She ^marantic rmof rafie Simfs. ¿ ubl^'hed Every Thursday Morning Hj CHAS. NICKELL, *1 À^fittisèmeuts will lie inserted in the TjtMEsVthe IbltyVing rates : ^n'rffciuaiÇ. •no insertion jus< $3.00 juent one.-..... .. 1.00 , X ' each sul s inserted reasonably, * 4ægalïkRertfrie lair red ICI the above rates made eâriv ai vertiaere. adv nts payable quarterly, and promptly execut­ ed, and at reasonable rates. C ounty W arrants always at taken par. EDITOR ANO PROPRIETOR. OFFICE—On Oregon street, in Orth’s Brick Building. Kates of Nnbaeription : < ne copy, |H*r annum,...............................£3.00 “ six months,................................ 2.00 “ three months,............................ LOO IurariaMy i» Advance. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1876. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s PROF ESS ION AL C A RI IS. OEXEKAL NOTKN AND NEWN. R ailroad S urvey in M odoc R esolution for a C onstitution ­ C ounty .—The editor of the Bidwell al C onvention .—Senator Ingalls’ Judge Orange Jacobs has been re ­ A. C. JONES, Governor......................................... L. F.Grover elected Delegate to Congress from Herald, a paper published at Camp joint resolution for a Constitutional FURNISHING and Secretary of State,................... 8. F. Chadwick attorney a counselor - at - law , State Treasurer,........................... 1. II. Brown Washington Territory by a small ma­ Bidwell, Modoc county, Cal., in his issue Convention in Columbus, Ohio, relates of Nov. 22d, says : On Friday and Sat­ to the constitutional provisions for such State Printer.................................M. X’. Brown jority. Sup'l of Public Instruction... L. L. Rowland JACKSONVILLE, OGN., FANCY GOODS, Our navy consists of 146 vessels, of urday we were out with the surveyors, a convention, and asserts that there FIRST JUOICIAI. DISTRICT. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. which 123 carry 913 guns besides how­ who were running a trail line for a are Im[>ortant defects in the system of Circuit Judge.................................... I*; P. Prim Office in Orth’s building—up-stairs. itzers and Gatling guns. Seventy-five contemplated railroad, which has for the Federal Government which render District Attorney,...................... H. K. Hanna BOYS’ and GIRLS’ its object to give Oregon an outlet by the question delicate and critical, call­ JACKS»' COUNTY. vessels are in actual service. land, both to the East and San Fran­ ing for the combined wisdom and vir­ James Spence, M. D., County Judge............................... Silas J. Day READY-MADE CLOTHING, Many of the mines in Pennsylvania cisco. The party left the Central Pa­ tue of the whole people. Therefore, .. / ,, . 1 Samuel Furry, ' ounty Commissioners...... ( Ahram MUk;r areshutdown, and it is believed the sus­ cific R. R. at a point between Hum­ first, in the opinion of Congress a con­ Sheriff,....................................... J. XV. Manning H O M E O p A T III C PH Y8ICIA N , pension will be entire by middle of the boldt and Mill City, about 40 miles vention of delegates from the several Clerk,........................................... E. D. Foudray BOOTS and SHOES, I month. About 40,000 men are thrown west of XVinnemucca, and came in a States should meet for the express pur­ Treasurer,............................................ John < >rth . out of employment. Assessor,.......................................... A. Childers Ho-ue’s Ranch, near Kcrbyville. North-westerly direction across the pose of revising the Federal Consti­ School Superintendent,............. E. J. Farlow GROCERIES, BEDSTEADS A CHAIRS, 1 Munn & Co., of New York, note the Black Rock Desert and in to Duck Flat tution and reporting such alterations Purveyor,.................................... J* s. Howard G. H. AIKEN, M. D., Coroner........................................ Dr. ('allender i fact that Oregon inventive genius as a little south and east of that place, and amendments in the nature of an J osephine covntt . increasing, and that some very valua­ thence through the canyon there into entire instrument as shall, when rati­ PH YS1 (*! A N A N D S V R G EON, CLOTHING, County Judge,.................... ..M. F. Baldwin ble inventions have been made by Surprise Valley, traversing the whole fied properly, render the Federal Con­ E. Seyferth. Jacksonville. Oregon. Countv Commissioners,.... J ( .1. her people within the past few years. length of the latter on its western side stitution adequate to the emergencies II. Thornton. until it reaches Bidwell, where it takes of the Government and preservation .... S. Messenger Sheriff,..... Morton has submitted a joint reso ­ LIQUORS, TOBACCO and CIGARS, ..Chas. Hughes Office—One door west of the W. U. Tele­ a turn to east, passing south and east < Jerk,...... lution in the Senate, proposing an of the town, in the vicinity of Mr. of the Union ; second, that each State .... Wm. Naueke graph otlice. Treasurer, ....... J. P. Lewis Assessor,.. amendment to the Constitution to pro­ Gee’s house, thence direct to Mr. may send as many delegates as it has CROCKERY, ETC., ........ J. M. Smith I vide for the election of President and Clough’s, at which point it makes a Senators and Representatives in Con" J. A. CALLENDER. M. D., .. W. N. Sanders Vice President by a direct vote of the large bend to the west, keeping near gress, two being chosen by the State Coroner.............................. Geo.. S. Mathewson PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Legislature and one elected from each LAKE COUNTY. At E. Jacob's New Store, people. the foothills and crossing the canyon Congressional District, as previously ..... E. C. Mason JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. County Judge................ It is evident from the complexion of on a tresflework just above, Mr. as to time and place, and that • S. C. Mos: the Illinois Legislature that John A. Brown’s house, from which place its arranged ( 'ounty Commissioners Tenbrook. no official State or Federal officer can Orth ’ s Brick Building, Jacksonville. I A Logan will have to remain at home. direction is southerly again, all the be a delegate ......T. J. Brattain piT1 Office at residence, on Fifth street, op­ Sheriff.............................. ; third, that a Conven­ ......R. B. Hatton posite the Court House. The Independents and Democrats will time ascending at an easy and average tion should be held in Columbus, Ohio, Clerk................................ ........ J. L. Hanks Treasurer......................... unite on Trumbull or Palmer to suc­ grade until at a point due west of the on the second Munday in May, 1877, ............. M. Riggs Assessor ......................... H. K. HANNA, ceed him. That is glorious for Illi­ post they have obtained an elevation the sessions being continuous ; fourth, ..H. M. Thatcher School Superintendent. 4 LT. OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES SOLD nois. Frank Chet -man ATTORNEY’ A COUNSELOR AT LAW, ?\ at the very lowest rates. If you don’t Surveyor......................... of about 400 feet above the lake. From that the Chief Justice of the Supreme COURT SITTINGS. believe me, call and ascertain prices for On the night of the 25th ult. General this latter point a distance of about six Court should preside, that each dele­ Jacksonville. Oregon, yourselves. No humbug! J-icAxon. Count ft.— Circuit Court, second All kinds of produce and hides taken in Wade Hampton’s house, a fine resi­ and one-half miles is traversed by a gate should receive $20 per day and Monday in February, June and November. 42tf. lience, was set on fire, the General and meandering line which has not a few mileage of twenty cents for each mile C ounty*Court, tirst Monday in each month. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. exchance for goods. Prompt attention given to all business left JoM<}>hine C om - h D/.—Circuit Court, fourth family barely escaping with theii excavations and embankments, several necessarily traveled, the United States in my care. Monday in April and fourth Monday in (>c- lives. It was the work of incendiaries high trestles and tunnels, until a small Treasury defraying all the expenses; “EXCELSIOR” tober. (’ounty Court, tirst Monday in Jan­ Otlice ill Orth’s Brick Building—upstairs. and was fired simultaneously in seven pond is^reached near the road over fifih, that the Convention, on adjourn­ uary. April, July and <*ctol»er. Lassen’s Pass, where a large tunnel ment, should report to the President of /.«/.•< < ’ott.iff/.— < ircuit Court, fourth Mon­ C. W. KAHLER. E. B. WATSON. different places. day in June ; County Coin!, tirst Monday LIVERY STABLE will be made through the mountain, KAHLER & WATSON, in January. April, July and October. The total number of immigrants its western outlet being at a level of the United States the revised Constitu­ TOWN OF JACKSONVILLE. who arrived in the United States dur­ Fandango Valley. The eastern en­ tion, and that he should immediately ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAW, Oregon St.. Jacksonville, f N. Fisher, President, ing the year ending June 30, 1876, trance to the tunnel is at an altitude of submit it to the Convention of dele­ | M. Caton, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, was 169.986, of whom 111,786 were about 900 feet above the hike on this gates chosen in each State by the peo­ . { David Cronemiller, Trustees,.. ple thereof under a recommendation i J. Nunan, Will practice in the Supreme, District and W. J. PLYMALE. - - PROPRIETOR. males and 28,000 females. Of this side. Before the main tunnel is of its Legislature for assent and ratifi­ [George Brown. number 28,875 were under 15 years of reached on this side of the mountain, other Courts of th is State. .... V . S. Hayden Recorder........................ Otlice in Court House—upstairs. age, 121,734 were 25 and under 40 an eccentric feature in the line is no­ cation ; sixth, the several State Legis­ ...... I lenry Cape Treasurer...................... latures are recommended to apply to J. 1’. McDaniel aving just received a new years of age and upward. B ! mind........................ ticed, it winding itself into a spiral, H. KELLY, Cmgress without delay to call this ........ J. C. Weiss b‘ reet Commi"i<»ner,. stock of Harness, Buggies and Car­ Gov. Tilden is five feet ten inches crossing a trestle work over a gorge Convention. riages. I am now prepared to furnish my ATTORNEY’ A COUNSELOR-AT-LAXV, in height, and is spare in figure. His and the second time crossing on the patronsand the public generally with as SOCIETY NOTICES. head is large and round, his e\ es are same trestle but al»ove the former JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, W hat is the G range ?—The fol­ FINE TURNOUTS blue, bis abundant chesnut hair is crossing. Jiifksomilk loils? No. !•>, 1.0. II. F.. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. lowing extract from the National Holds its regular meetings every After leaving Fandango Valley it* Granger is an excellent illustration of As can be had on the Pacific Coast. Saddle sprinkled with gray, He is sixty- Prompt attention given to all business en­ horses hind to ero to any part of the country. Saturday eveningat the Odd Fel­ three and the family arithemeticshow' passes through Goose Lake, crossing trusted to my care. low’s Hall. Brothers in good standing are Animals BOUGHT and SOLD. Horses that fourteen of his ancestors attained the head of that valley, from there what it accomplishes : Office opposite Court House. It is a moral organization—the vir­ invited Lu attend. broke to work single or double. Horses Valley and the tues of honesty, integrity and frugal­ T. B. KENT, N. G. hoarded, and the best of care bestowed upon tlie average age of seventy-nine years. through Drew’s JAMES S. HOWARD, J. H. P enn , Rec. Sec’y. them while in my charge. A gentleman who saw Tweed the Sprague river country to the vicinity ity are taught and kept constantly be­ U.S. DEPUTY’ MINERAL SURVEYOR ;«*MY TERMS ARE REASONABLE. other day, in answer to inquiry, said : of Klamath, which, owing to the late­ fore the minds of the members, and Jitrktoin ilk Mainili No. 11s, I . (I. R. M., ‘ile is (rushed and broken and has ness of the season, is as far as the par­ no one is entitled to membership who Holds its regular meetings every Thursday A liberal share of the public patronage is lost his old buoyancy and defiant spir­ ty ventured this year. FOR JACKSGH, is dishonest, imperative, vulgar or pro­ evening at the Odd Fellows’ llail. Brothers solicited. XV. J. PLYMALE. Mr. Lauterner an 1 party started for in good standing are invited to attend. fane. it. lie is suffering from pleurisy and Josephine and Curry counties, Oregon. BEN SACHS, O. C. It is a social organization, for the is actually ill, and seems wearied anei San Francisco on Sunday, where he Official surveys made and patents obtained M ax M uller . R. S. TWELFTH YEAR. at reasonable rates. Full copies of M ining only anxious to know atwut his old ac will make his report as to the practica- reason that the brothers and sisters Lans and Decisions at my office in Jack­ quaintances. lie is entirely in the jility of the route. meet in happy unison, rejoicing to­ Orcsoniiin Pocahontas Tribe No. 1. Im- sonville, Oregon. gether in that fraternal feeling which (lark as to what to do and ¡seven with ST. MARY'S ACADEMY. proted order of Red Men, holds it.- E xcessive U se of M edicines .— has a tendency to improve society and stated councils at the Red Men out legal advice. He needs medical The London Times, in speaking of the make us willing to listen to the wants Hall the third sun in every seven suns, in CONDUCTED BY’ advice more than anything. FURRITURE WARE-ROOM, the eighth run. A cordial invitation to all excessive use of medicines, says it and relieve the distress of poor unfor­ bi others in good standing. An intelligent celestial from the would be utterly impossible to tell how THE SISTERS of the HOLY NAMES. Cor. Cal. A Oregon Sts., (’. W. SAVAGE, S. •‘Flowery Kingdom,” who has spent many constitutions have been im­ tunate brothers and sisters. ]•:. B. W atson , C. oi R. It is an intellectual organization, for the past six yeais of his life in San paired, how many digestions ruined, in the Grange brother strikes hand Jacksonville, - - • • Oregon. he scholastic year of this Francisco, tells us that the Chinese are how many complexions spoiled, and Warrrn Lodsr No. ID, A. F. i A. M.. with brother, and sister with sister, school will ««ommenee about the end of being driven out of California, and bow many purses emptied, through X JF Hold» ♦ its regular communications and each one strives to elucidate, en­ August, and is divided in four sessions, that they are now coming to Oregon /V\ on the Wednesday evenings or pre­ medicine. What is that you say— liven and invigorate each other. often weeks each. ceding the full moon, in Jacksonville, Ore­ BAVID LINN Board and tuition, per term,................. £10.00 from our neighboriug State in perfect that a stitch in time saves nine, and gon. C. C. BEEKMAN, W. M. It also helps to educate them in their Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment Bed and Bedding....................................... 4.00 hordes, by every available route. that the right medicine quickly taken house, home and field duties, as we M ax M uller , Sec’y. Drawing and painting.............................. R.OG They are attracted this way by out averts the danger ? Very likely. I of furniture, consisting of well know that a good housewife will, Piano,........................................................... 15.00 fisheries, mines, an 1 forests ef timber, quite believe that. But in ninety-nine in the exemplification of her duty, Ruth Rrbrkah Degree Lodge No. 1,1. 0. 0. F., BEDSTEADS, Entrance fee, only once.......................... 5.00 as they are handy choppers. Lord cases out of a hundred where is the Hohls its regular meetings on every other SELECT DAY' SCHOOL. stimulate her sisters to go and do like­ BUREAUS, TABLES, Monday evening at Odd Fellows Hall. • lunger ? Medicine is often the pre­ wise. Also, an attractive pleasant Primary, per term,................................... £ 6.00 deliver us. Members in good standing are invited to Junior,* “ ..................................... 8.00 • GUILD MOULDINGS, The latest sensation by the venal cursor of after misery, and the poor and well-ordered home cannot fail to attend. JOHN MILLER, N. G. Senior, “ ..................................... 10.00 constitution has to pay dearly for its S ol . S.\rns, R. S. STANDS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, Pupils are received at any time, and spe­ and subsidized telegraph is that Miss medicinal fillip. The wiser philosophy inspire an enthusiasm which must cial attention is paid to particular studies in Caroline Gwin (daughter of ex-Senator make an impression that cannot he CHAIRS OF ALL KINDS. behalf of children who have but limited Gwin, of California,) is to marry Gov­ of the present day is gradually deliv­ easily erased. So also with the farm; FARMERS’ HOTEL, PARLOR A BEDROOM SUITS, time. For further particulars apply at the ernor Tilden, if he is elected Presi ering us from these poteut perils. Na­ the brother who raises two bushels of Academy. CORNER OF OREGON AND C STREETS, dent. The idea that Governor Tilden ture lias a self-righting power within corn or other crops, when the other ETC., ETC. who is nearly sixty years of age would her ; there is a kind of vis medicatrix raises but one, and exemplifies it, must THE Jackson ville, Oregon. Also Doors, Sash and Blinds always 011 make an engagement of marriage con­ in the physical frame. Treat the body and will awaKeu a desire in others to hand and made to order. Planing done on tingent upon an election, is about as kindly ; let as much pure air as possi­ obtaiu a simihr result. Board and Lodging....................... $¡5 per week reasonable terms. Undertaking a spe­ CITY nilUC STORE, Board................................................ 4 “ “ ridiculous as the supposition that a ble get to the lungs, and as much fre-h cialty. ______________ Single meals.......................................... 50 cents young girl, whose life is surrounded water as is needful be applied to the N ew Y ork , D ec . 4th.—The Her* Lodging.................................................. 50 cents JACKSONVILLE. with all that wealth can purchase, flesh, and as much healthy exercise as aid's Columbia special reports a con­ JOHN L. CARTER SON. > would marry a man of nearly thrice duty permits be given to the muscles, spiracy to eject the Democratic mem­ rs . williams takes this metii - and as early rising as circumstances bers, at any cost, was discovered last PAINTERS. her age. Try again. od of informing the public that she is HE NEW FIRM OF KAHLER B ro . will allow be afforded for the recruit­ night through disclosure of a person in prepared to tu nish board by the Week, day The Douglas county Independent have the largest and most complete ment of the brain, and then medicine the ;-e ret, who informe I Hampton of or single ' , at reasonable terms. The assortment of says : The stock of the Lucky Queen will be an avoidable affair. table will constantly be supplied with the IVE ARE FULLY’ PREPARED TO DO in time to permit steps to tie taken to best the market affords. No Chinese em­ Tl all kinds of Painting, including DRUGS, MEDICINES A CHEMICALS, mine is still advancing in price, and is thwart it. A numlter or roughs from ployed, and satisfaction guaranteed. Give now held at $2 per share. During the A V aluable H int .—It may not HOUSE PAINTING, me a call and judge tor yourselves. Charleston and other cities were to be Ever brought to Southern Oregon. Also week Mr. J. N. Barker was offered he generally known that, when a per­ MRS. WILLIAMS. SIGN PAINTING, the latest and finest styles of 87,000 for 7,000 shares, and since then son is drowning, if he is taken by the introduced, few at a time, into the Jacksonville, Nov. 26, 1875. inquiries have been made for stock at arm from behind, between the eltxiw House under Mackey’s pass; they O RNA M ENT A L PA INTI NG, STATIONERY, an advance of twenty-five and fifty and shoulder, he cannot touch the per­ were to t>e blackened like negroes so WILL. JACKSON, Dentist. WAGON AND CARRIAGE PAINTING. And a great variety of PERFUMES and cents per share on Mr. Barker’s offer. son attempting to save him; and what­ that in diin light to tie undistinguish- TOI LET ARTICLES, including the best and The late developments in the mine ever struggles he may make will only ahle from colored men. As they came ALL STYLES OF GRAINING DONE. cheapest assortment of COMMON and PER­ make stockholders determined to hold assist the person holding him in keep­ in they were to take seats of colored Orders from the country promptly attend­ FUMED SOAPS in this market. ed to. 21. Prescriptions carefully compounded. on and refuse all offers, and we doubt ing his head above water. A good men. After all were in, and colored >1 ROBT. KAHLER, Druggist. if at the present writing* if a.single swimmer can keep a man thus above Republican members had withdrawn EAGLE SAMPLE ROOMS. share could be purchased in the city the water for an hour. If seized any­ at the signal, Mackey was to order the TABLE ROCK SALOON, for $2 per share. As soon as the mill where else, the probability is that he Sergeant-at-arms to arrest Wallace, C alifornia S treet , is got in running order—delayed now wid clutch the swimmer and, perhaps, Democratic Speaker. This would be California Street, Jacksonville, Oregon. OREGON STREET, S. P. JONES, - - - Proprietor. owing to heavy rains in the mountains as is very often the case, both will be resisted, and simulated negro mem» hers were then to rush to the assistance WINTJEN & HELMS, Proprietors. —stock will still further advance. drowned. of the Sergeant-at-arms, opening fire VERY’OPERATION PERTAINING TO one but the choicest and best the jaw skilfully performed at reasona­ U tilizing a H usband . — “Your W hile on a visit to the blue grass on the Democrats, who, thus taken by Wines, Brandies, Whiskies and Cigars ble rates. HE PROPRIETORS OF THIS WELL- husband is sick a good site of late, region of Kentucky, w*e learned that a surprise, and at a disadvantage, would kept. No more credit will be given after the known and popular resort would in­ ain’t he?” remarked a Southern Illi­ great remedy for hog cholera had t»een fall an eisy prey. This knowledge DRINKS, 12J CENTS. first of January, 1876. I will take all kinds form their friends and the public generally of produce. that a complete and first-class stock of the nois woman to another, the other day. discovered in peach tree leaves. Place was communicated to Hampton from a NO CREDIT IN THE FUTURE—it don’t best brandif of liquors, wines, cigars, ale and Office and residence on corner of Califor­ “Yes,” answered the wife, “he’s got the peach leaves in the slop and the source entitled to perfect credit, and pay. Families needing anything in our line porter, etc., is constantly kept on hand. nia and Fifth streets, Jacksonville. can always be supplieirwith the purest and They will be pleased to have their friends tuk down mighty hard with them ’ere hogs will eat them and recover from he at once made Ruger acquainted l>est to be found on the Coast. Give me a “call and smile.” ague shakes agin.” the disease. This remedy has been with the details. The Herald'» corre­ New Boot and Shoe Store, call, and you will be well satisfied. “ I should think it ’ nd be sorter dis ­ tested l»y a number of persons and spondent details other plans of Repub­ CABINET. ' licans to murder DetrnMTals and give A Cabinet of Curiosities may also be found tressin’ like ter have him ’round the b *en effective. The leaves should be C alifornia S treet , LAGER ! LAGER!! here. XVe would lie pleased to have persons house,” remarked the other sytnpa- pul ed and preserved for Winter, or the 8tate to Hayes and Chamberlain, «—■—W possessing curiosities and specimens bring thizioglj, “spec’ly w’hen yer at house­ twigs can be cut and boiled and the Oregon. Jacksonville, them in, and we will place tneni in the Cab­ “W hat is that, darling?” asked a cleanin’.” tea poured into the slop or food.— inet for inspection. young Fifth-Ward husband of his Ho­ “Wai, so it wud be,” remarked the Southern Agriculturist. WINTJEN & HELMS. Jacksonville, Aug. 5, 1874. 32tf. boken bride. She turned the heaven wife, in self-consoling tones, “but aving permanently located in Jacksonville, the undersigned re- HE PROPRIETOR, JOS. WETTERER, A quack doctor advertises to this of her blue eyes upon him and an­ LL kinds of amniunitjon for s»Le by when he’s got inter one of his chills, apecttully informs the public that lie is , has now on hand and is constantly man- effect: Cough when you can, for after swered : “That is one of my gaiters, and I want the rag-carpet shuk, yer JOHN MILLER. prepared to do all kinds of work in the l»ool ulacturing the best Lager Beer in Southern vou have taken one bottle of mv medi­ dearest.” J‘Ah !” he added softly, “I and shoe makiug Jjac. Satisfaction guaran- Oregon, which he will sell in quantities to ORSE, Paint, Sash. Scrubbing and Black­ see he’s a powerful smart hand to thought it was a d<»g-kennel.” aeetL Nl. CATON. cine you can’t. suit purchasers. Call and test tlie article. I hitch onto it.” ening Brushes at JOHN MILLER’S. STATE OF OKEGOX. i H " 1 ■ ■ — —♦ ♦ » . "" '■ — < ♦ » I- N l» . T M E T n N " 1 ■ II ■ I- < ♦ ■ I III......................... , , ' T ■ ■■■■■■■■ H - T A H ■ ' ■— < » » I I .1 ■ ■ .1, .1 ■■ » n