ehr ¡grnwatw ®inw5. She gmerraiir Simw. Published Every Saturday Morning Bj RATES OF ADVERTISING. CHAS. NICKKUU EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Advertisements will bo inserted in th« T imes al the following rates : One square, one insertion......................... $.1.00 “ each subsequent one...... ..... 1.00 Legal advertisements inserted reasonably. A fair reduction from the above rates made to yearly and time advertisers. Yearly advertisements payable quarterly. Job printing neatly and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always at taken par. OFFK'E— <>n Oregon st i •eet, in Orth’s Brick Buihln >g. llateM of Nulr«eripti<»ii : < ne copy, |>er annum,... . 2.00 “ Nl\ !IIO11 l 11S t .... “ three months,. ........................... 1.00 I>irly in .Ath'une»'. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Ladies' and Gentlemen's UK.NEKA1. N<»I’EK AND KEWM. D eclines to be C ounted in .—The T he O regon 8 ilver M ud . —At the following letter was forwarded from meeting of the San Francisco Micro­ state : <>»’ oiir.oox. I • ft v r»r il or ............. L. F. < »rover A. C. JONES, Shreveport, La., on Dec. 13th, to J. scopical Society, Mr. Hanks presented There are now three Russian men- FURNISHING and 8e.-i’etar\ ot State,........... ..... S. F. < 'liadwit k Madison Wells, President of the a slide mounted with the matter re­ of-war in San Francisco harbor. e ....... ............A. H. Brown ATTORNEY A- COVNSELOR-AT-LAW, Louisiana Returning Board, by John ferred to him at the last meeting, and State Printer..................... ........... M . V. Brow n New York has sixty-eight corset fac­ J. Long, who was counted in as repre­ handed in the following report on a Suó’l of Publie Instruction... L. L. Rowland JACKSONVILLE, OGN., FANCY GOODS, tories, which shows how our indus­ sentative from the parish of De Soto : FIRST JVOICIAI IHSTR14T. sample of (so-called) silver mud from Will practice in all the Courts of the State. tries are running to waist. < 'ircuit J udge,.................. ................. P. P. Prim I have learned that your honorable Oregon: Otlice in Orth’s building-up-stairs. 1 listrift Ait«»rtipv................. ........... H. K. llanna BOYS’ and GIRLS’ Dr. Runnel assayed some of the body has returned me as elected to the I have made a careful examination J.M'KsoX I’ol’Nl’Y. rock taken from the Esther mine, lower House of the Legislature from of the sample referred to me at the last James Spence, M. D., which yielded $2,(100 to the ton. READY-MADE CLOTHING, the parish of Du Soto. Permit me to meeting of the Society. A fine assay 1 Samuel Fui rv. < ounty Commissioners. ( Ahram Miller. The Pacific Threshing Machine Co. return my th inks for the honor con­ showed it to contain 7.4 per cent, of s|i»-ritl, ............................. ........ 1. W. Manning Il O M EG PATH 1C PH YSICI AN, proposes to locate its works at Albany, ferred, but at the same time permit silver, or 184 pounds avoirdupois to < |,.rk. ....................... .......... E. D. Font Ira v BOOTS and SHOES, if it can secure a subsidy of $10,000. mo to say that I am unwilling to accept the ton of 2,000 pounds, $3,403 to the Ì i < ut ,........................ ................. lohn »>rtii \V. A. < 'hildei ’ s ...... the position. I am a Republican from ton. Examined microscopically it war Æ ■v’M »!’,......................................... Hogue’s Ranch, near Kerbyvilln. ('ronin delivered the Oregon electoral tin* firm conviction thnt the principles found to contain free silver, mixed School Su i mt in tend«-nt, ............ E. J. Farlow fiROCEHIEfi, 11EDNTEA />.Vd C7L4 IRK, vote to Vice President Ferry on the ........ J. S. Howard m* \ t • v o r O. H. AIKEN, M. D., of that party are best for the whole with finely divided mud. A few min­ .......... 1 >r. < ’allemler 27th. As in the case of Florida, no country. It is also true that I was the ute crystals were found with the all* JosEl'IIIM-t ( XH’XTY. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, receipt was given therefor. CLOTHING, regular nominee of the party in the ver when concentrated by washing, l’omit v J ndge,................ ........ M. F. Baldwin 1 .1. E. Sevterth, Jacksonville. «»regoli. Boast Butler wants the President of parish of De Soto for the Legislature, some of which are very interesting. <’ih*r.............................. 4 ¡co. S. Mathew son P 11 Y S I C I A N AN D S U R G E O N , was killed at Prescott, Arizona, ah >ut I ing been practiced by tho opposite troduced as an amalgam, but no trace l.AICE cut ’.X l Y. At E. Jacob's New Store, six weeks ago, by a man named Slo­ party at any precinct in tho parish, of mercury remains. I have prepared JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. ,..E. C. Mason 4 'omit v J udge.................. so far as I have been able to ascertain. several slides showing the silver and cum. i S. C. Moss, After a thorough investigation, my its associate, some silver precipitated < 'ouiitv 4 ommissiuiMTinteiident. ...... H. M. Thatelier * LT. OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD to cast some discredit upon the party this city. These simples are on the ■Sur ve vor........................... .... Frank Chet >nian ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR AT LAW, ;\ at th<' very lowest rates. If you don’t cades of Columbia river, Oregon. cur kt si rnsus. believe me, call and ascertain prices for : The Enferprisc complains that the ' with which I have allied myself, but table for examination. The wet mud acksonville, Oregon, yourselves. No humbug ! Jaekmm County.— Circuit Court, second | I am a planter not a politician; all my loses eighty per cent in drying, and All kinds of produce and hides taken in Locks Company will give no manifest Monday in February, June and .X ovciii I ht . : of freight passing through the locks, interests are here; but, sir, I cannot the df£ residue contains eighty-nine 42tf. Countv Court, tirsi Monday in each monili. | Will practice in all the Courts of the State. exchange for goods. Jox>phme (X»w«O/.—Circuit Court, fourth j Prompt attention given to all business left as provided for in Senate bill No. 9, believe the good of the State or of the ounces to the ton. Another sam;4u, in my eare. Monday in April and fourth Monday in Oc­ and the caso will c >mo up before the j national Republidan party can be pro­ handed to me to-day by G. L. Mur­ “EXCELSIOR” tober. County Court, first Monday m Jan­ Otlice in Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. moted by returning, as elected, a candi­ dock, did not contain a trace of silver. courts. uary, April, Julv and <»clobcr. date so clearly defeated as myself. In I consider this a remarkable substance. L 1 dred and ninety-five million bushels. M ax M uller , Sec’y. simple and very striking chemical test Drawing ami painting .............................. 8.00 vided, with a capacity of ten day’s of furniture, consisting of Piano............................................................. 15.00 An exchange says: Parties from may be applied. The mixed goods are j supply. There are also a phosphorus Ruth Rrbckah Desrre Loiljm No. I, I. 0. 0. K., BEDSTEADS, Entranee fee, only once,......................... 5.00 Canyonville are going and coming unraveled, a little of the cotton fiber light-Lsix, and another tank for collect­ Holds its regular meetings on every other SELECT DAY SCHOOL. every day from the Lucky Queen , put into one dish and the woolen in ing the water with the filter inside. BUREAUS, TABLES, Monday evening al Odd Fellows Hail. I Primary, per term,................................... $ 6.00 mine, all bringing favorable reports of ! Members in good standing are invited to another, and a drop of strong nitric acid Junior, “ .................................... 8.oo GUILD MOULDINGS, aulend. JOHN MILLER, N. G. the richness of this famous mine, and' A P atriotic D eed . —The Rome Senior, “ .................................... 10.00 added. The cotton will be little or not •Sou S achs , R. S. STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Pupils are received at anytime, and spe­ every one is pleased to know that the at all affected; the wool, on the con­ ('onricr snya : E. C. Hough and Sain. cial attention is paid to particular studies in Lucky Queen Mining Company are to trary, will be changed to a bright yel­ ! Morgan, of this city, sent Governor Gro­ CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. liehalf of children who have but limited FARMERS’ HOTEL, time. For further particulars apply at the be rewarded for their enterprise and low. The color is due to the develop­ ver, of Oregon, a fine silk hat by ex­ PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, ' Academy. pluck. ment of a picrate.— Scientific American. press, yesterday. The following pa­ CORNER OF OREGON AN D C STR EFTS, triotic letter accompanied the package : etc ., ETC. Tho dispatches inform us that the Jackson vile, Orcjtuu. THE I n S an F rancisco .—Virgil S. Eg­ R ome , Ga., Dec. 8, 1876. Northern holders of South Carolina Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always on gleston, who gained unenviable no- Hon. L. F. Grover, Governor of the hand and made to order. Planing done on bonds are in favor of the Hampton Board and Lodging....................... $5 per week I reasonable tertns. /^»'Undertaking a spe­ triety as U. S. Paymaster in the De ­ State of Oregon: Dear Sir — As hum­ CITY DRUG STORE, government, liecause they think he Board................................................ 4 “ “ cialty. ______________ ____ partment of the Columbia, is now, we ble American citizens, but sincere can pay the interest on the bonds, .Single meals.......................................... 50 cents i are informed, permanently located in friends of law and order, we desire to liodging.................................................. 50 cents j which they know Chamberlain cannot JACKSONVILLE. JOHN L. CARTER &, SON, do, and that these bondholders and San Francisco, holding the position in thank you for your patriotic action in *« ILS. WILLIAMSTAKES THIS METH- home taxpayers will furnish the money that city as clerk in a stock broker’s the matter of the electoral vote of your PAINTERS. office. Eggh'ston is, we believe, a State, and beg of you to accept the ac­ 1NL od of informing the public that she is rpiIE NEW FTRM OF KAHLER 1 LET A RTICLES, including the best and not a poor State to live in. ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. S quash F lour .—The Alden Fruit true patriots everywhere will thank cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER­ Orders from the country promptly attend­ FUMED SOAPS in this market. Hon. Lafayette Lane reported a bill Preserving Company, ofSau Jose, is i and bless you. Yours, very respect? S am ’ l . M organ , ed to. ïü' Prescriptions carefully compounded. yesterday from the House Land Com­ now putting up in pound packages a i fully, E. C. H ough . ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. quantity of the California marrowfat mittee, proposing to extend the pro­ EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS, visions of the Lassen county desert squash hy the Alden process, for culi­ T he E sther M ine .—The Roseburg TABLE ROCK SALOON, land law to similar lands in Oregon, nary uses. None but the best squashes Ptaindealer says A. Marks returned C alifornia S treet , Nevada, California, and the Territories, are selected, which are cut into strips from the Esther mine, on Grave California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. OREGON STREET, S. P. JONES, - - - Proprietor. allowing them to be purchased at $1.25 and dried, ard the vegetable is then creek, last Friday, bringing with him WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. per acre, in tracts of G40 acres, upon ground to flour. Thus ten pounds of unqualified evidence of the richness of i VERY OPERATION PERTAINING TO proof that they have been reclaimed squash are reduced to one pound, and the mine, being no less than a slug of \TONE BUT THE CHOICEST AND BEST J the jaw skilfully performed at reasona­ liy irrigation. The bill was ordered tho luxury of squash pie, in all its gol­ nearly pure gold weighing fifty-six IN Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars ble rates. rilllE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- den glory, is made possible, and is No more credit will be given alter the with great applause by the large crowd I ORSE, Paint, Sasli, Scrubbing and Black ami shoe making line. Satisfaction guaran- Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to • couut. yuBbciiiBE for the T imes . ♦ suit purchasers. CaJI and test the article. 11 cuing Brushcsul JOHN MILLER’S. I present. .,•^.1 M. IA1U.V. PROF ESS ION A L C A RI »S. ■ - .1— ———■ H FURNITURE WARE-ROOM, t • H V - ■ I II ■ I ■ ■ ♦ »1.1 ------- -- ■ --------- + ♦ » ■ —