The Democratic times. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1871-1907, December 30, 1876, Image 3

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S aturday .......
D ecember
patriots to the front
A grind mass meeting will bo held
at Jacksonville on Monday, January 8,
1877, at 12 ohlo. k, noon, for the pur­
pose of counseling together and ex­
pressing, in some sui'a' le w iy, a sol­
emn and emphatic pro'e^t against the
outrages and usurpations -ought to I m *
perpetrated upon the people through
the machinations of c< rrupt and un­
scrupulous returning boards. The
meeting will be addressed by a large
number of speakers. Every Iwdy is
invited to be present and participate.
(’ ofntv Cot kt .— The January term
of the County Court will be held next
Tit \ nks —We are under obiig it ions
to th»* ladies w! o so eiliciently attend­
ed to the supper table on Wednesday
evening last for a bountiful supply of
cake and other nice things.
T eachers ’ E xamination .—E. J.
Farlow, Esq , School Superintendent,
will hold a pii'-lie examination of ap­
plicants for t> achers* certiti ates at the
Court 1 louse to-day. Thu-e interested
will take notice.
--- -
N ew V evr ’ s P arty .—The Jack-
Hinville Social Club will give a grand
New Year’s party in the new M tsonic
hall on Monday evening next. The
Orme Bros, will furnish the music.
Tickets, $1. Supper will be served in
the club room at 50 cents a couple.
EveryIxxiy is invited to attend.
E lection of O fficers .—At a reg­
ular meeting of Oregoni in-Pocahoiitas
Tribe No. 1, Imp. O. Il M., held lue.s-
day, December Jt>tit, the following offi­
cers were elected for the term:
E |> IVudray, Sachem; 11. K. Hanna,
Senior S.igamore; Louis Solomon, Jun-
ior Sagamore.
F rom L ake C ui nty .—(’apt. O. C.
Applegate, of Lake county, called on
us Thursday last. He is spending the
holidays with his friends in this sec­
tion. The Captain informs us that a
grand expedition to Crater Lake will
be made next Summer, which will
leave Linkville about August 2511».
Bi si nf . ss N otice . — We contemplate
making sub-tanti d improvements on
the T imes in a f<*w months, both in
size and typographical appearance.
This will necessitate an outlay of a
considerable amount of money, and
we therefore call on those indebted .to
come forward and settle immediately,
thus assisting us in our project and
benefiting themselves besides.
■ - -- •--------
F or W ashington . — Honorables
H enry Klippel ami J. N. T. Miller on
Wednesday last were subpicnaed to
apl»ear before the Oregon election com­
mittee at Washington, and left for that
city the following day. This electoral
matter, which our Republican friends
were loth to have us tx-lieve amounted
to nothing, is evidently causing them
much more trouble than they antici­
—--- ■ ■ ------ —
W oman S uffrage .—There is in
circulation here a petition to Cougrtis«
in words as follows :
“The undersigned citizens of the
I uited Slates and of the Stale of Ore­
gon earnestly pray your honorable
l«odies to adopt measures for so amend­
ing the Constitution as to prohibit tin«
several States from disfranchidng
»1 lilted States citizens on account of
a X.”
Mrs. Laughary, President of the Or­
egon State Woman Suffrage Associa­
tion, wants every I ody to clip the
alxive and pin it on to a sheet of fools­
cap and go on the war-path for signers
tietween the hours of 9 a . m . and 4 p.
-M. next Monday. •
■ -
------ —-
P ersonal —George Strong, Secre­
tary of the Oregon Central Military
Road Company, is at present soj fum­
ing in town.
Hon. J. II. Reed, of Portland, is in
Syl. Campbell, who has been so­
journing in Goose Lake lor sixteen
months past, is in town.
Alvin Cardwell and lady arrived
from San Francisco on Saturday 1ml.
C. C. Beekman and ton returned
home this week from a Centennial trip
to the East.
A large number of residents of Lake
county arrived in town this week.
Among them we noticed Capt. O. C.
Applegate, Jay Beach, 11. M. Thatcher,
I. N. Shook, Sykes Worden, Sumin I
Parker and oilier-, some of whom are
still with us.
Reid the Sheriff’s sales.
A Happy New Year to all.
Swearing-off time at hand.
New Year’s Day next Monday.
Some rain has fallen this week.
J. J. Charlton, of Lako county, is
in town.
(¡ideon’s band reigns supremo in
this section.
Tin* matrimonial market is unusually
brisk of late.
Remember the mass meeting on
January Sth.
The Christinas party at Phoenix was
much of a success.
Thomas and Jeremiah are the favor­
ite boys now-a-days.
The Josephine County Court will be
in session next week.
Jo-». R ipp has our thanks for a buck­
etful of splendid apples.
Jacksonville Lodge No. 10,1. O.O. F., j
elects otlicers this evening.
Samuel Hohn has been appointed1
Postmaster at Willow Springs.
John Tupper has placed us under
obligations for a line, large goose.
Frank Krause manipulates the wires
during the absence of W. M. Turner.
Read Kahler A Bro’s, new adver­
tisement elsewhere. They mean busi­
An ex client communication on our
public school will be found on the first
The various schools are closed dur­
ing the holidays. They will re-open
on Tuesday next.
Lewis Ross’ team ran Sam’s
Valley the other day, somewhat de­
moralizing the vehicle.
TheChrixtmas entertainment at Rock
Point is said to have beenagrand suc­
cess in every particular.
Dr. B. F. Holsclaw has located in
North Bloomfield, Nevada county, Cal.
We wish him all success.
Jay Beach and Georgo Strong ar­
rived Wednesday from Fort Klamath
ria the Roguo river route. Mr. Strong
says it had commenced snowing on
tho summit of the Cascades and as far ,
dow’n as Union creek, and it rained
quite hard nearly the balance of tho
Although supper w’as furnished to
an exceedingly large number of peo­
ple at the Masonic ball, such an enor­
mous amount of food was donated
that much was untouched. Tho hal- |
anco will bo served up in first-class
manner at the New Year’s party next
Monday evening, at tho low price of
50 cents a couple.
D emocratic C ounty C ommittee
M eeting .—An impromptu meeting of
the Democratic Central Committee
was held the 26th inst., for the purpose
of taking into consideration the pres­
ent political situation. After due de­
liberation it was resolved by the Com­
mittee that, in view of the grave po­
litical complications, dangerous alike
to the peace of the country and to the ;
perpetuity of free government, grow’- j
ing out of a flagrant disregard and de- I
fiant reversal of the popular will by or
through Returning Boards, partisan
in character and in many instances I
sitting in judgment upon their own
elections, and one of Which having al­
ready been proven by a Congressional
Committee, of which \Vn>. A. Wheel- I
er, Republican candidate for Vice Pres­
ident, was Chairman, to be corrupt
and unworthy of confidence, and,
in view of the foregoing facts, and
in response to the call of the Chair­
man of the State Central Committee,
and to the end that every patriot and
every person desiring peace, the pu­
rity of the ballot-box and the perpet­
uation of tho fundamental and most
vital principle upon which our Govern- ;
ment is based, namely : That a ma- ,
jority, peacefully and constitutionally
expressed, through the ballot-box shall
rule—the Committee call upon the con­
servative and patriotic elements of all
parties to meet at Jacksonville on
Monday, January 8, 1877, at 12 o’cl >ck,
noon, for the purpose of uniting in a
grand mass meeting and giving shape
and expression, in some suitable way,
to a solemn and emphatic protest
against the outrages and usurpations
sought to be perpetrated upon the peo­
ple. By order of the Committee.
W. J. P ly . male , Ch’n pro tern.
This event was celebrated in Jack­
sonville by Warren Lodge No. 10, A.
F. & A. M., by a public installation of
officers and a ball in the evening. A
large number of the fraternity from
various sections of tho county were
present and participated in the install­
ation ceremonies. The members form­
ed in procession at Odd Fellows’ hall at
a little after two o’clock and marched
to their hall, where the following pro­
gramme was observed :
Sheriff’s Sale.
Masonic hymn, by the choir.
Prayer, by Rev. j. R. N. Boll.
Anthem, “Praise the Lord,” by the choir.
Installation of the following officers ; C.
C. Beekman, W. M.; Matt. Obcnchain,
Senior Warden ; E. B. Watson, Junior War­
den ; Max. Muller, Secretary ; John Miller,
Treasurer; R. S. Dunlap,’ Tyler; E. R.
Kearnes, Senior Deacon ; David Linn, Junior
Deacon; Milo Caton and J. B. Coats, Stew­
Anthem, “I have set Watchmen upon thy
Walls,” l»y the choir.
Address, by Rev. J. R. N. Bell.
Solo, “Aim High,” by Miss Eliza Langell,
with chorus by the clioir.
Marell on the organ, by Miss Ida Martin.
The installation ceremonies were con­
ducted in a superior manner by Past
Master T. G. Reames, ably assisted by
Alex. Martin, Grand Marshal for the
occasion, Tho music by the choir,
consisting of Misses Mollie McCully,
Eliza Langell and Cora Linn, sopranos,
Miss Matilda Miller, alto, R. S. Dun­
lap, tenor, and Henry Pape, Sr., and
N. Langell, bass, assisted by Miss Ida
Martin on the organ, was first-class.
Owing to the want of time, Mr. Bell’s
oration was omitted, and he favored
the audience with a' brief but excel­
lent address. The members then again
formed in procession and marched back
to the Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Tho ball in tho evening was certain­
ly’ a very fine affiir, laying everything
y vtrtuf . of an execution and
Odd Frllow»' Building, arksonvillr, Orrgoi,
order of sale duly issued out of the Cir- !
«•nit Court of the State of Oregon, for the !
County of Jackson, on the Sth day of De- |
eember, 1876, and to mo directed and deliv­
ered, in favor of James T. Glenn and against !
Jesse Gage and Diana Gage, for the recovery' TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, etc.
of the sum of eight hundred and nineteen
and ninety-hundredths dollars, gold coin, i
ami interest at the rate of one percent, per
month from the 24th day’ of November,
1876, ami the further sum of eighty-one ami
ninetv-nine hundredths dollars, as attor­
ney’s foes, together with the costs and ac­
cruing costs, I have levied upon ami will AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS,
offer for sale at public auction to the highest
bidder for <-ash in IT. S. gold coin, at the
Court House door in Jacksonville, Jackson
county, Oregon, on
Tuesday, January 23d, 1877,
at one o’clock p. M. of said day, the follow­
ing described tract or parcel of land, to-wit:
Tho South-west quarter of the North-west
quarter of Section sixteen, and lots Nos. one
ami two in Section seventeen, Township thir­
ty-seven, South of Range, one West, contain­
ing 92.62 acres, situated in Jackson county,
State of Oregon, and levied upon as the real
property of tho above named defendants,
Jesse Gage and Diana Gage, to satisfy tho
above named execution.
Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon.
Jacksonville, Dec. 19, 1876.
Sheriff s Sale.
Fuze and Capa,
Wooden and Willow Ware
y virtue of an execution and
order of sale duly issued out of the Cir­
cuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the
county of Jackson, on the lltli day’ of De­
cember, A. I>. 1876, and to me directed ami PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. GLASS*
delivered, in favor of James T. Glenn and
against IL A. Grigsby and A. M. Grigsby,
for the recovery of the sum of one hundred
and sixtv and twenty-one hundredths dol­
lars, ($160.21) gold coin, and interest at one
per eent. per month from the 24th day of
November, 1876, and the further sum of six­ Shot, Brushes, Chains and Hose,
teen dollars (816) attorney’s fees, together
with costs and disbursements of this suit
and accruing costs, I have levied upon and
will oiler for sale for cash in U. S. gold coin,
at public auction, to the highest bidder, at
the Court House door in Jacksonville, Jack-
son county, Oregon, on
I have secured the servieeH of a Firat-clnan
Tuesday, January’ 23d, 1877,
at two o’clock r. M. of said day, the follow­
ing described real property, to-wit:
A tract or parcel of land, it being the
south-east quarter of section 25, township
36, s »nth of range, 2 west.
Said real property’ is situated in Jackson
of the kind that has occurred heretofore in county, Oregon, and levied upon as the real
Southern Oregon completely in the shade. property of the above named defendants, II.
To say that it was a .success would not be a A. Grigsby’ and A. M. Grigsby, to satisfy the
sufficient expression, for it was simply im­ above named execution.
mense in all its projMirlions. One hundred
Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon.
and f<>rty-one tickets were sold. Excellent
Jacksonville, December 18, 1876.
music was furnished by the Orme Bros.,
Geo. Brown and Fred. Luy, and dancing
Sheriff’s Sale.
was kept up until six a . m . the next morn­
ing. But the supper capjied the climax.
order of sale duly’ issued out of the Cir­
Such an amount of good things, well cooked cuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor the
and served up by accommodating ladies and county of Jackson, on the 12th day of De­
gentlemen, was what captured the assem­ cember, A. D. 1876, and to me directed and
delivered in favor of James T. Glenn and
blage, which occupied the tables through­ against Jesse Richardson, for the recovery
out the night.
of the sum of 8578.90, in U. S. gold coin, and
The entiro event was unmarred by’ acci­ interest at one percent, per month from the
dent or trouble, and tho 27th of December, I 24th day of November, A. D. 1876, and the
further sum of 857.80, as attorney's fees, and
1876, will long be remembered by all who his costs and disbursements of suit and ac­
participated in its celebration.
cruing costs, 1 have levied upon and will
offer for sale for cash in U. S. gold coin, at
----------- ♦----------
public auction, to the highest bidder, at the
A S evere R epublican R ebuke . Court House door in Jacksonville, Jackson
—The Oregonian says this in reference county, Oregon, on
Mechanic, and am prepared to do all repair*
ing promptly and in «ujierior style.
1 I am receiving and have coiiHtantly on
hand a full and first-class stock of
Ready-Made Clothing,
Rev. J. R. N. Bell will hold divine ser­
vices at the M. E. Church next Sun­
7-5“ Everything sold at reasonable rates.
day morning and evening.
Give me a call.
Jacksonville, Feb. 18, 1875.
The Christmas party given by the
Social Club at their rooms on Monday
was a very agreeable affair.
A largo (’hrisfmas party occurred at-
Mart. Hurst’s, Butte creek, last Mon­
day. Sixty tickets were sold.
Monday, January 22d, 1877,
to the Ashland indignation meeting.
Our old friend, Fred. Heber, hasmir
at two o'clock r. m . of said day, the follow­
Miss A nna S wan .—Many of our It will readily be seen that some per­ ing described real projicrty, to-wit :
than'es for a basket of the largest and
A tract or parcel of land, commencing at
readers will remember this giantess, sons have made asses of themselves : | a point on the section line between sections
finest apples we have this year seen.
We venture to suggest, furthermore, i 21 and 28, 6.75 claims west of the corners of
who visited our town several years ago
Sheriff Manning, besides being a
that a popular meeting which takes sections 21, 22,27 ami 28; thence running
in company with the French giant upon itself to denounce as dishonorable ’ north 55.70chains; thence west 21.08 chains;
first-cl i-s officer, knows how to make
thence south 55.70 chains to the section line;
and “Zibedi Luti,” the Circassian girl. such men as Judge Strong, Hon. W. i thence
east on the section line 21.08 chains AND MARBLE WORKS.
good egg !%og. We can testify to that.
place of beginning, being Donation
From an exchange we learn this W. Thayer, of the firm of Thayer &
J. S. Howard’s new advertisement lady married Capt. Bates in London a William-, Col. W. II. Ettinger and II.
Said property is situated in Jackson coun­
will appt ar next week. Meanwhile year or two ago, and there is nothing Y. Thompson, E-q., all of whom made ty, Oregon, and levied upon as the property Ho ! Unto AU Who Thirst!
of the above named defendant, Jesse Rich­
he is selling goods at very low prices. small about him either. Ho is seven arguments in favor of the right of ardson,
Cronin to the certificate of election, tion. to satisfy’ the above named execu­
A pleasant time was had at Stanley’s feet and a half high—one inch shorter and all eminent in their profession, and
Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon.
hall, Sam’s Valley, on Monday last? than the delicate lady whom ho mar- of high personal character in this city
Jacksonville, Dec. 18, 1876.
1’he affair will be repeated ou New • ried. They are now living quietly
near Rochester, New York, and do not to the world what foolish things per­
Sheriff’s Sale.
Year’s night.
sons are likely to do when they act
The Catholic Church was crowded
from the inspiration of their passions
ly issued out of the Circuit Court of the
on Christmas eve to witness the High peculiarly interesting to visit them at and prejudices, and not from the con­
Stato of Oregon, for the county’ of Jackson,
Mass ceremonies, many being unable their home. The rooms of their house victions of intelligent and sober judg­ and to me directed and delivered, in favor Money and Without Price !
of James McWilliams and Ixjwis Ash and
are eighteen feet high. Their bed­ ment.
to gain admittance.
against B. F. Dowell, for the recovery of the
stead is ten feet long, and all the furni.
sum of fourteen hundred and seventeen dol­
Tho Social Club have beautified
lars and ninety-two cents, (81,417.92) in gold
lure is proportionately large.
remedy for eruptions, sores, burns, pim­ coin, with interest at tho rate of one per
ing the Soda Springs House,and having
their room with an elegant set of
repaired and refitted the same are now pre­
ples, blotches and rheumatic and gouty’ cent, per month from tho 28th day of No­
ch indeliers. The Masons have also
has spread far and wide. Physicians vember, 1876, and tho further sum of six­ pared to accommodate all that may’ fav« us
“V ick ’ s F loral G uide .”—We i pains
it and the demand for it cou- teen dollars and fortv-for.r cents (816.44) with a call. Prices to suit these hard times.
pr ,cured a splendid set for their new
i have received the annual number of
costs, and also tho accruing costs, I have
levied upon and will offer tor sale for cash
; this excellent publication, which is _____________ MARRIED. ________
in U. S. gold coin, at public auction, to the Will still be a specialty. All orders in thia
E. I). Foudray, Esq., has had a now evorr moro interesting than former
highest bidder, at tho Court House door in line promptly filled in the best manner and
PANKEY —MORGAN—At the residence of Jacksonville, Jackson county, Oregon, on at reasonable rates.
sidewalk laid in front of his residence. editions, if that were possible. Mr.
the bride’s father, in Sam’s Valley, De­
Address, as usual,
Monday, Jan. 22, 1877,
cember 25, 1876, by Eld. A. D. Manion,
His example could be followed with Vick enjoys the enviable reputation of
J. H. A A. H. RUSSELL, Ashland
Thomas Pankey and Miss Mary C. Mor­ at one o'clock p. M. of said day, the follow­
grace by other property owners in being the most reliable florist known,
ing described re 1 property, to-wit:
A house and lot known as the Sentinel
and his seeds and plants stand un­ CATON—ARMSTRONG—At tho residence
of the bride’s father, December25,1876, by printing office, said lot commencing at the I n M asonic B uilding , O regon 8 t .,
Several items in the shape of runa­ equaled. With his usual liberality, he
T. B. Kent, J. P., E. B. Caton and Miss south-east corner of said printing office,
Mary Armstrong—allot Jackson county. thence 75 feet on C street: thence in a north­
ways were promised us this week, but offers a premium of $40 at every State
erly’ direction parallel with Third street 1<M)
in each instance the refractory animals Fair for the best exhibit of flowers. FORD—HASKINS—At the residence of the teet to the northern boundary line of said
bride’s mother, December 25, 1876, by T. lots; thence in an easterly direction 75 feet
were stopped before any damage was In ordering, address James Vick,
B. Kent,' J. P., Isaac N. Ford and Miss with the northern boundary line of said lots
Josephine Haskins—all of Jackson county. to Third street; thence along Third street rpHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DE-
Rochester, N. Y.
L sires to announce to the public thnt he
PEELING—CLARK—On Little Buttecreek, 100 feet to the place of lieginning, including is now prepared to fill all orders for cake*
H. K. Hanna, E-q., will leave for
December 24, 1876, at the residence of A. said printing office. Also a house and lot of every description, such as wedding cakes,
R ecovered .—We are pleased to
H. Boothhy, by L. Tinkham, J. P., John in block No. 8—beginning at the north-west cakes for parties, wine cakes ; also brown
Portland In a few days. Ho goes as
corner of John Miller’s lot on Third street; and rye bread, ginger snaps and crackers.
Felling and Mrs. Fanny Clark.
learu that Mrs. J. R. N. Bell, of Ash­
thence in an easterly direction with the Takes orders on exchange. Prices reasona­
an attorney in the Sturges bankruptcy
north boundary line of Miller's lot 100 feet ble and satisfaction guaranteed.
land, has about recovered from her re­
case, which will shortly como up for
to the north-east corner of said Miller’s lot;
Fresh bread every dav.
cent illness, which nearly resulted fa­ DAY —In this city, December 2blh, to the thence northerly at right angles with Mil­
trial in Judge Deady’s Court.
ter’s line 21 feet and 4 inches to a stake;
tally. To Dr. Callender, of this place,
wile of Hon. S. J. Day’, a son.
thence westerly and parallel with the north
John C'imborsky this week received must be ascribed this favorable result,
boundary line of Miller’s lot 1(M) feet to the GREAT SACRIFICE!
an elegant velvet regalia, lined W’lth as his medical skill ha$ placed Mrs. Bell
east side of Third street; thence with the
Settle Up, Settle Up!
east side of Third street in a southerly’ direc­
silk, from the Improved Order of Red
securely in the land of tho living once
tion to the place of beginning, including B.
Men of Oregon, in recognition of his more.
milE UNDERSIGNED HAS PLACED F. Dowell's law office. Also a house and
I fiis accounts in the hands of T. B. Kent, lot in block No. 40—beginning at the north­
services as an officer of the same.
—“■----- ------- —
J. I’., for collection, and those knowing west corner of tho first block north of block
M ountain S moking .—Mount Mc­ themselves indebted to me will save costs 24 (as laid down on the map made out bv BLACKSMITHING !
Our amiable Lako county friend, II.
by calling on that official, in Jacksonville, Sewell Truax ami adopted by the Trustees
M. Thatcher, favored us with a call Laughlin, which has stood in a quies­ and making payment immediately, as I of the town); thence south with Fifth street
100 feet to a stake; thence easterly at a right
have my money.
Thursday. He reports the roads to cent state as far hack as can be remem­ am ciMiipelled to
angle with Fifth street and parallel with E
ami F streets 2<M) feet to a stake on the west 2 I JL S ing
Jacksonville, December 19, 1876.
have been in good condition until Just bered, last week belched forth smoke,
out at cost and freight, we are ready
at cost and freight, but
street to a stake on the south side, of F
before he started, when a rain set in.
some of our citizens. Some say that
street; thence westerly with F street 200 must have the cash when the work is <<oui-
pleted. Shop on the corner of California
feet to the place of beginning—better known and
At a ball in town tho other evening they also observed fire issuing from
Main streets.
as the residence of B. F. Dowell.
some of tho young fellows pawned an­ the crater, but this is somewhat du­ rnitERE wnx he a public exam -
Said property is situated in the town "of
¡nation of applicants for Teachers’Cer­ Jacksonville. Jackson county, Oregon, and
other’s hat for the drinks, which was bious.
tificates at Jacksonville on
levied upon as the real property of B. F. TAX-PAYERS’
♦------ —
not at all appreciated by tho victim,
Saturday, Dec. 30, 1876.
S chool A ssessment .—Hon. Henry
otice is hereby given that i
who vows vengeance, if it is repeated.
Teachers will please tako notice and act
will be at my’ office for thirty days
Klippel, School Clerk, has appointed in accordance therewith.
Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon.
from the date hereof for tho ptirpeee of re­
A largo attendance was present at
E. .1. FARLOW,
Jacksonville, Dec. 18, 1876.
ceiving taxes. A prompt response from
T. B. Kent, Esq., as his Deputy, who School Superintendent
of Jackson County.
the party at Ashland Monday night.
tax-payers is desired. Mileage wilt be ad-
will immediately finish the assessment
)\V DER— Giant, Blasting or gun powder, ' ded after that date.
We are informed that the hall was
Al I*S, Ropes, Carpenters’ and Wagon-
all kinds, and caps and fuse, for sale in
of the District. Those unassessed
Makers’ Tools lor sale by
(plant¡ties to suit, by
Sheriff and Tax-Collector of Jackson County,
very dmly and lights poor, which
should not fail to respond forthwith. I
i Jacksonville, Dec. 21, 1876.
caused the party to break up earlier
F you want a No. 1 home-made Rifle or
EW (.uns made to order and rei»airing
O yon want protection ? Buy a Pistol or !
. first-class Shotgun, go to
liiau desired.
C ounty scrip always taken at par.
Knife, or both, of JOHN MILLER.
properly done by JOHN MILLER.