Retake of Preceding Frame ?hr ilrwocram dimes. S. B. Cranston, Quincy A. Brooks, Sykes Worden, Lieut. Hoyle and Mr. Cook, of Lake county, arrived in town last Saturday, but left for Portland the following day. We understand they go as witnesses in the case of the United States versus the bondsmen of Virgil S. Eggleston. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Bluegravel Hydraulic Gold Placer Mining Company, held in Portland on the 14th inst., the following directors were elected : A. P. Ankeny, A. J. Watson, Rufus Mallory, B. W. Griffin and Vin Cook, who elected A. P. An­ keny, President and Ed. F. Albright, Secretary. The diggings of this Com­ pany are situated on Galice creek. LOCAL BREVITIES. CLEARJNG_OUT SALE. Ladies and Gentlemen's Roads bad. For the next sixty days we will sell FURNISHING and our Dry and Fancy Goods, Clothing, Stages behind again. .SATURDAY, .FEBRUARY 24, 1877. Hats and Shelf Hardware, at greatly Quail abundant and fat. R eligious M eetings .—Elder E. reduced rates for cash only, to make FANCY GOODS John A. Moon, of Lake county, is W. Barnes is holding a series of relig­ in town. room for a large stock of Spring im­ ious meetings at Ashland, having com­ portations. In order to do this as BOYS’ and GIRLS’ Judge Reed returned from Jose ­ menced yesterday. He will continuo quickly as possible, we havedetermined i (Successors to White A Martin») over to-morrow. All are invited to phine Thursday. to offer such inducements as were nev­ READY-MADE CLOTHING, Jos. Swingle has something to aay er heard of before in a regular busi­ attend. DEALERS IN in our advertising columns. ness. Call and examine for yourselves. H ome A gain .—.Judge Prim, who BOOTS and SHOES, We throw out no baits. Ashland mourns the sudden de- has been in attendance on the Su­ parture of one “Dr.” Brown. R eames B ros . preme Court at Salem since December GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS A CHAIRS, Several of our Ashland friends were CALIFORNIA STREET, last, returned home on Monday. His I mportant to F armers . — We down to the ball Thursday evening. Honor was taken severely ill while have made arrangements whereby we CLOTHING, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Wm. Miller, w’hile mining on Jack­ there, but has fully recovered and is are enabled to offer the American Ag­ ass recently, picked up $120 in nuggets. now in excellent health. riculturist in connection with the T imes for $4.00, in advance. The Ag­ LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, Alex. Martin will in a few days S chool C ensus .—From the census D iggings B ought .—Mr. Brown, riculturist is one of the leading agri­ start for California with a band of fine of this School District, just completed CROCKERY, ETC., agent of San Francisco capitalists, cultural journals of the United States, horses. by H<»n. Henry Klippel, Clerk, we Rev. Father Blanchet left for Yreka who has been negotiating for the dig­ and its subscription price is $1.60 HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- learn that theie are 424 children be­ ure in informing the public that they gings on Althouse creek, Josephine this week. He will be absent for a alone. Now is the time to get both At E. Jacob's New Store, have just received and opened an entire tween the ages of four and twenty, of county, spoken of in our last, has pur­ papers at reduced rates. fresh stock of short time. which 2i*6 are l*»ys and 218 girls. chased them. They were owned by Orth’s Brick Building, Jacksonville. Basil Derry, formerly of this place, % The number last year was 387, au in­ I mproving .—Lakeview, the county Messrs. Beach A Platter, Leonard and but more recently of Chico, Cal , is crease of 37. Anderson. Judge Reed also has an seat of Lake county, is improving back on a visit. interest in them. The price given rapidly, and promises to be quite a FANCY GOODS, E lection of O fficers .—The fol­ Another protracted meeting, under ll of the above articles sold place in time. It now contains two was between $8,000 and $10,000, and at the very lowest rates. If you don’t lowing officers were elected at a regu­ the auspices of Elders Peterson and hotels, a livery stable, blacksmith believe me, call and ascertain prices for the purchasers receive other property lar meeting of the Jacksonville Liter­ Barnes, is talked of. yourselves. No humbug! and privileges in connection with the shop, a store, etc. Several houses All kinds ot produce and hides taken In ary So iety, held on the evening of 42tf. Good excuse for not loaning your diggings. Some years ago the original have lately been built, including a exchange for goods. CLOTHING, Eto., Etc., the 16th : Chas. Nickell, President ; umbrella—say it is Lent, and will be owners dug a tunnel to connect the building for the Clerk’s office. Mi«s Mary Berry, Vice President ; T. A. DAVI8 F. K. ARNOLD. In SACHS’ Brick Building, well known an until Easter Sunday. waters of Democrat gulch and Althouse I Mi-s Eliza Langell, Secretary ; F. M. S upreme C ourt .—In the case of Cipt. Jas. Barnes, of Lake county, creek, which proved to be too high Nicierson, Treasurer ; Frank Kassha- the State vs. B. F. Dowell—the May "THE TEMPLE OF FASHION.» for Librarian ; Miss Emily Brown, is in town, lie reports matters flour­ and consequently unserviceable. We bond affair—a motion to correct judg­ ishing in his section. understand that the work of remedy­ ment as to the names of sureties was WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, < 'ensor. These goods were all purchased by a The Jacksonville Literary’ Society is ing this defect is now being prosecut­ allowed. The motion as to rendering T he R ain .—It has been raining member of our firm from FIRST-CLASS 71 FRONT STREET, considering the propriety of giving an ed by a set of hands under the charge judgment against each surety for the HOUSES in San Francisco, and we will with considerable force and regularity warrant every article and sell them as cheap of J. S. Howard, of this place. It will amount expressed in the body of the entertainment ere long. for cash as any house in the county. during the past week, which is a take several thousand dollars to open undertaking was denied. PORTLAND, OREGON. We call the" Paul Schoen, a piano tuner from source of gratification to both farmer out these diggings, but, when once ATTENTION OF THE LADIES and miner. Although the rains are M. Gray’s music store, San Francisco, in working order, there is no doubt of C hange — We learn that J. M. Mc­ E KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND to the fact that we have the largest assort­ very late, some mining is being done will be in town before long. their paying well. Thus another en­ Call & Co., to whom the material be­ ment of FANCY GOODS of every descrip­ a cúmplete stock of The telegraph office here burns all this sea-on, though nothing in com- tion now on hand, and we will henceforth longs, have taken charge of the Ash ­ terprise has l>een put under way, make this line of goods our specialty and under a dispatches six months old, p irison to that of last year. The grow­ sell them at which will inure largely to the bene- land Tidings, owing to the contin­ DRUGS, ing crops have been benefited much aud new rule adopted by the W. U. Co. ued illness of J. M. Sutton, ittr former fit of this section. Prices to Suit the Tim Rev. M. A. Williams will hold re- promise largely. manager, who, we regret to learn, is in PERFUMERY and TOILET ARTICLES, B oard of T rustee «.—A special a precarious condition, with no hopes ligious services at the M. E. Church T he . B ali ..—Notwithstanding the to-morrow at 11 o’clock a . m . meeting of the Board of Trustees was of his ultimate recovery. We also keep on hand a full stock of PATENT MEDICINES, inclement weather, the ball given on held on Monday evening last. All Persons not reci iving their papers GROCERIES, the evening of Washington’s Birthday R ain in J osephine .—The rains GLASSWARE, WINDOW GLASS, the members were present. regularly will please inform us of the by Oregonian-Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, HARDWARE, NAILS, GLASSWARE, The minutes of the last meeting I this week have raised the creeks in PAINTS. OILS AND Imp. O. R. M., was a fine* success in fact, and we will endeavor to remedy were read and approved. Josephine county and afforded consid­ matters. CROCKERY, CUTLERY, every particular. First-class music! The Committee having In charge erable water for mining purposes. PAINTER’S STOCK OF EVERY KIND, The District School proposes giving And very many other articles too numerous was furnished by the Kaegel Bros, and the appraising of the town lots in block Dick Ish informs us that William’s to mention. f signatures. The following bills were ordered rates. 6ih, elect fivo Trustees, a Recorder, a is a sure cure for screw-worm, scab and Abell Welsh will remain and Henry Klippci was confined Hon. foot rot. Circular «ent on application. paid: I). Linn,$8.12; Fisher A Caro, $1. Treasurer, a Marshal and a Street here but a short time longer; therefore Herd A Hopkins’ bill of $52.50, for Commissioner. The polls will be open for a few days this week with a se- TWELFTH YEAR. give them a call immediately. * NOTICE, STOCKMEN! but is able veru attack of sore-throat, bridge lumber furnished Street Com ­ at the Town Hall from 10 o’clock a . missioner, was ordered paid out of the M. to 3 o’clock 1*. M. Three candidates to be about again. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, NOTICE. anniversary List Thursday was the road fund. for Marshal have come to the surface, CONDUCTED BY An order was made for holding the All persons indebted to the and there will be some aspirants for of Washington's birthday, in couse- the Street Commissionership. The quence of which the District School annual town election and the Recorder undersigned, either by book THE WELL-KNOWN DR A PT JIORSE, THE SISTERS of the HOLT HAMES. instructed to give notice. L. J. C. Dun­ balance of the offices having little if any was not in session. TURK, account or not, are request* We learn that another wire will be can and James R. Neil were appointed emoluments, no struggle will be made HE SCHOLASTIC YEAR of this ILL MAKE THE SEASON AT JACK- lor them. put up this year by the Western Uu- Judges of election, and J. II. Ilyzer ed for the last time to come school will commence about the end of sonville, Rock Point and Sam’s Val­ August, and is divided in four sessions, commencing April 1st, at the following ion Telegraph Company. Increase of and John A. Boyer as clerks. forward and pay up. This is rates ley, of ten weeks each. R eturned .—Wm. Seagraves and : $5, $10 and $15. The board adjourned to Tuesday positively the last notice of Turk is 8 years old this Spring. His sire Board and tuition, per term,.......... $40.00 business is the reason. Win. Bybee, Jr., returned from Neva­ was Arabian, out of a Timoleon mare. Bed and Bedding...... . ......................... 4.00 A man named Stow, workirg for evening, March 6th. Turk’s dam was French. He is a dark chest­ Drawing and painting........................ da last week. They started for that 8.00 this kind that we will give. nut sorrel, with white points, 17 hands Piano,........................ ............................ . 15.00 J. II. Collahan, in Alkali Valley, Lake State with a large band of cattle last M exican S addle .—There is on ex­ high, and weighs 1,500 pounds in working Entrance fee, only once,.................. 5.00 SACHS BROS. condition. county, recently had his leg broken June, but, finding prices very low, de­ hibition at J. Nunan’s shop a fine Mex­ SELECT DAY SCHOOL. Competent judges agree that Turk’s colts Primary, per term,................................... | $,oo ican saddle, which is attracting con­ Sven is the purifying, healing operation will compare favorably with anv yet pro­ Junior, termined to hold on until Winter. by a horse falling on him. “ .................................... 8t00 Glenn's Sulphur Soap that formidable ab­ duced in the State, and he is highly recom­ The ball at Wm. Justus’ on Thurs­ siderable attention, being much of a oi Unfortunately for them, this season “ .................................... 10.00 scesses and purulent ulcers, as well as the mended by leading stock-raisers of Douglas Senior, obstinate skin diseases, are cured by it. county, where he has made several seasons. Pupils are received at any time, and spe­ has been unusually mild, and, cattle day evening last was a fine success. curiosity to thoie who have never seen most It expels proud ilesh and is highly anti-pu­ cial attention is paid to particular studies in RORT. WESTROP. on the range being in good condition, Quite a large number were present one. It is finely finished off, the work­ trescent. behalf of children who have but limited The Meadows, Feb. 1, 1877. time. For further particulars apply at the and a pleasant time was had. their manship and design being first-class. commanded as high prices as Academy. MARRIED. JOHN L. CARTER A SON, own, and they were therefore cum- Ed. Crandall, who bas officiated as The horn is heavily plated with silver, MARTIN — THOMPSON — At the residence pvlled to sell at lower rates than they foreman of the Ashland Tidings for with which metal the saddle is pro­ of Alex .Thompson, on Rogue river, Feb­ THE PAINTERS. ■expected to realize. 15, 1877, by Rev. C. II. Hoxie, Jo­ several months past, left for the Wil­ fusely ornamented. The blanket is ruary seph G. Martin to Miss Mary Thompson. CITY DRUG STORE, the skin of some animal found in Mex­ NOBEN—MOODY—In this city, February B oys A rrested .—Two boys named lamette Valley on Tuesday last. E ARE FULLY PREPARED TO DO 22d, by T. B. Kent, J. P., John Noben to all kinds of Painting, including J. P. McDaniel attends to the wants ico, and is neatly embellished with Willie Oliver and Joe Welch were Miss Ellen Moody—all of Galice creek. JACKSONVILLE. floral designs worked in gold and sil ­ this week arrested upon a warrant of John Orth’s customers during his HOUSE PAINTING, BORN. sworn out by Rev. W. Hurlburt, alwence, while John Bonham wields ver thread by the skillful hands of SIGN PAINTING, he new firm of kahler a B ro . charging them with having stolen a the marshal’s baton for the time being. the Mexican women. This saddle is BYBEE—Near Jacksonville, February 17, ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, have the largest and most complete 1877, to the wife of Win. Bybee, a daughter. the property of Win. Seagraves, who couple of saddles from him. Upon assortment of The population of Ashland School WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. DIED being brought up before Justice Kent District is given at 574—302 males won it at a raffle in Virginia City, DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, ALL STYLES OF GRAININI DONE. lor examination, they both plead and 272 females; voters, 127. There Nev., where, we are informed, it was AMY—At Manzanita, February 16, 1877, of croup, infant son of Haskel and Jessie Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Alaa Orders from the country promptly attend­ guilty. Oliver was fined $40, in de­ are 331 school children in the District. put up for $500. Amy ; aged about eight months. the latest and finest styles of ed to. 21. fault of which he was sent to the T own S ite L aid O ut .—A new Quite a number of visitors were STATIONERY, County Jail for twenty days. The present at the District School Friday town site has been surveyed and NEW, THIS WEEK. GREAT SACRIFICE! .other was fined $30, but, paying it, last, and were favored with some in­ mapped out in the immediate vicinity And a great variety of PERFUMES and TOILET ARTICLES, including the best and NOTICE. was set at liberty. It seems to have teresting exercises by Prof. Merritt’s of the Lucky Queen mine, Jump-off- —IN— _____ • cheapest assortment of COM MON and PER­ FUMED SOAPS in this market. t>een the intention of these young department. S MY WIFE, REBECCA SWINGLE, Joe, in Josephine county. The de­ «ir Prescriptions carefully compounded has left my bed and board without rascals to have left the country, and velopment of the quartz mines in 44 ____ ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. just cause or provocation, I warn all per BLACKSMITHING! ­ A base ball club has been organized they would perhaps have been guilty that section so far carries the impres­ sons not to harbor or credit her on my ac­ \ / _____ . JOSEPH SWINGLE. o! another theft had they not thus at the head of Applegate, with two sion that their permanence and value count. NEW BAKERY, Ashland, February 19, 1877. full nines. They propose trying their Is en checked in their wild career. S ALLOUR MERCHANTS ARESELL- I n M asonic B uilding , O regon 8 t . mettle with the Jacksonville and other is almost assured, and, in the minds ANNOUNCE MENTS. ing out at cost and freight, we are ready ■S hooting A ffray .—J. T. Roloson, clubs in this section. of many, the belief exists that quite a to do blacksmithing at coat and freight, but JACKSONVILLE. DfiN. For Marshal. living near Central Point, was shot by mining city may be built up in that re­ must have the cash when th# work is com­ The Baptist Church has received The undersigned announces himself a can­ pleted. Shop on the corner of California gion ere many years. his father-in-law, one Knowles, on several Accessions at Ashland during didate for Marshal, subject to the docision and Main streets. • SHANNON A BIRDSEY. he undersiqned hereby de . Thursday last, and seriously, if not the voters of Jacksonville at the ensu­ the past few months. Quite a num­ F or T he W illamette .—Alvin of sires to announce to the public that ho ing town election. fatally, wounded. The ball entered the ber have been immersed in the frigid I is now prepared to fill all orders for cakes ADDISON HELMS. ! Cardwell will in a few days start for of every description, suoh as wedding cakes, left side, near the lower part of the waters of Ashland creek during that cakes for parties, wine cakes; also brown Albany with the fine young stallion For Marshal. chest, and ranged downward and back­ time. and rye bread, ginger snaps and crackers. “Vermont Chief,” where he will re­ I hereby announce myself a candidate for HE UNDERSIGNED, BELIEVING IT Takes orders on exchange. Prices reasons, ward, passing through one kidney and to be the mutual advantage of millers ble and satisfaction guaranteed main during the coming season. This Marshal,’subject to the will of the voters of Geo. Wimer, of Murphy creek, and farmers, have made arrangements ^¡r Fresh bread every day. lodging in the skin over the spinal col­ election. whereby the Ashland and Phoenix mills will horse is by the well known “Peniger’s Jacksonville at the March Josephine county, was in town Thurs ­ TIIOS. GIANNINI. W m . KREUZER. umn, which it fortunately missed. be under the management of Jacob Wag­ ____ day. He reports that it rained very Mike,” out of a fine mare ; he is five ner, who will have charge of both mills for AINTS (patents cr other,) Oils, Vais Knowles came to Magruder’s store and the company during the ensuing year, end­ LAND FOR SALE. hard in that region this week and that years old, of a dark dapple bay color, lushes, Shelac, Window Glass, Emery, ing July 1st, 1877. J told bis story, where he was taken in Borax, etc., for sale in endless quantities by We will pay the highest market price for the miners have plenty of water at will weigh over 1,200 pounds. JOHN MILLER. HE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR good merchantable wheat, and are prepared charge by Thus. T. McKenzie, who present. sale 240 acres of choice agricultural land, to contract flour at $18 per thousand pounds F or S alem .—John Orth, County F you want a No. 1 home-made Rille or held him until Deputy Sheriff Seybert 175 acres under fence, situated in Josephine at the mills. Office of the company at the first-class Shotgun, go to The stock of the Josephine quartz Treasurer, last Sunday took down Jack- county, Oregon. For information, enquire Ashland Mills. arrived on the scene. * Family troubles JOHN MILLER. of John Bolt, Applegate, or at the residence WAGNER, ANDERSON A FARMERS’ seem to be at the bottom of the affair. mine, (the property of Alex. P. An­ son’s portion of the State tax, amount­ of LA FAYETTE ALLEN. MILL CO., Ashland, Oregon. dfrl O A DAY at home. Agents wanted, V Outfit and terms free. TRUE A CO., Dr. Aiken is attending on Roloson, who keny A Co.) situated in Josephine ing to between $8,500 and $9,000. Of TpVERY description of Cutlery for sale FULL line of Saddlerv Hardware for Augusta, Maine. county, has been put upon the market this amount about $1,500 was in silver, cheap by JOHN MILLER. reports him in a precarious condition sale by JOllN MILLER. AILS, Rope«, Carpenters’ and Wagon- although he was somewhat easier yes­ and is quoted at 15 cents a share in which made a package weighing over EW Gun« made to order and repairing IL and Whetstone«, Tape and Chalk Makers’ Tools for sale bv Uorlland. 120 pounds. terday- I properly done by JOHN MILLER, Lines, for sale at JOHN MILLER'S, JOHN MILLER. BROS GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ATTENTION! T FALL & WINTER DRY-GOODS A T. A. DAVIS A CO., t W I W T W T i A A T T Í P T N •Ur s ✓ I A O N