V he cmoeraiir fthncsJ I WENKKAL MUES TIIK LOMi AM» MIKIKT OF IT Whitt Boes thii Mean T A.M) .NEWS. f NEW STORE! TheN. Y. IForfrfx Washington spec­ The silver bill which has just passed Tin? New York Sun of December ial says: Mail advices received from 0 I hl Paper for Jarkson, Josephinr & Lake. 25th, in a leading editorial, says there is the House is the all absorbing topic in St. Louis to-day bring news that the financial circles in New York. JANUARY 6, 1877 only one way to declare Hayes elected i The Union League is publishing an Government is removing arms, ammu­ T. G. REAMES. SATURDAY E. R. REAMES. President of the United States, and address to the effect that a crisis is at nition and artillery now stored in Jeff­ The 1‘rosp.et Brightening. that is by way of fraud, usurpation and hand and the Union threatened. erson Barracks at St. Louis. Nearly The Santa Ro«a Democrat say a Hon. violence, or revolution. It is now cer- i The Chicago Ttibune's Omaha spec­ 50,000 stand of small arms have been (Successors to White A Martin,) J K. Luttrell, in a letter to a gentleman tain that the House of Representatives : ial says that the Grover party have moved to tho arsenal at Rock Island, been detained west of Omaha by sick­ Illinois. Over 800 pieces of artillery of that city, dated Dec. 12th, writes : will never consent to count those nine- , ness. DEALERS IN were packed in the same place, and “The prospect« of the Democratic par­ teen pretended Electoral votes in favor The feeling is growing strong in ty grow brighter and brighter every of Hayes, which result from the frauds England that 1877 is destined to be a have been shipped by rail for New day. Many leading Republicans ad­ of Returning Boards in South Carolina, year of sanguinary war and sweeping York, to be mounted in the harbor. They are now in Cincinnati en route. mit and assert their belief in the elec­ Louisiana and Florida. These nine­ changes. CALIFORNIA STREET, The War Department has denied all teen votes tho House will not allow or tion of Mr. Tilden.” It is suspected by weak-kneed Radi­ OREGON. We believe the prospect for the , tolerate, but will throw them out for cals that there is a powerful railroad knowledge of an intention to make JACKSONVILLE. peaceable inauguration of Mr. Tilden the reason that they do not. express combination which will enforce the in­ these removals, but information from the staff of the General of the army does grow brighter and brighter as the the will of the people, but only the auguration of Tilden. JUST OPENED The Chairman of the California Re­ makesit certain that these shipments thinking, honest masses of the Repub­ will of a dozen imposters at Columbia, lican party learn the true state of the New Orleans and Tallahassee; that publican State Central Committee has are part of an organized plan to empty called on the clubs to denounce Gov. case in Louisiana, South Carolina, and they are nothing but falsehood, forgery Irwin for recognizing Governor Grover the arsenals in Democratic cities. In­ HE UNDERSIGNED TAKE PLEAS- On the corner of Oregon and Jackson St«., and fraud. Yet without counting formation has also been obtained that opposite Oe<*ialty. JOHN BILGER, Give me a call. F. RITSCHARD. quest from Senator Kelly, asking that ment with the inen who voted for Til­ the House’s orders. This was proba­ Importerof farm implements and machines. SAN FRANCISCO, California. LAKE. den. It is no longer a question of pol ­ bly done by orders of Zach. Chandler & J. N. T. Miller aud John Parker, the Farms for Sale- AINTS (patents er other,) Oils, Var­ itics, but of principle. Let the Re ­ Co., who fear the publicity of these dis­ persons who acted with Cronin in the AILS, Ropes, Carpenters’ and Wagon nishes, Shelac, Window Glass, Emerv, Makers’ Tools for sale by Borax, etc., for sal« in endless quantities by Persons desiring to purchase good farms electoral college, and W. B. Las well publican managers who would steal patches, as they would expose much JOHN MILLER. JOHN MILLER. * of any size will do well to enquire of our votes beware. Already the hand ­ rascality. On the contrary, Mr. Hewitt and Henry Klippel be subpoenaed to JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. to Q9A per at home. Samples ÄH) A DAY at home. Agents wanted. appear as witnesses in the Oregon case. writing is gleaming on the wall, and is willing to have all his read. Such is 1 worth $1 free. S tinson A < luttit ami terms free. TRUE A* CO • « 4 N elegant assortment of Pocket and Ta- They were summoned as requested. t their destruction is sure to follow. the difference. Co., Portland, Maine. Augusta, Maine. Zk blc Cutlery for sale by J. MILLER. NEW GOODS ! NEW PRICES ! REAMES BROS., GENERAL MERCHANDISE, New York Store ATTENTION ! T FALL & WINTER DRY-GOODS, I DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, I JOHN BILGER, K $290.00 ! A FINE STOCK & LOW PRICES D T N P