¿he girino crai ir dimes Published Every Saturday Morning Bj (’HAS. RATES Ob' ADVERTISING. NLCKBLIa, Advertisemonts will lie inserted in the T imes at the following rates : One square, one insertion....................... $3.00 “ each subsequent one........... 1.00 Ixigal advertisements inserted reasonably. A tai r reduction from the above rates made to yearly ami time advertisers. Yearly advertisements tiayable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. Cd^NTY W arrants always at taken par. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE -On Oreg<‘ii Street, in Orth's Brick Building. Rate» ot Hiibscriplion : ( ne copy, per annum,.................... •• six months,....................... “ three months.................... Jurarud 'p m Adram e. 2.00 JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 1.00 PROFESSK )N AL ( A R1 )S. OxilCIAL DIRECTORY. >1 Vl'E OF OREGON. i iovernor,.......................... ............ L. F.Grover .''»MTelarv ot .'slate............. ...... s. I-. ( ’hadw ick Mute Treasurer................ .......... A. 11. Brown State Printer..................... .......... M . V. Brown Sup’l of Publie Iii'truction... L. L. Rowland A. C. JONES, ATTORNEY’ A UOUNSELOR-AT-LAW, JACKSONVILLE, OGN., I FIRsl J l hlClAL 1H.STRICT. Will practice in all the Courts of the State, (»tlice in Orth's building—up-stairs. 4 ircuit Judgv,................... ................ P. P. Prim District Altornex............. ........... H. K. Hanna JA< <’o UN l'Y. < ounty Judge,................. ............Silas J. Day i Samuel 1 urrv. < ounty < ommissionvis.. j Abram Miller. Sheriff',............................... ...... J. W. Manning t lerk................................... ........ E. D. 1 oudray James Spence, M. D., Il O M E O PAT1IIC PH Y SI C I A N , Hogue’s Ranch, near Kerbyville. A'se>s«,r,............................ ....... B. ('. Goddard School >upcrint4‘iiden',.. ............ E. J. l’arlow Surveyor,.......................... .......... J. s. Howard Coroner.............................. .......... Dr. fallender G. H. AIKEN. M. D., PHYSICIAN JOSEPHINE UUUN1Y. County J udge,................. ........ M. F. Baldwin 1 J. E. Sevterth. County ( oinmissiotiers,.. ( 1L Thornton. Sheriff*,............................... .......... S. Messenger 4 'lerk................................... ........ Chas. Hughes Treasurer,......................... ........... \\ m. Naueke ...............J. 1*. Lewis school super in tendent,.. ............. J. M. Smith Surveyor,........................... ........ W. N. Sanders Coroner.............................. 1Geo. s. Mathewson LAKE COU NTY. County J udire.................. ............. E. C. Mason 1 >. C. Mi ( ounty (. ommiasioners,. ..... j A. Teiii.rook. ,.T. J. Brattata Sheriff’............................ ..R B. Hatton ( lerk.............................. ...J L. Hanks ’treasurer.............................. ,..M. Riggs Assessor................................ ...H. M. 1 batelier School Su peri nicn de nt 1 rank Ulivi sman Surveyor........................ UOUR r SITTINGS. Count.unty • < >u in, i.r-t Monday in each month. < ountu. i iK'iut < ourl, lourtn toiirth Monday in Ov- Mommy in . nisi Monday tiiJaii- loiwr. 1'oti < letober. tun , Aprii Lake « bu our:, first Mondai clay in J uu< ami Uvlobvr. in January S U R G E O N , JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office—One door west of tho W. U. Tele­ graph otlice. H. K. HANNA, ATTORNEY' A COUNSELOR AT LAW, Jacksonville, Oregon, Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given to all business left in in y care. otlice in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. c. W. KAHLER. E. WATSON. KAHLER & WATSON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, JACXSGNVILLE OREGON, I Will practice in the Supreme, District and other Courts of this stale. Office on Third street. H. KELLY, I V1T0RNEY' A TOWN OF A N I) COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, Trustees, Will practice m all the Courts of the State. Prompt atti nt ion given tifali business en­ trusted to my care. sj Ollice opposite Court House. r SOCIETY NOTICES. JAMES S. HOWARD, IT. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYOR Jiirksom illr Lodge No. 10, 1.0. H. I’., . loids its regular meeting.' every Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. II Saturday eveuingat tiie < >«constantly on hand a lull assortment of furniture, consisting of BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, TABLES, Holds its regular communications \ on the Wednesday evenings or pre- ceding the full moon, in Jacksonville, Ore­ gon. C. C. BEEKMAN, \\ • M. Al ax M uller , Sec’y. GUILD MOULDINGS, STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, UKMatU, NOTEN AND MEWN. c W ashington , Feb. 21st. Portland boasts of 14 papers. The House and Senate met at 11:45, There are in the neighborhood of ono mil­ lion sheep in Oregon. and after reading the resolution of Some of the judges of the U. S. Supreme each House on the counting of the Court are receiving abusive letters. vote of Nevada, the tellers announced It is understood that S. C. Simpson will that Nevada had cast three votes for be appointed Private Secietary to Governor Hayes and Wheeler. Then followed Chadwick. in succession the States of New Hamp­ shire, New Jersey, New York, North The Brownsville, Linn county, mills re­ Carolina and Ohio. The presiding cently ordered 20,(»00 pounds of wool in San officer then opened and handed to the Francisco. The amount of wheat sowed in Oregon tellers the certificates received from exceeds largely any former year in tho his­ Oregon, which were read and proved to be the sworn certificates of three tory of the State. Prof. T. M. Gatch, of the Salem Univer­ Hayes electors, Cartwright, Odell and sity, is talked of as the next Republican Watts, executed before a, notary pub­ lic. The papers contain a full state­ candidate for Governor in this State. Brigham Y'oung, Jr., is organizing a com­ ment of the doings of three electors; pany of 500 Mormon families, which will the resignation of Watts as postmas- j ter; his subsequent choice by the , Colonize in the State of Sonora, Mexico. At Columbia, South Carolina, on Wash­ other two electors ; the original bal­ ington's birthday, the flags on public build­ lots cast by the three electors, etc. ings were floated at half-mast and draped They were read in full. The presid­ ing officer then handed to the tellers a with black. certificate of three rival electors, Cro­ Gen. Garfield has sued the Cleveland nin, Miller and Parker, authenticated ZVaindeaZcr for libel in saying he attended a colored ball in New Orleans and behaved by the signatures of the Governor ami Secretary of State, with the seal of the indecently while there. State attached. This certificate gives , A Salem man named Reed tapped a maple two votes to Hayes and Wheeler, and tree the other day, getting eight gallons of one vote to Tilden and Hendricks. sap, from which he made two and a half Senator Mitchell presented objec­ gallons of excellent syrup. tions to the certificate of Cronin, Stil­ Senator Cameron, “the base deceiver,” ler and Parker, on • the following paid M rx. Oliver $1,(MM> lor tho relinquish- grounds : ment of her suit against liim, preferring L ove ’ s I cy D ream .—The other First—Because neither of said per­ that to paying lawyer’s tefes. evening as a patient piliceman was sons were ever appointed elector by According to the Portland Commercial the State of Oregon in any manner pacing his beat on Howard street a Reporter, tho wheat shipped from this State young man passed him and ran up a whatever. from August, 1*76, to February, ls77, Second—Because it appears from flight of stone steps and rang the bell. amounted to l,360,0f<3 centals. the records and the papers contained The officer heard the door open, a The Knoxville H’AJ/ figures it up that in and attached to the returns of the young lady’s voice sing out, and he rum costs the United States $2(<0,(M >0,000 an­ votes of Cronin, Miller and Parker said to himself: nually, and tho clergy $2,000,000. Why not “ ’Tis love’s young dream.” that such certificates were not issued to I abolish tho clergy ? We must economize. He was just moving on when an the three persons having the highest The tour-mile raeeatSan Franeiseoon Feb. number of votes for electors, but was other young maa approached, looked ■ 22d was won by Mollie McCarty in two issued by the Governor to persons up at the house, and in a sheepish straight heats—time, 7:43*4 ami 7:42*4. whom he deemed eligible, though one way asked the officer if he had seen Billy Bigham did not figure very exten- of them, Cronin, was not appointed any one go in. He was informed of sivelv. thereto according to the law of Ore­ what had occurred a moment before, According to Horace, a poet is born. A gon. and he gasped : Free Mason, however, is made. There are “It was that sneaking chap from Fourth—It appears from the certifi­ I over 600,000 of the latter in the country, and Cass avenue I” cates of S. F. Chadwick, Secretary of rather more than four times that number of He walked on, and the officer State, that Odell, Cartwright and the former. walked ; hut ten minutes later the Walts received the highest number of Rear Admiral Joseph Smith, the oldest voting man climbed the stone steps votes, and that the Secretary of State, i officer in the navy, died in Washington on in pursuance ot law, so declared, and with a pail of water in his hand and Wednesday morning, January 24th. He emptied its contents over every stone. > that, therefore, the certificate of the entered the navy January 16, 1800, sixty­ Governor, in so far as it omitted to He was sitting on the horse-block op­ seven years ago. certify the name of Watts as one of posite as the officer came back, mean­ A smoked ham weighing 112 pounds was the electors appointed, and in so tar as ing to stay there until his plan un­ exhibited in a store at Memphis, Tennessee, such certificate contained the name of folded or until he froze to death. He a few days ago. The pig trom which it had I Cronin as one of the electors, appoint­ didn’t freeze. In about ten minutes been cut weighed 1,110 pounds, and had ed falsely, failed to conform to the act the door opposite opened, two voices been raised by a planter in Mississippi. of Congress in such cases made and were heard for a moment, and then There are about 2,600 breweries in the provided and to the law of Oregon, the young man from Cass avenue came United states, and their annual production and that such certificate is issued to down tho steps on his ear, his elbow, is 285,000.000 gallons. Some species of oats Cronin without authority and is of no his shoulder-blade, his heel, or on most are coming into use for the manufacture of any other part of the human make-up. effect. beer on account of the scarcity of barley. Fifth—Because it appears from both lie struck the sidewalk, shot across it The Springfield Republican declares that certificates that Odell and Cartwright, to the gutter, and came to a stand-still the State of Georgia has done more, under a majority of the electoral college, with his head in tho snow. There complete Democratic rule, in two years for were duly appointed electors by Ore­ was a peal of laughter from the house popular education than all the Republican gon in the manner directed by the as the door shut, and the watcher on administrations in the South since the war. tho horse-block chuckled and re- The Standard announces the death, at Mexico, Missouri, on January 28th, of Col. —-- ---------- — PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, Burrell B. Taylor, who died of pneumonia. Ruth Rebekah Denree Lodge No. I, 1. 0. 0. I'., Mr. Taylor will be remembered as having Holds its regular meetings on every other ETC., ETC. Monday evening at Odd bellows Hall. been editor of the Portland Herald during Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on 1871-72. Memtiers in good standing are invited to hand ami made to order. Planing done on attend. JOHN MILLER, N. G. reasonable terms. I ndertaking a spe­ A telegram from Governor Nichols to R achel F isher , R. 8. cialty. Major E. A. Burke says the people of Louisiana are not only ready to pay taxes to TABLE ROCK SALOON, any government but that of which I am executive, but have anticipated the appoint­ OREGON STREET, ed tax collectors, and voluntarily paid to ASHLAND, OREGON, agents for the use of our Government a WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. percentage deemed sufficient for present, W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO., Prep’rs. purposes. According to the Dalles Tribune, Prof. milE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- ANUFACTURE AND BUILD ALL 1 known and popular resort would in­ Condon says that the bones found by tho kinds ot mill ami mining machinery, form their friends and the jiublic generally Coplen Brothers in Washington Territory, castings, thimble skeins, and irons, brass that a complete ami iirst-class stock of the castings and Babbitt metal. Bells cast. best brands of liquors, wines, ciga