■w TF e he ümwatic llíwvü . MK NEW STORE! IIENIIIlirKS M’EAIiV. In an interview on the 20th, lion. ADDRESS <»F THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Tims. A. Hendricks said the men who voted for Tilden believe him elected, At the recent election, the Democratic .DECEMBER 30, 1*70. and are greatly excited at the possi­ candidates for President and Vico l’residont S \Tl ¡.DAY. bility that he is to be deprived of the were elected by the votes cast. A conspiracy has been formed to defeat A II <»•!•> Ni.W D AK. office and another to be inaugurated this result, by making the Returning Boards With th:s ¡sum» the T imes launches who was not elected, by means of of threo States in tlx* South the arbiters of party machinery, anti-republican in the people’s choice. The character and ac­ outon.iii' wvoluiiieamLincwyvar. Six its character, and oven by a disregard tion of the Returning Board in Louisiana years have el 'psed since it was started, of local law iu its organization, and by show the means by which it is attempted to and to-day it is more firmly established substitute the choico of a Returning Board the fraudulent exercise of its powers. for the choice ot the people. The memhors than any newspaper in Southern Ore­ They do not believe that under Repub­ of this Board owe their appointment to an gon. We do not make this as a simple lican institutions it is possible that usurpation of authority, that was repudiated assertion, but because it is substantially inquiry can be made into the conduct by the "United States Senate and condemned true. unanimously by a Republican committee of In commencing a new year, we will of the four men who undertook to the House of Congress, of which W. A. control the election by fraudulent Wheeler, late Republican candidate for Vice not take occasion to make any prom­ means. 'They believe it is the duty President, was Chairman. Some of them ises, only assuring our patrons that we are Federal office-holders, others wore candi­ will ever do our utmost in giving them of the House of Representatives to see dates for otlice at election which they assume a full ami faithful compendium of the that the proposed wrong is defeated, to sot aside. All of them aro violent parti­ general ami local news. In polities, even should the »Senate attempt to sans of tho Republican parly, and some of thorn aro of infamous porsonal charactor. the T imes will, as ever, tie an uncom­ I maintain it. The opiuion provails These mon have assumed to sot aside actual promising advocate of the great prin­ I generally, I believe universally, among majorities of from seven toabovenine thou­ ciples of the Democratic party. But, them, that the House of Representa­ sand votes in favor of the Democratic Elec­ outside of this, we will meet every- tives is clothed with the same power toral candidates, seeking thus to substitute what they profess to lielieve the vote ought Ixidy upon a common level, striving to as the Senate in tho decision of all to have been for what the vote actually was. make the T imes acceptable to all, what­ questions arising during the progress Tho perpetuity of our republican govern­ of the count of the Electoral vote, and ment is above all questions of a meielv |»er- ever In* their creed. Thanking our patrons for past pat­ it would bo usurpation and a flagrant sonal or partisan character. Tho will ot the people as constitutionally expressed at ronage, nod solici'.ing a continuance of violation of the rights of the people the ballot-box must bo submitted to by all should the veto bo counted and the the same, we wish them parties. The attempt to set aside the ma­ questions decided by the presiding jorities in Louisiana, Florida and South A ll.ui’Y N ew Y ear , officer of the Senate in defiance of the Carolina, and to reverse tho solemn vordkt A lta*>c Assertion. rights of the House. The fact that of eight millions of voters is revolutionary» and it can not bp submitted to without sur­ There are Republican sheets who, in this power is claimed, and its exercise rendering the vital principle of republican view of the depraved manner in which threatened, has greatly contributed to government, and exposing tho country to their managers conduct affairs, do not excite popular feeling. In this condi­ anarchy and ruin. To permit this usurpa- he »illite to make all kinds of assertion» tion of the public mind the Democratic tation, to permit an unscrupulous partisan Board to change tho result of the election against opponents. They prefer charges State Committee issued a call for a for President before that result is declared, against Governor Grover, asserting Convention on January 8th, not for the is to forfeit tho liberties of the people and that he secured his seat in the Senate purpose, as is supposed, of making any the respect of mankind. We deem it advisable, and therefore re­ by corrupt means, hoping to break threats or organizing any resistance to commend that mass meetings be hold, so down that gentleman’s character be­ authority, but for the purjiose of mak­ far as practicable, in tho different counties cause he so utterly demolished their ing a public expression against the in the State, on the Sth day of next January, pet scheme of fraudulently counting threatened invasion of popular rights, that an interchange of views among the and an expression of opinion touch­ Hayes in. Anybody at all acquainted and of giving the House of Representa­ people, ing the momentous questions presented in with the facts in the late ¡Senatorial tives assurance of support in tho exer­ this crisis, may be had. It is the opinion contest know this to be a base, un­ cise of its constitutional right and of the committee that these meetings founded lie. No election could be less prerogatives. There is no purpose, to should, as far as possible, be free from ex­ tainted itli corruption than was that far as 1 am informed, of going further. citement or partisan feeling ; that the pres­ ent condition of the country should be dis­ < f Senator-elect Grover. But the In further answer to your inquiry, I cussed with a calmness commensurate with cheekiest tiling of all is the audacious do not regard force as a means to be the importance that the subject demands. action of Mitchipplv, our quotation contemplated in securing the Presi­ UIAEKAL NOTEN AM) NEWS. Senator, in openly giving notoriety to dency. So far as the 8th of January this report. It is no secret that he Conference is concerned, I am very Our rooster is named Crow-nin, ex- himself gained his seat by the most sure its only reliance to secure the re­ claims the £t. Louis Times. 11 »grant use of money and under false sults of the Presidential election will You can’t bulldoao Oregon, Mr. pretences, and his unblushing audacity be upon tho force and power of public Grant, not by 316,000 majority. in lhe premises stamps him as one of opinion in support of the right and Washington was the savior but Cro­ the most pliant anti willing tools of against fraud, and in support of the nin is the pacificator of his country. modern Radicalism, Let his own af- House in the assertion and exercise of The Hampton Legislature has ad­ fairs be sifted and a more blackened its constitutional powers, as declared in journed, and so has Chamberlain’s record could hardly be conceived. the uniform practice, in the adoption rump. of the Twenty-second Joint Rule, and The House postal committee have *■«»%. (•rover'«. lM*cl©iou. the passage by the Senate of the Mor­ agreed to recommend the restoration Wo have before us a printed patn- ton bill at the last session. It is, per­ of fast mail service and tho franking phlet of some forty pages, comprising haps, proper to add that should the privilege. the Executive decision of Gov. Grover House positively assert its right to be All the leading clergymen of Louis­ iana, of every denomination, unite in a in the Watts-Cronin case, and after a heard, and be refused by the Senate, careful perusal of its pages we frankly sup|>orted by the Executive powers, card declaring that there was a fair acknowledge that we had no idea His we would stand in the presence of se­ electiou in that Slate on November 7tb, and that the Tilden electors were Excellency could find such an over­ rious dangers. I observe in some undoubtedly fairly chosen. whelming flood of authorities in sup- newspapers a statement that a secret W. H. Peter, U. S. supervisor in I>ort of his action. We have never politicial society is being organized in New Orleans, testified to the Congres­ entertained a doubt of the strict legal­ this State, the purposes of which sional committee that Democrats were ity of his decision, says tho Democrat, are dangerous to the peace of soci­ intimidated in the second ward, and and we aro more than pleased to find ety. 1 believe that I am in a po­ that ho was offered $1,000 to allow the Republicans to tamper with tho ballot that he is so thoroughly fortified with sition to know if there was any such box. arguments and precedents to sustain movements in the State, and I feel General Crook in his annual report and defend his action. We predict confident in saying that the report is says the Black Hills miners did not without foundation in truth, as I be­ that the quotation Senator, who is try­ lieve, and I think I know, and has its break the Sioux treaty until the lu­ ing so hard to heslime Gov. Grover be- origin with bad men, and for partisan dians had ceased to regard it. ll • f.re he reaches Washington, will sing and had purposes. The contest in this thinks the Government entirely too another song before he is through with State last summer and fall was, on the lenient with such ingrates as the thia business. part of the Democracy and Conserva­ Sioux. tives, eminently fair and open, There It is definitely ascertained from Fai 11 use Gif. is no motive, as I am sure there is no Mr. Ferry, Vice President of the Sen­ ate, that he does not intend to decide If the public press and leading schol­ purpose, to depart from that only. which is the correct returns from the ars are to be taken as an index of the The Democracy In Council. States sending two sols of electoral p<'l»ular sentiment of the Eastern The Democratic State Central Com­ returns, much less (loos he assume any States, Mr. Hayes’ supporters are fast right to couut tho same. on the 21st, • a z dwindling down to a mere skeleton of mittee met in Salem The Springfield (Mass.) Republican, their former proportion. Soon there good attendance being present. Gov­ the most influential Radical daily in will be nothing of it but the Grant ernor Grover’s action in the elec to rat New England, says that there is “plen­ ring. One by one the more independ­ matter was heartily endorsed. It was ty of law for this action, t. e. the giv­ ent and conservative portion of the the unanimous belief that Tilden and ing of a Tilden vote from Oregon. The preponderance of authority and legal Republican press of New England and Hendricks had been honestly elected logic, indeed, is on that side.” the West are calling to the Radical and should be duly inaugurated. The At a city election held in Tallahassee, wing of their party to halt. They re­ outrageousjrauds perpetrated by the Florida, on the 18th, the Democrats mind them that another step in the Returning Boards in the disputed elected their ticket by 12 majority. direction taken by Grant, Sherman, Southern States was denounced as rev­ This is the first time that Democrats Morton & Co., and the point of usurpa­ olutionary and a menace to the lib-/ have carried the city since the war. tion of power and treason will have erties of the country, and Mend iy, Nearly half tho colored voters voted January 8th, 1877, was appointed as the Democratic ticket. More intimi­ been reached. the time for the people to meet in dation. Endorse Him. New York. Dec. 22.—The Herald's mass meeting and express their Governor Grover’s righteous decision thoughts iu this relation. Let the Bozeman (M. T.) special says: A in the Oregon electoral matter has Democracy and patriotic Republicans painful report is in circulation here stating that Maj. Randall, of Gen. brought to his endorsement Democrats of Jackson county meet in Jackson­ Crook’s staff, and his entire party who have been lukewarm toward him ville on that date and enter a protest have been massacred by Indians in heretofore, but who now heartily com­ against the rebellious actions of these the Big Horn mountaius. The report is discredited. mend his action. We have yet to see Republican party managers. the first Democrat who denounces his Speaking of the action of the House Gov. Grover In California. in regard to the telegram-», the World's course in this matter, while several lead Washington special says that the Re­ 11 is Excellency, who is now on his ing Republicans throughout the State publicans who seem to be posted are way to Washington, is enthusiastically admit that he is legally right. very nervous over lhe publicity to he received wherever ho goes. At San given, The Kentucky Koo©ter. and there is no doubt whatever, Francisco he was tendered a hearty re­ but some of them will compromise The Frankfort Yeoman thus cele­ ception, and was also received in ap­ some of their leaders in the late cam­ brates its sas*y fowl : propriate manner at Sacramento. Gov­ paign very seriously. As for the dis­ » >ur < .olden rooster wakes the dawn, ernor Grover has earned an enviable patches sent by the Chairman of the our Yeoman building over; reputation by his eminent and right­ National Democratic Committee, Hew­ lie crows three times tor Oregon itt is willing to give an order that And thirty-three for Grover. eous decision in the Oregon Electoral they shall all be handed over to any Now listen Lo his notes of joy ; They take a sweeter tonin ; matter, approval of which is evinced Committee of Congress Jhat desires to He crows for Aldrich—bully boy 1 » read them. throughout the eutire Union. And fairly yells for Cronin ! Notwithstanding the scalawag re­ turning l)oard gave Florida to Ilayes, Gen. Francis A. Barlow of New York, one of tho Republicans sent there to E. R. REAMES T. G. REAMES. witness the count, d( dared that Tilden had fairly carried the State. We have further proofs fhat'this was the case, (Successors to White e counted on ATTENTION OF THE LADIES their face, Tilden will gain 23 addi­ CLOT! UNO. the fact that wo have the largest assort­ tional majority in Clay and 25 in Ham­ to ment of FANCY GOODS of every descrip­ ilton, which, if added to his m ij >rity tion now on hand, and we will henceforth make this line of goods our specialty ami of 96, will make 132. Hayes gets the sell them at HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES benefit of the Archer fraud and frauds Prices to Suit the Times. in Leon and Jefferson counties. The decision elects the Democratic State ticket by about 550, Davidson, Demo­ GROCERIES, crat, to Congress, by about the same, GROCERIES, and defeats Finley by about 4 votes, HARDWARE, NAILS, GLASSWARE, with the Archer fraud and 23 majority Hardware, Cutlery and Croekerv, in Clay County, which the Board in CROCKERY, CUTLERY, the first count was allowed to fall back And ven- many other articles too numerous on. Cowgill, one of the State Can­ to mention. (»ivo iim a will and judge for yourself ETC., ETC. vassers, said to-day that whatever the as T.-iT' to our capacity to furnish goods as above. court decided he should obey. REAMES BROS. NEW GOODS ! NEW PRICES ! REAMES BROS., GENERAL MERCHANDISE, New York Store ATTENTION ! T FALL & WINTER DRY-GOODS, i DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NEW, THIS WEEK. Which will lie «old CHEAPER than th© CHEAPEST intheStato. PAY UP! U. S. PIANO COMPANY, Sheriff's Sale. JOHN BILGER, 81«) BROADWAY, (California St.,one door west ofSaclis Bros., NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Jackson ille, Oregon, Make Only Style and Have But One Price. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND I BEAI.EH AND WORKER IN order of ©aled.dy issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor Jackson county, on lhe 11th d iv of December. IS76, and to me directed and delivered, in favor TIN, SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD, ETC. of J. B. White A Alexander Marin and fames T. Glenn, and against Edwin Mor­ IT ELI’S CONSTANTI.Y ON HAND AN gan and Lucretia Morgan, for the recovery IY assortment of the best ot the sum of seven hundred and seventv- live and ninety-eight hundredths dollars, in TINWARE, U. S. gold corn, and interest at one per cent, BRASS PIPES, per month, and the further sum of $33.10 FORCE PUMPS, as attorney fees, together with the costs and CHAIRS, LEAD PIPE, accruing costs, I have levied upon and will offer lor sale for cash, in U. S. gold coin, at I HARDWAlUi CUTLERY, public auction to the highest bidder, at the 11YDRAULIC N( »ZZLES, Court House door in Jacksonville, Jackson PAINTS, SIZES, GLASS, county, Oregon, on OLS, HOSE, POWDER. $290.00 ! SICXT OX TRIAL No Agents. No Discounts. No Commissions. Wednesday, Jan. 31. 1877, at one o’clock r. m ., of said day, the follow­ ing descril»ed real property, to-wit : The east halt of the north-east quarter of sec ion 31, and the west half of tho north­ west quatjr of section 32, in township 35. south of range, two west, situated in Jack­ soil county, Oregon, containing 160 acres, and levied upon as the real property of the above named defendan s, Edwin Morgan and Lucretia Morgan, to satisfy the above named execution. J. W. M anning , Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. Jacksonville, December 30, 187»»*. Sheriff’s Sale. BAR, PLATE AND ASSORTED IRON. NAILS, MINING TOOL, SHOT, BRUSHES, CARPENTER TOOLS, BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON WASH-KETTLES, BRASS ANDIR(>N WIRE, SHEET-IRON WARE. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. Cast Iron and Steel Plows. D WANTED ! 20,000 Lbs. of Old Cast Iron, elivered at the foundry in Ashland, for which we will pay the ROPE, highest price. Every farmer has more or le©s old cast­ CAULDRONS, ings about his promises, such as old stoves, CULTIVATORS, pinions and other articles. These they COPPER WARE, would do well to gather up, and bring them W11 EEL- BA R ROWS, before the rain sets in. W e will also pay the highest price for old SIIEET-IRON WARE, COPPER, BRASS and ZINC. J. M. McCALL * ctn WOODEN A ND WILLOW WARE, BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION ANI) order ot sale duly issued out of the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, for lhe County of Jackson, on the 9th day of December, A. D. 1876, and to me directed and delivered, in favor of James T. Glenn and Alexander Martin and against John W. McKay and Sarah A. McKay, for the recovery of the sum of nine hundred and twenty-four ami forty-two hundredths dollars, ($924.42) gold STOVES. coin, and interest at one per eent per month, and the further sum of ninety-one and nine­ Always on hand a large lot of parlor, cook­ ty-eight hundredths dollars, ($91.98) as at­ ing, office, cabin stoves, of assorted sizes, torney’s fees, together with lhe costs and plain ami fancy, constructed on the latest accruing costs, I have levied upon an 1 will fuel-saving plans. Boilers, kettles, pots, offer for sale for eash, in U. S. gold coin, at and everything connected with these stoves public auction to the highest bidder, at the warranted durable and perfect. Court House door in Jacksonville, Jackson All articles sold or manufactured by him county, Oregon, on warranted. His work is made of th« best material and of the choicest patterns. Wednesday, January, 31, 1877, Orders attended to with dispatch and at two o’clock I*, m . of said day, the follow­ filled according to directions. He is deter­ ing described real property to-wit: mined to soil at low prices for cash. Donation claim number (¡3, being part of section 32, in township 36, south of range, 2 west, and described as follows; Beginning at a point 1* chains and 25 links east and LIQUORS 4 chains and 50 links north from tho one- fourth section post on the south boundary of all kinds, of the best brands,wh alesale and of said section 32, ami running thence north retail. Also 44 chains and 8 links ; thence west 36 chains TOBACCO AND CIGARS. and 48 links; thence south 44 chains, and thence east 36 chains and 40 links, to the Tn connection with all these I have on hand placo of beginning, situated in Jackson county, State of Oregon, containing 160.48 a large assortment ot acres, and levied upon as the real property GROCERIES of the above named defendants, John \V. McKay ami Sarah A. McKay, to satisfy the of all kinds—just what every married man above named execution. wants in his family. And if you don’t be­ J. W. M anning , lieve it, call ami examine my stock before Sheriff of Jackson county, Oregon. i purchasing elsewhere. Jacksonville, Dee. 30, 1876. JOHN BILGER, Importer of farm implements and machines. LAND FOR SALE. MAILED FREE. 1) Al NTS (patents cr other,) Oils, Var- 1 nishes, Shelac, Window Glass, Emery, Borax, etc., for sale in endless quantities by JOHN .MILLER. öl«) A DAY al home. Agents wanted. N I Outfit anti terms tree. TRUE A ( O.» Augusta, Maine. BAILBOAD SALOON, ( 'or. ( 'alifornia and Oregon Sts., Jackson villo HENRY PAPE, Engineer. THROUGH TICKETS, 12j C ents . I pHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CI- gars constantly on hand. The reading table is also supplied with Eastern periodi­ calsand leading papers ot the Coast. F. RITSCHARD, W A TC H M AKER AND J E W E L E R rpiIE UNDERSIGNED TAKES l’LEAS- JL lire in informing the public that iie has just opened out in Schumpi's building, on California street, where he is prepare»! to execute all work in his line iu the ls-sl man­ ner and at reasonable rales. / a T Cleaning and repairing watches ©nd jewelry a specialty. Give me a call. F. RITSCHARD. Farms for Sale- Persons desiring to purchase good farms of any size will do well to enquire of JOHN BOLT, Applegate, Oregon. elegant assortment ot Pocket and la- \ N el A hie ble Cutlery fur sale by J. MILLER. V