government possessed of fully thirty-five millions in coin, less about two millions in silver, with which Lo meet Ila coin obligations. NOTICE NEW BAKERY, TS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEALED 1. proposals will be received by the Clerk I n M ahonic B uilding , O regon S t ., of the County Court of Jackson county. Oregon, until’ 12 o’clock m . Wednesday, JACKSONVILLE, OGN. June 6, 1877, for the care, custody and main­ tenance of all the xick and disabled poor persons of Jackson county < h egon, (tor the term of one year from the late of the ac­ he undersigned hereby de - ceptance of the bid) who may need medi­ sires to announce to the public that he cines, medical attendance and treatment, or ix now prepared to fill all orders for cakes surgical operations, who now are a county of every description, such as wedding cakes, charge, or who hereafter may during said cakes for parties, wine cakes; also brown time become such, wherever in said Jack- and rye bread, ginger snaps and crackers. son county such person or persons may be, Takes orders on exchange. Prices reasona­ lo provide and furnish for them good, ble and satisfaction guaranteed. wholesome food, comfortable clothes, Fresh bread every day. rooms, lodgings, tho washing, nursing, W m . kreuzer . medical and surgical attendance and medi­ cines which nyiy lie necessary or suitable to such persons respectively’. TO THE PUBLIC. The County Court will also consider at the time above mentioned any and all bids ou are hereby notified that that may l>e submitted for the care of said all persons traveling and crossing the county poor, by the day, week or month, bridge oh Rogue river, at Rock Point, that for the term of one year. All bids to be ac­ Jackson county is in no wise responsible for companied by an undertaking executed by any accident or loss that may be sustained sufficient surety in the sum of $1,000, to lie while crossing said bridge, as the same is void upon the epndition that the bidder, if the contract is awarded to him, will within not standing upon any public highway. Published by order of the County Court, ten days thereafter (or such further time as the Court may allow’) enter into an agree­ this 9th day of April, 1877. ment and give the necessary undertaking Attest: E. D. FOUDRAY, Clerk. for the faithful performance of the contract. Payments to be made every three months $500 REWARD! by orders draw-n on the Treasurer of Jack- son county, Oregon. The Court reserves the right to accept or reject any or all pro­ T HEREBY OFFER A REWARD OF posals. 1 five hundred dollars, payable in U. 8. By order of the County Court. gold coin, tor the arrest and conviction of E. D. FOUDRAY, County Clerk. the person or persons who murdered my brother, Gue Chow, on Jackass creek on the N elegant assortment of Pocket and Ta­ night ol March Si, 1877. OH CHOW, ble Cutlery for sale by J. MILLER. T Y A at 1 o'clock ij . M., the following described real property, situated in Josephine county, E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO Oregon, belonging to the estate of said de­ all kinds of Painting, including ceased, to-wit: Donation claim No. 41, formerly known HOUSE PAINTING. ax the donation cla m of \V. II. Penington —situated in Section N<>. 12, Township No. SIGN PAINTING, 38 South, Range No. 5 West. ELIZABETH PAYNE, ORNAMENTAL PAINTING. Administratrix of the estat.: of John Payne, WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. deceased. Dated this 28th day of April, 1877. ALL STYLES OF MAMMM DONE. W Administrator s Sale of Real Estate. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER AND L license ot the County Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Jackson county, sitting for the transaction of probate business on April 3d, 1877, the undersigned, Administra­ tor of the estate of Lavin.a Stow, deceased, will sell at public auction, for cash in U. 8. «old coin, at the Court House door in Jack­ sonville, iu said county, on Naturdny, May 12, 1S77, Orders from the country promptly attend- to. Ji GREAT SACRIFICE! —IN— blacksmithing Î at 1 o’clock p. m ., the following described real property, situated iu Jaokson county Oregon, belonging to the estate of said de­ s ALLOUR MERCHANTS ARESELL- ceased, to-wit : ing out at cost and freight, we are ready Beginning at a post 20.90 chains east, 8.60 to do blacksmithing at coat and freight, but chains south, from the cornor to sections 4 5, 8 and 9, in township No. 36, thence west’ must have the cash when the work ix com­ 80.50 chains ; thence south 40 chains; thence pleted. Shop on the corner of California east 80 chains ; thence 40 chains north to and Main streets. SHANNON A BIRDSEY. place of beginning—the same being the west half of donation land claim No. 51 the whole ot which claim contains 321 acres’ AINTS (patents cr other,) Oils, Var­ and is situated in township 36 south, ranee nishes, Snelac, Window Glass, Emery, 1 west. Together with all the appurte­ Borax, etc., for sale in endless quantities by nances thereunto belonging. JOHN MILLER. HERMAN v. HELMS, Administrator of the estate of laiviria XES, Hatchets, Drawing Knives, Broad­ Stow, deceased. axes, Mattocks, Picks, all sizes of Ham­ Jacksonville, April 7, 1877. mers, etc., for sale by JOHN MILLER. A P A