?lic fa'} fïlcmotvatic aimes. SATURDAY,................ JANUARY «, 1877. AGENTS FOR THE TIMES. New York. iJon 1* ÎLiwoll .V I’ d ............. N<>w York. S. M. Pettingill A Co...... 1 Un I. ( f rppii .............. Josephine < 'omit v. Kerbvville lk'U Havmond................ ......... R«»ck Point L. P. Fisher,.................... ...San Francis«-«». San Franeis«*o ...st. Louis A’ ('hpsiiijin . .. ........ Yreka R. B. Hatton................... ............ Linkville Keligi«u* IMrretory. M. E. C hurch .—Religious scrvi«-cs every Sundav, at the usual hours, by the Rever­ ends J. It. N. Bell, W. Hurlburt and M. A. Williams, alternately. C atholic CHURCH.—Divine Servi«*es ev­ ery Sunday, at the usual hour, by Rev. Fa­ ther Blanchett. M. E. S unray S chooi ..—Regular meetings every Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. C atholic S unray S chool .— Regular meetings every Sunday afternoon, at two o’clock. GRAND MASS MEETING. PATRIOTS TO THE FRONT ! A grand mass meeting will he held at Jacksonville on Monday, January 8, 1 *77, at r* o’clock, noon, for the purpose of counseling together and expressing, in some suitable way, a solemn and emphatic protest against the outrages and usurpations sought to he perpetrat­ ed upon the people through the mach­ inations of corrupt and unscrupulous returning board-'. The nue'ing will be a»l«lressed by a large number of speakers. Everybody is invited to he present and participate. C ontract A warded .—The con­ tract for trans|M»rting Indian supplies front Portland to the Klamath Agenci/ has been awarded Rf L. Solomon, of this place. — ——---------------------------- R ain -F all .—Through the courtesy of Peter Britt we are enabled to state that the rain tall since October 17th last lias been 61 inches. This is much less than for the same time last year. — . --------- — 1. <). O. F. E lection .—Jacksonville Dvlge No. 10, 1. <>. O. F.,on the even ing of the 3<»th ult. elected the follow­ ing < ¡Fleers for the ensuing term : J. H. Hyzer, N. G.; John Miller, V. G.; Daniel Cronemiller, Recording Secre­ tary ; Fret I. Luy, Treasurer; Silas J. Day, Permanent Secretary. - , II — <— - — P aupers .—The keeptug of the coun­ ty |MH>r is one of the heaviest items of expense our County (,’ommissioners have to contend with. Their suite­ name costs the tax payers several hundred dollars a v ear, and the au­ thorities are as economical as possible in the matter. Jackson is unfortunate­ ly a border county, which, in a meas­ ure, may’ account for our numerous paupers. Ami there seems to be more than usual just now. — -I I -- ------------ • ■■ ------------ — A C urioi s M ineral .—A. Miller, Jr., one of our County Commissioners, yesterday brought into our sanctum a specimen of a mineral, black in color, of a tine composition, which he Intel»/ discovered near his place on Antelope. Mr. Miller says this substance is found in a ledge of granite, an I will blacken boots and other substances. He also liclieves that, with proper preparation, good printer’s in* can be made of it, ami we promise Ir.ying it. It is cer­ tainly a curious article, and inii^ l»e of value. P robate C ourt .—The following business has lieon transacted in this Court since our last report: The appraisers appointed to appraise the estate of A. F. Farnham submitted their report, showing the estate to be valued at $15,232.34, which was ac­ cepted. In the matter of the estate of A. J. Rountree, deceased. J. J. Charlton, administrator, submitted his final ac­ count. Tuesday, February Gth, 1877, appointed as the day for hearing the same. i. < ■ - ■ — A B all -R oom S cene .—At one of the parties in the country during the holidays occurred a scene quite novel A young lady conceived a dislike for a young fellow for something he hail done, and in a moment of anger in­ sulted him. lie quietly took it all at the time, but when a good opportunity presented itself he revenged himself f»V gently cutting ofT the ribbon that ornamented her “pull-back.” She did not miss her loss for some time, but, when it was discovered, she immedi­ ately surmised what had become of it. Accordingly, when her tormentor’s back was turned, she advanced with a sharp knife and, cutting down the seams of his coat, detached the tail of it. Nothing daunted, and with the greatest of nonchalance, he offered her the liulawe of the coat, but she de­ clined. The parly broke up shortly alterward, and hostilities were thus suspended fur the time being. LOCAL HBKVITIEN. KIHK POINT 1TEMN. CITY NEXTOTN REPORT. “Mirk” Uolvig, manager of the W. The following is the City Sexton’s Beautiful weather. U. T. Co. st Puyallup, W. T., has been report for the year 1876: County scrip taken at par. spending the holidays with us. February 4th—George W. Marshall; Schools in full blast again. The dramatic entertainment, given ' aged 46 years ; disease, consumption ; R»‘ad the new advertisements. by the young people on the evening of buried in Town Cemetery. Our Lake county visitors have about the 25th, was an immense success. February 19th—Andreas Hauser; all left us. The house was literally packed with aged 60 years, 2 months and 22 days; putrid sore throat; in U. O. R. M. Win. Bybee returned from Califor­ both young and old. nia this week. The case of Thos. H. Fielder c . l Jo- Cemetery. March 8th—Hulsey Bell Bay ; aged Solomon, civil action to recover The weather is fine for stock men seoh ** money, was tried before a jury in 4 years, 3 months and 16 days ; scar­ but bad for the miners. latina ; in Town Cemetery. J. 8. Howard is selling at very low Squire Hayes’ Court on the 23d ult. March 22d—Hora A. Grey ; aged 70 Verdict in favor of plaintiff. rates. Give him a call. Miss Lottie Ganiard, of Sam’s Val­ years ; debility ; in Masonic Cemetery. Correspondence from all portions of April 5th—Katrina Deneff; aged 52 ley, has been quite sick during the Southern Oregon solicited. years; hemorrhage of kidneys; in There is some talk of a concert to past week with diptheria. She is now Town Cemetery. 17 • convalescing. Several other cases are take place at no distant day. April 6th—Louisa Metzker ; aged reported in the neighborhood. 22 years, 5 months and 18 days ; con­ There promisee to be a large attem’- On Friday evening, 29th ult., a so ­ sumption ; in Town Cemetery. ance at the mass meeting on Monday cial party transpired at White ’ s Hall. April 28th—Margaret E. Wright; next. It was largely attended by the efife of aged 3 years and 1 month ; scarlatina ; Chas. Winters has sold his ranch Rock Point society, and was altogether near this place to John Margreiter for the most enjoyable gathering of the in Town Cemetery. Juno 4th—N. C. Dean ; aged 58 $800. season. years, 3 months and 21 days; lung It is next thing to impossible to get Autumn, the beautiful Indian girl, fever ; in Town Cemetery. either gold notes or greenbacks in | seems to have won the heart of tyrant August 30th—Frederick Pflugh ; town. i Winter, and has persuaded him to ab­ aged 41 years, 10 months and 10 days; II. Kelly, Esq., has returned from a dicate in her favor; at least, the hoary- visit to his mining claims on Cayote headed “ruler of the inverted year” remittent fever; in Town Cemetery. September 4th—Marian Currey ; creek. appears to be loitering on his way aged 1 year, 5 months and 3 days ; The holidays are over, and all will longer than usual. chronic dysentery ; in Town Cemetery. agree with us in saying that they I Mrs. F. G. Birdsey showed the October 1st—Henry Whitzel, aged passed off pleasantly. writer a fossil remain,,which is much 73 years ; cancer of stomach ; in Ma­ Commence the New Year by paying , of a curiosity. It is the front part of sonic Cemetery. for your paper, as printers need money I a woolen sock-foot which, becoming November 29th—Henry C. Staser ; as well as other folks. i filled with sediment, has turned into a aged 36 years, 9 months and 13 days ; A grand ball by one of our promi­ I hard stone. Every thread of the orig­ consumption ; in I. O. O. F. Cemetery. nent benevolent societies is promised inal fabric is plainly discernible. It Three Chinamen were also interred, us sometime next month. was taken out of the Foot’s creek making a total of fifteen interments in the different Cemeteries. This is Rev. W. Hurlburt will hold divine mines. While at work on the old Deskin by far the lightest mortality of any services at the M. E. Church next Sun­ ranch, opposite Rock Point, the writer year for 13 years past. day morning and evening. R. S. D unlap , Sexton. George W. Fletcher, formerly of this found a rare and curious fossil. It is a section, was married to Miss Nellie : biscuit turned to stone, and yet so per- D iptheria and its C ure .—This Blachley in Eugene City on December ■ feet in every particular as to plainly show the finger prints of tho cook. terrible disease among children, which 25 th. has been prevailing for some time “General” Taylor, Deputy Sheriff of Some, who have seen it, say it was past in the Willamette, we learn, has Josephine county, was in town this made by a gentleman now living in made its appearance in this and Joseph­ week. He is in a tine state of preser­ Oakland, Cal., in early times, and ine counties. Many remedies have when he was leading tho happy life of vation. a bachelor on the ranch. I contem­ been suggested, but the following is David Phipps, an old resident of plate donating it to the Pioneer So­ recommended as one of the simplest this section, died at the residence of and most effective: A small quantity ciety, as a relic. X. his son, I. J. Phipps, on the afternoon of either sulphate of iron, tannin, or -- ♦------- of the 4th. Lithe C'ouuty Itenti*. chlorate of potash, put upon the tongue Jacob Ish, who recently purchased Times at the county seat are quiet and allowed to dissolve there, once in Geo II. Lynch’s saw mill on Wagner since the last shooting affray. every hour, have all been found to be most efficient remedies in early stages of creek, is alsmt commencing to run it The weather is fine indeed out here diphtheria. This disease appears under himself, we learn. —almost like Summer. Snow is to be three varieties or forms. First, there is a The Commissioners’ Court was in seen only on high mountain tops. fever, severe pains in the back, bones and and very great prostration. There session this week. Considerable busi­ Stock of all kinds are in excellent limbs, may be no soreness of the throat, but on ex­ ness was transacted, a re|x>rt of which condition. Having just returned from amining it small white specks will be no­ will be published next week. a trip to Silver Lake, I find stock men ticed on the tonsils, but few or none on the rest of the throat. These cases will recover Grain being a little scarce last year, generally feeling buoyant. under any and every variety of treatment not as many hogs have been fattened The Democrats in Lake county do i in four to six days. The great but false as usual, and less will consequently be most heartily endorse the action of reputation of many remedies and physicians manufactured into ham and bacon. Governor Grover and Secretary Chad­ is based upon tho necessarily favorable Old 1876 stepped down and out on wick, in giving a certificate to Mr. results of these cases. Second, large patches of false membrane will be observed, both Sunday night, and 1877 was ushered Cronin. All hail the action as right, on the tonsils and back of the throat; but in with a grand wake and serenade by j true and brave. the glands of the neck do not become swoll­ en. The majority of these cases will also Gideon’s band, which made “Rome Married—At the residence of Mrs. recover under very simple treatment, unless howl.” i Renfro, December 14th, by Judge tho disease extends down tho windpipe, A. W. Sturges and John Newcomb Mason, John Stanley and Miss Ser- which it rarely does. Third, true malignant wrestled for $20 a si«le at Kubli & ! repta Renfro. Also, at the residence efore she night and «lay, will rarely disappoint tho evening was much of a success. About will have anything but a temporary practitioner. A small dose every night seventy tickets were sold. A fine time Court House, as our revenues will not may act as a preventive remedy. Some­ tannin may be given moro readily justify much expenditure in that way, times was had. than tho chlorate of potash. The sulphate W. F. Herrin, Esq , of San Francis­ and, believing as the people do, that of iron is rather more irritant, and must co, was on a flying visit to this section it is the worst policy to plunge a coun­ be given in sniallor quantities. Tho main points in the use of these remedies are to la«t week, ne is attending to a will ty in debt. give them dry upon the tongue, and fre­ VlNDEX. quently and regularly, both by night and case up in the District Court at Yreka, Lake County, Dec. 23, 1876. nay. '■ > ■ ■■ ■ California. O fficial C rookedness .—A corre­ I f you want photographs of superior H. K. Hanna, E-q., Sol. Sachs and A. W. Sturges started for Portland on quality and finish taken, bear in spondent, writing from Lakeview, Tuesday, to bo in attendance on the mind that Abell & Welsh have put up says : It may lie of some interest to the readers Sturges bankruptcy case, which comes I a building on the corner of California of the T imes to know the reason Democratic up in Judge Deady’sCourt this month. street, opposite Wells, Fargo & Co.’s tickets were not received in Crooked creek express office, where they will Yemain precinct until after election. Tho tickets W. V. Smith, the champion long for a few weeks only. Children« pic ­ were sent to Gus. Colvin, but he left for Red distance rider, will probably visit this Bluff, Cal., a few days beforo election. section ere long. He will attempt to ture« a «pecialty. All negatives fine­ However, he left instructions with the Post­ ride 50 miles at Yreka, on the 8th, in ly retouched. Cabinet and card pho­ master to deliver his mail to Wm. Patton. two hours and eight minutes, using tographs highly burnished, giving a This the Postmaster did not do, but was to say to his wife, when opening the ten California saddle horses, and will beautiful gloss. Don’t forget for a heard mail, “ therearothe Democratic tickets; they change animals each and every mile. short time only. Messrs. Abell A will not get them until after eloetion and Welsh come to our town well recom­ so it proved. Alas ! where is honesty; shall School Superintendent Farlow was we despair of finding it among Republi­ mended by the press where they have can officials ? in town Saturday and held a public ex­ l»ten, and the public may expect and amination of applicants for teacher’s L iterary S ociety .—At a regular will receive the best work ever exe­ certificates. Ouly two applicants pre­ cuted in Jacksonville. Give them an meeting of the Jacksonville Literary sented themselves—Henry Shidler and early call and prove the truth of this Society, held on Friday evening, De­ Mr. Hollaway, who were awarded cer­ cember 29th, the following officers were notice. Gallery open every day. * tificates, the latter receiving his on the —--------<— elected : Chas. L. Mosher, President; evidence of one given by Superintend­ I nstallation of O fficers .—At a Miss Mary Bilger, Vice President; ent Thatcher of Lake county. special meeting of Ruth Rebekah De­ MisS Sophie Nickell, Secretary ; Miss Next Monday (the 8lh) is the anni­ gree Lodge No. 4, I. O. O. F., held on Eliza Langell, Treasurer ; Frank Kass- versary of the battle of New Orleans, the evening of the 2d inst., John A. hafer, Librarian ; J. R. Baldwin, Cen- at which Gen. Jackson so completely Boyer, D. D. G. M., installed the fol- gor; Raymond Farmer, Janitor. demoralized English pretensions to­ lowing officers for the ensuing term : T he fog, which quite frequently ward the possession of America. It is John Miller, N. G.; Mary Miller, V. h ings over us, seems to prevail only in also appropriately appointed as the G.; Rachel Fisher, Rec. Secretary; portions of the valley. time when the |>eople of the United I Frances Luy, Treasurer ; Fred. Luy, B eautify the complexion, and remove States will meet in mass meeting and Financial Secretary; S. J. Kubli, R. pimples, spots, burns, scalds, stings, protest against Federal usurpation and 8. N. G.; Kato McDaniel, L S. N. G.; chapped lips, prickly heat ami all irritation the outrages being practiced upon them Kaspar Kubli, R. 8. V. G.; N. Fisher, of llie skin by using (ilcun'.s Sulphur Soup. In cases of Gout ami Rheumatism it is also i Con.; Veit Schutz, I. G. by official hirelings. very efficacious. --------------------- *7 ■— , K. KUBLI, B usiness N otice .—We contem­ plate making substantial improve­ ments on the T imes in a few months, Odd Feltown’ Building, Jtektonville, Orrgei, Itoth in size and typographical appear­ ance. This will necessitate an out­ DEALER & WORKER IM lay of a considerable amount of money, and we therefore call on those indebt­ ed to come forward and settle imme­ TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, et«. diately, thus assisting us in our pro­ ject and benefiting themselves besides. Pumps, G erman R ed M en .—At a regular meeting of Jacksonville Stamm 148, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, U. O. R. M., held on the evening of the 4th, the following officers were NAILS, elected: E. Jacobs, O. Ch.; Newman Fisher, U. Ch.; J. Meyer, B. Ch.; V. Schutz, Treasurer ; Max Muller, Sec­ A FIRST-CLASS STOCK OF 8TOVE8 retary; Herman v. Helms, G. S.; New­ man Fisher and Simon Caro, Trustees. " ------------ ♦ ■ — ■■■■ HARDWARE, TINWARE, <■— ■ ■■■ A H ealthy Y ear .—As will be seen by the report of our City Sexton, R. POWDER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION S. Dunlap, the mortality for the year 1876 was the least since he took charge Fuse and Caps, of the Cemetery, thirteen years ago. Only fifteen burials were made, which speaks very well for the health of this Wooden and Willow Ware section. May it ever be thus. ROPE, NAILfi, married . DAVIS—SMITH—At the residence of Eber Emery, Little Butte creek, December 28, 1876, bv Elder Martin Peterson, James F. Davis an«I Miss Lulie T. Smith—all of Jackson county. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. GLASS1 CUTLERY, WIRE, DIED._______________ PHIPPS—On Bear Creek, January 4th, Da­ Shot, vid Phipps, aged 61 years and eight months. Brushes, Chains and Hose, ETC., ETC. LE(SAL ADVERTISEMENTS. I have secured the sorvices of a First-class Notice of Final Settlement Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair­ In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Jackson, sitting in pro­ ing promptly and in sujierior style. bate December 13, 1876. In the matter ot the estate of A. W. Jones, deceased. M. MILLER, ADMINISTRATOR OF said estate, having tiled in said Court TN. CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE, his final account for settlement, and also praying for an order for setting the time for 1 I am receiving and have constantly on nearing the same, therefore notice is hereby hand a full and tirst-elass stock of given that said final account will be heard and determined in said Court on Tuesday, Grooeriea, February 6, 1877, at 10 o’clock a . m ., at which time ail persons having any objec­ tions to said final account and settlement DRY GOODS, Gum Boot«, TOBACCO, must then and there make the same. Ready-Made Clothing, Published in the D emocratic T imes for four consecutive weeks by order «it Hon. GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, Etc., Etc S. J. Dav, County Judge. E. I). FOUDRAY, Clerk. W Sheriffs Sale. Everything sold at redsonable rates. Give me a call. K. KUBLI. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1875. order of sale duly issue«l out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson county, on the 11th «lay of December, 1876, THE SODA SPRINGS! and to me directed and delivered, in favor ot J. B. White A Alexander Marlin and James T. Glenn, and against Edwin Mor­ gan and Lucretia Morgan, for the recovery ot the sum of «even hundred and seventy- five an«l ninety-eight hundredths dollars, in U. S. gold coin, and interest at one per cent. |»er month, and the further sum of $33.10 as attorney fees, together with the costs and accruing costs, I have levieii u|s>n and will offer for sale for cash, in U. S. gold coin, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, on 'Wednesday, Jan. 31, 18*77, at one o'clock r. m ., of sai«I day, the follow­ ing described real property, to-wit : The east halt of the north-east quarter of sec ion 31, and the west half of the north­ west «piaiter of section 32, in township 35, south of range, two west, situate«! in Jack- son county, Or«>geceml>er, A. D. 1876, and to me directed and delivered, in favor of James T. Glenn and Alexander Martin and against John W. McKay and Sarah A. McKay, for the recovery of the sum of nine hundred and twenty-four and forty-two hundredths dollars, ($924.42) gold coin, an«l interest at one per cent per month, and the further Aum of ninety-one and nine­ ty-eight hundre«ltlis dollars, ($91.98) as at­ torney’s fees, together with the costs and accruing costs, I have lovied upon and will offer for sale for cash, in U. S. gold coin, at public auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, on Wednesday, January, 31,-1877, AND MARBLE WORKS. Ho ! Unto All Who Thirst! COME YE UNTO THE SODA SPRINGS! AND DRINK WITHOUT Money and Without Price ! UNDERSIGNED ARE NOW KEEP- ing the Soda Springs House, and having T HE repaired and refitted the same are now pre­ pared to accommodate all that may favor us with a call. Prices to suit these hard time«. THE MARBLE BUSINESS Will still be a specialty. All orders in thia line promptly tilied in the best manner and at reasonable rates. Address, as usual, J. II. A A. H. RUSSELL, Ashland NEW BAKERY, I n M asonic B uilding , O regon S t ., at two o’clock p. M. of sai«l day, the follow­ ing «les«‘,ribe«l real projierty to-wit: Donation claim number 63, being part of section 32, in township 36, south of range, 2 west, and «lescribe«! s.s follows: Beginning ata point 18 Chains and 25 links east and 4 chains and 50 links north from the one- fourth section post on the south boundary «>f said section 32, and running theuce north 44 chains and 8 links ; thence west 36 chains and 48 links; thence south 44 chains, an«l thence east 36 chains and 40 links, to the place of lieginning, situated in Jackson county, State of Oregon, containing 160.48 acres, and levied upon as the real property of the above named defendants, John W. McKay and Sarah A. McKay, to satisfy the above named exocution. J. W. M anning , Sheriff of J&ckson county, Oregon. . Jacksonville, Dec. 30. 1876. of every description, such as wedding cakes, cakes for parties, wine cakes; also brown and rye bread, ginger snaps and crackers. Takes orders on exchange. Prices reasona­ ble and satisfaction guaranteed. Fresh bread everv dav. W m .' KREUZER. THE ASHLAND IRON WORKS, BLACKSMITHING ! ASHLAND, OREGON, JACKSONVILLE, OGH. he undersigned hereby de - to announce to the public that he T is sires now prepared to till all orders for cakes GREAT SACRIFICE! —IN— > W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO., Prop’». OUR MERCHANTS AKESELL- out at cost ami freight, wc are rea«ly A S to ing ALL do blacksmithing at cost an«! freight, but must have the cash when the work is com­ pleted. Shop on the corner of California and Main streets. IfANUFACTURE AND BUILD ALL SHANNON A BIRDSEY. 1VL kinds <»f mill an«l mining machinery, castings, thimble skeins, ami irons, brass castings and Babbitt metal. B«>lls cast. TAX-PAYERS’ NOTICE ! Farming machinery, engines, house fronts, stoves, sewing machines, blacksmith-work, otice is hereby given that i and all work wherein iron, steel or brass is will be at my office for thirty